[HACKING]Delay startup of services.exe - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I desperately need to delay the startup of services.exe from HKLM\init. I have fooled around with some values (changed value of Launch to 110 and Depend110 to 14 00) but the then device didnt start at all.
Does anyone have a working solution to this or an idea on how to approach this issue?
I need this because my application autostarts as a service and the current ROM (custom rom from MichyPrima for Athena 7500) I'm using is simply... too fast, the Microdrive isnt initialized when my application starts and since it reads a license from the microdrive, the application stops with an error.
All ideas are appreciated.
//Anders, .se


MDA II closing programms after some ideltime

I'm a new MDA II owner (since yesterday) and already ran into some weird problems.
One prob is: the MDA II is closing open programms after some idletime in the backround. That means, if you e.g. open pocketinformant, and put it into backround (as an Icon in tray) and you wait some secs (about 30-60), the pocketinformant just pops away. Also with some other programms: Totalcommander, XCPUScalar, almost every programm with icon is being shut down by the MDA II (or some garbagetool).
If you hold them in focus, the resist.
It doens't matter if you are activesynced or not...
Tools like smallmenue or wisbaradv or pocket controller are not shut down.
Any idea?
you're the XDA-Developers, whoelse as you might now, which tweak in the registry, which .dll or whatelse leads this device to handle open programm in such a bad manner.
How can I make the device not closing some programms? Does anybody knows a tool, which prevents other tools from being closed?
128mb and still 94% free RAM, because the device closes the software as soon as it goes in the backround....
Dejan Ivkovic
Yeah seen the same problem here, no way to fix it yet.
Re: MDA II closing programs after some ideltime
IvkovicD said:
I'm a new MDA II owner (since yesterday) and already ran into some weird problems.
One prob is: the MDA II is closing open programs after some idle-time in the background. That means, if you e.g. open pocket informant, and put it into background (as an Icon in tray) and you wait some secs (about 30-60), the pocket informant just pops away. Also with some other programs: Total commander, XCPUScalar, almost every program with icon is being shut down by the MDA II (or some garbage tool).
If you hold them in focus, the resist.
It doesn't matter if you are activesynced or not...
Tools like smallmenue or wisbaradv or pocket controller are not shut down.
Any idea?
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Sounds like you're running low on program memory, if thats the case
your device is doing what its suppose to do! Open a few programs and then check your memory and see.
Not in my case, over 80Mb free...
well, this should be the normal way, IF I run into some memory trouble. :wink:
But, my Autostart/Startup is quite filled up with the default programms, which are being loaded by system to handle alle the little goodies form the PE AND which are being installed by default during first initialisation after hardreset.
Dispite that, I only load two other programms while booting: smenue and wisbaradvance (not worth being counted as memoryconsumer). Still have 94% of programm memory free, (or about 65MBRam. So If I load PI4, I might use some 100kb/s, and than PWord, which uses some more 100Kb/s. Ok. I still might have about 90-92% of programm ram free (aprox. 62-63MB, I cannot get the right value, because the MDA just closes the PI4 :x )
So the routine might do the right thing, but in wrong time and toooooo conservative.
BTW, this effect is also shown up on a fresh hardreseted device, just load pie and pword amd pexcel, you will see, how PIE is just vanished....
BTW Does anybody know some dudes at MS Developing stuff (esp. Windows Mobile 2003 Phoe Edition)? In my eyes, this is one ofe these:
1. The memorycoresettings are copied from earlier days, while the devices only had 16-32 mb memory. :lol:
2. Is a bug.
Big Bug in memorhandling for open programms
Big bug in memoryhanding for open programms
I've posted following message to the microsoft.public.pocketps.phone_edition newsgroup with hope, that any of the Microsoft developer would read it, and post an reply:
to "Microsoft Mobile Stuff"
please confirm following bug:
The new Windows Mobile 2003 Phone Edition (at least german edition, might also be at english one) has a big bug at the memoryhandling routine, which handles the closing of open programms to keep programm-memory free.
