ozVGA on M5000 woes - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi folks
As anyone at all managed to get ozVGA or something like working on the M5000. Ive tried but cant access the screen at all after the reset and then end up having to do a hard reset and start again from scratch. It wont even let me access the files via the USB cable.
Any help very much appreciated as I've reconfigured the entire device to try OzVGa and even SEVGA (doesnt work at all) to no avail.
Or is there settings I just save before rebooting. Please tell me how you did it.
Thanks in advance

Same problem
Hi guys,
I've got exactly the same problem. I wonder if it's to do with the Orange customisation....
It locks up if you use a password to first access the device, immediately when you press the first digit on the keypad. If you remove the password from your device, then it launches the window in proper VGA mode, but again, locks up, needing a hard reset.
I dont care about having true VGA for this device all the time, just for my web browser will do.... :roll:

Same just would like a real size on web browsing (WTF why didnt they fix that.. doh)
I dont have password on.. (as still am testing but it just locks up completely until a hard reset.

Read this thread here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=32217

Did... read. copied.. machine died.. did it work for you?
exactly what i did:- and didnt work
1. Soft reset your Universal first to clear any locks
2. Unzip the entire archive onto your PC into a single directory
3. Copy ALL of the files into your PocketPC's Windows directory
4. Run the SdkCerts.cab included in the files.
5. Create a shortcut to the ozVGA.exe file within your Windows Directory and place into Start Menu
6. Startup ozVGA and click the lower lefthand button
7. Your device will restart in your new resolution!

I think that I had similiar problems until I did a soft reset after step 4, before starting ozVGA the first time. Now it's working for me (MDA-Pro, latest Jasjar ROM).
I'm nopt really sure it the soft reset was the solution, but anyway it's worth a try.

Woot!! worked. reset inbetween worked... thanks

works first time on my m5000, and i am still learning this machine can do so much!! saving for a bigger SD card and ill be on my way

What is ozVGA??
can someone tell me?

OZVGA is anyone still using this?
Before I stuff up my machine again I'd like to know if it's worth it. Or if not, are there any bettet alternatives, I only really need a proper screen for IE.

I tried OzVGA and had the same problem and had to do a hard reset, at which point I found the thread here recommending a different program (attached) which worked perfectly for me. If you want to go back, just uninstall it. If you keep the cab file, you can switch back and forth as needed. It even lists in the readme the exact changes it does, which made me feel better.
VGA seems worth it to me - so much more can be fit on the screen, and I couldn't switch back now. Internet Explorer also looks great in VGA, along with everything else. No more needing to scroll all the time in things is very nice, at least for me.
I haven't found a way to get Internet Explorer to run properly in QVGA like it does in VGA mode (it insists on doubling the images). However, if it's just for the internet you want, you could try Opera which handles VGA better, and will give you the Internet Explorer in VGA mode experience in QVGA mode without needing to switch.
Hope this helps, just wanted to add my (limited) experience and recommendation for the application in the linked post


