Lag in call history....? - Touch HD General

I've searched and this is too generic of a search to find a definitive answer.
It doesn't seem to matter what chef's ROM I use but when I click on call history, 90% of the time, I get a major minute or minute and a half lag before the screen appears.
Like I said, I've tried 2 or 3 different ROMs from different chefs but I always seem to get the same result.
With Dutty's ROM, I was getting the same lag everytime I would click on the calendar tab on the home screen. (however, if I clicked on calendar on the home page (not the tab, the link below the clock) I didn't have any lag in calendar.
With David's ROM, I don't get the lag with calendar but as with Dutty's, I get a lag on call history.
When I installed the ROMs, I did the usual hard reset and always seem to get the same result.... a lagging call history.
Anyone have this problem or know a cure? I use this phone for my business and it's extremely annoying to have to wait a minute or so just to get a screen up to read my call history.

Sounds strange but maybe its a fault in the Radio Module or could it be a corrupted bootloader, I've never experienced that and tried most available ROM's, I suggest flash an official ROM, restore SPL and then see if problem exists. Did the problem occur in old versions of Manila?

Honestly, I don't remember at what point it started. Because I started flashing the day I got the phone, I didn't spend much time on any one ROM.
I will try your suggestion and see what happens.

Got an idea. When I install a new ROM, I always let windows mobile device center reinstall my contacts.
Having said that, as my PIM updates, I just copy and paste it so when I install a new ROM, all I do is paste the new PIM into the main root directory on the storage card.
Point is, PIM.VOL is at 3.27M
Doesn't that seem a little much?
I've got roughly 350-400 contacts in my phone so I don't know if the PIM is a little much at 3.27M.
Any thoughts?

Okay, I reverted back to a nothing PIM and started from stratch.
Also, I downgraded to an older radio, flashed the rom and did a hard reset.
The call history tab pulls up pretty quick, the calendar still LAGS....
Not sure what the deal is...
I'm gonna go check out Regedit.


Interesting situation with outlook

Hey all has anybody else experienced this? when I open up outlook to check emails or text messages outlook's background doesn't load up, I can see on the top bar the name of the inbox I'm currently supposed to be looking at but the background is my today screen. I can send new messages but basically I can't read new ones if I try to touch the screen I activate whatever I hit on my today screen. I took off all my today screen plugins, but nothing, if anyone has any suggestions or ideas, I would appreciate it.
Sounds obvious and stupid but have you turned the device (hold power button) and back on again? This happens to me sometimes and after a reboot it seems to fix it.
Yeah I do the same thing, the only problem is that it's doing it too often and it's a pain to reset my phone 3 - 4 times a day.
Oh i see. Mine has never done it that often, sorry I can't help any more!
You have a software conflict somewhere - it will be v hard to track down. You could try uninstalling some especially if you have spb products installed as they often are the culprits. But you probably need to hard reset and add programs one by one to find the one.
I had this problem in the past (with old ROMs though)
The way I managed to overcome this is to keep outlook running in the background.
I'm using the Spb Pocket Plus and in the "close button configuration" I added the outlook to the exceptions list. By keeping it running, it always come back with a complete screen (not just top and bottom).
But then again, I didn't see this behavior since I upgraded the ROM; I'm on the 2.26 ROM now.
Yeah was just thinking of doing something like that more or less.
The only spb software I have is spb backup, I always works at first it's just at some point after I've been using the system for a while that it starts doing it. It could be after opening some application and I just haven't noticed. I'll try opening one application at a time and checking to see if it stops working after a certain one, yes tedious I know, but tell you the truth I don't use a whole lotta applications, so I'll stick to the ones I usually open up.
For those of you having this problem, if you are using smartkey, make sure outlook, MMS, Text messaging, are set to be ignored, just like it is in the default smartkey.ini. I had altered the ini and taken out all the programs since I wanted them all to close, but I noticed it started happening after closing outlook with smartkey, so I put it back on ignore and haven't had any problems since (and I hope I won't).

Phone Dialer issues. Will not run unless Soft Reset.

