[TOOL][25-09-2009] MortScript Suite 2.0 - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hello to all,
"Script Suite 2.0" is ready and it's my first "developer" contribution to this forum.
I'll try to extend with other scripts and contribution by other people to have a full library of scripts able to extends functionalities for programs like WAD, Throttle Launcher, and every other similar fundamentally able to read on registry and to show pics
Infact all scripts write on registry all the info needed, and save on the configured folders the pic.
I made my best to make very easy to use and configure for final user.
So in the end I built everything so that to make them fully working you would need 3 steps:
1- Downloading the package
2- Installing mortscript
3- Configure a single properties.ini file
Scripts are organized in folders, so if somebody doesn't want some of them, he can simply delete the folder and clean the sections on properties.ini.
I already planned many new scripts and some improvements, of course every suggestion is welcome, both for new scripts and for improvements
Before to go on I want to thank:
- Mort for Mortscript and MortPlayer. Really both programs wonderful and powerful
- Gslide for Gslide program. Great mortscript programming and organization here, without studying his work I couldn't give you tasks and rss scripts.
- Alan Smith on this forum for Mail and SMS scripts
- Alfonso Presa for Message2Reg (to use the above scripts)
- Jokes On You for sms' sender pic inspiration
- Rats for moon script inspiration
- Rumball for stock scripts inspiration
I hope I didn't forget anyone, if somebody find his work here please tell me to give him his right!
In following posts some explanation about how to use the "suite"
As proof, I applied all scripts on a WAD skin:
- Better list management (with delete)
- Last caller pic (similar to last sms sender pic)
- Refactoring to use common functionalities. In particular, now is possible to have advanced connection, advanced line formatting and scrolling list functions available for every scripts needing them
- Meteo - MoonState, script retrieving info about moon state on the internet
- Mail - used new functions to format subject and body
- Rss,tasks - Implemented list scrolling in rss and tasks using the common script
- Implemented scrolling photo
- Stocks - add dynamic stock sign (plus/minus)
- Location - take info from cellId and save as a string if you like
- GPS - Current location info + calculate directions
- Scheduler - improved management
- Agenda - Saint of the day, tasks
- GPS - Read basic information from GPS
- Images - choose random images from a folder (and one level subfolder), open album on directory set as parameter
- Mail, Messages - integration of Alan Smith scripts
- Meteo - Meteo radars list
- Music - Mortscript controls and data from registry, search and download album art from internet
- RSS - Download feeds and open link if click on article
- Scheduler - scripts to launch the other auto-updating scripts
- Stocks - Stock info with managing of bought quotes

Explaining Properties.ini
As said in first post, editing Properties.ini is the only thing you need to use all the info provided by scripts.
I think the best thing to do is to provide a sample Properties.ini (fully working on my machine) and to explain section for section:
*** Here everyone is free to configure his own registry path where to store information. However I would suggest to don't change it simply because all the info related to Message2Reg will go under this path (no way to change...) so I think it's better to have everything at a place. Moreover, the name is enough generic to be good for everybody.
3gNetwork=Vodafone Web GPRS
*** Added this section to let you decide how to manage connection.
Type: currently only two values are managed.
- Check means if connection is already present then use it.
- 3g means if connection is not present than force a 3g connection.
- I thought about a "wifi" managing too but didn't find a good tool to use on my HD to toggle WiFi. Every suggestion is accepted
RetryTimeout: how much to wait for connection
Retries: how many times retry the check.
- In this example we'll wait max 15 (=3x5) seconds before to say connection failed.
3gNetwork: Name of 3g network to use
*** Here you configure the refresh GPS interval in seconds. Of course GPS must be active
RefreshCityTime indicates how many minutes wait before to update current location (you need a connection)
RefreshAutoTime indicate how many seconds wait before to automatically update the directions.
Unit indicate the unit measure chosen
ExpressWay indicate if you want to use motorway in calculating directions.
GraphicsPath=\Program Files\Lakeridge\WisBar Advance Desktop\Themes\Filli_Common\Graphic\
ScriptsPath=\Program Files\Lakeridge\WisBar Advance Desktop\Themes\Filli_Common\Scripts\
*** Here you can configure:
*** scripts path (variable extensively used practically by every script)
*** graphics path, that is where your theme graphical files are
*** Time in minutes to wait before to change images
BigImageP1=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P|file|bigImage.jpg
BigImageP2=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P|file|bigImage2.jpg
BigImageP3=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P|file|bigImage3.jpg
BigImageP4=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P|file|bigImage4.jpg
BigImageL1=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_L|file|bigImageL.jpg
AnalogClock=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\BKG_CLock|file|AnalogClock\WadClock .png
SmallImageP=\Storage Card\Foto\My Pictures\|file|smallImage.jpg
SmallImageL=\Storage Card\Foto\My Pictures L\|file|smallImage2.jpg
OthersBigP=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P\Other|dir|othersBigP .jpg
OthersBigL=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_L\Other|dir|othersBigL .jpg
OthersSmallP=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P\Other|dir|othersSmal lP.jpg
OthersSmallL=\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_L\Other|dir|othersSmal lL.jpg
*** Here it's possible to configure a free and dynamic list, that is you can name directories as you want and put all the directories you want. As you can see every folder has 3 properties, separated by "|":
*** Path
*** Type (dir or file)
*** Destination file
*** How it works? Well, those info needs to included Random.mscr script. For every folder, if type is "file" will randomly choose a file directly in that folder, else ("dir") will be chosen a file in a subdir. The chosen file will be saved in "GraphicsPath/Destination file".
"dir" is very important if you have a lot of wallpapers for example (I noticed more than 400 files in a single directory will slow down machine) or if you like to organize your photo in subfolder.
After you configured your list, start "randoms.mscr", and every RefreshImagesTime you'll have a new pic.
*** Those parameters (mainly LineLength) needs to manage long strings in scripts like mail, rss, tasks, and other info you can retrieve from internet. If text/line is too long it will be cut and "..." will be inserted at end.
*** Simply set how to wait until next mail sync
*** Free and dynamic list to set all the mail service you need
ContactsPath=\Storage Card\Contacts\Contacts128\
*** This needs to know where to get sender sms or caller pic if you want to show in your skin
*** Here you can configure minutes before every radar download
*** Dynamic list to use all the meteo radar you wants. You need to name them as a sequence number if you want switching by them working
DefaultBrowser = \Windows\OperaL.exe
*** Choose your browser to start rss links
*** Here you can configure RSS refresh time in minutes, and max number of elements for each RSS Feed. Can be handy if you have very big feeds but you needs only few on WAD2.
[RSS Feeds]
Repubblica Home=http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/32275/f/438637/index.rss
*** Free and dynamic list for RSS, you are free to choose name, simply set correctly the link!
*** How many minutes wait before to refresh tasks in case you changed them.
*** Refresh parameters for stocks. On weekend download is already disabled, for working days you can choose the interval (how many minutes to wait before next update), start and stop hour (for minutes less than 10 doesn't put "0" in front) and if you want to download charts
Borsa Milano = FTSEMIB.MI|FTSEMIB.MI|0|0|I
Euro Dollaro = EURUSD|EURUSD|5000|1,32|X
Euro Ron = EURRON|EURRON|0|0|X
Google = GOOG|GOOG|0|0|A
*** Free and dynamic list to manage your stocks.
*** First field is the name you find on Yahoo
*** Second field the one found on google (sometime they differs)
*** Third field how many stocks you own
*** Fourth field average price for your bought stocks
*** Fifth field type of stock, "X" for money change, "I" for general index, "A" for normal quotes. It's important to download the correct info/graphs
*** Indicate how many minutes wait before to update current location (based on cellId)

