Vzw - mr2 rom? - Mogul, XV6800 General

Has anyone tried MR2?
http://www.pcdphones.com/phone_downloads.aspx?bid=89&cid=1&mid=287&carrier=Verizon Wireless

I think something in the update locks out the aGPS fix. But I don't know much else. I have had to tell people to downgrade to get the gps to work after going to MR2.

drewcam888 said:
I think something in the update locks out the aGPS fix. But I don't know much else. I have had to tell people to downgrade to get the gps to work after going to MR2.
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hmmmmm, interesting. I would kill to ge the Titan back so I can see what this thing is all about.
From what I have read, they are going to lockdown aGPS and open up regular GPS.

edit: wrong post

I wish someone is brave enough to download MR2. I like MR1 and installing the Valhalla cab was simple. Wondering if I can do the same with MR2.
edit: Looks like the cab does not work with MR2

Verizon updates mostly restrict the phone. Some have tried the MR2 update and say it kills the agps. So just stay with MR1 or go custom.

MR2 works with aGPS as long as you use GC's fix, however, you will not have internet sharing, and other options. I would use DCD 3.2.6

i've downloaded and used MR2 and everything stills works Vahalla Server, google maps, live search aMAZE GPS, internet sharing, wifiRouter, etc.

I just got a replacement phone because of reception problems, and it has MR2 preinstalled. Also everything I have installed as post above, works fine...
I asked tech support about it and they said they didn't know the differences from MR1. That was the answer I expected.... They also said there will be another update real soon called MR3. Although real soon in verizon language could be 6 months
I wonder what this is all about?

