cabs extracted from diamond2 - Touch HD General

i have installed this nice keyboard HTC EzInput v.2.0 and when i tryed to uninstall it i had a very unpleasent surprise: the standard keyboard of HD dissapeared
in fact every option involving keys vanished
i could not restore my keyboard despite anything i tryed
can somebody suggest a solution to that?
similar thing with htc calculator, cute indeed, but it manage to make my device extremely slow and i ended to hard reset my HD in order to get rid of the damn thing
another example is the htc album2 by smaberg that i can't uninstall from my device or htc album v.2.5. or v.3.0 (i don't remember who made those)
v.2.5. remains in vga mode if you open camera and try to launch album from there and v.3.0 doesn't even start on my HD
i don't want to hard reset my device again, because i just did that 3 days ago, and i took a whole day to restore everything back, so, i kindly ask any of you to suggest following:
1. how to restore my original keyboard(s) back - MOST IMPORTANT
2. how to uninstall smaberg album
3. how to get the full use of the new album application
i am kindda of p****d of these cabs extracted from diamond2 or other new devices because they don't seems to work right with hd and i want to warn you on these matters
i fully appreciate the work of the skilled people who manage to produce tose applications for the rest of us, and i thank them for the efforts, but it seems that it need some more fine tuning before release them on the wild
cheers to everybody!

1. Download the normal htc keyboard in this post (5th item in list):
Should work
Not sure about the others sorry.

thank you xmsnx for tip, but i can't install it
i uninstalled ex keyboard, i deleted a lot of things, no matter what i did, each time i've got the same message:
"Installation was unsuccessful. The program or settings cannot be installed because it does not have sufficient system permissions."
what is that and how can i overcome it?
btw, i managed to uninstall smaberg album with sktools, so point 2 - checked

Install a process/task manager, and kill the SIPGT_app.exe process and try again. Worked for me once before when I had a prob with the keyboard. Hope it helps.

it worked!
now i am not so pleased because keyboard, being a cab, takes space from my memory
but i will learn to live with that untill the next hard reset that our too delicate piece of .... (art, watch out what your thinking) it seems to need from time to time
thank you again! you are the man!


VJBigPhone, T-Mobile Videobutton on MDAPro

Hi all,
I am aware about all the other threads but yet could not get across some nonsense on my MDA Pro.
I went back to the t-Mobile ROM because of german support on many features but running ozVGA now successfully with two exceptions:
1. Each time I reset the device, I have to reinstall vjbigphone (0.91) and re-run the .exe to get my dialer back to full screen. VJ did a real got job, but I hope anyone coud tell me, what could be wrong?
2. Does anyone know, how to get rid of the stupid and ugly video-button in the t-mobile dialer? I replaced all BMPs with the one's from iMate, but yet video is the stupid grey. flat button.
Once this is solved, I will write down exactly how to get really the tiny machine running with the best tools for best results.
ndee: why do you have to re-install the app?
After a soft reset, what happens when you choose the "load and fix" option from the tray?
I am hoping to spend some time on this app over the next few days. Many apps being fixed, one a at time...
Hi Vijay,
when I softreset, everything on the phone is back to the tiny layout. Even though I "load and fix".
Only workaraound I figured out is reinstall :-(
Strange - I know we spoke about this before, but then, after you re-install it works?
Have you tried not loading VJBigPhone, soft reset, load the phone (eg press green key, so you can see Tiny buttons) and then load VJBigPhone. Does that make any difference? Re-installing shouldn't make any difference, it doesn't load any settings etc from the registry etc...
I have some similiar problems. I'm using also the neweset german ROM on my MDA Pro and after a soft reset I don't have to reinstall the app, but I have to close it and restart it again to gain access to the phone application. Without close VJBigPhone nothing happens, after starting the application again everything works fine (till the next soft reset, which happens every morning after the daily backup)
I have an idea what might be the problem then.
The code was modified a while back to try to find the "phone" program without you having to specify the name in your own language (eg "telefon" instead of "phone"). However, it's possible that if the phone isn't found, it's getting confused. I'll try to look at the code again soon.
I'm not writing any new programs for a while while I do updates to all the old stuff
out of sudden, I dont need to reinstall anymore. Just after reset, I run vjbigphoneres and phone comes up full screen. Dont know what I did and how long it will last - keep you informed though - thx so far.
Any solution for the ugly video button of TM insight?
TM Button: I know you've spoken about it for a while, but I've got no experience of it, I don't really use my Universal I think someone (you?) posted one before, but could you send me a screenshot if you've got appropriate software, and if you have them, a zip of your extended rom?

