From dash 2 the g1 - G1 General

just need a little help i went frm the dash 2 the g1..but i wanted to know waz so great bout dis phone,cuz i miss a lot of programs on the a program that can records phone thking bout going back to the dash the g1 is not up 2

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nolageek said:
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Could you have made that any more hilarious?! Lol I'm bookmarking this thread just cause of that

Well I had a dash and I kinda miss it. I could stream video from anywhere on skyfire so I could watch anime and shows. I could watch ANY video file on TCPMP, and had Mobile Office etc etc etc. Since there are a million WM phones the programs that were availible were enormous but Android is pickin up steam and many companies are plannin on using the OS which means more and more apps
Best thing you can do is go the link already posted and get some info
g2crx said:
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Luca_Dream said:
Could you have made that any more hilarious?! Lol I'm bookmarking this thread just cause of that
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I'm, surprised he came from the dash and not the sidekick - if you ever want to fear for the future of our species, check out the danger forums. If you can find three posts on it that have complete sentences and/or all words spelled properly, you've count at least one of them twice. It's ridiculous.

Since I am not smart enough to make fun of his grammar, I'd like to address his problem. OP needs to realize that WM has been out for years (and hasn't changed much in that time, I've had an ipaq 1945, MDA, Dash, Tilt). G1 just got paid apps when, 6 months ago? When Android is around for a few more years, then no matter what you are looking for, there will be "an app for that".

I have also had a Dash in the past. It was a rock solid phone and I loved it. Give the Android OS more time to develop. WM has been around for many years.

nolageek said:
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***i can spell,its just i text ****

Give it a shot...
jacsonmoore3 said:
faget i can spell,its just i text suck ass
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2 things...first, you misspelled ****** (lol). Second, I moved over to the g1 after having a Dash. I loved my dash, took it on deployment with me, had it for almost 2 years, but after using the g1 I can safely say that I am not going back. Learning the G1 took next to no time, but just going back to the Dash for a little bit (my wife uses it now) it seems like there is a learning curve (and it was my primary phone for 2 years). I know the thoughts going through your head and the questions. I've been there. Ultimately the only thing that I can say is try it. That is exactly why there is the 2 week return policy. Play with the G1 and if you don't like it return it, get your money back and go back to your dash while you wait for the Dash 3G to come out.

jacsonmoore3 said:
faget i can spell,its just i text suck ass
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Actually, there are a large number of mistakes in your "sentence." First, as pointed out, you spelled "******" wrong. Second, when referring to yourself, "I" is capitalized. The method in which you used "it's" would require the apostrophe. Third, "alot" isn't even a word. It is actually two words "a lot." I won't even begin to go into the grammatical errors in the use of "it's just I text a lot" as I don't think you would be capable of understanding that.
I'm not trying to be a jackass, but when someone resorts to name calling and rude comments because they cannot take a joke, it seems warranted to put the person in their place. What Luca_Dream posted was funny. Why can't you just accept it and say, in net-speak, "LOLZ, you're right. I'm just so used to texting!" In that way you would have shown maturity and good humor without getting the "smack-down" from the community.

jacsonmoore3 said:
faget i can spell,its just i text suck ass
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Grow up and take your ignorant self back to the Danger forum. I used a Dash for two years and and used a Sidekick for a year and a half. Between texting friends, bright kite and twitter I rack up about 4000 text messages a month - so yes.. it is possible to "text alot" and still manage to put together a sentence with complete words, punctuation and at least 3rd grade level grammar.
At least PRETEND that you respect yourself and maybe others will return the sentiment.
Plus, I don't suck ass. I'll lick it every now and then though.

Just got pointed here as the post some were above was reported,
Lost for words but that could be due to the one of the follwing facts
1) I can't spell
2) Was not aware of nolageek habits or are they "work ethics"
3) Can hardly read as I seem to be laughing to much.
Think some of the above was handled rather nicely in a politicaly incorrect manor maybe.
For those that enjoy this thread, grab a beer and read this one
Else lets get back on topic


Well it was fun while it lasted..

