GPS question/help test needed - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hello, my felow developers.
I'm writing an application with use of GPS. I'm using Microsoft Intermediate driver from GPS sample from WM6 SDK for reading GPS data.
I have MIOA701, and I tested app on other devices...
The thing what happens is that on other devices coordinates looks like this: 45.12345 ; 14.12345 -it is how they should be...
but on MIO it looks: 4512.345 ; 1412.345
Well, I can parse that MIO coords and make things right, but...
I'm wondering how will look if coords are more then 99d?
if 14.1234 shows like 1412.34 will
102.1234 looks like 10212.34 or 1021.234 ?
So I created one sample form with 2 labels which will shows lat and lang, and ziped it with that Intermediate driver dll..
And asking any of you for few minutes of your time to help.
I'm just needing that lat and lang as it shows on your mobile device.. wll be helpful if you add your device model name too...
I really appreciate your help...
thx in advance
PS Project is build for WM6+ and 3.5 CF

Maybe this will help you:

Thx dmitry, that article is useful. I got into it.
But still, I need few test answers to see how it looks on others GPS phones...
so guys, anyone can help, will be grateful..
thx and regards

Pretty please guys, I really need this.. :-(

OK, It's a saturday night and for many varied reasons i didn't get out tonight.
HTC Trinity WM6.1, ROM as in sig

thank you!
Well, I'm sorry that you stay at home saturday night, but, on the other hand, I'm very greateful that you find some time to help me wtih this issue!
so, ty very, very on this!

anyone else
anyone else, please?

another someone?
pretty please

Touch Pro WM6.5

Thank you DANDANA!


MW2005 KeypadSkins

I have looked on the buzzdev and here on how to patch my skin for the keypad. I am running WM2005 on an XDA Mini S.
I can't do it, I have re-booted, and tried to find "nocert", is it a patch or a whole new ROM?
Please help me if you can.......
Good if you could provide more details, such as the device you use, the thread where you get the information, what have you done and what other warning/error messgae that you get, etc.
Cheers All...
All sorted...
I use Resco Keyboard.. AWESOME!

Read GPS coordinates and upload them to a website

Hi all,
I'm looking for a very simple program which will read GPS coordinates from my bluetooth GPS receiver and use a GET or FORM request to upload them to a website, i.e.
Does such a program exist? I've had a look around here and on Google and can't find anything.
If not, I would be willing to have a go at making it. In this instance, does anyone have any pointers for reading the data from the Com port?
Try the search next time
Oliy said:
I've had a look around here and on Google and can't find anything.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the link, however all the solutions in there are far more complex than what I want, or limited to me making an account on someone else's server.
Is there just a really simple app to do this? Or could anyone provide source code of getting the GPS coordinates, and I could make the rest of the program from there.
Oliy: it's a little more involved then just reading the com port. What kind of experience do you have? You have to do quite a bit of token and string parsing. Have a read of the GPS protocols:
Hi Vijay,
Thanks for the link. String and token parsing is fine. I have plenty of experience in core operations of programming languages, it's when you get into hardware specific things that I have very little experience.
I don't have a whole lot of time to program at the moment, I start my internship on monday and I have work on my own little OmapScaler project building up as well, but I've found a guy on this forum who seems to have the same ideas as me, I've PMd him and will hopefully get a reply soon.

htc touch rom on hermes

Hello i'm a noob around theese parts and have a HTC TYTN (hermes) about an 6 months or so.
1st of all let me say i was simply amazed about the forum and the work been done here. Every ROM here is amazing.
I've installed the black majik rom which i think the best working ROM for hermes with the addons.(noob opinion)
Never the less i was wondering if is there a ROM with hability like the htc touch which exists for wizard and prophet
when or where is the same rom for Hermes if there is?
Thanks for time spent reading this.
Found something that could be it but i'ts an addon
*couldn't get it to work
Doesn't exist. The thing you link in is an addon that works poorly and has not "touch" ability.
You'll probably be flamed for not searching, even though you did search to find that link. Good luck!
In that case flame way.
I've spend hours reading through this gigantic forum and didn't find anything except the links i've posted.
If some one find anything usefull please post here or pm me.
Thanks for time spent reading this.
Was this related to what you want?
I think it also includes links to other sites/threads which lead to some interesting discussions....
thanks for the help
Man thanks for the link but has the same problem.
It's BIOTOUCH a plugin like touchflo but theese lack of some stabily acording with what i've read in the forum.
Anyway thanks for the help has been the best so far .
thanks for time spent reading this.

Need Help Editing Camera.exe.

I managed to take appart my camera exe (camera 3 for the Wizard) with reasource hacker. I finaly figured out why nobody can change the UI of this less than picture perfect app.
I would very much like to handle this project by making or editing the existing graphics for it. however, when I tried to update the immages, the app became corrupted. It lost the OEM-2005 cert. and would not load.
I know A LOT of wizard users and cooker would be happy to have an updated looking camera on our wizards.
I just need some directions on how to fix this signing problem, or how to get the certs out of the original and into the new one.
If any of you hackers know how to do this, could you please help. I know most users on this forum already have a much better looking camera starting with 4 and up; but us wizard users still have to look at the ugliest bitmaps ever crated!
Thank you in advance
Ok So this has been answered. I tried it. It worked. I can now edt the button graphics for the camera buttons!!!
since I only have a wizard... what is the latest camera? does anyone have graphics that came with it?? maybe screenshots?
I have been looking for graphics on line and can not seem to find a full set.
Prophet users have a bad camera too! 4.11 works, but destroys the battery...
At some point I heard of "unsigner" and MSSigner, one you run before the res-hack, and then the other you run after the res-hack to restore the signature...
Sorry I can't be of more help!
l3v5y said:
Prophet users have a bad camera too! 4.11 works, but destroys the battery...
At some point I heard of "unsigner" and MSSigner, one you run before the res-hack, and then the other you run after the res-hack to restore the signature...
Sorry I can't be of more help!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yep that's the process. Unsign, edit, re-sign.
You can find unsigner here, and the Multiple File Signer here.
Hope it helps.
I really hope this works! and hopefully the wizard owners can get an updated cam.

Software idear

First of all, scuse my english, i'm french.
I've got a idear for a new software.
Every night I park my car in a different place. And when I go to a big city too.
I'd like to have a sofware witch can indicate where is my car.
It could work like that : everytime I park my car, I push a buton on my phone, and when I look for it, the software help me to find it as a navigation software or on google map.
Do you think it'is a good idear?
best regards
I thought this exists already.
edit: there are tons of apps in the market doing exactly that
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
that's a great news. I'll try to find it.
There are many applications like that
yes, it's look like i'm asking for!
thanks a lot

