GAhhhhhh - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I just wanted to post a big Thank You to everyone who helps on here.
Thanks to much searching and some patient people answering my questions I happily flashed my rom and was running about merrily with my Vario II running WM6.1 and it was ace.
... Till some Bar Steward stole it out of the glove box of my mates car
I am not covered under my own insurance and my mate is having problems claiming through his own... so i've stumped up my own cash and gone for the O2 XDA Serra... so i'm off to swot up on what i can do to that
Wish me luck.
And Thanks again for all the help

Wow dude, that sucks!
I know under certain policies, as long as you had the phone out of sight, they'll cover it, even moreso if the glove box was locked!
Sorry, deal with Mobile Phone claims all day everyday!


How do you "love" your Universal?

It's Christmastime so Im posting a topic on peace and love...
I was originally planning to post a topic on whether there's such an application for the Univ where you can schedule your SMS... I had this app on the P9 and surprised my friends by scheduling SMS to them to send at exactly 12midnight..Was planning to do this later for Christmas.. but works great on birthdays too.. I wish I had that for my Universal/Dopod too. Then it got me thinking that it was like comparing an ex-boyfriend to a current one.. and it lead to me this topic...
Whew, what an intro!
Anyway, I wanted to ask if you guys had the same "feeling" too. This forum is probably dominated by guys and I wanted to know if my feelings are way overboard already. You see, I "love" my dopod. It's a gift from my husband so I dont think it counts as an affair. But i treat it as a really special thing. I handle it really gently. I almost broke into tears when a drop of water almost seeped through the speaker. I look at it once in a while. I dream of wonderful apps to install into it. I always compare it with my old P9 (now being used by my hubby) and tell it, it's far more superior. Sometimes, i think it smiles at me when I say that.. haha. I spent hours looking for the right case. The first one I found was too hard, the other one, too snug. When I found the right case, I still didnt think it was the best for it but at least it could serve its purpose. It's the last thing I see when I go to sleep.. It stays on my left while my hubby's on my right at night. It's the one who wakes me up in the morning with a soft gentle voice. I smile whenever I open it. I just love it...
Scary huh? I think my hubby's the same way with his xbox and gamecube coz Prince of Persia is the last he sees at night.. haha.. We are one weird couple, arent we?
Anyway, Im rambling here.. just wanted to know if you had the same way for your universal.. and how do you "love" it?
And also if anyone could tell me if there was an SMS Scheduler for the universal, that would be great too!
Angelica, i think you just managed to alienate even a few of us freaks with your degree of devotion!
When I'm programming, i can't sleep for hours mulling over unresolved issues. when my better half is talking to me I find myself phasing out and wondering how to make a better today plugin or somesuch. it's getting scary... but i digress:
Universal - it's beautiful but I barely use it, because i'm always just developing for it, not using it... i haven't installed any customisations yet (except vjlumos). i use my magician as my phone.
however, universal is a beautuful multifunction device. love? hmm. maybe not. but certainly the occassional lust! damn htc have too many devices coming out to settle down as a one phone man
if anyone has a spare Atom (i know not htc) let me know.
re sms app, if you don't find one, let me know. i used to take good advantage of the p900 sms scheduler for sickies at work, so i could sleep in
Let me start with wishing you guys a merry christmas!
My craze for the Universal started back in Aug, was thinking of getting a PPCPE for my work since I'm always on the outfield and seldom in the office.Was at that time thinking of buying P50 until a good friend of mine send me a link of a picture of Black universal :shock:
I start talking about it ever since.Call the local telcos and even ask some of my connections on news when universal launching in my country.Was so excited when I got rumours that O2 launching the Black beauty!! Then came the sad news that O2 not launching any HTC product in Asia as HTC wants their Dopod subsidiary company to monopolise Asia.What a thud on my head! Duh! :evil:
Then I decided to get a set from UK. search everywhere try to contact long lost friends whom happen to study in UK am getting sleepless nights and even nightmares...yes can you believe this nightmares!! Then a good samartian whom I came in contact with in UK. He help me making my dream come true. I am really greaful to him.I'm now in possesion and a proud owner of an Exec. The set have not leave out of my sight since! Msn,surfing,documents editing, send/receive emai-l free WiFi is everywhere here...too many" friendly neighbour "if you know what I mean.
I would to say thanks to Vijay555 for making my dream come thru
argh2000 said:
Let me start with wishing you guys a merry christmas!