Have finally decided to go back to using my Storm 2, with all the great features the HD2 has, I just cannot get the hang of the damn keyboard..tried all third party ones, none were accurate for speedy one handed typing. The registry fixes seemed to work sometimes and not other times - It was driving me insane.
Typing something like..."ok mate, see you in a minute.." turned into a game of Buckaroo, or minesweep!
I will miss the great screen and super web browsing - not to mention great customisability features of the device
...but to be honest, come to think of it, thats all I will miss.
Great forum here
Really I can't understand the problem is in the device or person?
I'm replying this from my device only, typed one handed without issues and without any patch installed. It just need some time to get use to the new device.
I actually find it way easier to type in my HD2 comparing to my iPhone with t9 support.
There is some difficulty with high sensitivity, but its compensated with the t9 error correction.
Anyways, best of luck with your another device.
One more of those threads...
Please, can we either make ONE thread for posts like these or ban them completely? They really hurt the quality of the forum.
(after all, they don't help anyone at all)
maati said:
One more of those threads...
Please, can we either make ONE thread for posts like these or ban them completely? They really hurt the quality of the forum.
(after all, they don't help anyone at all)
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Hey, they are recruiting moderators, go figure out... If you don't like the thread report it...
Moderators are monitoring anyway, they arent waiting for you to guide them.
PM me with how much your selling it for.
skr_xd said:
Really I can't understand the problem is in the device or person?
I'm replying this from my device only, typed one handed without issues and without any patch installed. It just need some time to get use to the new device.
I actually find it way easier to type in my HD2 comparing to my iPhone with t9 support.
There is some difficulty with high sensitivity, but its compensated with the t9 error correction.
Anyways, best of luck with your another device.
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Stumbling along using T9 is hardly a good test of whether a keyboard is up to the task now is it? It's cheating.
The fact remains that typing on the HD2 keyboard - and I mean properly typing with no kids' correction services* - is pretty damned hard work. I have to correct almost every word and it is extremely tedious. The keyboard seems to have regular funny turns too where it becomes super-sensitive and where some of the keys, mainly backspace, adopt a mind of their own. Anyone who defends this keyboard, let alone says it's good, is surely having a laugh. I can manage it better than most, a few friends have had a go and it put them off the handset instantly. They had at first loved the screen but the keyboard soon had them turning their noses up.
*T9 and the like were invented to make multi-tap keypads more useable for the masses. I never used it then so with a full QWERTY at my disposal I'm certainly not interested. I'm a very fast typist and can bang-out whole words faster than people can using T9. I should not have to go hunting for new keyboards or using T9 workarounds on a premium device. It's just not on and I fully appreciate why the OP has ditched his handset.
The fact remains that typing on the HD2 keyboard - and I mean properly typing with no kids' correction services* - is pretty damned hard work
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A fact? Just like it's fact that ALL HD2's have hardware faults?
What you think is a fact is in fact not a fact at all but nonsense. It's one of the best software keyboards ever. Really better than the iPhone's that, if you belive the common opinion, was previously the best (I had an iPhone, I know the HD2 has a better keyboard).
Now don't tell me about threads where people complain bout the keyboard. I told you before why that would be stupid (though I'm sure you didn't get it...):
maati said:
You'd also realize that this is a forum where people come when they try to get solutions - people who don't have problems usually don't tell everyone about it. Your conclusion that just because you have two faulty devices all must be faulty is total nonsense - almost all devices are perfectly fine and even more important, are of much higher quality than most other phones (*cough* iPhone *cough*)
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maati said:
A fact? Just like it's fact that ALL HD2's have hardware faults?
What you think is a fact is in fact not a fact at all but nonsense. It's one of the best software keyboards ever.
Now don't tell me about threads where people complain bout the keyboard. I told you before why that would be stupid (though I'm sure you didn't get it...).
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Along comes one of those people who is 'surely having a laugh'.
I really cannot imagine a worse keyboard. I'm sorry but whatever you're comparing it to is not worthy of any accolades if the HD2 keyboard beats it into submission. You cannot seriously tell me that inputting text on this device is anything but a tedious and frustrating experience.
Again, you show that you're unable to read.
As I said (and you couldn't read) I compared to the iPhone I had (and the Touch HD). The HD2 has a much better keyboard.
If it's true that the iPhone had the best keyboard (that's what people say), then now the HD2 has the best one.
You draw the conclusion that just because YOU are not able to type on it, it's bad? You're much more of a stupid troll than I thought.
maati said:
Again, you show that you're unable to read.
As I said (and you couldn't read) I compared to the iPhone I had (and the Touch HD). The HD2 has a much better keyboard.
