[APP IDEA] Sightseeing Helper - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I had a dream..
When I walked through Sanssouci Castle in Potsdam my girlfriend asked me a lot of questions about the castle and other Points of Interest. I took my raphael off my pocket every time to opened wikipedia and check for answers. Suddenly i had a very nice idea about an application for tourists. So if anyone knows a solution for any of the following features that would be nice:
1. mobile submits gps coordinates to a kind of server
2. server checks for POIs and looks up text about it (e.g. on wikipedia.org)
3. server sends text files to mobile
4. mobile "reads" text about POI so user can listen to it over headset while watching the POI
Doesn't that sound interesting?
what we need is a way to "translate" GPS coordinates to the name of a Point of interest if one exists there. Then we need to be able to get the text about the POI from a (free) online source and a text2speech engine thats reads it to the user.
Any ideas?

I like the idea. Here's something similar for Android
Have you seen this:
amazing integration of the handsets features.

Yeah i read about that program before, its amazing. So it just needs to be ported to winmo


Challenge from a Blackberry Convert

I am a recent convert from the Blackberry 7100g. The 8125 is a far superior device. The improved functionality is amazing. However there is an application for the blackberry called Berry411 (http://www.thebogles.com/blog/projects/berry411) which facilitates all types of web lookups. It can find everything from yellow page searches, white pages searches, lookup flight status, track packages, show sports scores, reverse lookup phone numbers, etc.
I know how deep the knowledge of this community is, so I issue this challenge...
"Is there an equivalent (free) app for Windows Mobile that I can use on the 8125 or Can this app be ported to this platform?"
Do I get a prize?
From that page:
Here is a free app from us. Its based off this: http://www.thebogles.com/blog/projects/berry411/
Berry 411 gives you instant access to yellow pages, white pages, Google, movie times, weather, encyclopedia, and Froogle results. The results are formatted to fit the screen.
It requires Compact Framework 2.0:
Its the exe. Just copy it to your PPC and run it.
You can get the Compact Framework 2.0 from Microsoft here:
Attached thumbnail(s)
Alex Kac, CEO/Founder
Innovation in Personal and Business Information Management
Thanks Alex
Once again I am humbled by the Pocket Informant Crew! I have been a cailthful user of PI since the early days of my iPAQ 3650 (the Compaq days). I'll check it out! As your reward... I will continue to sing the praises of your applications!
send a text to 46645?
Is there any way to incorporate any of the additional plugins of Berry411? Most importantly flights, rphone, sports.

Phone Application Recommendations?

Good evening guys! I'm a new user to the TyTN (Former Treo 650 user) and its a good phone. When I was using the Treo 650, I used this phone application which is pretty awesome! It's called TAKEphone by a company called ShSh. (http://www.shsh.com/main_takephone.htm) This application has this Enhanced Search Feature which I really need, yet can't find a program that does it for the Windows Mobile 5 OS. The following is an example of what TAKEphone does, and i'm trying to find a program just like it.
- Enhanced searching capabilities:
Search any combination of all fields.
4 search methods, including fast "Turbo" (sorted) search.
Allows 'And' operation of search strings.
Supports accented characters (umlauts).
Basically if i want to call my good friend "Johnathan Smith", i can just type his initials in, JS and it will query the phone for any letters i type, so if i have another friend with the same initials, for example, Jane Simpson, that will come up as well. It makes searching easier especially when you run a business and have over 500 contacts.
The best feature on the phone is, i can even narrow this search even more to an exact match, i can type "jo sm" and it'll find Johnathan Smith as well.
Well, if anyone knows any information of a program of this sort that i can purchase, can someone please let me know? Thanks a million!
I haven't seen an app like that for windows mobile but smart dialer is probably the closest your gonna get to it.
Something like that would be nice and i think my old nokia (about 5 years ago) had an option like that built in... what are you making me miss symbian?!?

My 3 - Usage Meter. Possible?

Hi guys,
I'm absolutely loving my phone atm. Just seems like I've found my perfect setup, and that I can do everything with my phone.
I especially love how I can display detailed weather in Today's screen.
From what I've seen, it seems like it accesses a website, then parse the data to find the actual weather.
This leads me to think, wouldn't it be cool if I'm able to see my mobile usage on my Today screen.
I'm living in Australia and am with 3 using Dopod d810 (htc p3600). People who use 3 will know that we have free and unlimited access to the My3 website to see our usage for the month at any time.
Just wondering:
1) It must be possible to write a program that parses that website and retrieve the data accordingly right?
2) Has anyone seen any app like this?
I'm more or less an experienced Java developer so I hope it won't be too hard to learn how to write a ppc app!
Lastly, thanks everyone in this forum who have contributed in making my phone, the most perfect I can imagine!!
Yeap its entirely possible. Its called screen scraping. Look up wikipedia.
I used to make a php application that parses data by looking up their html tags, so it's possible. But if the website supplies rss data then there's no need to do scraping.
Thanks for the tips, I'll definitely look it up...
How do you know if it supplies rss data btw?
wouldn't it be much easier to just install batterystatus
This can display outgoing texts, calls etc

[ ]Video Security - Can i be a remote spy???

so i have been thinking about my homes security and i have some questions...
i have collected quite a few expensive gadgets and they need protection!
So, i have been tinkering with my **** logitech orb web cam and it now supports motion detection. now call me crazy but i would like to be able to receive on my diamond, the video that has been recorded by a motion detection enabled web cam set up in my home. i'm trying to get my logitech web cam to save on my HP media smart server, running windows home server, not default on my laptop, and be notified by either sms that there is new video on my server or the video itself sent to my diamond. i would also like to be able to connect remotely to my laptop and be able to activate the camera software from a desktop link or something like that.
now i swear this is diamond related in the fact that i would like to use the device as a controller.
i have not used remote desktop on my diamond yet, i could not get it working.
i'm not sure if this is a app request, idea, or util so ill follow the forum template rules once this thread takes shape.
please shed some light on how one could make this happen. i think it could be useful to all of us, at home or place of business or your just want to bust your stupid parents snooping around your room.
so you are looking for an app that does the following:
act as webcam streaming server, but only when motion is detected, and when it does detect motion, it must notify you via sms, plus: you need a simple app for youre diamond to vie the stream..
i dont think I would be able to do this, but if you can clarify exacly what you want thinking WITH you is more easy...
on the other hand, i am sure the pc part has already some usefull apliactions wich are able to act as a server. but im not sure about the notification sms..
it would be ideal if that sms contained a link that you follow to open youre browser to view the stream...
what i know what is possible, there are apps for the pc that record video and send it via e-mail...
just use google for webcam security..
maybe there are pplz around here that can adapt software for u...
but i u seach im sure there are apps out there wich can do that... the only app you need is a browser capable of viewing video streams..
Would be good an app who detect movement, and then make several actions:
- Upload a photo/video on an FTP
- Save photo/video
- Play an AUDIO alarm
- Send an mms with the photo/video
- Send a warning sms
- Make a call (and let you listen what's happening)
....all when Movement is detected via the pda camera
What you are trying to accomplish is mostly already possible. You'll need to do some research and some creative thinking to get it to work though. You will most likely not get an all-in-one solution to this issue.
It sounds to me like the motion detection and subsequent video capture is already taking place via the software you have installed for your web cam.
Basically you need two things: A way to be notified of a new video file and a way to view it.
I'm not aware of any existing application which will send an email (which can arrive as an SMS) based on a new file being created in a directory, but as a programmer I can asure you there's not much to it.
There are however many solutions which would allow you to view a video file on your WM device from you computer at home and remote desktop is not the way to go here. Your best bet is probably good old http since most video applications will handle "streaming" to file to you as you watch. You'll need to familiarize yourself with IIS (Internet Information Server; I'm assuming you're using Windows) and create a "virtual directory" pointing at the folder where the video files arrive. You'll also need to take the necessary steps to open port 80 so that your computer at home can host via http (this means configuring your router and your computer's firewall). Once this is done just pick your favorite video player and choose "open URL" or something similar and type in http://YourExternalIP/YourVirtualDirectory/YourVideoFile.
I'll leave it up to you to figure out how to best make yourself aware of new files.
As LucidObscurity says there already are several solutions available to this through the combination of existing discrete applications, although .
My setup does does what you desire although goes quite a bit further so it may be overkill for your requirements. However, as food for thought it may still be of interest. It consists of:
- A series of Panasonic BL-C1 IP cameras distributed around my house (running on the wired house network, although wireless versions are available) - these are quite discrete cameras and don't have the typical 'camera look' hence are aesthetically compatible with partners, guests etc (most people I've pointed them out to hadn't noticed them and then didn't believe they were cameras)
