TodayPlus on wizard? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Has anyone got TodayPlus
up an running on the wizard. It is/was the best todayscreen plugin on my old Ipaq. I can get it to run as a stand alone app. but not to integrate as a plugin.

Hmm.. I reviving this threat after 'discovering' something called 'TodayPlus'. I did a google to it and it seems to be a very powerful program. From the looks of it, it seems to have the potential to cover both PocketBreeze and PocketPlus.. and yet it seems to be not often being discussed here. It seems to be able to do everything, by scripting (feels to be like the PPC version of
I'm bound to give it a go this weekend.
Those who are interested, take a look at this MASSIVE forum just for this today plugin/application.
French version
You may able to download the software from the link above (post by `wizzzard`).
Note that, there are a lot of software named TodayPlus, which includes a Palm based software that tries to emulate PPC Today. So, it is rather confusing to do a google for it. Anyway, the 'head' of TodayPlus seems to be at this site
But it seems to be currently down.. interesting...

i got it working
but i couldn't get it to update weather, rss,radar
attaching the program

Todayplus is/was the best plugin I found. It worked perfectly on my WM2003 Ipaq2210 and works on my WM5 Wizard. It was designed for WM2003 and does not support landscape correctly. There is no support available from the author but remains for me the most adaptable today screen plugin.

Don't work for me...
I got only a blank screen. Any suggestion?

blank screen
i have given edited dll also in that archive.
Skip the steps for editing it and you have to follow these steps
phuntum (05-27-2005) - v0.11.0
On your PPC use a file explorer that will allow you to see extensions and hidden files to find the file “todayplus.dll” in \Program Files\TodayPlus and copy it to your PC. On your PPC turn off the TodayPlus plugin (uncheck in the Settings/Today screen), soft reset, and move “todayplus.dll” from \Program Files\TodayPlus to \My Documents. On your PC use a hexeditor to open the “todayplus.dll” and search for “7D 1E A0 E3 03 08 A0 E1”; replace “7D” with “8D”; save the edited “todayplus .dll” and copy it back to \Program Files\TodayPlus on your PPC. Delete” todayplus.dll” from \My Documents and reset your PPC. On your PPC turn on the TodayPlus plugin (check in the Settings/Today screen) and soft reset.
phuntum (05-28-2005) - v0.11.0
The above fix is permanent. Save the new todayplus.dll in a safe place so that if you have to reinstall (e.g., after a hard reset) all you need do is install, disable, and replace as per above. You might want to save the instructions just in case. Free hexeditors are abundantly available. Do a web search for one. It's a great program and the effort is worth it. When you're ready, surf over to for a goldmine of help. There is a great debate as to whether the fix should be shared--somewhat hypocritical in my estimation, since those who were lucky enough to get it before it disappeared are using it.
these are the directions from ppcfreewares i followed
after doing this go to this thread
and start with no 6 in instructions
good luck

I still need to reinstall this plugin after upgrading my ROM.
There are loads of diferent skins available my favourite is attached.
The Dark Mojo forum closed ages ago but discussions particularly on the "Hammerskin" skin are ongoing on
Hammerskin is awesome but it was too much of a resource hog last time I tried it.

Sorry for the double post

did u get weather and rss updated?

I have tried it twice on my Kjam. Used the modified dll provided. however, I can only see a white screen when trying to access the settings! :S Does anybody know what I am doing wrong? Thanks

Ok, I found it! I was missing the .net!
Very nice application with beautifull skins! Only drawback is that it does not auto refresh when you add a new apointment or task!
Apart from that its a really nice application!

Reinstalled on my Wizard after upgrading to Molski's ROM. I can get it working as a plugin rather than as a stand alone program, which previously was my stumbling block. Now I can't get the config utility to remember my location or get weather and rss feeds updated. This did work on my old ROM. I think it is just some reg settings that need creating but why it worked before and not now I do not know.

Hi Guys,
Im a newbie to this plugin but so far I understand that its able to make short cuts on the "desktop" just like a normal pc....and thats what Im looking for.
Ive followed the instructions carefully and the first time it went okay....i.e I got the slider.txt in the skin box. However I didnt find the "okay" button on the top.
Well I followed the instructions but it didnt show up on my desktop....strange so I uninstalled.
Now Ive been reading a bit further and read that the reason why it might not have workd could be the date so I decided to set back the clock 2 years and reinstall it.
2nd time around I dont get the slider.txt option, it has saved my settings from my first install....and it still doesnt work.
help help help
Well after som struggle I managed to get the slider.txt into the "Select Skin (DLL)"
But its still not working on my today screen. I can choose it as the only item on the today screen however its just blank.
Is this because I use a special black screen (tsk file) for my back ground ?
Also its seems to forget my location (Lat/Long)
Any help so that I can get it working ??
Im using a Qtek 9100 with WM 5 OS 5.1.195 Build 14847.2.0.0

