New "Notification Manager" from HTC : do you like it ? - Touch HD General

I tried the lastest ROMs for our Blackstone, and it seems that every chefs loves the new Notification Manager...
I found a way to deactivate it (I just hate this new layer), but it's a bit ugly : in the registry, go to HKLM\Services\NOTIFICATIONMANAGER and change the "Dll" value to "NotificationManager.dll.bak", then soft-reset.
Do you know another way to deactivate this thing ?
And what do you think about this new notif. manager ?
For those who don't know what is Notification Manager, here it is :
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"

lpaso said:
I tried the lastest ROMs for our Blackstone, and it seems that every chefs loves the new Notification Manager...
I found a way to deactivate it (I just hate this new layer), but it's a bit ugly : in the registry, go to HKLM\Services\NOTIFICATIONMANAGER and change the "Dll" value to "NotificationManager.dll.bak", then soft-reset.
Do you know another way to deactivate this thing ?
And what do you think about this new notif. manager ?
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Click to collapse
I don't mind it. What annoys me is the amount of clicks you have to make
For example if I get a notification for an appointment I get a Alarm noticiation on the top bar. Once I click on this I get the new noticication Manager which tells me about the appointment. To dismiss this I need to click dismiss, where I am then shown another screen asking whether or not you are sure you want to dismiss this.
Tio many clicks!!
It should be straight forward:
A notification screen telling you about meeting/appointment etc with options below to either dismiss or delete.
Nothing else needed and no screen asking whether or not you are sure!

lpaso said:
I tried the lastest ROMs for our Blackstone, and it seems that every chefs loves the new Notification Manager...
I found a way to deactivate it (I just hate this new layer), but it's a bit ugly : in the registry, go to HKLM\Services\NOTIFICATIONMANAGER and change the "Dll" value to "NotificationManager.dll.bak", then soft-reset.
Do you know another way to deactivate this thing ?
And what do you think about this new notif. manager ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I like it but I've got to disable it because, for me, it's very important that I can select each time the "snooze-time" (and not have it by default at 5.00 min).
You can disable it:
HKLM\System\Shell\Notification\OEM\UseDefaultUI and set it on "0"

Johnny72 said:
I like it but I've got to disable it because, for me, it's very important that I can select each time the "snooze-time" (and not have it by default at 5.00 min).
You can disable it:
HKLM\System\Shell\Notification\OEM\UseDefaultUI and set it on "0"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hum, I think you're mistaking what I meant by "Notification Manager".
The notification manager is the screen that appears when you tap on the icons on the right of the start button (battery, Signal bars etc).
Edit : I uploaded a pic of the new notification manager and the old one.

one of the many reasons i flashed back to old manilla is this ugly screen.. i like to be able to chose comm manager right away after i press one of the topbar buttons but with this new screen it's a hassle.. though old manilla had it's own notification screen but i can disable it from touchflow settings unlike this new one

btw what's shake and save looks kinda intriguing to my eyes

inspireme87 said:
btw what's shake and save looks kinda intriguing to my eyes
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Click to collapse
Shake and save is a soft to take screenshots when you shake your phone
btw, now, you can flash a new rom using manilla 2 and disable this notif. manager.

this is one issue down among many others to overcome i try new roms on weekly bases but still i find em too buggy to my taste

lpaso said:
Shake and save is a soft to take screenshots when you shake your phone
btw, now, you can flash a new rom using manilla 3 and disable this notif. manager.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Manilla 3????? tell me more?which ROM?what's changed?

Fallen Spartan said:
Manilla 3????? tell me more?which ROM?what's changed?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
oops, I meant manilla2

lpaso said:
I tried the lastest ROMs for our Blackstone, and it seems that every chefs loves the new Notification Manager...
I found a way to deactivate it (I just hate this new layer), but it's a bit ugly : in the registry, go to HKLM\Services\NOTIFICATIONMANAGER and change the "Dll" value to "NotificationManager.dll.bak", then soft-reset.
Do you know another way to deactivate this thing ?
And what do you think about this new notif. manager ?
For those who don't know what is Notification Manager, here it is :
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You have to install FdcSoft's Task Manager (you will find it in the forum) then go to Services and stop "Notification Manager" service and set it to manual. When you exit the task manager, the phone will be slow in response, so just soft reset it.
The best thing about the new notification manager in my opinion is that it can be stopped . Actualy this is the first thing I do when I flash a new ROM with the new manilla. Why would anyone want to loose the functionality of the taskbar icons by installing the notification manager, we may never know...

lpaso said:
Hum, I think you're mistaking what I meant by "Notification Manager".
The notification manager is the screen that appears when you tap on the icons on the right of the start button (battery, Signal bars etc).
Edit : I uploaded a pic of the new notification manager and the old one.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah!!!You're right... I made a mistake... but my answer is the same!!!
Yes i like it, but, I don't like that tapping on the top bar there is no possibility to, ad example, go to the network tab... like you can do without the NM.

Well if you guys want the best of two worlds, new notification system with various snooze times, just install Dutty's HD 1.9 rom. Ironically this was the only reason to release 1.9b

onesolo said:
Well if you guys want the best of two worlds, new notification system with various snooze times, just install Dutty's HD 1.9 rom. Ironically this was the only reason to release 1.9b
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Click to collapse
lol! same here...staying with ver 1.9 because of the "omission" of dutty..

