O2 Exec set up from new...only for O2 - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Ok so I bought an XDa Exec.. and like most thought it was going to be great when in truth it sucked..
With the help of all those on here (far to many to mention I now have by far the fastest most stable pDA I have ever had) This got me to thinking that to have all the info and files in one place would maybe help other O2 users so here goes..
What to do..
Firstly If your device has already been running then Hard reset and perform vanilla install.
Press the two -- keys on the keyboard at the same time and reset (yes that the one to the left of the red phone button and the one to the right of the green phone button)
once set up begins go through the screen set up and the device will give you a three second warning when this appears soft reset.
when it boots up you now have vanila install. ie its running but without all the O2 crap but also without your settings.
Next you need to get certain files.
UNI_ext_rom unlocker frem here http://buzzdev.net/index.php?option=com_simpleboard&Itemid=59&func=view&catid=40&id=7869#7869
regedit (trial here) http://www.pocketgear.com/software_detail.asp?id=17108
O2 connections only cab at bottom of post
This extended Rom at bottom of post
Pocket Mechanic: Download (www.antontomov.com) and install this essential app. You have a few days on trial, and it's necessary for some steps
Ok now using active sync connect to your device and place the following in my documents (anywhere realy I just find I remember that)
*UNI_ext_rom unlocker
*O2 connections only cab
*Pocket Mechanic
run both before resetting and also open regedit and change the following
you should now be able to see and edit the extended rom. delete all files then unzip the extended rom you downloaded from here and copy all the files across into the folder.
Now hard reset the device
This time allow the extended rom to install ie do not stop at the 3 seconds bit.
NOW browse to my documents and run pocket mechanic.
then run O2 connections only cab
this will then ask you to choose installation choose the bottom one and it will restart your device.
now browse to programs pocket mechanic and follow below
Notification Queue: This can be done later, but it's nice to get familiar with this process whilst your queue is small. Using PM, open the notification queue. You may already (yes!) find some duplicate (yellow icon) sddeamon entries. These seem to replicate during an ActiveSync. You can/must delete all duplicates from time to time. You will also, in future, find some "\.\\Notification.....SCRIPT..." entries. Keep an eye out for these. Most mature within minutes of you finding them, so let them expire. Many are future-dated and tightly back-to-back. These can nearly always (I've never had a regret) be deleted without repercussions. If you don't manage these, they tend to breed, and anyone with XDA experience knows what happens when your queue fills up (failed alarms etc). I'm unclear as to where these come from - undoutedly an app that is not behaving elegantly (regular registration checks etc), and if you follow the steps on this post you should NOT find any - ie the apps here do not seem to be culprits. But, keep an eye open...
Registry cleanup: Again, this can be done later, however you'll soon see the beenfit of doing it now. Using PM, run registry cleaner. You'll get around 6 entries, all of which can safely be deleted. If you did not follow step 1, you may have to examine eahc entry to see if the O2 ROM is messier. The beauty of this step is that from now on, you can safely clean everything that PM finds in the knowledge that it's a leave-behind from an app you installed, and now you can install, de-install, and provided you clean up the directories (easy) you KNOW for sure that you've completely gotten rid of the failed app. Winner!
OK now you can install all the apps you need. I have copied the cab files to the storage card that way if I ever have to hard reset I have everthing, please note I also copied the O2 connections only cab to there.
WELL I am open to comments about this and must stress you do this at your own risk but hell it worked for me and I have as I said the fastest PDA I have ever had.
so over to you guys.. PLEASE note this is in no way my own work it is all thanks to other people on here but hopefully I have put it all in one place..
all comments welcome accept the one that sais Magpies a knob

Hi many people are looking
and a few downloading comments would be good..
does it work any ideas of additions into it etc etc etc

I like it, but for a new Pocket PC user such as myself. It might be hard to follow some of your instructions. But I like the idea of putting Pocket Mechanic in the ExtROM. I was considering of doing this too, but I want to add MemMaid and HandyMenu with Pocket Mechanic.
This would be a temporary use for the ExtROM for now before Buzzzzzz releases the partition hack. Then, I would rather use the ExtROM as part of my internal memory.

And then let them make up their own mind.
I thought about doing what you posted but tbh its too much bother.
It runs OK as it is. All I use this thing for is phone, streaming radio and anime.
In corporate with no crap OEM stuff I havent tested and normal o2 ext rom it works fine.

I wanna say thanks, had some spare time todaylooking after the sick missus and carried out the procedure, dont know if its running much better than my corp install before but it was good fun and easy to follow


EXEC SUMMARY: TIPS n TRICKS to make your JasJar run well

There are way too many posts on this board from ppl who r saying "Piece of crap, I'm gonna take it back and stick it up my provider's...". This post is for you!
I'm no expert (just a disciple of ppl like buzz, vj, etc), BUT I am not afraid of a hard reset or 30, and as a result I've tested everything below, and most of the stuff throughout this forum. I've also followed everything on every forum since being the 10th person in my country to get a JasJar. I welcome critisism, corrections and additions. Please post replies by refering to the step you would change, or insert after. Let's try to stick to proven alternatives and additions though, so that this thread can become somewhat of a 1-stop point for new users (and existing users who do not have the time to learn this alone - and let's face it anyone who has a Universal already, is probably pretty hard working, and already spending an awful amount of time justifying their acquisition in front of their BlackBerry collegues...)
This is written with a single thought in mind; what the hell would my wife do if she got one of these. No-one could blame her for tossing it inside of a week, but with a few changes it's perfectly functional - in fact with a few more changes (also listed below) it's quite desirable.
