newbie having problem. pls advice - XPERIA X1 General

sorry guys, there is so many thread for xperia so i also dunno 1 2 post where. im a new HWZ user and using xperia for less den a week. need few advices. pls help
1. on the sound notification, i notice that for New Text Message Received, there is a checkbox "Repeat" under the Play Sound option. but it cannot be ticked. how come? how can i make it possible to repeat the SMS alert? coz sometimes by ringing once i may not notice it.
2. just now after i charged the phone, i notice that everytime my phone goes into sleep mode, whenever i press any button to wake it up, the screen will "blink" once before appearing. meaning when i press a button, the screen comes alive but blackout again for a split second before the screen really stay there. whats wrong?
i installed the growing panel and the activex and some java games. but having a few more questions
3. java games is different from the 4 games that comes with the phone? coz i find it is playable using xperia but doesnt seem to be really compatible like the 4 games that come with it.
4. i installed the touchpal and xperia tweak and both work fine. however for panels, i install windowslive, spbmobileshell, photoslideshow and growing panel. all installed but only photoslideshow can be used for panels. how do i make the windowslive and spbmobileshell panel work? how to choose this 2 as panels?
5. how come i install growing panel and activex plugin but both file cannot be installed. a popup will say need run the application 1st but i cant do anything to it.
thanks all. please advice me. thanks

1. Don't know. Don't think it's possible, perhaps with som register tweak.
2. Don't know. Mine just blinks on direct, no black out or so. Tried to just restart the device?
3. Yes java games is different from the 4 games that comes with the phone. The java games are running within an java application in the phone while the 4 games that is preinstalled and as far as I know other games that is programmed directly for windows mobile are running more like free independet application like any other winmo program.
4. Just to check, you do know how to put the panels in the panel manager? Because they don't pop up there by them selves, you have to put them there. You enter the setup for that with the bottom right icon in the panel manager.
Other than that I don't know if the growing panel and activex plugin might have messed up the panel manager and here we come to question number 5...
5. The growing panel and activex plugin are not official yet and just beta versions. Therefore the results may not be so good with them. I have tried them, they worked fine for a couple of hours and then the phone just started to hang and get slower. Uninstalled them and it was fine again. I do belive for example that they are depending on the new panel manager that will come along with them in the next official ROM.

1. oh. i download the xperia tweak also cannot find any clue
2. think the phone is fine after restarting. thanks
3. so if i want to download games like the 4 preinstalled, i should look for winmo games and not java issit?
4. means i need transfer the .cab file from my computer to the panel manager folder then install from there issit? sorry coz i not really catch what u mean
5. means it may be launching officially with the new ROM coming soon?
thanks for the info given.

3 - Yes
4 - No. You can install them from anywhere. After you install them click on the panels button.
When you click your panels button, you may choose between different panels right? There are nine slots for panels there. In the bottom right corner, just below the last row of panels, there is a round icon with 9 little rectangles and a rench. Click it. The panels should turn around. Tap the suitcase icon on the panel that you wish to replace. The panel should pop out and get bigger. Tap the icon with the two rectangles.
Now you are in the panel management menu. From there you can choose the different panels, that you have already installed.
5 - Yes
And a piece of advise. Use the search function of this ofrum. 99% of all question that you may ask, have already been answered here. Do a lot of random reading too. Read the threads in this ofrum. Lots and lots of them.

4. i installed the panels and tried the way u mentioned. but only the photoslide panel is shown in the list of panel. the windowslive and spbmobile both not shown.
thanks for ur help. i just found this forum through google so is still trying to browse thru the threads. thanks for ur advice


