Basic Transports TimeTables application - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi all,
I have developed a basic application that perhaps could be useful for some of you.
TTT allows you to store and to read transport timetables in your PDA in an easy way.
As main feature the software connects to internet to collect online information from Madrid EMT buses. TTT shows in real-time where the next bus is and when it will arrive to a bus stop.
* It is Free!!
* Information ONLINE of the buses from Madrid EMT
* You can add new schedules manually or loading XML files.
* Timetables are grouped by the day of the week
+ Everyday
+ Weekends
+ Working days
+ Each day from Monday to Sunday
* Transports sorted by views
* Software multi language (Spanish - English)
* Highly configurable
I am triying to improve it but It is still a beta version, any comment is welcome!!
You can download from here:

Great useful app!
Hello, Jose.
I've been testing your app with the EMT information, and so far I have found no flaw. I have some comments:
First, and for sure you know this already, the interface need to be a bit more friendly, and why not, more "fancy".
In the main sceern, when you select a view containing EMT buses, there is this box on top of the timing info that is useless, and taking valuable screen space to show the relevant info.
It would be nice to have a dropdown where you could select a specific bus stop, and download timing via internet. I know you cando this via SMS to the EMT, but having a flat rate internet plan, it would be not only faster but also cheaper.
I'll keep trying, and sending you my comments.
Again, congratulations and thanks for such an useful app.

Thank you for your comments, I will keep it in mind for future versions. Mainly I liked the idea of adding a kind of quick connection to EMT inside the main screen, it could be very useful.
Of course, the priority now is not change to a new GUI but it is also in TODO tasks. What should graphical libs exists in c# for Windows mobile, GDI+?? Sorry but I am new in windows mobile programming.
Best regards

I would love to add the database from here :
What can i do?
BELGIUM BUS particulary from LIEGE

Hi Zepiii,
The best way is to create a xml file with the timetables collected from that page, following the format specified here,
below I have copied the important part.
Also you can introduce all the buses manually using the edit timetable screen of the application. But I would recomed you to create the xml file. I think that it is faster for large amount of data.
2.4 Load timetables with a XML file
In the main screen you can load a xml file with new timetables. The xml file has to follow the next format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<bus busID="name_transport" viewID="name_view" day="day_text">
A main element buses, and any number of <bus> element.
The element <bus> contains the timetable for one only transport and for one day.
name_transport is a text string with the name of the transport
name_view is a text string with the name of the view where the transport will be added. If the view already exists the transport will be added to the view.
day is an optional attribute, if it is not written the timetable will be applied for everyday. The valid values for day are:
* mon, the timetable will be applied to Mondays
* tus, the timetable will be applied to Tuesdays
* wed, the timetable will be applied to Wednesday
* thr, the timetable will be applied to Thursday
* fri, the timetable will be applied to Fridays
* sat, the timetable will be applied to Saturdays
* sun, the timetable will be applied to Sundays
* mon-sun, the timetable will be applied to everyday
* mon-fri, the timetable will be applied to worker days, from Monday to Friday
* sat-sun, the timetable will be applied to weekends, Saturdays and Sundays
The timetables are writen inside of the bus element. The value of the variable (Text_Time_Table) is a string text with the timetables in the format of HHMM, 24 hours. separated by commas:
For instance:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<bus busID="122" viewID="Grand Central Station" day="mon-fri">
<bus busID="122" viewID="Brooklyn_station" day="sat-sun">
<bus busID="121" viewID="Home_to_work" >


Resco Backup v2.01

We just posted a substantial upgrade v2.01. It is so far a BETA only, but it was tested on many devices.
The final release should be soon. (We still have some improvements in mind for the Unpack Tool.)
The news in brief:
* Upload/download to FTP server
* Multi-level log of backup activities
* PIN code restore after auto-backup
* Registry Diff tool (allows tracing of Registry changes!)
* Higher speed and a number of other improvements
Desktop Unpack Tool
* Explorer-like interface
* Browse the contents of the backup set
* Files, contacts, e-mails, SMS, Registry etc.
* Selective extraction of specified data
* Export into csv and other formats
I know that several of you had problems with Stopping Apps feature. I have to bring down this is a controversial feature and there does not exist a 100% reliable solution. Whether you take Spb or Resco or Sprite etc. - the best thing these apps can do is to skip over an application that causes the problems.
(The explanation for programmers: If an app is waiting on a kernel object and another app is trying to terminate it, the result is a deadlock.)
I mentioned this because the new version contains very good log. If you get a freeze problem and switch on to the detailed log, there is a fair chance that the log will point to the culprit. If this is the case, we would appreciate if you told us what you saw in the log. (Or send the log to [email protected].)
BUT: If you switch on the detailed log, don't forget to switch it off later as the amount of the logged information is really large.
Best regards