At least, you'll can now flash the rom you want and disable the notification manager

Its not so much the notification manager I mind but the omission of the basic snooze options. How in the hell can I get them back?

Johnny72 said:
I like it but I've got to disable it because, for me, it's very important that I can select each time the "snooze-time" (and not have it by default at 5.00 min).
You can disable it:
HKLM\System\Shell\Notification\OEM\UseDefaultUI and set it on "0"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Actually you need to set it to "1"

ipaso you are a life saver!!
thanks for this solution in this annoying issue in new builds!!
this notification "thing" is the worst add i have see till now in my life!
it is the biger STOP to continue use a rom..
i use every day top bar and with this "thing" working,it was unable to reach icons in top bar!

zaharakis said:
ipaso you are a life saver!!
thanks for this solution in this annoying issue in new builds!!
this notification "thing" is the worst add i have see till now in my life!
it is the biger STOP to continue use a rom..
i use every day top bar and with this "thing" working,it was unable to reach icons in top bar!
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Click to collapse
+1, yeah, thanks a lot ipaso, I so hate the new notification, I thought there will be a old notification cab for us to overwrite the new one.
But at least your interim solution really work for me/us.

I hate it, it's annoying.


Feedback? AutoHiding StartBar/NewBar/Reminders

Do any of you use my Today Toggle software in full screen mode?
I've developed an "auto-hiding" start bar and new menu bar (the one at the bottom of the today screen) to go in conjunction with my full screen today screen.
Theory - use my TodayToggle to have a fullscreen today. But that hides away your start bar to a small line (usable but small). For some that can be disconcerting, and you also lose some minor functionality (the clock!).
So, here's what I've invented. But I don't think any of you guys use it!
My basic today screen (new bar is hidden, but start bar is shown):
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Note the tiny dots in the top left corner? That's my new program, HideStart.
Ok: clicking on the dots hides the start bar and shows my PhoneAlarm skin instead
Click and holding the dots brings up a menu, with the time, and an option to toggle the New Menu bar:
And toggling the new menu bar shows it, in a more convenient place!
Would any of you guys ever have use for this?
Hi vijay555,
Post your new HideStart here and let us have a try
If this could be set to simply toggle the start and new bar at the top (without using a popup menu), I'd find it very useful. I don't use PhoneAlarm hence only needing to switch between the two. It would also need to be compatible with TillanoSoft's SmallMenuPlus.
It might be useful to allow the dots to be left or right by user option too.
Like FOSA says, post it here and let us have a play.
mtbsoft - I use SmallMenuPlus so it's certainly compatible with it.
It needs a couple of tweaks, so I'll release it shortly... but I think I'm the only one that uses the Fullscreen phonealarm hack, so there's not much point muddying waters by releasing it in that form.
Your idea for a Startmenu/NewBar toggle is probably better for most users. I'll see if I can knock that up.
Fantastic, I look forward to it.
Hi Vijay,
Can you like switch the start menu on the bottom and put the new menu on the top? it will be a cool feature... thanks in advance
adit - I could do that, but are you sure you would want it?
An idea would be to move the start bar to the bottom of the screen like the old WinCe, and shift the whole screen up to fill the gap.
I'll try it out at home to see if it's usable. But some things are hard coded to find the start bar at the top, eg notification balloons (and new bar menus are hardcoded to appear at the bottom). So although I could do it, it'd be more for "advanced users" - ie geeks like me!
Guys - a new hack:
Don't you hate it when your reminders pop up - you want to remember them, but you can't be bothered to Snooze them for 5 mins each?
I've managed to add a new mod to send reminders to the back, ie push them out of the way, but still keep them all intact.
Let me demonstrate:
A normal reminder, demonstrating my NewBar hack at the top of the screen. Note the little reminder icon on the left of the tray?
My hack "ghosts" the alarm, so that it is still visible but sent can now be pushed aside, ie you can operate your PPC normally, but view the reminder screen anytime
You call up the reminders again using the little alarm icon in the tray.
The reminders can then be activated, dismissed etc as normal.
Not for release yet - just a work in progress
Hi vijay555,
Can you make that tray icon blink to red color so that its more visible?
vijay555 said:
Don't you hate it when your reminders pop up - you want to remember them, but you can't be bothered to Snooze them for 5 mins each?
I've managed to add a new mod to send reminders to the back, ie push them out of the way, but still keep them all intact.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Stunning idea, dammit but you must be psychic! I was just thinking no more that an hour ago what a pain the current implementation of reminders is.
I agree with FOSA on the colour and blinking would be even better.
What happens about the sound though when the alarm is pushed to the back? Is it muted or does it continue (and what if it is via a third party product like SuperAlert or Pocket Plus?)?
Now here's a challenge for you. Can you actually modify the reminders window that appears? I would love just three big buttons (like my old Psion)...
Snooze - for 5 minutes, multiple presses add 5 minutes, wraps round at 60;
silence - leaves the dialog (perhaps behind using your hack) but silences any sound;
dismiss - clears the reminder;
all easily navigable using just the d-pad.
Can it be done!?!?
Guys - the alarm icon in the tray isn't actually implemented by me, it's part of the OS, curiously (I don't understand why it's there, since it can never be accessed when reminders are on screen), but it's there. I could probably make it flash, but it would require timers and things that would eat system resources. I'll think about it, but I don't like chewing up resources on the system.
Reminders continue to behave in exactly the same fashion as normal - all I've done is prevented them from hogging the screen, so they can be viewed and acted upon at will rather than demanding immediate attention.
This idea is more of a "thought experiment" right now. I'm not quite sure how to implement it into a usable tool. It works nicely right now, if a reminder pops up you can still (and always) access my little dots, choose "Reminder" from the menu (not shown in the screenshots) and it'll neuter the reminder dialog.
I thought about remodelling the dialog myself actually, to make it more thumb friendly. I'm afraid I can't change the nature of the snooze dropdown combo (ie each click adds five minutes), but I can certainly change the size and position of the buttons to be more accessible. I think that's quite essential
I've got a couple of more ideas to put into this tool, and one idea for a very cool hack that I don't think has been done before to bring a bit of WM2005 to WM2003 :wink: However, I'm on holiday from Saturday for 2 weeks, so it may have to wait.
Damn you topless beach!
Hi vijay,
sorry for the late reply i was busy with my work. anyway yes, i would love that feature switch everything like winCE. for the notification, can't we just like use "fake-but-working" icons like u did on the reminder alarm icon? we can add icons afaik thru editing the registry and make it clickable to show those notifications, that way it won't look odd? but i don't know, do u think its possible? thanks in advance.
Guys, updated here