Werid? see this thread

help!!! all expert
My dopod 838 pro hangs sometimes once per day or on alternate days. Other than tat its working fine.
Will hard reset solve the prob>?? Will hard reset damage the phone? coz as everything is working well i don wan to do hard reset tat will worsten the phone function...
Anyone? help
You can hard reset your device as many times as you wish, it won't damage your phone at all.
Just be aware that all your personal information and all programs installed by you will be erased.
In other words, it will be returned to factory defaults.
juninho_10 said:
help!!! all expert
My dopod 838 pro hangs sometimes once per day or on alternate days. Other than tat its working fine.
Will hard reset solve the prob>?? Will hard reset damage the phone? coz as everything is working well i don wan to do hard reset tat will worsten the phone function...
Anyone? help
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Welcome to the board juninho, Rayan is right hard reset will not harm your device. I would not be rushing to hard reset though. A hang can be caused by many different things, but folks on this board cannot make very targeted suggestions unless they know:
when the hangs occurs
are you running any particular application,
do you have a few today plugins running,
do you fully close apps when you are not using them,
have you taken steps to stop active sync running by itself,
what apps are installed,
what mail eg push mail options do you run?
is device connected to the PC at the time it hangs,
does the hang occur at night or when on charge
does it occur when a notification or an alarm is due
etc, etc, etc
In short I'd try pinning down the cause or else a hard reset may only temporarily fix the problem until you re-create the problem again.
PS Avoid attention grabbing thread titles and make the title as descriptive as possible. This helps people who are searching by thread title, I doubt anybody searches for the word "weird" if they are trying to get an answer to a specific question.
oh ok thanks .
My applications are as follows:
1) Pocket plus (cant use)
2) Spb dairy
1) Lexisgoo english dictionary
2) sprite backup(cant use)
3) transportation bus guide
4) spore map
Those cant use i just delete prog wit files left. ( I don tink i wan use registry editior)
Tot of buying spb backup - any recommanations???
and phone hangs most of the tme after normal usage. The backlight went off wit the todays screen showing- then all the rest freezed
Well there are one or two things that concern me. It appears you uninstall by deleting files and not the add remove programmes facility. This can leave a messy load of unused files in the system/memory and it also makes the registry untidy/slow.
There are a couple of programmes that you say "can't run" but they are ones that should run. In fact sprite backup should be fine and is a good backup facility. (I use SPB however and find it excellent if you backup regularly and keep say most recent 5 backups + one done immediately after a hard reset. I then delete one of the oldest ones for every new one I create. I keep more than one because it's quite likely you backup thinking ebverything is working fine and then find later there's some application that used to work but you've saved after it went wrong - so you can see it's good to have a few backups going back maybe a couple of months.)
I think you have a choice here. Try to pin down what is causing the hang - could take a long time. Or go for a hard reset. In your case I fancy the hard reset because you have only a few things installed.
This may not cure your problem - in fact it lkely will not - but it will clean your system. This done you can then start doing some of the standard things listed on this forum to avoid hangs - I can pint you in the right direction if you need it.
Throughout this process take quite a few backups i.e after every installation you make. - boring I know but eventually you can reduce the number of backups you do.
Last alternative - just live with one hang a day. Soft reset does not take long. Could be very annoying though!! In normal use I think from experience that a hang once a week to two weeks is about normal!!
wow thanks for e good advice!! ya think i just maual delete the prog tat don work and leave the files behind(i m afraid of deleting files tat will cause the phone harewire.
I tink i am goin to get the spb backup. I dwnloaded the trial version but cant backup everything cause tink somtin cause the hang prob. If after i do hard restart i will onli dwnload those prog which works and which i need.
i can keep my fingers crossed and see wat happens next.if it still hangs i will do a hard reset.
And any video player which i can use for dopod 838 pro to play music video to recommand?
hELP....I finally did my hard reset-& dwnload essential prog - but it got worst! hang near to 3 times per day! wat shld i do>????
Right nw i got:
Phone memory- Pocket Plus
Spb diary
Card Memory- Spore digital map
Lexisgoo English dictionary
Pocket Xpdf
Spb backup
Transportation guide
Pls help
Did you take my advice and create a backup after EVERY installation you made? Indeed did you take a backup before the Hardreset?
Hi Juninho,
anyone of the apps you mentioned could be the root cause of your freeze issues.
It would be wise if you install a single app at a time and then rigourously test the stability of your device before installing another app.
I guess you might have to repeat the hard reset and start from scratch and remember take a backup after each app installation so ou can easily "roll-back" to a known current working state (this will save you future manual re-installations).
juninho_10 said:
hELP....I finally did my hard reset-& dwnload essential prog - but it got worst! hang near to 3 times per day! wat shld i do>????
Right nw i got:
Phone memory- Pocket Plus
Spb diary
Card Memory- Spore digital map
Lexisgoo English dictionary
Pocket Xpdf
Spb backup
Transportation guide
Pls help
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U mean every prog b4 installation do a backup? if i do , hw am i suppose to kw if which prog cause e hang? i mean- tat means i will have to install one prog, backup- then use it for few days to see if it hangs- then dwnload next prog- and the process continues???
right on the money...
I did i hard reformat but did not do single dwnload+ backup coz all my prog quite impt to mi.
However i found out one solution. Whenever after i used my phone, i just press the standby button everytme- this solved the hang prob
Thus tink it hangs coz it got prob goin into standby mode- anyone can help?
(even if i find out which appication hangs my phone-wat can i do>? don install? pls advice)