Here some explanation about how to use the scripts inside folders
*** Agenda
- Tasks.mscr retrieve tasks from outlook and put on registry so you can read them in WAD
- ScrollTasks.mscr needs to scroll up and down tasks
- SantodelGiorno.mscr retrieve the Catholic Saint of the day from internet and put info on the internet. More a sample to see how to treat info coming from the net.
*** GPS
- GPSScript.mscr write on registry some info about GPS. It works only if GPS is active, of course.
- FindCity.mscr find all info about your current city and current address. It works thanks to GPSToday, which activate GPS and take some info (other are taken from internet)
- GetDirections.mscr calculate path between two address. It needs a connection. Can be used once or called automatically every a configurable number of seconds ([GPS] RefreshAutoTime)
- ScrollDirections.mscr to scroll up and down directions
*** Images
- Randoms.mscr will choose randomly files as explained in above post. It will take a file from the configured directory (or subdirectory), will save the chosen directory on registry, and will copy the file on the configured one.
- AlbumCameraFolder.exe can be used inside WAD2 to open the related image folder inside album.
For example "AlbumCameraFolder.exe BigImageP1" will open the "\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P" folder, if you use the above properties.ini file
Instead "AlbumCameraFolder.exe OthersBigP" willl open the randomly chosen subdir under "\Storage Card\Skin\Wad2\Wallpaper800_P\Other", because type was "dir".
Practically speaking in WAD you'll find a photo, and clicking on it you'll open the folder where the photo is.
- ScrollPhoto.mscr to scroll up and down photos in the same folder of current one in a linear way
- callerPic.mscr make possible to use the pic of last caller
*** Location
- Location.mscr read the current cellId and Lac and put in registry
- saveLocation.mscr let you save current location using the name you like
*** Mail
Those are the Alan Smith scripts, simply adapted to this organization, and more:
- SyncService.exe will sync the single service
- SyncAllServices.mscr will read your configured mail services and will update all of them
- OpenMailInbox.exe needs to open a service inbox
*** Messages
Again Alan Smith files, and more:
- senderPic.exe to update the sms sender pic when browsing them on WAD2
*** Meteo
- Moonphases.mscr download moon pic and read moon phases from internet
- DownloadMeteoRadar.mscr downloads all the Radars link configured.
- ChangeMeteoRadar.mscr needs to browse beetwen radars images in skin, and accept "next" or "prev" as directions
*** Music
- Various mortplayer remote controls to be used from skin
- WADAlbumArt.mscr go to internet trying to find the album art according to information stored on mp3, and written on registry by mortplayer (basycally author/album). If cover it's already present it will not try to download again
*** RSS
- MortXML.xml and RSS.xml are "services" scripts and don't needs to be touched
- DownloadRSS.xml will download feeds and update registry
- SetCurrentRSS.exe will set the current feed so to switch beetwen them on your skins
- OpenCurrentLink.exe it's to be associated to text read by WAD on registry to start the browser and read the news.
- ScrollRSSInfo needs to scroll RSS articles
*** Scheduler
- ScheduledDownload.mscr it's just a script to start all downloads together (for now). Maybe it will become a "serious" scheduler, however for now all single scripts have their own scheduling
*** Stocks
- StockConfig.mscr will read info from Stock List in configuration and update registry. Every time you change something in the list you need to run this script
- UpdateStocks.mscr in practice is the scheduler. If you are in the configured days and hours it will start the downloads
- DownloadGraph.mscr and DownloadStocks.mscr are the scripts to download the graph images and the stock informations. Normally they are managed by UpdateStocks.mscr
- SetCurrentStock.mscr and RefreshCurrent.mscr permits to browse beetwen graphs and informations and to update graphs.
*** Utility
- Connect.mscr let you choose how you want to manage connections. At the moment, it can simple check if a connection already exist or force a 3g connection. I would like to implement forcing a Wifi connection, however I still didn't find a reliable tool to toggle wifi
- FormatLine.mscr needs to clean texts and to format them in various lines if too long
- ScrollList.mscr it's the general script to manage scrolling generic lists of element up and down.

Good work, well done

Great work! Should put it in the MortScript examples accumulation thread, too.
I find that when the phone is off, although the location.mscr does run every 5 minutes, the location data obtained from rilcmdline during phone off is still the location data when the phone was last turned on. I proof it by putting a timestamp at the showedLocation field.
In summary, the location cannot update when phone is off. Is there any solution for this? Thanks.

actually this was posted in the examples a long time ago.
it's also been listed in the Morstscript Compendium of course...

