Speakerphone on Face-down - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Ok, if you like the TD2's speakerphone on flip stunt, then here's a cool tip for you...
Using Gyrator:
- Add a new "Rotation" event.
- Set application to Phone on the "Application" tab.
- On the "Orientation" tab check on "Portrait", "Face-down", and "Face-up".
- On the "Actions" tab check on "Simulate Keypress".
- Goto "Advanced" tab and select key "F16,127" which triggers the windows-native "Speakerphone Toggle event".
Now, starting NOT on speakerphone, whenever you put your phone on a level surface --facing up or down-- during a call, the speakerphone will toggle ON -> Moreover, if you pick it up it should toggle OFF. Good enough?
P.S. You can also do the same for a "Stylus Out" event to fire when "Phone" application is focused, thereby simultaneously toggling on the speakerphone and starting up a new Note (default behaviour) whenever you take the stylus out during a call. Aren't we the lazziest lot..

That is a cool tip. Thanks for sharing!

inspired by the TPro2 not?

Usefull Indeed. I always have trouble configuring gyrator tough Not very user friendly.

I'd probably never use it (can't remember the last time I used speakerphone anyway), but you can't deny the cool factor.
Nice post!

I can't get it to work! I have double checked all the steps but no speaker when I put down the phone..
The only thing I have my doubt about is the "Rotation" event. What do you mean with that?
(Rom: 2.03 NLD)

Rones said:
I can't get it to work! I have double checked all the steps but no speaker when I put down the phone..
The only thing I have my doubt about is the "Rotation" event. What do you mean with that?
(Rom: 2.03 NLD)
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Easy stuff man, here's how it goes:
Startup your Gyrator, tap on the soft key that says "Menu" and select Events -> A new window will pop up. Tap & Hold on the topmost item in the list, a menu will pop up -> Select "Add Event". A new entry -labled "New Rule"- will appear at the top of the list. Tap & Hold on the item labled "New Rule" until a menu pops up -> select "Orientation" <- that's how an "Orientation Event" or a stylus event is created, which is where you specify the commands you want executed whenever the device's orientation changes (yes, or the Stylus' status).
Now, Tap & Hold on the "New Rule" item -> select "Edit Event": A new window will pop up and will have a number of tabs at the bottom. Now, proceed forth per the first post and it should work fine for you...
Cheers mate!

shirreer said:
Ok, if you like the TD2's speakerphone on flip stunt, then here's a cool tip for you...
Using Gyrator:
- Add a new "Rotation" event.
- Set application to Phone on the "Application" tab.
- On the "Orientation" tab check on "Portrait", "Face-down", and "Face-up".
- On the "Actions" tab check on "Simulate Keypress".
- Goto "Advanced" tab and select key "F16,127" which triggers the windows-native "Speakerphone Toggle event".
Now, starting NOT on speakerphone, whenever you put your phone on a level surface --facing up or down-- during a call, the speakerphone will toggle ON -> Moreover, if you pick it up it should toggle OFF. Good enough?
P.S. You can also do the same for a "Stylus Out" event to fire when "Phone" application is focused, thereby simultaneously toggling on the speakerphone and starting up a new Note (default behaviour) whenever you take the stylus out during a call. Aren't we the lazziest lot..
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that is dam nifty (thats right, i said nifty)
gonna have a play now...
-edit- can someone ring me?

will this work with the screen off ??

work with flipit?

Don't work Gyrator on my Diamond, i have installed last release MS.net, but ...
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"

I have re-installed all, Gyrator is OK but speakerphone not work

speakerphone face down not detected
hey guys, i had some troubles getting my phone to perform this nifty (is that what we are calling it?) trick.
First, it wouldn't work. While messing around with gyrator, i began to suspect my g sensor wasn't calibrated properly, and a test in teeter confirmed this. So my phone can't detect face-down very well at all, in fact, i struggle to have gyrator tell me it is face-down no matter how i orientate it with my fingers.
So, if this sounds like you, go to the gyration threshold options, and change the z threshold to something slacker (mine is 65, works, haven't tried others). Now gyrator will have relaxed thresholds for what it considers face-down. Works seamlessly, thus far.

shirreer said:
Ok, if you like the TD2's speakerphone on flip stunt, then here's a cool tip for you...
Using Gyrator:
- Add a new "Rotation" event.
- Set application to Phone on the "Application" tab.
- On the "Orientation" tab check on "Portrait", "Face-down", and "Face-up".
- On the "Actions" tab check on "Simulate Keypress".
- Goto "Advanced" tab and select key "F16,127" which triggers the windows-native "Speakerphone Toggle event".
Now, starting NOT on speakerphone, whenever you put your phone on a level surface --facing up or down-- during a call, the speakerphone will toggle ON -> Moreover, if you pick it up it should toggle OFF. Good enough?
P.S. You can also do the same for a "Stylus Out" event to fire when "Phone" application is focused, thereby simultaneously toggling on the speakerphone and starting up a new Note (default behaviour) whenever you take the stylus out during a call. Aren't we the lazziest lot..
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For all the guys where it does not work:
The entry for 'application' depends on your operating system language.
e.g. in german it has to be 'Telefon', not 'Phone'.
It is much more easy to let gyrator learn the windows title, to do so, do the following:
Remove your stylus
Set application to 'Learn window title'
Initiate a phone call. After the connection has been established, put the stylus back into your diamond. You will see, that gyrator has learned the window title of your phone application.
After that it just works fine.