Today I decided to try iDialer from After installing and soft reset, my device will not launch Touch Flo 3D. During the reboot, when the screen comes to the point where it launches Touch Flo, it now says "Tap here to launch TouchFlo"- something it has never done before. So I tap the screen it says "Launching TouchFlo 3D", but then switches back to the "Tap Here" message and stays stuck there. I have since removed iDialer with no success.
Can you please help me with this issue?? Something has gone terribly awry and I DO not want to have to perform a Hard Reset......
I had inadvertently edited a manila file and it caused the problem. All back to normal now.
Thanks to Doug @ for the quick reply.
wat did you do to fix the problem cos i had the same problem. I uninstalled the theme that put and still, its not working
Pls i need help
I have the same problem. Is there anyone who can provide a step by step guide on how to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
hmm... sounds familiar...
I remember having that problem after installing a "D3D driver" or GLES files from somewhere. When I removed them everything went back! But thats just what I did, so, what did YOU do?
overwriting (libgles_cm.dll and libgles_mn.dll ) in the windows directory will do this to you -cause these symptoms, that is. If you did do that, go into windows and delete those files and reset, thus causing the OS to magically replace them from ROM.
Tell me if that works, maybe I can push it on CNN -no, seriously, I hope it works for you guys...
I had the same problem, I deleted everything and nothing changed so I had to make a hard reset. About 3 days ago i installed Pamas Transparent Slider and i had the same problem again. I turned off touchflo, removed the slider and then I made a soft reset and then tf3d loaded.
The i made here contains the full TF3D files from the TouchPRO (latest version as of 03/2009)
if its a problem with manila this should fix it, if this doesn't work then it might be hard reset time
Happened to me too, tried to change the language of TF3D and he did not open, back to English back to normal everything!
Thanks for the quick responses.
I have a Touch HD and have tried to replace libgles_cm and libgles_mn files (libgles_cm is part of the ROM and cant be deleted and libgles_mn didn't exist so I installed it), but alas, still no luck.
I also tried The New Landscape, but this didn't load either (I can see the Gecko app while browsing and can run the exe which lists various apps) but I cant get any front end on the screen.
Thanks again for your input, looks like a hard reset is in order
i have no idea what i did to mine, i just plugged it into my xp machine to charge the bettery and some error came up on the computer screen about it not being able to synch and now touchflo will not launch. grrr i really hate HTC. Just going to do another damn hard reset, just like every other f'kn month. Using stock rom, if i had not paid so much for this pos i would have smashed it into dust months ago.
i had the same problem.. about the "tap screen to launch touchflo 3d.. i just uninstalled the spb shell and booted it.. started working
VivianAmbrose said:
i had the same problem.. about the "tap screen to launch touchflo 3d.. i just uninstalled the spb shell and booted it.. started working
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You may need the Diamond TF3D Config to be able to start TouchFlo 3D on devices
try to visit the

