Hi, I'm a .NET developer and I want to start to develop mobile apps.
My last device is a KJAM that need pen-tap to toggle radio on & off and this is a little frustrating for me (especially when it rains). So I decided to develop a simple (!) app so I can switch my phone on and off simply pressing the "red" button (for example).
Now I found how to bind the red-button-press event to my app but I really not yet found the (damn) method that let me to switch the phone (radio) on and off.
Can someone give me PInvoke samples to use in my C# app?
At least I can point you to an application, that does what you want.
read the thread
See my posts there (Conchas), and the .exe turned available by Koksie.
The same .exe toggles between enable/disable.
It is really great
thanks a lot ...
even if I wish to develop this app by myself (to start to "surf" the PInvoke hell) of course your advice will help me to reduce my frunstration switchin on my phone
You can always PM Koksie, asking for the function call he used.
I'll do it but he downloaded the program ... in the meantime ... the hardware button "4" now switch my radio on and off
A few weeks ago I started skining the 5.04 Camera to look like 6.08. That was fairly successful, however the main issue, lag time, was of course not affected. I then started trying to hack AF into the 6.08 Camera version & had issues getting it to function as it relies on some different resources that I could not get functioning concurrently.
So, last night I started playing with a new idea. Renaming & resources from one of the two camera versions allowing for both cameras to be installed, having one called to initialization by a long camera keypress.
Anyone familar with widows mobile (Arm) executables & resource hacking willing to help out on this idea & test it?
Is this something people would like to see in a cooked rom? Would the ability to toggle the camera depending on what you need, Auto-Focus or Speed, be appealing?
It really wouldn't add too much weight to the ROM, as both Camera use primarily the same resources/DLL's. Would having a choice of a macro/micro (AF) mode bee something you'd like to see?
Hi man,
Realy great what you want to do but to be honest I don't like the camera atm cause the front camera isn't working with the 6.8 build (correct me if I'm wrong).
I would rather have both camera's supported on my Kaiser to use this build.
Together with the Opal dialer with videocall enabled that would be a awsom job!
Great Suggestion!
I have not looked into that at all, My last TYTNII is dead, so I am on a Tilt. If you are willing to give it a test since you have both cameras, I will look into implementing that as well.
BTW, I will be moving this into the Development & Hacking thread soon. I just wanted to start it here to see if any Kaiser users had any camera hacking experience or suggestions.
I would be glad to help you my friend.
Please let me know when you have something!
GSLEON3 said:
Great Suggestion!
I have not looked into that at all, My last TYTNII is dead, so I am on a Tilt. If you are willing to give it a test since you have both cameras, I will look into implementing that as well.
BTW, I will be moving this into the Development & Hacking thread soon. I just wanted to start it here to see if any Kaiser users had any camera hacking experience or suggestions.
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I have been able to specifically locate the function handling the camera AF uysing IDA Pro, I also see that there appears to be some hard coding of FPS information/limits in the camera executable for the 5.04 Kaiser Camera.
This info is not present within the newer (Opal) camera as far as I can tell & may be a reason why it seems to outperform the Kaiser Stock Camera. There is also no information or AF calls within the Opal Camera executable. Hence, without a complete rewrite of the program I cannot simply integrate AF into the newer camera.
I have tried renaming the resources & creating a new registry tree all to no Avail.
I seem to have enough resources available to operate trhe second camera, however I cannot get it to initialize. Anyone have any suggestions?
GSLEON3 said:
I have been able to specifically locate the function handling the camera AF uysing IDA Pro, I also see that there appears to be some hard coding of FPS information/limits in the camera executable for the 5.04 Kaiser Camera.
This info is not present within the newer (Opal) camera as far as I can tell & may be a reason why it seems to outperform the Kaiser Stock Camera. There is also no information or AF calls within the Opal Camera executable. Hence, without a complete rewrite of the program I cannot simply integrate AF into the newer camera.
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Have you found many functions involved in the AF management, in the old version ? I'm a bit busy with the Dialer, but since we're both using IDA Pro, I may take a look to what you've documented so far in the IDA database... I'm not a big expert in camera apps, but who knows...
There are about 6 or so references. Both cameras use primarily the same resource files, so it appears to me that the AF function is coded into the executable.
I had pretty much given up on the addition of AF to the new 6.8 camera & had decided it would be easier for a novice like me to just add support for a second camera program.
