how to change sound of tap screen? - Touch HD General

I searched for hours online but haven't found a solution !!!
how to change sound of tap screen?
Is possible replace the original file?

You use your explorer and navigate to the windows director i.e. /windows
All the .wav files will be located here, so if you sort everything by 'type' you'll be able to find the correct file your looking for to change
Think its called default.wav but you can just open each to find correct one
I personally would use one of the following explorers, Total Commander or File Explorer 2)


How can u change the startup picture?

Probably asked a billion times but can somebody quickly explain how i can have a custom startup picture instead of the cingular one? thanks
If u do a simple search, u will find many posts talking about it.
Anyway, here's the steps (WM5 ONLY):
Step 1)
Backing up the original Bootscreen image.
Open your device's File Explorer and go to /Windows.
Search for an image named 'welcomehead.96.png'.
Copy that file (Tap & Hold on the image's name and tap on Copy).
Paste it somewhere else on your device. Preferably on a removeable storage card (SD, Mini-SD, etc)
Paste the file by tap & holding on an empty space in the file explorer and tapping on paste in the context menu.
Now the file is backed up!
Step 2)
Take the Bootscreen skin you've chosen, and put it on your device.
Now, you need a third party file explorer, because Microsoft, for security/safety reasons, disabled the Built-in File explorer (and ActiveSync Explorer)
from replacing system files.
Resco Explorer is a good 3rd Party explorer but there are tons of freeware explorers out there to do the job.
Paste the Bootscreen skin in the /Windows folder with the 3rd party file explorer.
A pop-up will appear asking you to overwrite the original file. Overwrite the file.
You will also probably get a system warning about replacing a system file. This can be ignored.
Please note, as stated above, that this only works on Windows Mobile 5 devices.

Renaming Mfc80u.dll

Hey all, i have a problem with viewing images in "pictures & videos" after installing a dialer skin.
I've heard that i need to rename Mfc80u.dll with total commander for it to work.
I went into the total commander & tried setting the file off of read only. It wouldn't change. I tried renaming it. It wouldnt change. I even tried deleting & moving the file. Nothing worked.
Does anyone have a solution to this? I'm not a big fan of losing everything & hard resetting.
Thanks in advance!
Try Resco File Explorer, that should work!
I cant even find the file under resco. However, if i go back with total commander, the file is there.
Rasco will hide all *.dll extension files by default. go into file/options/view and uncheck the hide option to see this file.
So you're saying that Resco File Explorer can change the read only flag on a file so it can be writable Molski ??
Most odd. I've always been able to use File Explorer, turn on "Show all files" and delete the file (you don't need it) without changing any attributes.
Bear in mind that there are TWO files very similarly named and the second one is untouchable ... luckily it's NOT the one to delete or rename

Replacing Messenger sound

is it possible to change the sound in Messenger when a contact goes online ? I have located the sound (Msgbox.wav) in the windows folder however its protected so I cant just replace it.
Any ideas ?
Just rename the file whichever u want to assign by this same name & then try to replace it with this file .
Ive tried to rename the file but its some kind of system file and protected for changes.
Use file explorer like total commander go to properties uncheck the readme only abd system tabs and then try again.
Tried changing the settings in total commander....but doesnt work :-(

Can't change weather cities file

Well i've been trying to modify the weather cities file so the list will be a lot shorter and only contain the cities that are important to me. but when I try to remove the read-only property with total commander, nothing happens. because of this property, I can't change anything about this file, can't move it, delete it of replace it with a modified version I have on my desktop. Has anyone got an idea? It should work this way on a normal HTC touch, but my Dual won't cooperate
and in addition: How can I modify the register with Total commander? I read here or on another forum it should be possible, but I can't find that option. or are there better programs to do that?
Not sure about #1 but for the registry you can use Resco Explorer
About the weather, is there a way to update the data without using the HTC Home plugin ? I use SPB v4 and S2U2 that can display the weather on its screen saver.
The registry problem has been fixed. I now know how to enter the register with total commander. (use the \ button then go to the folder \\ and there you will find the folder register)
but I still can't edit the HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml file. is there maybe another way to remove the read only property of this file?
can you change attributes with total commander?
That's what I'm trying to do. When I look into the properties of the file, the attribute for Read only, system and in rom are checked. According to a howto I read somewhere, I have to remove the read only attribute. When I do that, and press te OK button in the screen (not the one in the upper right corner) and then open the properties of the file again, the read only attribute is checked again.
I gave it a try from my pc with altap Salamander 2.5 to change the attribute -> it gives me an access denied error. somehow I'm not allowed to change anything in the windows folder?
edit 2:
Installed SPB pocked plus 4 and tried to change the attributes of t he file with the enhanched file explorer: Same problem, nothing is changed when I re-open the properties of the file. when I try to rename it, it tells me the file might be in use or the memory is full or write protected. I've closed the HTC today plugin and there's enough free space. the only thing is, the file is read-only
No one has tried this on his touch dual? hmm... and no one has any idea to remove the read only attribute of the file?
I have the same problem. Can't remove the read-only status of the WeatherCities files using TotalCommander or Resco FE.
Possible sollution
There is a HTC Home Plugin Customizer. With this piece of software you can modify the look and feel of the HTC Home plugin and also edit in the weather file and insert your own city instead of the preselected cities by HTC.
Here's a link to the download.
Hope that this solves your problem.
I have resolved the problem
Copy HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml on your pc do the modification and rename it on HH_0409_WeatherCities2.xml .
copy HH_0409_WeatherCities2.xml on your ppc in the same folder and rename it with resco .

Sms starts at bottom

I have this very annoying problem, that whenever I enter a text message I see the bottom of the message, so I have to scroll to the top of the message in order to read it.
I have found a tweak to change it (editing some template or something like that), but unfortunately I can't find it anymore. I guess it was lost, or something like that.
Has anybody a link, or a description, what file needs to be edited?
Best regards
Ok, I've just found it:
I've edited these files, and attached an archive here, you are invited to use it . Just replace these files within your \Windows directory using a proper file explorer, something like Resco File Explorer .