Unlock Extended Rom

Hi there
I've just got my shiny new Touch HD. Wow - what an upgrade to my Orbit 1 (don't laugh). I loved my Orbit but this is so much better. It's not revolutionary, but everything has evolved so well i.e. the big screen, no horrible frame around the screen, USB 2 connection, love the Drive mode thingi when you plug it to your computer ect.
Only problem is I can't get TomTom to work - I'll sort that out later...
Now to the question - how do you unlock the extended rom (I think that what they call it)? I want to prevent the applications from installing i.e. TouchFlo Home Plugin after a hard reset. I find the combination of SPB Pocket Plus 4 Tabs, Today Agenda (and a few other apps.) a much better combination for me.
Hope someone can help.
Did you try a soft reset when the waiting screen pops up after a hard reset?
Why dont you just uncheck TouchFlo in Settings-Today?
Thanks for the replies.
Ideally I wouldn't want unwanted apps to install. I know it's a fast device but I like to have a clean system.
I could reset the device when it's about the install everything (don't even know how to reset) however I want to keep certain things like the Black HTC theme and a few other things.
Tried and failed - what did I do?
RacerII said:
Did you try a soft reset when the waiting screen pops up after a hard reset?
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I just tried this last night and tried at multiple stages... and no matter what it insisted on installing all the bloatware. Any idea what I might be doing incorrectly?
When you say "wait screen" - do you mean the initial WinMo v6.1 green-splash screen, or the same display with "Please wait while we [something] for first time use"? I also tried at the Home screen before the customization begins, and while it was running... all still ended up with the software being installed. :/
I've read some great posts (here and Howard Forums) about using Total Commander and entering "\Extended Rom\" but that doesnt open anything on my device. Does that area need to be unlocked?
Thanks for any tips!
I think you need a custom Rom without all of the applications. I had one on my Omnia.
typing "\Extended_Rom\" in total commander does not work.
those registry which hide/unhide and lock/unlock extended rom are not there too.
check the wiki, nothing about extended rom or customed rom which is meant for Service Provider specific.
Or is it because the HD I am having is tied to 1 provider, but it is already SIM unlocked which can use other providers SIM.
The original rom is lag, very lag, lots of rubbish in "\windows\" directory beside M$ original files.
How are the cooked roms around in the forum?
drbf said:
I think you need a custom Rom without all of the applications. I had one on my Omnia.
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+1 for this plan. I'm running a lighter custom 6.5 rom (NRG) with none of the startup ui's. I've loaded Mobile shell#3 and it works very well. Quickest combo I've found so far for snappy-ness and speed. Battery life is fine with it. Try diff light roms without the startup bloatware and you may find something that you like.

boot in "safe mode"?

