Can't Sync/Quick GPS Download Freeze/ GPS not working - Touch Cruise 2 General

This is more of a little discovery than a call for help. Well here's the story:
Earlier yesterday I was messing about with a little program called "BT Spammer" which spams active bluetooth in vicinity with things of your choosing and I messed around with a setting on the program that changes my device and hw name.... for some reason I just deleted the bit in hw name and then I messed around with something else on my phone.... later on I had to use my gps program to find destination and for some reason the GPS just wouldn't find any satelites and I was outside ( it worked fine when i tired it a few days ago) so i used quick GPS to download sat locations but when it hit 100% download it would just freeze there and not do anything and not update. I got home and tried to activesync to my computer but it would not sync. I didn't know what was going on and I thought it might have been I installed too many progs on my Iolite and one of them must have messed it up... I was looking through searches and forums to see if anyone had and answer but found nothing and I was about to hard reset (which i really didn't wanna do)... then for some reason I backed tracked and by chance had a look at the BT Spammer program and found out that the device name and hw name field was blank.... I filled them back in even though I though it wouldn't make no difference to the problem I was having then tried to resync with my computer and it WORKED! I tried to update quickGPS and it WORKED! now everything is back to normal... anyway sorry about being long winded but I've looked at a lot of forums for help on things and sometimes people aren't very straighforward or give the whole story with their problems or solutions so people keep on asking over and over on different details to the whole dilemma... hope this helps anyone who runs into the same troubles.


Can somebody please help me with my clock problem?

This is driving me crazy.
There is no rhyme or reason to it. It happens with any ROM, with any number of applications running and at any time. I can not pinpoint any specific activity that triggers it.
I'm on my eighth ROM at least and it is still happening, driving me crazy. Current ROM is Miri WM 6.5 21887, V 34.0, Radio is, SPL is 1.56.OliNex
My problem is this; I live in the Pacific Time Zone (GMT-8) For no apparent reason, after some time, my location for the clock only changes to Eastern Time Zone (GMT-5) My clock is then three hours off. I change the location settings under Time/Date back to the PST zone and it sticks for a short while but then later I check my time and BAM, it's back to thinking we're on the eastern seaboard.
If you have any idea what could be causing this please share with me. I've done hard resets up the yingyang, back to stock several times, etc. etc. Believe me, I've spent days and days trying everything I could think of.
Thank you so much if you can help me.
Just a thought: could this be related to the "My Location" feature ? I mean, if all the ROMs behave the same, it is, obviously, not a software problem and it cannot be a hardware problem. I'm thinking maybe the GSM towers, or maybe the IP address of your Internet connection are (erroneously) identified as being in the GMT-5 timezone. Try disabling My Location and all the services related to it (weather updates and stuff) and see if this happens again. I would really be interested to know if this will solve your problem, because I've had a discussion with someone concerning the My Location service and the possibility of such a problem occuring.
Hope to hear good news from ya !
I did try the location services on and off and it had no bearing on it. But, crazy as it is, it just stopped doing it after I posted this and has been good so far. I can't explain it. The only thing I changed in that time period was downgrading the radio so maybe that had something to do with it but I can't see how. I'm on right now so I'm not going to mess with it.
Thanks for your suggestion, I should have mentioned that I did try deactivating the location services in my original post.

Twitter Prob

I can't get Twitter to launch on my HD2, all fine yesterday, defo using correct log-in details - i've tried 10 times, it starts to log-in then just returns to 'Twitter - tap to log-in' screen. Any ideas?
I did, i must admit, delete some files from my 'temp' folder, to make more room, so I'm guessing that is probably related, but any help appreciated.
ok, sorry, after 2nd soft-reset it's magically back on and logged-in!
p.s. i got the HD2 at the same time as my wife got the i(m just like everyone else)phone and apart from the 50 million crap apps, that lose their novelty very quickly, the HD2 out performs it at every turn. We have the same network, I get coverage nearly everywhere, which is very helpful when using Google Maps when driving lost(!), and the other phone seems to struggle. Just thought you'd be happy to know...

WiFi Monster

Well, i just flashed my phone with the latest energy rom and decided to try the Wifi-monster out. II was worried before because it warned me if i used it, it would wipe my current wifi settings out, which i didnt really care for.
Anyway, i searched for my network, and found it. Its hidden but it still saw it, which is kinda scary really, i thought that the fact it was hidden meant it Couldnt be found, kinda lame it still can be.. but anyway i digress..
I entered the SSID and all that jazzz... Problem is it cannot connect, and i think i know why. I didnt use proper caps in the SSID..
Here is the issue. I cannot remove the settings. I dont see any way intuitivly that i can, within wifi monster, clear the bad info and try again, it seems to hold those settings like a vice, i havent seen a delete button or anythign of the sort, it just continues to try and fail at connecting to my network.
Question: How the $%^& do i delete a network?
[edit] Ok. I managed to find a way to do it.. Not easly, but it works.
I went into the program folder and renamed (effectively deleting) the 'networks.dat' file. Which pretty much made it forget all the networks it found. it did the trick

