how would you unlock this wizard (only experts) - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

im trying to unlock this wizard but there is one problem
it wont sync, it only charges (i´ve seen other wizards with the same issue) there's in fact another thread and i have already posted there.
it wont sync over bluetooth because the first sync has to be with cable.
im out of ideas, maybe someone can help me out.
thanks for any help.
i know in ebay some people sell the unlock codes, but as you can tell by my english im from mexico and things are not OK at the moment.
maybe there is an app that can calculate the codes or maybe other alternative

You must have active sync version 4.5. If you have older - update.
Or to check usb cable.

Actually I have a solution for your problem, but I'm no expert, so that leaves me out of the thread.

I shall declare myself an expert, so that at least someone gets help (regardless whether I am, in fact, an expert or not). hmotwr's response is the kind of thing that gets users banned...just saying.
Syncing is not an unlock problem. It might be a problem that you already have two accounts in your phone, and you need to delete one of them. It could be that you're using a Vista computer (known problem). It could be that your version of WM5 is corrupted. It could be that your Wizard's microUSB connector is broken.
I suspect the solution that hmotwr is withholding is the legendary "Flash from an SD card" which has seen lots of thread activity, but very few successes. Here is a possible answer:
Don't be afraid to use the site's search engine, it's not bad. Search engines are your friends. Get to know them, and love them.

hmotwr said:
Actually I have a solution for your problem, but I'm no expert, so that leaves me out of the thread.
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yes i can tell, thanks any way

Myrddin Wyllt said:
I shall declare myself an expert, so that at least someone gets help (regardless whether I am, in fact, an expert or not). hmotwr's response is the kind of thing that gets users banned...just saying.
Syncing is not an unlock problem. It might be a problem that you already have two accounts in your phone, and you need to delete one of them. It could be that you're using a Vista computer (known problem). It could be that your version of WM5 is corrupted. It could be that your Wizard's microUSB connector is broken.
I suspect the solution that hmotwr is withholding is the legendary "Flash from an SD card" which has seen lots of thread activity, but very few successes. Here is a possible answer:
Don't be afraid to use the site's search engine, it's not bad. Search engines are your friends. Get to know them, and love them.
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yes the problem is the mini-usb port, didnt know that flashing was possible via SD card, i've been out of this forum for awhile (not totally im in the shift and the fuze forum)
thanks for the link, will see if it can help me out and will let you know.
activesync is out of the question since i've been able to sync via bluetooth AFTER the first sync with cable (with other phones).
thanks once again.
to all the others.....
when i wrote "only exprets" i didnt mean it in a offensive way i just wanted to get ideas and not the classical "check the cable" "try a different computer" "different version of acticvesync" because all of that has already been done, but i apologize if it was taken in a wrong way.
i appreciate all the help.