It's bloody awesome, this Diamond just keeps getting better and better.

Sounds good, exactly what I was looking for.

Works perfect!!...thank you so much.

yes i to got it to work by following the directions buttttttttttt........seems to be to sensitive and turns on the speaker phone very easy...even if i dont put the phone face down or up actually. there were times the speaker phone went on when it was in my hand....maybe something else needs to be set so that it only turns on when its actually face down or up!! yes/no...anyone know??? thanx for any help/info... and non the less great feature i like it an will def make use of it i just want it to work more smoothly!!!

yes i to got it to work by following the directions buttttttttttt........seems to be to sensitive and turns on the speaker phone very easy...even if i dont put the phone face down or up actually. there were times the speaker phone went on when it was in my hand....maybe something else needs to be set so that it only turns on when its actually face down or up!! yes/no...anyone know??? thanx for any help/info... and non the less great feature i like it an will def make use of it i just want it to work more smoothly!!!
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Play with Gyrator's settings, with regards to sensor threshold.

........seems to be to sensitive and turns on the speaker phone very easy...even if i dont put the phone face down or up actually. there were times the speaker phone went on when it was in my hand....
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Yes, I'm having the same problem, it's too sensitive!...I've played around with the Gyrator's setting as tnyynt advised but no luck yet. Would anyone have anymore advice for us or anyone found a smoother value for X, Y and Z Axis Threshold?


Feedback? AutoHiding StartBar/NewBar/Reminders

Do any of you use my Today Toggle software in full screen mode?
I've developed an "auto-hiding" start bar and new menu bar (the one at the bottom of the today screen) to go in conjunction with my full screen today screen.
Theory - use my TodayToggle to have a fullscreen today. But that hides away your start bar to a small line (usable but small). For some that can be disconcerting, and you also lose some minor functionality (the clock!).
So, here's what I've invented. But I don't think any of you guys use it!
My basic today screen (new bar is hidden, but start bar is shown):
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Note the tiny dots in the top left corner? That's my new program, HideStart.
Ok: clicking on the dots hides the start bar and shows my PhoneAlarm skin instead
Click and holding the dots brings up a menu, with the time, and an option to toggle the New Menu bar:
And toggling the new menu bar shows it, in a more convenient place!
Would any of you guys ever have use for this?
Hi vijay555,
Post your new HideStart here and let us have a try
If this could be set to simply toggle the start and new bar at the top (without using a popup menu), I'd find it very useful. I don't use PhoneAlarm hence only needing to switch between the two. It would also need to be compatible with TillanoSoft's SmallMenuPlus.
It might be useful to allow the dots to be left or right by user option too.
Like FOSA says, post it here and let us have a play.
mtbsoft - I use SmallMenuPlus so it's certainly compatible with it.
It needs a couple of tweaks, so I'll release it shortly... but I think I'm the only one that uses the Fullscreen phonealarm hack, so there's not much point muddying waters by releasing it in that form.
Your idea for a Startmenu/NewBar toggle is probably better for most users. I'll see if I can knock that up.
Fantastic, I look forward to it.
Hi Vijay,
Can you like switch the start menu on the bottom and put the new menu on the top? it will be a cool feature... thanks in advance
adit - I could do that, but are you sure you would want it?
An idea would be to move the start bar to the bottom of the screen like the old WinCe, and shift the whole screen up to fill the gap.
I'll try it out at home to see if it's usable. But some things are hard coded to find the start bar at the top, eg notification balloons (and new bar menus are hardcoded to appear at the bottom). So although I could do it, it'd be more for "advanced users" - ie geeks like me!
Guys - a new hack:
Don't you hate it when your reminders pop up - you want to remember them, but you can't be bothered to Snooze them for 5 mins each?
I've managed to add a new mod to send reminders to the back, ie push them out of the way, but still keep them all intact.
Let me demonstrate:
A normal reminder, demonstrating my NewBar hack at the top of the screen. Note the little reminder icon on the left of the tray?
My hack "ghosts" the alarm, so that it is still visible but sent can now be pushed aside, ie you can operate your PPC normally, but view the reminder screen anytime
You call up the reminders again using the little alarm icon in the tray.
The reminders can then be activated, dismissed etc as normal.
Not for release yet - just a work in progress
Hi vijay555,
Can you make that tray icon blink to red color so that its more visible?
vijay555 said:
Don't you hate it when your reminders pop up - you want to remember them, but you can't be bothered to Snooze them for 5 mins each?
I've managed to add a new mod to send reminders to the back, ie push them out of the way, but still keep them all intact.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Stunning idea, dammit but you must be psychic! I was just thinking no more that an hour ago what a pain the current implementation of reminders is.
I agree with FOSA on the colour and blinking would be even better.
What happens about the sound though when the alarm is pushed to the back? Is it muted or does it continue (and what if it is via a third party product like SuperAlert or Pocket Plus?)?
Now here's a challenge for you. Can you actually modify the reminders window that appears? I would love just three big buttons (like my old Psion)...
Snooze - for 5 minutes, multiple presses add 5 minutes, wraps round at 60;
silence - leaves the dialog (perhaps behind using your hack) but silences any sound;
dismiss - clears the reminder;
all easily navigable using just the d-pad.
Can it be done!?!?
Guys - the alarm icon in the tray isn't actually implemented by me, it's part of the OS, curiously (I don't understand why it's there, since it can never be accessed when reminders are on screen), but it's there. I could probably make it flash, but it would require timers and things that would eat system resources. I'll think about it, but I don't like chewing up resources on the system.
Reminders continue to behave in exactly the same fashion as normal - all I've done is prevented them from hogging the screen, so they can be viewed and acted upon at will rather than demanding immediate attention.
This idea is more of a "thought experiment" right now. I'm not quite sure how to implement it into a usable tool. It works nicely right now, if a reminder pops up you can still (and always) access my little dots, choose "Reminder" from the menu (not shown in the screenshots) and it'll neuter the reminder dialog.
I thought about remodelling the dialog myself actually, to make it more thumb friendly. I'm afraid I can't change the nature of the snooze dropdown combo (ie each click adds five minutes), but I can certainly change the size and position of the buttons to be more accessible. I think that's quite essential
I've got a couple of more ideas to put into this tool, and one idea for a very cool hack that I don't think has been done before to bring a bit of WM2005 to WM2003 :wink: However, I'm on holiday from Saturday for 2 weeks, so it may have to wait.
Damn you topless beach!
Hi vijay,
sorry for the late reply i was busy with my work. anyway yes, i would love that feature switch everything like winCE. for the notification, can't we just like use "fake-but-working" icons like u did on the reminder alarm icon? we can add icons afaik thru editing the registry and make it clickable to show those notifications, that way it won't look odd? but i don't know, do u think its possible? thanks in advance.
Guys, updated here

