Most annoying X1 bug? - XPERIA X1 General

so whats youre most annoying X1 bug? try to keep it to one! lol
i dont know if anyone else gets this but the one that drives me up the wall is when i send an sms text and the little popup comes up and says "sent" if i dont click on dismiss within half a second then the dismiss button is unresponsive and wont clear the notification. so the phone is basically locked for a few seconds. what normally happens then is because ive tried pressing it the phone wakes up and the dismiss button has now become the "Send" button instead and i send a blank text!! can become fantastically annoying when texting a couple of people at the same time. the x1 just doesnt seem fast enough to cope. of course i could turn off the sent notification but i like to know that the sms has been sent. im hoping R3 firmware will be a little more responsive and sort this problem.
anyone got a more annoying bug?

did u ever try to click somewhere else then the notification shows(some empty space above it)? does the same as dismiss and doesnt lag...

You can disable this through registry lol. You know the SMS has been sent through Sent Items folder. You only open it when you believe that it hasn't been sent.

Lake292 said:
did u ever try to click somewhere else then the notification shows(some empty space above it)? does the same as dismiss and doesnt lag...
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i just tried it, if i click anywhere apart from on "dismiss" then nothing happens. the notification just stays there until i click on it or press the softkey. i have noticed it does it with the vibrate on but seems ok when its on silent...
i know that the sent notification can be turned off. just i like to have it on. but yeh i suppose i can just rely on the sent notification to alert me. just seems a bit unfair that a compromise has to be made rather than the phone doing somethin that it should do!

anothadave said:
i just tried it, if i click anywhere apart from on "dismiss" then nothing happens. the notification just stays there until i click on it or press the softkey. i have noticed it does it with the vibrate on but seems ok when its on silent...
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That workaround only works on the HTC Notification replacement.

anothadave said:
i just tried it, if i click anywhere apart from on "dismiss" then nothing happens. the notification just stays there until i click on it or press the softkey. i have noticed it does it with the vibrate on but seems ok when its on silent...
i know that the sent notification can be turned off. just i like to have it on. but yeh i suppose i can just rely on the sent notification to alert me. just seems a bit unfair that a compromise has to be made rather than the phone doing somethin that it should do!
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If you turn of the message sent notification and the message doesnt send for some reason it still shows that it hasnt sent. so with the lag etc it causes its easier to just disable it seems pointless to me

There u go

yeh i knew how to turn it off. ive got xperia tweak. i suppose its an old habit from when i had the p series phones. they used to have a sent message pop up then dissappear and also in the sent folder the text was marked as delivered or not. much better than the x1's system of sending a text to show delivery. ive disabled the sent notifications now so ill see how that goes. now the next thing to sort out is the lag from pressing the reply button and the new text appearing.. sometimes ive written half a sentance before anything appears on the screen lol
anyone else get the bug where when you press the space bar the start menu opens?? or the one where you send a text and the vibrate just stays on for about 10 seconds until the sent notification appears?

I have a Clock Delay problem....yesterday it was delayed 1hour! I had to adjust it was 20 min and then after a few hours 10 minutes!!! I think I am going to put a thread here about this problem....
Anyone here know how to fix this?

akp99 said:
That workaround only works on the HTC Notification replacement.
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didnt know about that im used to manila by now too much i guess


Why Won't My G1 Vibrate When I Get A Text?