By the end of this process, your Universal should have a reasonable suite of apps, perfect functionality around all issues solved to date (I've not covered networking tho), a screen flip speed of 0.5s or less, and free program memory of over 20Mb
So here goes, a step-by-step process to get your Universal 100% functional, proven and tested on the HTC Universal iMate JasJar, but should all work on any MDA:
ROM Upgrade: First thing's first. Upgrade to the September-30 ROM (JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301.zip). It's available somewhere on xda-developers, or on clubimate for imate users. This is a no-brainer - no posts on this board or any others indicate it's a waste of time. Many posts cover O2 users flashing to this ROM, with great benefits. There are ways to re-install the O2 graphics and apps - if you want ;-) If you have ANY issues with your Universal, bite the bullet and do this; you'll see that the following setup process is not as brutal as you'd expect (I can run thro it in about half an hour - but I've done it many times and have all the apps lined up and ready).
Optional soft reset: Some pppl like to soft reset BEFORE the device installs the default apps. On this ROM, there's no performance improvement, no memory imporvement that can't be covered later (backgammon etc), and potentially some important losses that I didn't hang around long enough to discover.
Sync: Now sync with your PC to get your contacts, calendar and tasks. This is only here to get you up and running asap.
Pocket Mechanic: Download (www.antontomov.com) and install this essential app. You have a few days on trial, and it's necessary for the next steps
Notification Queue: This can be done later, but it's nice to get familiar with this process whilst your queue is small. Using PM, open the notification queue. You may already (yes!) find some duplicate (yellow icon) sddeamon entries. These seem to replicate during an activesync. You can/must delete all duplicates from time to time. You will also, in future, find some "\.\\Notification.....SCRIPT..." entries. Keep an eye out for these. Most mature within minutes of you finding them, so let them expire. Many are future-dated and tightly back-to-back. These can nearly always (I've never had a regret) be deleted without repercussions. If you don't manage these, they tend to breed, and anyone with XDA experience knows what happens when your queue fills up (failed alarms etc). I'm unclear as to where these come from - undoutedly an app that is not behaving elegantly (regular registration checks etc), and if you follow the steps on this post you should NOT find any - ie the apps here do not seem to be culprits. But, keep an eye open...
Registry cleanup: Again, this can be done later, however you'll soon see the beenfit of doing it now. Using PM, run registry cleaner. You'll get around 6 entries, all of which can safely be deleted. If you did not follow step 1, you may have to examine eahc entry to see if the O2 ROM is messier. The beauty of this step is that from now on, you can safely clean everything that PM finds in the knowledge that it's a leave-behind from an app you installed, and now you can install, de-install, and provided you clean up the directories (easy) you KNOW for sure that you've completely gotten rid of the failed app. Winner!
Task closer: Now it's time for your task manager. There's a lot of coverage on this, and any of the following seem to do the trick, ranked in order of simplicity thro to possibly problematic:[list:333ba237cf]
Magic Button (free, includes battery line on top of screen)
GSPocketMagic++ (free, includes cascading menu. Some MDA Exec users claim that it closes something awful that O2 installs, and solves a 7 second flip issue. SEVEN SECONDS!!! If you implemented step 1, you should not have this problem to solve anyway)
spbPocketPlus (not free, and do not allow it to show any storage meters. There are some bad posts on spb, but I've found it just as good as the above, altho it takes up slightly more memory)
WisbarAdvance2 (not free, HUGE footprint, definite performance issues BUT it skins your Universal SO beautifully, that I've gone with this and WAD - desktop plugin)
[*]Basic apps: Now there are a few no-brainer apps to install, that no-one disputes and that are all free. NO BRAINERS:
Total commander (free, replacement for file explorer - way way better)
TCPMP (free, replaces media player, more formats, full screen, way way better)
Batti (free, battry bar on top of screen like spbPocketPlus, small footprint, but if u r using MagicButton you already get this)
TRE (free, registry editor, necessary to run .reg files covered later)
IIWPO (free, AWESOME concept; If your owner info is changed, it SMS's the number you've set with new SIM number and new 'owner' details. Great if someone steals your Universal. Don't bother if u r not happy with a little installation effort)
BT icon (free, on this board somewhere, gives u an icon on your today tray that shows BT status and allows u to jumps to settings>connections>BT)
BT switch (free, on this board somewhere, several apps that turn BT on, off, or toggle)
Battery Uptime (Optional: free, today plugin that tells u the battery status BUT it's way more useful: you get to see actual running time vs uptime, and remaining running time. This gives u a good feel for your battery consumption rate under different scenarios and helps overcome a LOT of concerns around thinking you are draining faster when actually you are just using the device more)
apReminderPlus (free, AWESOME repeating alarms. Beauty of this is that is seems to be independent of WM5, in that it keeps an eye open for any alarms, and pops up to do its thing if it sees one. WAY beter than built in repeat system, and makes me feel good that I have alarms covered off in case the old wm2003 bugs start to appear again)
VJSMS (free, on this board, gives u 1-click to send an SMS. Note that .lnk file should read as follows INCLUDING inverted commas:
\Storage Card\Program Files\VJApps\vjsms.exe" "123
Change path and number of course. Number can also be a name.
Sad to report that VJDailer doesn't work on the universal. This would be awesome
[*]Settings: Time to do your basic settings:
speed dials
power and backlight
voice dials
Owner info
ringtones and notifications
DO NOT set regional settings if u r using PI (below)
[*]PIM: OK, time to replace the CRAP calendar built into WM5. CRAP CRAP CRAP! Disgracefully, embarassingly CRAP. Hell, symbian ship better default apps with the OLD Psion S3 and S5 than this! Now, I use PocketInformant. Latest release works well on JJ with 2 livable issues: Landscape flip screws up Monday/Tuesday in week view, and you MUST NOT set any regional settings what-so-ever, else you get the blank calendar view bug. AgendaFusion is due for a WM5 release any day now. Other than that, I don't think there is much that works on the Universal - correct?? :?:
[*]Reg fixes: Now there are a few no-brainer registry hacks that you should run. You can find these as cab files on this board, as registry keys under the wiki page, else as .reg files on one of my earlier posts (fastest method):
Buzz's BT headset (prevents BT from turning off over night - no brainer! Thanks buzz!!)
