Photography Apps - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

I have a good depth of field calculator for my touch pro, but I could really use a lightmeter/exposure calculator. I have waterlevel and I have looked at kai's lightmeter... neither one has enough features to be used as a serious photographic tool. I realize that it is a long shot but is there a more sophisticated application out there... or does anyone want to take on the project?

green_tea12 said:
I have a good depth of field calculator for my touch pro, but I could really use a lightmeter/exposure calculator. I have waterlevel and I have looked at kai's lightmeter... neither one has enough features to be used as a serious photographic tool. I realize that it is a long shot but is there a more sophisticated application out there... or does anyone want to take on the project?
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Where did you get your DOF calculator from? What's it called?

darrenackers said:
Where did you get your DOF calculator from? What's it called?
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and there free, please do not banned me again


iPhone-like "picture" app?

So my AT&T 8525 died around Christmas. I wanted to get a Touch Cruise, but the overseas inflated prices are KILLING me. So for the time being, I've gotten a Blackjack II and I'm waiting for the next big thing.
Yesterday, I went to an Apple store and played with an iPhone for about 15 minutes. The coolest things about it, IMHO...
1) The picture functionality - While turning the phone and watching the pic switch too is nice, and sliding between pics is excellent, what I REALLY like is spreading your fingers to zoom! That's amazing!!! Do any Win programs have that functionality?!?!?!?
2) The weather - Having the city, then the extended forcast is nice. But what I didn't realize before is you can add multiple cities and scroll between them with your figure... just like you can flip screen on a Touch! That was just sweet!
3) Google maps on my Blackjack II is nice, but Google Maps on a touchscreen phone just rules. And it feels so smooth on the iPhone, it's like it was MADE for it. Damn...
And I assume the video is smoother on the iPhone, especially watching YouTube videos... but I must admit I didn't try that.
If anyone knows of an app that lets you look at pictures like an iPhone... I'd LOVE to upgrade my old Sprint 6700 to WM6 and then use that phone to play with images until my figure falls off.
merkman said:
1) The picture functionality - While turning the phone and watching the pic switch too is nice, and sliding between pics is excellent, what I REALLY like is spreading your fingers to zoom! That's amazing!!! Do any Win programs have that functionality?!?!?!?
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This is a multitouch screen thing, and no I don't believe there are any WM devices out with multitouch.
merkman said:
3) Google maps on my Blackjack II is nice, but Google Maps on a touchscreen phone just rules. And it feels so smooth on the iPhone, it's like it was MADE for it. Damn...
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Uh...the version on the iPhone was made for it. There's a version for WM too that works just the same.
try the s2v program... (slide to view)... almost like the iphone picture app... this program is nice and its free... thanx to A_C for developing another great app... kudos....
there are tons upon tons of new photo viewing apps for WM, ever since the iPhone's release.
S2V (Slide2View)
HTC Camera Album
PocketCM ImageViewer
PocketCM "Even Nicer Flow Stuff" (no actual name, since it's a test)
2)tons upon tons of applications for weather, and many are skinnable. so although you probably can't get the slide, you can get some really great looking skins for apps like WeatherPanel. There's PhatPhinger, iPhone themes (looks like the iPhone's. no sliding, though), etc etc
3)Google Maps? Really? It's been out for ages for Palm and Windows Mobile. Shockingly to many, even before the iPhone came out.
There's even a maps application from Microsoft, Live Search, that is actually more fully featured than Google Maps, whether it's on WM or the iPhone. Just ignore that it's from Microsoft, it's actually a great app.
TedNet said:
try the s2v program... (slide to view)... almost like the iphone picture app... this program is nice and its free... thanx to A_C for developing another great app... kudos....
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Any links to this app? Did a search here, as well as on Yahoo, but no dice.
i think i know why. it's because you're using yahoo instead of google
only kidding, to each his own. however, with google,
"slide to view" yields the correct result 6th
"slide2view" yields the correct result for the entire first page
and "s2v", yields 4th, 7th, & 8th
i'll give the benefit of the doubt, though, because "slide to view" doesn't show up anywhere when searching with yahoo or the Xda Search. you need that "2" in there, lol.
I really like the .3 version of PocketCM ImageViewer (latest version doesn't run on my device).
where can one download HTC Camera Album?
Remember the Search Function?
spring777 said:
where can one download HTC Camera Album?
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Look here:

[IDEA] Chalky

Just saw this amazing app/game for yes again the fruitphone.
This is a must have for the diamond if someone could make something like this
There are so many things coming out for the fruitphone, i hope the same will happen for the diamond. And this little gadget is really cool.
Lol! Funny little guy...Want one!
no useful ... BUT FUN!
i donno if this can be done to the diamond .. but who knows .. its DIAMOND
badrey said:
no useful ... BUT FUN!
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Why does everything have to be useful?
i want that stick man DEAD!
Funny, that would be cool on the diamond
2D physics simulation, spring physics, probably OpenGL rendering for the sake of speed, Fast Fourier Analysis for the dancing part... Very much possible on the diamond - but none of these things I've done before But I don't see how this would not be very much possible on the diamond...
The only thing definitely NOT possible is the stretching-part with two fingers - since the diamond's screen is not multitouch capable.
Just my two cents ;-)
This is usefull... if you have no real friends you can use this one Real cool funny app want it on my diamond
So u mean dChalky (for diamondChalky)??
fluid888 said:
So u mean dChalky (for diamondChalky)??
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Yeah but a REAL one rather than a Photoshop version
i know... maybe we can ask someone over here:
Having their source code would be a HUGE kickstart for someone taking on the dChalky project - they already do have physics - although it seems like they don't have spring dynamics in, yet...

Slide to Unlock

I have seen many images showing the infamous iPhone's "Slide to Unlock" and wondered which application this was? I can only find a program that is more than 12 months old.
Not that I want to copy the iPhone, but the security code entry on the HD is simply ghastly and very "Windows Mobile"!
Also, a better calculator would be superb!
S2U2, by A_C, in the "Developement & Hacking" Section is your best bet!
prophetuser said:
Also, a better calculator would be superb!
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HiCalc is the best that I've come across so far.
HiCalc doesn't work on the HD so far - problems with the resolution! I've already contacted HiCalc's support about this issue. Maybe if many people contact them, they will prioritize support for the HD?
prophetuser said:
Also, a better calculator would be superb!
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If you're into RPN you can give my YaRPNcalc a try. It will already work in portrait mode but only use the top 640 pixels. I'm working on improving it for the HD now (because I now own a HD myself ). It's certainly not as powerful as HiCalc, on the other hand you can use it for free

[SKIN] In progress... - QVGA - "PreOneS" The Palm Pre Style for WM

I read that Palm makes a legal war against the palm pre theme, so to avoid copyright issues and waiting news to take off the skin
Preview looks good....
what are you using to skin this?
nice....will keep an eye on the progress of this skin...
JokeZony0u said:
what are you using to skin this?
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I using:
1. WAD
2. WAD desktop
3. iphone today
In this way the top bar webos style is always present!
Updated preview
It looks fantastic. Great job. Are you going to make a VGA-Version?
I don't think it would be that complicated. The PalmPre's homescreen is basically a big TaskManager. We already have "similar" apps on Windows Mobile like that on the Xperia. Just make a homescreen plugin with a large task manager like interface with the same touch gestures as the Pre. The complicated part I would imagine would be the menu.
I like your skins, but it would be best as a simple homescreen plugin. Using WAD and the likes eats up memory and the way it overlays sucks.
I'm not a programmer but there are lots of open-source projects that, if combined, could provide roughly the same effect. I think someone with some know-how could come up with it pretty quick by reusing code that is already available out there.
player911 said:
I don't think it would be that complicated. The PalmPre's homescreen is basically a big TaskManager. We already have "similar" apps on Windows Mobile like that on the Xperia. Just make a homescreen plugin with a large task manager like interface with the same touch gestures as the Pre. The complicated part I would imagine would be the menu.
I like your skins, but it would be best as a simple homescreen plugin. Using WAD and the likes eats up memory and the way it overlays sucks.
I'm not a programmer but there are lots of open-source projects that, if combined, could provide roughly the same effect. I think someone with some know-how could come up with it pretty quick by reusing code that is already available out there.
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Before starting this project I tried a lot but none of the programmers built an interface palm webos like for WM. There are iphone, android, and other but webos not so I decided to build it yourself.
I hope very much that any programmer to engage in this project and does a better job of mine!
drmad said:
Before starting this project I tried a lot but none of the programmers built an interface palm webos like for WM. There are iphone, android, and other but webos not so I decided to build it yourself.
I hope very much that any programmer to engage in this project and does a better job of mine!
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Look like PalmPre.Very beautiful and cool
really really nice hope to c a dialer =)
Update preview
Development continues! Added dialer
YAY give it! RELEASE NOW lol jk =D
but yes cool
Job well done.... This would go good with the WM6.5 theme I put together.
Looking good. Here's my little take on it. Using a modded PointUi
Slightly off-topic tip: I suggest Omnia users should use PointUi 2.0.28e if they want their phone/clock to function poperly. Any other higher version causes the clock to stick and (possibly) corrupt the green button.
hopefully vga support soon
WOW super nice. very clean. hope the release will be soon definately going to donate for this
WOW nice man, ill use this when it comes out. is this another wad theme?
s60nia said:
Looking good. Here's my little take on it. Using a modded PointUi
View attachment 215233
Slightly off-topic tip: I suggest Omnia users should use PointUi 2.0.28e if they want their phone/clock to function poperly. Any other higher version causes the clock to stick and (possibly) corrupt the green button.
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can you give a link to the theme your using?