O2 Exec set up from new...only for O2

Ok so I bought an XDa Exec.. and like most thought it was going to be great when in truth it sucked..
With the help of all those on here (far to many to mention I now have by far the fastest most stable pDA I have ever had) This got me to thinking that to have all the info and files in one place would maybe help other O2 users so here goes..
What to do..
Firstly If your device has already been running then Hard reset and perform vanilla install.
Press the two -- keys on the keyboard at the same time and reset (yes that the one to the left of the red phone button and the one to the right of the green phone button)
once set up begins go through the screen set up and the device will give you a three second warning when this appears soft reset.
when it boots up you now have vanila install. ie its running but without all the O2 crap but also without your settings.
Next you need to get certain files.
UNI_ext_rom unlocker frem here http://buzzdev.net/index.php?option=com_simpleboard&Itemid=59&func=view&catid=40&id=7869#7869
regedit (trial here) http://www.pocketgear.com/software_detail.asp?id=17108
O2 connections only cab at bottom of post
This extended Rom at bottom of post
Pocket Mechanic: Download (www.antontomov.com) and install this essential app. You have a few days on trial, and it's necessary for some steps
Ok now using active sync connect to your device and place the following in my documents (anywhere realy I just find I remember that)
*UNI_ext_rom unlocker
*O2 connections only cab
*Pocket Mechanic
run both before resetting and also open regedit and change the following
you should now be able to see and edit the extended rom. delete all files then unzip the extended rom you downloaded from here and copy all the files across into the folder.
Now hard reset the device
This time allow the extended rom to install ie do not stop at the 3 seconds bit.
NOW browse to my documents and run pocket mechanic.
then run O2 connections only cab
this will then ask you to choose installation choose the bottom one and it will restart your device.
now browse to programs pocket mechanic and follow below
Notification Queue: This can be done later, but it's nice to get familiar with this process whilst your queue is small. Using PM, open the notification queue. You may already (yes!) find some duplicate (yellow icon) sddeamon entries. These seem to replicate during an ActiveSync. You can/must delete all duplicates from time to time. You will also, in future, find some "\.\\Notification.....SCRIPT..." entries. Keep an eye out for these. Most mature within minutes of you finding them, so let them expire. Many are future-dated and tightly back-to-back. These can nearly always (I've never had a regret) be deleted without repercussions. If you don't manage these, they tend to breed, and anyone with XDA experience knows what happens when your queue fills up (failed alarms etc). I'm unclear as to where these come from - undoutedly an app that is not behaving elegantly (regular registration checks etc), and if you follow the steps on this post you should NOT find any - ie the apps here do not seem to be culprits. But, keep an eye open...
Registry cleanup: Again, this can be done later, however you'll soon see the beenfit of doing it now. Using PM, run registry cleaner. You'll get around 6 entries, all of which can safely be deleted. If you did not follow step 1, you may have to examine eahc entry to see if the O2 ROM is messier. The beauty of this step is that from now on, you can safely clean everything that PM finds in the knowledge that it's a leave-behind from an app you installed, and now you can install, de-install, and provided you clean up the directories (easy) you KNOW for sure that you've completely gotten rid of the failed app. Winner!
OK now you can install all the apps you need. I have copied the cab files to the storage card that way if I ever have to hard reset I have everthing, please note I also copied the O2 connections only cab to there.
WELL I am open to comments about this and must stress you do this at your own risk but hell it worked for me and I have as I said the fastest PDA I have ever had.
so over to you guys.. PLEASE note this is in no way my own work it is all thanks to other people on here but hopefully I have put it all in one place..
all comments welcome accept the one that sais Magpies a knob
Hi many people are looking
and a few downloading comments would be good..
does it work any ideas of additions into it etc etc etc
I like it, but for a new Pocket PC user such as myself. It might be hard to follow some of your instructions. But I like the idea of putting Pocket Mechanic in the ExtROM. I was considering of doing this too, but I want to add MemMaid and HandyMenu with Pocket Mechanic.
This would be a temporary use for the ExtROM for now before Buzzzzzz releases the partition hack. Then, I would rather use the ExtROM as part of my internal memory.
And then let them make up their own mind.
I thought about doing what you posted but tbh its too much bother.
It runs OK as it is. All I use this thing for is phone, streaming radio and anime.
In corporate with no crap OEM stuff I havent tested and normal o2 ext rom it works fine.
I wanna say thanks, had some spare time todaylooking after the sick missus and carried out the procedure, dont know if its running much better than my corp install before but it was good fun and easy to follow

