HTC Touch HD Problems - Touch HD General

I bought this device because I thought the screen would be good for my poor old eyes but...
It doesn't alert me to incoming text (SMS) messages. I've downloaded a couple of programs ('reminders'), including one from this site, but neither will run on my HD. I told HTC that the lack of this alert was a major fault as far as I was concerned but the company seems blithely indifferent.
I'm still using Windows XP (waiting for Windows 7 before I get a new PC) and find ActiveSync a nightmare. It fails several times a week, requiring restarting Outlook 2003 and unplugging and replugging of the HD. I hope its equivalent in Windows 7 works because Microsoft should be ashamed of ActiveSync 4.5.
I've gone back to my trusty Treo 680, with its smaller, lower-resolution screen. It alerts me to incoming texts and synchronizes faultlessly and speedily.
I may well sell my HD in disgust.

you can change the sms alert settings, if you go into notications, you can check the box that says "display message on screen".
basically the HTC home page will show a small 1 next to the message icon, this is how you tell you have a new text. if its not enough for you you can enable the standard windows mobile notification by doing what i said.
i've never had any problems with activesync 4.5. i wonder whats causing it. maybe you should try deleting your partnership and repartnering it.

Have you checked the settings?
Select: start - settings - personal - sounds & notifications - notifications.
Then find the incoming SMS menu item and check you have sound, display message, etc.
Also, in settings - system - screen - text size you can set the font to really big !!
as to Active Sync, this is not good with Outlook 2003. I have now on XP outlook 2007 which is totally reliable with Active Sync. I would recommend an upgrade. One feature in 2007 is the contact photos which I don't think you can do in 2003.

When the HD is in standby mode, the SMS alert does not sound. I have failed to respond to numerous text messages because I didn't know that they had arrived. My Treo always sounds an alert. This is an acknowledged flaw in the HD or WinMo 6.1 and nobody wants to fix it.
I tried to load and run two programs that were supposed to be workarounds but WinMo took exception to them and wouldn't run them (various errors). One was a 'reminder' program from this site (OS Remind Me, IIRC).
I shall upgrade to a new PC (and Office 2007 or its successor) once Windows 7 is out. Whether I shall still have the HD at that juncture remains to be seen. I am at a loss to understand why Palm can synchronize so quickly and effectively and Microsoft, which wrote the blooming OS, can't.
I have put my expensive brick back in its box for the time being and am using my trouble-free (if less flashy) Treo 680 because it gets the basics right.

Funny I get alerts...
A little noise and the vibrattion for the following even when in standby
New Email - Active synch and Gmail
And all alerts.
Maybe the Telstra Rom isn't as bad as it seems

I'm using the HTC ROM in the UK.

So am I - standard HTC ROM on O2 network in the UK - and I do get incoming text message alerts. Make sure you've got your notifications set correctly as described above.

I've set everything up correctly but I do not receive notifications if the HD is in standby. HTC has agreed that this is how the software that is in my HD works. If HTC has issued a revision of the software, it hasn't seen fit to tell me despite my lodging a fault report.
I'm on O2 Simplicity 25 (now £20!).
My Treo 680 receives notifications when in standby (I had one this morning!), so it's not 'an O2 thing', it's 'an HTC thing'.
I'm an old hand at using PDAs and smartphones, as well as at using computers. Though I'm in my 60s, my brain still works quite well, so, when I describe what is happening in my case and say that HTC has acknowledged this fault, you can be sure that it is so. I do not deny that you receive notifications; I do not receive them on my HD, though I do on my Treo, and HTC agrees that my HD works as I describe. (HTC even told me that the fault might be cured in a later release of the software.) In any case, if things were otherwise, why would this site offer 'cures' or 'workarounds'?

What cures or workarounds? No one but you has acknowledged this as a flaw, every HTC and WinMobile device receives and notifies you of SMS/Voicemail/Email/Alarms/Reminders/Etc. when in standby. If yours doesn't chances are about 20 million to 1 that you have it set up wrong.