Me again.
So I am going to add RSS to StatusTicker with your RSS script.
With this rss:
It downloads the RSS file just fine. But it doesn't seem to be parsing the headers back into the registry.
I only just got started. If you happen to know what's making it not work that would be cool. I will look some more.
thanks much

ahlok_hk said:
Great work! Should put it in the MortScript examples accumulation thread, too.
I find that when the phone is off, although the location.mscr does run every 5 minutes, the location data obtained from rilcmdline during phone off is still the location data when the phone was last turned on. I proof it by putting a timestamp at the showedLocation field.
In summary, the location cannot update when phone is off. Is there any solution for this? Thanks.
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Sorry for late answer, I had little time for phone lately.
However I simply used a freeware rilcmdline.exe I've found on the forum and I'm saving results on registry so to be available for other applications. I'm afraid the problem you said is about exe and I can't do anything with exe
A chance could be to activate screen before to update RIL, but I'm afraid battery will last very little after.
On the other side, I see this important if you use location to switch profiles, but if like me you only need a visual information, well, you'll have to switch on the phone to see location on WAD so no problem

howdykeith said:
Me again.
So I am going to add RSS to StatusTicker with your RSS script.
With this rss:
It downloads the RSS file just fine. But it doesn't seem to be parsing the headers back into the registry.
I only just got started. If you happen to know what's making it not work that would be cool. I will look some more.
thanks much
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Hello howdy,
sorry for late answer, as I said before had very little time for phone.
Strange your RSS doesn't work, I used the same script with little modifications for a Twitter script I'm going to post some time in v3.0.
You would need together the Download_RSS.mscr, RSS.mscr and MortXML.mscr script because everything would work (about writing in registry).
I use those scripts every day so let me know where the problem is (I'm sure you correctly setup the .ini file...)


[New release] Registry display plugin

Ok, most of you may find this totally useless as a plugin, but it was a combination of a request by user Treo_newb and a desire to create a sample plugin project that could be used as a base / example for plugin writers (I plan on doing an article on codeproject.com and this will be the source for it).
What does it do?
This plugin displays a string stored in registry.
The path is:
Value name: DisplayString
It checks if this string has changed several times per second when today screen is shown (as the system sends refresh message to all plugins) and displays the updated message if a change occurred.
What is it good for?
First, if you write apps using mortscript or similar like the user who requested this it will let your script display stuff on today screen.
Alternatively it could be used to mark your device today with a string that isn't as easily changed as user info.
The source is basically a skeleton plugin you can use to build your own plugin on (no license / copyright to limit you) and it already has several tricks needed for the plugin to display correctly:
VGA compatibility
Text size matching system settings
Proper header in settings dialog (like on system plugins)
Proper text color when selected (according to theme)
No blinking all today screen on change
Proper resize when switching between landscape and portrait
When I was writing my first plugin I could not find all these little fixes concentrated in a single article so I had to fish for each one as the bug reports came in.
Hope you will find this little project useful.
The plugin:View attachment RegDisplay.CAB
The source (eVC 4 project): View attachment RegDisplay.zip
Thanks for this!
Thank You Lev.
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks,
You are a legend.
I was almost through with my today plugin and was trying to figure out reading registry values and all of a sudden I get a PM from u about the plugin !!!
Very Cool !!!
OK a few questions,
1. I know that WM_TODAYCUSTOM_QUERYREFRESHCACHE is called for refreshing the today plugin, any ideas about when is it called.
I read somewhere that it was 2 seconds. Is it true?
2. I saw ur code and u have exposed CustomItemOptionsDlgProc in RegDisplay.def, but when I installed the cab file the 'options' is not enabled.
I manually changed the resistry and changed options to dword = 1 and saw ur name and email address.
u might want to enable that by default so that people can notice ur work.
I am planing a commercial release of a new project on basis of this.
Thanks again,
First, you're welcome.
1) I ran a debug print on this message once on an iPaq 1710 and it seems to be sent several times per second. This could differ from OS to OS or even from device to device, I am not sure.
If you need specifically timed refresh, or you have an event triggered on new data, I suggest using a timer or maybe a thread that will wait on an event. You can refresh your plugin from anywhere in code by calling InvalidateRect with your window handle.
2) I messed up the cab at first, forgetting to add the Options reg value. Then when I went to upload the fix, I couldn't access the site for about an hour (no idea why, I even rebooted the PC to Ubuntu). Should be fixed now, but I will check it later again (I have to go back to XP for that).
Good luck with your program.
levenum said:
First, you're welcome.
1) I ran a debug print on this message once on an iPaq 1710 and it seems to be sent several times per second. This could differ from OS to OS or even from device to device, I am not sure.
If you need specifically timed refresh, or you have an event triggered on new data, I suggest using a timer or maybe a thread that will wait on an event. You can refresh your plugin from anywhere in code by calling InvalidateRect with your window handle.
2) I messed up the cab at first, forgetting to add the Options reg value. Then when I went to upload the fix, I couldn't access the site for about an hour (no idea why, I even rebooted the PC to Ubuntu). Should be fixed now, but I will check it later again (I have to go back to XP for that).
Good luck with your program.
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Thanks for the help, will check the fixed cab.
Also a suggestion:
A custom icon could also be incorporated. You can give a option to load a custom icon next to the text in the today plugin.
I know anybody can modify ur code and do it but still.
Actually, I probably should have mentioned this in the original post but I have no intention of adding options to this thing.
This would only complicate the code and turn it in to an actual app instead of a sample project.
But by all means feel free to make suggestions. If this thing does become popular, when I am done with my other projects (like LVMTopBat) which won't be any time soon (unfortunately) I will release a separate version of this plugin with all kinds of options that can be controlled both by user (form the options dialog) and by other apps through registry.
Maybe things like text alignment, size, bold / Italic / underlined.
The reason I put the string this plugin loads under HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of the HKLM where the rest of the plugin registry resides is because by default the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on WM 5 and higher has a security restriction. For example you can not write to it using RAPI, only by authorized (or signed) app on the device. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER on the other hand is open for all.
levenum said:
The reason I put the string this plugin loads under HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of the HKLM where the rest of the plugin registry resides is because by default the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on WM 5 and higher has a security restriction. For example you can not write to it using RAPI, only by authorized (or signed) app on the device. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER on the other hand is open for all.
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Thanks for the info, I never knew that.
Thank you so much! This was exactly what I was looking for!
levenum said:
...But by all means feel free to make suggestions.
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As a frequent mortscript user I think, this great app might be even more usefull, if the string was shown in an "allways on top" message box instead of the today screen. The Today screen might be obscured by other active windows during the scripts runtime and the plugin eats precious today screen estate also while being unused, doesn't it?
In that case (of a standalone application) I would furthermore introduce some kind of termination string (or reg. value) to end the display application.
- start mortscript
- writes first string to registry
- starts display application (run)
- updates string in registry whenever appropriate
- ...
- writes termination string to registry
-> display applications self-terminates
- ...
- end of mortscript
Honestly, I already do use something comparable with mortscript (employing a conditioned sleepmessage loop and reading from the registry too), but this could be much nicer and more elegant.
Just my 2 cents... What do you think?
I think something like that would be better implemented by the mortsrit program it self.
It could be a function like MessageBox API in windows which you could then command on and off. Having it built in would save precious resources on the device that would be wasted by having an extra app run constantly in background.
This is just my thought though.
I'd suggest contacting the developer of mortscript and discussing it with him.
levenum said:
I think something like that would be better implemented by the mortsrit program it self.
I'd suggest contacting the developer of mortscript and discussing it with him.
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Mort knew about that request and by chance just announced to so.
Thanks anyway.
Hello levenum,
I just joined the community. Reason being, I found your RegDisplay plug-in
You call it a sample project, but the impact is that of an awesome solution.
Great for MortScript, but equally useful in BASIC applications that write
messages to the registry which is show upon screen minimization.
I regret not being a C programmer (mainly BASIC), else I'd love to further
develop this jewel.
Your plug-in runs flawlessly in an iPAQ 210 under WM6 Classic.
Cheers and Respectful Greetings
CLSID for registry display plugin
What is the CLSID for the Registry Display Plugin? I am going to have to edit the XML file that defines my home screen in order to get the plugin to show up. I am using Facade to control my home screen, and the only plugins that it will show in its list are those currently in use in one of the XML files in the Application Data\Home folder. All other new plugins require editing the XML. Thanks for your help.
levenum said:
Ok, most of you may find this totally useless as a plugin, but it was a combination of a request by user Treo_newb and a desire to create a sample plugin project that could be used as a base / example for plugin writers (I plan on doing an article on codeproject.com and this will be the source for it).
What does it do?
This plugin displays a string stored in registry.
The path is:
Value name: DisplayString
It checks if this string has changed several times per second when today screen is shown (as the system sends refresh message to all plugins) and displays the updated message if a change occurred.
What is it good for?
First, if you write apps using mortscript or similar like the user who requested this it will let your script display stuff on today screen.
Alternatively it could be used to mark your device today with a string that isn't as easily changed as user info.
The source is basically a skeleton plugin you can use to build your own plugin on (no license / copyright to limit you) and it already has several tricks needed for the plugin to display correctly:
VGA compatibility
Text size matching system settings
Proper header in settings dialog (like on system plugins)
Proper text color when selected (according to theme)
No blinking all today screen on change
Proper resize when switching between landscape and portrait
When I was writing my first plugin I could not find all these little fixes concentrated in a single article so I had to fish for each one as the bug reports came in.
Hope you will find this little project useful.
The plugin:View attachment 41592
The source (eVC 4 project): View attachment 41583
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This is great! I was asked if I could write a today screen plug-in for my weather application (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=445576) - I couldn't since I don't have the skills and I'm writing .NET code - but this is exactly what I needed.
I'm adding support for this plug-in and will of course give credits to you.