Questions From ex-Treo650 user

OK I had gotten board with the lack of wifi and decent web browser on the Treo 650 that I decided to make the move to the 8125. I knew about the speed difference and some of the other issues discussed in these forums because I researched the device for months before making the move. Therefore I wont say much about that. Unfortunately I have a few issues that I can't seem to find answers for in this forum and I was hoping other users out there could help.
1. Is there any way of making the navigation pad useful? I cant access anything on the taskbar and it would be great if I could. I installed magic button so I can close apps and switch back to home when I want. Furthermore there is almost no documentation on how to use the nav pad. All application instructions say tap the icon. It's very convenient to have one handed use. for example i have yet to figure out how to get back to the location bar in Pocket IE so I can enter a url without having to tap the screen.
2. Is it common that some applications just freak out when you switch to landscape mode (scroll bars not working and such)?
3. As mentioned I installed magic button but is there an application that will pop up a list of running tasks so I can switch between them easily with the navigation pad.
4. Backup. I may be very wrong on this but I fear that active sync does not actually backup my entire device like palm does. Could someone clear this up and if I'm correct is there a way for active sync to do this. I have more programs on this device than what is on my add/remove prog screen.
5. Notification reminders. I see a feature to have the led for a period of time but it would be nicer if it could be set to play its sound also. Like the pagers of old.
6. Notification of lost service. This phone never tells me I have no cell service. Last thing I want is battery draining searching or worse assuming I have service and miss all calls.
If anyone could provide some info on the above it would be a great help. i have already found many other programs that make up for the lacking features. Below is a list of what I have installed please make any suggestions you think would be helpful.
1. AnthaVPN - easiest and fastest to install
2. TN520 by mochasoft
3. Pocket Putty SSH client
4. Eyes On Call - Callfilter like program with many features still limited but the developer is very quick in implementing suggestions.
5. Info sharp - same developer as above but this provides sms capabilities that are very impressive. He almost has chat style sms with the way this program works.
6. OMAPclocker - for clocking to 220. I actually see the difference.
7. IM+ - Sametime/AOL instant messenger client.
8. Info apps I have Metro, Ereader, Bdicty, VadeMecum
10. Registry Wizard
11. Calc98 - the built in calc app is a joke.
12. Xpressmail - dont care what anyone says this app does what it says it will do. Pushes email to your phone.
Thank You
- Richard
sorry, you are in the wrong forum. This here is the Universal, not the Hermes (or whatever the 8125 is)
wow didn't notice I posted on universal forum. well at least I can correct the typos and vgrammer before posting on wizard.

any help for a newbie?

Hi all, I have an o2 xda mini s and have just been able to sync it (i have a mac). 2 main questions:
1 - on the review from this site, it shows the today screen with a load of large images down the left hand side, HOW?
2 - this is the biggie, I cannot get any java games to work (2 exceptions but they stuff up the system) and whenever I try to install any programs, it says it isn't a valid ppc application (don't anyone take offence but I chuffin hate windows aaarrrggghhhhhh)
Many thanks,
Which review? Post a link or a screenshot please!
For java, you need a java runtime app. Your phone might have come with one installed, the Orange Hermes does, and you load the java apps within that app itself (the java launcher launches the java apps. Native java apps won't work on the phone without it).
If you don't have a java launcher, you can probably grab one on the ftp site. If you need more help, shout out (nicely!)
Hi Vijay,
The phone i have tries to use MIDlet manager but has real problems, the 2 games it will load, when closed make the system freeze, othere either won't be accepted of give an icon and won't open (screen goes white and system locks). As for the icons n the left, I have realised they are an alternative start menu.
Are the games you are running actually built for the phone?
For example... running a game designed to run on a Motorola V300 is probably not going to run right on your phone.