Any questions for microsoft

Any questions for microsoft
Hi all,
On Monday week - ie 11th July I will be meeting with microsoft and hopefully looking at the HTC Universal in detail. I will take my camcorder along so hopefully they will let me take some footage.
Does anyone have any questions they want asked?
Also I will try to take a "origami size pattern" of the universal as many prople are worried about the size. ie you can print, fold and glue to get an accurate feel of its volume.
Any other suggestions on information that can be gained from this meeting?
Edit: I will also try to get a couple of sample photos/video from the cameras
Ask about WM5 for other HTC devices. That would be cool to know what MS says about it.
Do you mean upgrades for existing HTC models (this is a carrier decision not m$) or do you mean new models yet to be announced such as the galaxy/wizard?
Jayman said:
or do you mean new models yet to be announced such as the galaxy/wizard?
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... which is also a question to ask manufacturers and not Microsoft.
I wouldn't expect them to have any information on this either, but it's worth a shot. Ask if they have any information when we might be able to see this device in the US. Even ballpark figures will do. I need something to keep me away from the Samsung i730.
Also, if it is a working device, I'd be interested to know how it performs as a phone (without headset/speakerphone) in both the open and closed screen position. (i.e. are the speaker and microphone positioned to work well in both configurations?). Check out the memory configuration as well, see how much ROM is left for storage.
One more thing...WM5 seems to lend itself to easier one handed usage. I'm not sure it will be possible with the Universal, but I'd be interested in your interpretation.
It sounds like a great opportunity, have fun!
Will there be a HotFix system for the WM2005, or is there any plans for it.
Will M$ Relase Rom, Radio etc. upgrades/Fixes directly in the future for WM 2005.
What is M$ doing about the fact that installed programs can make the device general unstable. Are you looking into this problem and plan to solve this issue.
I'm no programmer and don't know why this happends, but i guess it the same story as Windows for desktops in earlier years?
Good luck fella.
Ask them when they are finally going to solve the microphone support issues with the phone application, why the same mic works perfectly well with speakerphone, voice recorder ect but is far too low on phone.
Maybe they could add a volume slider for the Mic in the phone app (and here's another tip, if they do, they current level should be the bottom setting!!)
Take the invisible Rom-Grabber with you and ask for a Blue Angel with WM 5.0...
USB Host
Can you find out if they have any plans to include USB host drivers so that we can use our windows mobile devices with portable hard drives. The form factor of the Universal can only be justified (by me) if I can get rid of my pc on many trips. To do that, I need access to files on my portable hard drive. Would be nice if they supported this functionality.
USB Host
Can you find out if they have any plans to include USB host drivers so that we can use our windows mobile devices with portable hard drives. The form factor of the Universal can only be justified (by me) if I can get rid of my pc on many trips. To do that, I need access to files on my portable hard drive. Would be nice if they supported this functionality.
did the meeting happen?
hi friends,
did someone actually meet ms people!
:twisted: :shock: :idea:
it's not software which limit devices from being masters and using external harddisks or the like
It's all gone very quiet, surely the rumours about the Redmond mafia's business dealings can't be true ...... can they?
Maybe we should have just suggested questions like "Is it true Bill Gates gives lots of money to charity?", or maybe "Tell me more about Microsoft's work in the third world". Poor old Jayman!
Rudegar said:
it's not software which limit devices from being masters and using external harddisks or the like
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Oh, yes it is software: they're called 'drivers', because the programs 'steer' the data to the correct controlling program.
The Universal has a USB port, so it should have a driver on it somewhere. The question would be, is the divice loaded with a driver to allow it to 'master' other devices, or is it just the syncing point?
Maybe he meant it's more likely to be HTC that can answer that question?
Of far more importance to me is does the device have a suitable method of connecting to an LCD projector? IMHO, this is the absolute killer app for a "laptop replacement" & it's pretty much the only thing I miss from the Xda II.
its more likely that ms and htc is the same, if you know what i mean. and its very likely that there is no company called htc in reallity. maybe a post box hanging in taiwan is called htc and a website hosted (???) in taiwan. but noone is working for a company called htc. i can assure you in that point. and even if there is a hand full of people claiming them selfe working for a company called htc - they are not located in taiwan. need more info about that? go to china and find out yourself, best to start your research is at a company called dopod!
cheers, lutz
lutzh said:
its more likely that ms and htc is the same, if you know what i mean. and its very likely that there is no company called htc in reallity. maybe a post box hanging in taiwan is called htc and a website hosted (???) in taiwan. but noone is working for a company called htc. i can assure you in that point. and even if there is a hand full of people claiming them selfe working for a company called htc - they are not located in taiwan. need more info about that? go to china and find out yourself, best to start your research is at a company called dopod!
cheers, lutz
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Please tell me more about this, lutz. I don't have the means to go to China and research it, but I always like to hear a good conspiracy theory.
Oh, yes it is software: they're called 'drivers', because the programs 'steer' the data to the correct controlling program.
The Universal has a USB port, so it should have a driver on it somewhere. The question would be, is the divice loaded with a driver to allow it to 'master' other devices, or is it just the syncing point?
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if you found a way to make a usb peripheral a master using software
then contact i'm sure they will be impressed
the universal if it have usb support contain a usb chip which can act as master
much like my gf's old acer pda which also have such a chip
htc would have gotten a better usb interface had they used the usb interface from the ati chip insted of the nativ xcale usb interface
Please tell them
-- sorry for swearing but ......
@gugi_sat: The meeting is over!
It happened on the 11th..