Announcing: - Log your purchases - view community prices

Hello fellow XDA-developers!
I just wanted to announce another pet project: --><--
It is a purchases logging service that I wanted to develop as a "supermarket companion", but it can be used for any kind of purchases.
The basic philosophy behind it is: "By logging your purchases, you keep a track of your expenditures and at the same time you inform the community of the price of the products you bought".
The site is in active alpha stage, but in a minimal useful condition (my girlfriend and I use it daily).
As all community-based sites, the "chicken-and-egg" problem exists: The site's value increases when users use it, but users use it only after it has gained enough value... For now, the database is tiny and basically contains products/shops found near me, here in Greece , but I hope I have made it easy enough to add more content.
- Submit/Log your purchases
- View your basic monthly/overall spending statistics
- Separate accounts
- Shop map location
- View product's latest market price
- View product's cheapest vendor
- Smart shopping lists (automatically remove/decrease items when bought)
- Finger friendly for touchscreen devices
To come:
- "Downloading" a shopping list via SMS to your mobile (for low-tech, no data-plan users. I already use it)
- Automatically "solve" the shopping list "equation" and propose the cheapest nearby location to buy the items
- Coupling with Barcorama is on its way naturally... The vision: "Return home from the supermarket and use your pda to quickly+accurately log the purchases..."
- Voting system to filter out the bad/inaccurate information
- Automatic logging of purchases (e.g. using Paypal receipt emails)
- Pocket-IE friendly
- Database security: encryption of user private entries
- Own data export/import
- Bug fixes!
I will be glad to hear any comments... but please, don't be too cruel, I'm not a web developer actually..
have fun
P.S. I do all the development/hosting on my own home server, so expect slow speeds...
fellow XDAers,
I just wanted to bump this thread by reporting some developments..
- costpad calculates the "best" shop to go buy your shopping list items. Based on distance, item availability and ofcource price
- smart product and shop search. Try using multiple keywords in the product and shop boxes
- browser friendly OpenSearch. You can add costpad as a search engine to the search box. In firefox e.g. press the searchbox icon and select "Add Costpad"
- coupled with Barcorama. You can use barcorama to scan a barcode and "quickly" submit an relevant purhase. Network access is required for that, so charges may apply...
- more unified GUI
what do you think? check it out...
have fun,

[Software] Finansist.PDA v1.2 (24.12.2009)

Hi all!
I glad to show my first project for PPC - Finansist.PDA
Use Finansist.PDA to take account of your finances with the possibility of synchronizing with multiple computers. Program Finansist.PDA offers many functions (some of them are in development) to obtain the current exchange rate from the Internet, show reports, etc.
There are maybe some control layout bugs at different screen resolutions (I've tested at 320*240).
Known bugs and issues:
* After you change the lang - you need reboot application
System Requirements:
* Windows Mobile 5, 6, 6.1, 6.5 (not tested yet)
* DotNet Compact Framework 3.5
Important! To update aplication without lose my data you need copy file MainDB.fdb from path_where_you_install_application\Database\ to any safe place (for example to \My Documents). After that install new version and copy this file back, overwriting existing new file.
Version 1.0 CAB: View attachment 222095
Initional release with base functions
Version 1.1 CAB: View attachment 222096
If the application installed in a folder other than \Program Files\Finansist PDA\ - required to manually correct the configuration file. Otherwise application don't work.
Controls layout for different screen resolution and layouts
Possibility to add payment into root categories
Cleanup initial database
Category which are curently selected in a category tree goes to New Payment form.
Interface changes in category tree context menu.
Subcategory payments included in output table when category in treeview clicked.
Database errors now also processed by translation module
Autoselect language during first launch
Field «Translated by:» in programm «About» form
Version 1.2 CAB: View attachment 260889
Possibility to set number of displayed rows in the table of payments
Possibility to display payments in subcategories with selected category payments
Possibility to work with many databases. You can disable dialog of database selection and work just with one database. Also you can create, open, compress, delete, set password see database properties and so on.
Database password protection
Many world currencies. For better usability you can select currencies which you use. Non-active will be not displayed in system (for exapmple in account management).
Database versioning. Converting to new format processed automatically without any data lost. This version has database v1. Finansist v1.1 and v1.0 had v0 database.
Possibility to copy databases from PC and back via ActiveSync. First step into records synchronizing. PC client available at the website.
Basic help at english language actually contained general information.
Fixed dates range calculation in Reports
Fixed some crashes in account management
Improvement of internal algorhythms for better perfomance and so on.
Feedback are welcome!
Enjoy =)
Change Currency
Hi, could you tell me how to change the currency???? I use TT$
Thanks for it
zjxpot, Unfortunately right now there is no possibility to do it. This function is in development stage. I guess it will be avaible as soon as possible.
yonta, you are welcome
2All, I've published new version. See changes and download app from header post.
Hi in menu/option the password box is disabled how do I enable also in new payment regular payment is disabled how to enable or are those option for future use??? btw nice program
Finansist PDA v1.2 has been released after long time pause. Many changes in code, some new feautures and improvements. Work with PC as main feature must simplify process of money tracking and reporting. Don't forget about backup data at your device before first sync. List of changes is in header. Enjoy.
zjxpot, new version support many currencies
chanaev said:
Finansist PDA v1.2 has been released after long time pause. Many changes in code, some new feautures and improvements. Work with PC as main feature must simplify process of money tracking and reporting. Don't forget about backup data at your device before first sync. List of changes is in header. Enjoy.
zjxpot, new version support many currencies
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Thanks for your work, I will check it out, All the best during this holiday season to you and your family
congrats on the new version