Anyone having an issue with their default phone dialer. Sometimes it just wont run so I can make a call. Also when I close it down from running it will freeze.
After I do a soft reset it works find for a while, then it locks again.
maybe try a new ROM, i know it seems like a big deal for such a small problem.. but you will get new, better features. it may also be a third party app that is messing around with it. i suggest trying the new rom (WM6 Pro 3.0 by ANTC is pretty good) and avoid installing and third party apps you don't need. also, make you sure hard reset after reflashing. good luck
Thanks, Sounds like alot of trouble.
Why wont my signature show up????
There it is... lol
Instead of reflashing, just do a hard reset; that will clear out all applications you installed and revert your phone back to a "just installed" state. Make sure to back up any important data before initiating the hard reset.
I might try that. Will that erase all my phone numbers on the sim?
ah at last! someone has same problem!.
its unclear, why its happening, but ie. if you press clock, of just do something to show element of gui(bubble, notification, etc, you will be able to launch phonepad normally(75%).
i am not sure, if it is ROM, custom dialpads, or installed software related...but may be dependant of today plugins(which are losing "focus"-i mean its selection blocks phonepad...
it is not pernament block, what i am talking about, launching any program, and closing it makes phonepad launchable again(xx%)..
are you using custom dialpad?
i've got that issue since mUn roms started to appear, but it may be custom dialpad, which i started to use shortly after variations tests.
also, it seems to be related to any flushes, that may close phone process...then it just cant be rerun( have no better words..).
telling to HR is ridiculous...
If anyone reads this and you are not having any issues please post your specs. (rom, os and others).
I have the default blue dialpad on it now and changed back from the Pauly's Vista Eten dialer and both are giving me the issues. Even a few minutes ago if happened. I am still with my 30 days of purchase with Cingular. I dont know if I should keep it or send it back.
I like all my other features. Hate that is locks and I have to softreset.
Do you think an upgrade will work?
i think you should just upgrade to WM6, i don't think you will have an issue.. since you have a g4 u will need to use the shelltool.. follow the directions here: you will need to find a rom, and i'm still leaning towards the newest WM6 by ANTC, as it is vanilla and has no extra software attached to it.. go here: for that. also, a hard reset won't delete the numbers on a sim card. just make sure u sync before you flash and then hard reset. good luck
as i said, i havent ever had this problem. i'm guessing that you are still running wm5.. so an upgrade should fix a compatability issue with software.. and you should make sure you don't put any extra software on there that you don't need. otherwise you will overload it, and it MAY happen again.

T-Mobile Wing, Text Message Locking Up

I have a Wing and about two weeks ago, I put my first calendar event in it and since, it has been acting up. I deleted the calendar event and it worked ok. So last week I put another event in there I needed and now it runs a LOT slower and locks up when I try to text message. Once I slide it to use the keyboard, sometimes I can put in who I'm sending it to but once I get to the message, locks up. I can't close the program or continue typing. I close the slider and it stays in landscape mode. Every other program on here works well but sometimes slow. After lurking on here, i thought it was a memory issue, program or storage. I've done a couple things to move stuff to the memory card so it shouldn't be memory. I have plenty of space on there and nothing helps. I have an overclock program on here and run it at 228 instead of 186 but nothing changes. I also downloaded MemMaid and have played around with it trying to help but no. Anyone have an idea what could be wrong? Is there a way to reload just the text program to work right again? I don't want to do a hard reset because I have almost 200 contact #'s and I really don't want to lose all those or have to write them down and retype them all in. Thoughts? I know I'm not the only one and after searching/lurking on here for a few days, i'm not finding the help needed. Thanks!!!
forgot to state the facts.
Storage memory 27.56mb free, program memory 16.51mb free. I did delete the MyFavs program which helped dramatically.
Are you using the stock Rom? If so have you tried changing your pagepool? My experience with using the stock rom was disappointment and eventually changed to a custom rom. But I do agree with you it does sound like a memory issue.
Also I would consider finding a Contacts backup program so when it all goes to crap you are safe. There are many options for backing up so I would recommend just using your favorite search engine. But sooner or later your wing will get so unresponsive you will want to reinstall and a backup is a nice option with that many contacts.
I am going to do a backup tomorrow for sure but I don't think it's a memory issue. If it was, how do people have wings working perfectly with 4-8mb and I'm consistantly 13-16? It has to be a software issue which means it can be fixed. Anyone else have this problem? I saw a few people on Yahoo Answers but no one stated a fix to the issue. Beuller?
Also forgot which it just did again is once in a blue moon when I go to do a screen lock, it gives me an all white screen then won't let me unlock it. I have to do a soft reset. Another piece to the puzzle that no one is figuring out. lol
Lately it's starting to do it when I even try to type using IE, say to log into a gmail account or to put in a URL. Somehow the keyboard is locking up the phone all together. If I get a call during a time when it's locked up, it ends up ringing but won't let me click answer or ignore. It seems like it's memory but at all times I have between 14-16 megs of program available with over 26 megs of storage. SOMEONE here has to have an idea, right?
Apparently I've stumped the developers here... time to find someone who can help me.
The stock T-mobile Wing rom sucks... it has memory leaks and it doesn't work very well. Very often, you try to open a program like the camera, and it will say "not enough memory to run" ... or texting will freeze up ..etc...
Best thing to do is install a 3rd party rom...
go here to find one
I personally reccommend ITJE or ASERG roms... I've used both of their roms extensively and have found them to be the most professional, fast and stable.
Awesome man! I will look into them when I get home and will try them out on my Wing. I'll look into the rom you're running because I'm sure it's stable enough. My question is, do any of these roms or are there any plug ins that can let me use multiple schedules on the calendar? If I could have up to 4 or 5, that would be ideal! I use 4 different schedules for work and would like to have a personal one as well. You're my hero.
anyone think this is a stock Rom issue? It's now starting to lock up anytime I try to use the keyboard. No matter the program. Thoughts?
Toxis said:
anyone think this is a stock Rom issue? It's now starting to lock up anytime I try to use the keyboard. No matter the program. Thoughts?
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I still use the stock rom, of course, I haven't had any of the problems you do. It acted up when I first bought it, but I hard reset and followed the steps in
From what I've read, T-mobiles roms are highly inconsistent. (surprise, surprise...) Some work decent if you don't mind a soft reset every morning, and some are just rotten apples. Try the mods and a hard reset 1st, but it sounds like you need a new rom.
Toxis said:
Awesome man! I will look into them when I get home and will try them out on my Wing. I'll look into the rom you're running because I'm sure it's stable enough. My question is, do any of these roms or are there any plug ins that can let me use multiple schedules on the calendar? If I could have up to 4 or 5, that would be ideal! I use 4 different schedules for work and would like to have a personal one as well. You're my hero.
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I'm not sure what you mean by "schedules" but there a lots of calandar .cabs out there like today agenda and pocketcm calender. Check out or
I mixed tapatalk conversations, sorry.