New! BETA!! Thumb Friendly Reminders and More!

This program is BETA
It only works on the English WM2003 Rom, and QVGA only (for now)
Backup your system and give it a go, it can't do anything dangerous, worst case just soft reset. But backup just in case :wink:
Ok, as of writing WM2005 might be out on Magician, so I'm distracted.
But, this is a minor advancement of a proof of concept I put up here.
This version has a major improvement. Read and see...
On loading up, you will see some tiny dots in the top left. It can't be moved for now, and you can't change the image for now (you can use a resource hacker if you want)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
In normal use it does nothing. If the dots are active they will show the current time and Battery level.
Clicking on the dots will bring up your New Bar - the bar that is normally at the bottom of your Today screen! This means that you can access the New menu or bluetooth or activesync etc from your normal screen. Click it again to go back to your Start Bar. This hack is particularly useful will my TodayToggle program.
Ok: clicking and holding on the dots will bring up a menu. There's only one active option - Reminders.
Don't you hate it when reminders pop up and block you doing anything else? You don't want to snooze it, you just want to go back to betaplayer etc? Click on the option "Reminders" and the current active reminder will be "ghosted" (it won't do anything until there's a reminder on screen)
The reminders will not now bother you. However, to bring the reminders back up, choose the "reminders" option from the menu again, and it will come back up! Note the little alarm icon in the New Bar? That shows that you've got outstanding reminders.
Finally: piece de resistance
Reminders eh? Why where all the buttons so small? You have to take your stylus out just to click "Dismiss"? Who designed this thing? :roll:
There's a slight delay before the buttons are changed, but hopefully it makes sense. BTW - "All!" means dismiss all. I couldn't fit anything else in
So, whadya think?
This is beta. There's more to add to this program, but I hope it's useful.
Note: it's likely to have some minor CPU usage. If you don't want it, don't use it.
Please provide feedback!
If you "lose" the dots, try reloading it. If that doesn't work, close it by going To Settings > System > Memory.
I don't know if it works with Wisbar etc. Try it and report!
Could you make it so the close button is not there ? (The cross on the top-right when its active)
You could then close by clicking on the 'dots' and selecting,.. say EXIT, or shutdown option.
Also, when closing down, maybe restoring the New menu ??
Will start to have a play.
I know the snooze button relates to the Snooze combo but, to me, the large buttons should be the All and Snooze, with the Dismiss being the small (or perhaps equal) size - better for hitting in the half light. The large ones should be at the bottom left and right for similar reasons (easier to hit).
nice, as always!!!
thanks for that
On my S100 with french rom it didn't work very well !
When i load hidestart i can see the time and battery indicators but the dots aren't there !
I've also tried a reminder and the buttons are not changed ! If your hack works like Mamaich hack for the phonedialer it doesn't work maybe because the title of the reminder window is different between roms ( "reminder" in the english rom but "rappel" in the french rom ).
It's just an idea ..
Switchcorp - good point, this is all English right now; I'll update the first post to indicate. If you send me the name of the "Reminder" window, and the exact text on Dismiss, Dismiss All, Snooze (button) and "Snooze:" text I'll try to update it, although probably not before my holiday
I don't understand why you can't see the dots. Did you try launching it again? If you "lose" it, you have to close it with Settings > System > Memory.
Are you using anything like Wisbar etc?
jimbo123 - when closing down it should restore the new menu to it's original state I hope. Please indicate if it doesn't.
I'm going to work on putting a "close" icon on the reminder itself, so instead of having to go to the Menu > Reminders option, there'll automatically be a "close" button to press and hide the reminders. But I got tired last night, so had to leave it!
mtbsoft - I understand about the buttons, and I'll happily reconfigure them, but remember that the All button is only shown if there's more than one reminder active, so you'll only have the Snooze and Dismiss buttons with <2 reminders. The reminder text box can't be made wider because the blue highlight is hardcoded to that width, so I don't have much space to play with
Buzz - get back to work :wink:
Translation :
"Reminder" window -> "Rappel"
"Dismiss" -> "Effacer"
"Dismiss All" -> "Effacer tout"
Snooze (button) -> "Répéter"
"Snooze:" -> "Répéter:" ( i suppose it's the time box ? )
I've tried again by redownloading hidestart ... i see the dots but after the "new bar" moves i've a bug on the bottow of my screen and hidestart is crashed !
I've soft reseted but i can't see the dots anymore ... it's very strange
Switchcorp - thanks for the info, I'll try to put it in.
I don't quite understand about the bug and the crash. Don't use it on your ROM for now, it can't do anything useful (I think the hiding startbar feature also uses English names, I don't have the code in front of me right now).
Are you using anything like Wisbar?
This interface is only very temporary. The functionality will go into another program I'm writing, but I thought the Reminder button hack was useful so put it out now. The dots work well on my colour theme and the position is convenient....
Sorry it doesn't work Switch!
I've forgot to say that i don't use any soft like wisbar !
The only hack that i've done is the time under the date ( instead of the time only ).
Soft i use : Phonealarm, Alarm Today, Phone dashboard and PHM tray lauch and SPB Pocket plus.