I kinda doubt a MR3 update since they stopped selling the xv6800


Wifi is flakey at some APs

I have installed and uninstalled a number of firmware/mod combinations on my xv6800 in hopes to get the GPS working. I don't believe that's going to happen (saddly, I feel like there's a conspiracy out there to trick peeps like me into spending weeks on this problem without any positive outcome) so I'm currently focusing on what DOES work with this device.
One thing that's flakey is the wifi. At home I'm running WEP128. It connects sometimes, others it will not. When it does not automatically connect but sees it, it asks for the key each time. What's the deal with that? Entering my long a$$ key each time has made me memorize it, but it's still a serious PITA. I don't have the same issue at most other places - still using WEP128. Doesn't appear to have any issues connecting to open APs. Does have issues connecting to a friend's AP, i that it doesn't even SEE it as available any more, after the initial 3-4 connects.
Thoughts on why this could be happening? Not having the GPS makes me very angry, but then to not have reliable wifi practially makes the device pointless, as I have another phone, my own PED and an actual good camera... and a laptop.
thanks for any helpful thoughts.
I'm assuming from your post that the "XV" indicates you have a Verizon Phone? If so you might look at this link pertaining to GPS
I'm not sure what to tell you about the WiFi. Mine works fine...
iamchrismoran said:
I have installed and uninstalled a number of firmware/mod combinations on my xv6800 in hopes to get the GPS working. I don't believe that's going to happen (saddly, I feel like there's a conspiracy out there to trick peeps like me into spending weeks on this problem without any positive outcome) so I'm currently focusing on what DOES work with this device.
One thing that's flakey is the wifi. At home I'm running WEP128. It connects sometimes, others it will not. When it does not automatically connect but sees it, it asks for the key each time. What's the deal with that? Entering my long a$$ key each time has made me memorize it, but it's still a serious PITA. I don't have the same issue at most other places - still using WEP128. Doesn't appear to have any issues connecting to open APs. Does have issues connecting to a friend's AP, i that it doesn't even SEE it as available any more, after the initial 3-4 connects.
Thoughts on why this could be happening? Not having the GPS makes me very angry, but then to not have reliable wifi practially makes the device pointless, as I have another phone, my own PED and an actual good camera... and a laptop.
thanks for any helpful thoughts.
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I have the verizon Titan and just use mac filtering on my wireless router. The encryption slows it down to much for me and basically need the same encryption scheme on both sides to get it to work properly. I don't do anything that it needs to be encrypted and the mac filtering keeps the neighbors out as well.
timm9 said:
I'm assuming from your post that the "XV" indicates you have a Verizon Phone? If so you might look at this link pertaining to GPS
I'm not sure what to tell you about the WiFi. Mine works fine...
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Wow, of all the tuts and instructions I've tried and read, that one has never crossed my screen - and I have tried at least 4-5 different ones. The phone's already unlocked and has a custom rom on it. I didn't get an impression either way if this method will reset the device/settings/files/etc in it again. I guess I could try it out. Thanks.
I'm getting to the point of just wanting to pay someone to get teh GPS working on it.
The Wifi issue is just weird and flakey. No rhyme or reason I can see.
jambrose said:
I have the verizon Titan and just use mac filtering on my wireless router. The encryption slows it down to much for me and basically need the same encryption scheme on both sides to get it to work properly. I don't do anything that it needs to be encrypted and the mac filtering keeps the neighbors out as well.
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I think of doing that often... but well... I don't have a but. WEP is hackable, but feels secure enough , considering I have a bunch of secure APs in my neighborhood... some obscurity helps as well.
I know that sometimes if I restart my AP (linksys wrt54g) the xv6800 will just find it and connect on it's own.