Oh I'm happy again
I finally got Todayplus running properly again. Weather and RSS are updating correctly.
This is what I did.
1 install Todayplus cab
2 Disable Todayplus from Settings/Today/items
3 Soft reset. Or power cycle the phone.
4 Overwrite todayplus.dll with the modded one
5 create directory \program files\todayplus\Buffer
6 Connect to internet and verify connection with PIE, minimise
7 Run todayplus config
6 Tab to Weather/RSS add new weather cities and rss feeds
7 Tab to Time/Storage add new timezone and set storage path to \Storage Card (case sensitive and device specific for Wizard?
8 Close Todayplus config
The config utility would not save my location coordinates on the owner info tab so I manually entered the values into HKCU\Software\SRSSoft\TodayPlus\coords\1 (string value of the form 53.483,-2.053) You can get your city coords from
9 Disable all other today screen plugins and enable todayplus. Close the settings program.
On returning to the today screen after a short wait Todayplus should be working. This worked for me but there is loads of information at if you need further help.


O2 Exec set up from new...only for O2

Ok so I bought an XDa Exec.. and like most thought it was going to be great when in truth it sucked..
With the help of all those on here (far to many to mention I now have by far the fastest most stable pDA I have ever had) This got me to thinking that to have all the info and files in one place would maybe help other O2 users so here goes..
What to do..
Firstly If your device has already been running then Hard reset and perform vanilla install.
Press the two -- keys on the keyboard at the same time and reset (yes that the one to the left of the red phone button and the one to the right of the green phone button)
once set up begins go through the screen set up and the device will give you a three second warning when this appears soft reset.
when it boots up you now have vanila install. ie its running but without all the O2 crap but also without your settings.
Next you need to get certain files.
UNI_ext_rom unlocker frem here
regedit (trial here)
O2 connections only cab at bottom of post
This extended Rom at bottom of post
Pocket Mechanic: Download ( and install this essential app. You have a few days on trial, and it's necessary for some steps
Ok now using active sync connect to your device and place the following in my documents (anywhere realy I just find I remember that)
*UNI_ext_rom unlocker
*O2 connections only cab
*Pocket Mechanic
run both before resetting and also open regedit and change the following
you should now be able to see and edit the extended rom. delete all files then unzip the extended rom you downloaded from here and copy all the files across into the folder.
Now hard reset the device
This time allow the extended rom to install ie do not stop at the 3 seconds bit.
NOW browse to my documents and run pocket mechanic.
then run O2 connections only cab
this will then ask you to choose installation choose the bottom one and it will restart your device.
now browse to programs pocket mechanic and follow below
Notification Queue: This can be done later, but it's nice to get familiar with this process whilst your queue is small. Using PM, open the notification queue. You may already (yes!) find some duplicate (yellow icon) sddeamon entries. These seem to replicate during an ActiveSync. You can/must delete all duplicates from time to time. You will also, in future, find some "\.\\Notification.....SCRIPT..." entries. Keep an eye out for these. Most mature within minutes of you finding them, so let them expire. Many are future-dated and tightly back-to-back. These can nearly always (I've never had a regret) be deleted without repercussions. If you don't manage these, they tend to breed, and anyone with XDA experience knows what happens when your queue fills up (failed alarms etc). I'm unclear as to where these come from - undoutedly an app that is not behaving elegantly (regular registration checks etc), and if you follow the steps on this post you should NOT find any - ie the apps here do not seem to be culprits. But, keep an eye open...
Registry cleanup: Again, this can be done later, however you'll soon see the beenfit of doing it now. Using PM, run registry cleaner. You'll get around 6 entries, all of which can safely be deleted. If you did not follow step 1, you may have to examine eahc entry to see if the O2 ROM is messier. The beauty of this step is that from now on, you can safely clean everything that PM finds in the knowledge that it's a leave-behind from an app you installed, and now you can install, de-install, and provided you clean up the directories (easy) you KNOW for sure that you've completely gotten rid of the failed app. Winner!
OK now you can install all the apps you need. I have copied the cab files to the storage card that way if I ever have to hard reset I have everthing, please note I also copied the O2 connections only cab to there.
WELL I am open to comments about this and must stress you do this at your own risk but hell it worked for me and I have as I said the fastest PDA I have ever had.
so over to you guys.. PLEASE note this is in no way my own work it is all thanks to other people on here but hopefully I have put it all in one place..
all comments welcome accept the one that sais Magpies a knob
Hi many people are looking
and a few downloading comments would be good..
does it work any ideas of additions into it etc etc etc
I like it, but for a new Pocket PC user such as myself. It might be hard to follow some of your instructions. But I like the idea of putting Pocket Mechanic in the ExtROM. I was considering of doing this too, but I want to add MemMaid and HandyMenu with Pocket Mechanic.
This would be a temporary use for the ExtROM for now before Buzzzzzz releases the partition hack. Then, I would rather use the ExtROM as part of my internal memory.
And then let them make up their own mind.
I thought about doing what you posted but tbh its too much bother.
It runs OK as it is. All I use this thing for is phone, streaming radio and anime.
In corporate with no crap OEM stuff I havent tested and normal o2 ext rom it works fine.
I wanna say thanks, had some spare time todaylooking after the sick missus and carried out the procedure, dont know if its running much better than my corp install before but it was good fun and easy to follow

New O2 Exec ROM and OzVGA - Lovers or Enemies?