I start talking about it ever since.Call the local telcos and even ask some of my connections on news when universal launching in my country.Was so excited when I got rumours that O2 launching the Black beauty!! Then came the sad news that O2 not launching any HTC product in Asia as HTC wants their Dopod subsidiary company to monopolise Asia.What a thud on my head! Duh! :evil:
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We are kindred spirits!
My obsession started at about the same time too.. I was saddened by the news that O2 is not releasing it in Asia.. Emailed them too... and they said I ought to settle for Atom. But I was dead set on the Universal as it really was the "universe" for me. I had a picture on it on my pc and it was my constant piece of motivation at work.. haha..
Finally got it and it really was a great device. Sure there are some bugs but I have accepted the fact that there's no such thing as perfect in this universe, much more in my Universe. And I believe in Kaizen.... continued improvement... I too, would like to say my thanks to Vijay for continuing to improve this wonderful device. Hats off to you.. and to us lovesick puppies, let the love continue!
Its almost Xmas day. Merry Xmas everyone, and especially for you, Angelika. I'm smiling when I read your posting, we can even talk about 'love' even though this is a techie forum. That's really great!
I have the same 'feelings' so that I reply to this posting.
My first love was not the Universal though. It was the XDA, the very first generation. We call it T-Mobile PPC here in the US. Its the best device I ever had in my life, and that's true even until today. It works almost in every condition and places I go everyday: office, car, airport, home, and at night it sits right to my bed. And yes, it does wake up every morning.
Then I tempted to replace my XDA with a XDA mini. Because we don't have XDA in the US, then I got one branded as i-mate JAM. Main reason was because its smaller and has bluetooth. After using it for 2 weeks, I wrap it as a gift for my dear little brother.
Since then I had plenty of pictures of the coming Universal. Could not wait until it was released. I read the review about it a lot, I imagined holding it, etc. Then I was so sad when they said it might not even come to the US as no wireless provider wanted to carry it. etc etc.
I bought it when finally it was here available in the US though it was so expensive. Even though its 3G does not work here. Even though we could not use the video conferencing feature. Even though ppl reported many bugs. But I show it proudly to ppl and talk about it everytime somebody asks about it.
After using it for a while, I found it really delicate. So that when I go to work I would prefer to carry my XDA instead. And when I got home I will use my Universal. May be its not that delicate as I said, but the point is that, I do not want anything happen to my Universal while I'm bringing it around. Is that 'the love' I feel for it? Nah... I'm just kidding.
Btw, last nite I dropped my Universal when I was sitting in a restaurant, and on my way home, I kept telling myself not to carry it out anymore. I did not cry though when it dropped, but I did inspect the detail: no scrath, SD card was pulled out due to the bump, and I think the swivel mechanism is a bit lose after that. May be just my feelings.
It took me few years to reach the point when my XDA handles everything I need it to do perfectly in all scenarios: when I work, when I play, when I drive, when I travel, when I sleep, etc.
In the case of this Universal, though its a pretty device and far superior to my XDA, but today, it still cannot handle all scenarios correctly. For example, something really funny I have everynite, my Universal rings me up every 12 AM because there is an All Day Appointment I set for the next day in Outlook. My XDA never does that to me and they're both synced to the same PC. If I think the same as you, Angelika, then I should believe the Universal tries to get more attention from me. Ha ha ha..
I love my Universal but my first love still my XDA. And my XDA will remain the best device I ever have.
Universal + "Love, Peace" = :shock:
Universal + "Cute" = :shock:
Universal + "oh chooo chweeeet" = eiyuuuuuu :shock:
Universal + "its muh byabeeee" = :shock:
XDA-Dev + (Any of above) = holyyyyyy helllllll no wayyyyyyyy!!!
"I think my BULLDOG kicks some baddd ass!" - Yeahhhhh!!!
Cheers and merry christmas to all of you
I love my Universal as much as I love sheep........
Merry Christmas everyone
I am missing my XDA Exec as it is having some repairs hopefully it will come back all fixed
Merry Christmas and lets hope we have a little more Peace on Earth in the New Year
argh2000: how are you getting on with it? everything ok? you still want some more to complete your harem of Universals!? will email next week. Love the forum btw, coming on very well.
i've got some new releases coming next week, and for all you VGA universal lovers, I had an idea for a new app you might find useful. news next week.
angelica, have you tried vga yet? and did you get your launcher sorted?