Situtation: if you load programms and get over 16mb of used memory for programms at the shared memory pool of your device, the device (here especially MDA/XDA II) starts closing programms until it gets under 16 mb again, it doesn't matter, if your device has 128 Mb free, or you moved the slider at memory configuration to the left, so the programm memory is > 80 MB)
If you load enough load-and-stay-resident programms (traytools, menue extensions, desktop enhancments e.g. wisbar, smenue, pocket controler, aso.) to keep more than 16 mb used, you cannot load any further programms, because the device reports insufficant memory for execution. You can only use the loaded tools.
If you remove all \windows\startup entries and boot clean, you can load all the programms, which are being closed before, without any problems, the programms stay in memory for hours....
luck, the telephontool is somekind hardwired, so it functions even if other programms are quit with memoryerrors...
If this value of 16mb is not being set up into registry, than it is a hardcoded bug.
Please check this out, especially an foreign language Mobile 2003 OS, and provide an bugfix fast, because with 16mb of usable programm-memory, you hardly can use your PE in a professional fashion!
a frustrated PE user.
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You can check this effect just load programms and look at your memory consumption. It (MDA) should close all programms until you get under 16 megs again, if it cannot, because of resident programms, you will get insufficant memory errors.
Just don't want to retype it again
Is this a hardware problem or an issue with the ROM on HTC Himalaya Phone Edition devices? Or is it a problem with Windows Mobile 2003 Phone Edition?
I mean... Will/Can this be fixed through a software/firmware update?
From the Microsoft Newsgroup:
Windows Mobile 2003 supports only 33 Processes at a time!
After a normal start the XDA II has over 26 running processes, so removing the Flash-Programs and every not needed app in Autostart is a good idea!

gwes.exe just keeps growing

I use MemMaid and the running process that uses the most memory is "gwes.exe".
the problem is ,that the amount of memory it uses just keeps growing,rising on a daily basis .I've found that a soft reset brings it right down again :lol: ,but then it starts to rise once more .
Does anyone have a similar problem?
Is there any way of bringing down its memory use without soft reset?
markbrudney said:
I use MemMaid and the running process that uses the most memory is "gwes.exe".
the problem is ,that the amount of memory it uses just keeps growing,rising on a daily basis .I've found that a soft reset brings it right down again :lol: ,but then it starts to rise once more .
Does anyone have a similar problem?
Is there any way of bringing down its memory use without soft reset?
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same to me. 10MB was the size of it. killing it makes the device freeze
don't kill gwes, it is a system process, stands for Graphics, Windowing and Events Subsystem.
i dunno why you get the memory leak, i don't. i always thought spb pocketplus is the culprit, but someone just claimed he had no leaks while using spb+. but give this a try if you happen to use it...
Same here and that is not just with gwes but with many other system files, but gwes is of course the biggest. Isn't this an issue with WM5?
I also use OxiosMemory and try to mitigate this by forcing the processes to release resources not in use, but that does not elimate this issue completely.
harryk1372 said:
Same here and that is not just with gwes but with many other system files, but gwes is of course the biggest. Isn't this an issue with WM5?
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no, the explanation is not this simple. i run the same wm5 as you and i dont have this problem.
Can I ask you what apps you run? It might be the apps I am running that you do not run is causing the memory leak.
harryk1372 said:
Can I ask you what apps you run? It might be the apps I am running that you do not run is causing the memory leak.
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i leave these constantly running all the time:
taskmgr v1.6 (from buzzdev)
also usually leave these running:
messages (sms)
occasionally using:
iGO 2006
Netfront 3.3
vijay's full terminal screen hack
phm regedit
tre regedit
adobe acrobat
softmaker textmaker (wow sucks why no real vga)
tcpmp 0.71
hope this helped what apps are you running?
cmonex said:
hope this helped what apps are you running?
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Thanks for that. What I run is quite a few and some are same as yours. The biggest difference is that I run Wisbar Advance 2 and Wisbar Advance Desktop to skin the GUI.