Soft Reset issues

Apologies if this has been posted before but cant find it in the search...
1) On soft reset, I loose sms messages, even if I have closed "Text Messages" with any of the 3rd party "close" button programs.
2) On soft reset, I lose BT338 GPS connectivity, have to remove the device and port then re add - have read on here that you need to uncheck secure connection, I've tried it with both checked, and unchecked and still fails
3) On soft reset, whatever background image I have dissapears, but a portion is left behind in the drop down window.
4) Im with Orange, which of the cabs in the Extended ROM can I delete and still be able to use the phone.
5) When using Sprite Backup It does not back up either calendar or contacts, even though I have Personal Databases checked (or if it does, it doesnt restore them)
I dont want a load of Orange bloatware using up the memory, just enough for phone, gprs connection and WiFi to work.
Getting quite used to doing hard resets now, had issue over the weekend with one app causing Picture viewer to lock up!
Many thanks from a grateful Newbie!
jedi23mi9 said:
4) Im with Orange, which of the cabs in the Extended ROM can I delete and still be able to use the phone.
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Once you have flashed your phone and done the reset afterwards, letting the customisations install they are no longer of any use to you until you do a hard reset, at which point the ROM will reload and the customisations with it.
If you use backup software after you delete the entire contents of your ExtendedROM you won't lose a thing.
Have you got the right version of Sprite? I think the latest is 5.1?
If you have no luck with it, give SPB a try. I've used it on my Alpine and Uni with great success.
Have you tried flashing with the latest ROM for the other problems? I'm on the latest Orange ROM and so far things seem to be working fine with SMS, desktop and BT pairing.
Sprite is 5.1.0 Build 1417 - downloaded last friday
ROM version seem to be same as yours, 1.30.90WWE 02/24/06 so I guess thats most upto date Orange ROM (had device just under 3 weeks)
Grr @ self for not reading sig !
Another thing to try is the Qtek ROMs? Assuming you're unlocked of course.
Good Luck with it =)
Im not brave enough to unlock it
I absolutley adore the beast, and its spot on for what i need, just wish I could resolve the minor issues that whilst not spoil the use of it, nevertheless are annoying. BT338 gets hot fix in seconds, but takes me 5 mins to un pair then reapir the blasted BT connection
Going back to the extended ROM, what I meant was do I need all the cab files that are in there to use the phone, as in can I remove some, then Hard reset and have a smaller number actually load up.
I dont use the Orange today screen for one, and given that there is only 25Mb of usable program memory out of 50, I'm wondering how much of that is caused by TSR orange code that can be removed at build
EDIT: had a look at http://forum.xda-developers.com/vie...0&postorder=asc&highlight=reg+tweaks&start=25 but still non the wiser (someone listed the Orange FR cabs)
There is an easy way to do this that doesn't require unlocking the ExtROM, which you have to do to be able to delete anything in there.
When you hard reset, tap the screen, sync the touchscreen, cut and paste, then Windows loads up.
Right after that it will give you 3 seconds before loading the contents of the ExtROM. If you hit the reset pin during that three seconds it won't load anything in there.
You can then browse to it with a decent file manager and install the .CABs by hand.
But, don't be afraid of unlocking, it takes one program and two registry edits. Gives you 10MB of space to play with too.
Ah, my fault, read som much about unlocking that I thought you meant the sim card.
Yip, I've run the ExtRom unlocker and found out how to look inside
Not really that bothered about storage on the device, more about having a nice trim OS so that i have more program space as the kernel is smaller
Thanks again

New O2 Exec ROM and OzVGA - Lovers or Enemies?