Using a memory stick IN the TyTn

Hello everyone.
I did a quick search on the site and found nothing about this so im posting this. If this has been covered already and i missed it, i do applogize.
Now, to the post:
Sitting at my desk i looked at my memory stick (plain usb one) and i thought: "Wouldn't it be nice if i could plug this into the phone"
And here we are, my question: has anyone done this?
Is it possible without massive surgical procedures, to connect a plain usb memory stick to the phone?
I know you can use the phone as a memory stick, but thats not what im asking (just covering for various posts with links to the FAQ)
Kinds regards,
The TyTYN doesn't support the USB host profile which is what would be required for this to work.
What a shame.
Thanks for the reply!

USB host for Trinity (D810)

The GPS function was disabled in Trinity and may be it will got a chance to re-enable it. But how about the USB Host function? Is there any way to enable it?
u have to buy an htc adaptor
I don't believe it, an adaptor?
I think it will be activated with a rom-update
Energie: source for that comment..?
I too think a rom-update is the thing...
Is their any word about the USB-Host in the new update?
What do you mean by "USB Host" ? I mean, that is hardware related thing so if you want to connect eg. flash disk to Trinity you must have some kind of adapter to do that, am I wrong?
banesi said:
What do you mean by "USB Host" ? I mean, that is hardware related thing so if you want to connect eg. flash disk to Trinity you must have some kind of adapter to do that, am I wrong?
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Yeah i think you're wrong.
It was said it was hardware implemented already (just like the GPS) but it just had to be activated with the new rom (just like the GPS)...
Any News anyone?
if we use this device
does that mean, i can connect my trinity directly to a mobile USB HDD and access say 250 GB of music or pictures or movies?
Guys, STOP. There shouldn't be any USB host in Trinity, because if it has one, where would you find an idiot to buy any other PDA phone??????? That would kill the market. Even without USB host it's one of the best machines around. LOOX T830 was the only machine to have GPS and 3G, but it's a monster...
Trinity is the only PDA to ombine Wi-Fi, BT, 3G (inc. HSDPA), and GPS. Asking for USB host would be to much I'm afraid...
is this something you think or do you have proof?
Cuz this page says the trinity does have USB-OTG...
Look at the second page, last part....
Well actually I want USB-Host (didnt know Trinity had the ability until today), Fm Radio (still not sure if there is a build in FM Radio Chip but Chinese site states it), and I want Airbag, ABS, DVD reader/writer (double sided ... no, better Blue Ray Disc), a Coffee machine, two bathrooms and an pop out 23 inch screen for TV...
It is a great device.
Well dudes, why do you keep on whining? The topic starter asks a serious question. You all keep posting crap. Please quit it, we all want answers.
I only know that the chip does support USB-OTG, but if it's hardware implemented? We don't know at the moment. But if it is, it's up to HTC to enable it.
Well, can someone explain to me what is USB Host and what good is it for?
banesi said:
Well, can someone explain to me what is USB Host and what good is it for?
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u can use & u can found it
What a smart guy, instead of posting stupid, useless reply maybe you can try again and find some info back in the dark corners of your brain?
banesi said:
Well, can someone explain to me what is USB Host and what good is it for?
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banesi said:
What a smart guy, instead of posting stupid, useless reply maybe you can try again and find some info back in the dark corners of your brain?
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Well actually it is a good idea to use information sources by yourself first. By the way: Could you give me an overview of the history of Belgrade?
saminegm said:
Well actually it is a good idea to use information sources by yourself first. By the way: Could you give me an overview of the history of Belgrade?
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I do not see any mention of the HTC Trinity or USB Host.. but that could change
Man, that's exactly what I want to see with this question, many of you don't know either what USB host is and what is it for?! You keep posting things about hidden features in Trinity and moaning about it everyday but actually don't know what good it will get you, very strange.
So, smart guys, what will you do with your "USB Host" enabled Trinity ?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if the Trinity can act as a Host, you could connect an external HDD to it and transfer files. Or you could connect a memory card reader to empty your camera's card on the move.