The apps I am constantly running:
Wisbar Advance 2
Wisbar Advance Desktop
SEVEN (mobile push email)
ATOK (IME for Japanese language)
DefSIPChange (changes default SIP)
The apps I am running occasionally:
Backup and Restore
Oxios CloseApps
Oxios Hibernate
PHM RegEdit
Warm Reboot
Pocket Tweak
I will have to check the ones I am constantly running to see if any of them is causing this problem but it could be the first two on the above list.
I run:
comm manger
internet explorer
resco file explorer
These I run most of the time and I frequently have to switch them off in settings/system/memory in order to keep a reasonable amount of memory free
However gwes.exe never decreases
Can anyone see a link?
markbrudney said:
I run:
comm manger
internet explorer
resco file explorer
These I run most of the time and I frequently have to switch them off in settings/system/memory in order to keep a reasonable amount of memory free
However gwes.exe never decreases
Can anyone see a link?
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hummm i didnt list the builtin apps but what i use from them is contacts, comm manager, PIE (very rarely), messages (only for sms), word... (sometimes the other office stuff too) would use calendar too but i always forget to note my todos in it
+ and i forgot to list nPOP (for emails) and a screenshot maker (magic something)..
anyway what you run doesn't sound too bad, if you really use no today plugins.. i got no idea.. what ROM version do you run?
The growth is because it caches icons (start menu - programs - settings) to speed up the display. At least that's my best guess!!!
rom version:1.30.107 wwe
I did a soft reset today and gwes.exe went down to 4.22MB
I then ran only the wifi (comm manager) and gwes rose to 4.35MB
I ran it again after switching it off in settings/system/memory and it rose to 4.78MB
when I switched it off again in settings/system/memory it came down to 4.56MB but its obviously where the leak is.,because I didn't run anything else.
the problem is how do I stop it?
Hi all there,
same problem with my german VPA IV (Vodafone) even after several ROM upgrades (Jasjar, qtec, new vodafone ger) no changes of this strange behavior
I really hope, there's anybody out there, who can help us with this annoying thing.
This gwes.exe issue is experienced with WM2003SE as well. I found this in one of the threads in Windows Mobile Team Blog.
"With WM2003SE, I had issues like GWES.exe growing until I ran out of RAM. So, I purchased WM5, hoping the repurposed strata flash and new OS would resolve the issues."
You can also refer to below for gwes.exe in detail.
Someone was saying earlier in this thread that gwes.exe caches icons. That might be true but may not be just icons and that explains why gwes.exe grows. Or, it might be that some apps you are running are causing memory leak but that is not easy to spot on.
A workaround to this I use and can recommend to anyone having this problem is Oxios Memory 1.40. It's free!
One of its apps is Oxios Hibernate. WM_HIBERNATE is a window message that is generated by the Windows operating system and sent to an application when system resources are running low. All applications should get the message and handle it by attempting to release as many resources as possible by unloading processes, destroying windows, or freeing up as much local storage as possible without damaging the internal state of the system.
I normally run this whenever the free memory space gets low like down to 15MB before my device gets unstable. I normally gain quite a bit by reducing the sizes of gwes.exe and all other processes running are occupying and that I don't have to reboot my device everyday. Check the size of gwes.exe with MemMaid before and after you run this and you will notice how effective it is. :roll:
thanks harryk1372,
Oxios Memory 1.40 is great and I managed to release 3MB of memory.
However none of it came off gwes.exe.
Just a matter of interest ,how many times should I use Oxios Hibernate?
Every time I press it,I get some memory back.
markbrudney said:
thanks harryk1372,
Oxios Memory 1.40 is great and I managed to release 3MB of memory.
However none of it came off gwes.exe.
Just a matter of interest ,how many times should I use Oxios Hibernate?
Every time I press it,I get some memory back.