(Win32/PPC) Note taking app (Linux/Web soon)

Hey everyone,
I developed this app as a part of my final year project. Initially I had big plans for it (I still feel that PPC lacks strong apps in this area.. OneNote doesn't cut it for me), but got busy with work/studies and forgot all about it.
I have also created a web version for it (sync your data with a web url), but thats too alpha at the moment. If anyone wants to beta test it, please let me know.
I'm uploading the last versions I made of this app to gather some bug reports, problems, crashes, new features etc which people might be interested in.
Keep in mind, I want this app to be so good that people can finally leave their paper notebooks home
I know some things aren't working well or at all, for e.g. synchronization.
Play around with the buttons (the tooltips etc should tell you what they're for)
arrange data in notebooks and pages. (basically you create a notebook and then insert a page into it..)
There are two modes.. view/edit.. edit mode gives you basic text input where you can format text using the following wiki syntax (effect of formatting is only visible in view mode):
*text* - bold
\text\ - italic
_text_ - underline
+ (add more pluses upto 6) gives you heading (e.g. ++My heading)
~color:green~ any text after this will be green. you can use this for most named colors
[link to another page] link between pages (linking will automatically happen if you use CamelCase/wiki syntax.. you can enforce linking by putting [Notebook/Page name] <-- in square brackets as such. Links can be renamed as well [[renamed link][Notebook/ActualPage]]
[image:image name]
You can insert images using the button/menu options. these images are imported into the notebooks directory.
Search notes
tag notes
bookmark notes (you can even bookmark searches, the stored search will be re-run every time, so for e.g. if you bookmark a search with dates later than last week, then it'll give you new results every time)
Maintain clipboard history and auto insert copied stuff into current page. (keyboard is polled every second)
Most important feature:- You can just copy over your notebooks/bookmarks directory (or sync it using any sync tool), and the same notebooks/pages/bookmarks will be available on both PPC and Win32.
- Just unzip the win32 and PPC directories to your desktop and PDA.. click on the exe to run program. Should work on wm2003/wm5/wm6
Known bugs/issues:
- clipboard isn't working on PPC
- PPC version is slower, doesn't have softkey support yet
- PPC Icons look wierd
- .... add more?
I make no claims that this will work properly, or even execute on your desktop/PPC. I dont owe you anything. Please try this at your own risk.
no one tried it yet?
Nice Idea
This is great idea, i tested the note book, it is good.
But quite difficult to use on mobile, can u change the interface to make it easy to understand and write.
You're right, the PPC version is not that easy to use. Hopefully I'll get some time on this weeked to fix that up, as well as allowing common actions to be performed using hard/soft keys.
ammarr said:
You're right, the PPC version is not that easy to use. Hopefully I'll get some time on this weeked to fix that up, as well as allowing common actions to be performed using hard/soft keys.
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Yes that would be cool, waiting for your new version.

