Resetting WM6 to WM5 - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo General

Due to synchronization problems and not being able to "hard reset" my X7500 I need to find out if I can return to the WM 5 I originally had on it. Does anyone have an idea if this problem can be solved in any way?
My device is an X7500 with WM 6 on it. When I try to reinstall / reset the device I still have certain items on it. (For example my internet connection settings). When I try to synchronize, the device does briefly display the number of items it processes, but after finishing, there are no items on the device.
Thanks in advance for any advise.

Hard reset
Hi there,
Are you serious you cant hard reset? Thats no good!!....You can't push the volume slider down and then press your stylus into the hole at the back? Is your Volume slider broken? Maybe another soft way to initiate the bootloader restore screen......
The best thing to do with this device is to get it up to Mitchy Windows Mobile 6.1 - doesnt really matter which one. Even if its working perfectly with standard mobile 6 or 5.
The increase in simply useability is rather large and rather worth it. Docx and XLSX support etc... much faster - proper real VGA built in.


ozVGA on M5000 woes

Hi folks
As anyone at all managed to get ozVGA or something like working on the M5000. Ive tried but cant access the screen at all after the reset and then end up having to do a hard reset and start again from scratch. It wont even let me access the files via the USB cable.
Any help very much appreciated as I've reconfigured the entire device to try OzVGa and even SEVGA (doesnt work at all) to no avail.
Or is there settings I just save before rebooting. Please tell me how you did it.
Thanks in advance
Same problem
Hi guys,
I've got exactly the same problem. I wonder if it's to do with the Orange customisation....
It locks up if you use a password to first access the device, immediately when you press the first digit on the keypad. If you remove the password from your device, then it launches the window in proper VGA mode, but again, locks up, needing a hard reset.
I dont care about having true VGA for this device all the time, just for my web browser will do.... :roll:
Same just would like a real size on web browsing (WTF why didnt they fix that.. doh)
I dont have password on.. (as still am testing but it just locks up completely until a hard reset.
Read this thread here:
Did... read. copied.. machine died.. did it work for you?
exactly what i did:- and didnt work
1. Soft reset your Universal first to clear any locks
2. Unzip the entire archive onto your PC into a single directory
3. Copy ALL of the files into your PocketPC's Windows directory
4. Run the included in the files.
5. Create a shortcut to the ozVGA.exe file within your Windows Directory and place into Start Menu
6. Startup ozVGA and click the lower lefthand button
7. Your device will restart in your new resolution!
I think that I had similiar problems until I did a soft reset after step 4, before starting ozVGA the first time. Now it's working for me (MDA-Pro, latest Jasjar ROM).
I'm nopt really sure it the soft reset was the solution, but anyway it's worth a try.
Woot!! worked. reset inbetween worked... thanks
works first time on my m5000, and i am still learning this machine can do so much!! saving for a bigger SD card and ill be on my way
What is ozVGA??
can someone tell me?
OZVGA is anyone still using this?
Before I stuff up my machine again I'd like to know if it's worth it. Or if not, are there any bettet alternatives, I only really need a proper screen for IE.
I tried OzVGA and had the same problem and had to do a hard reset, at which point I found the thread here recommending a different program (attached) which worked perfectly for me. If you want to go back, just uninstall it. If you keep the cab file, you can switch back and forth as needed. It even lists in the readme the exact changes it does, which made me feel better.
VGA seems worth it to me - so much more can be fit on the screen, and I couldn't switch back now. Internet Explorer also looks great in VGA, along with everything else. No more needing to scroll all the time in things is very nice, at least for me.
I haven't found a way to get Internet Explorer to run properly in QVGA like it does in VGA mode (it insists on doubling the images). However, if it's just for the internet you want, you could try Opera which handles VGA better, and will give you the Internet Explorer in VGA mode experience in QVGA mode without needing to switch.
Hope this helps, just wanted to add my (limited) experience and recommendation for the application in the linked post

New XDA Mini S - Too slow to use ...even in 'Corporate Mode'