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Maybe that gwes.exe did not have any resource to release at the point you ran Oxios Hibernate and it was already close to the bare bones. Try running Oxios CloseApps as well as Oxios Hibernate. CloseApps closes processes running in the background and that releases the memory used by those.
You do get some memory back by running Hibernate multiple times but the actual amount you get back is very small after the first run although the dialogue may say it is like 2 to 3MB released every time. I am not sure why this is but I think it is no use running it multiple times. Just run it once or twice a day when you find that the free memory is low.
As I wrote in the earlier post, Oxios Memory is just a workaround I found. It does not eliminate the problem completely and the memory resources used by the processes running will never go down to the level of right after the reboot of the device. I experienced that gwes.exe gradually grows in several days to the point when I need to reboot my device even with running Hibernate from time to time. It's just that I don't need to reboot it like everyday.
thanks harry
thank you very much
hey i had the same problem that is mentioned here....
i was running spb pocket plus when i noticed this....
now with ilauncher and spb diary i have around 25 mb at start up and hardly if any memory leak....
with ilauncher alone i have around 27.5 mb
also some software have been updated like pocket informant webis mail..my experience with them shows me that they have next to no memory leak...
what i have noticed is that applications which are not designed for wm5 have terrible leak....case in point....girders which i a game with simple graphics leaves me with only 9 mb when i exit the app...while with skyforce 1.22 (wm5) the leak is hardly 100-200kb
you could try htcAddicts:
it seems to be more powerful than Oxios

What the heck is this? Check your phm task manager!

On my universal: I
* installed phm task manager (and some other applications)
* reset my universal
* startet phm task manager
* selected the processes tab
* scroll down to "Image Name": "device.exe"
* have a look at "threads" and see
permantly changing numbers about/between 127 and 130 Threads!
What the heck is this? :shock:
CPU Time is about 12 hours. O.k. this is not the one with the most CPU Time. (Maximum CPU Time of other "Image Name"s like "filesys" and "gwes" with about 11 threads is about 24 hours. And "services.exe" has about 8 hours and the next maximum of 24 threads.)
But still maybe the reason for this is also the reason why my universal often is painfully slow??? (Out of "resources" or something like that?) :?
Does everybody have this? Even with other devices than universal?
Device, gwes and services are files that help run the OS.
They may be loading a load of crap, that's OEM or user specific, but those three support files run the system and are supposed to be there. Don't close them.
Thx, V. Would never do that ;-)

low memory message

I'm having the proplem that when ever I start IGO I get the message that the device is low on memory... I had that problem before and somebody in this forum had a solution (registry key or cab to remove/suppress the message) - unfortunatelly I had to do a hard reset and now I don't know what I did before - I searched in this form but It seams that the threads have been archived and can not be access anymore!?
thanks for any support!
i need the same info
please post something
This device low message is damn irritating, to my surprise, this problem happened to me a day back.
I basically hard reset.
Please backup before doing that.
On the Elf I have this issue.
The thing is I never reach no memory - the warning comes at ~5MB left of program memory, which is where it seems to sit on my Elf running almost any app...
Any solutions rather than just hard-resetting all the time?
Nobody with a solution for that problem?
My elf is behaving the same way although there seems to be enough memory.
That really is annoying...
hard reset is the only solution.
vinoob said:
hard reset is the only solution.
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It's not a solution. After a hard reset, you reinstall everything, run everything, and within a few days [or even hours] the RAM fills again, and the message reappears.
A workaround will be to use a light ROM [i.e. Onyx 6 for my device, the Elf, is lighter and gives me more program memory].
A solution we are looking for is one to either fix memory leaks so these notifications never pop up, or a method to stop the low memory messages from appearing, even when the program memory is [critically] low.
check this thread
try this
have you tried cleaning or clearing temporary files? i have encountered that once before and what i did was clear all temporary files on my phone using "Clear Temp" application... you might want to try that... hope it helps...