[TOOL][25-09-2009] MortScript Suite 2.0

Hello to all,
"Script Suite 2.0" is ready and it's my first "developer" contribution to this forum.
I'll try to extend with other scripts and contribution by other people to have a full library of scripts able to extends functionalities for programs like WAD, Throttle Launcher, and every other similar fundamentally able to read on registry and to show pics
Infact all scripts write on registry all the info needed, and save on the configured folders the pic.
I made my best to make very easy to use and configure for final user.
So in the end I built everything so that to make them fully working you would need 3 steps:
1- Downloading the package
2- Installing mortscript
3- Configure a single properties.ini file
Scripts are organized in folders, so if somebody doesn't want some of them, he can simply delete the folder and clean the sections on properties.ini.
I already planned many new scripts and some improvements, of course every suggestion is welcome, both for new scripts and for improvements
Before to go on I want to thank:
- Mort for Mortscript and MortPlayer. Really both programs wonderful and powerful
- Gslide for Gslide program. Great mortscript programming and organization here, without studying his work I couldn't give you tasks and rss scripts.
- Alan Smith on this forum for Mail and SMS scripts
- Alfonso Presa for Message2Reg (to use the above scripts)
- Jokes On You for sms' sender pic inspiration
- Rats for moon script inspiration
- Rumball for stock scripts inspiration
I hope I didn't forget anyone, if somebody find his work here please tell me to give him his right!
In following posts some explanation about how to use the "suite"
As proof, I applied all scripts on a WAD skin:
- Better list management (with delete)
- Last caller pic (similar to last sms sender pic)
- Refactoring to use common functionalities. In particular, now is possible to have advanced connection, advanced line formatting and scrolling list functions available for every scripts needing them
- Meteo - MoonState, script retrieving info about moon state on the internet
- Mail - used new functions to format subject and body
- Rss,tasks - Implemented list scrolling in rss and tasks using the common script
- Implemented scrolling photo
- Stocks - add dynamic stock sign (plus/minus)
- Location - take info from cellId and save as a string if you like
- GPS - Current location info + calculate directions
- Scheduler - improved management
- Agenda - Saint of the day, tasks
- GPS - Read basic information from GPS
- Images - choose random images from a folder (and one level subfolder), open album on directory set as parameter
- Mail, Messages - integration of Alan Smith scripts
- Meteo - Meteo radars list
- Music - Mortscript controls and data from registry, search and download album art from internet
- RSS - Download feeds and open link if click on article
- Scheduler - scripts to launch the other auto-updating scripts
- Stocks - Stock info with managing of bought quotes
Explaining Properties.ini
As said in first post, editing Properties.ini is the only thing you need to use all the info provided by scripts.
I think the best thing to do is to provide a sample Properties.ini (fully working on my machine) and to explain section for section:
*** Here everyone is free to configure his own registry path where to store information. However I would suggest to don't change it simply because all the info related to Message2Reg will go under this path (no way to change...) so I think it's better to have everything at a place. Moreover, the name is enough generic to be good for everybody.
3gNetwork=Vodafone Web GPRS
*** Added this section to let you decide how to manage connection.
Type: currently only two values are managed.
- Check means if connection is already present then use it.
- 3g means if connection is not present than force a 3g connection.
- I thought about a "wifi" managing too but didn't find a good tool to use on my HD to toggle WiFi. Every suggestion is accepted
RetryTimeout: how much to wait for connection
Retries: how many times retry the check.
- In this example we'll wait max 15 (=3x5) seconds before to say connection failed.
3gNetwork: Name of 3g network to use
*** Here you configure the refresh GPS interval in seconds. Of course GPS must be active
RefreshCityTime indicates how many minutes wait before to update current location (you need a connection)
RefreshAutoTime indicate how many seconds wait before to automatically update the directions.
Unit indicate the unit measure chosen
ExpressWay indicate if you want to use motorway in calculating directions.
GraphicsPath=\Program Files\Lakeridge\WisBar Advance Desktop\Themes\Filli_Common\Graphic\
ScriptsPath=\Program Files\Lakeridge\WisBar Advance Desktop\Themes\Filli_Common\Scripts\
*** Here you can configure:
*** scripts path (variable extensively used practically by every script)
*** graphics path, that is where your theme graphical files are
*** Time in minutes to wait before to change images
BigImageP1=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P|file|bigImage.jpg
BigImageP2=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P|file|bigImage2.jpg
BigImageP3=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P|file|bigImage3.jpg
BigImageP4=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P|file|bigImage4.jpg
BigImageL1=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_L|file|bigImageL.jpg