If it's true that the iPhone had the best keyboard (that's what people say), then now the HD2 has the best one.
You draw the conclusion that just because YOU are not able to type on it, it's bad? You're much more of a stupid troll than I thought.
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LOL. I really must stress that I'm only humouring you because I have absolutely nothing better to do apart from drink beer and argue with you. I'm holed-up in a hotel room in a strange city and it's kinda a point.
Nobody I know likes the HD2 keyboard save a handful of people on this forum. It's absolutely terrible. HTC need to sort a hotfix immediately because loads of people will return their handsets for this and this alone.
Yeah sure... nobody likes the keyboard and loads of people return their devices
Actually only stupid people return their devices because of small, easily fixable software flaws... and if they're not only stupid but also trolls and/or psychologically disturbed, they open threads to tell everyone that they've returned their devices.
I really must stress that I'm only humouring you because I have absolutely nothing better to do apart from drink beer and argue with you.
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How come I don't believe that?
You've shown before that you need the whining and you seem to want people to read it.... otherwise I couldn't explain why you hijack every thread and open whining threads yourself.
sunking101 said:
Along comes one of those people who is 'surely having a laugh'.
I really cannot imagine a worse keyboard. I'm sorry but whatever you're comparing it to is not worthy of any accolades if the HD2 keyboard beats it into submission. You cannot seriously tell me that inputting text on this device is anything but a tedious and frustrating experience.
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I have just reviewed your entire history of posts on this forum; I am surprised that you had nothing ever to say except to bash & complain about the HD2, enflame others with your sordid commentary, and trying ever so ardently to persuade others that this is the worse phone in history, despite that we all know the opposite!
I believe that you are deliberately trying your very hardest to ruin our experience with the HD2, actively creating and perpetuating mirages of exaggerated hardware faults, causing unrest among the forum members, and continuously complaining about everything in the HD2. This is not a casual accusation, this is the result of a comprehensive review of what goes back to your first post.
Unless you are being paid for this, just sell your phone and buy an iPhone, or, roll over and die! See who cares about your mobile phone satisfaction
I am surprised that you had nothing ever to say except to bash & complain about the HD2,
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I'm not surprised about that. Just read only one of his posts and you know what kind of person he is.
maati said:
Yeah sure... nobody likes the keyboard and loads of people return their devices
Actually only stupid people return their devices because of small, easily fixable software flaws... and if they're not only stupid but also trolls and/or psychologically disturbed, they open threads to tell everyone that they've returned their devices.
How come I don't believe that?
You've shown before that you need the whining and you seem to want people to read it.... otherwise I couldn't explain why you hijack every thread and open whining threads yourself.
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I think I know "why"; read my thread on the Leo page:
This guy is a dog
If you notice, this guy as well as others who are doing the exact same thing (attitude, behavior, etc) have all joined the form in November - as soon as they HD2 came out, and have posted SO many times they are Senior Members already!
shirreer said:
If you notice, this guy as well as others who are doing the exact same thing (attitude, behavior, etc) have all joined the form in November - as soon as they HD2 came out, and have posted SO many times they are Senior Members already!
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Doh! Of course I've posted since the HD2 came out because I only came here due to the numerous problems with the device!!!! I came here to try and get fixes. There have been a few helpful tweaks for this, that and the other but the SMS problems and call quality problems (volume and distortion) remain!
Actually only stupid people return their devices because of small, easily fixable software flaws... and if they're not only stupid but also trolls and/or psychologically disturbed, they open threads to tell everyone that they've returned their devices.
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Just in case I am falling into that category, I am in fact keeping it, but waiting for a fix, a miracle, or some prozac - before I use it again
Sure, you tried to get fixes
You wanted people to read your complaints and spread FUD, that's all.
I'm on my second one, the first went back. Went back to my iphone. Keyboard on iphone is way more accurate. Hd2 need a major overhaul typing is very hard.
Typing on my touch hd was way better and t9 sucks. I'm giving this thing a couple more days but its not looking good.
Just so you all know in the last two years ive had and loved an x7500, a touch, a touch hd, then iphone (which i dislike very much) and now the hd2. This according to the specs was THE!!! phone i was waiting for. Software wise its just not close to the hardware spec. It needs a lot of work. especially for the price. We will see what the next few days bring.
yeah for the love of god I wish this guy would leave, its annoying to log on.and find every otherpost a bash on the HD2 by this guy... can't wait until he gets bored and moseys on!