New! BETA!! Thumb Friendly Reminders and More!

This program is BETA
It only works on the English WM2003 Rom, and QVGA only (for now)
Backup your system and give it a go, it can't do anything dangerous, worst case just soft reset. But backup just in case :wink:
Ok, as of writing WM2005 might be out on Magician, so I'm distracted.
But, this is a minor advancement of a proof of concept I put up here.
This version has a major improvement. Read and see...
On loading up, you will see some tiny dots in the top left. It can't be moved for now, and you can't change the image for now (you can use a resource hacker if you want)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
In normal use it does nothing. If the dots are active they will show the current time and Battery level.
Clicking on the dots will bring up your New Bar - the bar that is normally at the bottom of your Today screen! This means that you can access the New menu or bluetooth or activesync etc from your normal screen. Click it again to go back to your Start Bar. This hack is particularly useful will my TodayToggle program.
Ok: clicking and holding on the dots will bring up a menu. There's only one active option - Reminders.
Don't you hate it when reminders pop up and block you doing anything else? You don't want to snooze it, you just want to go back to betaplayer etc? Click on the option "Reminders" and the current active reminder will be "ghosted" (it won't do anything until there's a reminder on screen)
The reminders will not now bother you. However, to bring the reminders back up, choose the "reminders" option from the menu again, and it will come back up! Note the little alarm icon in the New Bar? That shows that you've got outstanding reminders.
Finally: piece de resistance
Reminders eh? Why where all the buttons so small? You have to take your stylus out just to click "Dismiss"? Who designed this thing? :roll:
There's a slight delay before the buttons are changed, but hopefully it makes sense. BTW - "All!" means dismiss all. I couldn't fit anything else in
So, whadya think?
This is beta. There's more to add to this program, but I hope it's useful.
Note: it's likely to have some minor CPU usage. If you don't want it, don't use it.
Please provide feedback!
If you "lose" the dots, try reloading it. If that doesn't work, close it by going To Settings > System > Memory.
I don't know if it works with Wisbar etc. Try it and report!
Could you make it so the close button is not there ? (The cross on the top-right when its active)
You could then close by clicking on the 'dots' and selecting,.. say EXIT, or shutdown option.
Also, when closing down, maybe restoring the New menu ??
Will start to have a play.
I know the snooze button relates to the Snooze combo but, to me, the large buttons should be the All and Snooze, with the Dismiss being the small (or perhaps equal) size - better for hitting in the half light. The large ones should be at the bottom left and right for similar reasons (easier to hit).
nice, as always!!!
thanks for that
On my S100 with french rom it didn't work very well !
When i load hidestart i can see the time and battery indicators but the dots aren't there !
I've also tried a reminder and the buttons are not changed ! If your hack works like Mamaich hack for the phonedialer it doesn't work maybe because the title of the reminder window is different between roms ( "reminder" in the english rom but "rappel" in the french rom ).
It's just an idea ..
Switchcorp - good point, this is all English right now; I'll update the first post to indicate. If you send me the name of the "Reminder" window, and the exact text on Dismiss, Dismiss All, Snooze (button) and "Snooze:" text I'll try to update it, although probably not before my holiday
I don't understand why you can't see the dots. Did you try launching it again? If you "lose" it, you have to close it with Settings > System > Memory.
Are you using anything like Wisbar etc?
jimbo123 - when closing down it should restore the new menu to it's original state I hope. Please indicate if it doesn't.
I'm going to work on putting a "close" icon on the reminder itself, so instead of having to go to the Menu > Reminders option, there'll automatically be a "close" button to press and hide the reminders. But I got tired last night, so had to leave it!
mtbsoft - I understand about the buttons, and I'll happily reconfigure them, but remember that the All button is only shown if there's more than one reminder active, so you'll only have the Snooze and Dismiss buttons with <2 reminders. The reminder text box can't be made wider because the blue highlight is hardcoded to that width, so I don't have much space to play with
Buzz - get back to work :wink:
Translation :
"Reminder" window -> "Rappel"
"Dismiss" -> "Effacer"
"Dismiss All" -> "Effacer tout"
Snooze (button) -> "Répéter"
"Snooze:" -> "Répéter:" ( i suppose it's the time box ? )
I've tried again by redownloading hidestart ... i see the dots but after the "new bar" moves i've a bug on the bottow of my screen and hidestart is crashed !
I've soft reseted but i can't see the dots anymore ... it's very strange
Switchcorp - thanks for the info, I'll try to put it in.
I don't quite understand about the bug and the crash. Don't use it on your ROM for now, it can't do anything useful (I think the hiding startbar feature also uses English names, I don't have the code in front of me right now).
Are you using anything like Wisbar?
This interface is only very temporary. The functionality will go into another program I'm writing, but I thought the Reminder button hack was useful so put it out now. The dots work well on my colour theme and the position is convenient....
Sorry it doesn't work Switch!
I've forgot to say that i don't use any soft like wisbar !
The only hack that i've done is the time under the date ( instead of the time only ).
Soft i use : Phonealarm, Alarm Today, Phone dashboard and PHM tray lauch and SPB Pocket plus.