Itask Configuration and Answers for Mogul/XV6800/Titan Owners

I thought I'd start a thread for anyone else out there like me who thinks that rhov23's Itask application is fantastic but has yet to figure out all of his/her device's configuration. If we all collaberate, we can probably limit the repetetive questions rhov23 gets so that he can continue to focus on advancing Itask even further.
Anyway, I'll keep this updated with the latest answers and fixes. Post your own configuration questions and hopefully someone else has already found the answer and can help you out. It is also worth noting that it is usually necessary to restart iTask after making changes or modifications. Below is my modified input.txt file and descriptions of the changes I've made thus far. There is still a ton of work left to do:
***Make no mistake, all credit and donations go to rhov23, here ->>> <http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=364344> for this super piece of technology. ***
Input.txt (pt 1)
\\ iTask Modification File
\\Background picture
\\Clock on main screen. modern=24 hour clock, old= 12 hour-ampm
&timeformat=old&END (I'M USING THE OLD= 12 HOUR-AMPM FORMAT)
\\Analog Clock background
\\Change your weathercode from Yahoo Weather. Change degrees=c to f if you want fahrenheit
\\Main menu
\\ This is the text under the Main menu icons, do not use more than 8-9 charachters
\\These are the execute-buttons in the following order from top left. Lnk and exe files accepted.
&mainexec1=\Program%20Files\PocketCM\PocketCM.exe&END (changed to pocketcm)
&mainexec6=\windows\Favorites\Google Search - Maps.url&END (able to use a favorite from internet explorer for this button. very cool)
&mainexec12=\windows\tmail.exe&END (changed to messaging)
&mainexec13=\windows\Start%20Menu\Opera.lnk&END (changed to operamini)
&mainexec14=\windows\wmplayer.exe&END (changed to windows media player)
&devicelock=\Program%20Files\S2U2\s2u2.exe&END (changed device lock to S2U2)
\\Mainbutton images
\\Loading time for different programs.(How long the loadingimage will stay on-screen. Numbervalue is in milliseconds
\\Games menu
\\ This is the text under the Games menu icons, do not use more than 8-9 charachters
\\These are the execute-buttons in the following order from top left. Lnk and exe files accepted.
\\Gamesbutton images
\\Loading time for different programs.(How long the loadingimage will stay on-screen. Numbervalue is in milliseconds
Input.txt (pt 2)
\\ This is the text under the Apps menu icons, do not use more than 8-9 charachters
&appstext1=MemM&END (MemMaid)
&appstext3=Sling&END (Mobile Slingbox Player)
&appstext6=Word&END (Word .exe)
&appstext14=Radio&END (using streamcenter radio streams as mobile favorite for this button)
\\These are the execute-buttons in the following order from top left. Lnk and exe files accepted.
&appsexec1=\Program%20Files\MemMaid\MemMaid.exe&END (changed to MemMaid)
&appsexec3=\Program%20Files\Sling%20Media\SlingPlayer%20Mobile\SlingPlayer.exe&END (changed to Mobile Slingbox Player)
&appsexec6=\Windows\pword.exe&END (Word .exe)
&appsexec14=\Windows\Favorites\Radio.url&END (using streamcenter radio streams from internet explorer favorites)
\\Appsbutton images
\\Loading time for different programs.(How long the loadingimage will stay on-screen. Numbervalue is in milliseconds
Input.txt (pt 3)
\\Settings menu
\\ This is the text under the Settings menu icons
\\These are the execute-buttons in the following order from top left. Lnk and exe files accepted.
&settingsexec2=\itask\Backlight.lnk&END (IF ANYONE HAS THIS ONE FIGURED OUT, PLEASE SHARE)
&settingsexec7=\itask\Remove Programs.lnk&END
\\Settingsbutton images
\\Loading time for different programs.(How long the loadingimage will stay on-screen. Numbervalue is in milliseconds
\\This is the text under the Internal apps menu icons
\\iProgsbutton images
\\This is the update button on weather
\\This is the background of news
\\This is the background of settings
\\This is the name of the Games apps menu that slides from right
\\This is the name of the internal apps menu that slides from right
\\This is the name of the Apps apps menu that slides from right
\\Parameter for retrieving unread sms and unanswered calls, operator
do i just copy and paste
Tried to change, need current ver.
jak3n3al said:
do i just copy and paste
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is an example of how some of the configuration should look. What exactly are you trying to set up?
well first of all im just now starting to understand this and i feel like a super genius
but my problem is most of the programs dont open it just shows a screenshot what do i do
rde34 said:
\\ This is the text under the Apps menu icons, do not use more than 8-9 charachters
\\These are the execute-buttons in the following order from top left. Lnk and exe files accepted.
&appsexec1=\Program%20Files\MemMaid\MemMaid.exe&END (changed to MemMaid)
&appsexec3=\Program%20Files\Sling%20Media\SlingPlayer%20Mobile\SlingPlayer.exe&END (changed to Mobile Slingbox Player)
&appsexec6=\Windows\pword.exe&END (Word .exe)
&appsexec14=\Windows\Favorites\Radio.url&END (using streamcenter radio streams from internet explorer favorites)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
does anyone know what the english version of these paths are?
woodicw said:
does anyone know what the english version of these paths are?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
For example, &appsexec4=\windows\wmplayer.exe&END refers to my windows media player. If you either look through the folders of your device from your computer or look through your file explorer on your device you can find the path to just about every program and link it correctly to the proper button. So, you insert the proper path aft this part, &appsexec4=
helppp dude i love this program i just need some help
jak3n3al said:
helppp dude i love this program i just need some help
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You need to copy the input.txt file from the iTask folder on your phone and paste that copy somewhere on your computer to begin modifying.
Don't know why??
Don't know why, but this would not work for me:
\\These are the execute-buttons in the following order from top left. Lnk and exe files accepted.
&settingsexec7=\itask\Remove Programs.lnk&END
But this does:
\\These are the execute-buttons in the following order from top left. Lnk and exe files accepted.
The first set starting with \itask work for me. The only one that doesn't is the link to backlight setting. The ones that work for you from the \windows\start%20menu don't work at all. Thanks for your input though.
rde34 said:
The first set starting with \itask work for me. The only one that doesn't is the link to backlight setting. The ones that work for you from the \windows\start%20menu don't work at all. Thanks for your input though.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Are you able to update the weather and news without being connected via active sync?
okay who here has itask completely working i have questions for them
rde first of all do you have an instant messanger name so you could help me figure this out quicker?
if not here are my issues i downloaded itask the other day and only a few programs worked the rest were screen shots how do i change it so it goes directly to the program?
i tried changing some things in input and saved but no changes occured
Some Help
This is a great application, which once you get used to is straight forward, if a little time consuming to set up. Half the fun for me is working out things that I don't really understand. I have the original input text file open alongside the one that I'm configuring. You just have to find the section in the input text relating to the icon your trying to link, and after the = add the path for the application you want that icon to open. The path can be found in Explorer (or better still Resco Explorer) on your device. Most applications are found in Windows, Start Menu, Programs. This is what you type into the input text file in itask, remembering a space has to be replaced by %20 and that the text has to be exactly the same as on your device.
So, if you want to assign a program (say File Explorer) on your device to the first icon on the Apps page of itask (ie when you launch itask, click the 3rd icon along which says Apps, the first button is in the top left of the new screen and has a smiley face on it) alter the text in the input.txt file of itask after &appstext1="\Windows\Start%20Menu\Programs\File%20Explorer.Ink&END" Don't use the " " I've included them to show what you should type. When you close input.txt and restart itask, the smiley face button in Apps will open File Explorer. And so on until you've linked an icon to each program you want to open.
If I start a program always comes shortly after another top ;-( (
How can I change that?
Orbit 2 (HTC) WM 6
max-es said:
If I start a program always comes shortly after another top ;-( (
How can I change that?
Orbit 2 (HTC) WM 6
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The "another top" program you see is nothing but a screenshot, you can replace it by changing *loadpic*.jpg to any other picture you want, or if you want your application to open immediately, change your *loadtime configuration in input.txt to 0.