Your worst nightmare. Lost phone.

I've had the HD2 since November. This forum has been a revelation. But a few hours ago I lost the phone. It's gone for good. No insurance, no location software, unlocked, 16gb sd card. Adios amigo.
Perhaps not my finest hour. Sadly, I wasn't even drunk. Just fell out of my pocket in the taxi cab. It seems some people in Poland aren't that honest. I contacted the actual cab 20min later through the company but it wasn't there.
Anyway, I still consider myself a lucky guy. This was my first foray into the world of smartphones and through an almost free upgrade on t-mobile uk i got the phone for only 100gbp (+40 for the sd card). I bought a few apps and pirated quite a few more, so perhaps this is karma at work.
Writing this is somewhat therapeutic for me but the need to find a replacement is paramount so this also allows all you guys to share your wisdom, if you will..
No other phone matches the HD2 for screen size. It's pure luxury - ok its not AMOLED, but I've looked just now - and AMOLED is maxed at 3.7" - a significant downgrade.
The other issue is the pirating of software. I know it's wrong but I think we can all agree it's the most convenient way to test apps before buying.
However, WMP7S has left me somewhat unimpressed, I think Android is where it's at right now - development is on fire on that platform. Am I wrong? should I wait to see what happens on wm7 - i suspect that would take a year at least
So what are my options? Whichever phone I pick must be supported by XDA.... (I know I don't have many posts yet, but I chose my name for a reason... )
HTC Desire? HTC Bravo? Samsung Pico (Projector phone!!!) What's coming up?
I suspect this is the year of the smartphone and my academic year is almost up so I can perhaps hold off until the summer before buying. (Back to my w810 - still the toughest phone ever built imo)
Thanks for listening and hopefully replying.... time to roll...
All Day On XDA said:
....I... pirated quite a few more (apps)..., ..
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You absolutely will not win many friends on here with the statement above.
I'm not proud but I'm not rich either - I'm trying to do Med School on the cheap and its not easy. If a simple google search gives me free software, only a fool would say no.
This has only been a brief visit to the Windows platform since Windows 7 came out. For 3 years prior to that I was using linux.
Virtually all the apps I use regularly,eg FPSECE, I paid for the supporter version. There's plenty of programs that don't survive more than 2 weeks.
I apologise to anyone who may feel insulted. My intent is not to steal, but to get value for money.
Is this further weight to switch to Open platforms?
HTC Supersonic
problem solved - just have to wait again
Try out the 'premium features' on htt p:// om/
Lock your phone
Lock your phone so that it cannot be used by anyone else. You can also enter a message to display on your phone's screen to tell the finder how to contact you.
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And that's if it can't be found through GPS...
All Day On XDA said:
If a simple google search gives me free software, only a fool would say no.
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You can Google a lot of things. So you should steal them? No need to respond. Just wait 10 years when you have your own medical practice and you start getting people stiffing you on the bill. They probably found your location via Google.
Touche, and a fair point. I wont try to defend piracy with any real heart - I accept it's wrong even if the end justifies the means ('end' being good software, 'means' being fracturing a few rules)
Thanks for the MyPhone tip - I've locked the phone at least.
I had a crack on my screen, it wasn't too bad and I took it to a repair place to get it fixed and they were ummming and arrring about doing it and I took the phone back and on my way across the room I dropped it and the screen shattered completely... aghhhhhhhhhhh
Then I woke up with rapid breathing and the first thing I thought was "oh thank <censored> it was just a dream/nightmare"...
willgill said:
You can Google a lot of things. So you should steal them? No need to respond. Just wait 10 years when you have your own medical practice and you start getting people stiffing you on the bill. They probably found your location via Google.
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wrong post, sorry......
Starfury said:
I had a crack on my screen, it wasn't too bad and I took it to a repair place to get it fixed and they were ummming and arrring about doing it and I took the phone back and on my way across the room I dropped it and the screen shattered completely... aghhhhhhhhhhh
Then I woke up with rapid breathing and the first thing I thought was "oh thank <censored> it was just a dream/nightmare"...
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Hahaha OMG I also had a nightmare about my phone being damaged some days ago, and just like you when I woke up I thanked the lords
We are so obsessed xD

Why hasn't HTC fixed the messaging lag yet?

