Hack to emulate Function Keys - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Various ports and emulators i've tried to run on my Universal assume that you have function keys. Is there an app to intercept the keyboard and map these? The ability to have Win+1 = F1 ... Win + 0 = F10 (with Win + "=" as F12 and Win + Tab = Esc too) would be great!?
(Just to be clear, full screen apps so no on screen keyboard)

that would be really great!!

cycloid said:
Various ports and emulators i've tried to run on my Universal assume that you have function keys. Is there an app to intercept the keyboard and map these? The ability to have Win+1 = F1 ... Win + 0 = F10 (with Win + "=" as F12 and Win + Tab = Esc too) would be great!?
(Just to be clear, full screen apps so no on screen keyboard)
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PQz should be able to do that http://www.nicque.com/PQz/DOC/index_e.htm

I've tried pzQII but have no idea how it works! The first problem i have is picking a CTRL key, because all the keys seem to do something, e.g. OK, the second is getting them mapped. Using the Code screen i think i managed to make OK+Tab map to Escape but there's no option in the list for F1...F12, so i tried putting hex codes in directly but that didnt work. might be the wrong hex codes.


Ctrl Key - Does it exist or how?

Has anybody worked out if the keyboard has a Ctrl key or a function that works like Ctrl , handy when quitting apps eg Ctrl Q.
Or editing.
I couldnt find it when I used the device.
That's very strange because I have it on my MDA II's touchscreen keyboard. Are you talking about the touchscreen keyboard that you have to pop up by pressing the up arrow in the lower right-hand corner in the Messages app for instance?
I wonder whether this feature would also be ROM-dependent.
i meant the hard keyboard not sip. its on sip but when i used the universal i couldnt see it.
Yes I am interested in the Ctrl button on the universal as well, I owned a XDAIIs and found the keyboard on that didn't have the Ctrl key either so you can't do CUT/COPY or paste unless there is another way. I cut and paste heaps so the keyboard was useless to me on the XDAIIs.
Any one know if there is another way to do this on the Universal Keyboard.
what a wind up this is, cant believe they missed the ctrl button off the proper keyboard.
The keyboard has Cut/copy/paste function, so I am happy.
Jasjar is the most awesome PPC Phone yet.
there is a screen tap key (a bit like the right mouse click key on a full computer) this brings up the menu option, with copy and cut in it !! then you can just pres the relevant letter on the keyboard, thus having the same effect (ie press a function key then C or T or V).
PS its Fn [Space] key
cool... i wondered what that key did! that is useful!
[ctrl] is used for more things than copy+paste.
I use my Exec to communicate with *NIX servers using Pocket PuTTY. [ctrl] is kind of essential.
Agree, using putty is a nightmare without a ctrl key. Is there any way of mapping another key to do the same function

Question about Wizard keyboard

Does it has ESC key ?
I hate ppc "virtual" keyboard (default, RESCO, ...) because they cant send ESC key. This is important when you are using "vi" on PocketPutty application.
Or anyone know any virtual keyboard that has ESC key ?
From the pictures and the I-mate K-JAM manual it doesnt appear to. Stop using VI, its terrible ;p
no it does not have a esc key
dvoraksip in the SDK does send escape keys (most complete keyboard I've seen, sends ctrl, alt, win key, has backspace and delete etc). But it helps if you can type using dvorak!
You could write a program to send custom keystrokes. I wrote a program once upon a time to send any keycode to current app, and this could be assigned to a hardware key etc. But it's a bit of a waste of a hardware key.
Escape key?
Maybe, but I am not sure about Escape key defined in Unicode:
AEKMap - AE Keyboard Mapper for Windows Mobile
thereaperman said:
no it does not have a esc key
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Nor a CTRL key. So a bit limited for terminal applications then!
You can get ^ and [ by using the Sym modifier on the Space key on H and K.
Dunno if that can be persuaded to send the CTRL-[ escape sequence though.

Wizard - re-assign keyboard key

Is there possible to re-assign a Keyboard key (maybe windows key that I don't use) to "Sym" key (2nd function on Space key)?
Will be a fast way to input symbols or specific Country caracters like á, â, é, ç, ó, etc... because is only necessary one click instead "function+space".
Anybody know how?
Try to check this site
osvold said:
Try to check this site
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I think this program will not work... because is a function key (not a character key)!
Anybody know how?
may be, i understood you wrong, but the AEKmap is able to remap returns on winkey + something pressed, and that is exactly, what you want, isnt it?
look at this part of the aek format reference
; "Win" key scan codes.
; Specify up to four 4-digit hex scancodes to enable internal Win key
; monitoring routine. Or leave it empty to use Win key state returned by system
; Standard keyboard Win scancode is 085B
sure, probably you cant assign the symbol key directly to win key, but you have to specify, that
winkey + something = á
winkey + something2 = â

Is it possible to do a ~ on the Titan?

Is it possible to do a ~ on the Titan? I don't see it anywhere on the keyboards. Is it possible to get an expanded keyboard program anywhere to send that key?
Yes it possible but not easy. Hit function then tab an onscreen menu will pop up scroll down three clicks and there it is. Im posting from my mogul so ill throw one up to ~ , you get all sorts of symbols ™ € № {} § those are a few
Thanks. Anyway to map that to a key?
Diamond Keyboard
Use the diamond keyboard app. and just hold "H" and you'll get it. Much easier.
I have had problems using the tilde (~) that you get from function-symbols for our WEP key, so I usually text it to myself from a PC (verizonwireless.com). Not sure why it is different, but this method always works for me.
on a pc one can get any ascii key by holding down the alt key and typing in the ascii value
maybe it works on pda's too
also, you could hit the function key then Q for the @ symbol, immediately followed by Function then Space.
kflipproductions said:
also, you could hit the function key then Q for the @ symbol, immediately followed by Function then Space.
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nice 1, that works

Keyboard shortcuts

Does anyone have any keyboard shortcuts they find useful on the Yoga Book? I use 'Esc' as a back button all the time.
Its actually pretty hard to know what keyboard shortcuts are supported as Lenovo does not give a list.
Standard copy + paste works - that's pretty all I use except for the escape key. I also use the hardware volume key more often than the volume keys on the keyboard.
Shift+Space = change keyboard language
Ctrl+Space = does also change some language, but I am not shure what exact does change
Shift+Enter = word preview on/off
Alt+Tab = Switch app
strg+a = select whole text
strg+shift = change input method
strg+down = android status bar
alt+left and alt+right = backward and forward in Chrome
I was surprised to see alt+tab works and alt+arrows will go forward or back in Chrome.
I'm liking it so far
If you connect the bluetooth keyboard(I use the filco ) ,you can use the windows button, to open the auxiliary app you chose
