[HELP!] Need Help on Customising my Touch Diamond! - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum. Got my HTC Touch Diamond recently and wants to change the TouchFLO 3D theme (have different colours for the tabs, clocks and all). I have not upgraded the firmware of my phone. I have read alot of threads available here but I still cant figure out how to install new themes to my Touch Diamond. Confused of all the things about ROMs. I hope someone can guide me on the steps to change the themes on my phone.
So these are my questions:
1) What software do I need to change the themes of my Diamond? Like colours of the tabs clocks and all? (customize my TouchFLO 3D interface) Is it the Diamond TF3D Config Setup v0.6.7 or something?
2) Do I have to change or upgrade the firmware of my phone? I've heard many names of the different ROMs but I don't know what are they.
3) Any avenues or threads already set up to understand all these? If yes, please provide me the link.
I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to anyone who can help me!

PinkishBoy said:
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum. Got my HTC Touch Diamond recently and wants to change the TouchFLO 3D theme (have different colours for the tabs, clocks and all). I have not upgraded the firmware of my phone. I have read alot of threads available here but I still cant figure out how to install new themes to my Touch Diamond. Confused of all the things about ROMs. I hope someone can guide me on the steps to change the themes on my phone.
So these are my questions:
1) What software do I need to change the themes of my Diamond? Like colours of the tabs clocks and all? (customize my TouchFLO 3D interface) Is it the Diamond TF3D Config Setup v0.6.7 or something?
2) Do I have to change or upgrade the firmware of my phone? I've heard many names of the different ROMs but I don't know what are they.
3) Any avenues or threads already set up to understand all these? If yes, please provide me the link.
I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to anyone who can help me!
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First before asking the question of firmware, post your present firmware.
Next if you want to upgrade your rom, Check it in the Diamond rom development section, the latest hit is 2.03 or dutty's which r generally awesome.
To change your TF3D themes visit http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=405749
and check all the sticky's put up.....most of them will contain all the answers for your question.

teejayenator said:
First before asking the question of firmware, post your present firmware.
Next if you want to upgrade your rom, Check it in the Diamond rom development section, the latest hit is 2.03 or dutty's which r generally awesome.
To change your TF3D themes visit http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=405749
and check all the sticky's put up.....most of them will contain all the answers for your question.
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Thank you so much for your help! Much appreciated!!!


WQVGA Themes (Samsung Omnia)?

Hi been looking everywhere on this site and all over the net and I cant really find any themes that fit my samsung omnia which has wqvga resolution. Can someone please help me find some as I really want some of the really good themes on this board but I dont know which ones fit wqvga.
Hello my friend :]
These are some themes specially designed for samsung omnia that
Supports Resolutions:
QVGA (240x320)
WQVGA (240x400)
VGA (480x640)
Installation Instructions:
1) If you haven't installed mobile shell before, skip to step 2.
Run UnInstall.mscr to REMOVE the previous version (this will completely remove the
'SpbMobileShellSkins' folder from your "My Storage" / "Storage Card".)
2) Extract the .zip file into the root of your desired storage location.
3) Using your device, open File Explorer and find your desired installation
location (as above). Go to 'SpbMobileShellSkins\Scripts'. In here run the
file 'Mortscipt.exe'. This will enable the other scripts to run.
4) In File Explorer, run the file "Install_WQVGA.mscr"and set your LANGUAGE.
5) You will notice 28 other scripts like Luna_Paper.mscr. Each time you run
one of these, when you go to SPBShell/Programs/Tools/SBP Skins a new skin
will become available. If you want all 28, then run all 28 scripts.
Check the website for screenshots.
6) SOFT RESET the device or run the script "ScanStatus.mscr".
Having trouble?
- If all goes wrong, or you don't like the new skins, you can revert to
the original skin by running the 'Orignal.mscr' script!
- If the link into the Spb Skins sub-menu doesn't work, CREATE IT AGAIN
tapping on the relative .mscr script from the Scripts folder.
TIP : you can perform a system format incase something goes wrong with your omnia by switching the phone on while holding both call and end call . This will allow you to format the device and go back to initial setting like the first time you switched your omnia on.
ok thanks but how come all the people on here that are making class themes dont make em for wqvga aswell?
first: a skin for what ???
second: omnia is new and the only phone with that resolution and making a skin needs many days of work. so why should anyone do that for one percent of the users for free?
first: why are u having a go im only askin
second: the phone has been out for months and this is a place littered with wm themes so im askin if theres any for omnia and why there isnt
third: get over yaself
whats your problem ?
i just asked you for what application you want a theme/skin because you wrote nothing about it. and then i answered your question why there aren't so many out. so please dont post here anymore if you have a question or need help noob.
the first three posts and what an awful behaviour....
First while there is a wealth of WM information on this forum just remember at the end of the day this is a HTC Forum, not a Samsung Forum.
With that said, I'm a omnia user as well and I would suggest you check out some other forums like Modaco as they have a specific forum for Omnia and you will find more information you might be looking for there.
There will be some discussion on xda forum and I make it a habit to keep in touch with several forums as to broaden my knowledge base.
bobsbbq said:
First while there is a wealth of WM information on this forum just remember at the end of the day this is a HTC Forum, not a Samsung Forum.
With that said, I'm a omnia user as well and I would suggest you check out some other forums like Modaco as they have a specific forum for Omnia and you will find more information you might be looking for there.
There will be some discussion on xda forum and I make it a habit to keep in touch with several forums as to broaden my knowledge base.
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Hi friend, which one is newer H1 or G4?
And if you could spare a moment to tell me abt the difference/improvements of the SW.
Thanks in advance
Juan83 said:
Hi friend, which one is newer H1 or G4?
And if you could spare a moment to tell me abt the difference/improvements of the SW.
Thanks in advance
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The H1 is newer, but HI3 is the latest with many improvements see here:
thanks for that, but my omnia doesnt seem to be able to actually apply the settings.
would u know why it would be doin that?