Has anyone else tried to run OzVGA with the new O2 Exec ROM recently released?
I've now tried twice and both times after rebooting into VGA mode it locks on the image with what looks like the sun. I can see the Select and Exit today buttons across the bottom but thats it.
Oh and the signal LED is flashing so at least something is working.
No response from the device at all.
Please tell me someone has seen this and has a fix - I dont think I could handle another hard rest again.
Didn't have these problems with the iMate ROM.
ozVGA does not work on the new EXEC/Dopod ROM.
Try another one as attached. I have tested it and it works great!
Bought my XDA Exec a week ago and had been struggling to install OzVGA via downloads from other threads here. Saw your posts here, gave it a go, worked first time. Thanks for the pointer.
Only a small number of font issues with the built-in monitor programs, but the main apps seem to display well. Only unexpected quirk for me is that I can no longer get a fingernail to the Close (red cross) button in the top-right-hand corner - the bezel gets in the way! Still, I'm prepared to sharpen my nails as per a recent thread!
Any clues as to the source - is it a variant of OzVGA, or a different product?
Will this work with the QTEK ROM or is this just specific for O2?
WM5 Changes
Start -> Settings -> Screen -> Text Size -> set to one before Largest (doesn't change much but it does help)
ozVGA settings
MenuBar Font: Bold 900
System Font: 1200
Hor./Ver. Scrollbar, Min Scrl Thumb: 20
ozVGA: 750, 900, 975, 1200, 1500
Here is the file you need and the instructions. The only difference is that you should not use the files contained in the "Windows Folder Files" of the .rar but download the new and updated dll files for AKU2 from here:VGA files
Extra step: Create a shortcut to VJBigPhoneRes in \windows\startup
1. Backup so you don't have to hard reset if anything goes wrong.
2. Before replacing the files in \windows with the ones contained in "vgasystemfiles" make sure you backup the originals.
3. WM5 do not allow overwriting ROM files from your PC. You can however move the files to your SD and do it from there.
4. You will get a new icon on the bottom right hand corner, for VJBigPhoneRes. If for any reason the phone app does not appear correctly just tap on it and "Load and fix phone".
5. The only phone buttons that do not appear correctly are on the PIN input screen but that's not really an issues since you can type the pin and hit enter.
Hope this helps.
i've tried this on my O2 exec with what so far seems to be a large ammount of success here. (following the instructions in the last post).
I have reco explorer installed so it makes overwriting the rom based files (power.exe etc).
I recommend that you use something like spb backup to back the device up in its entirity before you do this!
Also it would be good if we had a revert application for the phone vbj stuff but for now , hey , it works if you have a spare 10 minutes to set it up.
I surfed to one of my regular sites via opera and it looks excellent on par with the Zaurus SL-3200 runing firefox.
Previously when i tried this alot of the GFX were mangled. so far i've only found a little bit of mangled GFX.
Hudsons IP Dashboard ends up getting a bit squished but its nothing that ruins the uses of the app. Also looks like the bottom right hand corner of active sync has a little bit of corruption. but its not as if it makes the device un-usable.
I'm looking at it now and it looks EXCELLENT! The one thing that concerns me is battery drain, i would have thought this will effect the battery with it having to draw more of a screen now but i'll keep a check on it.
I'm running the latest 02 rom so I can confirm a large ammount of success and if you use spb backup you can easily restore the device should you need to..
to be fair though, you need good eye sight, i've turned the font up to biggest and it still looks good (also helps a little with spacing).
have a bash, don't be scared!
Hello Guys,
I'm a newbie here, so can you please walk with me step by step?
I read about it and I liked its features but when I downloaded it and ran it, installed it on my Universal (Orange), nothing has changed, and I didnt find where it was installed on my Universal, so can you please tell me why, what, how & where?
Thanx guyz
Re: Help
CerberuS said:
Hello Guys,
I'm a newbie here, so can you please walk with me step by step?
I read about it and I liked its features but when I downloaded it and ran it, installed it on my Universal (Orange), nothing has changed, and I didnt find where it was installed on my Universal, so can you please tell me why, what, how & where?
Thanx guyz
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It works fine now, I had to go into the TEMP and install it
I am happy
thank you all
joannaex said:
WM5 Changes
Start -> Settings -> Screen -> Text Size -> set to one before Largest (doesn't change much but it does help)
ozVGA settings
MenuBar Font: Bold 900
System Font: 1200
Hor./Ver. Scrollbar, Min Scrl Thumb: 20
ozVGA: 750, 900, 975, 1200, 1500
Here is the file you need and the instructions. The only difference is that you should not use the files contained in the "Windows Folder Files" of the .rar but download the new and updated dll files for AKU2 from here:VGA files
Extra step: Create a shortcut to VJBigPhoneRes in \windows\startup
1. Backup so you don't have to hard reset if anything goes wrong.
2. Before replacing the files in \windows with the ones contained in "vgasystemfiles" make sure you backup the originals.
3. WM5 do not allow overwriting ROM files from your PC. You can however move the files to your SD and do it from there.
4. You will get a new icon on the bottom right hand corner, for VJBigPhoneRes. If for any reason the phone app does not appear correctly just tap on it and "Load and fix phone".
5. The only phone buttons that do not appear correctly are on the PIN input screen but that's not really an issues since you can type the pin and hit enter.
Hope this helps.
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i tried that, but it wone lest em copythe backlight files etc as the files are read only etc? hoe can i replace them?
anyone? i cant figure it out, or if the worst comes to the worst, how do you remove it? or is that hard reset time?
You can copy the files from the SD into the main memory with Resco Explorer. It will allow you to overwrite ROM files.
The file download now seems to be 404 for me. Please could someone else kindly upload the files so I can have some fun too :]
Managed to find what was needed. Thanks