"Always on GPRS" (search this board - keeps GPRS/UMTS turned on - awesome!)
Date & time in title bar (why not)
Menu and popup fonts 700 vs 900 (it's cosmetic, but on our nice VGA screens, it seems daft to have a look n feel that's SO QVGA)
PIE homepage (prevent 'e' button from going to clubimate page)
Terminal services cache (increased cache uses memory during terminal services, but it's WELL worth it to eliminate black blocking issues)
Turn IR off (unless you have a good reason for keeping it on)
[*]Extra apps: There are several very useful apps, that work reliably and do not have an adverse impact on your Universal.
eWallet (not free, desktop sync does not work, but rest is very useful)
Pocket sudoku (not free, but it's SO much fun!)
Mobipocket reader (skinny version is free, for mobipocket ebooks - ebooks fully being 25% of your devices functionality along with PIM, phone and internet access. Google beta 5 version with full VGA support)
uBook (more eBook formats. Not free but usable. VGA support)
1-calc (cos built in calculator is SO crap)
GPRS traffic monitor: We need a GPRS/3G monitor. spbGPRS monitor does NOT track the usage of yoru device as a 3G modem - which is where u chew up traffic costs. IP Dashboard has similar issues.
[*]Memory:Now, I'm the first to say that I don;t fully get this yet. There are a few things that the posts suggest should reduce program or storage memory - but don't really seem to do so. Try them and let me know results with more scientific before and after checking please:
Remove backgammon & skype, and re-install to SD card
Remove the 1Mb .tsk themes from the \Windows directory. You cannot delete them, you have to create new files that are smaller and copy them into \Windows and overrwite the larger files. Search this board for some sample small files provided. I didn't find that I got any memory back...???
Ditto for .cab files in \Windows
Do not use these big theme files - by using smaller themes you should get more program memory.
A couple of dudes have started threads on getting more memory and clearing out \windows files - but there are no good responses yet...
Right, that's it! As I said above, I welcome input and feedback - but let's keep it hi quality so that this post perhaps gets stickied and we can get less of the "Buy my JasJar before I post it on eBay posts". Of course there are a load more apps you can add, but most give issues (eg TomTom) and posts on this board cover working around them for ppl who have to have these apps. This was a good, strong, basic config.
Hope this is helpful to some.
Some well-thought out words there, craigiecraigie4. However, I'm a firm believer that it's a bad move to install anything that I REALLY don't need. So far, my MDA Pro has a default installation. None of these "essential apps" are necessary. Indeed, half of them seem to only exist so that you can add other "essential apps" :wink:
If/when a better browser comes along, I'll investigate. Other than that, I find the messaging client perfect (works nicely against Exchange server); Terminal Services could be better - just giving me true full-screen support would be enough. And I'd like better Wifi support - I want, for example, to be able to name my SSID. IMHO, with desktop PCs as much as with PDAs, every time you install a piece of software, it ultimately makes the system *worse*. ie the result is a damned site less than the sum of the parts.
so, taking each point with my (possibly unique, certainly cynical) POV
1. ROM Upgrade
Didn't bother. It adds nothing that I'd use apart from MSN and that would just suck up time that should be spent on worthwhile things :lol:
2. Optional soft reset
Yeah, I may do this but, TBH, T Mobile install very little stuff and it seems to work, so I ain't fixin' it.
3. N/A
4. Pocket Mechanic
I can't see that I need this.
5. Not quite sure what the problem here is. I've been using XDAs since day 1 and never encountered the problem. YMMV
6. Registry cleanup
Never assume that some badly-written software doesn't depend on some default or illogical registry setting. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
7. Task closer
OK, not a "two-click" operation, but in Settings/Memory, I can close running applications. No new software needed.
8. Basic apps
Total commander - erm, yeah, it's nice and everything and does a better job than the standard affair. However, 99.99% of the time, error: +/- 0.01%, I find I don't actually need any of that extra fluff.
TCPMP - granted, I only use MP to listen to WMAs I record off the radio to listen to later.
Batti - On my Today screen, there's a little icon I tap and it shows me my battery state. I can also see this using Settings/Power (or whatever it is)
TRE - See previous warning about effing about with your registry
IIWPO - nice idea :lol: but no substitute for insurance or taking care
BT icon, BT switch - I've never used Bluetooth in my life. YMMV
Battery Uptime - See prior comment about battery state indicator
I'm sure that more people will find your advice usefull than mine, but just like to point out that, out of the box, these devices (at least MDA Pro) seem not to be too wide of the mark. For me, at least.
This is very helpful...thanx!
You mentioned that the soft reset before installation of imate stuff may lead to some problems in the long run. As I have opted for this strategy and have only installed two cab files (btpatch and a file that brings up the smart dialing), I would appreciate it if you could tell us what kind of problems we might confront. Also, is it too late to add these cab files after the fact (that is given we have synched contacts and added other programs)?
Cheers, apap
craigiecraigie4 - very useful advice, I think for everyone with a PPC. I don't have a universal, but good tips either way.
I didn't realise VJDialer doesn't work on WM5. I'll look into updating it when I get a new version of Visual Studio (or a WM5 device!).
Good work man!
Hi VJ - yeah, I'm afraid that there are a couple of posts on your primary thread about the "no command line specified" - no matter what combinations we try in the .lnk file. Saw your comment that another crowd charges for such an app. I'd happily contribute for the benefit of quick-dials - would be awesome along with WAD. You might want to mention your app on the WAD (lakeridgesoftware) forums - many 2003 users there who would LOVE this. With WAD u can have popup boxes on your skin, so with vjdialer one can popup and view of quickdials. awesome.
craigiecraigie4 said:
[*]Buzz's BT headset (prevents BT from turning off over night - no brainer! Thanks buzz!!)
