Read GPS coordinates and upload them to a website - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi all,
I'm looking for a very simple program which will read GPS coordinates from my bluetooth GPS receiver and use a GET or FORM request to upload them to a website, i.e.
Does such a program exist? I've had a look around here and on Google and can't find anything.
If not, I would be willing to have a go at making it. In this instance, does anyone have any pointers for reading the data from the Com port?

Try the search next time

Oliy said:
I've had a look around here and on Google and can't find anything.
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Thanks for the link, however all the solutions in there are far more complex than what I want, or limited to me making an account on someone else's server.
Is there just a really simple app to do this? Or could anyone provide source code of getting the GPS coordinates, and I could make the rest of the program from there.

Oliy: it's a little more involved then just reading the com port. What kind of experience do you have? You have to do quite a bit of token and string parsing. Have a read of the GPS protocols:

Hi Vijay,
Thanks for the link. String and token parsing is fine. I have plenty of experience in core operations of programming languages, it's when you get into hardware specific things that I have very little experience.
I don't have a whole lot of time to program at the moment, I start my internship on monday and I have work on my own little OmapScaler project building up as well, but I've found a guy on this forum who seems to have the same ideas as me, I've PMd him and will hopefully get a reply soon.


[dev] "fake call" freeware [coding]

The Release is Here
I do alot of skinning but finally decided to jump in and try and actually create my own program, and i need a little help
Some of you may be familiar with trinket softwares "fake call." If not you can do a quick read up with this link.....
I am in the middle of developing something similar but a freeware version (if you didn't know the software isn't freeware any longer) I had put a very basic but working program together in basic4ppc, i then found out i had to buy the software to compile the program. Since i already own visual studio 2008 i decided i would go ahead and try to rewrite my program in vs.
I have completed my design, but i need help with the code....
i need a help with-
"sound" - i obviously need to be able to play sound, i have looked in ms help in vs and they provide some keywords but i am getting errors when i debug.....
-how to load images from an xml file- (in need code for the call)
These will all get me rolling and allow me to release a beta......
I'm getting closer and closer
Because everyone has a different dialer or "incoming call screen," i have decided the best way to go about your fake call is to allow people to select a screen shot and a sound of their choice, creating a very customized realistic experience for every phone (as it would look just like the dialer on your phone) without having to input an obsessive amount of information. (caller name, picture, ect..)
thanks for your help in advanced
The Release is Here
Wow, this is great. Ya, since fake call is no longer free this is a very amazing idea. I know a lot of people here will help you. We just have to wait. =)
Great idea, I downloaded that app a while ago when it was posted and was rather disappointed to find out it was fake freeware. A couple of suggestions, the aforementioned app would use the default ringer. The suggestion seems pretty simple from a logistics point of view but may be more difficult to program than I would imagine, when selecting a person with a ringer other than default associated use that one. Maybe have a call timer that will stay up and count until the end button is tapped. Hope this helps.
I didn't realize that the other software had gone commercial. Thanks for stepping up!!
What programming language are you using, considering Visual Studio supports several.
In your Wait method could be replaced by Sleep(milliseconds). Documentation. I am not sure, however, it this method is included in the compact framework, assuming that's the one you are using. Hope this helps somehow.
Full .Net documentation can be found here.
I am using .net but may consider rewriting again later after getting a release to rid the program of dependacy on the .net framework.
I Have updated the list, as i have gotten some stuff already figured out thanks to different people on the forums, THANK YOU
If you guys can help me out with this other stuff it would be greatly appreciated
Trinket Software is practically giving away their apps!
selfdestrct said:
Trinket Software is practically giving away their apps!
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thanks for posting.
just as a reference, there's something called DOWNCALL which is free and simple.
edit: my bad, this calls someone at a scheduled time.. doesn't fake a call.
this is nice of trinket but will only last until the 24, and is really only supposed to be for our webpage.
i'm working on xml now
still need help with sound
did this die out or is it still in development?
jhw549 said:
did this die out or is it still in development?
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Yeah, I'm curious to know as well. Thanks.
Heres an app I use called PhoneyCall