Serious freezing issues

I have reflashed the phone about three times with the stock rom and now have moved to custom ones which seem to be working a little better, but I am honestly getting annoyed with how much this phone freezes while in the text window. I have to do a battery pull every time because none of the hard buttons respond either. I have seen many posts and was wondering if anyone has found a fix to this. I might, however, have a bad phone. I did not but it from T-mobile, so if I brought it in to them would they even be able to replace it or how do I go about doing that?
otter5 said:
I have reflashed the phone about three times with the stock rom and now have moved to custom ones which seem to be working a little better, but I am honestly getting annoyed with how much this phone freezes while in the text window. I have to do a battery pull every time because none of the hard buttons respond either. I have seen many posts and was wondering if anyone has found a fix to this. I might, however, have a bad phone. I did not but it from T-mobile, so if I brought it in to them would they even be able to replace it or how do I go about doing that?
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The SMS freezing issue is widespread in this phone, I honestly don't think you have a bad piece of hardware.
One of the solutions that seems to work most frequently is to keep the number of text messages retained in your phone down to an absolute minimum (like 50 or less) at all times. Clearing them out regularly (and from the deleted folder as well) seems to have eliminated the issue for a bunch of people. If it's critical for you to retain messages longer than that would allow, I'd suggest just backing your messages up with myphone or something similar that allows you to access them off the phone.
I know that's not an ideal solution, but it seems to work. That's the strategy I use all the time, and I've never once had the sms lagging or lockup issues that so many others report.
I've been deleting all my texts as soon as they get over 20 just to minimalize the problem, everything else will start lagging as well if I let this happen. Thanks though. I hope they get a fix for this because I love this phone.
I was haVing the same issues but not as bad as can also try changing the messages too standard not threaded. you can do that by selecting all messages then menu then options...also try running titanium. go to settings/all settings then select windows default I trash mine like that for a while. but what seems to have fixed my problems was just un installing cookies home tab...I mentioned to sirphunkee that in a few days I would install cookies again to see if my problems came back.
I think this MIGHT help you id the problem.
See if removing the memory card helps.
My first unit seemed as bad as yours, if not worse.
Whenever I removed the memory card, it would run SUPER smooth, so I thought to myself, maybe a higher class sdhc would do the trick?
There is just something defective about all the TMOUS HD2s...they just fail imho.
toreone said:
I was haVing the same issues but not as bad as can also try changing the messages too standard not threaded. you can do that by selecting all messages then menu then options...also try running titanium. go to settings/all settings then select windows default I trash mine like that for a while. but what seems to have fixed my problems was just un installing cookies home tab...I mentioned to sirphunkee that in a few days I would install cookies again to see if my problems came back.
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I unthreaded it and have not had a problem all day. Thank you