Finally! TouchFlo works! - ALPHA 4 (stable) AVAILABLE

Update 2007-10-16:
Here you have new release which is much more stable than all previous!
Mostly I was working on solving problems, increasing performance and reliability, so:
1. Horizontal scrolling in Programs, Settings, Office etc. solved.
2. Problem with excluded applications list solved.
3. Many improvements had been done in scrolling together with bugs fixing.
4. Problem with a few instances of FTouchFlo running at the same time solved. You'll not start more than one instance now.
5. Problem with forwarding stylus events to gwes in scrolling mode solved. It was the reason of a unstable scrolling.
6. Problem with memory leaks when starting applications solved.
What's new:
1. Possibility to set up initial mode: "Scrolling" or "Launching".
There is additional parameter int the config file:
;Initial mode (S - scroll, L - launch)
2. Now you'll see small icon at top of your screen showing current FTouchFlo mode.
S - scrolling, L - launching and D - disabled (application is in excluded apps list).
You can now switch between modes by tapping at the icon.
3. A few more or less bugs found and killed (of course some new bugs introduced )
Thank you all for good ideas, unfortunately it's just impossible to implement them all in reasonable period of time + I was really concentrated on reliability and performance.
I hope that A4 is a last Alpha version!
P.S. Don't forget to uninstall all previously installed FTouchFlo versions! Calibration.dat file you shouldn't delete.
Update 2007-10-15:
Friends, I really didn't feel good yesterday when I was writing description to Alpha 3.
Error is in description how to toggle between scrolling and launching modes. You should use DOWN->UP->DOWN gesture to toggle. E.g. from the bottom of the screen, move your finger to the top and then back to the bottom.
Thank you!
Update 2007-10-15: Alpha 3 available now!
Thanks to all donators!
Changes in alpha 3:
1. Solved problem with iContact and other applications without name of window. Just put name of exe file into excluded programs list.
2. Delay function added to configuration: delay time in milliseconds before "standard windows behavior".
3. Launch applications function added.
FTouchFlo now has 2 operation modes: scrolling and launching.
To toggle between operation modes you should use up-down gesture. If mode has been toggled you'll hear a beep.
You can use GestureWaitingDelay parameter in the config file to set up how much time FTouchFlo will be waiting for gesture. So, for example, if you'll set up there 1000 ms, FTouchFlo in the scrolling mode will be waiting 1000ms before start scrolling. As less GuestureWaitingDelay, as fast you should move your finger. Try to find suitable value for you.
Once you're in the launching mode you can use 4 gestures:
down-up, up-down, left-right, right-left to start 4 different applications.
There are 8 parameters in the config file for this:
You can guess what they mean by their names, actually...
As an example I can show how to start .swf files by Down-Up gesture:
DownUpAppCmdLine:/Cube Launcher 0-03.swf
Before installing alpha 3 it is necessary to uninstall previous versions. Calibration.dat file you shouldn't delete because it is the same for alpha, alpha2 and alpha3.
P.S. Application becomes more and more complicated and it is harder and harder to introduce new features. I've spent 2 days near the computer and I'm going to calm down for a while. Also I've got flu, so alpha 3 might be affected by this fact.
Thank you!
Update 2007-10-14: more info about Alpha 2
1. Before installing alpha 2 it is necessary to uninstall previous version. Calibration.dat file you shouldn't delete because it is the same for alpha and alpha2.
2. FTouchFlo reloads configuration file (with excluded programs list) each time you're opening new application, so after you add new application to exclusion list, keep in mind that FTouchFlo will start ignoring it after you switch to other application and then switch back.
Update 2007-10-14:
First of all I want to say Thank You to all donators!
Alpha-2 version is now available!
1. Improved calibration routine.
2. Excluded applications list added.
3. FTouchFlo doesn't work if SIP is working.
4. Delay before "standard windows behavior" function decreased to 100ms.
5. Improved speed and reliability.
Still not solved:
1. Horizontal scrolling in Programs, Settings etc.
2. Transcriber doesn't works.
3. No sound on screen taps.
4. Strange issue: "In Spanish, it's installed in "Menu Inicio\Programas\Programs" and uninstall doesn't work.".
5. Possible to start more then one instance of MouseEvent.exe and possible to start Callibration.exe. Just now I remembered about these problems.
How to configure programs which shouldn't be affected by FTouchFlo:
There is a file FTouchFloConfig.txt in the program directory.
Contents of the file after installation:
; FTouchFlo configuration file
; Exclude applications
Exclude:TomTom Navigator
Exclude:Flash lite
; end of configuration
You can use application exe file name or application's window name. So, to put, for example, Calculator application to the list you should add there:
Program will re-read contents of config file automatically.
P.S. Don't forget about donations ... It is really hard to find free time.