Touch flo 3d 2

has somebody tf3d 2 in Cab? I do not want rom with this I am only interested a cab file. Thanks a lot
please read before starting new thread
Thanks, I think the same.
please me 3
i want 2
Hey .. I can't find anything about TF3D 2 at all .. is there a rom for Xperia ?
use search, read stickys and go to appropriate section.
There's a sticky at the top that has info, look for the Rhodium/Blackstone thread. The cab is on its way, I believe the latest word is less than a week. I'd recommend giving the ROM's a chance, TF3D is slow when installed from cabs.

Hello!! I am new and have a few questions.

Hello everyone, like i said i am new here and i just got a HTC touch diamond and I was looking around this site and it is just overwhelming. I mostly just want to start out changing the tf3d themes. From what i have read there is manilla files? I do not know what these are. I just downloaded diamond TF3d config setup v.0.6.7 will this help me put themes on my phone easily? I just dont want to mess my phone up. Here is some info about my phone. I have Ntelos as a provider and i goto settings and device info. and it says i have rom version: 1.22.557.1. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you all!!!
fishnmagician said:
Hello everyone, like i said i am new here and i just got a HTC touch diamond and I was looking around this site and it is just overwhelming. I mostly just want to start out changing the tf3d themes. From what i have read there is manilla files? I do not know what these are. I just downloaded diamond TF3d config setup v.0.6.7 will this help me put themes on my phone easily? I just dont want to mess my phone up. Here is some info about my phone. I have Ntelos as a provider and i goto settings and device info. and it says i have rom version: 1.22.557.1. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you all!!!
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They only way i know how to change themes is with TF3d Config. Search the forum for TF3D Themes. Download a few copy them to your Storage,Then go to TF3D. Click on the Appearance tab,Select the path (the folder where all your themes are saved) Then simply click apply. This will apply the new theme. It take about 5 min tops then the phone will soft reset and your new theme will appear. This will not damage your phone at all. if your still stuck let me know i will put up some screen shots for you...