Whenever I put my g1 on vibrate and then get a text the phone doesn't vibrate. is this happening to anybody else
I am getting this issue to, but it is intermittent. I am also having an issue with different ring tones playing. Every call rings a different ring tone, even from the same person. It is very strange!
open messenging --> menu --> setting --> tick vibrate
text message do not share the same setting in ringtone
Try to install rings extended in marketplace and set again~
aad4321 said:
I have the same issue, sometime it wont vibrate, or even play the ringer. So in other words i have no idea i received a new message sometimes.... i have to manually look...
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just wondering are you in a text message when it does this? I noticed that it doesn't tell me I have a new text message from the same person if I am on the thread screen of their text messages... if that makes sense
neoobs said:
just wondering are you in a text message when it does this? I noticed that it doesn't tell me I have a new text message from the same person if I am on the thread screen of their text messages... if that makes sense
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If you are in the conversation screen with "sammy" it wont notify you unless you back out of it and you're in a different area, window.
It makes sense to me why they do it.
I don't like that feature though.
Mikey1022 said:
If you are in the conversation screen with "sammy" it wont notify you unless you back out of it and you're in a different area, window.
It makes sense to me why they do it.
I don't like that feature though.
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Yea thats what I was trying to say LOL... I agree I wish we could disable the feature... but then again just turning on the screen seems to work now that the app is out.
I recieved two OTA updates, the first one fixed this issue for me.
The noise goes off, but the notification clears and the light doesn't blink still. Oh well, it's progress at least.
mine will stop in the middle of the day, just pull the battery out and place it back in, and it will work again
updating to the RC30 update, mine is fixed, now they do
Mikey1022 said:
updating to the RC30 update, mine is fixed, now they do
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I got rc30 and it still happens to me from time to time, not much like it used to.
I have RC30 and I still have this issue. Hopefully they work this out because im a heavy texter.
Hi I just registered with this site to see if I can help you. I had this problem all day tday n couldn't get a fix. I tried everythin except hard reset which I wasn't wiilling to do. My vibrate now works, what I did was this. I have the 'timed profiles' app, I timed it to make silent go off in 1 minute n then my sms vibrate function started working agen. This is a big problem with the g1 but this fixed it for me hopefully permanently! Hope it helps

Help me reduce the button presses to check messages

currently when i get an sms i have to:
-press a hard key
-unlock the slider
-press the message tab
-then when i get to messages it isn't set to the latest message it is set to the last message checkeds
-then i have to scroll to message 1
coming from android that is a lot of button presses. in android you could actually read the first couple of lines from the lockscreen. is there a way for me to reduce the button presses?
Install S2U2.
S2U2 will be able to display the message on the screen (while the phone remains locked).
Do you have win6.5 lock enabled? when you get a message it should have a message slider and if you slide that it will automatically take you to the sms tab (or email tab if you got an email or missed call tab if you got a missed call or.....)
Set titanium as home screen then after unlock hit text.
Or you could:
-press a hard key
-tap the slider
-unlock the new slider which pops up
should take you directly to your new message.
dislabled said:
Or you could:
-press a hard key
-tap the slider
-unlock the new slider which pops up
should take you directly to your new message.
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dislabled said:
Or you could:
-press a hard key
-tap the slider
-unlock the new slider which pops up
should take you directly to your new message.
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this takes me to the messages tab, but it does not take me to the latest message. it takes me to the last message i checked when i was in that tab so i still have to scroll once.
i will check out that s2u2 and report back.
ok so i downloaded s2u2 and love the functionality of it. i hate the fact that it looks like iphone though i wish it were more original looking. or even the same but a different colorway, especially in the message bubble that pops up. but hey, it was free and works great so thanks for suggesting it.
much better than the stock lock screen for sure!
methodz said:
ok so i downloaded s2u2 and love the functionality of it. i hate the fact that it looks like iphone though i wish it were more original looking. or even the same but a different colorway, especially in the message bubble that pops up. but hey, it was free and works great so thanks for suggesting it.
much better than the stock lock screen for sure!
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There is a disturbing amount of themes for S2U2, if you don't like the stock one (which does mimic the iphone alot) you should look at the other ones.
Svegetto said:
Do you have win6.5 lock enabled? when you get a message it should have a message slider and if you slide that it will automatically take you to the sms tab (or email tab if you got an email or missed call tab if you got a missed call or.....)
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How do I enable this, I've seen the message slider in other peoples screenies, but I'm not sure how to enable it.
Many thanks
install the hd mini unlock screen, shows most of the message when you wake up the phone with out having to slide to unlock
HTC_Junglist said:
How do I enable this, I've seen the message slider in other peoples screenies, but I'm not sure how to enable it.
Many thanks
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You just click the slider instead of sliding it. It obviously only works if there's something to show you.
johncmolyneux said:
You just click the slider instead of sliding it. It obviously only works if there's something to show you.
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Yeah but at the moment, message or missed call, these icons on the lock screen don't show.
bump, thanks for any pointers
HTC_Junglist said:
Yeah but at the moment, message or missed call, these icons on the lock screen don't show.
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So I understand, after a missed call, email sms etc. do you see a number on the unlock slider? If so, and you tap the unlock slider, you should see one or more notification sliders pop down. Are those not appearing? If that's the case, have you ever installed anything intended to modify the lockscreen in any way?
Sean3 said:
So I understand, after a missed call, email sms etc. do you see a number on the unlock slider? If so, and you tap the unlock slider, you should see one or more notification sliders pop down. Are those not appearing?
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No unfortunately.
Sean3 said:
If that's the case, have you ever installed anything intended to modify the lockscreen in any way?
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Yes I have (See screenie), but even before this change I've not had the other icons come up. I've always wondered how I could get them to show up since having the phone.
I'm on Orange network (UK) and on official 1.66 rom.
Thanks for your help.
LOL, it has a little number "1" on your slider, lol
just tap that a$$
methodz said:
LOL, it has a little number "1" on your slider, lol
just tap that a$$
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Still nothing, that screenie was taken after tapping
It's not important, it would just be nice.
well it is displaying right. normally you would just touch the slider instead of sliding it and a secondary slider would appear, but if that is not happening for you i don't know where in the settings to enable/disable it.
HTC_Junglist said:
Still nothing, that screenie was taken after tapping
It's not important, it would just be nice.
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I can't imagine why it's not working. I've attached a cab with the original lockscreen files. You may try installing it and see if that works. Outside of that, you may have a reg setting inadvertantly changed somewhere.
@methodz: Are you still using S2U2? If not, or you go back to the oem LS, I think we can take your original question one step further (literally). Not sure if you've seen this, but you can change the commmand of the notification slider to go directly to your email inbox instead of the manila tab, or have the sllider actually call your voicemail directly instead of taking you to the dialpad. I dunno about sms as I haven't tried it, but either way it may worth looking at the bottom of this post here by Da_G: It will require a tad of registry editing, but for me it's worth it. Less steps to get to things.