P.P.S. In advance I want you to excuse me for my English and probably not so clear explanations. It is 3:10 a.m. now...
P.P.P.S. You may use this software on your risk. I'll not take responsibility for possible problems... and so on and all stuff like this.
Update: Scroll function videos: scroll 1 and scroll 2
Hi to all owners of HTC PDAs who wants to use TouchFlo but their PDAs doesn't support it!
After a deep research how touch screen works and communicates with gwes I've made an application which is able to intercept all stylus movements and process it or forward to gwes.
It is still necessary to do a lot of things like calibration and other stuff, but in fact it works!
I'll continue working but I really don't have much free time, so your donations will speed up development.
-=<Here>=- and -=<Here>=- you can see how it works now. It can recognize movements in four directions and start selected programs: Internet Explorer, Calculator, TMail and File Explorer.
Also I am looking for your ideas how to use this software... there are few possibilities I noticed and going to implement:
1. Start programs depending on direction (like it works now).
2. Use it for scrolling with finger.
3. Create a library so any developer can use it to implement their ideas.
Thanks a lot for my friends (Pavel and Sergey) who are working on this software. Without their help such progress wouldn't be possible.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I've tested it on HTC Trinity, but I'm sure it will work on any HTC PDAs with touch.dll written according to Microsoft specification.
wow.. that looks awesome
I just saw your other video.. and wow.. I'm even more amazed
DVS_WiNdz said:
I just saw your other video.. and wow.. I'm even more amazed
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Thank you! I've just added link to the second video.
Is there a cab for us to download?
HTC CUBE works in our ATOM
HTC Touch Cube working on O2 ATOM(WM6 AKU0.7.0)!
PART 1 - Install your Touch Cube onto your Atom!
Hi guys,
I've managed to get the HTC Touch Cube working with jiggs's WM6 AKU 0.7.0. Not sure if anyone was previously successful in doing this. But unfortunately, at the moment, it is using the ButtonFlo method of turning the cube.
I dont have the expertise to get this thing working using the Finger or stylus to get the touchscreen to turn the cube yet.
Maybe one of you geniuses out there will be able to take this one step further and get it working fully! (I'm hoping)
Here are the files I used and hope it works for you guys on jiggs WM6 AKU070.
1) Install jiggs's WM6 AKU070 (make sure HTC HomePlugin is activated - dunno if you really need it).
2) Install HTC Audio Manager.
3) Install HTC Audio Mgr Today Plug-in.
4) Install Touch flo(Alpha).cab
5) Install JT
6) Map Touch Flo pgm to one of the buttons - I chose the O2 Media Plus button.
7) Soft-reset.
PART 2 - Customizing Your Cube using Touch Settings!
Step 1: Install Touch settings, then soft reset.
Step 2: Go to windows\startup and delete entry "Mediahubmini"
Step 3: Soft reset (I don't think it's neccesary though, but i do perform
this step.
Step 4: OH YES! Also install the missing ICON files for the APLauncher - into a separate directory (eg. \Touch).
Step 5: Copy the same ICON files(from Step4) into \Windows. (these files were missing in Part1).
Step6 - Soft-reset and you should see everything working!
steveecourt said:
Is there a cab for us to download?
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Hi! Not yet. It is really not ready for publishing yet.
I am working on calibration now and after it will be done I'll publish first alpha.
P.S. Now calibration data gathered from my Trinity and hardcoded.
generalriden said:
HTC Touch Cube working on O2 ATOM(WM6 AKU0.7.0)!
PART 1 - Install your Touch Cube onto your Atom!
Hi guys,
I've managed to get the HTC Touch Cube working with jiggs's WM6 AKU 0.7.0. Not sure if anyone was previously successful in doing this. But unfortunately, at the moment, it is using the ButtonFlo method of turning the cube.
I dont have the expertise to get this thing working using the Finger or stylus to get the touchscreen to turn the cube yet.
Maybe one of you geniuses out there will be able to take this one step further and get it working fully! (I'm hoping)
Here are the files I used and hope it works for you guys on jiggs WM6 AKU070.
1) Install jiggs's WM6 AKU070 (make sure HTC HomePlugin is activated - dunno if you really need it).
2) Install HTC Audio Manager.
3) Install HTC Audio Mgr Today Plug-in.
4) Install Touch flo(Alpha).cab
5) Install JT
6) Map Touch Flo pgm to one of the buttons - I chose the O2 Media Plus button.
7) Soft-reset.
PART 2 - Customizing Your Cube using Touch Settings!
Step 1: Install Touch settings, then soft reset.
Step 2: Go to windows\startup and delete entry "Mediahubmini"
Step 3: Soft reset (I don't think it's neccesary though, but i do perform
this step.
Step 4: OH YES! Also install the missing ICON files for the APLauncher - into a separate directory (eg. \Touch).
Step 5: Copy the same ICON files(from Step4) into \Windows. (these files were missing in Part1).
Step6 - Soft-reset and you should see everything working!
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I promise that I'll inform you personally when I'll be able to release a cab, so you'll be able not to map your Cube to some button, but use your finger to start it.