However, that task is also throwing me at the moment. I have built a new cab, with renamed files & some hacks to point to the renamed files, I have also created a moddified registry tree to co-exist with the one for the OEM camera, yet when I select the newly moddified camera it tries to launch, but won't initialize.
Missing something somewhere...
GSLEON3 said:
There are about 6 or so references. Both cameras use primarily the same resource files, so it appears to me that the AF function is coded into the executable.
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No external reference to a shared .dll ?
I had pretty much given up on the addition of AF to the new 6.8 camera & had decided it would be easier for a novice like me to just add support for a second camera program.
However, that task is also throwing me at the moment. I have built a new cab, with renamed files & some hacks to point to the renamed files, I have also created a moddified registry tree to co-exist with the one for the OEM camera, yet when I select the newly moddified camera it tries to launch, but won't initialize.
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That's why I asked. It seems a single-threaded apartment issue. If it is an external .dll, maybe it could not be designed for multiple concurrency...
DupinBJK said:
No external reference to a shared .dll ?
That's why I asked. It seems a single-threaded apartment issue. If it is an external .dll, maybe it could not be designed for multiple concurrency...
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When I get a moment I will post what I have found, the differences in the executables & the AF refernces & coding.
It may all be moot however, as I take a look at the Raphael camera, which allegedly has AF as well as a newer camera. We shall see.
GSLEON3 said:
When I get a moment I will post what I have found, the differences in the executables & the AF refernces & coding.
It may all be moot however, as I take a look at the Raphael camera, which allegedly has AF as well as a newer camera. We shall see.
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Good, thanks !
Again, need to reiterate that arm executables are not my thing, however, I have hacked the Ralph Camera & it uses the same icons & resource (Mostly) as the Kaiser & Opal.
However when I build a new cab just to see if the AF is working already on the new Fuze ROM Camera I get an unsigned error message.
Can one of you ARM pros give me some insight?
Fuze Camera is new version & definitely has AutoFocus support!
Works with the existing hacked QVGA .mui & icon files, but when trying to create the cab I still get unsigned error.
Here is the start of an OEM QVGA package. Exe still won't launch.
Anyone want to take a look? Do I need to resign the app, the exe?
It includes all files & images resized & hacked for QVGA including the .mui files. The exe is throwing me badly though.
The OEM can be found here:
However, it seems the sensorSDK references are giving me the issues. Maybe need to find a way to null them out or default landscape.
If I'm understanding correctly, you'd like a switch to use the camera version with AF and the camera version without AF. Correct or am I completely missing something here? If I AM understanding correctly, then I would be all for this, as this would really make the camera on the Kaiser at least sort of useful, as opposed to only usable in certain conditions.
GSLEON3 said:
Here is the start of an OEM QVGA package. Exe still won't launch.
Anyone want to take a look? Do I need to resign the app, the exe?
It includes all files & images resized & hacked for QVGA including the .mui files. The exe is throwing me badly though.
The OEM can be found here:
However, it seems the sensorSDK references are giving me the issues. Maybe need to find a way to null them out or default landscape.
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Sorry for being late...
Have you removed the signature before patching the files ? You have to remove it from each signed file you're going to patch, to be able to use it. I can do it for you, if you wish...
met3ora said:
If I'm understanding correctly, you'd like a switch to use the camera version with AF and the camera version without AF. Correct or am I completely missing something here? If I AM understanding correctly, then I would be all for this, as this would really make the camera on the Kaiser at least sort of useful, as opposed to only usable in certain conditions.
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YES. That was the original intention of this thread.
DupinBJK said:
Sorry for being late...
Have you removed the signature before patching the files ? You have to remove it from each signed file you're going to patch, to be able to use it. I can do it for you, if you wish...
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BJK, I would be eternally gratefull if you'd do that for me, then I can see if I can find a way to null out or hack a SensorSDK.DLL to aways import the landscape value as a return & maybe see if the results are succesful.