Data not working on my wife's phone

My wife flashed her hero to the official sprint 2.1. She had never rooted or flashed a custom rom before, so her going to the official 2.1 didn't really bother me much. However, now she's running into an issue with her data not working. A couple days ago she noticed she wasn't getting her e-mail. Strangely enough, mine quite working too (I'm on fresh 2.1.1). I rebooted my phone and mine started working. So I went to her wireless and network settings and turned off her data. I then turned it back on and after 30 seconds or so it said it was connected and everything started working just fine.
The strange part is there are no errors and even when the phone tries to check e-mail, it doesn't report any errors. Now, on my phone when this happened, my HTC Mail app threw a fit because it couldn't connect to the exchange server. Since I could refresh my gmail account and got no errors I thought it was just our exchange server. I signed into my account on my PC (for exchange) and it was in fact working fine. After I rebooted (just this one time as mentioned above) gmail kicked off with new mail and exchange connected fine.
Today, she has told me 3 times now that she went in and reset the connection (turn it off and back on) and a while later it would quit working again. She turns her phone off every night, but for good measure I am having her reboot it now.
Anyone else have this issue? She never had this problem on 1.5, so I don't think it's hardware. I've only had the issue once, but I'm also not in her area right now (tower related, maybe? My data borked when I was at home where she is at right now).
CodeMonk said:
Anyone else have this issue? She never had this problem on 1.5, so I don't think it's hardware. I've only had the issue once, but I'm also not in her area right now (tower related, maybe? My data borked when I was at home where she is at right now).
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This does seem like a tower problem. However, if you want to troubleshoot, you could always reset your data settings via the Sprint ## codes.
For data, enter this code: ##3282# on your Dial Pad. Give it a second and it'll ask if you want to view or edit your settings. Trouble shooting this problem would mean you have to Edit the settings, but in order to edit them you need your MSL code, which can be obtained by either contacting Sprint CS and asking them for it; or you can search around here on XDA and I'm pretty sure some people posted other ways to get your code.
Once you have your MSL code, choose edit when you get the pop up window and then click on your menu button -- there should be an option for you to choose reset -- enter your MSL code and your phone will reboot.
This may or may not fix your problem; I've had success whenever I've had data problems.
Hey thanks! I did a search for MSL and found a thread with a procedure to get it through CDMA workshop but the drivers don't want to work with Windows 7 x64.
However, my wife was complaining the other day that it takes a long time for her phone to start ringing when someone calls. I think I'll call sprint tonight when I get home and just tell them I need to fix that and see if they give me the MSL... Might kill two birds with one stone.
CodeMonk said:
Hey thanks! I did a search for MSL and found a thread with a procedure to get it through CDMA workshop but the drivers don't want to work with Windows 7 x64.
However, my wife was complaining the other day that it takes a long time for her phone to start ringing when someone calls. I think I'll call sprint tonight when I get home and just tell them I need to fix that and see if they give me the MSL... Might kill two birds with one stone.
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On the taking a long time to ring:
1) Move the ringtone off the SDcard into the phone, in some cases the SD card is to slow to read it fast enough. - Worked for a buddy of mine
2) There is a polling rate you can set when you get the MSL - but I have heard sprint forces a particular rate from the tower even if the phone has one set. - This will also decrease battery life.
CodeMonk said:
My wife flashed her hero to the official sprint 2.1. She had never rooted or flashed a custom rom before, so her going to the official 2.1 didn't really bother me much. However, now she's running into an issue with her data not working. A couple days ago she noticed she wasn't getting her e-mail. Strangely enough, mine quite working too (I'm on fresh 2.1.1). I rebooted my phone and mine started working. So I went to her wireless and network settings and turned off her data. I then turned it back on and after 30 seconds or so it said it was connected and everything started working just fine.
The strange part is there are no errors and even when the phone tries to check e-mail, it doesn't report any errors. Now, on my phone when this happened, my HTC Mail app threw a fit because it couldn't connect to the exchange server. Since I could refresh my gmail account and got no errors I thought it was just our exchange server. I signed into my account on my PC (for exchange) and it was in fact working fine. After I rebooted (just this one time as mentioned above) gmail kicked off with new mail and exchange connected fine.
Today, she has told me 3 times now that she went in and reset the connection (turn it off and back on) and a while later it would quit working again. She turns her phone off every night, but for good measure I am having her reboot it now.
Anyone else have this issue? She never had this problem on 1.5, so I don't think it's hardware. I've only had the issue once, but I'm also not in her area right now (tower related, maybe? My data borked when I was at home where she is at right now).
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This may be too obvious of an answer, but have you tried using the device self service tool and updating your profile and prl?
CodeMonk said:
Hey thanks! I did a search for MSL and found a thread with a procedure to get it through CDMA workshop but the drivers don't want to work with Windows 7 x64.
However, my wife was complaining the other day that it takes a long time for her phone to start ringing when someone calls. I think I'll call sprint tonight when I get home and just tell them I need to fix that and see if they give me the MSL... Might kill two birds with one stone.
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No problem, hope everything works out.
I had the same problem, took it to the sprint store (Waste of time!) and ended up hard resetting it, seems to have fixed the problem. you can hard reset by turning off the phone and then holding down the end, back and home buttons and selecting "clear storage" or "clear user data" (sorry, can't remember the exact wording). It will completely reset the software but it will wipe the data off your phone.
I got her MSL code via the logcat method that was just recently posted and reset her data and also changed her slot index. Although some people say that it is overridden at the tower, I also changed her priority. I updated her PRL as well. Before, it was ringing after I would hear about 3.5 rings, sometimes 4 full rings. Now it's ringing on the second ring. Also, her data was essentially turning off after about 30 minutes. After doing all of the above, she is saying it hasn't stopped working yet.
Thanks for all the suggestions, looks like it might be fixed.
Well it's still not fixed. She has it happen a couple times a day and now my phone is doing it too. It's not happening consistently that I can tell, just seems to randomly stop working.
Also, I'm on Fresh 2.1.2 and I'm getting some really really bad lag. I don't use any custom ringtones, just the ones that came with the phone and sometimes my phone will start to ring and the only way I know is because the vibrate starts. Then a good 3 seconds later I'm still getting a black screen as the phone is trying to tell me who it is.
I will randomly pick up my phone to surf the web too and it won't respond or do anything for like a good 10 - 15 seconds. I open up ES Task Manager and usually one of the mail apps is trying to update with like a 5% - 10% cpu usage, but that's all that has any CPU percentage. I'm not really sure what to try next. I've removed some apps that I don't really use and a couple that I just recently installed just to see if they are the culprit.
I'm using the Launcher Pro Beta too. Maybe that's it?
I've had a similar issue... only happened to me a couple of times since the update though... but I've just been turning "airplane" mode on and then off it turns off the radio and then turns it back on... seems to have worked for me...
again.. for me it's only happened a couple of times since the update to 2.1 so it could be a different issue.
I never thought of airplane mode. Doing what her and I are doing just reconnects data, not turning the radio on and off. I'm going to have her try that next and see if that fixes it. She says that she turns the phone off every night, but maybe she isn't some nights.