[*]Menu and popup fonts 700 vs 900 (it's cosmetic, but on our nice VGA screens, it seems daft to have a look n feel that's SO QVGA{)
where can i get the 2 things above...looked but cant find
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vijay555 said:
craigiecraigie4 - very useful advice, I think for everyone with a PPC. I don't have a universal, but good tips either way.
I didn't realise VJDialer doesn't work on WM5. I'll look into updating it when I get a new version of Visual Studio (or a WM5 device!).
Good work man!
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hi vijay!
I'm running on wm5 on my xda2....and am using vjdialer and vjsms extensively!
I dont think there are any problems with VJDialer's compatibility with wm5....
spbPocketPlus (not free, and do not allow it to show any storage meters. There are some bad posts on spb, but I've found it just as good as the above, altho it takes up slightly more memory)
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I have this running on my Exec and have storage indicators for memory and SD card on today screen, or are you talking about something else?
Btw, I found that my Exec runs faster with pocket plus than it did with magic button and pocketmagic++
Thank you VERY much for your extensive effort - this really does helps a lot :!:
That's an awesome post craigiecraigie4, some hard work went into that one dude.
Now my post below is not intended to be better than the original, merely another option. craigiecraigie4's use of the device is obviously a lot different to mine, as I work in an office, and am out of connectivity for maybe 3 hours of travel a day max, and never at weekends unless I go out. I'm on a scooter or a tube train so no connectivity is possible during travel for me.
What we are describing is our comfortable loadsets or configurations of our little systems, and that's what the stuff down here is, the Bongo configuration if you will. :lol:
I have made my comments against craigiecraigie4's original titles, and added a few apps of my own that I have.
[*]Weirdness for Hallowe'en :shock: After a hard reset, then sometimes the crosshair pointer setup would be real slow, and others it would be fast. Just in case, I did it until I had a fast one and proceeded from there. Don't know what/if any difference it makes, but that's what I do.
[*]ROM Upgrade: As there aren't any upgrade ROM's out there execept for the iMate one, I wouldn't until the new carrier ROM's are posted. I agree with CraigieCraigie though. Sooo, why not then? Warranty is the answer. Although I think in reality they wouldn't wash their hands of you just because you dared to use someone else's ROM, the carrier techies are generally not allowed to instruct you in the art of repairing your device with anyone else's ROM except their own, and so you would need to wait until your carrier released an upgrade and they could tell you how to do it.
[*]Optional soft reset: Definitely. And be selective about the manual .cab installs (installing total commander or the like first to see the Ext ROM). There's generally something in there that forces the device to behave in a way you don't like. An example is the internet button taking me to the t-mobile home page all the time. I hate that so I didn't install the relevant .cab.
[*]Sync: Now sync with your PC to get your contacts, calendar and tasks. This is only here to get you up and running asap. <-yeah man
[*]Pocket Mechanic: Download (www.antontomov.com) I bought this. It's good meaty tools you would get in a full Windows OS that M$ didn't put in WM5 yet.
[*]Notification Queue: Did it once, didn't do it after my last hard reset and TBH, haven't felt a need. I probably would do if I installed it and saw a gazillion notifications spamming my inners up. :lol:
[*]Registry cleanup: Haven't done it, but a careful look and selective delete may be of some use. Can't be arsed is the honest answer
[*]Task closer: Haven't bothered this time to minimise my number of concurrently running programs (absurd logic eh :wink: ). I only use a certain few apps, and as they're few don't notice a big slowdown from having them minimised if they don't close fully
[*]Basic apps: Here are Craigie's apps with my comment, and my loadset apps
Total commander - yeah man, schmokin
TCPMP - I only use mp3's so no point for me. Perhaps if I need to watch videos I will reinstall it.
Batti - I use Spb GPRS Monitor, v2.3.0, b525, and it has a battery icon, and I have the icon on my today screen, and I can guess it most of the time.
TRE - I use BitsInside Regedit. Also free and I like the Win 98 feel to it.
IIWPO - Great idea, I didn't know it worked on Universals. I will do this cos you never know if it might lead you to a thief. They'd have to be non-savvy theives of course else they'd hard reset it before using the new SIM
BT icon - I use the FN + -> combination to get there or the connectivity icon on the status bar.
BT switch - as above
Battery Uptime - If you want to learn then great
apReminderPlus - I don't use the alarm function
VJSMS - Inbuilt in WM5 is fine so far for my needs
Agile messenger - very thrifty use of bandwidth, like <10% of MSN (really) and free at the moment, but will pay for itself in bandwidth charges very quickly for most people. Suck it and see
GPS Viewer - because I have a Holux GPS and want to verify connectivity sometimes
Pocket Hack Master - because I like to crank it up to delightfully unstable 624MHz sometimes, but haven't need to with my installation as described here oddly enough. It's fast enough for me so far.
Pocket MSN because I want the Hotmail to appear in my messages application. I use Agile to IM people as above
TomTom Navigator 5.1 because it's awesome
[*]Settings: Time to do your basic settings:
speed dials
power and backlight
voice dials
Owner info
ringtones and notifications
DO NOT set regional settings if u r using PI (below)
[*]PIM: OK, time to replace the CRAP calendar built into WM5 - I agree it's crap, but I don't need a decent one. I am a simple soul.
[*]Reg fixes: - If you want to
Buzz's BT headset - haven't noticed this issue yet, bet I will tomorrow morning now though
"Always on GPRS" No good for me - 40megs/month tariff limit
Date & time in title bar (why not) - cos I know the date and time.
Menu and popup fonts 700 vs 900 - haven't done it yet. I like the size
PIE homepage - is done for me through my selective Ext ROM install
Terminal services cache - I don't use it yet
Turn IR off - yeah agreed waste of space most of the time.
[*]Extra apps:
eWallet - I don't keep details like that on my phones.
Pocket sudoku - I read books, so insert MS Reader for me there
Mobipocket reader - doesn't support .lit (MS format), and I read .lits and .docs so far. Wait until I run out of books though... :lol:
uBook - haven't needed it ....yet
1-calc - but the inbuilt calc does +, -, * and / so it's cool for me. I'm not a physicist
GPRS traffic monitor - spb is fine for me as I don't use it as a modem due to bandwidth limitations and being surrounded by connectivity in London.