BTW, Cube still doesn't work on my Trinity. All the time just black screen.
Thank you!
When you get the black screen, press the power button to put the device in standby mode, wait 15 sec and hit the soft reset, this helped me with the black screen problem in the past
efrost said:
I promise that I'll inform you personally when I'll be able to release a cab, so you'll be able not to map your Cube to some button, but use your finger to start it.
BTW, Cube still doesn't work on my Trinity. All the time just black screen.
Thank you!
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Sounds very awesome do you think it work on kaiser and do you need help testing it, i have been trying on hermes since beginining and I dont mind been a beta tester for the kaiser model, just pm me if you think thts a good idea. anyways great work
efrost said:
I promise that I'll inform you personally when I'll be able to release a cab, so you'll be able not to map your Cube to some button, but use your finger to start it.
BTW, Cube still doesn't work on my Trinity. All the time just black screen.
Thank you!
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thanks..hope you will PM me.. i need to activate the finger touch on this HTC CUBE & i think ur the man to help us.
efrost said:
I promise that I'll inform you personally when I'll be able to release a cab, so you'll be able not to map your Cube to some button, but use your finger to start it.
BTW, Cube still doesn't work on my Trinity. All the time just black screen.
Thank you!
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follow the procedure #2. YOU NEED THIS
PART 2 - Customizing Your Cube using Touch Settings!
Step 1: Install Touch settings, then soft reset.
Step 2: Go to windows\startup and delete file called "Mediahubmini"
Step 3: Soft reset (I don't think it's neccesary though, but i do perform
this step.
Step 4: OH YES! Also install the missing ICON files for the APLauncher - into a separate directory (eg. \Touch).
Step 5: Copy the same ICON files(from Step4) into \Windows. (these files were missing in Part1).
Step6 - Soft-reset and you should see everything working!
<----download this .brn files (replace if needed old files)
(read this forum also CLICK --HERE--)
put it in ur /windows..THEN softreset
EVERYTHING WORKS TO ME NOW...i tried to install this program so many times, many times also i GOT THE BLANK SCREEN.
NOW I REALIZED MY MISTAKE, I did not copy & replace .brn & png file on my /windows...thats the key to work & no blank screen. Co'z no source of image after running the touchflo program and this files is the source
I can test also for blueangel device
Another keen Hermes volunteer here! I hope you're going to dish out some source code as I'm keen to learn how you have managed to hook mouse events!
Keep up the good work!
xplode said:
I can test also for blueangel device
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did you try it yet? If so, does it work on the BA? Thanks.
egzthunder1 said:
did you try it yet? If so, does it work on the BA? Thanks.
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Friends, take it easy! I'm really not going to release something that for sure will not work. I already posted above that calibration data taken from my personal Trinity and hardcoded in the program, so I would create calibration procedure and then I'll publish version for alpha testing.
For example, at the upper left corner my Trinity touch screen driver reports me X = 97 and at the lower left corner I have X = 90. On your devices I am sure it will be different.
So, it is necessary to have precise calibration procedure so your devices will work properly!
BTW, if you have implemented precise enough procedure for calibration, it would be great if you share it with me.
efrost said:
Friends, take it easy! I'm really not going to release something that for sure will not work. I already posted above that calibration data taken from my personal Trinity and hardcoded in the program, so I would create calibration procedure and then I'll publish version for alpha testing.
For example, at the upper left corner my Trinity touch screen driver reports me X = 97 and at the lower left corner I have X = 90. On your devices I am sure it will be different.
So, it is necessary to have precise calibration procedure so your devices will work properly!
BTW, if you have implemented precise enough procedure for calibration, it would be great if you share it with me.
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Didn't mean to sound too overexcited, but... truth of the matter is that I am. I am as happy as a crackhead on payday
I saw the videos on Youtube and I liked the way it worked. It was blazing fast! In either case, keep it up!!!!
Umm.. I have a question. Do most of your phones run as fast as the one in the video? Mine is so slow.
Hi! I've found a few free minutes (at work) and implemented scrolling.
It scrolls standard contacts, e-mails, word, internet explorer etc. In other words, every window which has scroll bars.
I don't have possibility to create video and share it for now, but today evening you'll get it!
What mechanism are you using to hook the mouse events? Care to share any code?