SMS Glitch, does your HD2 do this?

Ok, does anyone else have this problem. Whenever i get a new text message, whether i open it up with the message icon at the bottom or the notification at the top, after i start typing it will then highlight what the other person just sent to me and turns the screen where i type blank, and to see what i have typed and continue typing i have to touch the screen where my typing appears again and continue typing. Any idea why this happens, its kind of annoying the piss outta me!
I have no idea, but it's happen to me too. Sometimes it highlights the received message but still allows me to type without seeing the letters appear on the blank screen.
starkall said:
Ok, does anyone else have this problem. Whenever i get a new text message, whether i open it up with the message icon at the bottom or the notification at the top, after i start typing it will then highlight what the other person just sent to me and turns the screen where i type blank, and to see what i have typed and continue typing i have to touch the screen where my typing appears again and continue typing. Any idea why this happens, its kind of annoying the piss outta me!
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Yes, it happens to the two I have as well... One of which is being replaced,(hardware failure)
ya, well i wonder if there is a way to fix this in the registry or something. it really bugs the crap out of me sometimes.
I think its a universal glitch. However, the problem happens to me less now that I'm running Kumar's TMOUS C1.6 WWE ROM
Yes, it happens for me too.
Happens to me too, smh. I'm turning the phone back on Wednesday
This happens to me as well! Almost every time! Drives me up the wall!!!please wait 2 seconds for an uncompressed image, or press Ctrl+F5 for original quality page
What ROM version do you have? Stock? Custom? Latest 2.13?
This is the reason I have htc messaging disabled!
Happens all the time, it's just a software bug hopefully it'll get fixed in the future.
mine pauses when i txt also but its not worth giving up the phone for a few glitches.a bubby got the pheone and is freaking out because its not as smooth as his he is going to take the phone back.
I have the latest ROM and texting still SUCKS!! unbelievable....Hold your phone landscape and have someone send you a text while you are writing one, ridiculous.
I have the same problem also. maybe the new official update will fix it. If not, and I disable htc messaging. which sms app should i use?
I had this problem with the original 2.10 rom. Now that i've updated to the 2.13 rom the problem is solved
hensond67 said:
I had this problem with the original 2.10 rom. Now that i've updated to the 2.13 rom the problem is solved
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It's solved because you have 0 SMS in the conversation, it ll start annoying you when you have like more than 20 SMS.
I got a call on firday , and the tech said they can reproduce the SMS delay / jump to last SMS problem.
But cannot find any bug in HTC sense, that kind of means they will NEVER fix it.
I think they definitely think it's a feature other than a problem even so many people complains.
uccoffee said:
It's solved because you have 0 SMS in the conversation, it ll start annoying you when you have like more than 20 SMS.
I got a call on firday , and the tech said they can reproduce the SMS delay / jump to last SMS problem.
But cannot find any bug in HTC sense, that kind of means they will NEVER fix it.
I think they definitely think it's a feature other than a problem even so many people complains.
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I have seen that myself. Had about 40 messages in that thread and I could see the scroll bar getting smaller and smaller on the right hand side of the screen, and once it finished getting to the size that it needs to be for the amount of messages, it happens. I try to keep my sms sizes small due to this. It gets quite annoying at times.
this is one of the things that is the most annoying of all! I hate it and theres no way to fix it apparently.. gay
the only way i have overcome it is, well i sold the first HD2 i had and got an iphone, well now i just got another HD2 yesterday directly from Tmo cause i broke my iphone, my new HD2 has the lastest ROM on it, but set the Message shortcut to your homescreen and when you recieve a new message dont open it with the message icon on the bottom where the sense icons are and open your message with the message shortcut icon, this way i have noticed it doesnt highlight the last message that person sent you.
starkall said:
the only way i have overcome it is, well i sold the first HD2 i had and got an iphone, well now i just got another HD2 yesterday directly from Tmo cause i broke my iphone, my new HD2 has the lastest ROM on it, but set the Message shortcut to your homescreen and when you recieve a new message dont open it with the message icon on the bottom where the sense icons are and open your message with the message shortcut icon, this way i have noticed it doesnt highlight the last message that person sent you.
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the new Tmo ROM update fixes that problem, It slows the sensitivity and processing of what you type down, but it no longer highlights the incoming message. choose which poison you wish to have