Only those are active !
No problem vijay555 I like your work and if i can help to improve your app's i'll be happy !
Hidestart is a good companion of the microsoft voice command i think For me it is very usefull
I'll wait that it works with the french roms !
I've tried to desactivate all my today plugins but it doesn't change anything
I'm glad you find some of it useful at least!
Today plugins won't make any difference, i'm sure it's the way I find the windows using the English names... I'll have to find french rom for the emulator I think...
I've got a nice Today Plugin I'm making. Some will find it useful. But i've no time to release it right now :wink: Soon.
Guys, I've just noticed a bug on my version (I'm using a different version to the one released here). Can you try writing something using the soft keyboard, eg editing a schedule or something, for longer then 5 seconds.
Does it work correctly? On mine HideStart is stealing focus, ie stopping you writing after a couple of seconds. Feedback if possible please!
Hi vijay555,
I also, like full screen and am using your toggle Today program. the HideStart didn’t work in my JAM (Arabic Windows)
I would suggest auto hide for both Start Bar and new Bar after a few second
in today screen and when there is any activity like new message, missed call
or so, the Start Bar only will show up till you clear it then it goes back to hide
again. I think this will be very nice. I assigned Start Menu to one of the Hard
Button and would be nice to have both start Bar and New Bar to show up
when pressing this Hard button!!!
Do you mind spreading your programs in other forum and mention your
name and post???
Thanks and Appreciated,
Feel free to distribute any of my stuff anywhere, although try to mention my name and get people to post problems on XDA forums (ie here!)
You should be aware that Hidestart seems to cause a minor problem for me; I use a different version to the one here, so maybe that's the problem, but it seems to take focus while you're typing a message or something after a few seconds. Now one else mentioned this, so as I said, this release is just an idea and if it works for you, great! Please post here and say it works fine. But if not, please indicate here so I can look into it when I get back.
TodayToggle (the latest one) toggle start bar and new bar at the same time using one program. HideStart is English only for now - you'll have to get me the same info supplied by Switchcorp (ie arabic names).
Take care!
Hi vijay555
All sorts of problems with this, I'm afraid.
I can launch it ok and the dots appear, I tap them and the new bar moves up to the top... and that's it - no more functionality. I'm using Pocket Plus and think the close/minimise function might be interferring with it. It is still running but I can't do anything with it.
Assuming I can get it working, I'd like to suggest a couple of other changes...
Make the time and battery display optional, I have them visible via other methods and would prefer to see 'Start'.
Make the application 'invisible' to task lists such as Pocket Plus, SmallMenuPlus and RunningPrograms - I think this is part of the problems I'm suffering, it is an application and not a process.
I'll keep trying different combinations to see if I can get it working (and identify why/how).
Congrat's and enjoy the honeymoon!
Congratulation and have fun.
vijay555 said:
This program is BETA
It only works on the English WM2003 Rom, and QVGA only (for now)
Backup your system and give it a go, it can't do anything dangerous, worst case just soft reset. But backup just in case :wink:
Ok, as of writing WM2005 might be out on Magician, so I'm distracted.
But, this is a minor advancement of a proof of concept I put up here.
This version has a major improvement. Read and see...
On loading up, you will see some tiny dots in the top left. It can't be moved for now, and you can't change the image for now (you can use a resource hacker if you want)
In normal use it does nothing. If the dots are active they will show the current time and Battery level.
Clicking on the dots will bring up your New Bar - the bar that is normally at the bottom of your Today screen! This means that you can access the New menu or bluetooth or activesync etc from your normal screen. Click it again to go back to your Start Bar. This hack is particularly useful will my TodayToggle program.
Ok: clicking and holding on the dots will bring up a menu. There's only one active option - Reminders.
Don't you hate it when reminders pop up and block you doing anything else? You don't want to snooze it, you just want to go back to betaplayer etc? Click on the option "Reminders" and the current active reminder will be "ghosted" (it won't do anything until there's a reminder on screen)
The reminders will not now bother you. However, to bring the reminders back up, choose the "reminders" option from the menu again, and it will come back up! Note the little alarm icon in the New Bar? That shows that you've got outstanding reminders.
Finally: piece de resistance
Reminders eh? Why where all the buttons so small? You have to take your stylus out just to click "Dismiss"? Who designed this thing? :roll:
There's a slight delay before the buttons are changed, but hopefully it makes sense. BTW - "All!" means dismiss all. I couldn't fit anything else in
So, whadya think?
This is beta. There's more to add to this program, but I hope it's useful.
Note: it's likely to have some minor CPU usage. If you don't want it, don't use it.
Please provide feedback!
If you "lose" the dots, try reloading it. If that doesn't work, close it by going To Settings > System > Memory.
I don't know if it works with Wisbar etc. Try it and report!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Any luck for WM 5.0 Users.
Cheers Taurus
You guys already have soft keys. But I'll see, I need to find out if I can hack the notification balloons for both for VJSihaya anyway.