Has anyone else tried to run OzVGA with the new O2 Exec ROM recently released?
I've now tried twice and both times after rebooting into VGA mode it locks on the image with what looks like the sun. I can see the Select and Exit today buttons across the bottom but thats it.
Oh and the signal LED is flashing so at least something is working.
No response from the device at all.
Please tell me someone has seen this and has a fix - I dont think I could handle another hard rest again.
Didn't have these problems with the iMate ROM.
ozVGA does not work on the new EXEC/Dopod ROM.
Try another one as attached. I have tested it and it works great!
Bought my XDA Exec a week ago and had been struggling to install OzVGA via downloads from other threads here. Saw your posts here, gave it a go, worked first time. Thanks for the pointer.
Only a small number of font issues with the built-in monitor programs, but the main apps seem to display well. Only unexpected quirk for me is that I can no longer get a fingernail to the Close (red cross) button in the top-right-hand corner - the bezel gets in the way! Still, I'm prepared to sharpen my nails as per a recent thread!
Any clues as to the source - is it a variant of OzVGA, or a different product?
Will this work with the QTEK ROM or is this just specific for O2?
WM5 Changes
Start -> Settings -> Screen -> Text Size -> set to one before Largest (doesn't change much but it does help)
ozVGA settings
MenuBar Font: Bold 900
System Font: 1200
Hor./Ver. Scrollbar, Min Scrl Thumb: 20
ozVGA: 750, 900, 975, 1200, 1500
Here is the file you need and the instructions. The only difference is that you should not use the files contained in the "Windows Folder Files" of the .rar but download the new and updated dll files for AKU2 from here:VGA files
Extra step: Create a shortcut to VJBigPhoneRes in \windows\startup
1. Backup so you don't have to hard reset if anything goes wrong.
2. Before replacing the files in \windows with the ones contained in "vgasystemfiles" make sure you backup the originals.
3. WM5 do not allow overwriting ROM files from your PC. You can however move the files to your SD and do it from there.
4. You will get a new icon on the bottom right hand corner, for VJBigPhoneRes. If for any reason the phone app does not appear correctly just tap on it and "Load and fix phone".
5. The only phone buttons that do not appear correctly are on the PIN input screen but that's not really an issues since you can type the pin and hit enter.
Hope this helps.
i've tried this on my O2 exec with what so far seems to be a large ammount of success here. (following the instructions in the last post).
I have reco explorer installed so it makes overwriting the rom based files (power.exe etc).
I recommend that you use something like spb backup to back the device up in its entirity before you do this!
Also it would be good if we had a revert application for the phone vbj stuff but for now , hey , it works if you have a spare 10 minutes to set it up.
I surfed to one of my regular sites via opera and it looks excellent on par with the Zaurus SL-3200 runing firefox.
Previously when i tried this alot of the GFX were mangled. so far i've only found a little bit of mangled GFX.
Hudsons IP Dashboard ends up getting a bit squished but its nothing that ruins the uses of the app. Also looks like the bottom right hand corner of active sync has a little bit of corruption. but its not as if it makes the device un-usable.
I'm looking at it now and it looks EXCELLENT! The one thing that concerns me is battery drain, i would have thought this will effect the battery with it having to draw more of a screen now but i'll keep a check on it.
I'm running the latest 02 rom so I can confirm a large ammount of success and if you use spb backup you can easily restore the device should you need to..
to be fair though, you need good eye sight, i've turned the font up to biggest and it still looks good (also helps a little with spacing).
have a bash, don't be scared!
Hello Guys,
I'm a newbie here, so can you please walk with me step by step?
I read about it and I liked its features but when I downloaded it and ran it, installed it on my Universal (Orange), nothing has changed, and I didnt find where it was installed on my Universal, so can you please tell me why, what, how & where?
Thanx guyz
Re: Help
CerberuS said:
Hello Guys,
I'm a newbie here, so can you please walk with me step by step?
I read about it and I liked its features but when I downloaded it and ran it, installed it on my Universal (Orange), nothing has changed, and I didnt find where it was installed on my Universal, so can you please tell me why, what, how & where?
Thanx guyz
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It works fine now, I had to go into the TEMP and install it
I am happy
thank you all
joannaex said:
WM5 Changes
Start -> Settings -> Screen -> Text Size -> set to one before Largest (doesn't change much but it does help)
ozVGA settings
MenuBar Font: Bold 900
System Font: 1200
Hor./Ver. Scrollbar, Min Scrl Thumb: 20
ozVGA: 750, 900, 975, 1200, 1500
Here is the file you need and the instructions. The only difference is that you should not use the files contained in the "Windows Folder Files" of the .rar but download the new and updated dll files for AKU2 from here:VGA files
Extra step: Create a shortcut to VJBigPhoneRes in \windows\startup
1. Backup so you don't have to hard reset if anything goes wrong.
2. Before replacing the files in \windows with the ones contained in "vgasystemfiles" make sure you backup the originals.
3. WM5 do not allow overwriting ROM files from your PC. You can however move the files to your SD and do it from there.
4. You will get a new icon on the bottom right hand corner, for VJBigPhoneRes. If for any reason the phone app does not appear correctly just tap on it and "Load and fix phone".
5. The only phone buttons that do not appear correctly are on the PIN input screen but that's not really an issues since you can type the pin and hit enter.
Hope this helps.
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i tried that, but it wone lest em copythe backlight files etc as the files are read only etc? hoe can i replace them?
anyone? i cant figure it out, or if the worst comes to the worst, how do you remove it? or is that hard reset time?
You can copy the files from the SD into the main memory with Resco Explorer. It will allow you to overwrite ROM files.
The file download now seems to be 404 for me. Please could someone else kindly upload the files so I can have some fun too :]
Managed to find what was needed. Thanks