Windowsbreak/interop unlock seems to have killed my phone

Ever since unlocking my phone, I have been experiencing very troublesome issues. It all started with picture messages not going through and giving me "Can't Send Message. Try Again." Then pictures that I received started coming in as "Media content in this message" that never downloads. I tried showing this to a friend of mine that also has WP7, but of course the image sent. That is literally the only picture I have been able to send in the past two weeks.
Nothing seems to affect it as far as battery percentage, signal strength, Wi-Fi connectivity, or anything.
Websites are also having a lot of trouble loading. Most won't load unless I let the loading bar get to about 90%, then re-enter the address. I also get a lot of "We're having trouble viewing this page right now" messages. Very frustrating.
The Marketplace has been having trouble loading at times as well.
Some apps and games that require internet connections are having spotty issues. Sometimes USA Today won't load any news. Words By Post gives me network connection errors. 4th and Mayor sometimes tells me I have no connection to location services.
All of this is really starting to frustrate me. I can't figure out what is going wrong. The only thing I can think of is that I Windowsbreak/interop unlocked my phone around the same time I started having issues. All I've installed is a battery percentage meter, a screenshot app, AdvancedConfig to change my themes and get rid of app dehydration, and WP7 Root Tools so I could get the 8107 update.
PLEASE, someone help me.
and for reference, I have a Samsung Focus with 8107 on it.
Oh and another issue, sometimes my phone goes through HUGE lag phases where scrolling through menus is incredibly choppy and slow. The only way to fix it is to lock the device and let it rest for a minute.
I may try and get video evidence of this.
I would do a hard reset and see how it works and then slowly proceed with unlocks/homebrews again one step at a time and make sure your phone works well before going the next step. And, make a back-up each time so you can go back one step if you find the one that messes up.
Never try to change and hack everything at once; errors can occur.
Ehh I'm really not trying to do a hard reset just yet...I'm hoping there is some magical solution to this.
SD Card?
Have you an SD Card installed and how much of it is used? Like you, I would do everything short of a hard reset to solve this problem.
No sir, no SD card has been installed into this phone. I learned my lesson after having to get a replacement when I got an irreversible card read error on my last Focus.
That being said, this is a refurbished device.
rmcgraw said:
No sir, no SD card has been installed into this phone. I learned my lesson after having to get a replacement when I got an irreversible card read error on my last Focus.
That being said, this is a refurbished device.
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Some users were having data issues after windowbreaking. There is a fix in the thread and it's quite simple iirc. Ask in the thread.
edit: try this too
Well, after failed attempts at fixing this, and even working with Heathcliff on a solution, I decided to hard reset.
Re-unlocked my phone and installed AdvancedConfig. So far everything seems ok.
I know that it resets to release 5 instead of 6 which could lessen your data , but it is easily fixed in diagnostics :
back 1 time
1 TO DISPLAY mine read release 5 after windowbreak
I then changed it back to release 6
you might also have dualmode turned off, turn it on for better perfomance
if you used heathcliffs interop did you also go to *#94765# auto sim config?
If all else fails talk Jax he made windowbreak!