Ya, mine always rings and vibrates when I get a txt/email and/or w/e else I tell it to if it's in standby. I don't know what this 'aknowledged' problem is u speak of.

Maybe your device is faulty. Try getting it changed for a new one...

As per most people here, my HD notifies me when in standby.
Always did this on original rom and Dutty's ones.

+1 as above, my new UK Orange one is fine for sms/e-mails etc. Have you tried a hard reset if you have backed your HD up? Apart from that I'd take the fecker back.

I've cleared the storage because I couldn't get the hard reset to work and then put all the kit back in the box.
Tomorrow, I'll reassemble it, put my SIM in, boot it, and set it up as I want it. Then, I shall see what happens and report back.
BTW,, post 7 reads:
"Windgott is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 4
Good idea - but can you please check the following?
sound ON, vibrate OFF, ringer vibrate: my Touch HD only vibrates when the display is on. In other words, when in standby mode (display dark), no vibration. And this is no real option since you don't get notified when you get a new sms.
Does this happen to you as well?
Thank you for testing; it's a real bad behaviour that it vibrates for several seconds when the ringer is on. "
Further, has:
"I'm not getting SMS notifications
this may help",
This leads to:, which is a thread entitled "message/mail notification not working"

Progress Report!
I've reassembled the HD, applied the HD Tweak tweaks, and reinstalled ActiveSync.
My equivalent of hard reset (clear storage) and HD Tweak seems to be working at present.
However! I am having endless trouble with ActiveSync, which, having taken ages to synchronize, failed to copy all my appointment data to the HD and is now refusing to connect at all! I suppose it's progress but I'm not too sure.
I've now spent 5 hours trying to get ActiveSync to work - that's 60 times as long as it took my Treo 680 to do a complete synchronization. I've just downloaded 4.5 from Microsoft's site and installed it (in case the HTC CD was damaged in any way, however unlikely): it's just chugging along as though it's running on an original IBM PC! If it behaves like it did earlier, it will just quit and refuse to reconnect, requiring me to reboot.
14:24 As expected, ActiveSync disconnected and now can't find the device! I've just cleared storage again and am waiting while the HD initializes...

Seems like a faulty device if NOTHING works good for u... Have u tried one of the custom roms to see if they work? I don't have an Touch HD yet (trying to get my sister in the uk to switch to an O2 contract so i can get it LOL) but as i understand Dutty's is A+ work...
Give that a shot hopefully everything works.

I do have the SMS notifications too. The only bug about alerts reported is the reminder for all-day events.
Concerning a faulty unit, I don't understand how an hardware problem could cause a bug like this ? I mean, if it's hardware (like memory), you should have random freezes or reboots, but a "no SMS ring" is strange for me.

15:50 and the ActiveSync initial synchronization is still running. At least it hasn't disconnected yet.

did you try a sync on another PC ?

My data are on this machine; in any case, I shouldn't have to faff about like that.
My Treo 680, with HotSync Manager, took about 5 minutes to do a complete initial synchronization. Why has ActiveSync taken over 2 hours and still not finished? The only answer that I can think of is that ActiveSync is poorly written. Presumably, Microsoft doesn't care about those customers who still use XP. Windows 7 seems to be better but it's a bit early to be sure.