GPS and Google Maps

Hi there,
Let me start by saying this is going to be a proper newb question Im afraid. I've had a search around but couldnt find what I was looking for, hence the new thread. I am sure there is already a ton of info for my problem so could someone please just point me in the right direction?
That said, the problem is this, I have absolutely no idea what Im doing when it comes to GPS.
I've been onto Google Maps and it all looks great but it has me positioned quite some distance away from my actual location. So I looked into getting some sort of GPS software so that I could make Google Maps more accurate (is that even how it works?). So far I dont want to go and spend my money on say TomTom7 or Igo8 just yet as I want to see how this sort of thing works first. So, I went and found some free GPS software (Im currently trying AzimutGPS) but everytime I try to connect it says "No GPS Signal"
I'm sure I'm doing something quite obviously stupid and wrong, I just cant for the life of me work out what it is!
Any help would be very appreciated!
go into quickgps in you prgrams list and download the info
the problem is you need to have this info otherwise getting a fix takes a very long time
Thank you for the help. I've done this and also found the option in Googlemaps to enable GPS (doh!) So I am now showing on the map as about 20 metres from my exact location, very cool indeed
For some reason I still cant get Azimut to work? Presumably something in the settings Im doing wrong but cant for the life of me work it out.
Are there any decent free navigation programs? Or is best to just pony up the dough and buy IGo8 or TomTom7?
tomtom 7 as softare is free, its the maps that cost money
but u get one free map on startup of tomtom7
hold onh ill get the cab
Really? What an absolute result!
Thanks fella
no problem its what i do
remember though next time search on google and the built in forum search for keywords and remember to read the wiki
this was u may get ur answer without waiting for someone to get backto you
welcome to xda developers
-PiLoT- said:
no problem its what i do
remember though next time search on google and the built in forum search for keywords and remember to read the wiki
this was u may get ur answer without waiting for someone to get backto you
welcome to xda developers
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Well done mate, your getting good at this helping malarky!!
Very informative and helpful
Keep up your good work
-PiLoT- said:
no problem its what i do
remember though next time search on google and the built in forum search for keywords and remember to read the wiki
this was u may get ur answer without waiting for someone to get backto you
welcome to xda developers
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In my defence I did search Just apparently not very well! The wiki is damned useful and I've used that extensively for the programs and games list
Thanks again for your help, it was much appreciated.

CabCache - All the cabs in one place

Hi peoples,
I have had a windows mobile phone for years, mostly thanks to the support of people on here who have been able to answer virtually every question about tweaks, enhancements etc and therefore stopped me throwing it out of the window. I currently have an HD2 and, again thanks to the people on here, I love it.
The only problem I've had is being able to find the tweaks and CABs without trawling through pages and pages of forum speak.
so, I've created a site call the cabcache.
The idea is to make it easy to find the cabs and tweaks, through a simple search.
it's in its early form as it's going to take me a while to collate all the tweaks and cabs available, but I'm adding more and more every day. If you would like to help me build the site, please get in touch.
I've tried (and will strive to) give credit to everyone who owns the cabs and tweaks. If you see something on the site that isn't giving you the credit you deserve, please get in touch. Similarly, please get in touch if you see one of your offerings that you would like removed.
At the moment, you cannot upload your own cabs (removed due to previous abuse) but this will be re-instated shortly (about a week I think once I've reconfigured the code)
so, if you want to help me out, please PM me, or get in touch through the site.
many thanks.
very good idea
Have just checked out the site and it is looking very good so far. Clear, concise and easy to use, perfect.
A cracking idea which will save a lot of time.
Keep up the good work and I hope you get the support the site deserves.
this is a great idea, hope it realy takes off.
stemoneymonkey said:
this is a great idea, hope it realy takes off.
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thanks guys. It's going to take a while to gather everything and get it on the site, but I'm working hard on it.
I don't mean to be a ****, but what's the difference between an offsite compared to a thread that beat you to the point already:
lemonspeakers said:
I don't mean to be a ****, but what's the difference between an offsite compared to a thread that beat you to the point already:
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The only difference is that thread is currently 67 pages, making it difficult to search.
I just wanted to make it easier was all.
If you'd make use of some PHP + a database and integrate rate systems/upload features this could be pretty good.. Then it could also display screenshots, be categorized, reviewed, etc..
You could also make it device-specific categorized. Then you can ask the XdaMarketplace developers to integrate it into their app by creating an API and not only offer apps but also tweaks/sense mods for their phones directly.
Hi , even if you don't add loads of features as mentioned above, which would be great, as it it its very useful as a searchable portal to all the adjustments that can be made. I picked up on one already swype, that I hadn't seen listed thanks for that.
firstly, many thanks for all the positive comments (and the couple of negative ones I've had lol)
All feedback is appreciated.
Logins are back!!
so you can now create a login and add your own CABs and Tweaks.
As before, if you have any problems, or notice anything that shouldn't be happening, please let me know.
Hi Thanks, just tried to register and got the following . I will keep trying. Many Thanks.
There was a problem submitting this form, please try again or email us directly -- error has occured. Details of this error have been sent to me and I will investigate, and hopefully implement a solution.
Please click HERE to return to the homepage
Si607 said:
Hi Thanks, just tried to register and got the following . I will keep trying. Many Thanks.
There was a problem submitting this form, please try again or email us directly -- error has occured. Details of this error have been sent to me and I will investigate, and hopefully implement a solution.
Please click HERE to return to the homepage
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I've been getting the emails advising me of the error. The issue seems to be that you haven't entered an email address in the registration form. This is needed so that I can ensure the registration is from an actual person. Your email address is encrypted in the db and is quite secure.
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'
Operation must use an updateable query.
/header.asp, line 30
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I guess I can't access the site, can I
apologies..I'll go investigate.
twisted-pixel said:
apologies..I'll go investigate.
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No problem man
I just wanted to let you know
Keep up the good work!!
degake said:
No problem man
I just wanted to let you know
Keep up the good work!!
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Click to collapse it's not my bad coding!! the site has crashed...bloody hosting company!!
I'm really sorry to anyone who tried to register and got errors. I will have it back up and running soon.
twisted-pixel said: it's not my bad coding!! the site has crashed...bloody hosting company!!
I'm really sorry to anyone who tried to register and got errors. I will have it back up and running soon.
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That's bad news
I'm looking forward to see the site online again
working again now. Had to get hosting company to reset permissions on the site as for some reason they had reverted to read only, meaning the DB couldn't be written to.
great idea, would be great if this thread is notified of updates as and when they are added as i/we will receive a notification
It would be really useful if there was some way to see which phones the cabs are compatible with. Some clearly don't work with the HD2, though they probably to work with other handsets.