[*]Memory:Haven't done these, but they look sensible if you can be arsed
Remove backgammon & skype, and re-install to SD card - I don't have them or use them anyway. How do you play backgammon? I went to a comprehensive school
Remove the 1Mb .tsk themes from the \Windows directory. I only have 3 default ones and use the standard blue theme. Functionality and not form is my motto :wink:
Do not use these big theme files - Good advice bro' (or sis)
Hope this is helpful to some other people :lol:
Does ROM update invalidates the manufacture warranty?
Menu and popup fonts
can anyone explain how to change the Menu and popup fonts from 700 to 900. Is it a registry hack?
jatt said:
Does ROM update invalidates the manufacture warranty?
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You would need to ring them up and enquire. With t-mobile, the tech dude just said they wouldn't be able to help me if I bricked my MDA until t-mobile released a ROM that I could download and use to revive the MDA. So, not invalidated for me, just much reduced support. Until a new ROM si out, all they can do with misbehaving devices is offer a replacement at the moment.
Illwil - the font size is a registry hack - search as it's here on this site somewhere.
joebongo: nice perspective. now users can see 2 extremes; O2 with much office usage, vs HTC with much out-n-about usage. Thanx 4 the effort.
illwil : search for my post on reg tweaks and run the .ren file 2 got 700->900 or rather 900->700
codiac: agree. I fiund spbPP 2 b perfectly well behaved, but there is so much bad press on it in this forum. perhas it's an O2 rom issue - pretty sad 4 them actually
xiasma: there truly do see 2 b an awful lot of ppl who think their universal is junk. this is intended 2 help them get up n running. some ppl got lucky (htc rom or just happy with functionality that actually works well) and they probably should not fix what aint broke. But one day they may want 2 push the envelope a little...
craigiecraigie4 said:
codiac: agree. I fiund spbPP 2 b perfectly well behaved, but there is so much bad press on it in this forum. perhas it's an O2 rom issue - pretty sad 4 them actually
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PocketPlus is working OK for me on my O2 Exec...
Hello Everyone.
I proudly received my Exec this morning, only to find that it ran like a bag of S**t.
I removed the connections.exe, and the active files from my windows/start up folder and things improved dramatically.
However I am having a problem with the activesync.
I have set up the partnership with my laptop running activesync 4 and when it communcates it does it without any problems, however as soon as I connect my usb cable between my Exec and my laptop it takes a few minutes for the charging LED to come on on my Exec, and a while longer before Activsync on my pc recoginses it.
Does anyone else suffer from this problem?
You removed connections.exe and now u have a connection problem...
Try removing things 1 at a time.
I definitely don't have this problem.
FYI, on my HTC all I have under startup is:
batti (i installed)
apreminderplus (me)
iiwpo (me)
O2 is definitely adding stuff that does not seem 2 b required by htc.
The only shortcut I have in my Windows\Startup folder is 'Services' and I have no problem with ActiveSync, voice dialling (with the built-in dialler) or anything else. I have no idea what the sddaemon one does but mine runs fine without it.
fatspark, your problem might lie with your laptop rather than the Exec? As a test though, are you able to try ActiveSyncing over Bluetooth? See if it's any quicker. If so then maybe it's a USB problem. Dunno.
Can someone explain how to install the IIWPO in the extended ROM on the JASJAR ?
I think it is different than the EXEC, where can I find instructions ? I am willing to handle the hassle
Cheers SiliconS
The problem is a driver issue on one of my laptops, I installed activsync 4 onto another one and all is ok.

TodayPlus on wizard?

Has anyone got TodayPlus http://www.pocketpcfreeware.com/en/index.php?soft=843
up an running on the wizard. It is/was the best todayscreen plugin on my old Ipaq. I can get it to run as a stand alone app. but not to integrate as a plugin.
Hmm.. I reviving this threat after 'discovering' something called 'TodayPlus'. I did a google to it and it seems to be a very powerful program. From the looks of it, it seems to have the potential to cover both PocketBreeze and PocketPlus.. and yet it seems to be not often being discussed here. It seems to be able to do everything, by scripting (feels to be like the PPC version of Samurize.com)
I'm bound to give it a go this weekend.
Those who are interested, take a look at this MASSIVE forum just for this today plugin/application.
French version http://www.todayplus.fr.tc/
You may able to download the software from the link above (post by `wizzzard`).
Note that, there are a lot of software named TodayPlus, which includes a Palm based software that tries to emulate PPC Today. So, it is rather confusing to do a google for it. Anyway, the 'head' of TodayPlus seems to be at this site
But it seems to be currently down.. interesting...
i got it working
but i couldn't get it to update weather, rss,radar
attaching the program
Todayplus is/was the best plugin I found. It worked perfectly on my WM2003 Ipaq2210 and works on my WM5 Wizard. It was designed for WM2003 and does not support landscape correctly. There is no support available from the author but remains for me the most adaptable today screen plugin.
Don't work for me...
I got only a blank screen. Any suggestion?
blank screen
i have given edited dll also in that archive.