crashing upon recieving text and overnight

i know this has came up alot, i was just wondering if anyone has found a fix for the xda exec crashing when a text is recieved. This does not happen to me often but it does happen and is quite annoying as the text is lost sometimes.
Also i find that sometimes when i leave my phone closed in clam shell mode overnight i wake up and open the phone but it seemed to be crashed. There was one night when my girlfriend sent me 3 txts during that night and she got delivery reports saying they were delivered,once i turnt my phone on in the morning it was frozen and i had to soft reset but didnt get any of her txts. Im now trialling to leave the phone on in standard pda mpde (screen facing out) overnight to see if it happens this way or not.
p.s: im using the standard rom that came with the phone
rom: 1.13.48
radio: 1.04.02
protocol: 42.37.P8
Yes the problem is very much there still. I have been using the Jasjar for almost 3 months now. During these 3 months this is my 2nd Jasjar and the problem is on both my units.
The chances of SMS freezing the Jasjar is more likely when the available RAM is below 17 MB. So what I am doing to reduces chances of this happening is to soft reset when the available RAM is below 18 MB. However this is still no gaurantee though it does reduce the chances of the Jasjar freezing upon receiving a text message.
This is a very annoying problem as this makes the whole thing so unreliable. You will never know that a text message has come through and caused your Jasjar to freeze till you need to use your phone again, and if during this period someone tries to contact you his call will not get through.
May I also mention that a few days back I also upgraded my Jasjar with the O2 ROM but the problem was still there. Furthermore I am convinced that this problem is not being caused by any 3rd party software. I can say so with confidence because I have hard rest several times and found the problem to be there even when no third party software was installed.
My only hope is now a ROM upgrade which I heard is due in December. I this does not solve the problem at least for me I can say that I am quitting and the Nokia 9500 will be my next phone.
which mode are you using. I had the SMS freezing problem with my JJ but with my Exec in Corporate mode I have not suffered this. However, I have noticed that since I downloaded the latest ROM from the O2 my Exec is less stable then with the original ROM!
i am using the corporate mode, its mroe stable than the basic mode but upon recieving ssm it still crashes.
i think im going to call o2 today and ask them to change my phone. I thinking of samsung sgh-i300 now.
such a shame cos i really like the exec, if i didnt need a reliable txt function so much i wouldnt really care about it.
When I tried the O2 ROM on my i-mate Jasjar I also opted for the corporate mode and this still did not solve the text message freeing problem. I therefore shifted back to the original i-mate Jasjar ROM
Did you guys have Pocket Informant or TCMP + ffdshow/ac3 codec pack installed by any chance?
My SMS was perfectly fine until yesterday I installed the above, and upon receiving an SMS my exec (corp) hung...
Hard resetting now...
doody said:
Did you guys have Pocket Informant or TCMP + ffdshow/ac3 codec pack installed by any chance?
My SMS was perfectly fine until yesterday I installed the above, and upon receiving an SMS my exec (corp) hung...
Hard resetting now...
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I have TCMP installed and running on the original corporate ROM and NEVER had the crash upon receiving SMS.
When I had my JJ I did get the freezing problem with receipt of a SMS - but I was also using Pocket Informant. On my Exec on Corp mode I don't use Pocket Informant but use Agenda Fusion and have never suffered the SMS issue. Looks like it could be a third-party app (I also may have used a Today screen plug-in on my JJ, which I don't use anymore) causing the SMS problem.
OK this is starting to peeve me..... hard reset, didn't install TCMP, only installed PI trial and SMS hang issue is back...argh!
no, i had no 3rd party apps and it still hung. I think someelse also didnt have any 3rd party apps and had this problem too.
thx mho... I'll test it out for a day or two more and if it still hangs I'm calling O2. I have a suspicion that it's an issue to do with the memory leaks, probably due to filehandles not being closed when accessing an SD card with LOTS of files in it.
Happening again after being ok for 2 days... calling O2 today...
Yes it is true... I am having same prob too... Even after hardreset without any 3rd party applications, after a while after softreset, my phone does freeze... Some time I am not even able to read the message.
Not sure how scientific this is - but I had the 'crash on SMS' quite a bit in the first week or so of using my Exec.
The first time it happened, I thought it might be to do with insufficient resources, so I regularly closed down background tasks and did occasional soft-resets to 'clean it up'. This didn't seem to make much difference.
HOWEVER, this week I've basically just made sure POutlook is actually running at all times, and I've not had a single problem.
When I fancy the old 'close all tasks' if I've got a load of apps running in the background - I just follow it with a swift press of the "envelope" button.
It SEEMS to be working!
FunkyMagic said:
It SEEMS to be working!
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Except I spoke too soon. Graaagh. :evil:
Came back to a flashing orange LED, opened up to see, and the thing had frozen.
doh! :evil:
I had the SMS freeze problem with my JJ now I only have it with email download over GPRS. Unfortunately a lot of Universal fans here don't think there are any problems with the Universal while the rest of us are trying to find workarounds. A bit annoying really.
It must be from the service provider, because someone already tested it after a hard reset with nothing installed and still getting these SMS freezes. It could also be the phone. It is hard to pinpoint because I don't see any Cingular-USA complaining of SMS freezing. As most Universal users are in the UK.
If it's any consolation.....happens to me once in a while too.....don't think it could be the network.....but maybe some O2 files??
no freeze but SMS just not received
see my post - only receiving some SMS - this is related to an XDA 2i
on O2 network
the more I trail this forum for SMS issues the more I am concerned that this is a serious bug with the phone.
I have done extensive troubleshooting on this and can confirm that it is a) not related to any loaded SW or backup, b) happening on nearly all XDA derivates to some extend, C) is mainly related to the unit trying to "wake up" (which is normal for SMS receive). Pattern seems to be that combined with a weak signal the XDA wakes up, looses network, re-aquires but the receive failed. The confirmation that the message was received is however already deliverd as the XDA woke up. I can re-create this behaviour at will now. If you send two messages within a short time frame the Second message only will be received. So it is definitely related to the unit waking up.
My XDA was with O2 for repair twice and no change in behaviour. they have agreed to exchange - but see above - form the posts here I think that it is a general problem with the unit