Im wondering about the HTC messaging app that takes like 10 seconds to load all your texts with a contact if its 20+..also the whole app starts to lag after a while if you have too many messages.
why hasn't htc fixed this still? is there any community fix for it besides using the zenyee cab ?
Because their customer service sucks big ones
htc don't care for customers problems ,they only care for profit
Problem might be with the OS. It's a dying one.
hoss_n2 seriously needs to be banned from this forum... all he does is spew tripe across the board and obviously has no idea what he's doing.
Also - hoss your sig is massive, please reduce it.
Seriously, they need to follow Apples, Palm route, which is only load the last 10-15 messages instead of 100+, makes things MUCH easier on the UI/OS.
Raadius said:
Seriously, they need to follow Apples, Palm route, which is only load the last 10-15 messages instead of 100+, makes things MUCH easier on the UI/OS.
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Sarcasm? I am so tired, I can't tell.
jimhaddon said:
hoss_n2 seriously needs to be banned from this forum... all he does is spew tripe across the board and obviously has no idea what he's doing.
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in his defence, and if youve had any experience with the customer support youd understand, it's appalling.
you can tell them about an issue which on this forum about 500 people say theyve reported to htc and they have 'escalated' the issue, and when you talk to them they said its the first time theyve heard of the issue.
as soon as they release a phone, they develop 1 or 2 software updates for it and then simply focus their resources on developing and selling a new phone. it's all about profits. said:
Sarcasm? I am so tired, I can't tell.
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Nope, FACT.
I have over 5000 text messages to my fiancee on my iPhone, IT NEVER lagged or slow down on load up. Why? Because the iPhone ONLY loads the last 40-50 messages and gives you the option to load earlier messages. On my HD2, I have 505 text messages to her and Sense UI loads them ALL at once, it's a complete lag fest and a wait game.
:grabs snicker:
cgrec92 said:
in his defence, and if youve had any experience with the customer support youd understand, it's appalling.
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In my defense this is my first WM phone, but did a LOT of research before purchasing it... HTCs non-existant support is legendary - just ask uncle goog.
hoss_n2's posts in no way convey this point - he appears to have done no research but bought a phone he cant use properly, then post rubbish over the net to complain. His fault.
Raadius said:
Nope, FACT.
I have over 5000 text messages to my fiancee on my iPhone, IT NEVER lagged or slow down on load up. Why? Because the iPhone ONLY loads the last 40-50 messages and gives you the option to load earlier messages. On my HD2, I have 505 text messages to her and Sense UI loads them ALL at once, it's a complete lag fest and a wait game.
:grabs snicker:
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While I have never had this sms lag problem (have over 500 messages in some threads from mrs and family) I also dont use sense (I prefer the normal home screen)... maybe its a sense issue?
jimhaddon said:
In my defense this is my first WM phone, but did a LOT of research before purchasing it... HTCs non-existant support is legendary - just ask uncle goog.
hoss_n2's posts in no way convey this point - he appears to have done no research but bought a phone he cant use properly, then post rubbish over the net to complain. His fault.
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He was also banned from htcpedia, for spewing profanities, dissing htcpedia's site, claiming false information.
I don't have this problem...not even with 300-400+ messages with one contact. But I have turned off the "connect to facebook" option so I don't see the picture next to the person.
jimhaddon said:
hoss_n2 seriously needs to be banned from this forum... all he does is spew tripe across the board and obviously has no idea what he's doing.
Also - hoss your sig is massive, please reduce it.
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why ,what is the mistake i have done now , i only said htc's firs interest is profit ,not customer services ,why i need to be banned for this ( why all of you changed to be aganist me ,i didnot say any thing wrong ) two weeks ago a thread started specially to to ban me ,and now this ,why all this hate towardes me
jimhaddon said:
In my defense this is my first WM phone, but did a LOT of research before purchasing it... HTCs non-existant support is legendary - just ask uncle goog.
hoss_n2's posts in no way convey this point - he appears to have done no research but bought a phone he cant use properly, then post rubbish over the net to complain. His fault.
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i use wm phoner before you are born ( why all of you changed to be aganist me ,i didnot say any thing wrong )two weeks ago a thread started specially to to ban me ,and now this ,why all this hate towardes me
The SMS lag is appalling and needs to be fixed. I agree with the iPhone theory of loading up 20 or so and archiving the rest. Would make me a happy happy person.
I agree its a pain in the ass.
But its not a long wait, 10seconds max...
I understand everyones point though, it is annoying.
And we spent allot of money for this phone, little problems like this should have been smoothed over...
"i use wm phoner before you are born" - Doesn't really help your side though does it?