HD mini ROM upgrade (for South East Asia)

HTC issued an upgrade today. I think this is what you guys have been waiting for. Check it out. I'm downloading it now.
ROM Upgrade for HTC HD mini
Release Date: 2010-07-08
ROM Version:1.36.707.3
Thank you very much , what the difference from old version?
thanx for notifying...
Officially, these are the improvements:
1. The trimmer bar will slide smoothly while trimming the mp3.
2. Enhance the system performance and stability.
3. Improves the ringtone sound quality.
For me, only #2 and #3 are important.
I've just finished flashing the phone. Have to wait for start up and bring all my personal setup and data back to the phone.
Then i'll give it a test run to check for any noticeable improvements.
From the outset, HD mini seems to run smoothly already before the upgrade. Although i have some basic complaints about the new os and/or htc custom software.
1. Calendar from the Manila tabs is seriously crippled. When you slide to the Calendar tab, or jump to it from the Home link, it takes half a minute before the week's schedule comes up. Unlike the old WinMo 6.1 calendar or old 3rd party calendars that jumps right up without any delays. Secondly, there's no way to make duplicates of schedules. For example, i have a "corporate meeting" scheduled for today. After the day is done, another one was set for the following week. Normally, i'd just copy from today, and then paste into 7-days after. But that's impossible to do in Manila Calendar. I'd have to resort back to the WinMo Calendar, which thankfully is still lay hidden in the sub-menus, to do this very basic task. Third, it's fixed to show 7-days schedules only. Can't add more days to it. I hope HTC will take a look at this serious draw back for the otherwise wonderful phone. (This disability will frustrate business folks.)
2. Text Messaging is eye-candy. Which is good. Except, there's a huge trade off. First, the Text tab shows only last 25 messages, and not intuitive at all. It's shown in the ancient per message style. No threading. Although, you can click All Messages to go into the threaded format. Which brings us to the second biggest problem. It's extremely slow. You click on a person, and the messages will build up slowly, taking several seconds to come up one by one, depending on the volume of the conversation with that person. Third, and the worst worst part??? The old trusty speedy WinMo's own versatile text messaging app was killed off. So you're left with no alternative.
3. Contacts/People app is also seriously crippled. This used to be WinMo's ugly but super versatile function. The very attraction that draws people to WinMo. New Contacts app is either broken or buggy. You can't use cut/copy/paste functions in most of the fields, except the very basic ones. As an example, you can do the cut/copy/paste with Mobile Number, but not the rest of it, ie. Car Number, Radio Number, Home Number, etc. So it's very choosy. Of course, if you dig deeper, you're thrown back to WinMo's own Contacts app. Saved the day? No way. It's the opposite. The new weird looking WinMo Contacts do not allow any cut/copy/paste at all, except for the Notes section. I wonder why do they have to axe this very useful core functionality. But the nightmare doesn't end there. If you change a tiny thing in a particular Contact field, saving it will take ages. Basically freezing up the phone for maybe a minute or so. Most people would have probably pried open the back cover and took out the battery. (Because mini doesn't have reset button.) It really looks like the whole phone has crashed. Until, if you're patient enough to wait, and realize it's just super slow to save an editted Contact.
Apart from these 3 nuisances. The rest of the phone works wonderfully.
So, for now, i can only resort to Outlook editting on my netbook, whenever i need to work on the contacts and schedules. Then sync.
But this means, i can't do these basic stuffs real time, as needed, whenever needed. I'll have to remember all the changes of contacts and schedules for the day. And then do my homework when i get home. It doesn't happen everyday. But still a big drawback. Information tends to get lost along the way.
New ROM brings more stability to text messaging. Still super slow, but error free now. Possibly no more bugs, or eliminated to the minimum.
I got around 2000 text messages and more than 1600 contacts in my phone. Probably the reason making the Messaging and Contacts app super slow. (In HD mini, all of them are linked. Updating something in a contact will be updated all across the whole ecosystem.)
But i had more than 20,000 messages and same number of contacts in my old trusty Asus P750 WinMo 6.1 phone. And there was no slow down in either Messaging or Contacts apps. Not even editting and filling up tons of data in the notes field of a contact can put a dent to it. The Calendar app was also fast. Both WinMo's own and third party apps.