I keep it charging on my bedside at night with the screen turned on. Sometimes I leave it with a movie "The Incredibles" playing till the next morning.
Yay! It's Christmas day! Although I got my Christmas present days ago, Im still very happy about it..
Vijay555, Im really looking forward to your new release... Im sure it's a great app again. Ehem....Could it be the sms scheduler I've been searching for? Either way, I know it's still something great. Ive installed your PhoneTools and I have them in my Today Screen but I seldom use it coz I still need to edit the messages I send anyway... and it's still defaulted at +1234.. Cant seem to edit it.. I uninstalled Clauncher and just stuck with SPBPocket Plus...
cktlcmd, wow! What a way to maximize your universal.. Im tempted to try the same thing..
dreamtheater39, I know I'm so faaaaar away from the techies here in this forum and the universal isnt probably meant to incite any cute or mushy feeling from anybody, as it is cold as steel. But hey, cant help it.. i really get this mushy warm feeling whenever I look at it. Now, aint that some kind of passion too? I bet most of the techies here have the same passion for a new program or when deciphering a code. I guess to each his own... But hey, I bet I made you smile, didnt I?
Confucious, sheep? Then, are u a shepherd?
Merry Christmas Everybody!
cuteangelika said:
Yay! It's Christmas day! Although I got my Christmas present days ago, Im still very happy about it..
Vijay555, Im really looking forward to your new release... Im sure it's a great app again. Ehem....Could it be the sms scheduler I've been searching for? Either way, I know it's still something great. Ive installed your PhoneTools and I have them in my Today Screen but I seldom use it coz I still need to edit the messages I send anyway... and it's still defaulted at +1234.. Cant seem to edit it.. I uninstalled Clauncher and just stuck with SPBPocket Plus...
cktlcmd, wow! What a way to maximize your universal.. Im tempted to try the same thing..
dreamtheater39, I know I'm so faaaaar away from the techies here in this forum and the universal isnt probably meant to incite any cute or mushy feeling from anybody, as it is cold as steel. But hey, cant help it.. i really get this mushy warm feeling whenever I look at it. Now, aint that some kind of passion too? I bet most of the techies here have the same passion for a new program or when deciphering a code. I guess to each his own... But hey, I bet I made you smile, didnt I?
Confucious, sheep? Then, are u a shepherd?
Merry Christmas Everybody!
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hee hee I was just kiddin
Its great to see you love your universal soooo much! I wish my girlfriend did so too Instead she says 'you and your stupid gadget obsession' She's really sweet and shares my 'high', but i sometimes go overrrr boardddd (if you know what i mean!)
You all have fun & merry christmas once again
angelika: are you using ilauncher? go to my phonetools page on my site, and there's a subpage talking you through how to set up for that app.
i'm not working on the sms scheduler, but it's easy enough in principle. if you can't find one elsewhere i'll start, but next week will be busy with new release VJAccioPhone (that's not the _other_ idea had for VGA universal!)
hope you guys & gals are having a great xmas, best wishes from a very
wet but delightful italy...
vijay555 said:
angelika: are you using ilauncher? go to my phonetools page on my site, and there's a subpage talking you through how to set up for that app.
i'm not working on the sms scheduler, but it's easy enough in principle. if you can't find one elsewhere i'll start, but next week will be busy with new release VJAccioPhone (that's not the _other_ idea had for VGA universal!)
hope you guys & gals are having a great xmas, best wishes from a very
wet but delightful italy...
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VJ what is the app that you've been working on?????????!! I hate surprises
Atleast a hint????
And whats VJAccioPhone???
You have a great xmas and new years m8
I told mine i loved it .... but then it messed me around a bit , so I dumped it and hooked up with it's younger sister , which seems to be behaving itself so far - but I won't hesitate to replace it if it messes me around :evil:
vijay555 said:
argh2000: how are you getting on with it? everything ok? you still want some more to complete your harem of Universals!? will email next week. Love the forum btw, coming on very well.
i've got some new releases coming next week, and for all you VGA universal lovers, I had an idea for a new app you might find useful. news next week.
angelica, have you tried vga yet? and did you get your launcher sorted?
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Hey Vijay555, how is your holiday in Italy going?
