I have this very annoying problem, that whenever I enter a text message I see the bottom of the message, so I have to scroll to the top of the message in order to read it.
I have found a tweak to change it (editing some template or something like that), but unfortunately I can't find it anymore. I guess it was lost, or something like that.
Has anybody a link, or a description, what file needs to be edited?
Best regards
Ok, I've just found it: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=318932
I've edited these files, and attached an archive here, you are invited to use it . Just replace these files within your \Windows directory using a proper file explorer, something like Resco File Explorer .
I found a icon called "Icon" in the games folder (where jawbreaker & solitaire reside). When I try to open it it gives me this error message,
Cannot find "ceshell" (or one if components). Make sure the path and filename are correct and all the required libraries are available.
There is also a file called "gamesico" in the WIndows folder, which gives the same response as above.
Please help!
Open the folder using file explorer and delete the icon.
I've seena few posts on different sites about this. I also found this on Microsoft's site
Might be of help just to explain what it is / was, but not how it got there.
Well i've been trying to modify the weather cities file so the list will be a lot shorter and only contain the cities that are important to me. but when I try to remove the read-only property with total commander, nothing happens. because of this property, I can't change anything about this file, can't move it, delete it of replace it with a modified version I have on my desktop. Has anyone got an idea? It should work this way on a normal HTC touch, but my Dual won't cooperate
and in addition: How can I modify the register with Total commander? I read here or on another forum it should be possible, but I can't find that option. or are there better programs to do that?
Not sure about #1 but for the registry you can use Resco Explorer
About the weather, is there a way to update the data without using the HTC Home plugin ? I use SPB v4 and S2U2 that can display the weather on its screen saver.
The registry problem has been fixed. I now know how to enter the register with total commander. (use the \ button then go to the folder \\ and there you will find the folder register)
but I still can't edit the HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml file. is there maybe another way to remove the read only property of this file?
can you change attributes with total commander?
That's what I'm trying to do. When I look into the properties of the file, the attribute for Read only, system and in rom are checked. According to a howto I read somewhere, I have to remove the read only attribute. When I do that, and press te OK button in the screen (not the one in the upper right corner) and then open the properties of the file again, the read only attribute is checked again.
I gave it a try from my pc with altap Salamander 2.5 to change the attribute -> it gives me an access denied error. somehow I'm not allowed to change anything in the windows folder?
edit 2:
Installed SPB pocked plus 4 and tried to change the attributes of t he file with the enhanched file explorer: Same problem, nothing is changed when I re-open the properties of the file. when I try to rename it, it tells me the file might be in use or the memory is full or write protected. I've closed the HTC today plugin and there's enough free space. the only thing is, the file is read-only
No one has tried this on his touch dual? hmm... and no one has any idea to remove the read only attribute of the file?
I have the same problem. Can't remove the read-only status of the WeatherCities files using TotalCommander or Resco FE.
Possible sollution
There is a HTC Home Plugin Customizer. With this piece of software you can modify the look and feel of the HTC Home plugin and also edit in the weather file and insert your own city instead of the preselected cities by HTC.
Here's a link to the download.
Hope that this solves your problem.
I have resolved the problem
Copy HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml on your pc do the modification and rename it on HH_0409_WeatherCities2.xml .
copy HH_0409_WeatherCities2.xml on your ppc in the same folder and rename it with resco .
is it posible to remove short cuts from internet place from lunching browser ?
i have this issue from cell company which its allready there and i want to remove it .. (( not the youtube tab.. )) the red Airtel Live tab .. also the browser set to be the first page to lunch is www.airtel.in .. and im very annoyed from it .. is there's a way to remove it ? or the abbility to chose which web page that i want to lunch once i press on lunch browser ???
any solution ???
I need a tab removed too, it's so annoying to press everytime the wrong tab instead of youtube
Depending on how your ROM has been set up by your Telco... this should work. Go to your Main Memory then see if there is an "\Application Data\Manila" folder. If there is,...then the fix is simple.