AnalogClock=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\BKG_CLock|file|AnalogClock\WadClock .png
SmallImageP=\Storage Card\Foto\My Pictures\|file|smallImage.jpg
SmallImageL=\Storage Card\Foto\My Pictures L\|file|smallImage2.jpg
OthersBigP=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P\Other|dir|othersBigP .jpg
OthersBigL=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_L\Other|dir|othersBigL .jpg
OthersSmallP=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P\Other|dir|othersSmal lP.jpg
OthersSmallL=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_L\Other|dir|othersSmal lL.jpg
*** Here it's possible to configure a free and dynamic list, that is you can name directories as you want and put all the directories you want. As you can see every folder has 3 properties, separated by "|":
*** Path
*** Type (dir or file)
*** Destination file
*** How it works? Well, those info needs to included Random.mscr script. For every folder, if type is "file" will randomly choose a file directly in that folder, else ("dir") will be chosen a file in a subdir. The chosen file will be saved in "GraphicsPath/Destination file".
"dir" is very important if you have a lot of wallpapers for example (I noticed more than 400 files in a single directory will slow down machine) or if you like to organize your photo in subfolder.
After you configured your list, start "randoms.mscr", and every RefreshImagesTime you'll have a new pic.
*** Those parameters (mainly LineLength) needs to manage long strings in scripts like mail, rss, tasks, and other info you can retrieve from internet. If text/line is too long it will be cut and "..." will be inserted at end.
*** Simply set how to wait until next mail sync
*** Free and dynamic list to set all the mail service you need
ContactsPath=\Storage Card\Contacts\Contacts128\
*** This needs to know where to get sender sms or caller pic if you want to show in your skin
*** Here you can configure minutes before every radar download
*** Dynamic list to use all the meteo radar you wants. You need to name them as a sequence number if you want switching by them working
DefaultBrowser = \Windows\OperaL.exe
*** Choose your browser to start rss links
*** Here you can configure RSS refresh time in minutes, and max number of elements for each RSS Feed. Can be handy if you have very big feeds but you needs only few on WAD2.
[RSS Feeds]
Repubblica Home=
*** Free and dynamic list for RSS, you are free to choose name, simply set correctly the link!
*** How many minutes wait before to refresh tasks in case you changed them.
*** Refresh parameters for stocks. On weekend download is already disabled, for working days you can choose the interval (how many minutes to wait before next update), start and stop hour (for minutes less than 10 doesn't put "0" in front) and if you want to download charts
Borsa Milano = FTSEMIB.MI|FTSEMIB.MI|0|0|I
Euro Dollaro = EURUSD|EURUSD|5000|1,32|X
Euro Ron = EURRON|EURRON|0|0|X
Google = GOOG|GOOG|0|0|A
*** Free and dynamic list to manage your stocks.
*** First field is the name you find on Yahoo
*** Second field the one found on google (sometime they differs)
*** Third field how many stocks you own
*** Fourth field average price for your bought stocks
*** Fifth field type of stock, "X" for money change, "I" for general index, "A" for normal quotes. It's important to download the correct info/graphs
*** Indicate how many minutes wait before to update current location (based on cellId)
Here some explanation about how to use the scripts inside folders
*** Agenda
- Tasks.mscr retrieve tasks from outlook and put on registry so you can read them in WAD
- ScrollTasks.mscr needs to scroll up and down tasks
- SantodelGiorno.mscr retrieve the Catholic Saint of the day from internet and put info on the internet. More a sample to see how to treat info coming from the net.
*** GPS
- GPSScript.mscr write on registry some info about GPS. It works only if GPS is active, of course.
- FindCity.mscr find all info about your current city and current address. It works thanks to GPSToday, which activate GPS and take some info (other are taken from internet)
- GetDirections.mscr calculate path between two address. It needs a connection. Can be used once or called automatically every a configurable number of seconds ([GPS] RefreshAutoTime)
- ScrollDirections.mscr to scroll up and down directions
*** Images
- Randoms.mscr will choose randomly files as explained in above post. It will take a file from the configured directory (or subdirectory), will save the chosen directory on registry, and will copy the file on the configured one.
- AlbumCameraFolder.exe can be used inside WAD2 to open the related image folder inside album.
For example "AlbumCameraFolder.exe BigImageP1" will open the "\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P" folder, if you use the above properties.ini file
Instead "AlbumCameraFolder.exe OthersBigP" willl open the randomly chosen subdir under "\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P\Other", because type was "dir".
Practically speaking in WAD you'll find a photo, and clicking on it you'll open the folder where the photo is.
- ScrollPhoto.mscr to scroll up and down photos in the same folder of current one in a linear way
- callerPic.mscr make possible to use the pic of last caller
*** Location
- Location.mscr read the current cellId and Lac and put in registry
- saveLocation.mscr let you save current location using the name you like