There is absolutely no reason why gps should not work on your device. In fact in this forum we really don't even discuss it too much anymore because it's really just an understood thing to be working. If you are on verizon use the latest alltel radio 3.42.xx I can't remember exactly, load dcd's 3.2.6 or 3.3.4 and start from there. Wifi on these roms have power saving features make sure if you are using wifi that you have strength up to full. Also, all the moguls that I have had, DO NOT COUNT ON THEM AUTOMATICALLY FINDING ACCESS POINTS, simply go to start->settings->connections "view all available access points" and select the one you want to use. I have heard cases of gps having trouble locking if wifi is on so make sure the switch is off and vise versa. Do the verizon qpst and registry settings change. On verizon you should have a lock within 30 seconds everytime if you are within the continental US. Good luck and take your time.
Sweeny Russ said:
There is absolutely no reason why gps should not work on your device. In fact in this forum we really don't even discuss it too much anymore because it's really just an understood thing to be working.
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Haha... yeah, that's what's so frustrating. So many people getting it to work and me not. I'm no dolt. I follow directions quite well.
If you are on verizon use the latest alltel radio 3.42.xx I can't remember exactly, load dcd's 3.2.6 or 3.3.4 and start from there. Wifi on these roms have power saving features make sure if you are using wifi that you have strength up to full. Also, all the moguls that I have had, DO NOT COUNT ON THEM AUTOMATICALLY FINDING ACCESS POINTS, simply go to start->settings->connections "view all available access points" and select the
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I have 3.42.something new within the last two months. My first attempt was with the DCD. Nada.
As for finding available access points, at my friend's place, it just shows it listed as unavailable. At home, it will SEE it and even attempt to connect, but often fails, except for those random times when it will connect.
one you want to use. I have heard cases of gps having trouble locking if wifi is on so make sure the switch is off and vise versa. Do the verizon qpst and registry settings change. On verizon you should have a lock within 30 seconds everytime if you are within the continental US. Good luck and take your time.
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Hm... will it maintain the lock with the wifi turned back on afterward? The whole point is to be able to use gmaps with the GPS. I can install other s/w that has it's own maps as well, bypassing the need for the wifi, but for starters, getting GPS working first is important.
It's a verizon phone, but I don't have service turned on yet. I'm not going to switch my number over until I'm happy with how it's set up. I do not intend on using a data plan - too expensive, so wifi when in range and other gps s/w when I'm not will be used.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I have taken some serious time with this. The nice thing is that I don't have to rush, so I've tried MANY different things from the forums and even the PPCgeeks IRC channel. If I practice any more patience, I'll be sleeping.
iamchrismoran said:
Wow, of all the tuts and instructions I've tried and read, that one has never crossed my screen - and I have tried at least 4-5 different ones. The phone's already unlocked and has a custom rom on it. I didn't get an impression either way if this method will reset the device/settings/files/etc in it again. I guess I could try it out. Thanks.
I'm getting to the point of just wanting to pay someone to get teh GPS working on it.
The Wifi issue is just weird and flakey. No rhyme or reason I can see.
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That phonenews article was VERY helpful in getting me started, but:
It is ancient. Those old roms have problem. Use the newest DCD roms and radios found here. (thanks DCD and everyone)
ALSO, on the GPS.
If you EVER, EVER, installed the new Verizon MR1 upgrade, the GPS is locked. No worky no more..... But, simply find the older Verizon rom, it can be found. Downgrade to it and run it. Then go straight to the DCD rom/radio.
worwig said:
That phonenews article was VERY helpful in getting me started, but:
It is ancient. Those old roms have problem. Use the newest DCD roms and radios found here. (thanks DCD and everyone)
ALSO, on the GPS.
If you EVER, EVER, installed the new Verizon MR1 upgrade, the GPS is locked. No worky no more..... But, simply find the older Verizon rom, it can be found. Downgrade to it and run it. Then go straight to the DCD rom/radio.
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I did try the MR1 upgrade based aGPS hack, but I then realized that aGPS only matters if you've got a working GPS at all. Anyway, I then downgraded again and started over from scratch. I got my phone in September and did my series of hacks/upgrades/unlocks over the course of two weeks or nightly tries and retries. It's nice to hear someone say it WILL work, but Murphy's Law is working overtime with me on this one.
It is my understanding that if you don't have internet access than gps will not just not work on mogul. The gps one chip I believe is strictly an AGPS chip and cannot lock without using agps. However I guess some people have done it and use it, although even if you get it to work the lock will take forever. The mogul really needs that emphemeris data from the north american gps servers to function correctly. I didn't realize these were your terms.
Sweeny Russ said:
It is my understanding that if you don't have internet access than gps will not just not work on mogul. The gps one chip I believe is strictly an AGPS chip and cannot lock without using agps. However I guess some people have done it and use it, although even if you get it to work the lock will take forever. The mogul really needs that emphemeris data from the north american gps servers to function correctly. I didn't realize these were your terms.
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I've never seen it written anywhere that one would be required to have a data connection with the service provider to get a GPS lock. Seems ridiculous to me. If I wanted to pay for a data connection, then why the heck not just pay for the VZ Navigator access??
I've never seen aGPS as a requirement either. If all the tuts were about aGPS, I'd see that having that data connection was important. Boy, I sure could use a definitive on this. If I KNOW for fact that GPS just doesn't work without a data connection, I'd have to suck it up and get an external bluetooth GPS device if I care enough. I have believed however all along that the whole point was to access GPS hardware without incurring data charges.
its not the mogul, but same idea.
iamchrismoran said:
I did try the MR1 upgrade based aGPS hack, but I then realized that aGPS only matters if you've got a working GPS at all. Anyway, I then downgraded again and started over from scratch. I got my phone in September and did my series of hacks/upgrades/unlocks over the course of two weeks or nightly tries and retries. It's nice to hear someone say it WILL work, but Murphy's Law is working overtime with me on this one.
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Also, not trying to undermind you, but why did you aquire the mogul if you weren't planning on using internet access? I mean you loose live search, google maps, pic and video messaging, skyfire, ie, youtube, and pretty much everything that makes a mogul a mogul. If you bought it for the soul purpose of using as a gps device you definitely bought the wrong device.
Sweeny Russ said:
Also, not trying to undermind you, but why did you aquire the mogul if you weren't planning on using internet access? I mean you loose live search, google maps, pic and video messaging, skyfire, ie, youtube, and pretty much everything that makes a mogul a mogul. If you bought it for the soul purpose of using as a gps device you definitely bought the wrong device.
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TOTALLY reasonable question.
I will use the phone when I have it set how I like it.
I got it so I could have a reasonably convenient way to freely check my email and surf when in wifi range without needing to lug my laptop around with me. I got a good price on it, much cheaper than an actual laptop.
Nice sized screen for when I want to actually watch a ripped movie or TV show and the option to install other software on a whim to have with me is just great. I got a ppc that can be a phone essentially. I'm not a phone person, too cheap to pay for a text plan, but wifi is key. The ability to open this phone up for GPS use was a major factor in picking it from lots of research before diving in.