USB data input use on a non USB Host smartphone

Hy everyone,
First of all, thanks for this great forum which never fails to impress me.
I have a question which some of you might help answering: I'm wondering if it's possible to use the mini-usb port of my smartphone to get some data input.
Let me explain myself a bit more: I know that smartphones (HTC Touch for me) aren't USB hosts. However, the data connexions are still present.
Here's what I'd like to do: even though the smartphone can't control another peripheral, I'd like that external peripheral to send data to the smartphone, and the smartphone to use that data to control the screen. That would give an alternative way of controlling the screen.
The input would come from another touch surface, so my guess is that using the data to control the screen shouldn't be much of a problem.
So? Any idea if it's possible? What kind of platform/language would be nice to do that? C#?
(I have JAVA development experience, but I'm quite a newbie as far as Win Mobile devs are concerned. I'm willing to learn though
I think I searched this forum (and others) quite extensively before posting. If by any chance I missed a related post, I'd be glad to know about it
No ideas? Anyone?
Last up before I stop...
prob. not
i dont think that is technically possible. i think one has to be the host, and that host provides power. so to power the input device(im thinking keyboard) it would need the smartphone/ppc to be a host....
but i have no clue in this area...maybe someone could prove me wrong?
Hey, thanks for your answer.
The powering issues could be overcomed by cutting the cables and giving power from an external power source (I think several people have tried doing it, I need to find the links again). By the way, the peripheral itself is plugged on 110V, so there's plenty of available power
I'm not seeking here to "control" the device, just to aquire the signal it's sending... Does that seem feasible, or does the peripheral need to be somehow "activated" by a Host before sending anything?
Well, in order to get data, the host must ask the slave each time it needs some. Other things must be done by the host, like usb enumeration. That means there has to be a host or it won't work, unless you use usb on-the-go, but I do not know many devices that support it.
according to the qualcomm website, the msm chipsets support otg