Finally! TouchFlo works! - ALPHA 4 (stable) AVAILABLE

Update 2007-10-16:
Here you have new release which is much more stable than all previous!
Mostly I was working on solving problems, increasing performance and reliability, so:
1. Horizontal scrolling in Programs, Settings, Office etc. solved.
2. Problem with excluded applications list solved.
3. Many improvements had been done in scrolling together with bugs fixing.
4. Problem with a few instances of FTouchFlo running at the same time solved. You'll not start more than one instance now.
5. Problem with forwarding stylus events to gwes in scrolling mode solved. It was the reason of a unstable scrolling.
6. Problem with memory leaks when starting applications solved.
What's new:
1. Possibility to set up initial mode: "Scrolling" or "Launching".
There is additional parameter int the config file:
;Initial mode (S - scroll, L - launch)
2. Now you'll see small icon at top of your screen showing current FTouchFlo mode.
S - scrolling, L - launching and D - disabled (application is in excluded apps list).
You can now switch between modes by tapping at the icon.
3. A few more or less bugs found and killed (of course some new bugs introduced )
Thank you all for good ideas, unfortunately it's just impossible to implement them all in reasonable period of time + I was really concentrated on reliability and performance.
I hope that A4 is a last Alpha version!
P.S. Don't forget to uninstall all previously installed FTouchFlo versions! Calibration.dat file you shouldn't delete.
Update 2007-10-15:
Friends, I really didn't feel good yesterday when I was writing description to Alpha 3.
Error is in description how to toggle between scrolling and launching modes. You should use DOWN->UP->DOWN gesture to toggle. E.g. from the bottom of the screen, move your finger to the top and then back to the bottom.
Thank you!
Update 2007-10-15: Alpha 3 available now!
Thanks to all donators!
Changes in alpha 3:
1. Solved problem with iContact and other applications without name of window. Just put name of exe file into excluded programs list.
2. Delay function added to configuration: delay time in milliseconds before "standard windows behavior".
3. Launch applications function added.
FTouchFlo now has 2 operation modes: scrolling and launching.
To toggle between operation modes you should use up-down gesture. If mode has been toggled you'll hear a beep.
You can use GestureWaitingDelay parameter in the config file to set up how much time FTouchFlo will be waiting for gesture. So, for example, if you'll set up there 1000 ms, FTouchFlo in the scrolling mode will be waiting 1000ms before start scrolling. As less GuestureWaitingDelay, as fast you should move your finger. Try to find suitable value for you.
Once you're in the launching mode you can use 4 gestures:
down-up, up-down, left-right, right-left to start 4 different applications.
There are 8 parameters in the config file for this:
You can guess what they mean by their names, actually...
As an example I can show how to start .swf files by Down-Up gesture:
DownUpAppCmdLine:/Cube Launcher 0-03.swf
Before installing alpha 3 it is necessary to uninstall previous versions. Calibration.dat file you shouldn't delete because it is the same for alpha, alpha2 and alpha3.
P.S. Application becomes more and more complicated and it is harder and harder to introduce new features. I've spent 2 days near the computer and I'm going to calm down for a while. Also I've got flu, so alpha 3 might be affected by this fact.
Thank you!
Update 2007-10-14: more info about Alpha 2
1. Before installing alpha 2 it is necessary to uninstall previous version. Calibration.dat file you shouldn't delete because it is the same for alpha and alpha2.
2. FTouchFlo reloads configuration file (with excluded programs list) each time you're opening new application, so after you add new application to exclusion list, keep in mind that FTouchFlo will start ignoring it after you switch to other application and then switch back.
Update 2007-10-14:
First of all I want to say Thank You to all donators!
Alpha-2 version is now available!
1. Improved calibration routine.
2. Excluded applications list added.
3. FTouchFlo doesn't work if SIP is working.
4. Delay before "standard windows behavior" function decreased to 100ms.
5. Improved speed and reliability.
Still not solved:
1. Horizontal scrolling in Programs, Settings etc.
2. Transcriber doesn't works.
3. No sound on screen taps.
4. Strange issue: "In Spanish, it's installed in "Menu Inicio\Programas\Programs" and uninstall doesn't work.".
5. Possible to start more then one instance of MouseEvent.exe and possible to start Callibration.exe. Just now I remembered about these problems.
How to configure programs which shouldn't be affected by FTouchFlo:
There is a file FTouchFloConfig.txt in the program directory.
Contents of the file after installation:
; FTouchFlo configuration file
; Exclude applications
Exclude:TomTom Navigator
Exclude:Flash lite
; end of configuration
You can use application exe file name or application's window name. So, to put, for example, Calculator application to the list you should add there:
Program will re-read contents of config file automatically.
P.S. Don't forget about donations ... It is really hard to find free time.