Is the GPS locked on the Verizon Touch 6900?

Hi y'all,
I have a 16 month old Verizon Touch. When I had the "in the wild" 6.1 Windows Mobile I was able to do the Valhalla GPS Fix and got the GPS working just great. But the official ROM got released and like an idiot I flashed the MR1 official ROM. And then I lost the GPS. Valhalla does not work, QuickGPS does not work.
My only recourse is: I complained enough so I got an early "New Every Two" so when the new Whitestone/Imagio comes out on October 6th I plan to ditch my Touch for good and go with the new phone.
I have my data on block on the Touch because no sense in paying $30 a month without GPS to assist Google and Windows Live. I also bought a lovely new GPS program called CoPilot Live 8, which is extremely reasonably priced, but I'll have to wait until I buy the Imagio to run the thing. Though, I can get maps of any particular area with the program, just can't create a route to a destination without GPS.
So I'm just wondering, anyone else with a Verizon Touch struggling with the GPS on their phone? Tech support swears they don't lock out the GPS, they say its Google's fault for not accessing the GPS on the phone...yeah, sure.
Bye, R
DrRoger said:
Hi y'all,
I have a 16 month old Verizon Touch. When I had the "in the wild" 6.1 Windows Mobile I was able to do the Valhalla GPS Fix and got the GPS working just great. But the official ROM got released and like an idiot I flashed the MR1 official ROM. And then I lost the GPS. Valhalla does not work, QuickGPS does not work.
My only recourse is: I complained enough so I got an early "New Every Two" so when the new Whitestone/Imagio comes out on October 6th I plan to ditch my Touch for good and go with the new phone.
I have my data on block on the Touch because no sense in paying $30 a month without GPS to assist Google and Windows Live. I also bought a lovely new GPS program called CoPilot Live 8, which is extremely reasonably priced, but I'll have to wait until I buy the Imagio to run the thing. Though, I can get maps of any particular area with the program, just can't create a route to a destination without GPS.
So I'm just wondering, anyone else with a Verizon Touch struggling with the GPS on their phone? Tech support swears they don't lock out the GPS, they say its Google's fault for not accessing the GPS on the phone...yeah, sure.
Bye, R
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It does seem that VZW does lock the GPS. Not letting customizations run, unlocking, & Flashing a custom ROM will unlock the GPS.
There are plenty of threads on this subject.
jadesse said:
It does seem that VZW does lock the GPS. Not letting customizations run, unlocking, & Flashing a custom ROM will unlock the GPS.
There are plenty of threads on this subject.
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yea there are lots of theads in the vogue upgrading thread. pretty much your going to have to downgrade your radio to a pre gps one and then reflash a gps enabled rom and not let customizations run.
DrRoger said:
Hi y'all,
I have a 16 month old Verizon Touch. When I had the "in the wild" 6.1 Windows Mobile I was able to do the Valhalla GPS Fix and got the GPS working just great. But the official ROM got released and like an idiot I flashed the MR1 official ROM. And then I lost the GPS. Valhalla does not work, QuickGPS does not work.
My only recourse is: I complained enough so I got an early "New Every Two" so when the new Whitestone/Imagio comes out on October 6th I plan to ditch my Touch for good and go with the new phone.
I have my data on block on the Touch because no sense in paying $30 a month without GPS to assist Google and Windows Live. I also bought a lovely new GPS program called CoPilot Live 8, which is extremely reasonably priced, but I'll have to wait until I buy the Imagio to run the thing. Though, I can get maps of any particular area with the program, just can't create a route to a destination without GPS.
So I'm just wondering, anyone else with a Verizon Touch struggling with the GPS on their phone? Tech support swears they don't lock out the GPS, they say its Google's fault for not accessing the GPS on the phone...yeah, sure.
Bye, R
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Hey DrRoger-
I remember you from Hofo, we got our xv6900's around the same time.
Like you, I had the GPS working with 6.1 update and Valhalla then lost it by letting the customizations run on the official ROM.
I just got my GPS working again today by following the instructions here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=533639
It is a bit of work and a lot of flashing but it does work. I think I was brave enough to go through all of it because I plan on getting the Touch Pro 2 (or something better if it comes out) when my NE2 is up in a couple of months. If you decide to try it just follow the instructions precisely, remove your storage card before unlocking and use a computer with xp on it and it should be a fairly smooth process.
Good Luck!
I have flashed my Vx 6900 and I thought my GPS has been unlocked. But it keeps trying starting up in GPS test. And I found my GPS working in COM4, 4800b/s.
Could everything help?
damiloveu said:
I have flashed my Vx 6900 and I thought my GPS has been unlocked. But it keeps trying starting up in GPS test. And I found my GPS working in COM4, 4800b/s.
Could everything help?
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Make sure your location services are turned on. Start > Settings > Phone > Services > Location Settings
It's off by default.
vzw locks
Yeah vzw locks gps but it is a cat and mouse game with the locks and unlocks. Vzw wants to milk you (or others) for their vz navistupid (ie navigator) and charge you for what should be free. They have done this for years. At one time you had to pay verizon for the pictures you took on your phone. When the removable media came std on phones they lost that revenue squeeze.
They will continue to lock out technology to milk the $ out of it. Eventually they have to free it cause they will loose customers. A vzw rep told me this weekend that vzw is going to release their lock on gps in the "near future".
imdarkside said:
Yeah vzw locks gps but it is a cat and mouse game with the locks and unlocks. Vzw wants to milk you (or others) for their vz navistupid (ie navigator) and charge you for what should be free. They have done this for years. At one time you had to pay verizon for the pictures you took on your phone. When the removable media came std on phones they lost that revenue squeeze.
They will continue to lock out technology to milk the $ out of it. Eventually they have to free it cause they will loose customers. A vzw rep told me this weekend that vzw is going to release their lock on gps in the "near future".
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Well VZW has been in a lot of trouble over that. And actually, if you get a world phone now from VZW, the GPS is supposed to be unlocked. I know that doesn't help you guys with Vogues, but it's a start. On the other hand, you can visit the Vogue upgrading section and hit up some of the forums just for unlocking your gps radio. Or even change to a custom ROM. I've been using NFSFAN's Windows Mobile 6.5 Roms with great satisfaction.
I followed the previously linked instructions a few month ago on my 6900, and installed NFSFAN's 6.5 build. Has been working great with a working GPS since then.