OT: gsleon03...dude im your neighbor lol...i live in Torrance and im up in PV once in a while.
id like to see this project come true
first, sorry that I interrupt this thread and asking about improvement of frame rate for shooting video throw HTC camera, am have Cruise and has low frame rate in video recording and I think that Kaiser has the same issue, am using the famous camera trick " run camera program, hiding the lens, power off devise and waiting for Sec's, then power on again" which rising the frame rate from 4 to 19 frame/sec in video shooting but with darkens pic, did any one analysis this trick and try to get solution for camera low rate problem or found why 6.08 camera is faster than 5.04
finaly i hope that see this project come true
secoseco said:
first, sorry that I interrupt this thread and asking about improvement of frame rate for shooting video throw HTC camera, am have Cruise and has low frame rate in video recording and I think that Kaiser has the same issue, am using the famous camera trick " run camera program, hiding the lens, power off devise and waiting for Sec's, then power on again" which rising the frame rate from 4 to 19 frame/sec in video shooting but with darkens pic, did any one analysis this trick and try to get solution for camera low rate problem or found why 6.08 camera is faster than 5.04
finaly i hope that see this project come true
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I second that. ist there still any development?
This project is about rebuilding the touch.dll coude from the original dll assembly.
Latest package:
For adding the "developers certificate" ( read side node on update 21/11/08 ) you can use the following tool:
Microsoft Security Configuration Manager
Update 21/11/08:
Ive finally managed to rebuild the touch.dll from assembly and recompiled it and im able to boot the new touch.dll
Ive cleared some of the calls made to some old features implemented in the original file like the touch cube etc.
Be aware that this isnt for daily use and only for testing purposes. But I really need some input on speed and reliability because i cant test everything on my own ( i flash my device every 4 hours or so so not really long testing times ). If you are not affraid of hard resetting your device and are willing to participate in testing current work please do but dont keep me responsible for freezes etc
I have only tested it on udk R4 because its easy for me to test speed on manilla 2d and it gives me a good impression of daily usability. And because i removed almost all calls to the original cube code it wont be any good for cube lovers as and original HTC roms.
Keep in mind that all ive done now has been done during work in a few hours and although ive tried to be on the safe side i cant tell you all is working as its suppose to and I think i havent done more then remove about 20% of garbage out of it.
I know not all is as fast as its supposed to be but like i said im better safe then sorry and i dont wanna hardreset every 2 mins or so... Some good testing can be done in Manila2d like scrolling through images fast and scrolling through the bottom bar. Also ive noticed that scrolling through the normal "All programs" is still on the slow side ( still need to resolve a lot of scrolling issues... HTC has included a lot of codes for all sorts of winmo controls like listviews etc ) but if you open up the all programs in manila from the programs menu u will see what kind of speed it can work at minimum....
As for the priorities mentioned earlier in this thread im going to set both the priority256 and the priorityhigh256 at 109 ( original microsoft value that can be found at msdn ) in the cab file so we can test the touch interface as it was suppose to be set up... you can easily change these values as you like ( read earlier posts ). Setting it lower then 109 will give it an higher priority which will make the device suffer more from touch input... Setting it higher ( upto 255 ) will give the touch input less priority and will make rendering faster but can also come of the cost of reliability.
Side node:
Make sure your rom has the "Sample Privileged Developer" Certificate installed because i signed both the file as the cab with this certificate ( files need to be signed because of being system file and they dont get any trust at boot without a certificate ).
Start 15/11/08:
Ok so because i didnt had much to do this week i started digging into the touch.dll to see if there can be some solutions to the slow scrolling/stuttering etc when touching the screen.
I already found out that the graphics stuttering mostly happens due to the fact that the touch.dll is set to real-time process priority.
WinMo uses priority values from 255 (low) to 0 (real-time).. Normally touch should be set at 109 ( according to msdn ), but because htc put so much garbage in it ( touchflo related ) and it got slow as #@% they put the priority to 0 as a default and deleted the registry entries
Using IDA i found out that those registry values are still being accessed but since they are not there the default of 0 is used.
Just create the following key
And create the following values in it
Name value (DWORD)
Priority256 255
HighPriority256 255
This will not speed up the actual scrolling but it will also not make the device freeze when pressing the screen... So scrolling seems more natural. ( especially in programs folder and file explorer )
So this is not a fix but a good start for now.
Already found out a few things looking at the code that can be dropped out so im going to try to rebuild the touch.dll from asm without most time expensive calls ( hopefully shrike will help me out on this one ).
Let me be the first to say thank you. I am not sure I did the things right, but my Polaris seems more alive than ever. I will post an exported regkey, please confirm that I've done it correctlly.