Cleaned Up 6 Buttons Dual comm manager

Thank you JUVS for the original 6 button comm manager.
The reason I fixed the graphics for this 6 buttons comm manager because its very cheap looking, I still want to remove the additional text and leave only the main titles and the buttons, but I coud'nt figure it out, I looked at the registry and changed the disablebuttontext to different values to see if it will change but actually it messes up the whole thing and I didnt wanna play with it anymore, hopefully someone here can figure it out and let me know so I can make different screenshot.
here is the before and after picture so you guys see what was done.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Is it posble 2 hv th choic of app. ?
Good start, Poorlyduck. Key question for me is how customisable is your version going to be?
Example here is that you use Airplane Mode; we use Flight mode. Semantics, perhaps, but important, nevertheless, in the customising game. Also the range of apps you display isn't necessarily what everyone else might want to cover, hence the question on flexibility.
All the best.
uhmmm, no Wi-Fi???
I have this and Poorlyduck's yellow cube installed, and in both of these apps. these apps look like the writing is in cursive. In the screen settings the text size is set to the center (default), and Clear Type disabled. If I change the text sizeI get very large blocky letters, it also has the same effect if I turn enable clear type. I know that This has been asked before but I cannot find how to do it. I just want to have the basic type of font as shown in Poorlyduck's. My device is a Titan
saenzjoseph said:
I have this and Poorlyduck's yellow cube installed, and in both of these apps. these apps look like the writing is in cursive. In the screen settings the text size is set to the center (default), and Clear Type disabled. If I change the text sizeI get very large blocky letters, it also has the same effect if I turn enable clear type. I know that This has been asked before but I cannot find how to do it. I just want to have the basic type of font as shown in Poorlyduck's. My device is a Titan
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you need to go to \windows\fonts delete watever font you have there, maybe you installed somerthing that had those 2 fonts. reset the device and you will have normal text.
burkay said:
uhmmm, no Wi-Fi???
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there is wifi, just install the cab file and you will get it the wifi button automatically, I removed it in mine through the registry, because I have the wifi hardware switch. look at the picture above this post, those are the main buttons you will get when you install. to customize just replace whichever you want in the registry editor.
additional keys
poorlyduck said:
you need to go to \windows\fonts delete watever font you have there, maybe you installed somerthing that had those 2 fonts. reset the device and you will have normal text.
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hmm the fonts folder is empty already. so it must be caused by a program that was installed. ill have to check it out later this week when rebuilding my phone from that new rom is comming out
saenzjoseph said:
hmm the fonts folder is empty already. so it must be caused by a program that was installed. ill have to check it out later this week when rebuilding my phone from that new rom is comming out
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I'm interested in whatever you find out. I have the same issue with a cube I have just installed and like you, I found th efonts folder to be empty.
can you copy from your computer \window\fonts Tahoma and Arial fonts to your ppc \windows\fonts and reset, let me know how it goes.
Yup that fixed it. Thanks Poorlyduck
Well it fixed the Comm Manager but not the Cube, oh well never really found the Cube usefull
Gets more interesting, I got the correct font for the Comm Manager by copying over the fonts, then installed the Cube and then soft-reset and now the Comm Manager and the Cube have the cursive font. Uninstalling the Cube didn't help, and now I cannot delete the fonts because everytime I try to it gives the "being used by another program issue"
Here is the fonts if anybody needs them.
poorlyduck said:
there is wifi, just install the cab file and you will get it the wifi button automatically, I removed it in mine through the registry, because I have the wifi hardware switch. look at the picture above this post, those are the main buttons you will get when you install. to customize just replace whichever you want in the registry editor.
additional keys
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I am using Karmba's ROM & in the comm manager there is "3G" instead of Data Connection.
I checked in the registry value, number 4 = "3G" not "DataDisconnection". Is it the same function when i want to disconnect my data connection?
I need the "Data Connection" in my comm manager instead of "3G", should I delete the registry value or replace the value? please explain it to me.
I know this is off topic with the thread but since you guys are talking about it. How easy is it to change the System font? Can it be done?
allan1 said:
I know this is off topic with the thread but since you guys are talking about it. How easy is it to change the System font? Can it be done?
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Go to this thread and it might answer your question.
Is this Comm Manager compatible with WM5...more specifically a HTC Wizard?
widihol said:
I am using Karmba's ROM & in the comm manager there is "3G" instead of Data Connection.
I checked in the registry value, number 4 = "3G" not "DataDisconnection". Is it the same function when i want to disconnect my data connection?
I need the "Data Connection" in my comm manager instead of "3G", should I delete the registry value or replace the value? please explain it to me.
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Im with sprint service and we dont have 3G, I cant tell you if it will work if you replace the "3G" with "datadisconnection", dont delete it it, just try to replace it with "datadisconnection" .
Either way both are wireless data, if you turn off "3G" actually it will disconnect your data connectivity.
freeyayo50 said:
Is this Comm Manager compatible with WM5...more specifically a HTC Wizard?
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sorry I cant answer that question because I own WM6, The only way to find out is to try it or someone that had it working in his WM5
poorlyduck said:
Im with sprint service and we dont have 3G, I cant tell you if it will work if you replace the "3G" with "datadisconnection", dont delete it it, just try to replace it with "datadisconnection" .
Either way both are wireless data, if you turn off "3G" actually it will disconnect your data connectivity.
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Thanks.....I found that 'advance configuration tools' could fix my problem.
Now I get my "datadisconnection" back again.
widigol said:
Thanks.....I found that 'advance configuration tools' could fix my problem.
Now I get my "datadisconnection" back again.
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good to know your issue was solved, enjoy the comm manager
Thanks Poorlyduck .... very helpful.
Just put this on my touch .. had to instal it on my main mem and not my stor card
works fab thanks !!