I have just purchased a new XDA Mini S - to replace my dying XDA II (which was giving me electrical shocks and starting to lose data).
Ash (an extremely knowledgeable and helpful O2 shop assistant in Uxbridge) directed me to this site so I could get the details required to to set-up and run my new PDA in Corporate mode.
After set-up was completed, I synchronised the Mini with my work computer (via Activesynch 4.1) - allowing me to download my calender, task and contact items.
And that's it so far!! other memory-intensive applications installed, massive ringtone files, ...nothing!!
However, the unit is running very slow in comparison to my old XDA II. When I am working in the Calender application and go forward several weeks, followed by selecting the 'return to today' icon, it takes about 10 seconds to react. Similar behaviour exists in 'Tasks', when returning to the 'Today screen', and when using the menus - so, basically, all of the time. My previous unit reacted instantly - and that was fully loaded with software.
What can I do? I love the new Mini and the upgraded spec it offers - but is is unworkable - as described above.
If I invested in a mini-SD card could I utilise the additional space as program memory rather than storage?
Hopefully somebody can help. I am reasonably I.T. savvy - but only as a user and not much experience at progrommer / developer level - so basic intructions my be needed!!
Thanks in advance
I think my previous message was too long...
Basically, how can i speed up my XDA Mini S which is already running in Corporate Mode?
Soft-reset once a day? My Vario runs acceptably quickly after a soft-reset, but slows down over time.
Hi Zathras
Thanks for the tip...
...but I have been 'soft-resetting' several times per day - and it doesn't seem to help.
I do have several years of appointments in my diary. Would reducing this to only 2 weeks of history help?
Hi Gary,
I had a Magician before and also feel the 02 mini s (Wizard) is way slower.
I have read elsewhere that the Wizard has a silly anti-virus program that always runs in memory and will chew up memory.
The boards indicate that to use a different extended rom. The only problem is I cannot get a view on which portions of the o2 Rom should be deleted and which should be kept.
Let me know if you find a way.
I have noticed a few times after running active snc on my mini s it slows right down till i soft reset.
could it be the same problem?
Hi Adrian
Thanks for your help...
I'm not a programmer / developer - so wouldn't know where to start with ROM edits, etc...
Knowing my luck I would probably do something unrecoverable!!
Is there an easy way to do this? Is it done in the Wizard directly - or via the PC?
...and is it a file that's viewable in explorer?
Excuse my basic approach to all of this. Maybe there is a tutorial somewhere on the boards...
does it slow down after active sync has run ?
Goto to settings memory and make sure all your programs are shut down especially activesync as this seems to slow it down more than anything. Also download check notifications and remove any entries in red that have probably appeared especially if you have been soft resetting several times per day.
You really should see a speed increase if you complete the above. Activesync really does slow your wizard down and more than a few duplicate entries found and removed with check notifications will really help.
See if that helps.
It seems to be the same before and after activesynch!!!
I closed down all running programs and the Calendar is still dead slow...
How do you 'download check notications'?
Thanks again
Thanks for your help
Do I need to install both 'Check Notifications' and 'Notification Clearfix'.
I am correct in presuming that 'Notification Clearfix' prevents future duplications whereas 'Check Notifications' lets you see all events, whether or not thet are offending?
try tweaks 2k2 there are some reg hack that help with peformance
I've installed the one that runs at startup, but it only helps clean up the list at startup - not after startup; so if you add alarms/etc., the list can get mucky again. So I've also got it under an icon to run from time to time Need to find a nice scheduling application that can run other applications - just have it run every 8 hours or so
Try some other apps apart from your calendar, it could be that there is just too much info in there. You may just find its not as speedy as your last device, but thats just the way it is. Its a trade off and maybe if the speed is a big issue the wizard isnt for you.
I heard a lot of people saying the wizard is slow before I bought one, but I found its speed fine for what I expect from the device. I find my uni much quicker, but again its that trade off, my uni is much bigger.
The wizard needs to be loved for what it is not for what you want it to be. :lol:
I'm trying to love it - believe me !!! is only the speed of the calendar searches that really annoys me - I can cope with the sluggish moments.
And I have just discovered something... when you cross one month to the next, the calendar freezes
If someone can do the following for me - it will verify whether it is specifically my unit that is at fault.
Open Calendar, switch to 'Agenda View', and then, using the directional keypad, arrow right until you cross over one month - say January to February. Does the calendar stop working?
When it rcovers, hit the 'go to today' icon. What happens?
I think there is a bug!!
Got the mini s ab out a month ago from O2 shop. I just did a hard reset and didn't install any of the O2 crap. Is running quite fast and everything just seems fine. I have tried what you said on the calendar. I don't have any problem. The calendar program just keep running without stopping or anything. After I close the calendar, I pressed on the 'Today' button and everything seems fine.
Thanks for trying for me - I appreciate it...
I just need to find a solution that works for me.
I already have the most basic install possible - corporate mode - so wonder if there are any more avenues to go down...
Cheers for now
Garrington said:
And I have just discovered something... when you cross one month to the next, the calendar freezes....I think there is a bug!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just tried this on my Charmer in case it was a WM5 bug and I can't replicate it - all works fine.
Try doing a hard reset, and then just when the little box comes up saying something like 'customising in 3 seconds' quickly press the soft-reset button.
Voila! - basic WM5 with no more o2 crap installed! You'll have to set up the gprs and mms yourself, but if you phone cust. sevices then they can e-mail you the instructions...
It should run faster than before.