Slow Changing of Input Method?

Guys, I have a question.
I used to have an iPaq 6300 running WiMo 2003, when selecting input methods there is an arrow beside the input method you click on to bring up the menu that lets you choose between Keyboard, Block Recognizer, Transcriber or Letter Recognizer. This was instantaneous! The moment you press the arrow, the menu pops up and you can switch input methods instantly.
On my new Atom Exec though this is not the case. You have to press the input method icon first, which brings up the arrow, then click on the arrow, then wait like a minute before the menu pops up. What gives? Is this really how all WiMo5 devices work? Is this a problem with WiMo5 or with the Atom Exec in particular?
It is annoying because it makes it harder to switch between input methods. Could someone tell me the score on this?
My bad, I fiddled around with the Atom a bit more and fixed the problem by doing a Hard Reset. Now I set the PPC back up to how I like it and it's working flawlessly.
Hmm after some time the problem seems to be back. It looks like the phone bogs down with stuff after a while, causing this problem. I don't feel like reformatting, does anyone have a fix, or a program that cleans up and optimizes your PPC?
this is an issue of WM5.
It also happens to WM6. The more applications you installed, the slower it will get (not sure what kind of application though). Well, Atom Life has 1GB of ROM. Of course people will start installing a lot of applications.
Anyway, I read somewhere in the forum stating that if you have more than 10 today plugin installed, the SIP will take a some time to appear. The plugins don't necessary be active. I mean, the ones not active are also counted. I have not confirmed this yet though.
I have more than 40 programs installed in my atom. It didn't slow down that much (only 5 to 10%) but what I usually do is to backup everything first before I install anything. At the first sign of speed reduction or bugs, I just do a restore. I have more than 15 today plug-ins both active and inactive. However, one thing I noticed is that it is better if you install your non-essentials to your sd card. It doesn't matter if you do a hard reset, they will still be there and if you use a tray launcher or clauncher, you can configure the icons to reappear even if you do not re-install them. This way, you reduce the clutter in your main memory and at the same time save you the trouble of re-installing. The reconfiguration of the executable icon will take some time but it is still faster than re-installing 30+ programs. It is important though to maintain a storage of no less than 17MB. Once you go below this, you will really see the reduction in speed and will be pissed off with your PPC. By the way, do not use Opera or any modified IE (tab browsing and downloading. by the way, Opera is good with downloading but sucks in handling your PPC's memory) while doing something else with your PPC. It will really really slow down your PPC.
i posted this same thread sometime ago, but there was no solution. At last i discover the culprit. I see the difference in speed when i install Embedded Windows VB Runtimes. regardless whether i install it in the memory card or the main memory.
Got this info from another site, it really works.
make WM5 SIP faster (加快輸入法) (not a joke)
X51V ENG A12 + Ce-Star 2.8R2A + Monster SIP + MS IME for JAP works well.
But I am not very sure "every WM5 PPC" works well, too.
After installing a lot of softwares, WM5 SIP becomes slow.
You can make it fast again.
1. install resco explorer 5.42 and resco registry at \Device
2. use resco registry to export the registry of
to a file (like CLSID.reg) at PPC, or SD, or CF
donnot edit or modify CLSID.reg
3. use resco registry to delete CLSID
4. use resco explorer to execute CLSID.reg to import the registry CLSID back
5. turn off PPC, soft reset
It is amazing like magic.
Weird... it really works. Everything back to normal. Menu is displayed instantly after tapping on the list button.
I'm using Atom Life WM6, so this mean that it also works for WM6.
Urk Double Post
Aha! O2's proprietary software is a bunch of Today plugins! That may be the culprit. I noticed the a while later though after the O2 software was installed.
I have no perceptible slowdown on the Exec other than the input method switching. I just need to fix that!
My main memory is about 85% free (83.6MB) and yes I do install all the non-essentials to the SD card.
MightyOx I'll try your method hopefully this fixes this issue. While "upgrading" to WM5 I thought it would be a completely better experience, but I'm finding WM5 has issues and that quite a few things were done better in WM2K3 (like the SIP switching speed) or how about creating a new SMS message in WM2K3 you only needed 2 taps here in WM5 you need 3. *roll eyes* sometimes I wonder what developers are thinking when they take steps backwards like this.
On the other hand I love being able to rotate the screen, and Voice Command 1.6 was totally worth it.
Mochan said:
Aha! O2's proprietary software is a bunch of Today plugins! That may be the culprit. I noticed the a while later though after the O2 software was installed.
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It's not O2's software. It just happen to be the next software you've installed before the problem show itself. It can be any software. As I said in my previous post, it will happen after you've installed a certain number of software. I think it is WM5 and WM6 related.
Anyway, the workaround is already posted. So, I have no more complain about this problem.
Yeah, looks like it's not. I tried Mightyox's method, THANK YOU SIR my Atom is running fine again. It's like once you pile over some registry entries over the CLSID directory, it takes time to get it. So the solution is to delete the registry key and "re-enter" it so it goes back on top. Very strange but if it works then more power.
Tried it on my flame...Wow...works like a charm