The a new verison of pointui 1.5a up on their web page! Downloading Now!!!!!!
Check out Post 5 of the thread for evaluation by Curious George . . .
dahlem said:
There's a new verison of pointui up on their web page! Downlaoding Now!!!!!!
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Can you make this post a productive contribution by adding a link?
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NiteStalker said:
Can you make this post a productive contribution by adding a link?
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Thanks I didn't notice
I'm downloading and trying now
You should have named the thread something more attracting like NEW POINTUI 02/05/08
Thanks for the info
First Glance
At first glance it looks amazing!!! I might get flamed for that but it is my opinion.
-Sliding is smooth.
-It has a contacts application! Would like to see an option for Favorite Contacts.
-Calendar rework on the ribbon is great. Shows numerous days appointments.
-Dpad controls are present.
-Really intuative.
-Customization of animation is available under Customize Home. It can flip like the cube but in all directions.
-Battery drain is better but still a little more than my liking. This is probably device specific.
-Resource usage is down on my Wizard from before but still higher than most small programs
This is probably because things that PointUI controls in their interface like Weather, Contacts, CommManager
etc are always available immediately, no delay. It takes resources to do that. But I have to say overall 2 of
2 of the most recent cubes I have tried and 1 of the iphone knock offs I have tried have both been Ram hogs
with half the immediate access or smoothness this program gives.
-Messaging and calendar seem to be customizable to a degree still using a reg editor. See
-They have their own keyboard going on. Try to edit a contact and see what I mean. It would be nice to see it
skinnable because the color of it is so dark.
-Scrolling is still opposite. Both on press and direct, and flick to scroll but I like it.
Things I'd Like to see--These may actually come, see my notes below
-More options on weather. I like HTC Weather plugin much better. It would be nice to see more forcasts then
today and tomorrow. I really think a Hybrid of HTC Today Weather and Weather Watcher would be the best
but they may have an issue covering all of the countries.
-PointUI Calendar-Bet its coming
-PointUI SMS-Bet its coming
-PointUI Dialpad
-PointUI Media Hub & Player. Bet something like it is coming but man wouldn't it be great if they would team up with
A_C to make a killer integrated app!!!!!
-Rework the lock screen. Again they should talk to A_C here.
-Would like to see a Charging indicator on the home page battery icon. It does show however when pressed.
-Would like to see a Sync icon appear when connected to the PC
I haven't spent much more than 10 minutes with it. I don't know how customizable it is as of yet. It looks like on their site they are developing more programs and customizations to go with it. I also notice that at the top of the download section there was an emphasis on this Home being "Free". That along with the green check marks for some things and red x's for others makes me think that adds or improvements may cost money going forward.
Thats ok. Good programs do cost money and should be paid for.
I will add more as I test further.
Curious G
curious george said:
At first glance it looks amazing!!! I might get flamed for that but it is my opinion.
Sliding is smooth. It has a contacts application. Calendar rework on the ribbon is great. Shows numerous days. Dpad controls are present. Really intuative.
I have spent much more than 10 minutes with it. I don't know how customizabl it is as of yet. It looks like on their site they are developing more programs and customizations to go with it. I also notice that at the top of the download section there was an emphasis on this Home being "Free". That along with the green check marks for some things and red x's for others makes me think that adds or improvements may cost money going forward.
Thats ok. Good programs do cost money and should be paid for.
I will add more as I test further.
Curious G
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Completely approve with you
I know it's a little early but to make this program "perfect" :
- an integrated SMS manager, like they did for Contacts
- surely theme customisation
- a shortcut manager for programs on the HOME screen (eg change the outlook calendar to ThumbCal or the Messaging to a program other than Outlook messaging)
Though, this program is still GREAT, and this update brings decents modifications and fixes
killer_metallica said:
Completely approve with you
I know it's a little early but to make this program "perfect" :
- an integrated SMS manager, like they did for Contacts
- surely theme customisation
- a shortcut manager for programs on the HOME screen (eg change the outlook calendar to ThumbCal or the Messaging to a program other than Outlook messaging)
Though, this program is still GREAT, and this update brings decents modifications and fixes
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I believe the integrated SMS is coming. Just from looking at their website it will be there but they will probably charge for it and good for them.
Theme customization same thing
The shortcut manager is there in a way. Just press the "Star" Icon. I actually think it helps keep the screen clean of clutter. For you other 2 requests, ThumbCal and Messaging. You can change these using a reg editor. Not as simple as a ui but it can be done. Let me know if you need help with it.
new version looks promising..waiting for Wm2003 Edition
The new version is incredible!!!
a quick question
I am using version 1.02b, is it better to uninstall this version and start fresh? or should I use the update manager instead?
I really liked PointUI when it first came out, but realized pretty soon that I couldn't use it because of the way it lists the tasks. I was really hoping they had fixed that in this version, but see that it still lists tasks alpabetically instead of by due date.
Looks great, and the "Pick a version" screen definately implies "another (non free) version is coming soon"
Aaaa VGA version still have to wait
l3v5y said:
Looks great, and the "Pick a version" screen definately implies "another (non free) version is coming soon"
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I Agree!!!!! But I bet it means really neat adds!!! And good for them!! Its the only way to get Developers to move past initial implementation.
deejacker said:
I am using version 1.02b, is it better to uninstall this version and start fresh? or should I use the update manager instead?
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I would recommend you completely unintall the previous version. By that I mean go through their unistall method and soft reset. Then file explore and delete all info out of \Program Files. Then reg edit and delete all info in \HKCU and \HKLM. Soft reset and then use this one.
curious george said:
I would recommend you completely unintall the previous version. By that I mean go through their unistall method and soft reset. Then file explore and delete all info out of \Program Files. Then reg edit and delete all info in \HKCU and \HKLM. Soft reset and then use this one.
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Thanks for that.
Waiting desperately the VGA version for my Eten X800
Do you guys know how to manage voicemails with that ?
I currently have a notification of a new voice mail but there is no "voice mail" button like on WM ...
maxqc said:
Do you guys know how to manage voicemails with that ?
I currently have a notification of a new voice mail but there is no "voice mail" button like on WM ...
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I am not for certain. I use visual voicemail so I have never encountered this. I will pass to someone who has. If I find the answer I will post it though.
sorry guys for bumping this. but someone started another thread about the same thing and it is going to create havoc giving opinon analysis, feedback and support.