Either rename the \Manila folder to something else, or go into that folder and rename or move the 2 files
InternetPortal-en-AU.xml (where -en-AU is your language /country).
If the ROM can't see these files you will get the default settings from "Windows\27c65cbd_manila".
Your Carriers "OperatorLinks" should now be gone from the Internet Tab. Not the shortcuts but the Operator links that look similar to the YouTube one.
If you do not have an "\Application Data\Manila" folder then the solution is slightly more complex as you will have to edit "Windows\27c65cbd_manila".
Try the above method first. If no luck report back and me or someone else can post the other more complex method.
logger said:
Depending on how your ROM has been set up by your Telco... this should work. Go to your Main Memory then see if there is an "\Application Data\Manila" folder. If there is,...then the fix is simple.
Either rename the \Manila folder to something else, or go into that folder and rename or move the 2 files
InternetPortal-en-AU.xml (where -en-AU is your language /country).
If the ROM can't see these files you will get the default settings from "Windows\27c65cbd_manila".
Your Carriers "OperatorLinks" should now be gone from the Internet Tab. Not the shortcuts but the Operator links that look similar to the YouTube one.
If you do not have an "\Application Data\Manila" folder then the solution is slightly more complex as you will have to edit "Windows\27c65cbd_manila".
Try the above method first. If no luck report back and me or someone else can post the other more complex method.
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The method is the same, you can find in both files the entry
<Operator Links>
</Operator Link>
Just remove them and all Links are Removed. Editing the 27c65cbd_manila is just a bit dangerous if you don't make a copy before you are editing it
Yeah but you can remove \Application Data\Manila files hocus pocus with no editing - that is why this method is better, if you simply want to remove branding as these guys do. The underlying 27c65cbd_manila version will keep the stock ROM settings.
One method is to delete a file that is superfluous - the other is to edit a file that Manila needs. So not the same.
Like you say the files are basically identical though, each with the setting coming as you say from the operator links area.
I guess you could say I described the Safe Simple dummies method that should work.
logger said:
Yeah but you can remove \Application Data\Manila files hocus pocus with no editing - that is why this method is better, if you simply want to remove branding as these guys do. The underlying 27c65cbd_manila version will keep the stock ROM settings.
One method is to delete a file that is superfluous - the other is to edit a file that Manila needs. So not the same.
Like you say the files are basically identical though, each with the setting coming as you say from the operator links area.
I guess you could say I described the Safe Simple dummies method that should work.
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I agree, but if you just remove the two xml-files, the youtube-link will still be there because it's also integrated in the manila-file.
True but if you re-read what the guys were after.. they want to remove the links that look like the youtube link. Not the you tube link. So the simple method will do that.
i found the two files in manila internetPortal.xml & internetportal-en-gb.xml
but its protected and i cant delete them ... hidden and protected as system files read only
any way to remove them ??
badrey said:
i found the two files in manila internetPortal.xml & internetportal-en-gb.xml
but its protected and i cant delete them ... hidden and protected as system files read only
any way to remove them ??
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You have to deactivate the TF3D before you can edit/delete them.
thanks alot that really helped me
You're Welcome
27c65cbd_manila editing help
logger said:
If you do not have an "\Application Data\Manila" folder then the solution is slightly more complex as you will have to edit "Windows\27c65cbd_manila".
Try the above method first. If no luck report back and me or someone else can post the other more complex method.
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I am on sprint and do not have the "\Application Data\Manila" folder so I have been playing with "Windows\27c65cbd_manila" to add a shortcut to Ticker Tape 0.5 by GeckoDev.
I have gotten the shortcut I wanted to appear on the internet screen (as shown in the screen shot below) but when I click the shortcut I get this error msg (as shown in the other screen shot below)
The File 'Ticker Tape' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file.
