GPS missing? ( i did search the threads ) - Touch HD General

having a problem.. my set behaves as if no GPS is there..
leaft gps dashboard states 0 sats.
googlemaps search and search but 0
it is minutes...
is there something i am missing out? thank you

I take it you have already used program QuickGPS (should already be on your device) and downloaded latest satellite data?

thanks for replying.. yes i did !
com port is 4 under gps settings hardware : com port 0 baud 4800
windows auto manage

Are you indoors or outdoors?

both.. i saw other folks havign this prob.. but i cannot find a real solution.... arrgghhh

Ok, just trying to replicate your problem
Obviously you'll only ever going to pick up satellites if you are outside or close to a window.
Here is a few possible sloutions
Have you tried start ---> settings ----> external gps --->access---> check manage gps automatically?
and in google maps, options-->gps settings---> toggle auto/windows?
Another option is to try a tool by HTC to try and wakeup your gps. Run the file on your HD and from function menu select chip and then q7200. Choose port 4 and baud rate 4800. Then open the port and wait for a gps fix. After that close the port and exit the gps tool. Then run your gps navigator and see if it works!
Also try using HDTweak and go to settings within HD Tweak and set default value for AGPS to Disabled
Also, Advanced Config try turning off Quick GPS Fix

Fallen Spartan said:
Ok, just trying to replicate your problem
Obviously you'll only ever going to pick up satellites if you are outside or close to a window.
Here is a few possible sloutions
Have you tried start ---> settings ----> external gps --->access---> check manage gps automatically?
and in google maps, options-->gps settings---> toggle auto/windows?
Another option is to try a tool by HTC to try and wakeup your gps. Run the file on your HD and from function menu select chip and then q7200. Choose port 4 and baud rate 4800. Then open the port and wait for a gps fix. After that close the port and exit the gps tool. Then run your gps navigator and see if it works!
Also try using HDTweak and go to settings within HD Tweak and set default value for AGPS to Disabled
Also, Advanced Config try turning off Quick GPS Fix
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sorry do u mean A-GPS? will try.. thanks

leobox1 said:
thanks for replying.. yes i did !
com port is 4 under gps settings hardware : com port 0 baud 4800
windows auto manage
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1.gps settings : com 4, baud rate 57600 (if you have iGO8 let the program to look for the GPS)
2.disable AGPS (important) settings/GPS settings>program:com4
>access:manage gps automatically
let me know if it works.

KukurikU said:
1.gps settings : com 4, baud rate 57600 (if you have iGO8 let the program to look for the GPS)
2.disable AGPS (important) settings/GPS settings>program:com4
>access:manage gps automatically
let me know if it works.
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i get mode 2 not fixed.. 0 sats.. just lots of mambo jambo scrolling thru... must i do anything at the cold and hot stuffs?
BTW one wierd thing.. i tried to extract this on pc and ppc.. the file gets extracted.. but i dont see it in file explorer.. but when i try to extract again.. it prompts overwrite...IE the file is there somewhere...
only way to run is in the zip.. but i want to delete the real file in the filesystem too.. weird.. anyone knows?

leobox1 said:
i get mode 2 not fixed.. 0 sats.. just lots of mambo jambo scrolling thru... must i do anything at the cold and hot stuffs?
BTW one wierd thing.. i tried to extract this on pc and ppc.. the file gets extracted.. but i dont see it in file explorer.. but when i try to extract again.. it prompts overwrite...IE the file is there somewhere...
only way to run is in the zip.. but i want to delete the real file in the filesystem too.. weird.. anyone knows?
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When I tried GPS funtion the first time, I didn't see any sats for half an hour. Suddenly though, it showed 6-7 sats and since then it have worked. So, don't panik just yet.
(I had to stand still on a bridge with low buildings)

seems like HD's gps chip is kapo..
i miss my n82.. it get fixes in buildings by the window FAST..
pls guide me ,
how do i use the htcgps tool best? there are lots of settings.. mode, set, raw or mssomething, etc etc
open port? test?
what do i do? can i diagnose if my gps is working? does the streaming matrix like codes tell anythings?
it is always mode 2 fix no zero sats in radar

btw y everyone advise off a-gps? isnt it suppose to help greatly

leobox1 said:
i get mode 2 not fixed.. 0 sats.. just lots of mambo jambo scrolling thru... must i do anything at the cold and hot stuffs?
BTW one wierd thing.. i tried to extract this on pc and ppc.. the file gets extracted.. but i dont see it in file explorer.. but when i try to extract again.. it prompts overwrite...IE the file is there somewhere...
only way to run is in the zip.. but i want to delete the real file in the filesystem too.. weird.. anyone knows?
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Just one question... have you upgraded lately to the newest radio ??