Recuring XV-6800 issues (keyboard, resetting)

I thought I knew the meaning of "a love/hate relationship" until I got the Verizon XV-6800. I love having a syncing calendar & contact list, Office Mobile, WiFi tethering with WMwifiRouter, & all of the other software available for the Windows Mobile OS. Unfortunately I hate the durability of the phone. It seems it can't even stand up to daily use. I'm now on my sixth replacement which I've had for 5 weeks now. Suddenly it's having the same problem the 2 phones prior to this one had; dropping keys, not responding to input (keyboard or on screen,) & randomly resetting upon hitting the power button.
I'm posting this here not just to complain somewhere, but more to see if anyone has had any similar issues or has any recommendations. I doubt these problems are the hardware, so I'm starting to wonder if anyone may have dealt with similar problems by flashing a new rom. I've considered it for GPS functionality, but if it would solve these issues then I'd definitely be all for it.
It is likely a hardware problem. The mogul a becoming way outdated. I would upgrade if you dont have gps abilities. I would think that means you have WM 6.0 is is old itself. What is your carrier. Please update it in your profile so help is easier to come by.
Alright, updated that. I'm with Verizon. It's really annoying to watch them lock down GPS on their phones, only to change their mind, and open it up on other phones just leaving XV-6800 users hanging.
Gps is easy to get going if you have a data package. Not as easy if you don't have one. I can help you get gps if you need it. Also what is your rom version under device information.
Ya, I've got the data package, and I've had GPS in the past using Valhalla (until VZW shut it down.) I'd love to have it back! It looks like I'm running 5.2.19212 (Build 19212.1.0.3)
If you had vahalla before then you have MR1/2 then it is easy. Just install the serf cab for vahalla then *22899 and gps works again. This assumes you have vahalla already installed. If not reinstall vahalla first then *22899. Then serf cab then *22899. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3555579&postcount=703
Let me know how it works.
As I said in my initial post, I've replaced this phone many times. The last phone that ran GPS was maybe 3 devices back. At the time I had flashed that to MR1 & windows 6.1. Since then each replacement phone has come to me with WM6 loaded. My current one says 6.1, is it a fair assumption that this has MR1? I guess I need to reinstall the Valhalla stuff as you mentioned. I'm going to get started on that process. Where's the best place to find the Valhalla cab to get started?
If you see under rom version:3.57.605.1 or 3.57.605.2 then you have MR1 or MR2. You are then ok to install the vahalla cab the serf cab using *22899 after each install.
Ok, I'm using 3.57.605.2. I did install as you said; Valhalla, *22899, Serf, *22899, check location settings, check for active data connection. All successful, but no fix. Any suggestions? (I've been reading some other posts, and I'm afraid I'm running into the same problems.) Are there additional steps I need to be following?
I suggest you use HTC gps tool or gps viewer to check your lock status. Do you see any satellites come up under satellite view? Are you outside or near a window? And your location is turned on from 911 only correct?
No, it's still not getting a fix. Location is on, and the data connection is active. Still nothing. Are there any other steps I should try. I was reading some additional steps on the wiki...
I see that your running DCD 3.3.4 & 3.42.40. Since I've got this keyboard issue as well might that be another way to fix the GPS issue and simultaneously also the keyboard issue?
A new rom wont fix a bad keyboard. I suggest a hard reset and then install vahalla, then serf, then gps software. Then checking for lock. I have done this before so I know it works. Just for kicks try the vahalla cab attached because the link I provided could be different. I couldnt find a link for my version. Also I will ask again did you see any satellites under the satellite view for either gps software(blinking red dots).
The keyboard works fine at times; right now for example... I think the problem is software based. I'm just looking for a really clear how to on the flashing process.
I'll try working with the Valhalla cab you supplied, as I'm not sure if the version I used was the correct version. I know there's no uninstall for the valhalla cab, are ther certain files I should delete or just install over the old one?
Ok first i doubt it is software issue. Second why not just get another replacement handset, they are free. I dont know if installing the other vahalla over will work. That is why I suggested a hard reset. But if you dont want to do that now just get a another replacement and start with them on it.