Email alert when switched off?

I have outlook setup to check every minute for email which works fine for me yet the 1 niggle I have is I would like the device to switch on and alert when there is a new email like when you receive an SMS
When I send a test message and then switch device on its flashing that there is an email waiting so it obviously downloaded it while the device was off
Email Alert WhenSwitched Off
Yes, it will warn you of an incoming email, even when switched off. You will have to ensure that you have attached a noise to the 'Incoming Email' under "Notifications".
The really neat thing is, if you are driving along using TomTom, you still get the audio alert, and a small preview pane pops up giving you the title and sender of the email. If you ignore it, it fades away after a few seconds.
Just gave it a quick test, killed everything under task manager (e.g. mailbox) so nothing running, disconnected GPRS & turned off phone... sent a message and a few mins later up it comes
Have to admit that I am getting more & more impressed with the Universal and with unlimited data its a perfect device just hope HTC dont bring out anything better soon as i'm on 18 month contract
ViaraiX said:
Just gave it a quick test, killed everything under task manager (e.g. mailbox) so nothing running, disconnected GPRS & turned off phone... sent a message and a few mins later up it comes
Have to admit that I am getting more & more impressed with the Universal and with unlimited data its a perfect device just hope HTC dont bring out anything better soon as i'm on 18 month contract
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You got FLEXT'd!

Help with Blackberry on Universal

Hi all,
In need of some help here... :-( Got my replacement Uni all setup back how I like it and my boss finally signs off the paperwork to get Blackberry enabled on my phone. O2 eventually got it all setup and I start to receive email, however am having some problems.
1. If I turn the PDA off (or it turns itself off as battery saving) then Blackberry seems to quit and won't restart without a soft reset. Obviously not very useful
2. When Blackberry is running it doesn't display any notifications for other events (such as the alarm clock, new text messages, calendar notifications etc) which means I can't cancel them so when I soft reset my phone I get 5 minutes odd of the phone ringing, and MemMaid doesn't seem to be able to get rid of them
3. Not a Blackberry issue but my phone just completely stops working at 72% battery life, bearing in mind this is a replacement provided by O2 and is supposedly brand new do I need to do anything likefully discharge the battery in boot mode or something like that.
I remember reading something but browsing the forum over GPRS is a bit painful so please if someone knows the right thread if you could reply to this would really appreciate it, won't be back near a proper net connection for about 6 days so stuck with GPRS for the moment (not got a 3G enabled SIM yet, meant to have but O2 sent one which wasn't and are now taking an age to sort it out).