P.P.S. In advance I want you to excuse me for my English and probably not so clear explanations. It is 3:10 a.m. now...
P.P.P.S. You may use this software on your risk. I'll not take responsibility for possible problems... and so on and all stuff like this.
Update: Scroll function videos: scroll 1 and scroll 2
Hi to all owners of HTC PDAs who wants to use TouchFlo but their PDAs doesn't support it!
After a deep research how touch screen works and communicates with gwes I've made an application which is able to intercept all stylus movements and process it or forward to gwes.
It is still necessary to do a lot of things like calibration and other stuff, but in fact it works!
I'll continue working but I really don't have much free time, so your donations will speed up development.
-=<Here>=- and -=<Here>=- you can see how it works now. It can recognize movements in four directions and start selected programs: Internet Explorer, Calculator, TMail and File Explorer.
Also I am looking for your ideas how to use this software... there are few possibilities I noticed and going to implement:
1. Start programs depending on direction (like it works now).
2. Use it for scrolling with finger.
3. Create a library so any developer can use it to implement their ideas.
Thanks a lot for my friends (Pavel and Sergey) who are working on this software. Without their help such progress wouldn't be possible.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I've tested it on HTC Trinity, but I'm sure it will work on any HTC PDAs with touch.dll written according to Microsoft specification.
wow.. that looks awesome
I just saw your other video.. and wow.. I'm even more amazed
DVS_WiNdz said:
I just saw your other video.. and wow.. I'm even more amazed
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Thank you! I've just added link to the second video.
Is there a cab for us to download?
HTC CUBE works in our ATOM
HTC Touch Cube working on O2 ATOM(WM6 AKU0.7.0)!
PART 1 - Install your Touch Cube onto your Atom!
Hi guys,
I've managed to get the HTC Touch Cube working with jiggs's WM6 AKU 0.7.0. Not sure if anyone was previously successful in doing this. But unfortunately, at the moment, it is using the ButtonFlo method of turning the cube.
I dont have the expertise to get this thing working using the Finger or stylus to get the touchscreen to turn the cube yet.
Maybe one of you geniuses out there will be able to take this one step further and get it working fully! (I'm hoping)
Here are the files I used and hope it works for you guys on jiggs WM6 AKU070.
1) Install jiggs's WM6 AKU070 (make sure HTC HomePlugin is activated - dunno if you really need it).
2) Install HTC Audio Manager.
3) Install HTC Audio Mgr Today Plug-in.
4) Install Touch flo(Alpha).cab
5) Install JT
6) Map Touch Flo pgm to one of the buttons - I chose the O2 Media Plus button.
7) Soft-reset.
PART 2 - Customizing Your Cube using Touch Settings!
Step 1: Install Touch settings, then soft reset.
Step 2: Go to windows\startup and delete entry "Mediahubmini"
Step 3: Soft reset (I don't think it's neccesary though, but i do perform
this step.
Step 4: OH YES! Also install the missing ICON files for the APLauncher - into a separate directory (eg. \Touch).
Step 5: Copy the same ICON files(from Step4) into \Windows. (these files were missing in Part1).
Step6 - Soft-reset and you should see everything working!
steveecourt said:
Is there a cab for us to download?
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Hi! Not yet. It is really not ready for publishing yet.
I am working on calibration now and after it will be done I'll publish first alpha.
P.S. Now calibration data gathered from my Trinity and hardcoded.
generalriden said:
HTC Touch Cube working on O2 ATOM(WM6 AKU0.7.0)!
PART 1 - Install your Touch Cube onto your Atom!
Hi guys,
I've managed to get the HTC Touch Cube working with jiggs's WM6 AKU 0.7.0. Not sure if anyone was previously successful in doing this. But unfortunately, at the moment, it is using the ButtonFlo method of turning the cube.
I dont have the expertise to get this thing working using the Finger or stylus to get the touchscreen to turn the cube yet.
Maybe one of you geniuses out there will be able to take this one step further and get it working fully! (I'm hoping)
Here are the files I used and hope it works for you guys on jiggs WM6 AKU070.
1) Install jiggs's WM6 AKU070 (make sure HTC HomePlugin is activated - dunno if you really need it).
2) Install HTC Audio Manager.
3) Install HTC Audio Mgr Today Plug-in.
4) Install Touch flo(Alpha).cab
5) Install JT
6) Map Touch Flo pgm to one of the buttons - I chose the O2 Media Plus button.
7) Soft-reset.
PART 2 - Customizing Your Cube using Touch Settings!
Step 1: Install Touch settings, then soft reset.
Step 2: Go to windows\startup and delete entry "Mediahubmini"
Step 3: Soft reset (I don't think it's neccesary though, but i do perform
this step.
Step 4: OH YES! Also install the missing ICON files for the APLauncher - into a separate directory (eg. \Touch).
Step 5: Copy the same ICON files(from Step4) into \Windows. (these files were missing in Part1).
Step6 - Soft-reset and you should see everything working!
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I promise that I'll inform you personally when I'll be able to release a cab, so you'll be able not to map your Cube to some button, but use your finger to start it.