Only those are active !
No problem vijay555 I like your work and if i can help to improve your app's i'll be happy !
Hidestart is a good companion of the microsoft voice command i think For me it is very usefull
I'll wait that it works with the french roms !
I've tried to desactivate all my today plugins but it doesn't change anything
I'm glad you find some of it useful at least!
Today plugins won't make any difference, i'm sure it's the way I find the windows using the English names... I'll have to find french rom for the emulator I think...
I've got a nice Today Plugin I'm making. Some will find it useful. But i've no time to release it right now :wink: Soon.
Guys, I've just noticed a bug on my version (I'm using a different version to the one released here). Can you try writing something using the soft keyboard, eg editing a schedule or something, for longer then 5 seconds.
Does it work correctly? On mine HideStart is stealing focus, ie stopping you writing after a couple of seconds. Feedback if possible please!
Hi vijay555,
I also, like full screen and am using your toggle Today program. the HideStart didn’t work in my JAM (Arabic Windows)
I would suggest auto hide for both Start Bar and new Bar after a few second
in today screen and when there is any activity like new message, missed call
or so, the Start Bar only will show up till you clear it then it goes back to hide
again. I think this will be very nice. I assigned Start Menu to one of the Hard
Button and would be nice to have both start Bar and New Bar to show up
when pressing this Hard button!!!
Do you mind spreading your programs in other forum and mention your
name and post???
Thanks and Appreciated,
Feel free to distribute any of my stuff anywhere, although try to mention my name and get people to post problems on XDA forums (ie here!)
You should be aware that Hidestart seems to cause a minor problem for me; I use a different version to the one here, so maybe that's the problem, but it seems to take focus while you're typing a message or something after a few seconds. Now one else mentioned this, so as I said, this release is just an idea and if it works for you, great! Please post here and say it works fine. But if not, please indicate here so I can look into it when I get back.
TodayToggle (the latest one) toggle start bar and new bar at the same time using one program. HideStart is English only for now - you'll have to get me the same info supplied by Switchcorp (ie arabic names).
Take care!
Hi vijay555
All sorts of problems with this, I'm afraid.
I can launch it ok and the dots appear, I tap them and the new bar moves up to the top... and that's it - no more functionality. I'm using Pocket Plus and think the close/minimise function might be interferring with it. It is still running but I can't do anything with it.
Assuming I can get it working, I'd like to suggest a couple of other changes...
Make the time and battery display optional, I have them visible via other methods and would prefer to see 'Start'.
Make the application 'invisible' to task lists such as Pocket Plus, SmallMenuPlus and RunningPrograms - I think this is part of the problems I'm suffering, it is an application and not a process.
I'll keep trying different combinations to see if I can get it working (and identify why/how).
Congrat's and enjoy the honeymoon!
Congratulation and have fun.
vijay555 said:
This program is BETA
It only works on the English WM2003 Rom, and QVGA only (for now)
Backup your system and give it a go, it can't do anything dangerous, worst case just soft reset. But backup just in case :wink:
Ok, as of writing WM2005 might be out on Magician, so I'm distracted.
But, this is a minor advancement of a proof of concept I put up here.
This version has a major improvement. Read and see...
On loading up, you will see some tiny dots in the top left. It can't be moved for now, and you can't change the image for now (you can use a resource hacker if you want)
In normal use it does nothing. If the dots are active they will show the current time and Battery level.
Clicking on the dots will bring up your New Bar - the bar that is normally at the bottom of your Today screen! This means that you can access the New menu or bluetooth or activesync etc from your normal screen. Click it again to go back to your Start Bar. This hack is particularly useful will my TodayToggle program.
Ok: clicking and holding on the dots will bring up a menu. There's only one active option - Reminders.
Don't you hate it when reminders pop up and block you doing anything else? You don't want to snooze it, you just want to go back to betaplayer etc? Click on the option "Reminders" and the current active reminder will be "ghosted" (it won't do anything until there's a reminder on screen)
The reminders will not now bother you. However, to bring the reminders back up, choose the "reminders" option from the menu again, and it will come back up! Note the little alarm icon in the New Bar? That shows that you've got outstanding reminders.
Finally: piece de resistance
Reminders eh? Why where all the buttons so small? You have to take your stylus out just to click "Dismiss"? Who designed this thing? :roll:
There's a slight delay before the buttons are changed, but hopefully it makes sense. BTW - "All!" means dismiss all. I couldn't fit anything else in
So, whadya think?
This is beta. There's more to add to this program, but I hope it's useful.
Note: it's likely to have some minor CPU usage. If you don't want it, don't use it.
Please provide feedback!
If you "lose" the dots, try reloading it. If that doesn't work, close it by going To Settings > System > Memory.
I don't know if it works with Wisbar etc. Try it and report!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Any luck for WM 5.0 Users.
Cheers Taurus
You guys already have soft keys. But I'll see, I need to find out if I can hack the notification balloons for both for VJSihaya anyway.