[30/05] UPDATED Minimal Flow for ThrottleLauncher

So here I am with my second customization thread.
After making my minimal dialer skin click I also found that the Touch Diamond interface for ThrottleLauncher was a bit too dark and playful for me.
So I decided to make a modification to make it all a bit lighter and more stylish. And something like 12 hours later, here I am!
Changed almost all graphics and a lot of settings to make it and app that suits me.
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Updated version with weather:
How to install:
(1) Install ThrottleLauncher 0.9.1
1. Copy both files in the zip to your storage card.
2. Go to your ppc's explorer and install "Minimal Flow".
The cab installs a the skin and a windows mobile theme to your ppc.
2.1 Open up the picture file Minimal Flow.jpg while still in explorer
and press Menu>Set as Today Background. Set to 0% and press ok.
3 Go to Start>Setting>Today and select ClassicBlack and press ok.
3.1 Go to the tab "Items" and deselect everything (ALSO THROTTLETODAY).
Something like Batterystatus can still be run but bus be placed under ThrottleToday
4 On your PPC go to: Start>Programs>ThrottleConfig and select Minimal Flow
from the drop-down box.
4.1 Press "reload plugin" and click exit.
Download Minimal Flow for a lot more configuration and a weather tab!
-First install Mortschript, wich can be found here.
-Then install Minimal Flow V1.0 and after the installation also install the updated version, both to device.
-After installation select the "Minimal Flow Weather", press reload plugin and enjoy! The extended configuration can by pressing "Settings" on the settings tab.
Updated version of the weather version, no more error on load-up! thanks to APBilbo! thank you ^^
I put a lot of effort in making these kind of things, a little donation would make my day!
Credits go to APBilpo for his great app and my template! And for the Weather tab my credits go to alladdin for writing the mortscript.
ahh. very nice. very black. to my liking.
great job!
wow looks great!!!keep it up
Please read my questions (at least the first one) need you guys to help me with this.
Looks great so far, can't really come up with 4 letter words, but how about a seperate theme with gray pictures?
Synned said:
Looks great so far, can't really come up with 4 letter words, but how about a seperate theme with gray pictures?
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Yeah that was my idea too, just use a theme for WM with my background, the problem is that I dont know how to add my own picture to a .tsk
privacy issue, sorry
abjeroen said:
maybe you can use 'CALL' instead of people? it doesn't really cut it.. but it's ussually the next thing your doing after pressing that button, right.
(ik hoop dat je er ook gemiste sms / mail in zet )
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Uhm, Call is a good idea, now only one for settings (damn, why is that so hard).
Sms wont do it, it's mail and text because I want to keep all icons with four letters.
privacy issue, sorry
abjeroen said:
note: I would prefer the 'count balloon' by messages to be above the text, instead of below.
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Haha, I was just working on that part xD
And CALL is a good one, using it!
pauldgroot said:
So here I am with my second customization thread.
After making my minimal dialer skin click I also found that the Touch Diamond interface for ThrottleLauncher was a bit too dark and playfull for me.
So I decided to make a modification to make it all a bit lighter and more stylish.
In my opnion that looks a lot better! ^.^
Anyway, I am stuck on a few things and I was hoping one of you could help me out.
1. More of a simple question to brainstorm about.
There is a tab Contacts and a tab Settings, how do I have to make a 4 letter icon out of this? Contacts is now PEPL (people) and settings is now CONF (configuration). I don't like them very much so please help me come up with another one.
2. I don't want the background to be black and there are two options to achieve this.
First of all I could make a tsk that would have the my own background. The problem with this is that if I make one in ThemegenCE, it would go from flat black bars to the glossy grey ones.