some threads get close, but no concrete help found...
Stuck in "Launching HTC Sense..."
Anything I can do, besides from flashing a new ROM?
Using a cooked ROM, with several programs/tweaks on it.
build 28205, sense 1922, taskbar showing, bottom row showing, background showing
ROM had been running without a problem for days.
Removed of course SIM & SD cards to remove interference
Hard reset, battery removal no change
Did you tried to reflash your device via the tri-colors screen mode?
yep. just did, no problem there.
just would have liked (or:want) to figure out how to bypass HTC Sense launch......
when xda quickmenu is installed (as I had), then sometimes by pressing the taskbar, quickmenu's popup window is shown, thus access to a file manager, thus a possibility to solve a htc sense problem. This time however, something stopped BEFORE quickmenu started, and I was stuck.
Did you have access to the start menu?
If yes, launch a file explorer, install bsb tweaks 1.6, launch it. Put Windows Settings to ON, soft reset.
After the soft reset, go to start menu -> settings -> Today -> Items, uncheck Sense.
I understand your problem...
No pen-pen, he cannot access anything in WM if Sense freezes while loading at startup: I have the same problem and tried to solve it loading different ROMs and talking here on XDA but for now no result.
The only thing I know is that for some unlucky guys the couple WM 6.5.3 (or later versions) together with Sense is lethal. At some point. The freezing happens after a Soft Reset usually (mainly because is time for Sense loading) and then only a Hard Reset can get out the situation because it's there everytime you Soft Reset.
Look for this program: SafeMode. It works like a charm but you have to pay or use the 14 days test.
That's why I asked if he had access to the start menu.
I didn't have this bug and, so far, I'm in WM6.5.3 since the release of the HSPL.
Did you tried to install your SPB software on wm 6.5.3? it could work. Maybe with some graphical glitches, but it could let you make a backup before the HR.
Also, I've played with Manilla 2.1 and LUA a long time ago when I was young( ), and each time I made a mistake, Manilla was freezing, BUT, after some time, I could have access to start menu to deactivate Manilla and make some debugging.
Maybe you're trying to install some bugged mod or created for an old build of Sense.
Did you checked that?
vonkarayan said:
The only thing I know is that for some unlucky guys the couple WM 6.5.3 (or later versions) together with Sense is lethal. At some point. The freezing happens after a Soft Reset usually (mainly because is time for Sense loading) and then only a Hard Reset can get out the situation because it's there everytime you Soft Reset.
Look for this program: SafeMode. It works like a charm but you have to pay or use the 14 days test.
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Hard reset did not solve it either. Hard reset gave the exact same problem.
Tried WM 6.5.3 and 6.5.5, both with sense 1922. I'll try safemode, it it does what I think it does, it seems well worth the money.
Q: Anyone know how to make "XDA QuickMenu" start before Sense, that could potentially get me out af problemsituations as well (as QuickMenu, gives access to taskmanager, filemanager etc)
I had this problem a few times and traced it to SRS WOW. Specifically, SRS was installed, then the new SRS WOW control panel applet was opened before device was reset, it would hang at the same screen.
No idea if this is a possibility for you, just thought I'd suggest it.
hicks said:
I had this problem a few times and traced it to SRS WOW. Specifically, SRS was installed, then the new SRS WOW control panel applet was opened before device was reset, it would hang at the same screen.
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tnx! I indeed have SRS WOW installed. I remember there something special with this app, where after install a reset is mandatory before starting the app. Since I use Tom's autoinstall which ends with a reset this shouldn't be a problem. I'll try uninstalling it and see. Then again, this app has been running a long time on many different ROMs without a problem. Wouldn't do the author right to blame this app
Solution related to Document Tab?
Someone considered the beta Document Tab to be the principal cause of Manila freezing and I quite agree. I'm using Artemis ROM since 2 days ago (WM 6.5.5 and Sense 2.5.1922) disabling Document index service and it seems to work ok.
Try to disable it by changing register value at:
It's a String containing the DLL's name: turn it to something else (or blank value) and that should make the trick. I repeat: 48 hours without freezing and doing some Soft Resets just to try.
Hope to be of help.
I had with different roms/manila version this "freezign effect. Normlay after installing "my" software, so after a clean hard rest it was no problem.
So far I always solved it by using sk-tools and rearranging the booting order in the startup folder.
I put htc sense startup normaly at the very end of the booting chain.
This is certainly possible with QuickMenue as well.
In the meantime Iknow which applications are putting something in the startup folder and after installation of those programms I am changing it mit sk tools and do not wait till a reboot and run into trouble.
Best regards,
dXsL said:
Hard reset did not solve it either. Hard reset gave the exact same problem.
Tried WM 6.5.3 and 6.5.5, both with sense 1922. I'll try safemode, it it does what I think it does, it seems well worth the money.
Q: Anyone know how to make "XDA QuickMenu" start before Sense, that could potentially get me out af problemsituations as well (as QuickMenu, gives access to taskmanager, filemanager etc)
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dingolino said:
So far I always solved it by using sk-tools and rearranging the booting order in the startup folder.
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tnx! read about sktools, but didn't know exactly what it could do for me. For others:
I've got enough help for now. "safemode" and "SKtools" definitely helping.
tnx everyone