I'm back again for more observations on the new ROM update.
Thankfully, HTC brought back the "Snooze to X mins/hours/days" options whenever a schedule reminder pops up. Really wonderful. I love this.
Thank you HTC, for solving one of my major gripes on HD mini.
I hope HTC can take a look at my other gripes (see above, plus a slight problem with excel), and incorporate solutions for the next update.
Another thank you note for HTC is that, my first unit, which seem to hang a lot, was quickly replaced with a brand new unit. Not much questions asked. Now, that's quality product coupled with quality service. Very good. No wonder HTC is rising so quickly.
just updated it yesterday from the HongKong HTC website(ROM Version:1.36.721.3), i guess it's the same as the one mentioned in this post.
Infact i haven't noticed any special change or improvement after upgrading my hd mini, the sliding between different different tabs seems to be smoother, but still it'll be lagged when moving from the home screen to 9-tabs screen.
Like bart3385 said, the "Snooze to X mins/hours/days" options makes the schedule more friendly and logical(so that i won't miss up any of the coming event).
But there're still some things need to be fixed.
1.G-sensor seems to be too much sensitive= =(not that sensitive in the previous rom. Not a big problem if u aren't interested in teeter)
2.Chinese font is still terrible(when compare to the Hong Kong CHT rom), not easy to read as there's no antialiasing when the chinese character is small.(still not a problem for those who dun read/type chinese)
3.Scanty ram!!!Need to keep killing tasks.
To prepare for the upgrade, I understand that the personal data should be backed up first. That itself isn't an issue for my friend cos her data is sync'd to outlook exchange, and SMSes can be backed up via microsoft myphone.
What about programs eg bsbtweak and other apps that I installed on her phone.. Do these need to be reinstalled? If that's the case I need to bring the various cab files along as well, when I begin the labourious task of upgrading the ROM!
What she really needs is a way to desensitise the touchscreen. She finds it too sensitive
SN to download...
Any Asian serial number can download the ROM upgrade. HTC is just making sure you don't use this on European units, which the ROM is not intended for. In other words, avoiding mismatch.
Although i have no idea what will happen if you install an Asian ROM in a European unit. Aside from losing all the European languages. Will it work?
I have error "incorrect vender" when I install the Asian ROM in my European unit. Any solution?
rcsoarer said:
I have error "incorrect vender" when I install the Asian ROM in my European unit. Any solution?
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I guess that answers my question. Apparently, the ROM has to match the country of the device it is intended for.
Have you tried downloading a European latest ROM from HTC site, and flashing it to your unit?
saidean said:
To prepare for the upgrade, I understand that the personal data should be backed up first. That itself isn't an issue for my friend cos her data is sync'd to outlook exchange, and SMSes can be backed up via microsoft myphone.
What about programs eg bsbtweak and other apps that I installed on her phone.. Do these need to be reinstalled? If that's the case I need to bring the various cab files along as well, when I begin the labourious task of upgrading the ROM!
What she really needs is a way to desensitise the touchscreen. She finds it too sensitive
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Everything will be lost when you upgrade ROM. Including apps, configurations, data, messages, etc.
You'll have to reinstall all the apps all over again.
You can use Jeyo Mobile Companion to back up your SMS instead of MyPhone. Backup to the XML format, so that you can restore all of them back to your phone. You can also backup and restore your call logs.
I always feel safer to backup things to my pc, instead of the internet.
MR.liang said:
SN to download...
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This SN doesn't work, can anyone help?
Use your own serial number. Found in the box or at the back of your phone (under battery compartment).
pls any one successes download SEA ROM from HTC website kindly share here, I have try several time with no luck. always uncompleted files.
I try both Asia1 and Asia2 but can not completed download. (I have my own SN, and I think should not the issued).
did anyone realise that the auto updates and events sync from facebook for every 2 hours doesn't work in the new HTC SEA update?
anyone else face this problem?
esnwizz said:
did anyone realise that the auto updates and events sync from facebook for every 2 hours doesn't work in the new HTC SEA update?
anyone else face this problem?
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Me Too .... The facebook auto-sync is not working for me!!!! :-(