BTW, Cube still doesn't work on my Trinity. All the time just black screen.
Thank you!
When you get the black screen, press the power button to put the device in standby mode, wait 15 sec and hit the soft reset, this helped me with the black screen problem in the past
efrost said:
I promise that I'll inform you personally when I'll be able to release a cab, so you'll be able not to map your Cube to some button, but use your finger to start it.
BTW, Cube still doesn't work on my Trinity. All the time just black screen.
Thank you!
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Sounds very awesome do you think it work on kaiser and do you need help testing it, i have been trying on hermes since beginining and I dont mind been a beta tester for the kaiser model, just pm me if you think thts a good idea. anyways great work
efrost said:
I promise that I'll inform you personally when I'll be able to release a cab, so you'll be able not to map your Cube to some button, but use your finger to start it.
BTW, Cube still doesn't work on my Trinity. All the time just black screen.
Thank you!
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thanks..hope you will PM me.. i need to activate the finger touch on this HTC CUBE & i think ur the man to help us.
efrost said:
I promise that I'll inform you personally when I'll be able to release a cab, so you'll be able not to map your Cube to some button, but use your finger to start it.
BTW, Cube still doesn't work on my Trinity. All the time just black screen.
Thank you!
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follow the procedure #2. YOU NEED THIS
PART 2 - Customizing Your Cube using Touch Settings!
Step 1: Install Touch settings, then soft reset.
Step 2: Go to windows\startup and delete file called "Mediahubmini"
Step 3: Soft reset (I don't think it's neccesary though, but i do perform
this step.
Step 4: OH YES! Also install the missing ICON files for the APLauncher - into a separate directory (eg. \Touch).
Step 5: Copy the same ICON files(from Step4) into \Windows. (these files were missing in Part1).
Step6 - Soft-reset and you should see everything working!
<----download this .brn files (replace if needed old files)
(read this forum also CLICK --HERE--)
put it in ur /windows..THEN softreset
EVERYTHING WORKS TO ME NOW...i tried to install this program so many times, many times also i GOT THE BLANK SCREEN.
NOW I REALIZED MY MISTAKE, I did not copy & replace .brn & png file on my /windows...thats the key to work & no blank screen. Co'z no source of image after running the touchflo program and this files is the source
I can test also for blueangel device
Another keen Hermes volunteer here! I hope you're going to dish out some source code as I'm keen to learn how you have managed to hook mouse events!
Keep up the good work!
xplode said:
I can test also for blueangel device
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did you try it yet? If so, does it work on the BA? Thanks.
egzthunder1 said:
did you try it yet? If so, does it work on the BA? Thanks.
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Friends, take it easy! I'm really not going to release something that for sure will not work. I already posted above that calibration data taken from my personal Trinity and hardcoded in the program, so I would create calibration procedure and then I'll publish version for alpha testing.
For example, at the upper left corner my Trinity touch screen driver reports me X = 97 and at the lower left corner I have X = 90. On your devices I am sure it will be different.
So, it is necessary to have precise calibration procedure so your devices will work properly!
BTW, if you have implemented precise enough procedure for calibration, it would be great if you share it with me.
efrost said:
Friends, take it easy! I'm really not going to release something that for sure will not work. I already posted above that calibration data taken from my personal Trinity and hardcoded in the program, so I would create calibration procedure and then I'll publish version for alpha testing.
For example, at the upper left corner my Trinity touch screen driver reports me X = 97 and at the lower left corner I have X = 90. On your devices I am sure it will be different.
So, it is necessary to have precise calibration procedure so your devices will work properly!
BTW, if you have implemented precise enough procedure for calibration, it would be great if you share it with me.
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Didn't mean to sound too overexcited, but... truth of the matter is that I am. I am as happy as a crackhead on payday
I saw the videos on Youtube and I liked the way it worked. It was blazing fast! In either case, keep it up!!!!
Umm.. I have a question. Do most of your phones run as fast as the one in the video? Mine is so slow.
Hi! I've found a few free minutes (at work) and implemented scrolling.
It scrolls standard contacts, e-mails, word, internet explorer etc. In other words, every window which has scroll bars.
I don't have possibility to create video and share it for now, but today evening you'll get it!
What mechanism are you using to hook the mouse events? Care to share any code?