[App] GSlide 0.7

Build your own sliding app today!
Check out the latest version, AND read the new API Docs. Its a piece of cake making your own slide app. All you need to know is basic MortScript!
Go to http://www.gslide.mobi
* New cool screenshots and examples on the site!
I am moving the discussions to my GSlide Google group. For queries turn to
I feel i need to to start fresh somewhere I will keep this updated anyway of course.
Last updated with:
- Many usability improvements. About time you might say, after all the backend stuff
- "Easy access" buttons on the top bar. Implemented using the Faces API of course
- Much improved RSS handeling
- Super easy adding of RSS channels
- Super easy adding/editing of GSlide Settings
- A lot of tweaks here and there
- Super cool update, as always
- Real RSS reader
- Configurable alpha effects for many objects
- Lots of other good under-the-hoddie stuff
- New really cool message overlay feature which is totally configurable. Right sweep the top bar for an example. Why not use it for a preview of images?
- A really cool new Face feature which makes it possible to capture clicks where ever they occur on the screen!
- Much improved code!
- Improved the text viewer so that it expands with text size.
- Ships with a fully functional XML parser in MortScript!
I really need to update the API! I have made many main script functions much easier to access. With all the new features you can really make any kind of app. Not just sliding lists! Because of the Faces feature you can load any image and just create a simple script which tells at which click-coordinates scripts shall run. Check out the onMessageClick.mscr file.
- GSlideAPI.Remote ready! To get things started i made a Wazzup feature where you can download news from the GSlide site.
- Made a nice text viewer sample for the Wazzup context.
- Made a LOT of bug fixes.
- Added a lot of new features for the API. Almost all Context properties are now possible to change at runtime through the super simple script API.
- With all new features your can really create just about any app using GSlide!
The Wazzup feature might need a change of settings. Try to open the context, if it says it cannot connect:
- go to the Settings context
- then to Remote
- then double click on Internet Connection and fill in the name of your internet connection. The default value is "Internet" which usually works.
- Click X/Y positions. You now get the users current X/Y position from the GSlideAPI. This means that you can calculate where the user clicked. If you dont get the point now dont worry, i will soon write about this in the API Ref. But its MAJOR feature!
- You can now have a real fullscreen with no bottom menu if you set <hideBottomPanel> to true in the Context.xml file
- Optional static top bar with dynamic message text and dynamic background (settopbartext, settopbarimage)
Events supported for the top bar are onClick, onDoubleClick, onSweepRight, onSweepLeft.
- More event handlers are now available through the api such as onApplicationStart and onApplicationExit.
- More very cool things coming soon.
- All new Oxygen skin with much more complete icon set (drawback is total size in kb)
- Communication with GSlide is now xmlrpc standard.
- More possibilities to make adhoc changes to events handlers (onApplicationStart, onApplicationExit, onTapAndHold, onBackTapAndHold, onClick, onDoubleClick, etc).
- Tap and hold support
- Renaming the menues is now possible.
- Right sweep now takes you to the actions (cut and paste etc) as default (really easy to change in the context.xml file. Look for the onSweepRight tag.).
- New "GSlide Settings" Context which makes it easy to set system paths according to your whishes. Switch to the new Settings context and click on the "Contexts" folder. When you click on the different settings here you can input new paths. Dont mess around with paths that look like this: GSlideAPI[paths]... unless you know what your doing.
- Working zip features again.
- A bit reworked skins.
- Uses the latest MortScript beta.
- GSlide can now read JSON! This means that you can load data from basically any data source, straight from the net.
This could be anything from RSS to stock information or mail accounts.
Contact me through my xda-developers GSlide page for more info until I finish the docs.
- You can now set shortcuts in GSlide to access files or folders in a snap. Super cool feature! Make new shortcuts by selecting any file or folder. Go to the Actions View by choosing "Show Actions". Here simply click on "Create Shortcut". You are now asked if you want to save it in the default location which is the GSlide specific folder used with the Right Sweep. Otherwise you can make a regular shortcut anywhere you wish by selecting a folder.
<-- Sweep = Back
Sweep = Shortcuts -->
Custom file/app icon support
You have to make your own icons though. I put a bunch of ok samples in the Default contexts new Icons folder. to make your own, simply name them with the associated extension (txt.gif or whatever). exe files and lnk files can also have associated icons such as PocketArtist.gif or Opera.gif (it does not need to be gif, any common bitmap format should work...)
New "lock list" function which secures execution of actions.
- New Actions with the same sliding interface as the rest of the app.
- New filter action. Now you can actually open the windows folder, IF you apply the filter first.
- Many fixes and patches.
- A lot better structure of folders and files.
- No need to specify the location of scripts in the context.xml files. (though its still possible).
* When an action is executed, GSlide will automatically redirect to the previous view. It just takes a moment *
- Easier install/config. Checks many more paths automatically.
- Awaited bug fixes
- Much improved Context handling (no restart needed).
- Better sweep functionality.
- Right sweep now opens folders as default.
- Much improved Scripting API.
- New Contexts for changing Volume and Backlight.
- 250 less KB
- Horizontal sweep support
- More detailed list behaiviour config, per context.
- Support for external, custom, event handlers for:
-- onSweepRight (default, "Open with ZNote")
-- onSweepLeft (default, "Back")
-- onDoubleClick (default, "Open with shell")
All the actions for list behaiviour is set in the context.xml file (GSlide/context/Default/context.xml is standard). The default paths to the MortScript.exe and the different scripts are /Program/GSlide/actions/....
This will probably have to be changed to your local WM5 file system path naming (/Program Files/GSlide/actions/ for UK/US).
To skip the custom actions for double clicks and sweeps and make GSlide operate as usual, just remove the lines:
- I improved the list control with two new settings in the context.xml
The first tag sets the max speed when sweeping.
The second tells the list when it should start to scroll away. The higher the value the faster you have to sweep to get it scrolling.
- New and improved actions
- Since a guy had an strange incident with files getting deleted without any clear reason (i have no idea if GSlide was to blame but still...), i have added a bunch of security features:
-- Execution of GSlideAPI scripts will exit at once if GSlide.exe is not running.
-- Folders can not be deleted from the root of Windows. This means for example: \Windows\, \Programs\, \Storage Card\ etc
PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS RELEASE, just to keep on the safe side.
-Included ZNotepad and a cool new light skin.
-Also added a Refresh directory action.
-Removed some bugs
Have fun sliding
GSlide have, at the moment, only QVGA skins... VGA is onthe way. you can of course easily make a new skin yourself if you can't wait
You might have to update the GSlideAPI.mscr file in the /actions/ folder with new system paths...
Hallo Lars. The application still crashes on /windows, photos and so on ! so ..what should i say.... nice but not usefull.
please help me out by telling me the number of files in your Photos folder.
And when you say crash, is itan unhandled exception or a GSlide popup?