Skip the steps for editing it and you have to follow these steps
phuntum (05-27-2005) - v0.11.0
On your PPC use a file explorer that will allow you to see extensions and hidden files to find the file “todayplus.dll” in \Program Files\TodayPlus and copy it to your PC. On your PPC turn off the TodayPlus plugin (uncheck in the Settings/Today screen), soft reset, and move “todayplus.dll” from \Program Files\TodayPlus to \My Documents. On your PC use a hexeditor to open the “todayplus.dll” and search for “7D 1E A0 E3 03 08 A0 E1”; replace “7D” with “8D”; save the edited “todayplus .dll” and copy it back to \Program Files\TodayPlus on your PPC. Delete” todayplus.dll” from \My Documents and reset your PPC. On your PPC turn on the TodayPlus plugin (check in the Settings/Today screen) and soft reset.
phuntum (05-28-2005) - v0.11.0
The above fix is permanent. Save the new todayplus.dll in a safe place so that if you have to reinstall (e.g., after a hard reset) all you need do is install, disable, and replace as per above. You might want to save the instructions just in case. Free hexeditors are abundantly available. Do a web search for one. It's a great program and the effort is worth it. When you're ready, surf over to http://www.jhollin1138.com for a goldmine of help. There is a great debate as to whether the fix should be shared--somewhat hypocritical in my estimation, since those who were lucky enough to get it before it disappeared are using it.
these are the directions from ppcfreewares i followed
after doing this go to this thread http://forums.jhollin1138.com/viewtopic.php?t=1292
and start with no 6 in instructions
good luck
I still need to reinstall this plugin after upgrading my ROM.
There are loads of diferent skins available my favourite is attached.
The Dark Mojo forum closed ages ago but discussions particularly on the "Hammerskin" skin are ongoing on http://forums.jhollin1138.com/
Hammerskin is awesome but it was too much of a resource hog last time I tried it.
Sorry for the double post
did u get weather and rss updated?
I have tried it twice on my Kjam. Used the modified dll provided. however, I can only see a white screen when trying to access the settings! :S Does anybody know what I am doing wrong? Thanks
Ok, I found it! I was missing the .net!
Very nice application with beautifull skins! Only drawback is that it does not auto refresh when you add a new apointment or task!
Apart from that its a really nice application!
Reinstalled on my Wizard after upgrading to Molski's ROM. I can get it working as a plugin rather than as a stand alone program, which previously was my stumbling block. Now I can't get the config utility to remember my location or get weather and rss feeds updated. This did work on my old ROM. I think it is just some reg settings that need creating but why it worked before and not now I do not know.
Hi Guys,
Im a newbie to this plugin but so far I understand that its able to make short cuts on the "desktop" just like a normal pc....and thats what Im looking for.
Ive followed the instructions carefully and the first time it went okay....i.e I got the slider.txt in the skin box. However I didnt find the "okay" button on the top.
Well I followed the instructions but it didnt show up on my desktop....strange so I uninstalled.
Now Ive been reading a bit further and read that the reason why it might not have workd could be the date so I decided to set back the clock 2 years and reinstall it.
2nd time around I dont get the slider.txt option, it has saved my settings from my first install....and it still doesnt work.
help help help
Well after som struggle I managed to get the slider.txt into the "Select Skin (DLL)"
But its still not working on my today screen. I can choose it as the only item on the today screen however its just blank.
Is this because I use a special black screen (tsk file) for my back ground ?
Also its seems to forget my location (Lat/Long)
Any help so that I can get it working ??
Im using a Qtek 9100 with WM 5 OS 5.1.195 Build 14847.2.0.0
Oh I'm happy again
I finally got Todayplus running properly again. Weather and RSS are updating correctly.
This is what I did.
1 install Todayplus cab
2 Disable Todayplus from Settings/Today/items
3 Soft reset. Or power cycle the phone.
4 Overwrite todayplus.dll with the modded one
5 create directory \program files\todayplus\Buffer
6 Connect to internet and verify connection with PIE, minimise
7 Run todayplus config
6 Tab to Weather/RSS add new weather cities and rss feeds
7 Tab to Time/Storage add new timezone and set storage path to \Storage Card (case sensitive and device specific for Wizard?
8 Close Todayplus config
The config utility would not save my location coordinates on the owner info tab so I manually entered the values into HKCU\Software\SRSSoft\TodayPlus\coords\1 (string value of the form 53.483,-2.053) You can get your city coords from http://www.heavens-above.com/
9 Disable all other today screen plugins and enable todayplus. Close the settings program.
On returning to the today screen after a short wait Todayplus should be working. This worked for me but there is loads of information at http://forums.jhollin1138.com/viewtopic.php?t=1292 if you need further help.

Soft Reset issues

Apologies if this has been posted before but cant find it in the search...
1) On soft reset, I loose sms messages, even if I have closed "Text Messages" with any of the 3rd party "close" button programs.
2) On soft reset, I lose BT338 GPS connectivity, have to remove the device and port then re add - have read on here that you need to uncheck secure connection, I've tried it with both checked, and unchecked and still fails
3) On soft reset, whatever background image I have dissapears, but a portion is left behind in the drop down window.
4) Im with Orange, which of the cabs in the Extended ROM can I delete and still be able to use the phone.
5) When using Sprite Backup It does not back up either calendar or contacts, even though I have Personal Databases checked (or if it does, it doesnt restore them)
I dont want a load of Orange bloatware using up the memory, just enough for phone, gprs connection and WiFi to work.
Getting quite used to doing hard resets now, had issue over the weekend with one app causing Picture viewer to lock up!
Many thanks from a grateful Newbie!
jedi23mi9 said:
4) Im with Orange, which of the cabs in the Extended ROM can I delete and still be able to use the phone.
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Once you have flashed your phone and done the reset afterwards, letting the customisations install they are no longer of any use to you until you do a hard reset, at which point the ROM will reload and the customisations with it.
If you use backup software after you delete the entire contents of your ExtendedROM you won't lose a thing.
Have you got the right version of Sprite? I think the latest is 5.1?
If you have no luck with it, give SPB a try. I've used it on my Alpine and Uni with great success.
Have you tried flashing with the latest ROM for the other problems? I'm on the latest Orange ROM and so far things seem to be working fine with SMS, desktop and BT pairing.
Sprite is 5.1.0 Build 1417 - downloaded last friday
ROM version seem to be same as yours, 1.30.90WWE 02/24/06 so I guess thats most upto date Orange ROM (had device just under 3 weeks)
Grr @ self for not reading sig !
Another thing to try is the Qtek ROMs? Assuming you're unlocked of course.