Newbie with Verizon XV6800 - Help

I have to admit that I am overwelmed with all of the info regarding the xv6800. I just got mine this past Friday. I have not activated it yet although I did have Verizon transfer my contacts from my Moto E815. I am holding off activating until I learn more about the phone.
The feature that attracted me the most about the phone was the WiFi capabilities. I do not plan on getting the data plan. I do not know how to find out if the phone has Win Mobile 6.1. I would like to have it serve as a GPS.
Some questions:
If I am at Win 6.0 should I upgrade?
Is anyone aware of ant tutorials on using the phone and O/S ?
Is there a way to activate GPS by basically down / uploading a program and clicking on it?
What applications would be best? I plan on surfing, web-mailing, listening to music, working with the office applications.
Is there any "must have" hardware I should get?
Thanks and I appologize it my questions seem very basic but as I said, I am overwhelmed.
1 not until you understand what the phone has to offer stick with 6.0
2 not me
3 yes but phone must be unlocked gpstoday and baf gps toggle are the best for me
4 surfing=skyfire music=s2p
5 screen protector
didnt it come with an interactive cd with a tutorial? mine did :S
if you are interested in musicand watching video you should definitly get the slunkworks flash bundle and tcpmp media player so you can goto you tube and watch streaming videos the way it should be done on mobile
i have uploaded the files for you if you are interested...install tcpmp first then the flash bundle,,if you need assistance let me know or search for "cab instyallation"
last about your GPS there has been people saying they have gotten it to work through google maps but it requires rom flashing first...but like GeLoPeZ said get to know your stock rom first...maybe youll like it
the fone does have a few flaws tho...the youchscreen is pointless wen it comes to small icons or scrolling...unless u want to get out your stylus everytime
it can be slow at times but nothing a little registry edit cant help out with a little...
almost everything has to be manually shut off or closed through running programs screen likr data connection etc,,,unless you get a few programs that can stop that hassel
the touch keyboard isnt worth anything its awful...unless, like i said you want to keep getting out your stylus
cant customize text message ringtones with custom ringtones
in all...most all these things can be fixed thgrough rom flashing or free downloadable apps and cabs i give it an 8 out of 10
hope i was helpful
laccattacc said:
the fone does have a few flaws tho...the youchscreen is pointless wen it comes to small icons or scrolling...unless u want to get out your stylus everytime
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FTouchSL fixes that issue. There's a free version somewhere on this forum, but for a little over 10 bucks (USD), it's worth it to get the commercial (kinetic scrolling!).
laccattacc said:
cant customize text message ringtones with custom ringtones
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You can.... Start > Settings > Sounds and Notifications
From the "Event" menu, select "Messaging: New Text Message" and select the tone you want.
I think the OP was saying that you cant "Assign" a specific "tone" to a user. Just a tone for all incoming texts.
I might be off base......but I don't think so.
this is to enhance your phone try it
nelsonwilbury said:
Some questions:
If I am at Win 6.0 should I upgrade?
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Yes you should. There is really no reason not to. Just remember that flashing the new ROM will delete all of your data, so back it up first.
6.1 is useful for a variety of reasons:
1. You can solve your GPS problem by doing it (see below)
2. It has a task manager built in
3. It has Remote Access built in (so if you need to connect with your work desktop, it's nice to have can go and load RA anyways with 6.0, but it doesn't come with it)
4. Has some better screens for managing connections (IMO).
Is anyone aware of ant tutorials on using the phone and O/S ?
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Not only is there a CD that came with your phone, but there is a Getting Started application in the Pgorams folder of your phone. Did you buy this phone second hand?
Is there a way to activate GPS by basically down / uploading a program and clicking on it?
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Why yes there is! Only recently some amazing devs on this forum (skywing) devised an amazingly simple process for activating internal GPS. I just did it last night and it took literally 3 minutes to do and I now have Live Search, Google Maps, Amaze, and two other GPS based apps running on it.
Refer to this forum
There are a lot of posts in that forum, but the upshot is either do the very simple manual install mentioned in the first post (I did it, I am no expert, took me 3 minutes) or go to near the end and look for the URL of the wiki that has the latest one click cab files to install.
What applications would be best? I plan on surfing, web-mailing, listening to music, working with the office applications.
Is there any "must have" hardware I should get?
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I use Skyfire to browse the web. It is comparable to the iphone browser and it works great. It is in beta, but so far I have only encoutnered a few websites that freak out on it (e.g.
For music, I like pocketmusic 5.1, a freeware app from Pocketmind. It only does mp3 files 9the shareware version does all file types) but it has a great touch friendly skin and nicely shuts off the phone but still plays music to save battery power. It works with my bluetooth headphones seemlessly. Only issue is that while active it commandeers your hard buttons, so if you want to use the hard buttons on the phone for other than music control you have to quit the app.
Other nice apps (I won't list them all!):
1. Total Commander in place of File Explorer. Allows you to have two windows open and drag and drop files.
2. Vade Mecum is a plucker reader that I use to read ebooks on my phone.
3. Live Search and Google Maps are an absolute must.
4. I like Icontact (Burt's version) which you can find on these forums. It is a finger friendly contact program that works wonderfully.
5. I dig Youtube player. You don't need it with Skyfire, but I like it for playing files I download off of youtube. It will search youtube and play video directly or download it in .flv format for later playing. Useful to save the clips I watch a lot (Monty Python sketches, Weird Al videos, etc.) on my phone.
Those are the biggies, IMO.