My best suggestion for large folders at the moment is to keep the row size/icon size small (approx 30x30). this consumes far less RAM.
Thanks for trying it out
I'll let you know if I come up with some other solution.
i get an unexpected error (think it was from wm6) and the application closes. in photos i have just five 3 mpix pictures. same when i try to open the windows folder.
i uninstalled it and can't tell you more.
thanks man... this is wonderful.
Gslide seems to be moving forward really well.
it'll certainly switch my resco explorer soon
Hmm... Let me see what i can do...
The windows folder is a "No-can-do" folder until i make a new less memory intense scrolling list.
Can you help me by downloading and trying more of the functionality and give me feedback.
On my device it works like a charm
Also tried it on a Qtek 2020i WM2003SE with CF2 and it worked fine.
Dont forget to try out the scripting API!
Fixed a new Action menu with more thumb-friendly function
Uploaded 16:00 GMT+1, only the GSlide.exe file has changed.
the zip file seems empty ...
corrupted upload?
the programs looks promising
t0k0m0k0 said:
the zip file seems empty ...
corrupted upload?
the programs looks promising
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
empty here too...
No files in the zip folder. Would really like to try out this program.
Sorry! Uploaded from my HTC
Let me try again
The zip should work
Let me know if you have any problems.
Please remember to update the paths in the /GSlide/actions/GSlideAPI.mscr file if you get unexpected behaiviour. The file is richly commented (to be written by me anyway ) and is easy to edit.
Dont forget to read the small, but growing, "GSlide Developers Guide" in the /actions/ folder
This is simply fantastic!! Thank you for developing another file browser
1. Can you make the files seen pick up the associated icon? (obvious)
2. Please make the up directory button only require one tap, I like having to double tap to execute files but not to go up a directory.
3. I notice sometimes the list stops scrolling right to the end, may want to look into this.
4.Application needs a name, it only displays “\” as program name in running apps.
5. Have had an error once (I have NETCFv3.5 in the ROM):
An error message is available for this exception but cannot be displayed because these messages are optional and are not currently installed on this device. Please install ‘NETCFv35.Messages.EN.wm.cab’ for Windows Mobile 5.0 and above or ‘NETCFv35.Messages.EN.cab’ for other platforms. Restart the application to see the message.
at System.Collections.ArrayList.get_Item(Int32 index)
at Scroller.KList.MouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
at Scroller.ScrollingPane.ScrollingPane_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control._InternalWnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
at Microsoft.AGL.Forms.EVL.EnterMainLoop(IntPtr hwnMain)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form fm)
at Scroller.Program.Main(String[] args)
Please keep up development
Thanks for trying out my little app!
Let me help you out a bit,
1. Can you make the files seen pick up the associated icon? (obvious)
- I have tried this, but i think i will place assoc. icons in the skin folders for now. I didnt get the windows icons to work properly.
2. Please make the up directory button only require one tap, I like having to double tap to execute files but not to go up a directory.
- Okidoki, I will make it optional
3. I notice sometimes the list stops scrolling right to the end, may want to look into this.
- This is actually my "Select-Zone" feature It is helps you to select items by keeping the list still. The width of this region is set in the context.xml file of each context.
4.Application needs a name, it only displays “\” as program name in running apps.
- Ahh... Fix it i will
5. Have had an error once (I have NETCFv3.5 in the ROM):
- I think i have fixed that problem now. Download the new exe
mysparkle said:
3. I notice sometimes the list stops scrolling right to the end, may want to look into this.
- This is actually my "Select-Zone" feature It is helps you to select items by keeping the list still. The width of this region is set in the context.xml file of each context.
4.Application needs a name, it only displays “\” as program name in running apps.
- Ahh... Fix it i will
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Looking better
3. What I meant is if the app is run from a shortcut it shows the WM top bar and covers up the up folder icon. It opens in full screen and doesn't appear to do this if you run it from a file explorer (kinda defeats the purpose), any ideas?
4. Still showing "\"
6. Are you able to make the action list scrollable with gestures so I don't have to push the tiny up or down arrows to move through the list?
Still heaps of potential!!
Okay, i have NO Idea what just happened but I know i'm pretty pissed off.
I extracted the zip to try gslide out and i decided i'll stick to my previous program. when i tried to delete the folder, it deleted everything but two files. then i was trying to get dynamo 3.2.01 (previous version ran fine) and i went to check a registry key so dynamo would run and before i could go back to my total commander, mortscript came up with a message saying "Deleted!" thinking it deleted remaining files from the gslide folder, i dismissed it. but apparently something somehow deleted just about every file on my storage card! 5 gigs of music, morphgear roms, pictures, BACKUP files, EVERYTHING!!!!
I have no idea what caused this but I wanted to warn everyone that this happened to me and tto be careful. maybe be safe and if you need to delete the gsfolder, take your memory card out and do it from your PC
UPDATE: I believe it has to do something with mortscript. I am using the rom in my sig and it has mortscript cooked in and has a folder of mortscript commands and now it is empty! I'll make sure that chef knows
Nice applications
Trying it now
Hope will work
richabi said:
Okay, i have NO Idea what just happened but I know i'm pretty pissed off.
I extracted the zip to try gslide out and i decided i'll stick to my previous program. when i tried to delete the folder, it deleted everything but two files. then i was trying to get dynamo 3.2.01 (previous version ran fine) and i went to check a registry key so dynamo would run and before i could go back to my total commander, mortscript came up with a message saying "Deleted!" thinking it deleted remaining files from the gslide folder, i dismissed it. but apparently something somehow deleted just about every file on my storage card! 5 gigs of music, morphgear roms, pictures, BACKUP files, EVERYTHING!!!!
I have no idea what caused this but I wanted to warn everyone that this happened to me and tto be careful. maybe be safe and if you need to delete the gsfolder, take your memory card out and do it from your PC
UPDATE: I believe it has to do something with mortscript. I am using the rom in my sig and it has mortscript cooked in and has a folder of mortscript commands and now it is empty! I'll make sure that chef knows
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Scary! I am sorry to hear of your major mishap
I am just wondering what happened?!
GSlide is contained in its root folder without any connections to the outside world except through MortScript. And the MortScript.exe is located in the GSlide folder as well...
I just can not see how deleting the GSlide folder could trigger anything... And GSlide has no MortScript saying just "Deleted!" so the dialog was not from GSlide.
* How, with which app, did you delete the GSlide folder?
* Which two files where left in the GSlide folder after your first delete attempt?
Did you delete the GSlide folder from within the GSlide app? This could maybe screw up things, and could explain the two locked files as you are basically deleting GSlide in it's own running process... kind of asking it to implode.
This is just a theory of course and does not account for the loss of the other data.
Didn't get the rom/sig thing
Please get back to me asap with help.