Good Luck with it =)
Im not brave enough to unlock it
I absolutley adore the beast, and its spot on for what i need, just wish I could resolve the minor issues that whilst not spoil the use of it, nevertheless are annoying. BT338 gets hot fix in seconds, but takes me 5 mins to un pair then reapir the blasted BT connection
Going back to the extended ROM, what I meant was do I need all the cab files that are in there to use the phone, as in can I remove some, then Hard reset and have a smaller number actually load up.
I dont use the Orange today screen for one, and given that there is only 25Mb of usable program memory out of 50, I'm wondering how much of that is caused by TSR orange code that can be removed at build
EDIT: had a look at http://forum.xda-developers.com/vie...0&postorder=asc&highlight=reg+tweaks&start=25 but still non the wiser (someone listed the Orange FR cabs)
There is an easy way to do this that doesn't require unlocking the ExtROM, which you have to do to be able to delete anything in there.
When you hard reset, tap the screen, sync the touchscreen, cut and paste, then Windows loads up.
Right after that it will give you 3 seconds before loading the contents of the ExtROM. If you hit the reset pin during that three seconds it won't load anything in there.
You can then browse to it with a decent file manager and install the .CABs by hand.
But, don't be afraid of unlocking, it takes one program and two registry edits. Gives you 10MB of space to play with too.
Ah, my fault, read som much about unlocking that I thought you meant the sim card.
Yip, I've run the ExtRom unlocker and found out how to look inside
Not really that bothered about storage on the device, more about having a nice trim OS so that i have more program space as the kernel is smaller
Thanks again

New O2 Exec ROM and OzVGA - Lovers or Enemies?

Has anyone else tried to run OzVGA with the new O2 Exec ROM recently released?
I've now tried twice and both times after rebooting into VGA mode it locks on the image with what looks like the sun. I can see the Select and Exit today buttons across the bottom but thats it.
Oh and the signal LED is flashing so at least something is working.
No response from the device at all.
Please tell me someone has seen this and has a fix - I dont think I could handle another hard rest again.
Didn't have these problems with the iMate ROM.
ozVGA does not work on the new EXEC/Dopod ROM.
Try another one as attached. I have tested it and it works great!
Bought my XDA Exec a week ago and had been struggling to install OzVGA via downloads from other threads here. Saw your posts here, gave it a go, worked first time. Thanks for the pointer.
Only a small number of font issues with the built-in monitor programs, but the main apps seem to display well. Only unexpected quirk for me is that I can no longer get a fingernail to the Close (red cross) button in the top-right-hand corner - the bezel gets in the way! Still, I'm prepared to sharpen my nails as per a recent thread!
Any clues as to the source - is it a variant of OzVGA, or a different product?
Will this work with the QTEK ROM or is this just specific for O2?
WM5 Changes
Start -> Settings -> Screen -> Text Size -> set to one before Largest (doesn't change much but it does help)
ozVGA settings
MenuBar Font: Bold 900
System Font: 1200
Hor./Ver. Scrollbar, Min Scrl Thumb: 20
ozVGA: 750, 900, 975, 1200, 1500
Here is the file you need and the instructions. The only difference is that you should not use the files contained in the "Windows Folder Files" of the .rar but download the new and updated dll files for AKU2 from here:VGA files
Extra step: Create a shortcut to VJBigPhoneRes in \windows\startup
1. Backup so you don't have to hard reset if anything goes wrong.
2. Before replacing the files in \windows with the ones contained in "vgasystemfiles" make sure you backup the originals.
3. WM5 do not allow overwriting ROM files from your PC. You can however move the files to your SD and do it from there.
4. You will get a new icon on the bottom right hand corner, for VJBigPhoneRes. If for any reason the phone app does not appear correctly just tap on it and "Load and fix phone".
5. The only phone buttons that do not appear correctly are on the PIN input screen but that's not really an issues since you can type the pin and hit enter.
Hope this helps.
i've tried this on my O2 exec with what so far seems to be a large ammount of success here. (following the instructions in the last post).
I have reco explorer installed so it makes overwriting the rom based files (power.exe etc).
I recommend that you use something like spb backup to back the device up in its entirity before you do this!
Also it would be good if we had a revert application for the phone vbj stuff but for now , hey , it works if you have a spare 10 minutes to set it up.
I surfed to one of my regular sites via opera and it looks excellent on par with the Zaurus SL-3200 runing firefox.
Previously when i tried this alot of the GFX were mangled. so far i've only found a little bit of mangled GFX.
Hudsons IP Dashboard ends up getting a bit squished but its nothing that ruins the uses of the app. Also looks like the bottom right hand corner of active sync has a little bit of corruption. but its not as if it makes the device un-usable.
I'm looking at it now and it looks EXCELLENT! The one thing that concerns me is battery drain, i would have thought this will effect the battery with it having to draw more of a screen now but i'll keep a check on it.
I'm running the latest 02 rom so I can confirm a large ammount of success and if you use spb backup you can easily restore the device should you need to..
to be fair though, you need good eye sight, i've turned the font up to biggest and it still looks good (also helps a little with spacing).
have a bash, don't be scared!
Hello Guys,
I'm a newbie here, so can you please walk with me step by step?
I read about it and I liked its features but when I downloaded it and ran it, installed it on my Universal (Orange), nothing has changed, and I didnt find where it was installed on my Universal, so can you please tell me why, what, how & where?
Thanx guyz
Re: Help
CerberuS said:
Hello Guys,
I'm a newbie here, so can you please walk with me step by step?
I read about it and I liked its features but when I downloaded it and ran it, installed it on my Universal (Orange), nothing has changed, and I didnt find where it was installed on my Universal, so can you please tell me why, what, how & where?