[Q] My Omnia 2 is breaking down and I need your help to fix it

Awhile ago, I posted this thread:
No one has given a viable response to it in 4 months.
Now my phone is actually breaking down. It's running extremely slowly, even on high performance. I still can't access any other skins or themes because the problem in the other thread persists. When I view text messages, they appear blank the second time I open the text message application and I need to restart the application after closing it in the task manager to read them.
I want to fix my phone. I want to flash, hack, do whatever's needed to change it and improve it. I've never flashed it before and I haven't done anything to this smartphone ever since I received it. It is not acting like a smartphone at all right now and I need to fix it.
Unfortunately I can't find any help on this forums. Where do I start? I've been to the Wiki and all it gives me is details on what to do with no starting point or references. I want to reformat, flash, whatever this phone so that I can switch between different themes and OS' on it. I can't do that right now because I don't know how.
My phone is the Samsung i8000 and I'm running Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional (CE OS 5.2.21856(Build 21856.5.0.65)). Please help me.
EDIT: After running a format through the hard reset, my text messaging is fixed and the phone seems to be back up to speed. I'm still unfortunately having problems accessing any sort of Windows Mobile themes though, as seen in this thread(
Hi, as an owner of the Omnia II (i8000) I found the Modaco forum very useful, have a look!
It appears that you have problems with memories. We must close the applications as and by long pressing the middle button, or assign "close" to the cross in the top cooin: go to settings, regional settings, then click "button" select "button X "and activate it to really close the programs and no longer turn in the background