[Q] What is an old/broken blackstone good for?

Today I found my old broken (digitizer not working) touch HD sleeping in a dusty box... and I kind of felt sad for it.
All the hardware on the phone is working just fine except for the touch pannel
So I was thinking, is it possible to make some good use of it without investing any money for repair (it's just not worth it, as I have the brilliant HD2 since the day it got realeased)?
Having a non-working digitizer doesn't leave a lot of options but here is an idea:
Car tracking device? - have it installed in my car, constantly charging from the car battery, listening to GPS and sending coordinates over gsm data to my PC/server.
1. The blackstone have a GPS and you can install a simple data only SIM card from your provider, allowing your device to connect to a remote server over the internet and send important data - like gps coordinates.
2. It's still possible to install any custom rom you like.
3. There is a way to skip initial touch calibration screen: make an empty text file and rename it to "welcome.not" and place it in the root ot your sd card. (Thanks to Chef_Tony for pointing that out!)
4. There is a way to control the device via PC and a USB cable: after hard reset your device default usb connection mode will be ActiveSync. Then run the free MyMobiler application on the PC and it will automatically install on the usb connected device, allowing you to fully control it via your PC mouse and keyboard. (Thanks to Chef_Tony for pointing that out!)
I'm sure that I'm not the first nor the only one that came up with an idea like this, but I couldn't find any topic on it. I also know there are many brilliant developers in XDA that make loads of awesome apps for our HTC devices.
So, any ideas?
Shouts to:
Best wishes,
new digitizer is about $8.. buy it, fix it at home and sell it for $100
yes, you can always replace the digitizer and have a fine phone.
but anyways, since your plan seems pretty interesting, here is some basic input to help you:
3. you can bypass the OOBE. all you need to do is, create an empty txt file on your pc, "untitled.txt" and rename it to "Welcome.not", (yes, change the extension to "not") and put it in the root of the sd card, then the welcome wizard should be skipped after a hard reset, and so you don't need to align the screen.
4. after a hard reset, the default option for a usb connection is activesync. then you can run MyMobiler on your pc, it will install on the device automatically and you can control the device on your pc's screen with keyboard and mouse.
so you can still use it for anything you like, if you control it over the pc and preconfigure it to meet your needs.
sleby said:
new digitizer is about $8.. buy it, fix it at home and sell it for $100
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I gave it a shot few months ago and I failed The problem was that the digitizer is literally glued to the lcd panel, and detaching it is a REAL pain the butt (I almost broke it). Anyway, after reassembly the new touch screen didn't work and I gave up. I cursed myself later on when I found the topic here in XDA forums that the best way is to buy a digitizer+lcd combo...
Chef_Tony said:
yes, you can always replace the digitizer and have a fine phone.
but anyways, since your plan seems pretty interesting, here is some basic input to help you:
3. you can bypass the OOBE. all you need to do is, create an empty txt file on your pc, "untitled.txt" and rename it to "Welcome.not", (yes, change the extension to "not") and put it in the root of the sd card, then the welcome wizard should be skipped after a hard reset, and so you don't need to align the screen.
4. after a hard reset, the default option for a usb connection is activesync. then you can run MyMobiler on your pc, it will install on the device automatically and you can control the device on your pc's screen with keyboard and mouse.
so you can still use it for anything you like, if you control it over the pc and preconfigure it to meet your needs.
