Lost accent after flashing. - Wing, P4350 General

Hi all!
I'm a french guy who use to work with an Herald with AZERTY keyboard; wich include accent on the hardward keyboard when a letter is combined with the "FN" button and space bar.
So my problem is: after upgrading my Herald with This Rom ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=469522 ) i've lost this feature. In fact, I have a QWERTY virtual keyboard, wich is not a problem but the Hardware keyboard was QWERTY too, I've made it AZERTY without problem, but I don't have any accent when I use "FN" (wich should write an "é" when I press the letter "e" and then press space bar).
So my question is; How can I make accent come back on my AZERTY hardward keyboard?
(for the virtual keyboard I use Finger keyboard; so there's no problem.)
If anyone have an idea... Thks!


Simple question about wizard keyboard

does an english wizard have the same physical keyboard (letters in the same positions) than an italian or french or german wizard?
Are the keyboards all the same?
nope.. T-Mobile germany's keyboards are QWERTZ:
While here's a French AZERTY:
well...i need to know the italian and the english...do they match?
as far as letter and number keys go, yes - IT and EN are both:
There may be some difference in the other keys, due to the italian language making use of extended letters a lot (thus putting them on the keyboard would be useful for users of it).
Haven't spotted a picture of an IT one yet
if the underlying question is: Can I use an english ROM with an italian device? The answer is : yes. You will find other posts that explain what registry changes will let you map correctly the keyboard. Like in France we use AZERTY keyboards, so making the correct registry changes, we can use our french keyboard and use the A key and get an A instead of a Q
yes but the problem is that in italian qwerty there are buttons for à,è,é,ò,ì,ù ...very used letter in my language...i just wonder if on english qwerty these letters/button ar present and primary.
Its' the same in French! If you have an italian device and if you update correctly the registry you should have all keys functionning as before. I've not tested it yet on my phone (still a french ROM) but I do it on my PC: french keyboard and english OS. I can use all the accented letters like if I were using a French keyboard with a French OS. I don't see why it should be otherwise on the PPC.
i can't explain...sorry!
what I mean is if the letter/button "è" (for instance) is NOT PHISICALLY present/written on the phisycal qwerty english tkeyboard BUT it is present ( and IT IS PRESENT because I use it everyday) on the italian qwerty...this answers to my question
Not quite sure what you are looking for exactly. Anyway, maybe this will help:
go to \HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd
There should be a "Locale" string value. If it's not there create it! and give it the value "0410"
To get the accented letters like e
press e
then the blue dot (left bottom corner)
then the space bar
I hope I'm making sense.Good luck!
He's asking whether the keys are physically there on the slide-out keyboard. I.e. is there a little label / sticker with "è" on it?
There isn't one the English version (you can still get that character by means of the Sym key in combination with the 'e' key).
just to add confusion to this problem.
i have a t mobile MDA and a frien has a O2 mini and the keyboard layout is different on both. the Mini gets the benefit of a '£' sign whilst i have to get the electronic keyboard out for this. i suppose i could do a reg edit, anyone know how???


I prefer using the on-screen keyboard with the enlarged keys, and with the "space" key.
The problem is, that I can't find the "?". So everytime I have to ask a question, I have to change the input method - that is so irritating. I have to say, that my keyboard is scandinavian - so maybe they had to sacrifice the "?" for the local letters we have.
But, if the "?" is there on the keyboard - then do somebody know where it is hidden? And if not, is it posible in changing the layout/some letters - in a simple and easy way?
On an English keyboard the ? is accessed via the shift key.
Unfortunately that is not the case om the scandinavian keyboard. Maybe it is because there are not enough keys - since they have to include three letters more than the english (æ, ø and å).
But they have included signs like: "["
A sign most people rarely use, but a "?" people use all the time. :?
Do they ? ;-)
Sorry I have no idea, but couldn't resist.

Accent key PROBLEM!!!

The semi-qwerty keyboard cab file is available if you google it. However after installing it, I realize the accent key on my physical keyboard does not work anymore.
This is the answer I got on the other forum:
can't be help, because the key actions are defined according to the keyboard layout, and the default layout which includes the accent key is being overwritten by the cab file. You probably can revert back to stock keyboard layout and the semi-qwerty/full-qwerty/phonepad SIP, but you probably will lose the T9 function.
alternatively, use the symbol key to type the accent characters.
Does someone knows how to solve this problem so both Full/Semi Qwerty and physical keyboard work together.. especially cause i'm using Croatian letters čćšđž
have you tried finger keyboard 2 ??

WATCH: Big Full/Semi Qwerty installation HAZARD

The semi-qwerty keyboard cab file is available if you google it. However after installing it, I realize the accent key on my physical keyboard does not work anymore.
This is the answer I got on the other forum:
can't be help, because the key actions are defined according to the keyboard layout, and the default layout which includes the accent key is being overwritten by the cab file. You probably can revert back to stock keyboard layout and the semi-qwerty/full-qwerty/phonepad SIP, but you probably will lose the T9 function.
alternatively, use the symbol key to type the accent characters.
Does someone knows how to solve this problem so both Full/Semi Qwerty and physical keyboard work together.. especially cause i'm using Croatian letters čćšđž
I just realized I have the same problem. Maybe someone can help us have both accent letters and Touch HD virtual keyboard...
Is this only registry problem or maybe have to change some dll? anybody?
Up! Maybe someone has an idea.
nothing to do?
blackstone keyboard is the best but we wan't to resolve the accent issue...please help!!
You could try this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=479464
Doesn't mess with the àü key.
Ok, I tried that keyboard, but it doesn't restore the accent key functionality. Maybe after a hard reset, but I wanted to avoid it.
Same problem here. Blackstone keyboard does my "au" hardware key unuseful - it dos not work.
Also T9 does not work with hardware keyboard.
I think HR is the only way for me - and you at this moment
Would SPB Keyboard 4.1 work without messing up the accent button? Is it any good?
I have the same problem, but with the Touch Diamond 2 keybord. It's really annoying
I had to lose all my data to update the firmware. After that I tried the SPB Keyboard and it's really good. It has layouts for a lot of languages and the accent key works.
ive used version 1 of this and it did not mess with my keyboard. this is the new version that just came out. i havent tried it because version 1 is working good enough for me.
Finger Keybord 2 ??

Keyboard problem

Sorry for this new thread but
I've got a problem :
I want to use AZERTY keyboard but my HD2 always stay with a phone like keyboard. Anything I change in the keyboard setings i don't manage to have the azerty keyboard when i need to type text
May someone help me please ?
I answer to myself.
Sorry to disturb
To change type of keyboard you have to press the small arow (hard to do with big finger like me) which is just next (to the right) of the image which is used to show or hide the keyboard.
Then you can choose the type of keyboard you want.
Sorry again for the disturbing.