Text showing up when received

Is it possible to have the text showing up on the screen when received, even if the phone is in locked mode?
I mean waking up the phone and showing up the text but the buttons still locked? Like the iPhone?
Thank you,
Unless someone else out there knows of a app or something else, I have never seen anything that will allow you to do this, not even the great Cookies Home Tab.
try this new lock screen app it works great for my HD2 been using it for months now and not a shows emails txts and missed calls as well as alarms its called S2U2 can find it on 0market i think. hope this helps

How to get spinning circle notification on LED Flip Wallet like in this video ?

EDIT: Firmware update in canada fixed these issues.
Look here:
8min 32seconds. His LED flip cases are getting that spinning circle notification for things like whatsapp and stuff.
All I get on mine is missed call and text.
I don't get missed email alert or missed whatsapp or the spinning circle (which I think is a general notification for any 3rd party app that isn't phone or text)
I checked every setting !
I also did a hard reset (hold down 3 buttons, navigate with volume and hard reset and reboot)
Nothing helped.... I still don't get that spinning circle notification.
Any help would be appreciated.
PS: Samsung support has no idea whats the issue...
I tried hard reset, still not getting it
Any ideas?
THS1989 said:
I tried hard reset, still not getting it
Any ideas?
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Are you running stock rom?
airwa1kin7 said:
Are you running stock rom?
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Yes stock not rooted.
Bump. Anyone have suggestions ?
Bump. Am I the only one with this issue or are people not buying this case ?
THS1989 said:
Bump. Am I the only one with this issue or are people not buying this case ?
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I got my Note 4 on the 21st of january, the led flip wallet the day after and I've had de circling dots since the beginning. Running Dutch NK4 build completely stock.
I get the circling dots, I get an an icon when something new arrives but after that.. just the dots.
If I press the side button or open/close the case, all I get is the time - no icons to show what's been missed. Is this the normal/expected way it works?
I'm unimpressed!
Firmware update in Canada fixed these issues.
mark0326 said:
I get the circling dots, I get an an icon when something new arrives but after that.. just the dots.
If I press the side button or open/close the case, all I get is the time - no icons to show what's been missed. Is this the normal/expected way it works?
I'm unimpressed!
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I think it only displays missed Call and Text.
For email, whatsapp and all other notifications, it only does the spinning dots.
I get the circling dots pretty much all the time, even when I have no notifications. eg Right now. If I open the cover, slide down the notification panel, there are no notifications. If I close the case, the time briefly displays and the case then goes blank for a whole minute. Then up pops the spinning circle again.
Yes the case is on properly. :crying:
