[ ]Video Security - Can i be a remote spy??? - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

so i have been thinking about my homes security and i have some questions...
i have collected quite a few expensive gadgets and they need protection!
So, i have been tinkering with my **** logitech orb web cam and it now supports motion detection. now call me crazy but i would like to be able to receive on my diamond, the video that has been recorded by a motion detection enabled web cam set up in my home. i'm trying to get my logitech web cam to save on my HP media smart server, running windows home server, not default on my laptop, and be notified by either sms that there is new video on my server or the video itself sent to my diamond. i would also like to be able to connect remotely to my laptop and be able to activate the camera software from a desktop link or something like that.
now i swear this is diamond related in the fact that i would like to use the device as a controller.
i have not used remote desktop on my diamond yet, i could not get it working.
i'm not sure if this is a app request, idea, or util so ill follow the forum template rules once this thread takes shape.
please shed some light on how one could make this happen. i think it could be useful to all of us, at home or place of business or your just want to bust your stupid parents snooping around your room.

so you are looking for an app that does the following:
act as webcam streaming server, but only when motion is detected, and when it does detect motion, it must notify you via sms, plus: you need a simple app for youre diamond to vie the stream..
i dont think I would be able to do this, but if you can clarify exacly what you want thinking WITH you is more easy...
on the other hand, i am sure the pc part has already some usefull apliactions wich are able to act as a server. but im not sure about the notification sms..
it would be ideal if that sms contained a link that you follow to open youre browser to view the stream...
what i know what is possible, there are apps for the pc that record video and send it via e-mail...
just use google for webcam security..
maybe there are pplz around here that can adapt software for u...
but i u seach im sure there are apps out there wich can do that... the only app you need is a browser capable of viewing video streams..

Would be good an app who detect movement, and then make several actions:
- Upload a photo/video on an FTP
- Save photo/video
- Play an AUDIO alarm
- Send an mms with the photo/video
- Send a warning sms
- Make a call (and let you listen what's happening)
....all when Movement is detected via the pda camera

What you are trying to accomplish is mostly already possible. You'll need to do some research and some creative thinking to get it to work though. You will most likely not get an all-in-one solution to this issue.
It sounds to me like the motion detection and subsequent video capture is already taking place via the software you have installed for your web cam.
Basically you need two things: A way to be notified of a new video file and a way to view it.
I'm not aware of any existing application which will send an email (which can arrive as an SMS) based on a new file being created in a directory, but as a programmer I can asure you there's not much to it.
There are however many solutions which would allow you to view a video file on your WM device from you computer at home and remote desktop is not the way to go here. Your best bet is probably good old http since most video applications will handle "streaming" to file to you as you watch. You'll need to familiarize yourself with IIS (Internet Information Server; I'm assuming you're using Windows) and create a "virtual directory" pointing at the folder where the video files arrive. You'll also need to take the necessary steps to open port 80 so that your computer at home can host via http (this means configuring your router and your computer's firewall). Once this is done just pick your favorite video player and choose "open URL" or something similar and type in http://YourExternalIP/YourVirtualDirectory/YourVideoFile.
I'll leave it up to you to figure out how to best make yourself aware of new files.

As LucidObscurity says there already are several solutions available to this through the combination of existing discrete applications, although .
My setup does does what you desire although goes quite a bit further so it may be overkill for your requirements. However, as food for thought it may still be of interest. It consists of:
- A series of Panasonic BL-C1 IP cameras distributed around my house (running on the wired house network, although wireless versions are available) - these are quite discrete cameras and don't have the typical 'camera look' hence are aesthetically compatible with partners, guests etc (most people I've pointed them out to hadn't noticed them and then didn't believe they were cameras)
- The motion detection/analysis software ZoneMinder - the 'brains' - this monitors the cameras, detects motion (in zoned areas) and records the events as required (it buffers the images so you can capture what happened before the trigger too)
- The SMS tool MercurySMS (and VGSMail gateway) used to alert me via text when motion has been detected (the texts contain various event-related details/stats and a link to the recording)
- A handful of other scripts used for small housekeeping tasks e.g. scheduling the starting/stopping of the system, realtime offsite backup of recorded material (there's no point me capturing a thief on video if he then goes an nicks my PC!), etc
- My Diamond, or any other device with a web browser, used to interface with the system - controlling/configuring it, accessing live/recorded video etc. A web front end is essential in my opinion - you don't want to tie access down to a single platform/device.
Whilst it's not a setup that is up-and-running out of the box now that's it's fully configured it works well - very well. False alarms are practically nill and it doesn't miss a thing. Remote access via the web is powerful and as simple/complicated as you want - on holiday my girlfriend regularly fires up the quick 'snapshot' montage to keep an eye on our cats (we do have a dedicated 'catcam' monitoring the catflap so we can see the history of who came in/out and when).
I'm sure there are some all-in-one solutions available but they likely come at a cost and perhaps do not have the power and flexibility of a modularised solution - it'd be worth seeing what's available though.

thanks for all your replies. great read.
i just want all my systems, Windows Home Server, Vista Home Pro and WM6.1 to come together. i will take a look into the apps you have linked to and see whats what.
i already have the ability to record with motion detection. when a new file is created in a folder on my home server, i want to be notified and linked to or streamed. i have remote access to my file via browser [ blazeitup123.homeserver.com ]. i can't get the logitech software to actually save to the server because it says i dont have the rights. i'll try and fix that tonight after dinner, but saving to the server is very improtant because my laptop could be stolen and then the whole setup was pointless. i want to incorperate my diamond into this process as much as possible, like with the remote activation and so on.

Wooow this is one of the coolest threads I read in a long time.
Although I'm not as advanced as some of the members regarding computing, I was thinking:
-Cam software streaming to remote address.
-When motion is detected, cam starts recording, thus creating movement in the remote address.
-When new connection(movement) is detected, you activate a new RSS feed.
-You get RSS notification on phone.
-Connect to remote address and check the stream.
What about:
A spy cam on the Diamond, I mean that you could hide your phone somewhere and point it at a certain spot you want to view. Then remotely access the phone and view the live stream?
Since the phone is so small its an easy hide.
Greetings to all and luck in all your great projects!

you should actually look here...

Looks good. I've also found Wapcam
(Seems to alert via e-mail to you could use either push e-mail or an email-to-SMS gateway for instant alerts)

shogunmark said:
you should actually look here...
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looks like great software. ill try the trail and it only 20 dollars to buy . seems very simple to. i want something more server based because my laptop would be the first thing out the door.

Blazeitup123 said:
looks like great software. ill try the trail and it only 20 dollars to buy . seems very simple to. i want something more server based because my laptop would be the first thing out the door.
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Perhaps you should invest in a big dog.

I m using this one:
U have there SecuRanger 2 Support 4 video channels
or one Camera only: SecuExpress 2
SecuExpress 2
both come with WM application for remote / viewing etc..

Take a look at orb.com. It has the ability to sms or email you if it detects movement. You could then connect to your home webcam through the phone's' browser.

...a good spy, like a 007 , should be able to SPY also without his PC
The only one that i've found is Invisible Shooter... for symbian os there are a lot of those apps (no pc needed), but for the pda there aren't many... (see the post #3)


ActiveNotQuiteSync Doing My Head in

Saw the other thread where the other guy initially could and then lost the ability to ActiveSync to his PC - exactly the same has happened to me.
Here is what I tried and it worked:
* Connect Pocket PC
* Go to Network Connections and Find the Local Area Network Connection for the Pocket PC
* Properties
* Make sure TCPIP is selected
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"Find the Local Area Network Connection for the Pocket PC" - NOPE!! no matter how many icons & tabs etc I tap, i simply CANNOT find this!
What I get on my PC is:
USB Device not recognised: Q: Is there a USB driver I need to install & if so where can I get it from (via the internet).
What I get on my Uni (eventually) is:
Pocket PC Networking
Unable to obtain a server-assinged
IP address. Try again later or
enter an IP address in Network Settings
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Server-assigned IP address??? You're kidding me right? I think I need some insight into what ActiveSync is actually doing here!
Yep, it's rant time boys & girls....
Now as an aside, is it just me but is something basically amiss with these things - Sync'ing to a PC SHOULD BE A BLOODY DODDLE- EASY - NO DICKING ABOUT, but hell no - infinite levels of crap to wade through encountering insane use of TLAs (yep, there you go, another one). God, why can't they K I S S ???? (and another one). What I mean is that I've been using PCs since day dot. I am an honours degree qualified electronics engineer - I desgin hardware & write real time embedded software systems, so if I am getting pi$$ed off with the damn thing, what chance has your average mug in the street??????? :shock:
Andy (currently rigging up a sturdy hessian rope with a noose in it)
TLA = Three Letter Anacroynims (sp)
Good-o, know one knows how to do this (what should be simple, but hell no) task.
Bloody great!
Can't sync to a PC, can't install any programs, utterly useless as a PPC device all down to some sh1te convoluted bollocks piece of software.
I can now measure time wasted in YEARs on similar, badly written software.
hey dude
take a few deep breaths and lets start at the beginning eh
this should be a simple straight forward process and suspect you have missed the simple bit and launched straight into complex related issues, I suspect that it relates to the using of a USB Hub.
so lets "KISS" ehm, slight cough, blush
1. Dont use a USB hub
2. Delete all partnerships that you have created on both the PC and the PPC
3. Ensure you are running XP SP2 on the PC
4. Ensure you are running ActiveSync 4.1
5. Reboot both the PC and soft reset PPC
6. Go into task manager on the PPC and ensure activesync didnt auto start on soft reset
7. Open outlook on the PC and ensure it is upto date and connected if you are running it with exchange
8. Plug the PPC via the Sync cable directly into the USB port on the PC (not a hub)
9. Wizard should start, at this point, untick the box about exchange server
10. Following the wizard, deselect all options for synchronisation
(we can add some options later, but lets get to the basic partnership setup first)
Now then, those are the simple basic steps. What I would like to know before we get much further is:
1. What do you see? Did you get a wizard pop up to create the partnership?
2. Did you successfully create the partnership
3. Did it synchronise on the activesync screen
4. Did you get an error message on the PC? If so what is the description? If so, go to the PPC open up activesync on the PPC and tell me what the error code is, if any and details of last sync?
If you have successfully created your partnership and it says synchroniZed even though nothing is actually sync'd yet, we have a good start. You can now start installing programs before we sync any data.
I personally choose to extract the cab files that are used during the sync file and copy them to my SD card so I dont need an activesync connection to install.
The CAB files are normally located in \program files\microsoft activesync\ once you have run the setup program on the PC. Alternatively, they can be found in their own personal program directory. I have only ever found one situation that I couldnt find the cab file for. Now all of my source programs are on an SD card and can be reinstalled anytime, anywhere without my PC.
Eitherway, if this is now working, and you have your partnership, first sync something simple like your favourites, or files.
Once this happens, can you now choose just your contacts, then your calendar, then your tasks.
At this point, you can move one step further and decide whether you would like to use your outlook email to sync directly, or through a GPRS/WIFI facility directly to an exchange server.
Thats enough for now. Lets get back to the beginning and work through this simply.
Some other forums that may help....
Morphosin found solutions to his here:
and some more
as is obvious, you are not the only one. So some deep breaths, tell me what is going on, try to follow the above, read up on issues faced by others and see if they can assist, then let me know how you go and we can start to trouble shoot. I assure you it will be simple, and even if I cant help, each time we communicate this discussion will bounce to the top again and people far more knowledge that us will but in say, hey morons, click here and its done... and all will go away.
@simon_darley thank you very much that was very helpful (btw, no hubs to speak of).
Story so far.
Let me get this off my chest first...
How friggin COMPLICATED can something get???? 2 days of searching, reading, installing, uninstalling, falling down holes & climbing out again, faffing & frigging about. All of it needlessly!
Bad buggy software - as a result, many hoops to jump through.
See these were my goals & I think I have it (almost) all sussed now:
1) Sync to PC via a physical USB cable - easy? - nope. ONLY reason to do this is for installation of software. (Sod that sync tasks bollocks, I couldn't give a toss). A little snipped from some dude (here) mentioned the fact that this was unnecessary & could be achived via copying CAB files onto SD media & then installing software on the PPC itself - GREAT :lol:
2) WiFi connection (at work) so I could browse the internet - why? Because it was there & I was interested to see if I could do it. 3 hours later I'm in - thankyou very much! :wink: Some arsehole programmer thought it would be a good idea to make the SSID (a 26 character HEX code), CASE SENSITIVE and relay the keystrokes back to the user as a series of sodding '*'s.... :evil: In the process I've had to learn all sorts of stuff about EAP, LEAP, WiFi LAN access point (Beacons), Wireless clients, The 802.11 standard & hence WEP (and dynamic WEP keys), SSID, EAP, LEAP, WPA TKIP & finally the fact that of all those listed, my PDA uses the adapter: "tiacxwln Compatable Wireless Ethernet": to use server-assigned IP addresses (i.e. use DHCP).
3) A nice simple BlueTooth connection to my PC so that I can browse the internet on my PDA while my wife does the same on the PC - This turned out to be a TWO DAY exercise: Let me list some problems.
Bug - Can't use the WinXP SP2 Bluetooth drivers.
Bug - Can't install the WIDCOMM drivers as they are not certified. (There is a workaround guide, but COME ON GUYS!!).
Bug - If you've pissed about with BlueTooth COM ports, WIDCOMM can't 'go back' as it were to use the lower COM ports (COM9 & below), the assigned COM ports keep increasing. This would be fine if it were not for a ...
BUG - PDA BlueTooth can only use COM ports up to COM9 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Hence: Had to uninstall WIDCOMM
Hence: Had to reinstall WinXP BlueTooth driver
Hence: could then (in a convoluted manner) 'recover' the com ports from COM9 and below.
Hence: Then had to uninstall the WinXP USB Driver
Hence: Then had to reinstall the WIDCOM drivers (and go through all that certification bollox again).
Hence: The PC Could then be set up to use a Serial Comms 'service' on a COM port assignment on a COM9 port or less!!!!
Hence: Then had to REBOOT
Hence: Then had to remove any partnerships
Hence: Then had to use a password OF MORE THAN 8 CHARACTERS - some guy mentioned It does allow you to enter less than 8 characters but doing so screws thing up. ARRRGH AGIAN :twisted:
Hence: New partnership on PPC
More dicking about making my internet connection an available 'service' over Bluetooth'
FINALLY get to connect to the internet :lol: :lol: :lol:
But, hold on, the fat bird isn't singing yet, GPRS is now sticking it's nose in insisting it's the (expensive) path to the internet & keeps popping a nag up, regardless of the fact that I keep telling it to f-off!
Oh, and the damn thing seems to keep disconnecting every 5 mins. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!!
Anyway, getting there :wink:
Phew. Anyone who knows how to get rid of that poxy GPRS - 3G thing (yes I know its a medium so I guess I mean that useless boil on the arse of humanity called WAP) & also how to keep the damn thing connected - I think it's an Activesync issue....
Anyway, I'm now off to the top of my local bell tower with a fully loaded high-powered rifle with telescopic sights & 10,000 rounds of ammo, disguised as a postman.
hey andy
werent you the guy that got a nice cheap phone hacked the parts, put it back together, and now over the moon.... ?? thought it was you i read about, may be not.
Hmmmm gprs..... hmmmm fun aint it.
try this cab file..... it stops the auto detect and thus removes the "G" in the screen, I found it effective.
I think you can still connect it, but have to go through the manual process of going into connections, press and hold, select connect. otherwise it wont auto connect at all, it saved me heaps, and I never really used it at all. Otherwise, you can simply go in and delete the settings yourself when you like.
Re Activsync, you may find that it auto starts, and thus tries to start the gprs. this can be rectified by going to activesync on the PDA, create a server source, as fictitious entry. find the connection periods and set all to manual. Then delete the settings entirely. This should prevent activesync from autostarting, and more importantly kick starting GPRS.
oh well, think of it on the bright side, you are getting to use all tha education you paid a fortune for....
let me know how you go with activesync and gprs...
werent you the guy that got a nice cheap phone hacked the parts, put it back together, and now over the moon.... ?? thought it was you i read about, may be not.
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Tha's me!
Hmmmm gprs..... hmmmm fun aint it.
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And WiFi
And BlueTooth
And ActiveSync
And this qVGA thing (still amazed at that - "hey guys lets put a full 640x480 expensive top of the range VGA display on these things", followed by "hey guys lets NOT use the full display capabilites, let's piss everyone off and only actually design an OS that uses a QUARTER of it's capabilites and use 320x240?!?!?!?!" - my God in Heaven!!!!!!!!! :evil: )
try this cab file..... it stops the auto detect and thus removes the "G" in the screen, I found it effective.
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Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you (again)
I think you can still connect it....
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I think I can safely say that I will NEVER EVER connect to the internet using crappy WAP. Crap & expensive & slow & useless & what's the point?
oh well, think of it on the bright side, you are getting to use all tha education you paid a fortune for....
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You cheeky little a-rab. :lol: Anyway I'm old enough to have missed tuition fees here in the UK, so my 4 years Honours Degree course was not paid for by yours truley :wink: Hell I even got a grant :wink: :wink:
Anyway I must say this, you have been more than helpful & understanding of my foul temper! You see my fault is that as an engineer (my wife is now rolling her eyes skyward), when I see things badly designed it just does my head in because it does not take much more effort to make things so much more better - it beggers belief sometimes and I have to wonder if they actually try using some of these God awful programs & drivers - like I may have already mentioned, how is your average guy in the street meant to cope????
underwurlde said:
And this qVGA thing (still amazed at that - "hey guys lets put a full 640x480 expensive top of the range VGA display on these things", followed by "hey guys lets NOT use the full display capabilites, let's piss everyone off and only actually design an OS that uses a QUARTER of it's capabilites and use 320x240?!?!?!?!" - my God in Heaven!!!!!!!!! :evil: )
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Thats not strictly true...
it is running at 640x480, always!!!!
its the font sizes and dpi the applications run at that makes it look like qvga.
try the latest pocket breeze, full vga support, looks amazing.
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my old mans an engineer (marine/mechanical).
i left home early....
he is a great guy from 15,000km away (he is in Perth, WA and I moved to Brisbane, QLD), same continent, just opposite sides of it. now we get along great
one advantage of the GPRS, quizz shows.... you can win the prize competitions by googling whilst in the show, and it doesnt look as obvious and it isnt WAP, it should be full internet access with googling ability.
if you get 3g on the correct plan its reasonably usable and also gives you TSC/RDP connections into your servers whilst on the road. note, beware the standard 3G is voice capable only at 128kbps, but it should be able to and can be requested to run at 384kbps.
either way, i dont really use it either, its simply to expensive. i just run wifi at home and works a treat.
it is running at 640x480, always!!!!
its the font sizes and dpi the applications run at that makes it look like qvga.
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I think that was what I was trying to say... :roll: Anyway what's that pocket breeze thing then????? Link / file DEFINATELY needed!!!! :lol:
my old mans an engineer (marine/mechanical).
i left home early....
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Probably because he spent most of his time shouting at his PC. (Just like what I've spent the entire weekend doing... Saying that I seem to be missing a daughter - and she's only 3 1/2... The other one is packing her suitcase - not bad for a 2 year old).
one advantage of the GPRS, quizz shows.... you can win the prize competitions by googling whilst in the show, and it doesnt look as obvious and it isnt WAP, it should be full internet access with googling ability.
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Wierd. chaps here at work are intregued... Can you expand a little (I'm a bit slow at these things) & provide some site addresses please?
Thanks guys - now the dust is finally settling, things are getting (even) more interesting on this little Xda Exec..
re quizz shows, what i meant was things like quizz nights and business nights out when there are prizes and games such as "the most poisonous snake" or the longest river or biggest river etc etc
you can google this sort of information and get the right answer inside the show. it doesnt stand out as much when you are using a phone rather than a laptop or computer, but with fast internet access you can get the answer 99% of the time, in the time frame.
just dont get caught...
pocket breeze is a today plugin pim system,
i hardly ever use calendar, tasks, inbox, notes, etc thats to pocket breeze,
take a look and install the demo, it roxx, just get rid of the mail, calendar, tasks plugins from today and use this as an all in one, it hardly impacts performance with the right settings, eg, turn off expand/collapse, turn off the entry counters etc, with these little tweaks its nice and smooth.
reduce the font sizes down aswell, you get vga res text.
personally i think breeze is the best pim management system there is, i tried pocket informant but for impact it had.
lost again!
LOL...I get you now, sneaky git! :wink: Like it, my kind of scam.
Just another question...
The rar file you sent me, erm , now I've installed it now what? Is it a program (if so where is it hiding) or is it a reg hack?
Steep learning curve going on here!
Thanks again,
FINALLY get to connect to the internet
But, hold on, the fat bird isn't singing yet, GPRS is now sticking it's nose in insisting it's the (expensive) path to the internet & keeps popping a nag up, regardless of the fact that I keep telling it to f-off!
Just another question...
The rar file you sent me, erm , now I've installed it now what? Is it a program (if so where is it hiding) or is it a reg hack?
The rar file, is actually a cab file, and can simply be downloaded to your device, and click to run, it will auto install and from that point, not be removable. It was an "O2" release not an Imate release, but works on both.
I dont know what it is, I dont know how it works, but I do know that it stopped my JJ from auto connecting to the internet whenever i clicked or touched something that needed an internet address. It basically stops the device from detecting that the option is available, and thus if the system detects a need, it cant find the connection directly.
It basically set the system to have no internet connection, unless you manually open a connection, eg via WIFI, Bluetooth AS, or manually making the GPRS connection by going start > connections > connections and locating the connection, then press and hold to make the connection. It was so long and convoluted, that it never happened and i never connected using GPRS/3G unless i was desperate (like quizz shows ...
There are other reasons why it connects in the first place and somethings that you need to look at was why was it trying in the first place.
1. Activsync automatically starting as mentioned
2. Pressing the "Web" key on the keyboard, which auto starts PIE, which if you havent changed to \windows\default.thm rather than the default www.clubimate.com or other similar, then it would auto start the GPRS as it "detected" that GPRS was available.
3. MSN Messenger not closing properly and trying to reconnect
4. Closing a WIFI connect when the device hasnt shut down an Internet connection
So, what it is supposed to do is shut the direct availability detection method the system uses. I dont really know how successful it was, but you should now see the removal of the "G" and "U" icon, which should now have a symbol similar in nature to the active connection, but with a cross through it.
In summary, i dont know... it was something that was given to me in this forum months ago as i also got "upset" by the auto connect feature. After adjusting the AS settings, and changing the Internet shortcut button, i didnt need it anymore, and still dont run it on my device as it doesnt auto connect as much anymore at all.
Now, it only auto connects when i click on a link in my email and i dont have wifi open, which was my fault not the device fault for clicking the link in the first place.

PocketPC as MIDI controller?

This may be a stupid question, but is it possible to send real-time MIDI data over the USB link between PPC and computer (or via a wifi SD card for that matter)?
I've been playing with this Clanger Theremin app that turns your PPC touchscreen into a musical instrument of sorts - movement on the X axis changes pitch, movement on the Y axis changes volume.
It would be great if the entire touchscreen could be set up to send changes in MIDI values to a program running on the PC, also using the X and Y axes. Once MIDI data can be transferred, you could play the tuba via your PPC, or scratch virtual records like a dj, or really do just about anything.
There's already a program in development that allows you to do this with a Wacom drawing tablet (http://www.livelab.dk/tablet2midi.php), but a drawing tablet is already set up via USB to be a human input device or whatever you call it, so I wonder if the link between tablet and computer is at all similar to that between PPC and computer.
So would something like this be possible? Or is this just a pipe dream?
Wouldn't you just create a server on the desktop and get the client to connect to it through the Activesync network connection or bluetooth personal area network? The server would then have to behave like a MIDI device which might be the hard part. Would the PocketPC client produce MIDI events or send simpler x/y coordinates to the server which would then generate MIDI events?
this is a bloody excellent idea!!!
i can never have enough x/y pads!!!!!
anyone fancy a crack at it?
it should be pretty simple!
should have the option that when its touched it activates a switch (simple NOTE ON when pressed/ NOTE OFF when released). ive got annoyed with many xy pads for that reason!
i have a friend who may find this pretty easy.. sadly my code skills in that area are lacking severely.
i suspect he is too busy though..
i am quite liking the idea of the server/client method, with the ppc sending the data to a server that then converts that to midi data...
perhaps even a clever card export style driver emulation.. (only requires a pc driver instead of server program)
assignable hardware buttons!! great for activating effects..
anyone got any ideas?
edit: had another idea
great, i'm glad somebody else likes this idea! I guess the question is - how do you get a project like this started? I also don't have the coding experience that would allow me to make this myself.
Could I (or we, if there are more people that want this made) offer some sort of bounty for a finished app? Is there any system in place online for doing something like this? Something where you give a list of necessary specs and then post a reward for delivering a working app?
I certainly couldn't offer heaps, but if a bunch of people got together who wanted this and chipped in a bit of money each, perhaps it might motivate somebody to spend some time creating the thing. Programmers: how much would it take to convince you to spend some time creating something like this?
Or, if any experienced coders out there have a couple of ideas on how to do this and could point me in the right direction, perhaps I could do some research and eventually build this myself. As it is right now, I don't have a clue as to how to begin - can you send data of any kind down the USB link? Or over bluetooth, or wifi? What language should be used to program this?
Otherwise, if you're already interested in making a pocketpc into an x/y controller, and have the skills to do it, I can tell you that it'll be greatly appreciated.. Maybe I should post this topic outside of the Magician forum, as something like this could be useful for anybody with a pocketpc that has a touchscreen.
Anyway, I really hope that this can someday happen, it would be wonderful if it could. Perhaps focusing on MIDI data is a bad idea - if the touchscreen could be used to control anything on the PC then it might appeal to a wider range of users (and programmers). Imagine using your touchscreen via bluetooth to control Winamp from across the room, just moving your thumb up or down to raise or lower volume. I'm sure there are a huge variety of other uses that could come in handy as well. Assignable hardware buttons would be amazing...
There is already plenty of software that allows you to control your PC via your PPC (pocket VLC, winamp remote etc etc etc) but this doesnt neccesarily help matters.
If you have to have the controller on the screen of the host machine... you may as well be using a damn mouse.
I suggest a complete midi send system that will make the ppc work as if it is a real MIDI controller. This way you can use it as a system of control for elements that wont be controlled by devices you can have on-screen.
Im going to look into this later, im just about to do some important house related things
keep the ideas coming

Webview.exe webview.dll tell me how to get this to work

Can anyone go to this site and download the webview.exe file launch the dll module and show the controls for my security cameras on their pda or pocket pc.
I have tried this on the 700wx and also on the 6800 mogul. I like the mogul much better so I took the treo back.
I can get to this site from a regular size desktop and also my laptop. When you go to the site it asks you to download the webview.exe file and run it. This puts the webview.dll file (module) in the same directory that you downloaded the webview.exe file to; with no problems. It then launches the web interface with a login screen. You login to the server and look at the 16 cameras in real time. When I try with my mogul I get a message that says webview.exe is "not a pocket pc application"
I tried copying and pasting the webview.dll file to my mogul but I don't know where to put it or how to launch the webview.dll module.
the compression I am using to show the live stream is h.264 or I can use mpeg4.
IP address:
Please help....
I 'm on the XDA's developers site;I just knew all my questions would be answered by now.
Look Guys, I don't want to come off sounding like a pompous idiot who thinks he can prod u guys into doing his homework for him. It's just that I got this 6800 on recomendations that I had read in the forums and I really do want to keep this one.
I have purchased three phones in the past week. I started out with the Treo 755p took it back because it had the Palm OS I was sure that was not going to work, but the Sprint sales guy assured me this was better than the 700wx because in his opinion Palm OS was better than WM5. I played with it for two days reboxed and took it back, I switched it for the 700wx because it has Windows OS the best and newest thing in Palm. He was right; it is, if you don't have a need to see streaming security cameras.
I took it back to another sprint store because the guy had gotten frustrated and says to me He can not switch phones more than once. Hmmmmmm
In the past few days I have been reading the forums; I think it was at Treocentral, or somewhere and I came across one of those articles' "which is better types" TREO or Mogul, I went to the Sprint store in our super mall and I found a working display of the Mogul.
I played with the thing for about two minutes and was blown away. I said to my self I have to get this to work for the security web cams; but not just for the camera's; I want to offer this as a turn key solution to my client...He has a treo 700w. I know he is going to be pleased with this. The size difference in the screen; the sliding keyboard, I am nuts about this thing already....
I'm not talking about jpeg's refreshing every 5 sec; I'm talking live streaming video from 16 cameras with the option to control PTZ's
All I Have to do is get the Internet explorer part on the Mogul, to work with the camera's software request to download and install webview.dll I don't know where to put this file on the Mogul, I don't know how to put it on the Mogul (yet). Ihave only had the Mogul for one day
go to the site, and please help
The Ip address is
if the exe was written for desktop windows its not going to run on windows mobile, simple as that, youll have to see if the company that makes the security cameras also makes a pocket pc app for them
gmboat1 said:
When I try with my mogul I get a message that says webview.exe is "not a pocket pc application"
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And there is your answer.
It isn't a PocketPC application. And you are trying to run it on a PocketPC.
Won't work.
The only occasional exception is .net applications that sometimes work on a desktop and PDA.
What brand of camera are you connecting to? There are some apps out there for network cameras so I may be able to help you.
Good point!
defaultdotxbe said:
if the exe was written for desktop windows its not going to run on windows mobile, simple as that, youll have to see if the company that makes the security cameras also makes a pocket pc app for them
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I guess I was thinking about installing the webview.dll and that would have solved the problem. I am not sure about the software for the camera maufacturer they are from China, and not much info to go on...
When I go to the site: HTTP://
I get this msg: "To enable control work: Tools-> Internet Options-> Security-> Custom Level Reset to: low or Download and Install it
When I download and install the file; (webview.exe) it is a executable that unpacks webview.dll ver. 2.0, in the same folder with webview.exe.
I did not realize or I am not sure if the webview.exe is the program interface for the application to work, but now that makes sense. I thought the httpsvr.exe that is running on the DVR PC was the app for the web interface and would allow all this to work on any platform.
I guess if there is a way to decompile the webview.exe and make the neccessary changes to include the pocket pc header information; recompile it, test it, fix it test it again. then this would probably work. There is not enough information on the software manufacturers to begin trying to find a solution for this.
I have absolutly no programming skills. I realize now, that this may be a question for the developer/hack forum.
I would like to give it a try though. So if you can point me in the right direction; or if the Mods would repost this thred in the Dev/hack forum; maybe those guys would probably know what tools I would need to get started in this.
I appreciate all your help and it has made me think about the resolution, and the approach to my problem in a different way. Thanks
PC based DVR
ScottC said:
And there is your answer.
It isn't a PocketPC application. And you are trying to run it on a PocketPC.
Won't work.
The only occasional exception is .net applications that sometimes work on a desktop and PDA.
What brand of camera are you connecting to? There are some apps out there for network cameras so I may be able to help you.
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They are not Internet Cams; I have the regular BNC connectors that pigtale into a 15 pin video connector that attaches to a PCI camera card 8 cams, I have two of the camera cards installed in each pc. I also have an ATI radeon 9550 with wideo out for the hardware compression of the video signal to the PC monitor this works for NTSC and PAL signals.

BlueAmp - Control winamp from winmobile

I need testers for my application,
this is my first "full" application that has to do with both pc and mobile through bluetooth.
This is (as the topic states) a application that enables you to control winamp
from your device. (Other mediaplayers can be added too if that's something people want).
The only device it's been tested on is my HTC Artemis (P3300), on windows vista x64.
The windows GUI is very small, it enables you to set the device.
The windows mobile GUI enables you to control winamp.
Screenshots attached.
Links is:
PC App (Auto updating on start).
WinMobile app:
(Not auto-updated at the moment, needs manual download)
This is how it works:
1) Pair your devices with windows (as normal)
2) Start winamp
3) start the pc client, search for your cellphone (it will show in the dropdown)
4) Start the winmobile client, search for your PC.
If you find both, then it should work (in theory).
Things that is not finished:
Volume up\down
Playlist editing\listing.
I really hope someone feels this one is usefull.
Please post any issues that rises.
Thank you.
This is pretty cool. There is also a program called salling clicker that uses scripts to control winamp, WMC. itunes etc over blue tooth. I'll give this a whirl. Thanks!
i know also a tool that controlls winamp from the pda.... it is called "media remote" for winamp... it works over usb (activesync) wlan and bluetooth.
this tool also lets you search in your libary on the pc and shows you the tracks on the pda...
but i have to say that this is not a verry stable version
There's also an app called remote amp and it's like the one described in previous post but only over wlan i believe. But works fine.
aiiro said:
There's also an app called remote amp and it's like the one described in previous post but only over wlan i believe. But works fine.
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RemoteAMP is amazing. Controls all WinAmp functions, including multiple instances, even over BT or 3G. I use it on my Vogue all the time. Very quick response time too. Doesn't do much to the battery. When you power off the device, it kills the connection, and comes back up within a second or so.
The only drawback is that if you load an insanely-long playlist, (like 30-40K songs, it can take 10 minutes for RemoteAmp to download the playlist.
RemoteAmp also lets you search your entire library and create playlists. I use this for parties.
I would also love to see an alternative, because RemoteAmp died years ago. I have just held onto my copy, designed for a much older version of CE, but still runs fine on my Vogue.
Hi again,
thanks for the response.
I do realise there are other apps that does this,
but I wanted to learn, and make my own.
Currently working on next version.
Making "Get playing song" now, so that it'll send the current playing song to the mobile.
Spending my weekend developing further.
I got the sending of current song to work now.
Really nice feature if you ask me
See attached screenshot.
I'll upload the new release later today. Need to clean the code first.
My 2 Cents...
You should consider supporting WIFI. I have about 7 computers on my network, all accessable via WIFI, however, only ONE of my computers supports Bluetooth. I'm sure there are alot of people who have WIFI, but don't have a single computer that supports bluetooth.
If you support as many connection options as you can, your application stands a better chance of becoming the defacto standard for Winamp remote control on the PPC.
Thanks for your efforts! Your hard work is appreciated.
Thanks for the input.
I will make WIFI support too.
The reason why i mainly decided to use bluetooth was because
wifi tends to use alot of power on the device.
Still working on the "send current playing song",
I have some trouble getting the string out of the array correctly.
(it adds a bunch of garbage letters to the string, and I cannot figure out where\why). But new release will be out as soon as this is resolved.
New version released.
Various bug fixes.
and added volume adjustment.
Links is:
PC App (Auto updating on start).
WinMobile app:
(Not auto-updated at the moment, needs manual download)
This is how it works:
1) Pair your devices with windows (as normal)
2) Start winamp
3) start the pc client, search for your cellphone (it will show in the dropdown)
4) Start the winmobile client, search for your PC.
added a url for my app, updates, links , news get's posted there.
I will also post here when major changes is made, or if someone else posts.
Got some improvements today:
features added:
Shuffle on\off
repeat on\off
Get current playing song
(sends the mp3 to the device automatically)
Update will be rolled out tomorrow!
hedphelym said:
Got some improvements today:
features added:
Shuffle on\off
repeat on\off
Get current playing song
(sends the mp3 to the device automatically)
Update will be rolled out tomorrow!
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The "send to device" option is pretty damn cool!
Can you just stream it instead? I've always wanted a program that could both CONTROL my WinAmp, as well as stream it when I am away...
Does your software tap into the WinAmp library, or create it's own by scanning your hard disk?
Keep up the good work man!
ScrapMaker said:
The "send to device" option is pretty damn cool!
Can you just stream it instead? I've always wanted a program that could both CONTROL my WinAmp, as well as stream it when I am away...
Does your software tap into the WinAmp library, or create it's own by scanning your hard disk?
Keep up the good work man!
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It checks the playlist for current playing song, then get's the mp3 file and sends it directly.
I'm also looking into streaming the audio to the device, so that you can use your phone as a "wireless walkman"
First with bluetooth support.
as well as stream it when I am away...
Do you mean as in using a data connection? WIFI\GSM\3G?
Like stream over web?
thanks for the feedback!
This is a really cool idea. I have a suggestion which might broaden the usefulness of your application. Instead of limiting this tool to just winamp could you expand this to work with any application? On the PC side the user could specify which application (example MyVideoPlayer.exe) you'd like to control. On the PPC side the app could present a matrix of softkeys, each of them could be assigned an action to be delivered to the PC application. Example one of the keys could send a "P" to the application "MyVideoPlayer.exe" which would 'pause' my player.
Anyways just a thought.
hedphelym said:
It checks the playlist for current playing song, then get's the mp3 file and sends it directly.
I'm also looking into streaming the audio to the device, so that you can use your phone as a "wireless walkman"
First with bluetooth support.
as well as stream it when I am away...
Do you mean as in using a data connection? WIFI\GSM\3G?
Like stream over web?
thanks for the feedback!
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Personally, my main use would be to stream it over the web.
For controlling purposes, 3G would be ideal, with BT if available. I use 3G for RemoteAmp and it works great
Honestly, if I had to request a feature, I'd love to see a 'sleep' function, and an alarm function. I'd love to lay down to bed, and select a 20 minute countdown of music, all from the phone-without messing with the PC... and even if it were possible to set a wakeup time
I know the wakeup is not as desirable, but the sleep mode is amazing...
ScrapMaker said:
Personally, my main use would be to stream it over the web.
For controlling purposes, 3G would be ideal, with BT if available. I use 3G for RemoteAmp and it works great
Honestly, if I had to request a feature, I'd love to see a 'sleep' function, and an alarm function. I'd love to lay down to bed, and select a 20 minute countdown of music, all from the phone-without messing with the PC... and even if it were possible to set a wakeup time
I know the wakeup is not as desirable, but the sleep mode is amazing...
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Sleep mode is a good idea, I'll look into this one.
The 3G mode has to wait a bit, first I'll continue to add features that are currently missing, then make it more "clean", and debug more.
When the app is fully stable I'll add support for more players.
Nice work. Now get it to work with VLC and you'll be my hero.
d0ugie said:
Nice work. Now get it to work with VLC and you'll be my hero.
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I note down the apps that people want it to support, and I'll add one at a time,
first up is windows mediaplayer.
here is another one. i tried it and it works good. also searching in mp3 directory is possible. wlan and bt support. works for me good with wlan

Free applications as per request

Hi all
I am a software developer and I am interested in developing smartphone applications on my spare time (and I have a lot) for free.
What I need is ideas…. Meaning, me my self has HTC Diamond and all of my application needs is modest but I am sure that you guys probably have more needs then I do and …. My be you can help me help you … so bring on the ideas (… just not themes and all of this kind of applications).
csharpcoder4u said:
Hi all
I am a software developer and I am interested in developing smartphone applications on my spare time (and I have a lot) for free.
What I need is ideas…. Meaning, me my self has HTC Diamond and all of my application needs is modest but I am sure that you guys probably have more needs then I do and …. My be you can help me help you … so bring on the ideas (… just not themes and all of this kind of applications).
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Very good.
Okay, I've got a request:
I need a little program, which is the same like BluePower which switches BT on when connecting to AC but a little bit more extended.
So, 2 things are very needed:
1. A popup which asks if BT should really switched on (YES/NO; Standard: YES)
2. This prog should recognize if a BT-device is connected so BT should stay on when loosing AC-Power
That's for now
- how about an application that converts any selected email or sms into an appointment
simple but very very usuful
photo uploader
hi, i'm looking for a program to upload, pictures/photo's/video to my own website. like, you make a picture and then you can select to upload it to your own specified website. maybe also the posebillety with gps position and some comments. don't know if it's possible.
pls think about it!
grtz heyk
hey i m looking for photoeditor for elfin can u made it
Really cool would be, to have an small app like g-profile, which for example turns on wi-fi on an fixed placed at an fixed time.
for example i come home, it recognizes this gsm singnal, and wi-fi turns on.
or i get to work, its not yet my breakt and it turns the volume to just vibra. than my break starts and volume turns up.
gprofile can do such thing but just with one reason, gsm OR time, i would need both
i want if you fancy making a simple but functional hard key program swapper so i can change the hardkeys setting easily to other programs.
thanks for the offer wish I could do this.
I wouldlike to log calls in contact notes like agendasfusion.
callcalendaris close but buggyand logsonly incalendar.
a weather app like weatherpanel where wallpaperis live radar
a calculator app with running tape, and a transparent keyboard
looks like youre gonna be busy!
i was thinkin recently of working with someone to make some palm pre-like apps
the fluidity of the apps on that device ive seen in preview vids and the wonderful use of the small screen real estate (no top and bottom bars, minimal buttons), is something that is almost necessary on screens like my htc touch (same screen size as the palm pre)
so, i would provide all the graphics for these apps, just need a developer
i think so far pocketcm contacts has contacts/sms covered.. very smooth scrolling, with a skin i can acheive the same simplicity and great use of fullscreen view on a small screen as i whippd up in this photoshop mockup:
i think what winmo needs is a good email interceptor app.. there are none that are skinnable to the extent of pocketcm contacts or as fluid, and then an image viewer (see palm pre screenshots of that app here -simple but very useful-:http://www.engadget.com/photos/palm-pre-official-ui-shots-1/1290333/ you can find videos all over) and a similar calendar app
most needed is the email app
if you could develop trust me.. you would have an insane following of obedient users
weve been looking for one for a long time, but its never come thru
if you make it, ill provide graphics!
think about it
What about a application, an actual good and working application that lets you create group distribution lists for email groups in your contacts similar to how the blackberry allows you to do it from their contact list and be able to use the group listing whether creating a new email or forwarding an email. I am shocked that this issue hasn't been addressed sooner.
dexstar said:
i want if you fancy making a simple but functional hard key program swapper so i can change the hardkeys setting easily to other programs.
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Try http://ae.inc.ru its called AE Button plus and its free
Woah man ur gonna be real busy
I like to be simple so........how about an application that will turn a picture into the real thing, like sayyy; Jessica Alba
fatso485 said:
- how about an application that converts any selected email or sms into an appointment
simple but very very usuful
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Complete lack of integration between calendar + contacts and email + contacts is very disheartening!
My problem is that I do a lot of presentations, and all the presentation pointer/remote apps out there cannot meet my needs in terms of simplicity. All of them require me to run a server app on my PC.
I have used one in Palm that emulates a bluetooth HID keyboard/mouse, meaning it can do anything that your mouse or keyboard can do. The app requires to have virtual keys for Ctrl, Alt, Del, Function keys.
Link to the BlueRemote software
fatso485 said:
- how about an application that converts any selected email or sms into an appointment
simple but very very usuful
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Maybe a suggestion, in Microsoft Office, If we copy/paste or drag-drop email to Calender, then it becomes an appointment.
Maybe this could help you in some thinking...
Papi Jump
My idea is to make a game, similar to Papi Jump (a great game for iPhone) - you can see the game on this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQxltToeNXo . It's an arcade game - you control a jumping ball with tilting your device.
It would be great if could make this game work for Windows Mobile.
Since we're all tossing stuff into the "wishing well", I can add something too
An application that would scroll RSS feeds on Home screen in Manila.
Of course, such an app isn't hard to make, the RSS Hub saves its channels into simple files - the problem is how to incorporate it into Home screen.
Well, I got an idea for that as well! Recently a small program called Personalizer showed up that enables us to change the network provider name into anything we want - that would be the perfect place for RSS scroller to show up! And since there already exists a way to modify this data, I suppose it would be possible to use Personalizer as backdoor for the feeds to show up in that text filed!
Even if they wouldn't actually "scroll", I think they could be made to change every 4-5 seconds.
fatso485 said:
- how about an application that converts any selected email or sms into an appointment
simple but very very usuful
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Or how about a Config-Editor for FingerPoint? ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=499734 ) - so there's no more need to edit the XML Config File manually?
How about an application that reminds you to drink water and tracks how much water you have drank per day. As everyone should know, the average male should drink 3 to 5 liters of water everyday and ladies should drink 2 to 4 liters.
How about a litle app that:
1-Reminds you to drink
2-Allows you to input how much water you have drank (when reminded or manually)
In the long run, you could monitor how much water you consume on a monthly,qaurterly ,biannually and yearly basis.

