customizing vibration alert? - XPERIA X1 General

Hello Guys, I've already searched the whole forum - but didn't find any satisfying answer ... Is it possible to slow-down the vibration alert of our X1(i) cause it's really annoying all the time attracting complete attention when getting a phone call *g*
As always: Thanks
Kind Regards

try using valert, it works out of the box, and you can customize vibration from the script file found in "program files/valert"

Hello & thanks
As far as I know you can only modify length and kind of vibrating but not its strength [being a lil bemused cause of the setting-file *g*] When being wrong, please correct me and I'm looking forward to getting other hints/applications
Kind Regards


Controling Telephony : Need real help please

Hi all,
I'm trying to develop an application to replace cprog and its uggly notification bubbles...
I've searched everywhere for technique on how to handle telephony and avoid cprog.exe bubbles...
I found lots and lots of posts about TAPI, setlineAppPriority, killing cprog.exe, replacing cprog.exe by a simple empty application...
But I didn't found a real answer for my needs.
I'm asking people who made applications like that (dialers...) if they can just help me with some clues (just the method they used, if they kill cprog, if they use lineSetAppPriority or anything else).
I've searched everywhere on the Internet but there's no documentation, neither any procedure to follow to do something like this.
Please help me, I'm stuck, really stuck and I know on this forum some people can help me.
Thanks in advance !
Best regards
in Start => Settings => Sounds&Notifications select the Notifications tab. Here you can enable/disable those bubbles for various events. Maybe, you succeed in avoiding phone notifications.
in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\ControlPanel\\Notifications\\etc... you'll find the according registry settings.

App to stop accidental touch answer

I don't know if anybody else has this problem with their diamond... but I was sitting at my desk the other day, with my diamond on the desk in it's case.
Then i heard voices, I thought I was going mad at first but I think I've found a small design flaw with the case that's provided... There's a piece of elasticated fabric inside the case which stops the phone from dropping out the other end. This was pressing on my screen exactly in the right place to answer a call. I didn't touch it and the phone was screen-up in it's case on my desk.
The question has been posed before, "How can I disable the incoming call notification on the screen?". And so far, as far as I can tell, it's not been answered. So here I am, determined to do something about it.
If anybody has any ideas regarding this... including in the development of some software to solve the problem, please post them here. I am a software developer myself and I intend to write an application to solve this problem and share it with you all.
My initial ideas are:
Find the notification/message/service responsible for popping up the Incoming Call window
or... Subclass the Incoming Call window when it appears to disable the answer button
er... that's about it so far actually.
So guys any help would be great
optionj said:
And so far, as far as I can tell, it's not been answered.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't know if you are looking for that I'm thinking of, but search the Forum for
[APP][Oct 11th, 2008] Answerkeys Disabler (v0.5.1)
I think that is what you are looking for!
Works fine on my device (MDA Compact IV) with original ROM.
And of course touchlockpro...
Are you telling me I spent all that time writing this thread and there's already an application.... ..... .. . .... damn.
Thanks for the reply though guys, I'll check those out.

text message alert

just a quick question for anyone willing, how do i prevent the text message alert from continuing to play after i've opened the message? to stop the alert i have to go into the alert config and press stop in the preview section
i dont really want to shorten the song, as it runs the risk of me not hearing it, so is it possible to make it stop when i activate the phone?
cheers, daniel
bump...i'd really love some help with this, its one of the only things bugging me at the moment...
ive looked through the wiki and done a fair bit of searching, but nothing so far, is there a tweak in the registry or...?

Volume Fade-In

I've been asking around on the MoDaCo forum to see if anyone has found a potential "fix" for the fade in on sound. I was hoping someone around on these forums may know of a way to get rid of the fade-in, or shorten it perhaps. not being an expert in how the audio stack on android devices work, I don't know if it would be as simple as changing a hidden settings file, or if it's at driver/kernel level.
ยป Post on MoDaCo in case anyone's interested...
Its most annoying, as by the time the fade-in has occurred, the notification tone may have finished, so you don't hear it. I hope it can be corrected by someone at some point...
You're absolutely right. I was used to symbian calendar notifications, that were SOOOO PERSISTENT: no way to pass unnoticed
Now i hear the sms or calendar sounds 1 out of 5 times.
For the rest, i love this phone.

Unnanswered Alarm Clock Problem

Is there anyway to increase the number of alarm clocks, 3 just doesn't cut it for me and i was looking for some kind of registry fix to allow more. Also, i dont want an app, just a fix. plz guys, alot of people wanted to know the answer to this question. Thanks alot for your help
any help guys, thanks
also i am wondering if anyone knows to increase the ringing time.. mine only ring once.. is there a way to change to ring alarm until I stop it. any help is appreciated..
I would also like to know the answer to this question.