mortscript scripts project

Hi all,
I propose this new thread to put together many of the scripts spread around in a way that anybody can benefit from it with easy an easy configuration.
The standard I propose is the following:
Split all user parameters from the code itself
Split part of codes wich are dependant on each one user configuration from the code itself
Put together scripts that make little use of system resources and battery
Each relevant post could contain a script with credits to the contributors and the wish list for additional code and this post could act as an index to the relevant posts.
My first attempt:
I have created two notifications using dotfred taskmanager.
When I connect to my wifi at home it:
updates my gmail email
updates Spb Insight RSS Feed
downloads weather forecast pictures from my country (to use in my desktop theme)
downloads favourite stocks data and graphs (to use in my desktop theme)
updates quickgps info
updates gmail email
When I disconnect it copies weather data from one program to another:
[*]In this case it copies WAD2 weather info to S2U2. (thanks to alanlsmith at lakeridge forums)
In this example, somebody may share their code to update yahoo accounts or other RSS programs, etc. We could also share other ways of waking up the device. Any user could simply adjust the parameter files and be up and running.
My wish list now is:
* add log code that can be "plugged" to any of the scripts.
* add code to sync when connected to the PC
* give credit to all the people whose code I am using.
* create a include module of paths values so everybody can install this where they want, both the scripts and the registry values created.
* register when the info of each module was last updated so to decide if it should update it again or not: eg. a user may want to update email every hour but the weather or RRS info only once a day.
* create a structure for launching the desired tweaks (on/off), registry exports, registry imports, etc.
Hope some of you want to try and others find useful this scripts
cruiserrr said:
Hi all,
I propose this new thread to put together many of the scripts spread around in a way that anybody can benefit from it with easy an easy configuration.
Each relevant post could contain a script with credits to the contributors and the wish list for additional code and this post could act as an index to the relevant posts.
Hope some of you want to try and others find useful this scripts
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Like this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=289197
Not really !
I read this thread quite often because is full of good code and ideas.
My idea is rather to build something really easy to set-up for new users that can also save tons of times for advanced users. Is more a "sashimi" like, giving UI for tweaks, automation, backup, scripts & icon generation menu, links maintenance, set-up after hard-reset, profiles, backups, interaction for themes apps such as rl-today, s2u2 or wad...
The mortscript accumulation thread is simply great and people exchange lots of codes and ideas but each one has to take the bits and re-code. That's why I propose to build a small "application" so we can consolidate and reuse the code we generate... and have fun by doing so !
(In fact, similar ideas to split Q&A and scripts have been expressed more or less in the same thread several times)
Wombat's PhoneRoam Script
Here is my first attempt of writing a script with Mortscript
It keeps you connected to High Speed Data Only and disconnects if you stray onto G or E type networks to save on Roaming Charges.
I hope you enjoy