*** Mail
Those are the Alan Smith scripts, simply adapted to this organization, and more:
- SyncService.exe will sync the single service
- SyncAllServices.mscr will read your configured mail services and will update all of them
- OpenMailInbox.exe needs to open a service inbox
*** Messages
Again Alan Smith files, and more:
- senderPic.exe to update the sms sender pic when browsing them on WAD2
*** Meteo
- Moonphases.mscr download moon pic and read moon phases from internet
- DownloadMeteoRadar.mscr downloads all the Radars link configured.
- ChangeMeteoRadar.mscr needs to browse beetwen radars images in skin, and accept "next" or "prev" as directions
*** Music
- Various mortplayer remote controls to be used from skin
- WADAlbumArt.mscr go to internet trying to find the album art according to information stored on mp3, and written on registry by mortplayer (basycally author/album). If cover it's already present it will not try to download again
*** RSS
- MortXML.xml and RSS.xml are "services" scripts and don't needs to be touched
- DownloadRSS.xml will download feeds and update registry
- SetCurrentRSS.exe will set the current feed so to switch beetwen them on your skins
- OpenCurrentLink.exe it's to be associated to text read by WAD on registry to start the browser and read the news.
- ScrollRSSInfo needs to scroll RSS articles
*** Scheduler
- ScheduledDownload.mscr it's just a script to start all downloads together (for now). Maybe it will become a "serious" scheduler, however for now all single scripts have their own scheduling
*** Stocks
- StockConfig.mscr will read info from Stock List in configuration and update registry. Every time you change something in the list you need to run this script
- UpdateStocks.mscr in practice is the scheduler. If you are in the configured days and hours it will start the downloads
- DownloadGraph.mscr and DownloadStocks.mscr are the scripts to download the graph images and the stock informations. Normally they are managed by UpdateStocks.mscr
- SetCurrentStock.mscr and RefreshCurrent.mscr permits to browse beetwen graphs and informations and to update graphs.
*** Utility
- Connect.mscr let you choose how you want to manage connections. At the moment, it can simple check if a connection already exist or force a 3g connection. I would like to implement forcing a Wifi connection, however I still didn't find a reliable tool to toggle wifi
- FormatLine.mscr needs to clean texts and to format them in various lines if too long
- ScrollList.mscr it's the general script to manage scrolling generic lists of element up and down.
Good work, well done
Great work! Should put it in the MortScript examples accumulation thread, too.
I find that when the phone is off, although the location.mscr does run every 5 minutes, the location data obtained from rilcmdline during phone off is still the location data when the phone was last turned on. I proof it by putting a timestamp at the showedLocation field.
In summary, the location cannot update when phone is off. Is there any solution for this? Thanks.
actually this was posted in the examples a long time ago.
it's also been listed in the Morstscript Compendium of course...
Me again.
So I am going to add RSS to StatusTicker with your RSS script.
With this rss:
It downloads the RSS file just fine. But it doesn't seem to be parsing the headers back into the registry.
I only just got started. If you happen to know what's making it not work that would be cool. I will look some more.
thanks much
ahlok_hk said:
Great work! Should put it in the MortScript examples accumulation thread, too.
I find that when the phone is off, although the location.mscr does run every 5 minutes, the location data obtained from rilcmdline during phone off is still the location data when the phone was last turned on. I proof it by putting a timestamp at the showedLocation field.
In summary, the location cannot update when phone is off. Is there any solution for this? Thanks.
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Sorry for late answer, I had little time for phone lately.
However I simply used a freeware rilcmdline.exe I've found on the forum and I'm saving results on registry so to be available for other applications. I'm afraid the problem you said is about exe and I can't do anything with exe
A chance could be to activate screen before to update RIL, but I'm afraid battery will last very little after.
On the other side, I see this important if you use location to switch profiles, but if like me you only need a visual information, well, you'll have to switch on the phone to see location on WAD so no problem
howdykeith said:
Me again.
So I am going to add RSS to StatusTicker with your RSS script.
With this rss:
It downloads the RSS file just fine. But it doesn't seem to be parsing the headers back into the registry.
I only just got started. If you happen to know what's making it not work that would be cool. I will look some more.
thanks much
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Hello howdy,
sorry for late answer, as I said before had very little time for phone.
Strange your RSS doesn't work, I used the same script with little modifications for a Twitter script I'm going to post some time in v3.0.
You would need together the Download_RSS.mscr, RSS.mscr and MortXML.mscr script because everything would work (about writing in registry).
I use those scripts every day so let me know where the problem is (I'm sure you correctly setup the .ini file...)