My Exec is great, after upgrading the rom and plus some tweaking,it's flying :wink: well maybe I'm abit to exagerating.. but i love my set
Looking forward for your new applications
Holiday in Italy is going well but looking forward to being back in the uk now! the free time is giving me too much time to think of new apps.... too many to program, i'm going to have to start programming full time!
The universal app will hopefully improve life for VGA thumb usage.
Another for general WM5 use bringing back a missing feature hopefully. No more details till I know if I can do it. Hopefully shortly I'll also get my blog going to discuss ideas, progress and general programming & improving/hacking the PDA
VJAccioPhone is a program I finished coding just before the holiday that had kept me busy for quite a few late nights. I've not released it yet, but search the board to find my 'preannouncement'. Hopefully it'll be very useful for us idiots carrying $1000 phones! Proper news next week...
ps while waiting for a table in a restaurant in florence yesterday I met a guy who asked about my phone (magician) He'd just bought himself a wizard. i felt embarrassed sounding so passionate about the phones! Freaks we are, one and all....
Hi Vijay! Merry Christmas too! Wow, what a way to spend your vacation--- still thinking of wonderful apps to share with us..
Your new app looks promising! If only I had the technical know-how, I'd be helping out too.. but then, Im a mere mortal, waiting for blessings from techie gods like you..
Im not using ilauncher. I've stopped tinkering with you phone tools.. Needed to rest for a while to clean the slate and reflect on where I went wrong that I still couldnt make it work like I want to..
dreamtheater39: Good thing, that was a joke.. I was seriously thinking non-geeks like me are not allowed..
Merry Christmas!
Thought about this a bit more.
I have a "love"/"hate" relationship with my XDA Exec. The hardware is great (keyboard, sceeen and all the wireless connectivity) but the software seems incomplete and on some areas very poor quality (why memory leaks on a device in 2005? memory management is not bleeding edge tech!). I really think if HTC could double the user storage and available RAM this could have been a device well ahead of its time. It is the first of a new genertion of wireless PDA/mini tablets. I really want to carry around all my business data (2/3GB) on this device, but the need to reset it a few times a day doe snot make the Universal a reliable business tool. Perhaps we'll get some fixes in the new year.
jah said:
Thought about this a bit more.
I have a "love"/"hate" relationship with my XDA Exec. The hardware is great (keyboard, sceeen and all the wireless connectivity) but the software seems incomplete and on some areas very poor quality (why memory leaks on a device in 2005? memory management is not bleeding edge tech!). I really think if HTC could double the user storage and available RAM this could have been a device well ahead of its time. It is the first of a new genertion of wireless PDA/mini tablets. I really want to carry around all my business data (2/3GB) on this device, but the need to reset it a few times a day doe snot make the Universal a reliable business tool. Perhaps we'll get some fixes in the new year.
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i have the same problem too I have a qtek with stock rom loaded....and the free ram slowly drops....and after a couple hours of use, its down to 10-15megs of free ram even with all apps closed
Hope they'd fix it soon....!
Another quirk...using it as a phone is crazy without the bluetooth need two hands, and complete attention to pull off the "Answer the phone" maneuver :x
Otherwise, its just awesome

Pissed as hell :-( :-( :-(

A horrible thing just happened god damned friend dropped my universal down from 3 feet height...nothing really has happened, but the edges are bruised...a little paint chipped off at a couple places....small deformations in the contours :-(
he says....."duh....sorry"
i'm all freaked out here :-(
now.... the question
is the body/ outer shell of the universal replacable?
if yes, how much does it cost and where can I order it from?
arghhh :-(
PS: if you don't have an answer, or nothing to say at all, atleast sympathize for me!!
Presumably, you mean "ex-friend" ;-)
StevePritchard said:
Presumably, you mean "ex-friend" ;-)
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food for thought indeed!!!
dreamtheatre39, I am so sorry. I know you waited so long for your Qtek. I suggest you friend should start saving now for your birthday - perhaps a replacement?
I too am very careful with my EXEC. I want it to last forever or at least till its next Pocket PC phone upgrade. I would really hate it if my EXEC would get any scratch or defect due to handling, especially if it is not my fault. So I do understand your frustration.
StevePritchard said:
Presumably, you mean "ex-friend" ;-)
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Would have had to carry him out in a pine box, if it had been mine!
pine? cardboard at a push :wink:
send it back under the insurance for the device?
thanks everyone!