Did you try running any programs to free-up memory? i.e. like cleanRAM or pmClean (I run these a few times a week). If that doesn't help check to make sure you don't have any un-wanted programs loading on startup, i.e. check in your \Windows\Startup folder.
DebLogger is already disabled.
I have MemMaid, which has both Clean and ReclaimRAM functions.
Clean my phone to get rid of Internet Explorer / Opera temporary files, which crowds the storage memory. This is not related to program memory.
ReclaimRAM saves about 800KB [supposedly] when I run it. But the message comes up at 5MB of program memory left. With an app running, my free program memory is usually around 3MB - ReclaimRAM won't remove the notifications.
Currently I get abit more program memory running WM 6.5.3 [Onyx 6 R4], but it's still not ideal...

sygic cant calculate routes above 250 km

hello fellow chefs
i have a problem that whas brought to my attention by a user of my blackstone rom
he uses sygic as navigation and he wanted to calculate a route from netherlands to france and it cant finish calculating as it says it runs out of memory:s
when i tap the taskmaanger it mostly says arround 60% so i gues there is enough also when i look at storage in taskmanager it says
total 191.05 mb
in use 93 mb
free 98.05 mb (these valeus are after a soft reset with 49%)
there is more free then in use so i guess there is enough
also he pointed me to a program where you could test ram wich isnt working on my rom but is working on multiple other roms he has used:S
i also tried it myself by downloading sygic and i came to the same conclusion:S
also the program tells me the same when i want to do a ram check
when i start the program it says at least 21.25 mb free space is needed on the storage device
when i look at taskmanger at the storage section it tells me i have 255 mb free:S
you guys can downlaod the program here: http://rapidshare.com/files/334876190/pocketmechanic.2.99.283.CBD.zip
its a free program so no warezlink
when you instal the program and open it you have the option card benchmark
there you can choose over wich memory you want to perform it
when i say ram it tells me 15% of my ram is used and
302.25mb, 84.68% free
by my calculation 84% of 302 is way more then then the 21 mb the cecker talks about:-o
hope some one can help me solve this strange ram problem as i think the calculation fails of the strange ram thing
edit: gonna put the memorymap from my buildlog here maybe you can see something there
as it says by ram 43 free:-o still its more then the 21 the ram chacker talks about:s
Memory Map...
SLOT 0: 0x02000000 - 0x018b0000 (END: 0x00060000, 0 MODULES)
0x02000000 - 0x01fc0000 - ROM 0
0x01f80000 - 0x018b0000 - ROM 1
SLOT 1: 0x04000000 - 0x02020000 (END: 0x02020000, 211 MODULES)
SLOT 60: 0x7a000000 - 0x78e40000 (END: 0x78020000, 52 MODULES)
SLOT 61: 0x7c000000 - 0x7a022000 (END: 0x7a020000, 239 MODULES)
RAM IMAGE: 0x80000000 - 0x803e6560
RAM: 0x803e7000 - 0x80475000 - Used for kernel modules
0x80475000 - 0x83000000 - 43 MB free
bumping my 1 post question and got another one
can someone share the htc in call recoreder package including certificates?
thanks in advance
It's probably running out of virtual memory in the slot used by sygic.
Farmer Ted said:
It's probably running out of virtual memory in the slot used by sygic.
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and can this be changed cause he says he only has the problem with the rom i make:S
How big do you have the datacache (and others in boot.rgu) set? Maybe that's a problem, if it's too big. You should run virtualmemory.exe while the app is running to see if the problem is virtual memory management.
every setting i have is found here on xda so i gues everybody should have the problem then as all of them are in hd2 general section
also the bootrgu i have changed one thing there wich is
"DataCacheSize"=dword:00001000 ;4096 sectors(4096*2048=8MB)
normally this whas at 4 mb but found it in a pdf from da_g i believe that you could set it to 8 but on the default valeu and the 8 mb valeu does the same
so i dont thing its this setting thats interferring:-o
will try that program you mentioned
anything special i need to look at there
edit: any chance you can point in the direction where to download that program as i cant seem to find it only source code:S
edit2: never mind after some more googling i found you already posted it somewhere thanks
maybe bit of a noob question but where does the program puts the snapshot:-o
i made two but i cant seem to find them stored anywhere:-o
You need to take a screen-cap; it doesn't save the snapshots for you.