[APP]Klaxon 2.0 - OPEN SOURCE - G-Sensor and Light Sensor Enabled Alarm Clock (11/17)

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
AppToDate users
Klaxon Home Page
If anyone experiences a bug with Klaxon, please post a description of the bug, steps to reproduce the problem, and attach the \Program Files\Klaxon\Klaxon.txt file to the post.
If any developer wants to take over this project, please contact me via a PM!
Support for multiple languages.
Looking for more ideas to help improve this application!
Updated Klaxon to support Samsung Light Sensor
Fixed issue with device not waking up from sleep to sound alarm.
Re-enabled the code that forcibly removes the Windows alarm (May cause issues with some phones).
Please use the regular download link or AppToDate (did not make a blog entry about this minor change).
Removed the upper right default "ok" button from the OpenFileDialog. This prevents users from hitting Ok and closing the dialog when no file has been selected.
Reverted previous change to "dismiss" Windows alarms. This was causing issues on mine and other devices in that the Klaxon Alarm would never show up. In its place, Klaxon now prevents Windows Alarms from flashing, playing sound, or vibrating. The notification will still show up, but at least not it is completely benign.
You can no longer hit the Off or Snooze buttons while the phone's screen is powered off.
Klaxon will no longer start the OpenFileDialog in the Windows directory to prevent the device from hanging while all the files are listed.
Fixed Daylight Savings Bug!
I'm also looking for someone to design a skin or two for Klaxon, as well as a new icon! Please contact me if you are interested!
Fixed crash bug that would happen when browsing a directory filled with many sound files.
Changed the Klaxon icon to something nicer looking. (Requires restart, Windows Mobile caches icons)
The OpenFileDialog now shows the appropriate size folder icon for your resolution.
Added Volume control option for alarm under Settings.
Fixed intermittent bug where Samsung G-Sensor exception went uncaught, causing an exception.
When integrating with Home Screen, Klaxon now cancels all Windows alarms upon firing an alarm.
Turning off the screen when snoozing is now an option in settings.
Klaxon will now ask for confirmation if you try to create or edit an alarm that is set as disabled. Some users were accidentally disabling the alarm and pressing OK, and the alarm would obviously not go off.
Skinning support implemented, sample skins will be released soon.
Completely stripped out the old Klaxon UI design and added QVGA support for the new skinnable UI.
Fixed bugs related to the new feature that allows you to disable sensors while snoozed.
Download and extract the new TestSkin into \Program Files\Klaxon\TestSkin to use as a base to create your own skins. TestSkin looks exactly like the default Klaxon skin.
If you want to install the TestSkin, your directory structure should look like this image:
Added options to disable each sensor action while snoozed. For example, if your Flip action snoozes your phone, and you don't want to let it resnooze while snoozing (by just picking up your phone in some cases), check this box!
Added the ability to select a Windows Media Player playlist. You can find playlists in your \Playlists or \Internal Storage\Playlists folders. You can use Windows Media Player on your desktop to create and sync playlists.
When you snooze your device, the screen is automatically turned off to save power.
The default sound file is now \Windows\Alarm5.wav. It is not configurable in the UI yet, but you can configure it manually setting the \HKCU\Software\Klaxon\DefaultSoundFile value in the registry. (It does not exist by default, but Klaxon will use it if it is there.)
Implemented About Box
Implemented the Snooze countdown on the alarm form.
On the Alarm List form, days that are not scheduled to start the alarm are now a darker color than they were before.
Fixed bug where deleting all the alarms would not remove the alarm from the TouchFlo Home Screen.
Fixed the sound looping bug once and for all! Found a not so well documented "loop" API hidden off the WindowsMediaPlayer.settings.setMode method.
Fixed bug where seconds showed up on the alarms in the list form and the alarm itself.
Implemented new skin for the actual Alarm form.
Implemented 24 hour mode (on the reskinned version only)
Possibly fixed bug where wav files were not looping.
Fixed bug where editing alarms that took place on the noon or midnight hours were bugged.
Vibrations are now 150 and 300 ms instead of 500ms.
Windows Alarms are now schedule with no sound, so all the user may see is a notification (if Home Screen integration is enabled)
Fixed bug where One Time alarms did not show up on the Home Screen.
If you have a 480x640+ screen, you will see the new UI. It's pretty. Still have to skin the alarm form, but besides that, it is done.
Possibly fixed bug where Klaxon would stay resident in memory.
The number controls are now gesture based: you can flick them and they will scroll through their range quite rapidly!
You can now preview the alarm using the play button. (Only available in the new UI)
Using Klaxon is pretty straightforward; it's more or less like the standard Clocks and Alarms application.
You can download Klaxon from my website.
wow, sounds perfect!
i'll test it right away!
Can you make the time the light goes on configurable (15 seconds seems too short).
I'll try this too in the morning -