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Anyone have any idea how to fix this error...I have been searching but with no luck -
I have tried placing the exe and all related files in the widows directory because that is where the You Tube files are located but it didn't work. I think this might have something to do with it but I can't figure out in the "\Windows\27c65cbd_manila" file the file path to the You Tube icon does not exist that I can find. It might be a hidden folder but I can't see it in Total Commander. It says it is located "\Windows\HTC\Assets\Images\InternetPortal\youtube.qtc". Also what is a .qtc file? My searching points me toward "Apple QuickTime Support file" but I have never heard of it as an icon file in WM.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
In my Dopod, when I click on a TXT file in my File Explorer, it always opens in MS Pocket Word. Then I have to be careful to select the correct file save as text files.
I installed some alternative NotePad programs but there appears to be no way to change the file extension type assignments to start up the correct program instead?
I have googled quite a bit but came up empty!
Anybody solved this problem?
AFAIK, Advanced Config has such an option to change file associations.
I had Advanced Config 3.2 already but did not know it had file association.
Found it under More Settings!
Unfortunately, when I tried to re-assign the program, it bombed when I was navigating the tree view.
Eventually, had to copy the application to \Program Files\ and select it from there!
After that, it seems to accept the settings.
Unfortunately, after the soft reset, the extension is still pointed to same application as before!
Latest update!
Something very funny is going on.
Advanced Config shows that the file association has been changed.
TXT file is now:
\Program Files\PocketTextEditor.exe "%1"
However, when I click a txt file in File Explorer, it still opens with Pocket Word!
Did I do something wrong?
I am sorry if this has been asked before (but I did search)
Is there any way to add suggest word(s) when typing in text, I have to type the same sentence over and over again every day and on my old phones/PDA this was not to bad as you could set the suggest word(s) to give you the next 4 works, I can't find this in the HD2 is there any way to add it
Thanks for any help
according to hint 19 in this thread:
19. Improve Suggested T9 Dictionary With Custom Words
The Leo has a very useful hidden application in the Windows directory. You need to unhide hidden system and Rom files in order to find it. Find the file "eT9MyWords.exe" in the Windows directory and add a shortcut to this file in your Windows/Start Menu folder.
When in the application, add the most common words you use when using the keypad such as names, locations, user names, email addresses and other words not common in the standard T9 dictionary. For example if you are based in London, UK you could add the following locations:
Leicester, Piccadilly, Tottenham, Soho, Charring, Euston, Trafalgar, Clapham,
and words such as BRB, DVD, coz, lol, xoxo, [email protected], ciao, etc.
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I have read these tips and know about adding custom words.
What I want is for three to four words to come up to complete a sentence.
This has been in the input tap on old PDAs suggest word(s)
Is there no one Who can help with this?
Really with all the clever people on this site can no one help me
Please someone help me
Hi, i did a few tests and found...
et9mywords wont accept spaces, and although you can sneakily paste sentences into the input box, it wont save them, so that method is out.
Custom words are also found in HTCMDB.txt, and the good news is it works!
(See image)
The line 'this is a test' i hard coded into the file using my kitchen, then the 'this is a second test' i added as follows....
(I use resco explorer, i suspect the normal file manager wont do what is required, total commander probably will)
find /windows/HTCMDB.txt (it will be hidden, so show all files)
copy it to your sd card, and from there to your desktop.
(I tried editing it on the phone using windows mobile notepad, but it didnt work right)
On the PC, right click the file, properties, and untick 'read only', apply.
Open it and edit it as required.
Save it, and again right click, re apply 'read only'
Copy back to your sd card, and from teh phone use commander or resco to move it to /windows/
You will probably get a warning about rom files and what not, thats ok.
Reboot, and you should now be able to see your sentences.
PLease let me know how you get on.
EDIT - just for clarity, every entry inside HTCMDB.txt must be on its own line.
thanks for your help with this I have done as you posted and it works, it's a bit long winded but it works
thanks jason