Secondly, someone could explain me how to modify the config.xml from throttle launcher so it would load it up with the theme and cover up the original background. The problem with this solution is that I don't know wich line to add. (the parameter=texture gave me problems because it said the skin.xml was invalid?) I think the tsk option is the best so that people could still use their own backgrounds.
Anyway, atm I am working on replacing all icons wich is 40% done or so.
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1. CNFG? PEEP? PPLE? hmmm, i see where the problem is...this is kind of hard. CONF sound really good.
Could you use icons instead of text maybe?
pauldgroot said:
Yeah that was my idea too, just use a theme for WM with my background, the problem is that I dont know how to add my own picture to a .tsk
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I mean change the 4 letter words to little grey silhouettes or simple images.
As for implementing your background in a .tsk, you need a theme editor program... I used one before but can't think of what its called. Or you could just supply us with the jpg and we can set it as our wallpaper. BTW This looks really sweet, about how long untill it's done?
Ok, I think I will release the wall seperate. Unless someone comes with a solution.
I wont change the text to icons because this just looks stylish
The icons for the settings are complete. Some other things to do but first I need to get me some sleep. Tomorrow I think I will finish it.
Good night.
ADDY or ADDR for contacts.
setting is also a nest of eggs (old usage) but EGGS might confuse too much.
I like simple CONF
fards said:
ADDY or ADDR for contacts.
setting is also a nest of eggs (old usage) but EGGS might confuse too much.
I like simple CONF
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What does ADDY stand for? never heard of it. Anyway I think CALL and CONF are ok for now. Maybe I'll have a dream with inspiration.
Good night.
just release a background and people can use the allblack tsk floating around and apply the picture you provide as a background through pics and video with 0% transparency, works fine
privacy issue, sorry
PREF would also do it. Though I'm used to CONF by now and realy like it. I hope I'm done with skinning in about an hour and then only alingment etc.
Looks awesome!!! . Really nice work, I look forward testing it . About your questions:
1) For people.... may be something like "PALS"? And for settings...."TUNE"... Anyway I think that CONF is just right .
2) As I see you have done lot of working with the setup I suppose you already know the tutorial. It's true that it's a little bit unupdated.... So, here's how everything is organiced:
- 1rst layer: the background of the today screen back. Will be shown only if the transparency is set to true on the skins.
- 2nd layer: rowbackimage (this one is not documented...). Here you have an example:
<param name="rowbackimage" value="rowback.png"/>
What it will do is wrap the image to the row size behind it. This image can be a transparent png to show the 1rst layer.
Hope this helps!! If you still have doubts, let me know!!
- 3rd layer: icons .
APBilbo said:
Looks awesome!!! . Really nice work, I look forward testing it . About your questions:
1) For people.... may be something like "PALS"? And for settings...."TUNE"... Anyway I think that CONF is just right .
2) As I see you have done lot of working with the setup I suppose you already know the tutorial. It's true that it's a little bit unupdated.... So, here's how everything is organiced:
- 1rst layer: the background of the today screen back. Will be shown only if the transparency is set to true on the skins.
- 2nd layer: rowbackimage (this one is not documented...). Here you have an example:
<param name="rowbackimage" value="rowback.png"/>
What it will do is wrap the image to the row size behind it. This image can be a transparent png to show the 1rst layer.
Hope this helps!! If you still have doubts, let me know!!
- 3rd layer: icons .
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Ok thanks al lot!
I managed to get a different BG in the programs tab, by editing the skin.xml in skins/programs. But what if I want to add a BG to e.g. the HOME tab? The settings for the home tab are all in the config.xml and when I add
<param name="rowbackimage" value="rowback.png"/>
to it, it wont load it up. Is this because the home tab is cut up into different rows?
If you could explain me how to add a ackground into the main config.xml file I would appreciate that alot.