Great work
Is this a replacement for the WM alarm/clock or just something on top of it?
What I would like to see:
- a TouchFlo 3D Clock layout when the alarm goes of with the current time and the alarm and snooze time posted, and a symbol that indicates if an alarm is set up or not
- allow it to have multiple alarms to set up
I have attached an image how it could look like
(the settings remain as yours... or Touch Diamond Style like in the com manager )
Really nice and fast job. I cant wait untill its done
Ok, so ive been testing it a bit this morning and discovered some bugs.
1. Cant delete alarm, nothing happens when you press the delete option.
2. If you go in to chose a alarmsignal and end up pressing Done before you find a signal, you end up back where you started without the option to change the signal, so you have to start all over making a new alarm.
3. If your screen is turned off, the alarm doesnt go off. But as soon as you press the powerkey the alarm starts..I would call this the main issue that should be fixed first.
Question: What is required to make it go to snooze? If you have the phone in your pocket while walking will it turn to snooze just by a little nudge?
Would be good if it would require a good shake
Ill keep testing! Great work mate
Great alarm clock!
But it would be nice with a working one
I have it on the table facing up and it sounds for like a 10th of a sec, then it goes to snoozing...
Little buggy right now ... but I really like the idéa!
Great work!!
This will be perfect when it's finished! I had a similar app on my N95 and was thinking it would be a perfect addition to my Diamond.
I will test it but until I know it works while I am awake I don't think i'll risk as an alarm to get me up in the morning. I don't think work will be sympathetic to me being late due to testing new software for my phone
Wow! Very nice App! Wanna have!
But following improvements would be nice:
- Finger friendliy configuration. I hate the original alarm settings.
- Possibility to select the predefined sounds with a combo box. It needs much time to select a file in de windows directory by browsing. And additional possibility to browse for an mp3 file.
- Possibility to configure or enable/disable the tilt behaviour
- The phone wakes up and goes back to standby after 2 seconds, the sound stops too. Pretty like NisseDILLIGAF described it. Perhaps its because of S2U2 (I've 1.10b)?
good idea! but bug for me (with rom bepe 0.96) it seems that the program don't work if i turn off the sreen with the power button...
Kisja said:
- Finger friendliy configuration. I hate the original alarm settings.
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Click to collapse
Definitely +1
Fingerfriendly is very important for an alarm clock.
But nice idea!
dejant_9 said:
good idea! but bug for me (with rom bepe 0.96) it seems that the program don't work if i turn off the sreen with the power button...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had the same issue. I set the alarm and waited for it to go off and it did nothing until I pressed the power button to turn the screen back on.
Also once it did finally go off I turned the phone over and nothing happened.
As for editing alarms - as someone menioned once you create an alarm you can't delete it at the moment.
I look forward to an update.
first off all thanks for a great application.
installed it and got some bugs also:
if display is turned off the alarm doesn't go on until i press power button and turn display on, the alarm goes for 1 sec and then is put on snooze. the delete function works ok and +1 for me for a finger friendly config. it's very hard to select the days
VERY GOOD!... i have another idea relating this app....
you can make a screen with something (like tewwter) who disable the alarm.
I think the 80% of the people will do an automatic gesture while sleeping to deactivate the alarm: If a guy is obliged to follow, for example, a combo (random) of unidirectional shake, it is awake enough, ant the alarm can be sutdown
So, my pda ring, i flip it face down and it snooze the alarm; if i want to DEACTIVATE IT, some arrows in a random way, tell you where shake the phone and the alarm si deactivated.
Obiouvsly the arrows are an example, can be made something of different.
SkizZO said:
Obiouvsly the arrows are an example, can be made something of different.
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Click to collapse
split the screen in to 3 boxes - randomly name them '1', '2' and '3' - press order to deactivate alarm
just the first to cross my mind - I also don't like the idea of shaking to disable....
schmeichler said:
split the screen in to 3 boxes - randomly name them '1', '2' and '3' - press order to deactivate alarm
just the first to cross my mind - I also don't like the idea of shaking to disable....
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Click to collapse
very nice idea! shaking should be for snooze.
very nice, just what i was looking for
Yes but, if we have an accelerometer... we have to use it!
Ok, shaking is "too dangerous" but i think tilting the diamond 3 times (in a random combination) is not too dangerous, and it makes MORE EFFECT (or the app, with 1-2-3 button tap, is a common PDA application)
....however see Here
interesting not installed yet but what IF Ill have more apps with G-sensor support for example turn on/off silent mode...one shaking and I turn on silent mode and also alarm...so think about it...