Farmer Ted said:
You need to take a screen-cap; it doesn't save the snapshots for you.
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i saw snapshot so i thought it whas to make a picture
here is a foto of the phone in idle after a day of use
i first did the snapshot as im not sure what it does
can you see something strange on the picture?
So, you don't have sygic running in that one? Slot 15 is pretty porky; what process is that? You need to scroll left and right to see the processes for each slot. You may need to run vol d-pad to do that on the HD, though. Slots 9 and 10 have low-lying dll's (or some other resource). I suspect that what happens is that sygic loads a resource that is even lower, and maybe it crunches into slot 2 (filesys.exe) or the process in 15. The other possibility is that sygic creates really large heaps when it's doing big calculations (>250 km), and then the memory grows up in that slot to the level where those lower lying dll's are in slots 9 and 10. Even though those dll's (if that's what they are, and not some type of static resource) may not load into the sygic slot, the memory manager still accounts for them in all of the VM slots, so they will limit how big the heaps can grow in any process.
If I were you, I'd run sygic and do a VM snapshot. Also, get devhealth.exe (search on it), run it, and see what those dll's are in slots 9 and 10. They may be the issue. Mainly, see if their shared or static (like a .plg file in tcpmp). Of course, I could be totallly wrong about this, lol.
Farmer Ted said:
So, you don't have sygic running in that one? Slot 15 is pretty porky; what process is that? You need to scroll left and right to see the processes for each slot. You may need to run vol d-pad to do that on the HD, though. Slots 9 and 10 have low-lying dll's (or some other resource). I suspect that what happens is that sygic loads a resource that is even lower, and maybe it crunches into slot 2 (filesys.exe) or the process in 15. The other possibility is that sygic creates really large heaps when it's doing big calculations (>250 km), and then the memory grows up in that slot to the level where those lower lying dll's are in slots 9 and 10. Even though those dll's (if that's what they are, and not some type of static resource) may not load into the sygic slot, the memory manager still accounts for them in all of the VM slots, so they will limit how big the heaps can grow in any process.
If I were you, I'd run sygic and do a VM snapshot. Also, get devhealth.exe (search on it), run it, and see what those dll's are in slots 9 and 10. They may be the issue. Mainly, see if their shared or static (like a .plg file in tcpmp). Of course, I could be totallly wrong about this, lol.
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muchias gracias for youre help farmer ted
i opend up that virtual memory again and changed to different things
then i opend sygic and took a snapshot again
as you can see its going into slot 14 and every time i took a snapshot the bar went up showing more green(green means in use?)
i just looked up that slot without sygic and it tells me its the slot of tmail.exe
dont think tmail does much in that slot or its a big thing
also on the end i have all those empty slots cant it be reasignd to a new slot so it has a full bar(see the screenshot with sygic calculating a route)
will also try the program you mentioned when i get back from doing my things today as i have some appointments
edit: see you also asked what slot 15 is when i look it up it tells me its manilla.exe and im running sense2.5 from leo 3.04 so it could be heavy
Well, that's it, then. It sounds like sygic has a massive memory leak, if the heap size keeps growing. And this just confirms what I've known since the first day I got my Fuze: Manila sucks, lol.
I'm not sure why the slot 9 and 10 dll's are loaded so low. What processes are those? Maybe something in startup is causing it, and can be fixed.
Farmer Ted said:
Well, that's it, then. It sounds like sygic has a massive memory leak, if the heap size keeps growing. And this just confirms what I've known since the first day I got my Fuze: Manila sucks, lol.
I'm not sure why the slot 9 and 10 dll's are loaded so low. What processes are those? Maybe something in startup is causing it, and can be fixed.