How To Make A Live Tile That Regularly Updates From A Website

I created a Windows Vista/7 Gadget to gather weather information from the following site: This is basically an image that updates every five minutes with the latest data from a weather station at a University. Pinning the site doesn't create a tile that actively shows the latest image, so I am trying to create a live tile for use with Windows 8/10. While I have some coding experience, I am not a programmer and am getting stymied making this seemingly simple task occur. I will copy the XML and HTML files I used for the Gadget I created in the hopes that it will help out. Thanks in advance for any help!
**** GADGET-XML ****
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<name>MSU Weather</name>
<logo src="logo.png"/>
<copyright>July 29, 2008</copyright>
<description>Gadget based on the MSU COE Weather Page</description>
<icon height="180" width="120" src="icon.png"/>
<host name="sidebar">
<base type="HTML" apiVersion="1.2.0" src="MSU_Weather.html" />
<platform minPlatformVersion="0.3" />
<defaultImage src="drag.png"/>
**** GADGET-HTML****
body {
function loaded()
window.setInterval(refreshImage, 60 * 1000);
function refreshImage()
<body onload="loaded()">
May try to create an application
maxaon09 said:
May try to create an application
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Thanks for the info - I never knew this existed. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to create a 'live' tile - meaning one that updates regularly. The weather info updates every five minutes, so I am looking to make a tile that will look for the updated image similar to how the gadget I made did.
Actually, only applications can create live tiles on start menu. So I think it needs a little coding experience. I don't know if those links help:
cleonti said:
Thanks for the info - I never knew this existed. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to create a 'live' tile - meaning one that updates regularly. The weather info updates every five minutes, so I am looking to make a tile that will look for the updated image similar to how the gadget I made did.
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kerimka said:
Actually, only applications can create live tiles on start menu. So I think it needs a little coding experience. I don't know if those links help:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the help. I had seen the info in the second link, but the first one was new to me. Unfortunately the info in the first link gets me close, but not quite there though that could be due to my ignorance. I have seen websites that work as a Live tile when pinned and was hoping I could make something similar, but as a HTML/XML/JS on the local computer as opposed to hosted on a server or having to create a full app using C#, C++, or VB. While it took me a bit of coding to make the original gadget, it wasn't that hard to get it going whereas the Live Tile continues to elude me.