Holy Monitoring Batman

Watch your phones ladies and gentlemen...
27s said:
Watch your phones ladies and gentlemen...
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Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
hahaha man thats insane
but could be useful
27s said:
Watch your phones ladies and gentlemen...
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I have mixed views on this, on one hand as a parent I think this is a great tool to keep kids from preditors because as these phones get more and more fetures they become more and more like computers, there is software form comps that do this so it only makes sense that it would come to the smart phone world.
on the other hand I think that as a parent you need to raise your children correctly to avoid needing this and as an employer if I cant trust my employees then why are they working for me? so I do see the need but it is still kinda sad that it is needed.
Yeah, I see the use, but I still think that is it a breach of privacy. My parents never used blocking software on the PC, or looked over my shoulder. Sure, I saw some things on the internet that I prolly should not have, but I am no worse for the wear. I guess parents have the right to do it, but I think for business it is kinda sketch..but you work for them. Then again, Calls and e-mails, sure, but pictures and the like I think is to invasive.
chfields said:
Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
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At least you know he's straight if the other demographic isn't what you wanted.
This is awesome.
My kid is so screwed, haha. (seriously, I don't care if he looks at porn. I just want to know he's not dead.)
EDIT: Whoah.... $100/year? Forget that. MobileDefense is free and good enough.
If I did have a kid. I think this is takin it just a little bit to far.
Its the kids life, not his and the parents. GPS tracker, fine. Your entire life tracker, not fine.
Why not just go all the way and get a live satellite feed on your kid while your at it. He will grow up with no experience in Anything. While all of his friends with have 100x more common sense and understanding of thing because they discovered things for themselves.
I would say there is a limit to parenting, you have to let the kid figure things out on his own, do things wrong on his own. Sucks if you cant put them in the right direction.
wonbattlelost said:
i can understand when their younger. maybe even until their 15 (15year olds...GOD!)
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But think about it this way... with an app like this, you could have them start walking to school and running errands when they're like 4 or 5.
Jus10o said:
If I did have a kid. I think this is takin it just a little bit to far.
Its the kids life, not his and the parents. GPS tracker, fine. Your entire life tracker, not fine.
Why not just go all the way and get a live satellite feed on your kid while your at it. He will grow up with no experience in Anything. While all of his friends with have 100x more common sense and understanding of thing because they discovered things for themselves.
I would say there is a limit to parenting, you have to let the kid figure things out on his own, do things wrong on his own. Sucks if you cant put them in the right direction.
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I agree with you to a point and I really dont want to turn this into a parenting thread BUT I used to think the same way "you know let the kid experince life and learn from thier mistakes" thats what we did" but at then I became a parent and I relized just how much the world has changed. it used to be that you could let your kid go outside and ride their bikes and not have to worry becuase everyone in the community watched out for eachother, now I have to worry about pervs that might try to take my daughter and I can honestly say with one exception that i dont think my neighbors would do anything. then you have the pervs on the net and every celebrity basically saying that its ok to be permiscuious. as the father of a girl, yes i want to know where she is and if shes ok and yes if shes sending out inapropriate photos.
as for the work stuff. if the company provides you with a phone on thier dime then they have the right to know what you are using it for.
wtphoto said:
on the other hand I think that as a parent you need to raise your children correctly to avoid needing this and as an employer if I cant trust my employees then why are they working for me? so I do see the need but it is still kinda sad that it is needed.
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Visionikz03 said:
Exactly!!!! Why would u hire someone u cant trust? Just to have a body? Sounds like the risks outwheigh the benefits. And if parents arent raising their children right and expecting some secretive software to cover up their inability to teach morales and respect to their children then what is this world coming to?
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my point precisly but at the same time I see the use for it becuase I worry about the other people out there.
i understand not trusting other, not so much the kid. But this software, text, email, contacts, calls the whole 9 yards. I can understand gps. You know where they are, and if you dont hear from them, you can just check.
Also if the kid were to ever get in trouble (assuming the kids 13+ and not an idiot maybe younger if you got a smart one) he/she would catch on that his/her phones being monitored. Who wouldnt ditch the phone and use another way of communication. Or better, leave the phone at home and then sneak out. $100 for the year down the drain