Soft Reset issues

Apologies if this has been posted before but cant find it in the search...
1) On soft reset, I loose sms messages, even if I have closed "Text Messages" with any of the 3rd party "close" button programs.
2) On soft reset, I lose BT338 GPS connectivity, have to remove the device and port then re add - have read on here that you need to uncheck secure connection, I've tried it with both checked, and unchecked and still fails
3) On soft reset, whatever background image I have dissapears, but a portion is left behind in the drop down window.
4) Im with Orange, which of the cabs in the Extended ROM can I delete and still be able to use the phone.
5) When using Sprite Backup It does not back up either calendar or contacts, even though I have Personal Databases checked (or if it does, it doesnt restore them)
I dont want a load of Orange bloatware using up the memory, just enough for phone, gprs connection and WiFi to work.
Getting quite used to doing hard resets now, had issue over the weekend with one app causing Picture viewer to lock up!
Many thanks from a grateful Newbie!
jedi23mi9 said:
4) Im with Orange, which of the cabs in the Extended ROM can I delete and still be able to use the phone.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Once you have flashed your phone and done the reset afterwards, letting the customisations install they are no longer of any use to you until you do a hard reset, at which point the ROM will reload and the customisations with it.
If you use backup software after you delete the entire contents of your ExtendedROM you won't lose a thing.
Have you got the right version of Sprite? I think the latest is 5.1?
If you have no luck with it, give SPB a try. I've used it on my Alpine and Uni with great success.
Have you tried flashing with the latest ROM for the other problems? I'm on the latest Orange ROM and so far things seem to be working fine with SMS, desktop and BT pairing.
Sprite is 5.1.0 Build 1417 - downloaded last friday
ROM version seem to be same as yours, 1.30.90WWE 02/24/06 so I guess thats most upto date Orange ROM (had device just under 3 weeks)
Grr @ self for not reading sig !
Another thing to try is the Qtek ROMs? Assuming you're unlocked of course.
Good Luck with it =)
Im not brave enough to unlock it
I absolutley adore the beast, and its spot on for what i need, just wish I could resolve the minor issues that whilst not spoil the use of it, nevertheless are annoying. BT338 gets hot fix in seconds, but takes me 5 mins to un pair then reapir the blasted BT connection
Going back to the extended ROM, what I meant was do I need all the cab files that are in there to use the phone, as in can I remove some, then Hard reset and have a smaller number actually load up.
I dont use the Orange today screen for one, and given that there is only 25Mb of usable program memory out of 50, I'm wondering how much of that is caused by TSR orange code that can be removed at build
EDIT: had a look at but still non the wiser (someone listed the Orange FR cabs)
There is an easy way to do this that doesn't require unlocking the ExtROM, which you have to do to be able to delete anything in there.
When you hard reset, tap the screen, sync the touchscreen, cut and paste, then Windows loads up.
Right after that it will give you 3 seconds before loading the contents of the ExtROM. If you hit the reset pin during that three seconds it won't load anything in there.
You can then browse to it with a decent file manager and install the .CABs by hand.
But, don't be afraid of unlocking, it takes one program and two registry edits. Gives you 10MB of space to play with too.
Ah, my fault, read som much about unlocking that I thought you meant the sim card.
Yip, I've run the ExtRom unlocker and found out how to look inside
Not really that bothered about storage on the device, more about having a nice trim OS so that i have more program space as the kernel is smaller
Thanks again