I guess only people who own a universal will know how valuable it is....I am over obsessed with my gadget, and have constantly been "over protective" since i've got it! I keep a "wipe" sandwiched in the clam shell al the time to prevent scratches on the keyboard and display.....I keep wiping off the dirt at 5 minute intervals thru the day!
and in the name of satan why o why is it meeee to suffer this wretched wrath :-(
Can anyone tell me if its possible to change the outer casing? Is it complicated and too difficult to do so?
Thank you all once again!
I think only contact with HTC or where you bought Universal to see what they can do , my PDA2K got replace by HTC.
Sad to know...but I can tell u the goodthing that IT IS POSSIBLE to have a new body..Entire casing can be do not worry.As of now the stocks are not there as it is just launched officially in India...In case I get a dead one with a Good Body, will let u know...I am based in Pune....
I can relate dreamtheater.... I dont think I can trust any friend with my device without constant guidance. Even my husband has to be under my eye when he's tinkering with my dopod.
Is it still under warranty? Then maybe it can be replaced... or maybe you can always give subtle or not so subtle hints to your friend (if he is really a friend) to replace it...
Good luck
hee hee I wish i could give those *subtle* hints lol
It really is not so bad, frankly speaking....but, the freak that I am....makes me soooo damn fussy about things, and i keep looking at those tiny abrasions all the time....and cant get it off my phucking head :x
I'll just have to wait until I screw it up a little more, and by that time....I'd possibly get an outer casing so that I could slip it in some new clothes!
Until then.....
cheers and have a great new year guys (n angelika!)!
Hey DT,
That really sucks mate.
Your friend should really take responsibility for this, but i know its not the money. I know you would pay good money to have your universal back in good shape this instant...
I could have helped you if you had a Jasjar since i-mate is based in Dubai, but since you got yourself a qtek, there really isn't anything i can do. However, i do advise you talk to MMB about this as he might be able to arrange for a body from his supplier. No harm in trying!
Dont worry, it will be fine. Also, get yourself a good case like the ones from Piel Frama or a metal case from Brando
Gutted for you m8. Know exactly how you must feel. Been treating my new Wizard like a new born baby since christmas day and wont let anyone touch it. The wife asked to have a look at it and I just told her it was too much phone for her to handle
Im totally anal when I get a new phone and am constantly looking at it thinking it that a scratch. Im thinking of making the whole family shave their heads as head hairs dont half look like scratches from a distance.... Pubic hairs are far easier to spot though :wink:
Hope you sort yourself out m8.
universaldoc said:
Hey DT,
That really sucks mate.
Your friend should really take responsibility for this, but i know its not the money. I know you would pay good money to have your universal back in good shape this instant...
I could have helped you if you had a Jasjar since i-mate is based in Dubai, but since you got yourself a qtek, there really isn't anything i can do. However, i do advise you talk to MMB about this as he might be able to arrange for a body from his supplier. No harm in trying!
Dont worry, it will be fine. Also, get yourself a good case like the ones from Piel Frama or a metal case from Brando
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hey m8! how've you been? ;-)
I wonder why I didn't think of asking mmb....I'm sending david a mail right away! He gave me excellent service while I bought it from him, hope hed do his magic once again ;-)
I spent the whole of today trying to find a case for my universal...I looked around for camera cases, waist pouches, n-gage cases.....all of them are either tooo small, or hideously bigg! Gave up....I guess its only piel frama for now :-(
got to keep humans away from my qtek until then
knowsleyroader said:
it was too much phone for her to handle
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lol are u still allowed to stay at home?
Yes but apparently only because she feels sorry for me that I wouldnt be able to charge my Wizard living on the streets
I always liked the couch anyway :wink:
my baby
I am appalled how easy it is to get the Jasjar scratched, the metal also gets dents so easily. I need to find out the cost of a new cover, I don’t like my baby with imperfections 
Three feet? That's like... 3 stories in human-height scale!
Hey, at least your screen didn't crack like jesax's... poor guy.
heidy said:
Three feet? That's like... 3 stories in human-height scale!
Hey, at least your screen didn't crack like jesax's... poor guy.
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3 feet indeed :-( it fell right off the table...
lucky for me, I had the cover protecting it....the one that comes with the device....I guess that took most of the impact!
If my screen had cracked....holy hell :O I don't quite know what I would have done!! I couldn't force my friend to buy me a new one, cuz....I would have killed him immediately
anyways, I've decided that i'd live with the scratches :-( considering the fact that it would take me another month and *all* the complications all over & again for me to source it! Now i'm ten times more careful....a little late though :-(
Hi dt,
Doing good mate, thanks.