Jus10o said:
If I did have a kid. I think this is takin it just a little bit to far.
Its the kids life, not his and the parents. GPS tracker, fine. Your entire life tracker, not fine.
Why not just go all the way and get a live satellite feed on your kid while your at it. He will grow up with no experience in Anything. While all of his friends with have 100x more common sense and understanding of thing because they discovered things for themselves.
I would say there is a limit to parenting, you have to let the kid figure things out on his own, do things wrong on his own. Sucks if you cant put them in the right direction.
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This is 100% true. A few of my friends have parents that ALWAYS want to know where they are, what they're doing, and want them to call like every hour. Let me just say, I'm so thankful my parents don't do that to me. Mind you, it's not a bad thing to be checked in on every once in awhile (my parents did that), but that's just ridiculous. My common sense level compared to theirs, as well as my level of maturity, is just so much higher. I end up learning things either myself or the hard way, but I appreciate that. Now whenever I'm confronted with a task, I'm able to think for myself, and I have the confidence to know I can do things on my own. Sorry that got off-topic, but I believe there is a point where parents need to settle down and trust their kids. I've earned my parents trust, and am able to a lot more without restrictions because of it.
my parents never trusted me, and now im homeless. true story brah.
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
chfields said:
Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
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or he discovered proxy servers, flash browsers, or cached pages.
I am on the fence about this one. I read the article and immediately thought this would be perfect for my daughter.
However, it is a tough call. Realistically, the only thing this type of technology is guaranteed to do is cause a level of resentment and disstrust towards the parent.
The ultimate question...Is it worth it? If this prevents a crime towards the child then I think it is, but for day-to-day child raising I think it may cause more damage than good. It is awfully difficult to teach values to a child if they think you are spying on (and thus don't trust) them.
chfields said:
Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
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You are a sick individual. I guess you're getting your kids ready for the world of lost privacy. Maybe this will be a good trait to practice with your children even though the invasion of privacy, especially from someone they trust, is sure to be a great topic at their adult counseling sessions. I suppose you're some type of religious person who uses punishment and guilt in training your child as opposed to education and positive reinforcement. But... how can I blame you, your parents probably did it to you, and their parents to them and so on. Still though, who will break the cycle? Think about if your parents, not only had access to, but actually analyzed every single conversation or thought you ever had. It's so disturbing. This is a form of child abuse and at the minimum the child should completely understand that they have no privacy. Just disgusting.
If you're guessing, yes I've raised a perfect moral, social, trustworthy and intelligent 5 year old boy.
seaweedopm said:
You are a sick individual. I guess you're getting your kids ready for the world of lost privacy. Maybe this will be a good trait to practice with your children even though the invasion of privacy, especially from someone they trust, is sure to be a great topic at their adult counseling sessions. I suppose you're some type of religious person who uses punishment and guilt in training your child as opposed to education and positive reinforcement. But... how can I blame you, your parents probably did it to you, and their parents to them and so on. Still though, who will break the cycle? Think about if your parents, not only had access to, but actually analyzed every single conversation or thought you ever had. It's so disturbing. This is a form of child abuse and at the minimum the child should completely understand that they have no privacy. Just disgusting.
If you're guessing, yes I've raised a perfect moral, social, trustworthy and intelligent 5 year old boy.
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ok first i think that if people like you are going to start judging the way that others are raising thier children then this thread needs to be closed and you need to seriously take a look at yourself before you do anything else you can raise your children the way you like but dont judge others (unless there is actual abuse going on) second you have a 5 year old wait 7 or 8 years and then you might change your mind teens are a completely different ball game.
and on that note my final thought to you and then I am leaving this thread alone is that I see parents like you all day long I even have a friend that raises her kids with the same line of thinking and im not saying that you are wrong but most of the time they are spoiled brats that have no respect for any adult other than thier partents. Also everytime you see a parent on the news after their kids been taken by some perv you hear the same thing "we had no idea he/she was doing anything like that" oversight is your job as a parent if somethign happens to your child it is no ones failure but your own.