[APP] use 614 number keys as a d-pad

(Original post here.)
EDIT: The program has been updated from version to version 1.01. Changes include:
-Keys now follow the screen orientation, even when rotated.
-OK + red phone key = toggle radio (ie, turn phone on and off)
-OK + C = toggle bluetooth
-OK + Enter key = toggle wifi
-Windows + * key = toggle keyboard backlight
-Windows + # key = turn off screen (does NOT put device to sleep! wifi will still be on, programs will still run, etc.)
gudong over at PDAClan has just written a program that allows you to use the number pad on the 614 as a D-pad. It works like this: hold down the end call button for 1 second, and the red LED will light up to let you know it's working. When it's on, the number pad keys have the following functions:
1:Home 2: Up 3: Page up
4: Left 5: Enter 6: Right
7: End 8: Down 9: Page Down
0: Tab
To switch back, just hold down the end call key again.
Also, you can change the backlight by holding down the Windows key and a number:
win + 7: 1st level of screen brightness, with the keyboard backlight off. Good for using indoors in average lighting.
win + 8: 2nd level of screen brightness, also with keyboard backlight off. Good for bright rooms and outdoors.
win + 9: Brightest level (use when in direct sunlight)
win + 0: Lowest brightness level, keyboard backlight on. Good for dark rooms and nighttime.
oh yeah! Nice application. I was trying to do something similar with Aebutton, but this is really great.
Found some bugs, softkeys are not working. Is it possible to fix it?
Really? My softkeys are working fine. You mean the physical softkey buttons, right?
Oh man, uninstalled aebutton and now all correct
Thanks for the application ))
wow thats really good!
but one small thing, how do you close it completely? I've pressed the end call button, but i am still able to change brighness with Win+7, 8, 9, 0 keys. But the D pad function does not work.
edit: Anyway to change the keys? Tried this on a simple menu, and it all works but my "C" cancel key does not exit the menu so there is no way to cancel using the buttons. Could the "tab" (0) key be made into a cancel button?
You don't really need any additional software if you only need up/down/left/right arrows, just swipe your finger from the center of the keypad to side (without pressing buttons, like you do with the wheel).
kuchin said:
You don't really need any additional software if you only need up/down/left/right arrows, just swipe your finger from the center of the keypad to side (without pressing buttons, like you do with the wheel).
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yes but what happens if you want to press left 10 times? with the above software you can press and hold "4" and it will do it, otherwise you'll need to do 10 swipes of the finger.
i find that when i do sms'es i often corrent mistakes like that, my finders to big to use the touch screen to put the cursor between two "i"s
also withthe software enabled you can use the "swipe" method as well as the "ring" plus the dpad options so now i use the ring to scoll to a selection then press the "5" button to make the selection instead of the akward return key.
great update!
having the option to turn BT/wifi/phone via hardware butted is great, i do have it already via touch screen buttons, but this saves me tapping the touch screen as often
Btw you need to post (not edit) that the files been updated (to bump this thread up) otherwise everyone will think theres no change and not both looking at the thread!
Thanks. This is one of the most useful apps for the ipaq. It's the first one i install after hard reset. One idea - is it possible to make use of the other keys like the win and ok key and the softkeys. I'm not sure if it's possible but here it is: The softheys become delete and enter keys (like in old handsets) and we use the win, ok , C and ENTER keys on the keyboard. I'm not sure if it's a little too much , as this could mean modifying some of the dlls. Really - i don't know programming at all. Don't get me wrong I really like this program and realise that even having this is more than enough - use it very often and it's just great. It's just a suggestion, not a request. The purpose - maybe a half qwerty keyboard.
Great app