Just be happy that the incident occurred on the 31st of last year and not the 1st of this year. Otherwise, that would have been a nasty way of starting a new year!
Any response from MMB?
Chin up mate!

About to purchase a JasJam and had some ?s

So i'm in saudi arabia now for the holidays and i'm going to trade my K-Jam (Wizard) in for a jasjam. Today i stopped by the Axiom service center, which is one of the most popular warranty providers here, and i asked them about the screen alignment issue and the guy told me he's had no problems with the JasJam.. is that right? I've looked in the wiki and didn't notice anything about the JasJam so i just wanted to make sure.
My other quetions pertain to rom's and programs but i guess i could figure all that out when i get the baby in my hands. But is there anything else i should be aware of before hand?
Thanks in advance and i look forward to moving over to the Hermes thread!
fone_fanatic said:
So i'm in saudi arabia now for the holidays and i'm going to trade my K-Jam (Wizard) in for a jasjam. Today i stopped by the Axiom service center, which is one of the most popular warranty providers here, and i asked them about the screen alignment issue and the guy told me he's had no problems with the JasJam.. is that right? I've looked in the wiki and didn't notice anything about the JasJam so i just wanted to make sure.
My other quetions pertain to rom's and programs but i guess i could figure all that out when i get the baby in my hands. But is there anything else i should be aware of before hand?
Thanks in advance and i look forward to moving over to the Hermes thread!
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Well as regards the Screen Alignment problem I believe this is far less of an issue than it was. I do still see the odd comment though, that someone with a newer device has a problem.
You are obviously not new to the forum and I guess you've looked around the Hermes posts but maybe this one is relevant?
Might also want to search a bit on video playback issues regarding the likes of Coreplayer (TCPMP) where there have been issues. Also some issues with bluetooth might be worth searching. Wifi range maybe an issue 10-15metres ok but weak over this distance. One or two with slack/loose sliding keyboards - check if possible for firm clicks on open and closed when buying. Less of an issue now but some keyboards have slightly unresponsive keys - work but need very firm or firmer press again check on purchasing if possible.
Just some thoughts, despite any niggles a great device.
Thanks for your reply. As for software issues, i've read posts about them and figured thats something i'd deal with when i get the device, i'm mainly concerned about hardware issues. Wifi is pretty useless to me on a daily basis because i have the unlimitted data package, which i abuse to the MAX! that brings another question, hows the batter with a data connection always on? because the nokia N80 doesn't last through the day with its UMTS bands on.
The sliding mechanism, even if i knew nothing about the device, thats something i'd automaticly check, the sliding integrity. Also i remember about 2 months ago reading about issues with the sticky/hard keys, i'll check that out as well, but pretty sure most stores won't let me put the battery in it till i pay and after that i have to deal with the company that the device's warranty is under.j
i'm gonna do some more snooping around in the hermes thread but what bluetooth issues are you talking about specifically? i don't use a bt headset, but i might buy a stereo one if the battery can handle about 4 hours of music playback a day. Also that fossil/sony ericsson BT watch looks pretty neat, might grab one of those as well, but i just treated myself to a Concord Saratoga with the chronographs 3 days ago so don't need another watch
Thank you mike for your input and i'm really excited to get this device! i'm supposed to attend 2 christmas parties tonight, pretty sure i'm either going to be in the corner playing with my JasJam or at my parents place watching it charge!
Happy playing with new toy!
The bluetooth thing is more software than hardware, the following will give you some idea:
I cannot really summarise as I don't really use bluetooth myself.
Thanks for your replies, i skipped my best friends X-Mas dinner to go buy my Hermes... haha, its ok he's a tech freak as well and he'll understand. Just plugged in my baby into the charger and my girlfiends jealous already so can't touch it for 8 hours... so my girlfriend will keep me occupied till then
Now i've got to figure out which is the best rom and and whats the best case for me... i don't want to put a scratch on this thing, unlike my K-Jam which looked like it went through a war!!
Thanks again, heading over to the upgrading and accessories thread to bug some people there
Congrat's m8 much did u payed ?
3,099 Saudi Riyals which converts to $826.40 american

Car vs Trinity - Car wins

Yes, it's true. My precious was run over by a car last night. I left it on the roof of my car
It was pretty well destroyed but the battery, SIM, mem card and stylus are all still ok. The stylus and mem card were still in it after being run over twice! HAH.