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Thank you fine sir for the light on the topic. I'll make sure to add this in the first post
Every new idea/info will be of great value reaching the goals of this thread
Ok, putting a welcome.not file on the root of the sd card did the trick as promised. I conneced the device to my PC via usb and as expected it connected via ActiveSync by default.
Unfortunatelly MyMobiler was unable to install the mobile part of the app automatically - it poped a message on the phone "This program is from an unknown publisher..." and it's now waiting for confirmation to continue the execution of the app... and it's pretty impossible to confirm this with a broken touch pannel
I believe there is a registry workaround for this, but it should be set by default in a cooked rom? I'm using the latest WWE rom from HTC.com.
It will be great if some good chef could mod this rom and make this annoying message go away
1. i just had an idea on how to get mymobiler running. i cannot promise, that it'll work, but it certainly doesn't hurt.
having the latest mymobiler on your pc, you see different files there, some of which are named:
when you connect the device in activesync mode, and set it up for syncing (at least notes or browser favorites, something that does not actually mess with your pim data), you will see the blackstone in "My Computer". entering it, you have the storage home drive and the storage card. by enabling "Show hidden files" and disabling "Hide system files" in your windows explorer, you should be able to access the windows folder of the device. then you can copy the file remote.exe.50 there, rename it to remote.exe (the .40 file is for wm2003, the .50 file for wm5 or greater, but you need to remove the extension to make it executable).
and then, since you cannot make shortcuts yet, copy the file again to \Windows\StartUp\
thereby making it run automaticly, when the device boots. then soft reset, and i am fairly certain, you should be able to run mymobiler.
from there on, you could disable the signature warning for future programs.
EDIT: apparently, the startup folder is victim to the certification warning as well. still i leave this paragraph, as i find it interesting as to how mymobiler works.
2. another idea would be to just flash any cooked rom found here on the forum. all of them have this stupid signature warning disabled and are ready to run mymobiler out of the box.
3. my third idea to get it running is trying to modify the responsible reg key:
it is a dword key, where the value '0' is activated warning, and '1' means, the warning is disabled.
in the 2577.zip in the attachment, you will find a reg key, that changes this value and also a cab file to do the same thing.
on a device with an ARM cpu, the folder 2577\ on the storage card will be monitored for autorun.exe and execute it, when the card is inserted. i also packed 3 different autorun.exe files in there, one by me, one by navigon, and one by igo, hoping at least one of them would work with a proper certificate. what you'd need to do, is extract it, and copy it to the storage card, so the path is \Storage Card\2577\Autorun.exe
autorun classic works with the CFG.txt, which is also included and changed to work, as long as your rom is WWE and the storage card is actually named \Storage Card\, if not, edit the path.
until now, i was unable to run it, because the autorun.exe files aren't signed with a trusted certificate either, but i'll give other people time to post ideas, and rethink the thing, maybe i can make it work for you.
still i think, if you are gonna use the device for a few little features, you are not required to use the stock rom, so flashing another rom, which then does not have the certification warning would be the easiest way to go for everyone involved.
Connect it to your PC and use it as a monitoring tool!
Can come handy when benchmarking.