- The motion detection/analysis software ZoneMinder - the 'brains' - this monitors the cameras, detects motion (in zoned areas) and records the events as required (it buffers the images so you can capture what happened before the trigger too)
- The SMS tool MercurySMS (and VGSMail gateway) used to alert me via text when motion has been detected (the texts contain various event-related details/stats and a link to the recording)
- A handful of other scripts used for small housekeeping tasks e.g. scheduling the starting/stopping of the system, realtime offsite backup of recorded material (there's no point me capturing a thief on video if he then goes an nicks my PC!), etc
- My Diamond, or any other device with a web browser, used to interface with the system - controlling/configuring it, accessing live/recorded video etc. A web front end is essential in my opinion - you don't want to tie access down to a single platform/device.
Whilst it's not a setup that is up-and-running out of the box now that's it's fully configured it works well - very well. False alarms are practically nill and it doesn't miss a thing. Remote access via the web is powerful and as simple/complicated as you want - on holiday my girlfriend regularly fires up the quick 'snapshot' montage to keep an eye on our cats (we do have a dedicated 'catcam' monitoring the catflap so we can see the history of who came in/out and when).
I'm sure there are some all-in-one solutions available but they likely come at a cost and perhaps do not have the power and flexibility of a modularised solution - it'd be worth seeing what's available though.
thanks for all your replies. great read.
i just want all my systems, Windows Home Server, Vista Home Pro and WM6.1 to come together. i will take a look into the apps you have linked to and see whats what.
i already have the ability to record with motion detection. when a new file is created in a folder on my home server, i want to be notified and linked to or streamed. i have remote access to my file via browser [ blazeitup123.homeserver.com ]. i can't get the logitech software to actually save to the server because it says i dont have the rights. i'll try and fix that tonight after dinner, but saving to the server is very improtant because my laptop could be stolen and then the whole setup was pointless. i want to incorperate my diamond into this process as much as possible, like with the remote activation and so on.
Wooow this is one of the coolest threads I read in a long time.
Although I'm not as advanced as some of the members regarding computing, I was thinking:
-Cam software streaming to remote address.
-When motion is detected, cam starts recording, thus creating movement in the remote address.
-When new connection(movement) is detected, you activate a new RSS feed.
-You get RSS notification on phone.
-Connect to remote address and check the stream.
What about:
A spy cam on the Diamond, I mean that you could hide your phone somewhere and point it at a certain spot you want to view. Then remotely access the phone and view the live stream?
Since the phone is so small its an easy hide.
Greetings to all and luck in all your great projects!
you should actually look here...
Looks good. I've also found Wapcam
(Seems to alert via e-mail to you could use either push e-mail or an email-to-SMS gateway for instant alerts)
shogunmark said:
you should actually look here...
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looks like great software. ill try the trail and it only 20 dollars to buy . seems very simple to. i want something more server based because my laptop would be the first thing out the door.
Blazeitup123 said:
looks like great software. ill try the trail and it only 20 dollars to buy . seems very simple to. i want something more server based because my laptop would be the first thing out the door.
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Perhaps you should invest in a big dog.
I m using this one:
U have there SecuRanger 2 Support 4 video channels
or one Camera only: SecuExpress 2
SecuExpress 2
both come with WM application for remote / viewing etc..
Take a look at orb.com. It has the ability to sms or email you if it detects movement. You could then connect to your home webcam through the phone's' browser.
...a good spy, like a 007 , should be able to SPY also without his PC
The only one that i've found is Invisible Shooter... for symbian os there are a lot of those apps (no pc needed), but for the pda there aren't many... (see the post #3)

Free applications as per request

Hi all
I am a software developer and I am interested in developing smartphone applications on my spare time (and I have a lot) for free.
What I need is ideas…. Meaning, me my self has HTC Diamond and all of my application needs is modest but I am sure that you guys probably have more needs then I do and …. My be you can help me help you … so bring on the ideas (… just not themes and all of this kind of applications).
csharpcoder4u said:
Hi all
I am a software developer and I am interested in developing smartphone applications on my spare time (and I have a lot) for free.
What I need is ideas…. Meaning, me my self has HTC Diamond and all of my application needs is modest but I am sure that you guys probably have more needs then I do and …. My be you can help me help you … so bring on the ideas (… just not themes and all of this kind of applications).
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Very good.
Okay, I've got a request:
I need a little program, which is the same like BluePower which switches BT on when connecting to AC but a little bit more extended.
So, 2 things are very needed:
1. A popup which asks if BT should really switched on (YES/NO; Standard: YES)
2. This prog should recognize if a BT-device is connected so BT should stay on when loosing AC-Power
That's for now
- how about an application that converts any selected email or sms into an appointment
simple but very very usuful
photo uploader
hi, i'm looking for a program to upload, pictures/photo's/video to my own website. like, you make a picture and then you can select to upload it to your own specified website. maybe also the posebillety with gps position and some comments. don't know if it's possible.
pls think about it!
grtz heyk
hey i m looking for photoeditor for elfin can u made it
Really cool would be, to have an small app like g-profile, which for example turns on wi-fi on an fixed placed at an fixed time.
for example i come home, it recognizes this gsm singnal, and wi-fi turns on.
or i get to work, its not yet my breakt and it turns the volume to just vibra. than my break starts and volume turns up.
gprofile can do such thing but just with one reason, gsm OR time, i would need both
i want if you fancy making a simple but functional hard key program swapper so i can change the hardkeys setting easily to other programs.
thanks for the offer wish I could do this.
I wouldlike to log calls in contact notes like agendasfusion.
callcalendaris close but buggyand logsonly incalendar.
a weather app like weatherpanel where wallpaperis live radar
a calculator app with running tape, and a transparent keyboard
looks like youre gonna be busy!
i was thinkin recently of working with someone to make some palm pre-like apps
the fluidity of the apps on that device ive seen in preview vids and the wonderful use of the small screen real estate (no top and bottom bars, minimal buttons), is something that is almost necessary on screens like my htc touch (same screen size as the palm pre)
so, i would provide all the graphics for these apps, just need a developer
i think so far pocketcm contacts has contacts/sms covered.. very smooth scrolling, with a skin i can acheive the same simplicity and great use of fullscreen view on a small screen as i whippd up in this photoshop mockup:
i think what winmo needs is a good email interceptor app.. there are none that are skinnable to the extent of pocketcm contacts or as fluid, and then an image viewer (see palm pre screenshots of that app here -simple but very useful-:http://www.engadget.com/photos/palm-pre-official-ui-shots-1/1290333/ you can find videos all over) and a similar calendar app
most needed is the email app
if you could develop trust me.. you would have an insane following of obedient users
weve been looking for one for a long time, but its never come thru
if you make it, ill provide graphics!
think about it
What about a application, an actual good and working application that lets you create group distribution lists for email groups in your contacts similar to how the blackberry allows you to do it from their contact list and be able to use the group listing whether creating a new email or forwarding an email. I am shocked that this issue hasn't been addressed sooner.
dexstar said:
i want if you fancy making a simple but functional hard key program swapper so i can change the hardkeys setting easily to other programs.
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Try http://ae.inc.ru its called AE Button plus and its free
Woah man ur gonna be real busy
I like to be simple so........how about an application that will turn a picture into the real thing, like sayyy; Jessica Alba
fatso485 said:
- how about an application that converts any selected email or sms into an appointment
simple but very very usuful
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Complete lack of integration between calendar + contacts and email + contacts is very disheartening!
My problem is that I do a lot of presentations, and all the presentation pointer/remote apps out there cannot meet my needs in terms of simplicity. All of them require me to run a server app on my PC.
I have used one in Palm that emulates a bluetooth HID keyboard/mouse, meaning it can do anything that your mouse or keyboard can do. The app requires to have virtual keys for Ctrl, Alt, Del, Function keys.
Link to the BlueRemote software
fatso485 said:
- how about an application that converts any selected email or sms into an appointment
simple but very very usuful
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Maybe a suggestion, in Microsoft Office, If we copy/paste or drag-drop email to Calender, then it becomes an appointment.
Maybe this could help you in some thinking...
Papi Jump
My idea is to make a game, similar to Papi Jump (a great game for iPhone) - you can see the game on this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQxltToeNXo . It's an arcade game - you control a jumping ball with tilting your device.
It would be great if could make this game work for Windows Mobile.
Since we're all tossing stuff into the "wishing well", I can add something too
An application that would scroll RSS feeds on Home screen in Manila.
Of course, such an app isn't hard to make, the RSS Hub saves its channels into simple files - the problem is how to incorporate it into Home screen.
Well, I got an idea for that as well! Recently a small program called Personalizer showed up that enables us to change the network provider name into anything we want - that would be the perfect place for RSS scroller to show up! And since there already exists a way to modify this data, I suppose it would be possible to use Personalizer as backdoor for the feeds to show up in that text filed!
Even if they wouldn't actually "scroll", I think they could be made to change every 4-5 seconds.
fatso485 said:
- how about an application that converts any selected email or sms into an appointment
simple but very very usuful
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Or how about a Config-Editor for FingerPoint? ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=499734 ) - so there's no more need to edit the XML Config File manually?
How about an application that reminds you to drink water and tracks how much water you have drank per day. As everyone should know, the average male should drink 3 to 5 liters of water everyday and ladies should drink 2 to 4 liters.
How about a litle app that:
1-Reminds you to drink
2-Allows you to input how much water you have drank (when reminded or manually)
In the long run, you could monitor how much water you consume on a monthly,qaurterly ,biannually and yearly basis.