Show your art

New tablet new art, using art flow. New layer paint app also available it's labeled layer paint he very nice.
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium HD app
That's excellent!
This is what I got in me so far LOL :laugh:
Cool pic
Go cowboys
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk now Free
atg284 said:
This is what I got in me so far LOL :laugh:
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No worries, those are more my speed.
Nobody posts artwork done on their GN10.1 2014 anymore?
Here's something i painted recently using Artflow Studio and PS Touch
Wicked mate!! Kudos
Hi, long time forum lurker, first time post.
Image done in sketchbook pro
these are my best so far lol
This is my most recent, though I did many on my 2012 10.1. I have only done 2 on the new one so far.
Actually I will post both of the ones I've done on my 10.1 2014, why not.
Haven't really started to explore the artistic side of the Note and can't wait to start either tbh but this was my first attempt - not the best I know but a start anyways.
P.s I love minions haha 17.54.54.jpg?m=
Another painting i did using Artflow Studio and PS Touch
Reiman76 said:
Another painting i did using Artflow Studio and PS Touch
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I havent heard of artflow studio before, I usually use sketchbook pro....
What is Artflow Studio like? Any advantages over sketchbook?
nirurin said:
I havent heard of artflow studio before, I usually use sketchbook pro....
What is Artflow Studio like? Any advantages over sketchbook?
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It's pretty similar to SketchBook in terms of what it does although it doesn't have the wider selection of fancy preset brushes. I've listed below a few advantages (and disadvantages) which made me use it more than SBP:
- More layers on a 4K canvas. Depending on what tablet you use, you can have 16 layers even if you max-out the canvas size.
- More levels of undo and redo function (can probably go over 100 if you adjust the settings). I think SketchBook only has 10 levels of undo and redo. You can even undo layer merging in Artflow.
- More layer blending options.
- Smoother brush engine, particularly if you want to replicate pencil work. IMO anyway since experience is subjective.
- Awesome customer support. They actually listen to customer's problems and reply to you personally and quickly. And more often than not, will issue an update that will fix your problem quicker than the devs at Sketchbook Pro.
- More frequent improvement updates that introduces enhanced or added features.
- No portrait mode.
- Fewer preset brushes.
- No Copic color presets (i kinda miss this the most)
Here's a few screenshot of the interface of Artflow:
Reiman76 said:
- No portrait mode.
- Fewer preset brushes.
- No Copic color presets (i kinda miss this the most)
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No portrait mode? Thats kind of a biggy, I dont think I've drawn anything on my note 2014 in landscape mode, it just seems more comfortable in portrait for sketching... I'm surprised that it is locked to landscape, seems strange!
nirurin said:
No portrait mode? Thats kind of a biggy, I dont think I've drawn anything on my note 2014 in landscape mode, it just seems more comfortable in portrait for sketching... I'm surprised that it is locked to landscape, seems strange!
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Yeah, at first it kind of bothered me too since i came from SBP. But i learned to live without portrait mode when i think of the fact that this is the same way i draw digitally on my laptop using a graphics tablet since i don't reorient my laptop monitor to portrait just to do portraits. But i think the devs are working on integrating portrait mode, it's just a matter of time before its implemented.
Reiman76 said:
Nobody posts artwork done on their GN10.1 2014 anymore?
Here's something i painted recently using Artflow Studio and PS Touch
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Man you do some nice work. Going save and see what it looks like a a wallpaper. Thanks please post some more when you get done. I wish I can do that. Make the next one a little more dirtier. Also is there any place to download sketch or drawings that I can paint. Just want play around. Thanks
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
lucky 69 said:
Man you do some nice work. Going save and see what it looks like a a wallpaper. Thanks please post some more when you get done. I wish I can do that. Make the next one a little more dirtier. Also is there any place to download sketch or drawings that I can paint. Just want play around. Thanks
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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No problem. I also use my paintings as wallpapers too (i post screenshots of them over at the Android community on Google Plus). Btw, when you say "dirty" you meant it literally right? lol
You can use the Droidiris app to look for images on the web you might like to paint.
Reiman76 said:
No problem. I also use my paintings as wallpapers too (i post screenshots of them over at the Android community on Google Plus). Btw, lol
You can use the Droidiris app to look for images on the web you might like to paint.
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"when you say "dirty" you meant it literally right?"
Ya lmao thanks for app tip.
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