GPS on Bell HTC touch stopped working

Hello Guys,
I have a htc touch (vogue) from bell. I upgraded it with the bell rom on htc site one year ago. The GPS has worked ever since. However, it stopped working last friday. In google map, it is always "seeking for satellit (0)". I tried htc gps tool, I can see some (3~6) sat in view. I can even get some gps position data (eg. $GPGGA,120214.50,4531.116641,N,07339.266674,W,0,00,1.0,0.0,M,,,,*23) but not able to fix it. I also tried hard reset and re-installing the same rom/radio. It will not come back. Can somebody help me out?
Thanks a lot
chenaway said:
Hello Guys,
I have a htc touch (vogue) from bell. I upgraded it with the bell rom on htc site one year ago. The GPS has worked ever since. However, it stopped working last friday. In google map, it is always "seeking for satellit (0)". I tried htc gps tool, I can see some (3~6) sat in view. I can even get some gps position data (eg. $GPGGA,120214.50,4531.116641,N,07339.266674,W,0,00,1.0,0.0,M,,,,*23) but not able to fix it. I also tried hard reset and re-installing the same rom/radio. It will not come back. Can somebody help me out?
Thanks a lot
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Did you check the windows Settings to see if you're still in com4 with 4800 bauds?
Yes. It is always com4 and 4800.
Have you confirmed that location is still on?
You may want to try backing up your data and re-flashing the original Bell ROM to see if it changes/resets anything. A number of variables are possible with what you described.
mrkite38 said:
Have you confirmed that location is still on?
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I played a little bit with the registry setting. It looks like the gps location I posted above is not my location but a place about one mile from my place, most likely a location of the cell phone tower nearby. I mean that information may comes from agps. I lost the location when I changed the registry gpsmode to 1.
Shidell said:
You may want to try backing up your data and re-flashing the original Bell ROM to see if it changes/resets anything. A number of variables are possible with what you described.
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Thank you for your suggestion. I will try to find the cd with the old bell rom which I really have no idea where it is. As a backup, is there a bell old rom I can use online? I just do not want to play around with the unlock thing.
chenaway said:
Thank you for your suggestion. I will try to find the cd with the old bell rom which I really have no idea where it is. As a backup, is there a bell old rom I can use online? I just do not want to play around with the unlock thing.
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Go to HTC's site, look up the HTC Touch and go to Support, you should find Software Updates and Bell should be listed as one. They're hosting the latest ROM, I'd suggest flashing that.
I am also with Bell and having the exact same problem since the weekend. I have been running NFSFAN's latest rom for the last few months. I figured it might be a temporary glitch on Bell's part, but please let us know if reverting back to the Bell firmware restores your GPS.
southcan said:
I am also with Bell and having the exact same problem since the weekend. I have been running NFSFAN's latest rom for the last few months. I figured it might be a temporary glitch on Bell's part, but please let us know if reverting back to the Bell firmware restores your GPS.
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Ditto. Same for me since weekend. Also on Bell with NFSFAN's latest rom.
southcan said:
I am also with Bell and having the exact same problem since the weekend. I have been running NFSFAN's latest rom for the last few months. I figured it might be a temporary glitch on Bell's part, but please let us know if reverting back to the Bell firmware restores your GPS.
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I can confirm restoring to online bell firmware does not help.
having same problem too, must be on there side. I guess their agps servers are down
margosmark said:
having same problem too, must be on there side. I guess their agps servers are down
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LOL...so i'm not the only one too!
I thought I screwed up my phone after flashing to android (nand) and the GPS wouldn't work, so i flashed back to nfsfan's rom. It didn't work, so I just flashed to stock...and it didn't help, hence I though I screwed up my phone gps, and came to post about this.
Little did I know....it may not actually be me...
Let us know when it starts to work...
A-GPS server from Bell appears to be down.
If you open up GPSViewer on NFSFAN's ROM after awhile it will get some satellites but not get a full lock.
I will see what sort of fix can be made for this ....
Same thing as of last couple days
Mine eventually started working after opening gps viewer from system tools and cold starting.... what a pain! also iGuidance did not pick up the GPS as before
Tarney said:
Mine eventually started working after opening gps viewer from system tools and cold starting.... what a pain! also iGuidance did not pick up the GPS as before
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how do you think us verizon guys feel we dont even have agps
Same here. My GPS was working on my Touch (NFSFAN) and Blackberry in St. John's, NL (Aliant), but I travelled to Ottawa on Monday and the GPS is not working on either device now.
In Quebec, takes longer to get a connection but still gets one...
just for reference, gps lock using vin's 23506 on a Bell touch works fine - less than 10 seconds.
I do wish nfsans would release a new rom for the vogue tho
looks like the agps servers are up again, getting good locks now

[Q] GPS stopped working after upgrade to Gingerbread

I went into a T-Mobile store and had an associate upgrade my handset to Gingerbread. Everything works fine except for when I go into Navigation to use GPS. I type in the location where I want to go, but it says, "Searching for GPS..." and then it never finds it. Of course, I'm trying to use it in locations where GPS previously worked fine.
Here's what I've done to try to fix the issue:
1. restart the phone
2. download an app called "GPS Status & Toolbox" It has a tool that allows you to reset your gps data or something like that.
3. factory reset
Does anyone know of something else that I can try?
this is may/may not help.
I would recommend you root and d/l a AOSP rom with new panache radio or similar, but that's another story....
Thanks for the reply, h22aboi. Unfortunately those procedures didn't work either.
I called T-Mobile tonight, and they couldn't give me an answer on how to fix the GPS. But the lady mentioned that others were having the same problem, and they were working on a solution. I asked her how many people were having this problem, and she said ten. That's not exactly a huge number, so I don't want to hold my breath for a fix.
I'm thinking about rooting my phone, but I'm under the impression that I would need to first downgrade to Froyo. I found a guide on how to do that, but it looks really complicated, especially for a total noob like me. I don't even know what an ADB is.