MaxHome (replacement of Today)

Current Version
- [NEW] Birthdays button/indicator works
- [NEW] A little bit more comfortable clock setting
- [NEW] Fade-in effect now depends on your device speed
- Clock Settings
- Clocks, Indicators
- Balance update
- BlueTooth, GPRS/EDGE, WiFi, GSM on/off
- Support for all resolutions (hope so )
- Support for scale components of main window (may be useful for big resolutions)
Install: unpack to Program Files to your device.
Scale factor and balance setting are in HKCU\Software\MaxHome
Day's period to search birthdays in the same regestry.
To Do Next: sort birthdays in order of days, alarm settings, maybe screenlock
Hmmmm. so i'l be the first one
I'me more into icons and launchers but nice icons
I'm sure that a lot of people will like this
Very nice...can't wait to take it for a spin
It's amazing ! I really want this ! Good job !
Thos application seems to be verry good.
nice!!! quite tired of the normal todays screens..too much cluttered plugins...
hope you could share with us soon very much interested to try out...
nice work keep it up =) hope it is also support VGA..coz many developers develop QVGA soft huhu
looks good, keep it up!
I'm begginer in programming. So dont promise a VGA version. I wrote it with Windows Mobile 6 SDK. I think it will work with 5.0 and 6.0 of coarse.
Actually I doing it for my personal using (QTek S200, WM6).
Will be glad if some one else will can to use it
hi MaxKysh, im a beginner too. Is possible to use grafic libs like XFlib in your project?
Don't know I use only API functions.
Please, try it
Here it is if somebody want to try Please report of your try.
Tested on QTEK S200 - works well.
Tested on Asusu p525 - don't work BlueTooth swith (will try to fix it).
WiFi switch don't realised yet.
Place into Program Files on your device.
The balance USSD request message stored in HKCU\Software\MaxHome\Balance\Message.
I've got an normal htc elf p3450
And the program doesn't work correct, the background doesn't load therefore the transparant icons doesn't show.
I can enter the settings tab but i don't think any of the settings work.
I know you are a starting programmer (and i can't program anything so i have deep respect for you) but could you concider something like total customization
Did you extract it to Program Files? (I meen Program Files\MaxHome\, and not to Storage Card (!)). Don't promise full customize but will work on it
MaxKysh said:
Did you extract it to Program Files? (I meen Program Files\MaxHome\, and not to Storage Card (!)). Don't promise full customize but will work on it
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As i have a dutch elf i don't have the program files folder but i made one by hand and copied the whole MaxHome folder to that directory but it still didn't work.
Hmm... That is my big mistake Will try to fix it
hi, just tried it, unzipped to device/Program Files/Max Home
tried running MaxHome01b.exe and comes up with error:
"the file 'MaxHome01b' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file."
I clicked on accept when it said it wasnt signed...
Not working for Wizard
Date and time displayed correctly, the "Comm Manager" displays correctly but the Bluetooth button is the only one functioning, the rest do not have any effect.
Icons at the bottom do not work at all.
Anyhow, good idea, keep the good work!
Forget to say:
realized at this moment only:
- Clocks
- BlueToot, GSM, GRRS switch (WiFi - not yet)
- Balance Update
The bottom icons just for full view They are not working.
Please tell me, which Software to programm do you use??
Can you post the source code, so that we can help you to make a realy realy good home screen?