I have noticed an improvement in sliding in S2U2 and on everything that involves touching the screen. This indeed is a great step forward for Polaris.
Thanks for trying... As soon as development will progress ill create a cab file which will include the registry keys.
Big difference... great job,
I've noticed though that in icontact, when you scroll contacts, the animation has to finish so that it can accept new gesture, so i set it to 109, scrolling is still good and icontact work propertly..
Great find Rogro! Was irritating me how the graphic stutters whenever I scroll in programs and phonebook..
Just wondering though, if it was such a simple fix, why did they remove the reg key to begin with? as far as i can see, the impact on the processor speed seems really minimal..
I look forward to more of your discoveries..
Nice job! Performance is much better... but in the all programs list the icons all still flashing when scrolling, although its much less.
Thank you
Great job in all programme speed seems little better.
Hey Rog,
Nice to see you're trying different things.
I looked at my HD but it didn't have the slowdown the Polaris has. But it also doesn't have the registry keys... so i added them and soft reset. Now, my HD's TFLO3D is really unresponsive and stutters... So maybe it's only for non-TF3D devices?
It's working well in my M-Amine 2.0 Final Rom.
Here is the little Cab.
EDIT: If you install this cab or change the register by hand (Is the same) , the scrolling work well but maybe you will have problems with Igo, TomTom or destinator.
Please take that in your mind.
Thanks a lot Rogro!! It's wonderful for every application that uses touch scrolling.
Why do HTC engineers leave us alone with those awful bugs? Is it so difficult to add those 2 DWORD values?
Actually it fixes the screen response AND the All Programs scrolling in Manilla 2D
thanks for sharing rogro82.
Thanks rogro82.
It's working
BTW i've notice something,,maybe wrong.
When you scroll (very fast) in file explorer or program folder, stoping it(the scrolling) with a sigle tap it's not so easy. Or when you tap to stoping it ,then turning to another direction(up or down).
Also the icontact scrolling isn't good enough.
I use the "cbolumar" cab.
BTW i've notice something,,maybe wrong.
When you scroll (very fast) in file explorer or program folder, stoping it(the scrolling) with a sigle tap it's not so easy. Or when you tap to stoping it ,then turning to another direction(up or down).
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Thats because the scrolling is still way off in terms of speed... the only thing that happens when you change the registry settings is that it will not allow touch.dll to eat all resources and hang all other processes..
Maybe you could try to set it to 109 ( what it should be on a normal driver )..
I never use any gestures or whatever so setting it to 255 works for me for now until i can start cleaning code.
TomTom7 with these settings
Nice find. But in Tomtom7 something strange happens. I have to press the screen much harder then without these reg keys. I Use M-Amine's RTM rom.
Anyone else have this or is it just me having this bug?
ViNZ! said:
Nice find. But in Tomtom7 something strange happens. I have to press the screen much harder then without these reg keys. I Use M-Amine's RTM rom.
Anyone else have this or is it just me having this bug?
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The same bug for me with Navigon Mobile Navigator 7
Bug with IGO 8
The same for me , i have a lot of problems with the screen in Igo , the problem disappear after delete the register changes.
To delete this, you must go to the register and delete the new values by hand, not the touch entry but the priority entries.
Only uninstalling the cab is not valid because the driver is in use.
Thanks a lot!
It's like early Christmas!
It´s because of people like you that my Polaris is an increasingly awesome machine. Continuing like this in the near future it will teleport me from one place to the other!
Keep up the good work.
Don't ever leave us Rogro!
TT6 don't work
The screen is no usable.
I have delete all the key and now work well
ROM M-Amine 2.0 Final ITA
Hi there,
cause most of you know the problem with TF3D Qvga and StandBy.
Could anyone here with knowledge of coding write a small app that acts like the standby timer in Windows Mobile?
I thought about something like that:
If no user action is recognize for time x, then deactivate TF3D (HKLM","\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\TouchFLO 3D","Enabled","0")
and device goes to standby.
If device wakes up (or pressing power button) TF3D will be enabled again.
I think for someone with knowledge in development it shouldn't be mouch action, but it would be great to have a fully working TF3D and i think driver development still will need some time.
So, if someone is able to do that, please, please, please
I will test everything.
that should only be a few lines of mortscript, no ?