nope stock

reidar.ostrem said:
Just one question... have you upgraded lately to the newest radio ??
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just upgraded to latest.. no help...
running for 5 mins no lock
but now there are 16 sats.. but they are all stacked over N.
how do i use the htcgps tools proper? i heard about clearing gps data etc but i dont see these options here

leobox1 said:
thanks for replying.. yes i did !
com port is 4 under gps settings hardware : com port 0 baud 4800
windows auto manage
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baud should be 115200 ; everything lower let your soft loose connection with the chip evry so-and-such seconds.
KukurikU said:
1.gps settings : com 4, baud rate 57600 (if you have iGO8 let the program to look for the GPS)
2.disable AGPS (important) settings/GPS settings>program:com4
>access:manage gps automatically
let me know if it works.
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You guys seem not to get that a hardwarechip NEEDS a hardware COM. In TT you should use HW= com8 SW = com6 baud = 115200 manage = AUTO ; tell TT to use other NMEA 0183 com6 baud 115200 ....
leobox1 said:
btw y everyone advise off a-gps? isnt it suppose to help greatly
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A-GPS is a software gimmick to load sat-data over internet. TT uses the GPS chip to read this data directly from the sats.


How to use the WM5 GPS App?

Hi All
I have performed the reg edit that enables the WM5 GPS App - I also know from threads that it is intended to allow multiple pocket pc applications to use the same GPS. Can someone explain how to use the various settings?
In particular, what is the effect of the different GPS settings on the tab labelled "programs" and that labelled "hardware"? And in what circumstances should one uncheck the "manage GPS automatically box" on the "access" tab?
Many thanks
WM5 GPS Application
Hi Chris!
I have an O2 XDA Mini S and i am missing the GPS Menue in WM5 and i think it would be helpfull in connecting with my GPS Bluetooth receiver.
It sounds that you know how it is activated so that i can try some changes. Would be nice to hear from you.
Thanks in advance
ßeta said:
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I tried your soluce but it doesn't work on my Qtek9100 (Orange SPV M3000). The registry key is changed as shown, but after a soft reset, the "redirect" key reappears and my modifcations are not applied.
Does anyone have an idea ? :roll:
you must make sure that the changes are saved after the registry changes
otherwise as you say nothing happens
I had the same thing, couldn't get it to work.
But using PHM regedit and saving the changes it finally did work.
The DWORD “hide” wasn’t in my Qtek.
Is anybody able to help with my original question?
Hi All
I have performed the reg edit that enables the WM5 GPS App - I also know from threads that it is intended to allow multiple pocket pc applications to use the same GPS. Can someone explain how to use the various settings?
In particular, what is the effect of the different GPS settings on the tab labelled "programs" and that labelled "hardware"? And in what circumstances should one uncheck the "manage GPS automatically box" on the "access" tab?
Many thanks
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lskb: I don't use GPS and don't have one, but I enabled the GPS settings page anyway.
It seems fairly descriptive to me, but I would guess, the Programs page basically deals with programs that have difficulty connecting to certain com ports (ie it's used for com port redirection).
So eg, if TomTom MUST be configured to a GPS receiver on COM2, set your settings in the Programs tab to COM2.
Hardware is the actual "physical" com port the gps receiver is linked to. Again, depends on your bluetooth setup/hardware pairing. But eg if your GPS receiver is connected to COM4, set this to COM4. Baud will typically be dictated by your software/hardware setup.
Access is for apps that don't like sharing the bluetooth/GPS receiver. Leave it as it is, ensure the first two tabs are correct, and if you're having troubles but you're certain they're Tab 1 and 2 are correct, or you know for a fact other people have found it helpful, untick the Access checkbox.
Thanks for that, but I have a question. When you say hardware, you mean something phyiscally connected to the Wizard or by a bluetooth connection? If you mean the latter, then I am not sure that that is correct as the range of selectable baud rates looks wrong.
Thus, my bluetooth gps is installed on an outgoing com port 6 in the bluetooth settings area. The baud rate specified for my gps is 38400. Am I supposed to set the hardware com port to 6 (despite the fact that it is already set in the bluetooth area)? And if yes, how do I set the baud rate, as 38400 is not capable of selection....
I had the same thing, couldn't get it to work.
But using PHM regedit and saving the changes it finally did work.
The DWORD “hide” wasn’t in my Qtek.
I had the same thing, couldn't get it to work.
But using PHM regedit and saving the changes it finally did work.
The DWORD “hide” wasn’t in my Qtek.
well, i have exactly sam eproblems like Iskb. I set the hardware port to com 6. (Vario and Navilock BT unit). Then, when i am trying to connect to my BT module, there is no chance to establish the connection at this given port. I am forced to choose another one (ie COM7). I thought that the GPS manager would work in some way like GPSgate do, but it seems not to be true
make sure in the original com port area the bt modem is not listed on any port,
after you have enabled the com port in the new gps icon and then selected it in the navigator software, change the new gps icon port back to none, and then you can create a "New Outgoing Port" using the original com ports link.
hope this makes sense to somebody :?:

TomTom Bluetooth GPS Ports WM5 Working Setup 100% Easy !

First of all I would like to say thank you to "thereaperman" from Modaco Frums for this great help ! I took this from him and making it accessible to this forum easily for others to use !
Here are his steps:
You do this by copying the CAB files from the CDROM (eg F:\PocketPC) to the K-JAM and launch one by one from there with the explorer of the K-JAM
You can install voices the same manner by copying the CAB files to the K-JAM (eg from F:\Voice on the CDROM)
EDIT: Please use the tomtom official site to obtain the update here
Fire up a registry editor (eg )
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MASCHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings
Delete the DWORD marked "hide"
Add a DWORD called "Group" and give it the value of "2" (dec)
The GPS panel will now show up in your connection settings.
1. Establish a bond with your GPS and select the checkbox for serial access.
2. In BT, select the OUTGOING port to 6.
3. In the GPS control panel, select the GPS program to 0 and make sure that the hardware one, is set to None.
4. Start TT5 and the GPS settings, select another bluetooth GPS, and you will see COM 0 free. Select COM 0 and close TT5.
5. At the GPS control panel again, now select COM 6 (before we set it up at 0).
6. At BT: select OUTGOING port to 0.
7. Back again to GPS control panel and select NONE.
8. Finally start TT5 and it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
7. Back again to GPS control panel and select NONE.
8. Finally start TT5 and
it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
Hope this helps all of you !!!
Or you can just install the 5.2 version and choose the port from the menu in tomtom like everyone else
DnNuke said:
Or you can just install the 5.2 version and choose the port from the menu in tomtom like everyone else
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:lol: :lol: :lol:
I installed 5.21 from update no problem, just ad some voices later.
any tips on gettin maps?
alexk said:
I installed 5.21 from update no problem, just ad some voices later.
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Can you tell me the CAB file for 'Jane' ? Currently I have no voice install I have 28 voice CAB files and dont want to work my way through installing testing and deleting random numbers until I get the right one!
bilbo_28 said:
alexk said:
I installed 5.21 from update no problem, just ad some voices later.
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Can you tell me the CAB file for 'Jane' ? Currently I have no voice install I have 28 voice CAB files and dont want to work my way through installing testing and deleting random numbers until I get the right one!
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that's an easy one
just have a look at the *.vif files with notepad - you can see which is which...
but being a gentleman, I can tell you: Jane (GB) is Nr5
Ty Jane is now telling me where to go!!