Atom Life: Sometimes the screen goes black after suspend

This may be related to some of the software I have on the device, but once or twice a week I turn on the unit, and the screen's totally black. The funny thing is that it isn't by any means locked up. If I use Pocket Controller to dial in, I can use it in a normal way. So it seems it's something that works on the monitor driver. Has anybody else seen this? I have the latest WM6 image.
I think it may be a hardware problem, not a driver problem. You should send it to O2 support.
Thanks for the suggestion. But since they are in Hongkong, and I am in Norway I'm at least going to do a hard reset and run it a few days without the five billion programs I have on it (SPB stuff and lots of other things). Especially since it didn't happen the first weeks I had it, and I have steadliy installed new software. But if that doesn't help, I'm gonna contact Expansys and see what we can arrange.
Just to keep this updated, I have now been running it on the last WM5 ROM for four days, and not once seen the above mentioned problem. I'm gonna do a week, then I will reflash the WM6 image and run that on only the bare essentials (like now: NetRemote, Pocket Hosts, Derago dNote and the O2 plus program suite). The first day I even had an automated script send me E-mail on the account where I have E-mail warnings through SMS every minute for around three hours. Not once did it do anything but wake politely up from suspend and work as it should. Which should be a good sign that something in the WM6 ROM or one of the gazillion programs I installed is the guilty party.

SMS issue with updated rom 1.66 WHY??

I updated my ROM as soon as it came out in January.
I have been using my HTC HD2 on and off over the last two months due to its niggles but thought I would give the phone one more chance.
To my dismay again - I having issues with sending and incoming text messages.
For example
There was about a 3 hour window today where I suspect I was not receiving any text or sending any.
I noticed this because I phoned vodafone to give me an automated SMS message to tell me how many mins I got left. But after 2 attempts and left it for 90 mins, no messages came through.
I also sent out a couple of texts but noticed the delivery reports were shown as not delivered. These were two several different people.
So I thought this must be my phone then.
I switched off my phone and back on again, voila the messages I had sent were delivered 30 secs after my phone was switched back on.
I phoned up Vodafone again to get automated text message - viola the sms came within 5 seconds.
What cause the cessation of incoming and outgoing messages in that 3 hour window? Could an app/update running in the background could have caused this?
Is this a common issue even with the latest official ROM update? Is there a fix?
Please help as this issue along with short battery life is making me thing whether to get rid of phone.
But I also love the other features of the phone - for that reason I want this fundamental feature of sending/receiving SMS message to be resolved.
Thanks -rant over
that sounds just like the original sms problem.
did you use backup software when you upgraded? with the wrong settings, when you restore it can cause problems by writing back some old system files.
could be as easy as a hard reset.
no I did not use any backup software. literally just installed the new ROM and then had to install all my programs manually in again. any ideas? it does seem like the old sms issue as the problem is much less frequent but annoying nonetheless lol.
Sorry to hear all your disappointing references your having with your HD2.
I not long after getting myne when had rom 1.48 and now 1.66 never have had any SMS problems(although a fix was installed by HTC straight away apon purchase)
I then installed a app to disable Sence Sms (sorry cant find where i got it from) being processed by Sence as it created a few limitations i liked in windows sms .
Any way by shifting the total responsibility back to Windows Sms functionality > i have never to today experienced a single problem with stuck sms.
I hope this helps.
but my problem is very intermittent. could a program running in the background cause this issue
I have an O2 HD2 which came with ROM V1.43 i had no issues with sms. I installed the V1.66 ROM...still no issues! It may be something to do with your network? might be worth trying a different networks sim card to prove???
I thought the same but i have no issue with my old phone. strange huH?