How do I add programs from storage card in NFSFAN's rom

I just flashed my phone with NFSFAN's Custom rom there are no predefine programs under the program list. I want to add GPS toggle and Igo8 icon that's installed on my storage card for easier access but I can't browse to it. Seems I can only add what's installed under Windows/Programs
To the best of my knowledge your problem is a generic one that has nothing to do with NFSFAN's ROM.
Everytime you flash a new ROM, generic or custom it wipes clean your windows start menu ( to "factory" state)
The programs installed on your SD card are still there, your just missing the shortcuts.
1. Use a file explorer of your choice and navigate to storage card/program files and all your installed programs should be there inside folders. The rest applies to the generic File explorer that comes with windows but any other program should be similiar.
2. go into a program folder, find the exe for the program (it's usually the one with the icon for the program). right click it with your stylus and select copy.
3. Next select menu (lower right soft key), under edit select "Paste shortcut"
4. Right click the shortcut, select either "cut" or "copy" (hint: using copy and leaving the shortcut allows you to skip the previous steps next time you flash a new ROM!!)
5. Navigate (using the up key) to Windows/start menu/program files and paste the shortcut there, for games there is a further directory. Also you can now rename the shortcut if you want.
6. Now open up the "all programs" soft key on the program tab of M2d, or select add and the program from you SD card should now be on the list.
For IGo8, I use TomTom. TT installs automatically when you insert the SD card into the ppc. After flashing a new ROM I just take my SD card out and then reinstall it. I am not sure if IGo8 works the same way or not but if the above steps prove frustrating for that, give it a shot.
It's a pain to go through this everytime you flash. It would be great if there was a tool to scan your SD card for programs and automaticaly install the proper shortcuts. There is none to the best of my knowledge. Then again, no one ever gets rewarded for being lazy.
Have fun, and if your new to this (especially flashing new ROMS), read.
Best of luck
Wow, that's some detailed info. Thanks
I haven't tried your method yet, but I just remember that GPS toggle is actually a today plugin, NSFANS takes up the entire today screen, therefore it isn't visible.
I usually toggle my gps on before starting Igo and I get instant Sat lock.
As far as Igo8 Vs TT, I have both but I like the interface of Igo better. I don't have to reinstall anything after I flash. I just go to the Igo8 folder in my Storage card and execute the program. It runs off the storage card, there's nothing to install.
Cool, I've been meaning to try IGo myself sometime.
Not being able to use normal today plugins is a turn off for some. Only having one calendar line is another (M3d has a calendar tab). It's not NFSFANS's fault, that's Touch-flo 2d (Manila 2d). It is more a plugin itself than a whole new UI, it started on the diamond, was released on the Opal and Jade (Touch 3g) phones and ported to our devices by the devs here at XDA.
I love it personaly, it offers most users everything they need without going too deep into the actual winmo interface.....which is not to "touch" friendly.
I think a workable solution might be to see if you can put a shortcut to GPS toggle on the programs tab.
In the developement and Hacking section several devs were working on an m2d/today toggle that lets you toggle back and forth. There is also another app that tries to use the soft keys. Of course if you like M2d but need more than one prog tab, search "m2d operator tab" on this site. It is fully customizable and allows you to basically have 2 program tabs.
M2d operator tab:
Toggle :
second today (M2d control):
If M2d proves to be not for you, I suggest using the old today screen with schens HTTC customizer in place. It's worth it's weight in gold as well. I was using it untill M2d came out.
well assuming you're using his newest one all you have to do is go to the program you want in the file explorer, tap and hold it, and then just tap "send shortcut to programs".
ehh, I just flashed my phone with Dette 2D v2.3 today. I'll mess with it for a few days and try something else until I find the one that feels good to me.
jmitr said:
Cool, I've been meaning to try IGo myself sometime.
Not being able to use normal today plugins is a turn off for some. Only having one calendar line is another (M3d has a calendar tab). It's not NFSFANS's fault, that's Touch-flo 2d (Manila 2d). It is more a plugin itself than a whole new UI, it started on the diamond, was released on the Opal and Jade (Touch 3g) phones and ported to our devices by the devs here at XDA.
I love it personaly, it offers most users everything they need without going too deep into the actual winmo interface.....which is not to "touch" friendly.
I think a workable solution might be to see if you can put a shortcut to GPS toggle on the programs tab.
In the developement and Hacking section several devs were working on an m2d/today toggle that lets you toggle back and forth. There is also another app that tries to use the soft keys. Of course if you like M2d but need more than one prog tab, search "m2d operator tab" on this site. It is fully customizable and allows you to basically have 2 program tabs.
M2d operator tab:
Toggle :
second today (M2d control):
If M2d proves to be not for you, I suggest using the old today screen with schens HTTC customizer in place. It's worth it's weight in gold as well. I was using it untill M2d came out.
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Don't you need to use astrogps launcher with iGO? I'm using NFS 1.25 and I need some sort of priming software for iGO and Tomtom, is there something else you are using?
I only use google maps (on my M2D search tab), and TomTom while driving.
I use no other program to prime at all.
I travel coast to coast with my job, I just use the search tab, or launch TomTom (never in the same order, sometimes only one or the other), and presto.....a fix within 10 seconds.
As I said in another thread, I was showing off my phone to my FO one day and let google maps run while we were departing Montreal. It showed us going down runway 28, turning eastbound and crossing the St. Lawrence. The only reason it quite was we were going to fast for google maps to update through the data connection. Later in cruise (at 23,000 ft) I launched TomTom, it was confused as heck (didn't know what road we were on!!!!), but it did show our proper Lat/Long (I confirmed it with the aircraft's FMS).
Been running smooth for a while, never a problem getting sats or a quick fix.
That was a helpful explanation for me too. I'm a noob and using your steps I now have Skyfire in my Start Menu. Many thanks !!!