test my softs for HTC devices

I develop a module GPS under pocket pc to display sentences NMEA.
The objective is to validate my module for the devices HTC
or it can have bug...
This soft is very simple.
Select COM GPS and RATE GPS your device and press TEST.
the soft open port COM serial and read data.
if the sentences NMEA display it's OK !
else i would like to understand why...
If you want to do a test on your device, thanks please tell me the result
(device, port com, rate , and test ok or not) !
link cab file :
??? can anyone ?
Downloading now. Give me a few minutes.
Doesn't seem to work on my XV6800.
I installed to main memory.
I tried with Google Maps on and locked to 6 satellites and with it off. I was set to Com 4 and a baud of 4800. No NMEA shown and lock = no. Left on until the device turned itself off.
My devices GPS need a prime for other software to work (TomTom, etc) but works great with Google Maps.
Another little thing you might think to fix. The text in the selection boxes is huge. Need to move down a few font sizes.
Let me know if I can do anything else.
thanks blazingwolf !
My soft test is ok for HTC touch cruise (Polaris)
But the problem is also P3300 Artemis...
I believe that we must activate some things for Qualcomm chip GPS..
( I do not documentation and web site Qualcomm Link is not valid -> )
GPS is as silent under my soft ->
- Sent a command on the link serial GPS to activate the chip ???
or specific sentence NMEA for activate sends sentences NMEA from GPS ???
- or the chip GPS uses a protocol other than NMEA ???
I am looking...
83stef said:
thanks blazingwolf !
My soft test is ok for HTC touch cruise (Polaris)
But the problem is also P3300 Artemis...
I believe that we must activate some things for Qualcomm chip GPS..
( I do not documentation and web site Qualcomm Link is not valid -> )
GPS is as silent under my soft ->
- Sent a command on the link serial GPS to activate the chip ???
or specific sentence NMEA for activate sends sentences NMEA from GPS ???
- or the chip GPS uses a protocol other than NMEA ???
I am looking...
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Hi, i have a HTC Artemis
(T-Mobile MDACIII) i can test the software on mine if u like, but i can only download the cab from these forums, so if u could upload it to here, i'll give it a go
Max Filesize attach for ZIP 8Mo
I can not attach my ZIP FILE has this post sorry
its more than 8mb!!!
yes lol
I do not use the framework microsoft.
fair enough. i'll try and download it this evening, see if it works on my Artemis.

Treo Pro GPS Problems - Any ideas?

I just got a Treo Pro recently and love it, but my only issue is getting the GPS to work. I've scoured the forum here but still couldn't get to work. Would like to fix or I'll have to return. Can anyone help?
I started up google maps, clicked "use GPS" but it consistenty reports that it can't find any satelites after several minutes outside. After reading through threads here, I've tried installing a few GPS tools such as GPSToday, GPS Viewer and HTC GPS Tool and none of these can find a satelite either even after a long wait with clear line of sight to the sky.
My settings are the defaults out the box and are as follows -
External GPS settings:
GPS program port: COM4
GPS hardare port: (none)
Baud rate: 4800
Windows Manage GPS automatically enabled
Google Maps GPS setting - Managed by Windows
Any help much appreciated.
problem with GPS
I remember reading somewhere in other forum that if your phone was from Egypt the GPS was disable from the registry and couldn't make it to work, because it's illegal or something like that.
The settings are correct, there should be on com4:com4.. although haven't check the bps on mine.. have you tried to change it to something else?
anyway here's a link where you can check if your gps is disabled in the registry of the phone...
you could probably check that out...
obviously modify your registry at your own risk...
hope it works...
I would google that GPS program called GPS Test. you should be able to find it right here. Use that program to see if your GPS is working correctly. Its as simple as runninig it when your outside. It will start picking up sats and give you a visual indication of how many and if they're locked on.
As long as I run Quick GPS (built into the treo) I can get a lock pretty quick, maybe 30 seconds or so. Its possible your gps could be defective.
simeonfishman said:
I just got a Treo Pro recently and love it, but my only issue is getting the GPS to work. I've scoured the forum here but still couldn't get to work. Would like to fix or I'll have to return. Can anyone help?
I started up google maps, clicked "use GPS" but it consistenty reports that it can't find any satelites after several minutes outside. After reading through threads here, I've tried installing a few GPS tools such as GPSToday, GPS Viewer and HTC GPS Tool and none of these can find a satelite either even after a long wait with clear line of sight to the sky.
My settings are the defaults out the box and are as follows -
External GPS settings:
GPS program port: COM4
GPS hardare port: (none)
Baud rate: 4800
Windows Manage GPS automatically enabled
Google Maps GPS setting - Managed by Windows
Any help much appreciated.
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Does running the "QuickGPS" program make any difference?
Quick GPS???
I just got a Treo Pro from Alltel and it didn't come with Quick GPS.
Any suggestions?
I have an Alltel Treo and I had a GPS location problem until I changed the location settings from 911 only to allow other programs and services to locate me.
Under Settings > Phone > Services > Location.
denada777 said:
I just got a Treo Pro from Alltel and it didn't come with Quick GPS.
Any suggestions?
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I am interested too. My Sprint Tero Pro did not come with Quick GPS.
Strange, Sometimes mine doesnt work, so i unselect 'Use GPS' from google maps. Than i start up Google maps again and select 'Use GPS' and it magically works.
GPS on Alltel Palm Treo Pro
There is not internal GPS on this phone with Alltel. You must have a Bluethooth GPS reciver and configure it in Settings/External GPS. This may be becauser thye want to have you use Alltel Navigation at $10 per month.
[email protected] said:
There is not internal GPS on this phone with Alltel. You must have a Bluethooth GPS reciver and configure it in Settings/External GPS. This may be becauser thye want to have you use Alltel Navigation at $10 per month.
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The alltel unit does have the GPS, it's just deactivated. They are trying to force you to use their paid application. I'm trying to figure out which registry keys need to be modified.
Can somebody dump their reg settings for an unlocked unit so we can compare?
ConRadical said:
The alltel unit does have the GPS, it's just deactivated. They are trying to force you to use their paid application. I'm trying to figure out which registry keys need to be modified.
Can somebody dump their reg settings for an unlocked unit so we can compare?
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not registry issue for alltel. they have shipped it with location setting defaulted as off.
it's simple:
Start Menu->Settings->Personal-> Phone-> Services-> select "Location Setting" ->press Get Settings button-> scroll down, ->select 'OK"
jtraveler said:
I have an Alltel Treo and I had a GPS location problem until I changed the location settings from 911 only to allow other programs and services to locate me.
Under Settings > Phone > Services > Location.
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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You,
That got my Alltel GPS working!
For the life of me I could not figure out what the hell the problem was. Why would Alltel ship it like that?......dicks.
aero1 said:
not registry issue for alltel. they have shipped it with location setting defaulted as off.
it's simple:
Start Menu->Settings->Personal-> Phone-> Services-> select "Location Setting" ->press Get Settings button-> scroll down, ->select 'OK"
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Mine was disabled in the Reg. I wonder if i got a different rom version.
Maybe that gui option modifies the registry entry ;P
Palm not initiating
I found this way works using one to initiate the GPS which my Palm doesn't seem to do and then run map software.
i just posted an explanation on treo central about how to add quick gps to the cdma (sprint,alltel,verizon) treo pro check it out
I'll second jeremyspencer's link there. works like a champ on my Alltel Treo Pro.
Your settings are correct. My phone has similar problems unless I use the QuickGPS program. It will work without the QuickGPS but it can take up to an hour to get a fix. With Quick GPS it's about 2-5 minutes
Change registry value for the GPSLockWorkaround from 0 to 1 to enable the gps.
It can be found at:

Port and speed of internal GPS

I'm trying to configure Destinator 8 to work with my Diamond2. I'm supposed to set the following settins (in GPSTMC.ini file of destinator). Can you please help me out?
Port=2 ???
BaduRate=4800 ???
Protocol=1 ??? (1=SiRF, 2=NMEA, ...???)
I use in Smartmaps port 4 , baudrate 57600 and it works well.
I use Igo with port 4, Baud rate 57600
I don't understand what's going on with mine. Is there any chance that External GPS settings (Programs>Settings>System) have anything to do with this?
No. Leave it default.
The settings are as mentioned, port 4 and baudrate 57600
opensea said:
No. Leave it default.
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Can you please "define" default!? I was playing with all kinds of settings and I'm not sure any more!
papadi said:
Can you please "define" default!? I was playing with all kinds of settings and I'm not sure any more!
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He means leave the External GPS-settings as they are, dont touch. The GPS-applicationport should be COM4, hardwareport (or however its translated) should be "none", speed 4800. Leave it there.
Test these settings in your ini-file:
Port: 4
Baud: 57600
Protocol: 2
What error does Destinator give (if any)? If you experience any problems you could try to set the GPS-applicationport to something else, like COM8 and change the port to 8 in your ini-file.
smuppy said:
What error does Destinator give (if any)? If you experience any problems you could try to set the GPS-applicationport to something else, like COM8 and change the port to 8 in your ini-file.
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No luck. The only error reported by destinator is 'GPS antenna not found' (free translation of the Greek message).
I had the same or similar error when I installed Amaze GPS. Couldn't get it to work, not even with win mobile manageing things. Other Apps works fine so I stick to Gmaps and Gnav.
you can use Igo, it automatically detects these settings. + download QuickGPS to get really really fast satellite connection

