SPB Mobile Shell - Weather widget of SBSH Pocket Weather? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I have used all weather apps for PPC and I have found the best one to be SBSH Pocket Weather. The real time updates and the forecats were most accurate and customizable. However the weather widget in SPB Mobile Shell is lame. Doesn't give me current temperature. Displays Rain as the current condition even though it's not even about to rain in 8 hours time.
I was wondering if there is a widget of SPB Mobile Shell. It's a great program but the lack of widgets and not being able to use today plugins is withdrawing a lot from it.
I also didn't find a good Tasks widget and the Time widget doesn't display the day in the way I would want it to.


Any weather programs that provide a text forecast

Ive used both spb weather and Im currently using the sbsh pocket weather but neither one of these programs provided an actual text forecast. Im looking for something like 'Partly cloudy, evening showes possible. Chance of rain 45%. Tomorrow, sunny with a chance of rain'. Something like you see on the weather channel. Anyone know of a program that provides info like this?
I just have a shortcut to accuweather, and I access it when I want to know what the weather is going to be.
Here is the accuweather link to their PDA formatted forecast. Just replace xxxxx with your zipcode:
Fizz Traveller
Has both 2 day, 5 day graphical, and text forecast.


I am a very happy user of the SPB Diary/PocketPlus/Clock series but I can't help but see that there is a huge world of customization for the SBSH PocketBreeze and iLauncher programs.
Does anyone know off hand which uses less system resources?
Anyone prefer one over the other? Why?
I am just curious, because I almost want to buy the SBSH suite even though I already have bought the SPB set.
Sbsh -- HANDS DOWN!!
For me, Sbsh was the winner -- hands down. Their apps were MUCH more customizable than Spb's. And I found that the Sbsh products used less system resources. I use Pocket Breeze, iLauncher and Pocket Weather
The only Spb products I use are Spb Time and Spb Finance. The Spb Time program give the option of a fullscreen display clock that Sbsh Clock does not offer and Spb Finance syncs with MS Money on my desktop so I can keep track of my finances during the day on my Wizard and not have to wait until I get home to enter everything into MS Money.
Another thing I like about Sbsh's PocketBreeze is that I was able to add a custom tab for the Spb products, as well. So, I can access the Spb Time AND the Spb Finance programs with one tap onscreen.
YMMV, but I HIGHLY recommend Sbsh!! There's EXCELLENT support on their forums as well. Can't vouch for support on Spb forums, as I didn't run the programs long enough to actually register on their's.
Can you make custom tabs to run Today plug-ins on PocketBreeze?
My bit with SPB's PocketPlus is that it take a big footprint on my Today screen on my Wizard when I have Chi-Dang's Battery Status, PocketMax's PhoneAlarm (with the Media Phone skin), and the Device Lock all on my device.
I would like to make a seperate system tab where I can put Chi-Dang's Battery Status in there with other system items...
I am almost curious to getting it now...
If a program appears on the list of available Today plugins on your device, you can assign a custom tab to it.
The only tab in PocketBreeze that can't be deleted is the Calendar tab. By default, it also has a tab for notes, messages, tasks and Special Events. You can choose NOT to use those and/or replace them/add your own.
Attached are some screenshots of my Wizard. I have mine set up so the tabs are vertically aligned on the screen, rather than horizontally aligned. You can run PocketBreeze minimized, or run it with one of the tabs opened -- by default it would run the calendar tab.
It has a 14 day fully functional trial period. I didn't wait the full 14 days to try it. I was sold after about 3 days and bought it. And, from what I'm reading on the Sbsh forums, there's an upgrade in the works, too!! All upgrades are FREE to registered users.
Hm... Now I am really intrigued... I may have to give it a whirl or even purchase it!
PocketBreeze is a MUST HAVE for me. The special settings to draw a border on the cleartype text and how it display my next appointments and todo's its amazing.
Bot programs can be tested on the emulator
I'm a big pocketbreeze fan as well
after trying both...I choose pocketbreeze handsdown...I love the display, the icons, pretty condense for the amount of info it displays, amazing amount of customization, and what's great is that you can add any today plug-in into pocketbreeze as another tab
fantastic (just wish they would work on AKU3.2...oh well)
SBSH for sure.
SBSH is more "customizable" and more "heavier" than SPB. I try both and stopped on SBSH. It looks more beautiful for me.
I like SBSH product for all teh above reasons as well. The ability to make a tab for ANY today plugin sealed the deal also. I also like the availability of custom icons for iLauncher vs. pocket+.
Free trials are a wonderful thing.
The only SPB products I really like are backup and time.
I just wish that iLauncher had a alt+tab function like PocketPlus

Weather Tab - SPB Mobile Shell

Has anyone successfully integrated the weather from the HTC Home to display as a weather tab in SPB Mobile Shell? The default weather source in SPB is Gismeteo.ru and it is a terrible source. It's readings are constantly off by 3-4 degrees and the current conditions & forcast is far from accurate.
I have tried SPB Weather program and successfully installed it, but after several hours I could not get any custom templates to work. After searching I can see that people seemed to stop developing templates for this program at the end of 2007.
If no one has been able to integrate HTC Weather from the HTC Home, then does anyone know how to change the source of the weather information in SPB Mobile Shell?
Many thanks.

Second Today Panel

Hi guys
I was wondering .. do u know if there is any way we can create a second "today" panel? ... I got so many cool programs and so much cool software now that it just doesnt fit on one screen anymore.
For example I would quite like to have one today panel which uses Resco contact manager spb weather windows live, calendar .. and another where I use maybe the bell interface or spb phonesuit, galarm etc.
any ideas if this is possible?
you know u could use one of the other SE Panels and disable all the extra stuff and just use all the rows for programs...
Maybe you should give second today a chance?
Have you tried SPB Pocket Plus with multiple tabs?
I have PDC clock, SPB Phone Suite, HomeScreen ++ and two rows of shoertcuts on one tab, Calendar + with 6 appointments on a second and SPB Weather and SPB time on a third.

How to show many weather city in SPB mobile shell as Manlia

Hi Every,
Does anyone have solution to put different weather city as widget to SPB mobile shell? Mobile shell can get "SPB TIME" as widget to show many city time. But SPB weather can not, why? Please help.
I think you need to get SPB traveler for that. SPB traveler includes SPB weather and you can display the weather from many different cities with it.
why? To get you to pay more of course!
I just wish the mobile shell would display the current temp and let you choose from more sources. It's silly that they haven't worked this out considering the number of people griping about it since the earliest versions. I though 3.0 would fix it...then 3.5....still no joy. Good thing that weatherbug direct has a small cab that puts the current temp in your taskbar.