Well dang

Did we just lose Rom support for Qualcomm?
Lol I go look all ROMs but two are closed that sucks
No we didn't lose rom support. Just some small issues.
KyleBryant said:
No we didn't lose rom support. Just some small issues.
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SO every thread gets closed? Lol
NGD1 said:
SO every thread gets closed? Lol
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People kept nagging him about stuff that didn't work and what not when the roms were clearly in alpha phase and he even stated what worked and what didn't. He got sick of people being stupid and not reading so he closed them all.
Well that makes sense
Kinda sucks though
I was about to ask him if building MIUI would be hard lol
NGD1 said:
Well that makes sense
Kinda sucks though
I was about to ask him if building MIUI would be hard lol
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It's pretty sad that people think Qualcomm support is dead because I left. I'm nobody special. I can't believe nobody else has posted any ROMs other than squid2 and one guy just trying to spread around his donation link more trying to make money off other peoples work basically. I'm going to pm a select few of you guys with a link to somewhere we can do this on our own terms. I know you guys all probably think I'm a ****, but I'm really not. I got pissed because I very calmly and nicely responded to someone's comment, they responded back ending with "take a xanax", I took offense and reported them and I ended up with 2 infractions (my first ever) that I didn't quite understand. One was retracted after the fact. But anyway, don't worry I didn't go far.
amarc78 said:
I know you guys all probably think I'm a ****, but I'm really not.
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I don't think you're a ****, I completely understand your frustrations. I had a mod give me an infraction over something completely irrelevant and stupid too on these forums. Literally my first infraction in 8 years.
amarc78 said:
It's pretty sad that people think Qualcomm support is dead because I left. I'm nobody special. I can't believe nobody else has posted any ROMs other than squid2 and one guy just trying to spread around his donation link more trying to make money off other peoples work basically. I'm going to pm a select few of you guys with a link to somewhere we can do this on our own terms. I know you guys all probably think I'm a ****, but I'm really not. I got pissed because I very calmly and nicely responded to someone's comment, they responded back ending with "take a xanax", I took offense and reported them and I ended up with 2 infractions (my first ever) that I didn't quite understand. One was retracted after the fact. But anyway, don't worry I didn't go far.
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It's all good man, I was a mod on phandroid and dabled a little here for a fraction of a second i get it.
I'd love to still help you test and do things lol, just got this phone and was like "yay something with ROMs!!! I can tinker!"
Then you went poof (with good reason) and I just said awe man XD just my luck.
Do what you need to to save your sanity
Those of us who get it will be here to play.
amarc78 said:
It's pretty sad that people think Qualcomm support is dead because I left. I'm nobody special. I can't believe nobody else has posted any ROMs other than squid2 and one guy just trying to spread around his donation link more trying to make money off other peoples work basically. I'm going to pm a select few of you guys with a link to somewhere we can do this on our own terms. I know you guys all probably think I'm a ****, but I'm really not. I got pissed because I very calmly and nicely responded to someone's comment, they responded back ending with "take a xanax", I took offense and reported them and I ended up with 2 infractions (my first ever) that I didn't quite understand. One was retracted after the fact. But anyway, don't worry I didn't go far.
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I would jump in, but I had to cut my home internet for financial reasons. I have the CDMA version so the current ROMs weren't of use to me yet. I feel kinda useless right now, lol. I might be able to go to an unlimited plan (another $15 a month) instead of my current 10GB. Just setting up my new phone (and wife's) used most of my data. I'll figure something out. Thanks for laying so much groundwork bro.
madbat99 said:
I would jump in, but I had to cut my home internet for financial reasons. I have the CDMA version so the current ROMs weren't of use to me yet. I feel kinda useless right now, lol. I might be able to go to an unlimited plan (another $15 a month) instead of my current 10GB. Just setting up my new phone (and wife's) used most of my data. I'll figure something out. Thanks for laying so much groundwork bro.
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I hear you. I had to do the same thing being laid off for a while, waiting for a call from my union hall to go back to work. Also why I haven't acquired another E4 for testing, and can't have my phone down so I don't miss a call. If it wasn't for my unlimited plan with boost, I wouldn't be doing much right now. I can build a ROM way faster than I can upload it. Sometimes I go to a near by coffee shop and have a cup or 2 and make use of the free WiFi.
Sent from my Moto E (4) using XDA Labs
amarc78 said:
I hear you. I had to do the same thing being laid off for a while, waiting for a call from my union hall to go back to work. Also why I haven't acquired another E4 for testing, and can't have my phone down so I don't miss a call. If it wasn't for my unlimited plan with boost, I wouldn't be doing much right now. I can build a ROM way faster than I can upload it. Sometimes I go to a near by coffee shop and have a cup or 2 and make use of the free WiFi.
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Yeah I get to work like an hour early (air conditioning tech) to use the wifi at our shop for ROM updates on my Nexus 9, lol.