No itried this by myself (it's anywhere here in this forum) and i talked to Mort, too.
But there is no possibility in the actual version to recognize user actions.
The rest you can easyli write in MortScript, but not the user recognation.
Yesterday i install
[3.06 WWE][G9]HTCMAG_ROM_WWE_O5 by Cotulla
I'm quite impressed, just have some questions.. feel free to help me:
1) about camera support. no camera means no default software for camera or camera are totaly disabled in rom... I don't care for few MB's if i can get camera working.. Where is problem and why is needed to remove camera from this release. Can i use other camera's software (like coolcamera) to use camera feature, or not?
2) midi support. I have big collection of midi files at my storage-card but i can't play with anymore. it's problem in wm player, or cotulla remover midi support too to save some space? can i use any software to play MIDI files even with that problem? if answer is 'yes' write names of these applications.
3) battery icon. can i have (and how) battery icon in 'start/clock/speaker bar'? does wm65 have system battery icon, or i must use other software (what software?).. i speak about battery status icon where i can see current power status of my baterry.. give me solution that work, i tried magicbutton and not work with cotulla custom OS very well...
4) install/uninstall. ok, i learn how to install cotulla custom OS (very easy).. about uninstall.. do i must always downgrade to original firmware and then upgrade to other (future?) cotulla's releases, or i can upgrade firmware directly from that one to new one?
that's all, for now....
i can't believe that anyone of 60 viewers have nothing to say??
some bonus questions:
a) when i open contacts or 'call history' and choose contact which i want to call, and tap on "call" phone looks like turn off (or just backlight is turn of)
it's bug or feature? (how to deal with that if this is 'feature')
b) about battery status... give me any good suggestion what application to use, to get some usefull info about system parameters + battery status @ my phone desktop/today screen.. i mean application that use their own interface for that job, not depend of wm system routines (if these routines are disabled in cotulla custom OS)
for battery status:
in today screen : Ariel Battery
for nice lock and battery in lock screen: S2U2
for phone problem:
Originally Posted by Silicon-SP
The screen turns off while pressing the Green button to make call. Il comes back
after pressing the power button. Any solution ?
Thanks Cotulla, this is a great ROM!
To fix this you have to change the "screenOffInCall" value to 0 in registry, it's located at:
Then Soft-Rest your Device.
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Read in the Software Upgrading Section the Thread for the Rom u are using, both problems were encounterd there.
I have another small problem:
last day i play too much with battery status icon... not doing anything dangerous for system, just install some *.cab founded here for battery icons... but no one works for my magician+cotulla customOS... but, after i uninstall these nonworking (for me) battery status icons (or whatever).. now i have some more items in "remove programs" app
most (if not all) wm65 default themes from 'today" app are now listed in 'uninstall programs' + 'cotulla inovationGS' too.. some apps is listen too but these apps is ok, because i install'em.
i guess that themes+cotulla inovationGS must be somehow hiden to not listed here, because these apps is part of the system (custom OS)... i guess that my previous actions with battery icon install/uninstall rewrite some flags for hide apps from uninstall..
besides that small flaw, all other working ok ...
any ideas? what to do?
1)current generation have not camera support.
new roms will support camera.
2)ROM doesn't include MIDI support.
but you can find separate MIDI plugin and MIDI will work.
3)There should be several keys in registry..
in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell I think.
4)At this moment, you can install new CotullaROM to another.
b) about battery status... give me any good suggestion what application to use, to get some usefull info about system parameters + battery status @ my phone desktop/today screen.. i mean application that use their own interface for that job, not depend of wm system routines (if these routines are disabled in cotulla custom OS)
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no such programs exist. all programs get power state from system.
2)ROM doesn't include MIDI support.
but you can find separate MIDI plugin and MIDI will work.
any suggestion?
give me a tip, please
i not want to play MIDI files only in one or two applications (players... etc)
i want system MIDI support (use MIDI files for ringtones/sms notification/alarm... playing MIDI from WMP/TCMP)
ofcourse, if this is posible
first download-
1-total commander(its a registry editor)
2-run it and go to \\plugins
3-then go to the 3rd folder,HKCU....OR SOME THING ELSE...I DONT KNOW...
4-then go to software -> cotulla code ->miscdrv -> screen off incall
->then change value to= "0";;
soft reset...