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thank god inever uused sygic then as it seems a stupid deep going problem
as for manilla sucks im not sure about it
the hd is my first htc device and i think the experience is nice(better then all samsungs i had
for the slots i will write them all down maybe thats easier then asking what is this and what is that(check code box below)
further when i look at windows/startup i have three things there
htc startup, pkg, and poutlook
the htcstartup also has a speaker infront of it with a x behind the speaker(hope you get what i mean)
slot1: rom dlls
slot2: filesys.exe
slot3: cprog.exe
slot4: backportrait.exe
slot5: device.exe
slot6: gwes.exe(this is a colorfull rom so i can imagine its a little high:p)
slot7: shell32.exe
slot8: virtualmemory.exe
slot9: fexplore.exe
slot10: services.exe
slot11: connmgr.exe
slot12: repllog.exe
slot13: empty
slot14: tmail.exe(sygic will be loaded in this one)
slot15: manilla.exe
slot16: jblenddaemon.exe(have read this can turned off from startup to save a little ram what do you think about that?)
slot17: commmanager.exe
slot18: empty
slot19: empty
slot20: sapsettings
the rest are all empty
I would say remove jblenddaemon.exe; it must be a java app? If you don't use java, there's no reason to have it running. You might sapsettings.exe from startup as well, if you're not using it at all. I removed it a long time ago, but I don't use bluetooth much, and when I do, it works fine without sapsettings. I think I read that it's for connecting to you car or something for hands free.
It's weird that you have the lower lying dll's (if I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing in slots 9 and 10). They definitely seem to be the wall that driver.exe is running into. I also don't know what's up with fexplore.exe. It's using a lot of VM. Is that the extended file explorer? Last time I used it, it would eat a lot of ram if you highlight pics and it showed the previews.
Farmer Ted said:
I would say remove jblenddaemon.exe; it must be a java app? If you don't use java, there's no reason to have it running. You might sapsettings.exe from startup as well, if you're not using it at all. I removed it a long time ago, but I don't use bluetooth much, and when I do, it works fine without sapsettings. I think I read that it's for connecting to you car or something for hands free.
It's weird that you have the lower lying dll's (if I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing in slots 9 and 10). They definitely seem to be the wall that driver.exe is running into. I also don't know what's up with fexplore.exe. It's using a lot of VM. Is that the extended file explorer? Last time I used it, it would eat a lot of ram if you highlight pics and it showed the previews.
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thanks for the quick overview
the jblenddeamon is the java app
i personally never used it but there are some people using my rom who do use it:-o
guess it will be activated when they start up jblend
im gonna build a rom with jblend and the sapsettings taken out of the bootlauncher and gonna try it again to see what happens
also the file explorer is the normal fexplorer from the 21911 sys
it looks to me the verry same as every other file explorer i have seen on other roms so no preview of pictures you think i need a different fexlorer.exe?
and if so can you recommend one
I was just wondering if you were using the extended file explorer (2.06, I think; by Houming). It's pretty cool, but I personally use total commander and almost never use file explorer, so I don't use the extended on anymore, either. I was never able to make a package with it that worked, so I just did a cab install during customization. The cab is kind of weird, and I can't say I understand how it works. It actually loads up two file explorers (should have remembered that, and known yours wasn't the extended one). I attached the cab for 2.06-I packed this one, and it's compressed and doesn't have the uninstall crap loaded into it.
Sapsettings just doesn't seem to do anything. It doesn't use much memory, but you get quicker boot times when you take stuff like that out of the queue. If anyone really needs it to run, you can just give them a shortcut. You can always just remover the registry keys from your own device after a flash.
Farmer Ted said:
I was just wondering if you were using the extended file explorer (2.06, I think; by Houming). It's pretty cool, but I personally use total commander and almost never use file explorer, so I don't use the extended on anymore, either. I was never able to make a package with it that worked, so I just did a cab install during customization. The cab is kind of weird, and I can't say I understand how it works. It actually loads up two file explorers (should have remembered that, and known yours wasn't the extended one). I attached the cab for 2.06-I packed this one, and it's compressed and doesn't have the uninstall crap loaded into it.