Soft-/Hardreset via Cabfile

Hi altogether,
I need to softreset/hardreset a WinCE/PocketPC/Windows Mobile based device using a CabFile (one for Soft- one for hardreset). Does anyone know, how to do this?
Thanks in advance.
P.S.: I already searched the forum, but found nothing between thousands of threads with Softreset,... in it.
Well the first of all can you program in C / C++?
If the answer is yes then you will have to write a setup.dll for the cab that will do the reset.
Here is an article for soft reset that will work on any WM device and on many CE devices (it is OEM choice to implement this part, so some CE devices like PNDs do not have it).
For Windows Mobile 5 and up it is recommended to use the ExitWindowsEx API instead.
As for hard reset there is a problem: this article works for pre WM 5 devices, but because of the flash storage on WM 5 and up the implementation of hard reset was left to the OEM so there is no generic way to do it by software.
Tools like Tweaks2K2 and SKTools provide this feature as a standard.
yeah with persistent storage hardreset changed
good thing too if it was easy to program a hardreset
it could cause alot of problems when / if more virus's
will come to pda's
I don't mean to scare you Rudegar, but there is a very simple way of forcing the user to do a hard reset himself, on any WM device. I am not going to publish it here, but lets just say if someone wanted to make a virus, lack of programmatic hard reset would not be a consideration at all.
well after wm5 a hardreset at least dont cost people all their nonbackupd data
I know this is getting the thread off track and I apologize, but the whole point of "hard reset" is to lose all data. Unless you keep is on SD in which case it doesn't matter what OS you are using.
You are probably thinking of power loss and not HR.
Thanks for the info. I'll check your hints.

Can the HD2 boot into a 'Safe Mode'?

I installed FTouchSL 2.9 cab with SKTools and performed a soft reset.
On startup my phone is not responding to screen taps.
I want to remove the start up shortcut to FTouchSL by possibly starting in 'Safe Mode' or any other method to get touch input back.
I do not want to Hard Reset and loose updates made to contacts.
I remember getting into a 'Safe Mode' in a previous WM device but I can not remember which one.
EDIT: Why do I need FTouchSL on the HD2?
Many older pieces of software (e.g. Software packages mentioned in the Medical Apps thread) do not play nice with finger scrolling, especially Pocket e-Sword. That same Medical Apps thread made me remember FTouchSL that I used to good effect on WM 5/6 to get IE scrolling.
Original ROM: 1.48
Number of Flashes: 1
Current ROM: 1.66 WWE Official
SPL: Original (No SSPL/HSPL Installed).
EDIT: Button presses work once it does not go to the lock screen (by timeout or pressing 'End'). Once the screen is locked only a soft reset brings back the today screen. The phone works, time is correct and I can receive calls. No dialing however. Now I really miss some hardware buttons to allow me to navigate.
Is there anyway I could at least launch ActiveSync/Microsoft MyPhone to sync? The last time I connected the phone to a computer was as 'Modem' so that is the option it gives me now.. not ActiveSync by default else I could have initiated a sync through the computer.
The HD2 automatically connects to my WLAN, but I have not installed a program to browse the phone from the computer over the network. Is there a way to access files on the device/hack the file system and remove the FTouchSL startup shortcut?
EDIT: I had/ve an Asus P526 with a cracked screen so I could not do the screen alignment on a Hard Reset/Flash. I remember there was a file that you put on an SD Card to skip the normal WM fresh startup sequence (no alignment, timezone/date requests, etc). Is there some file I can place on the SD card to enable a 'Safe Mode' ?
Suggestions please!
Thanks in advance.
need installed something,example "spb pocket plus"
From what I'm reading it was probably some other programme I had on the previous WM phone that allowed me to start in 'Safe Mode':
Here is a link to the WM Safe Mode Bible: Safe Mode Bible
I guess I will have to accept my losses w.r.t. Contacts/GPS Markers and do a hard reset.
A good software recovery plan should be put in place:
1. Backup/syncing once a day and not once a week.
2. Secure Remote file access
3. Button combination programme shortcuts
4. Safe Mode recovery software
Might as well do a HSPL as well and try the ROMS out there.. (was trying to keep it purely stock ROMs).
The cooked ROMS have so much to offer.