What happened to Sashimi???

I am looking for something to automate my email settings after flashing. Sashimi seemed to be the software that would do the trick. Seems like it dropped off the face of the earth. Author is banned here and the winmob experts website that he moved to is gone altogether.
Anyone know if this software is still available or is there something that will do the same thing that is current.
Am also wondering. Have the experts on xda transitioned to something other than Sashimi?
It's your lucky day, a guy just near there have posted a modified version :
Disclaimer : I haven't tested this one, so i can't tell if it's crap or not...
Sashimi still standard??
Is Sashimi still the defacto standard being used ? I know SPBclone is the pro cloning/imaging sw, but i figured developers would constantly be tweaking a similar solution.
FYI some Tutorial Vids that might be of interest to anyone in my point in this learning curve. I found them of interest @ least These will have links to the rest available on Youtube
oops - seems as a new user i cant share the links w/u but search for 'winmoexperts' on youtube and u will see
thnx again all - site has been very educational
very nice, thank you buddy

Android app selenium/webpages

So i coded a while ago in python to make a little project with selenium drivers
what if i want an android app that if i put in the username and password, it will put that in the website and login retrieve a string and print that on the screen without opening a browser? and seeing all of that? it that effecient to do with selenium? i want something i can use in android studio so that i can put in and retrieve information from web pages from and to and variable...
how would i do this?
thanks in advance! :
asimo_1 said:
So i coded a while ago in python to make a little project with selenium drivers
what if i want an android app that if i put in the username and password, it will put that in the website and login retrieve a string and print that on the screen without opening a browser? and seeing all of that? it that effecient to do with selenium? i want something i can use in android studio so that i can put in and retrieve information from web pages from and to and variable...
how would i do this?
thanks in advance! :
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my first idea to this Problem would be old plain manual parsing. So you would have to reverse engineer the structure of the requests the website needs. Then you can submit 6our values and must be able to get the values out of the http Response.
Greetings from Germany
P.S. Not many people look in this forum for help. So maybe you get not much help here. Sorry.
P.P.S. I never worked with Selenium, so I'm unsure if you can use it directly in Android Apps
pbeckmann said:
my first idea to this Problem would be old plain manual parsing. So you would have to reverse engineer the structure of the requests the website needs. Then you can submit 6our values and must be able to get the values out of the http Response.
Greetings from Germany
P.S. Not many people look in this forum for help. So maybe you get not much help here. Sorry.
P.P.S. I never worked with Selenium, so I'm unsure if you can use it directly in Android Apps
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Thank you very much!