Pb with my USB cable

I'm quite a newbie in the whole HTC world, so please answer with simple words!
Here is my problem : my HTC just wouldn't "see" my PC (neither under XP nor under Vista) when I plug the USB cable. Of course, I have already tried to reinstall ActiveSync (XP) or Sync Stuffcenter (Vista), but it doesn't work.
The battery is still charging so I assume that the cable is not broken...
Do you know if the USB cable HAS to be the HTC one? (I might currently be trying to use a Canon or Nikon one, initially designed for a digital camera...)
Any other idea?
on your htc try going to
1º- settings:
2º- system:
3º- then go were it say´s usb to pc
4º- there you will find a box ,if it has a check on it then uncheck it ,but if it
dont have a check on it then check it
5º- have fun with your device
In alternative....
...Make sure that activesync is talking to the USB port: On the windows PC, open activesync and look in the menu File-->Connection settings. Make sure that "Allow USB Connections" is ticked.
By the way, i don't understand why but once in a while this checkbox becomes unticked without you have the same?
Thanks for your answers, but it still isn't working...
@pzucchel : on Vista, ActiveSync does not exist I think... and on Sync Center, there is no such thing as "allow USB connections..."
@LAMM44 : the case was unchecked, so I checked it, and here, miracle, my computer shows me a window telling me that it is uninstalling something... ... ...and then... ...nothing! The PDA doesn't have a letter, this bl..dy SyncCenter does not see anything, ...
Thanks anyway, if you have any other suggestion?
Any service which might not be running and should be activated on Vista? (I don't think so, because it is not working on XP either)
Any thoughts about this USB cable thing?( Do you know if the USB cable HAS to be the HTC one? (I might currently be trying to use a Canon or Nikon one, initially designed for a digital camera...))
EDIT : the "uninstalling" thing was about Windows Mobile Device Center. When I run this program, I can see the "allow USB connections" case, which is checked... but with the case on the PDA checked or not (the one with the advanced network stuff), WM Device Center still says that the mobile device is not connected...
I can confirm you can use Any USB cable (i am presently using one from Garmin) - even through USB routers. You are right - my comment on the USB port was related to win XP. BTW, are you sure you are using an up-to-date activesync?
I have downloaded the last one on XP yesterday... But not on my computer (mine works with vista).
I can try to update Vista WM device Center... but this should have worked on XP!
Thanks for the answer about the USB cable... It seems to be a pb on my HTC then. I went through all the menus but don't see anything relevant...
...did you consider a hard reset? of course, not having activesync you cannot back up- but maybe you can use the sd card.
are you using active sync 4.5? do you have an original rom?
Yes, I wanted to do a hard reset... but not without backing up my contact and SMS!
Would you know where these are stored in the memory? (if I could just copy/paste a folder on the SD card, then I could reinstall windows mobile completely...)
I tried ActiveSync 4.5 on XP yesterday yes. I have never reinstalled WM, so I am a bit lost... What is an original ROM? If it is a DVD of WM or something, I have to search, I am not even sure I have it... I think I have the initial HTC DVD, but is there WM on it? Certainely...
BTW, would you advise me to install WM6 instead of WM5? Is it faster? And a last question : what does "ROM Tnyynt 015 (CE OS 5.2.20273 Build 20273.1.3.3) " mean? (I must admit that I don't understand I mere word of the Trinity wiki... what is a kitchen ROM for instance???)
OK, a few things to be explained!
you probably bought your trinity and it comes with an ORIGINAL rom inside it, that should be more or less working. For example, initial roms didn't even allow to use the internal GPS, that was installed but not usable because of software issues.
I don't know where you live or where you bought it, but typically your telephone company or the seller (dopod, HTC, Qtek) provide regional upgrades and improvements of the operating system (windows mobile) and of the radio rom (the one controlling WiFi, GSM, GPS, Bluetooth, etc.). Sometimes it is the case, sometimes they forget about you since you bought it and they got their money - bye bye!!!!
Then....comes XDA-Developers!
here, we generate our own operating systems and improve further the possibilities of the various systems. For example, many of us are using Windows mobile 6.0 and 6.1 on the trinity, we can switch a french telephone into an english telephone, unlock the telephone to be used in any country, etc.etc.
A telephone is much more powerful than a PC 10 years ago: in terms of processor, graphics, memory, I/O. Not a surprise that, as a PC, software can be improved. Believe me (it is at least three years i am following this): the speed, functionality and performances of the telephone can greatly improve!!! I am using the rom cooked by TNYYNT, version 15, which is based on windows mobile 6.1 and a very recent release (build) of it.