Thanx guyz
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It works fine now, I had to go into the TEMP and install it
I am happy
thank you all
joannaex said:
WM5 Changes
Start -> Settings -> Screen -> Text Size -> set to one before Largest (doesn't change much but it does help)
ozVGA settings
MenuBar Font: Bold 900
System Font: 1200
Hor./Ver. Scrollbar, Min Scrl Thumb: 20
ozVGA: 750, 900, 975, 1200, 1500
Here is the file you need and the instructions. The only difference is that you should not use the files contained in the "Windows Folder Files" of the .rar but download the new and updated dll files for AKU2 from here:VGA files
Extra step: Create a shortcut to VJBigPhoneRes in \windows\startup
1. Backup so you don't have to hard reset if anything goes wrong.
2. Before replacing the files in \windows with the ones contained in "vgasystemfiles" make sure you backup the originals.
3. WM5 do not allow overwriting ROM files from your PC. You can however move the files to your SD and do it from there.
4. You will get a new icon on the bottom right hand corner, for VJBigPhoneRes. If for any reason the phone app does not appear correctly just tap on it and "Load and fix phone".
5. The only phone buttons that do not appear correctly are on the PIN input screen but that's not really an issues since you can type the pin and hit enter.
Hope this helps.
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i tried that, but it wone lest em copythe backlight files etc as the files are read only etc? hoe can i replace them?
anyone? i cant figure it out, or if the worst comes to the worst, how do you remove it? or is that hard reset time?
You can copy the files from the SD into the main memory with Resco Explorer. It will allow you to overwrite ROM files.
The file download now seems to be 404 for me. Please could someone else kindly upload the files so I can have some fun too :]
Managed to find what was needed. Thanks

MyFavs Disappeared after multiple hard resets...?

I did about 3 hard reset to the phone (for testing purposes), and all the sudden the myfavs program does not appear after I did the hard reset the 4th time, I did the hard reset about 2 more times and it did not restore the myfavs program (it suppose to back to its factory settings)
Now I keep getting "your myfaves contacts have been restored" text message every time time I turn on the phone (keeps pilling up with this same text message)which your suppose to only get once.
under the memory setting; storage & program seems to have the exactly same file size as when i had myfavs before.
What can I do? all I want is the default factory settings.. help me.
Hah! You survived longer than I did with it. I hard reset once just to clean my phone up before I started messing with anything (messing with the ROM, etc.) and the MyFaves app disappeared completely from the little tray bar at the bottom and the Today Screen.
Interestingly if you dig around with the file browser in the \windows\ directory I can see all the MyFav5 related applications, but nothing launches.
I'm tempted to try the RUU but to be honest the MyFaves program just ate a ton of memory and resulted in me calling people on accident when I had the Today Screen Plug-in active. So as long as the plan still gets accounted correctly (read as: I don't get charged for calling my 5 people),I don't really care.
I thought I'd let you know you aren't the only one out there with the exact same problem. I would like a solution but it isn't mission critical for me.
I found a solution to your problem. I'll do some more testing later. For now:
Could you look in your \Windows\ directory of your phone and tell me what "My*" applications and files are listed there? (You might have to make the basic file explorer show all files by using Menu>Show All Files).
All the "My" files that are in windows directory (revised & no file missing or mistyped). The some files are repeated to I placed the filesize next to them.
My5MsgCenter 138k
My5MsgCenter 30b
MyFaves 19.1k
MyFaves 29b
Extreme184X said:
All the "My" files that are in windows directory (revised & no file missing or mistyped). The some files are repeated to I placed the filesize next to them.
My5MsgCenter 138k
My5MsgCenter 30b
MyFaves 19.1k
MyFaves 29b
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My5Service.exe is the key application. I wanted to make sure you had all the bits to the MyFaves program. The reason you see duplicate names with different file sizes is that the File Explorer program that you have on your hand held suppresses extensions of files for whatever idea.
Now then to fix your problem you are going to need to edit the registry of your device (I used total commander, the .CAB is in one of the Useful cab threads).
A key is missing from the registry after hard reset. WOO!!
Go to \\registry\\HKLM\init\ (using total commander's akward directory structure style)
You then have to add a new key, I used "Launch94" as I was noticing most of the T-Mo crapware was using the Launch9# series of keys
Then edit the key's data to be: My5Service.exe (Must be spelled correctly)
Basically what you did was add in a registry key that tells windows to load up the MyFaves service at boot so all the my faves apps will initialize properly. Putting My5Service.exe into the \windows\startup\ folder doesn't work (I tried it initially).
Soft reset and the phone will act wonky for a second as it is refreshing itself, don't panic. A box popped up saying "MyFaves display set to ON" and all was well at that point.
Then, since you want factory default I'd just remove Total Commander using the add/remove programs feature.
Good lookin out!!!
thanks alot, it did it and it worked.
I made an attemp to reformat the phone again, and myfavs appeared. Funny How I never managed to get that total commander for this phone. Lol im an experience user with registries (now gonna experiment with the register editor an tweak the phone to make phone faster and remove useless I don't need)
Thanks lot you have been helpful and gave fast support!!
Ah well no insult to your ability or experience was meant. I try to be as specific in my write ups as possible so others who might have the same problem can understand the solution, regardless of ability. Tends to make my life at work a lot easier when I do that so it's become a bit of a habit.
Glad it worked for ya and I'm actually surprised it survived another format. But hey all it says is there is some glitchy code in the re-install portion T-Mo has built.
Extreme184X said:
(now gonna experiment with the register editor an tweak the phone to make phone faster and remove useless I don't need)
Thanks lot you have been helpful and gave fast support!!
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By the way, let me know what tweaks you try. I'd be interested in them myself.
Good seeing people help each other out. The speed tweaks are everywhere, but to remove things you have to recook and flash your phone. (Alternatively, you can flash one of the many available ROMs our cooks have already made or made a custom one based on my own through the link on my signature.)
i got a quick Question how about trying to add it to a already cooked rom is that possible ? bc i love the PDAVIET-ROM BUILD 20931.1.5.0.PV(uploaded) rom but the myfaves tab dont work
does anyone have the my faves.cab?