Spilt milk - new phone time. I can't justify getting a black one because of the ongoing coating issue. They are still shipping junk. HTC recently replaced my bezel and the new one peeled within 2 weeks. Question: white Trinity or alternative? Can anyone suggest a better device? I don't need GPS, BT or Wifi. HSDPA is a must and I won't buy Eten.
Any info would be great to get me started on my search. Also, I am in Chicago for business but I have a couple of afternoons to kill. Does anyone stock phones there?
Get the white one!
It's still the best PDA-phone around (if no H/W keyboard needed)
Anyone have any stories where their trinity beats the car? Heard of a legend once of an unbreakable pre-production trinity where the dude ran it over and it still worked flawlessly. Anyway sorry to hear about your trinity guess it isn't the chosen one.
vanydotk said:
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So much for an stupid link!
Nobody told you time is money?
Please don't waste mine!
Looking Glass said:
So much for an stupid link!
Nobody told you time is money?
Please don't waste mine!
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so when are you going to have the surgery done to get that stick out of your ass?
vanydotk said:
so when are you going to have the surgery done to get that stick out of your ass?
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Why your'e not in the Paris Hilton blog instead of a savvy, polite and technically interesting forum as this one?
Never mind, I already know the answer... no signature, no references... closed thread.
Looking Glass said:
Why your'e not in the Paris Hilton blog instead of a savvy, polite and technically interesting forum as this one?
Never mind, I already know the answer... no signature, no references... closed thread.
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Oh was that a shot at me being stupid? I was being polite until you came along and left your little comment.
I didn't know I needed a signature and references to post on forums or otherwise be creditable. *roll eyes*
Anyway Baxter, it's really a shame to hear about your phone. When you get back home you've got to take pictures and post them if you still have the phone and have not thrown it away yet. (Yes Looking Glass, that's what the picture was implying, to post pictures. Stop being such a negitive Nancy, a man just ran over his 500 dollar phone.)
Don't know about the trinity but I ran over my mio A701 (fell out of my pocket outside mates house and I didn't realize). Smashed the screen and put a few kinks in the casing but it still rang ( mates neighbour picked it up after I'd been ringing it for 10 mins or so). Replaced lcd and its working fine but will be changing to a trinity or a eten x800 end of July when contract expires.
petest said:
Don't know about the trinity but I ran over my mio A701 (fell out of my pocket outside mates house and I didn't realize). Smashed the screen and put a few kinks in the casing but it still rang ( mates neighbour picked it up after I'd been ringing it for 10 mins or so). Replaced lcd and its working fine but will be changing to a trinity or a eten x800 end of July when contract expires.
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Nice choice.
I'm using my Torq P120 (Eten M600) for now. Maybe they have improved the build quality but their customer service is non-existent. I posted my experience on Eten Users forum last year. People are contacting me to figure out how I was able to get service from them. Evidently just getting a response is difficult now.
I think it's time for a white Trinity. Anyone know what ROM is shipping now? When they service my black one, they shipped it back with the original ROM. Is there a particular brand to look for in the US? My last one was HTC branded.
Heh. Had some time to revive my trinity. It works! Well, a little. It booted and I was able to sync & browse via PC. I couldn't get the phone to work. Atleast I can get all of my data & backup one last time.
Screen is toast
Camera glass is broken
Phone doesn't work
Probably not worth the repair even though it would make a good backup device.
Finally remembered...
It makes a nice charger for my backup battery!!

My beloved Wizard was stolen

Went to the gym tonight and when I got out, found the trunk of my car popped. Car got broken into it and they managed to steal my Wizard. Fortunately they didn't take anything else. Ghetto style theft.
But that means I'm out a Wizard. And because I've been busy re-flashing so often lately I didn't get a chance to install MobileJustice or one of those other anti-theft software. So I'm afraid the phone is gone forever.
On a positive note, I was able to scoop up a Raphael/Tilt from fellow xda member DarkDVR so I'm still gonna be a part of XDA. Yeah everything else.
I just wanted to say a big thank you for everyone who helped me get an amazing 4 wonderful years out of my Wizard. I miss that little (big) guy. Faria, Molski, A_C, CRACING, MD_Blulily, Its Right, and a bunch of other cooks and xda software developers (too many to name). My sincere thanks.