Manila Vesion

I can't find my manila version.
I know that i have to go, in touch flo 3d navigate to the Settings tab, and scroll down to ABOUT. But the "about" button take me to the Opera Browser: file://localhost/windows/manila_about.html , and there is nothing to know about the version.
Monjodulis said:
I can't find my manila version.
I know that i have to go, in touch flo 3d navigate to the Settings tab, and scroll down to ABOUT. But the "about" button take me to the Opera Browser: file://localhost/windows/manila_about.html , and there is nothing to know about the version.
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What ROM are you running? It would be the manila version native to your ROM.
Monjodulis said:
I can't find my manila version.
I know that i have to go, in touch flo 3d navigate to the Settings tab, and scroll down to ABOUT. But the "about" button take me to the Opera Browser: file://localhost/windows/manila_about.html , and there is nothing to know about the version.
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Start - Settings - System - Device Info - Software Information - Manila Version
Works in every rom
This is very strange!
Bruce Inman
What ROM are you running? It would be the manila version native to your ROM.
My ROM version is: 2.16.410.1 PTG
Start - Settings - System - Device Info - Software Information - Manila Version
Works in every rom
I went there, and I just have in the Device info: Version; Hardware; Identity; Duracion.
I really apreciate the help from you both!
Monjodulis said:
This is very strange!
Bruce Inman
What ROM are you running? It would be the manila version native to your ROM.
My ROM version is: 2.16.410.1 PTG
Start - Settings - System - Device Info - Software Information - Manila Version
Works in every rom
I went there, and I just have in the Device info: Version; Hardware; Identity; Duracion.
I really apreciate the help from you both!
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That ROM came stock with manila 2.1, not sure what the build# is though
So my Manila Bruce, probably is the 2.1..
Yes, it would have to be.
Once again Bruce Inman, thanks.
I have oyher question, and sorry if it's a silly one but I really don't know the solution!
I looked for Manila 2.1 themes, and it was difficult to find some of them, but i found one that it was nice ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=563451 ), i downloaded the "Boost Manila 2.1.zip ", installed the .cab file but and nothing! I mean, it wasn't at the Today opcion in the Settings tab..
I don't know what am I doing wrong, if the file that I downloaded was not the best one, if it's not correct one for my HTC..
Sorry for bad english!
Thanks for the help
Monjodulis said:
Once again Bruce Inman, thanks.
I have oyher question, and sorry if it's a silly one but I really don't know the solution!
I looked for Manila 2.1 themes, and it was difficult to find some of them, but i found one that it was nice ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=563451 ), i downloaded the "Boost Manila 2.1.zip ", installed the .cab file but and nothing! I mean, it wasn't at the Today opcion in the Settings tab..
I don't know what am I doing wrong, if the file that I downloaded was not the best one, if it's not correct one for my HTC..
Sorry for bad english!
Thanks for the help
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First, the file you downloaded was for the Diamond, not the TD2, therefore it is incompatable.
Second, go here to post 5. These are the different versions of the Manila theme. There are many because each new build of Manila tweaks the home layout, so they are always slightly different.
Lastly, remember Max Manila is a Manila theme, not a windows theme, so next you need to find a windows theme if you want to. I use Dusk themes because I like the black bars. Dusk themes are ROM build dependent so look for your build number, if you don't see it, use the newest build available. This is the one that loads to your Today Settings and you must select it to display. There are also Dusk Clocks and Taskbar icons in that thread as well.
If you scoll through the Topaz Themes and Apps threads, you will find more themes and most will have full instructions on how to install.
Good Luck.
Bruce Inman's
Thanks for the help, for all the time you expended.
I'm scared now, when i started to look for themes, i never thought that could be so dificult!
I'll try!
Bruce Inman's
Thanks for the help, for all the time you expended.
I'm scared now, when i started to look for themes, i never thought that could be so dificult!
I'll try!
Bruce Inman said:
First, the file you downloaded was for the Diamond, not the TD2, therefore it is incompatable.
Second, go here to post 5. These are the different versions of the Manila theme. There are many because each new build of Manila tweaks the home layout, so they are always slightly different.
Lastly, remember Max Manila is a Manila theme, not a windows theme, so next you need to find a windows theme if you want to. I use Dusk themes because I like the black bars. Dusk themes are ROM build dependent so look for your build number, if you don't see it, use the newest build available. This is the one that loads to your Today Settings and you must select it to display. There are also Dusk Clocks and Taskbar icons in that thread as well.
If you scoll through the Topaz Themes and Apps threads, you will find more themes and most will have full instructions on how to install.
Good Luck.
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Bruce Inman's
Thanks for the help, for all the time you expended.
I'm scared now, when i started to look for themes, i never thought that could be so dificult!
I'll try!
Monjodulis said:
Bruce Inman's
Thanks for the help, for all the time you expended.
I'm scared now, when i started to look for themes, i never thought that could be so dificult!
I'll try!
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The beauty of it is if it don't work you can just uninstall it.

Getting ready to go transparent

Just got my HD2 and would like to remove/make transparent taskbars and curtains etc...
My question which I have not found an answer to is do I need to SPL, use different ROM etc or can I use the mod cabs on a out of the box handset?
You dont need to flash your device at all to install cab files.
Search for Touch X collection , you 'll found every thing you need
Thanks guys, much appreciated!