Main negative consequence of installing a cooked rom: don't expect that warranty will be valid!
Said this, a warning: you do it at your own risk. Therefore my suggestion is READ before you do things. Now your activesync problem is minor, but making the wrong upgrade could block your telephone. Nothing is "forever", but a badly stuck telephone requires good skill to recovery it.
So, step by step: is anything else working in your system? if so, i would concentrate in this active-sync problem only, for the time being.
If you would be intrigued in learning more and play with your P3600 (or P3600i, there are actually two models!) then be preparred in reading a lot on this forum! in this case, start from here:
I hope i was able to make things a bit clearer for you, don't hesitate in asking more.
i see it right now: to backup your contacts and SMS, without activesync, you can do it with this program called pimbackup that is described in
you could download it directly from the telephone (or send it by email), save the installation program onto the minisd and save the contacts/sms onto the minisd card (Storage card). Then, after the hard reboot, you will have to reinstall the pimbackup and restore the contacts/sms again. is it OK?
Thanks a lot for these explanations! I will try pimbackup tonight.
Actually, I bought my HTC on ebay, and the previous owner had upgraded it to have the radio working, and had installed a lot of softwares and tweaks... But now I would like to choose my own! I understand the principle of the ROM upgrade of course, but I am just a bit lost with all the different ROMs! What is a kitchen ROM, what does "dump the ROM" mean? See, I would need a back-to-basics tutorial!
BTW, is it legal? (I mean, the packed ROMs come with Windows isn't it?) just to know!
Thanks again!
Hi, the fact that there are a lot of tweaks and radio upgrades on your HTC doesn't play much in your favour!
When you are ready, and only when you are ready, go and install Radio Rom 1.56 and the rom TNYYNT 017 (I am ASSUMING you have a P3600 and not a P3600i...right?)
somebody could disagree...but i think it is the best choice!
Concerning the legal aspects, i am not a lawyer but microsoft is well aware of the XDA-Developers site, including HTC and the involved companies. Many of us do believe they use this site for beta-testing....but again, search yourself on the site to know microsoft's opinion...
My argument: I paid for the WM license, I bought the hardware and i would like to have a nicely working system - if they are ready to support their customers they should let us know ;;;;-)
By the way - about your question on the "legality" that made me thinking about it . Read this thread and enjoy it!
Whaou, great post about the legality, thanks!
I think I have a 3600 and not a 3600i (I am a bit ashamed, but I don't know how to know this.......), but the fact that the radio wasn't activated when the previous owner bought it seems to mean it was the 3600, no?
Thanks a lot for PIMBackup, it worked perfectely, and really fast!
Now that my backup is done, I'm a bit stuck, because I still haven't solved the USB problem, and I need the connection to download the ROM...
ready for a hard-reset? settings-->Clear Storage (dont worry - it will not clear the minisd...)
just before the hard-reset : do you think my usb connection has any chance of working after that?
EDIT : hard reset done, USB working just fine!!! Thanks a lot!
Now I'm ready to spend hours trying to install install Radio Rom 1.56 and the rom TNYYNT 017.
(do I need to install TNYYNT first?)
EDIT2 : OK, I have installed TNYYNT 017, it's really simple actually, and must faster than my bugged WM5! I haven't tried the radio yet.
Thanks again!
EDIT3 : BTW, would you advise me to install Tomtom 6 or 7? Thanks again!
Answer one: of course i think you have some chance...especially now that i know it works!
Answer two: go for the radio rom...and donate to TNYYNT since he did really a great job. If you try other roms, you will notice the difference (i tried all of them, essentially). The radio rom is also very great in my opinion, and the update is easy.
Answer three: TomTom 7.4 is indeed the best (even better than IGo).
I am happy that it worked out and i was helpful.
Tomtom 7.4?
On tomtom's website, I can only see the 6th version of Tomtom Navigator (
Where could I find the 7th?
Hi again!
I'm quite happy with my installation now, I tweaked a bit starting from TNYYNT 017, then Radio Rom 1.56.
In particular, I followed the instruction of to have a nice iPhone-like skin.
Now, I would like to make a backup of these few hours!
(I'd like to make make my own ROM, is it "dump the ROM"? if yes, would you have something clearer than ?)
I still have one problem, my internet WLAN connection doesn't seem to work (right after the installation of TNYYNT and radio 1.56). My Wifi is seen, the password entered and it says "connected", but when I launch any webpage with internet explorer, it stays at the "locating" stage (first, "Connecting" is written, then "Locating", then... nothing!). Any idea please?
Thanks again for all your help!!!
EDIT : hhhoooo noooo, now I've got this blinking start menu problem!!!!!
GGGRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! Well, any suggestion might help a lot!!!