Sapsettings just doesn't seem to do anything. It doesn't use much memory, but you get quicker boot times when you take stuff like that out of the queue. If anyone really needs it to run, you can just give them a shortcut. You can always just remover the registry keys from your own device after a flash.
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just a quick update as im in a hurry
need to go away to arrange some things for my house in 15 min and i still need to shower:-o
i made a rom without those two thins and damn the rom has bacome faster
also the virtualmemory looks a lot emptier:-o
will post screenshot later today when im finished arranging things
also tried sygic and it managed to calculate alot further but still missing 200 km of the route i want it to be calculated:-o
do you know the differnece between poutlook and tmail.exe?
maybe i can take one of those two out
I'm not really sure what the difference is, to be honest. I don't run either at startup. I don't text much and almost never email, but regardless, you can still do it w/o any issues. I guess maybe outlook loads quicker with one or the other running. I run 11 processes at startup:
AEBPlus.exe (AE Button)
SpeedBmonitor.exe (Speed Booster; sort of helps, doesn't use much memory)
XHook.exe (XTask task manager)
I also have a shortcut that runs at startup to expand the file dialogue and another to activate resco keyboard, but those processes only run a few seconds each.
That's just 11 processes; the first 6 are mandatory, the next 2 are needed for most things (although you can kill them for maybe a little better performance gaming or something like that-you definitely don't need cprog on an airplane), and the latter 3 are just apps that I run/use all the time. I don't miss any of the other processes, and with fewer processes going, you get faster boot times. My fuze usually boots in 60-65 seconds, which is pretty nice.
well used the rom for a day now as i flashed it yesterday evening before i went to bed
the strangest thing is jblend has activated itself:-o
wonder what triggerd it to get activated as i havent opend java:S
i only used messenegr a little today but its windows its own messenger so i dont think its java related:S
you have any idea what could have opend the jblend?
also the order of what is where has changed but i dont think that does matter as i think all slots are equal of size or have they different sizes?
i will also post a screenshot of the new virtual memory but with jblend in it and sygic gets loaded in that one when i start it up:S
im totally starting to hate this program
you think the screenshots looks better now on how everything is managed?
also i read somewhere if i format my memorycard with bigger clusters it will become faster
what do you think about that?
could this speed up route calculating as the maps or on my sd card
also i will try to remove some more from the startup and hopefully this will give me better sygic calculating things
again thansk or helping em with this probblem as i think i cant solve this alone
slot1: rom dlls
slot2: filesys.exe
slot3: backportrait.exe
slot4: virtualmemory.exe
slot5: device.exe
slot6: gwes.exe
slot7: shell32
slot8: fexplore.exe
slot9: manila.exe
slot10: services.exe
slot11: connmgr.exe
slot12: cprog.exe
slot13: poutlook.exe
slot14: tmail.exe
slot15: commmanager.exe
slot16: jblendeamon.exe
the rest are all empty
I would check the jblend package and make sure there's not a reg key that's starting it up in the .reg file. The order of processes in the slots depends on the order that the processes are booted up. You can get some processes in an early slot just because there's some transient processes initiated during bootup that only run briefly, then close, which re-opens the slot for the next process in line. If you kill cprog, then start another app, it will go into cprog's slot, so then if you restart cprog, it will be in slot 13 or something like that.
Larger cluster sizes definitely speed up an sd card; I have a 16 g card, which normally had 32 kb clusters. I lowered it once to 4 kb clusters, which freed up maybe 100 mb of memory, but scanning the card became nearly impossible. Normally, if I run scandisk (I do it daily), it takes 5 min. But it would take 40 min or so with the smaller cluster size. Also, benchmarking showed that writing to the card was a lot slower (reading too, I think).
You still seem to have some low lying dll's in slots 9 and 10, which is weird.