I have been looking for something similar for a long time!
Now I can run CoolCamera. Does anyone knows how to change video resolution to 640x480?
Lp Grga
Can anybody help me with installing of this? I downloaded Zip file and there is only one .exe file in it. But i can not run that exe file corretly. Where is problem?
...\CZ612Key.exe is not a valid Win32 application.
it's not a windows instller. It's the application itself. Just copy it in on your device in the folder /windows/startup and you're good to go.
Thx for hlp. I found that this soft working and i'm able to change brightnes but not able to activate Dpad with Red end call button.
If i hold it for 1s or longer i could not see any led flash and also not able to use Dpad.
I did not use any software for button mapping.
Any idea what is wrong?
I got the same problem above...
i just got the problem yesterday.. the day before the program works just fine.. i love it.. but suddenly i cannot activated the dpad using end button... my iPAQ is fully loaded.. but i don't using other keymapper..
i was thought that SPB keyboard is not compatible with the keymapper.. but after i uninstalled the spb the problems is still...
is there any way to activated the dpad rather than pressing the end button?
or other keymapper program that works like it?
you need to run the program again if you reset your device.
I have mine to do a weekly backup at 2am Mondays So when i wake i have to run the dpad program to have it active for the rest of the week.
If you want the program to start every time you restart the device, I recommend copying the .exe to \Windows\Startup. That way it starts every time your device does.
Ah, life saver..
Now I can play space invaders without pulling out my BT keyboard.
this one is realy great but unfortunatly,
the -Windows + # key = does not really turn off the screen, it just shows a black screen
I ve made an icon for this great application
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
albertorrent said:
this one is realy great but unfortunatly,
the -Windows + # key = does not really turn off the screen, it just shows a black screen
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's right, it still draws power.
But getting back to this program. This is just so good, thanks for sharing
And the icon looks great, thx.
If all ipaq 6xx series users know about this, they definitely would want one too
Just the battery issue now

[APPS] hAndySoftware - Rhodium Tweaks and Utilities (hAndyPowerButton Added)

For CABs See Post #2
Added hAndyPowerButton WM6.1
Updated hAndyNotify to install in hAndySoftware folder.
Added hAndyPowerButton - WM6.5 ONLY
Over the last couple of months I have written a number of tweaks, using Mortscript, for my TP2 to enhance it's use for me personally.
The story to date are the following bits and pieces I have created -
DPB v1.1 - A utility to disable the power button when the keyboard is open
Hide Folder - A utilty to hide folders from HTC Album
hAndyFlip - A utility to turn off the screen when the device is face down.
hAndyUtils - A number of utilities and tweaks I use, wrapped together including some of the above.
So why this new thread, you may ask
I have decided to split the tweaks/utilities into seperate packages and rewrite them all as standalone packages. You can then pick and mix which, if any, you may find useful.
I am no expert, so it makes it easier for me to fix an individual app if something is wrong rather than trying to fix several things at once.
The one tweak that I could not do without is the disabling of those annoying BT Notifications. So that is the first one I have worked on and you can find the program in Post #2.
I will be working through the other tweaks one at a time and hopefully finding new tweaks and utilities that enhance our devices. So in advance thanks for your patience.
I will continue to listen to feedback and offer any help I can on the threads above until I have posted the updated apps on here.
Apps - start here..............
This little app allows you to disable the annoying BT Notifications when you connect/disconnect the device.
Run the app select the option you would like from the dropdown box and press 'Process'.
Hopefully, it's as simple as that !
CAB at the bottom of this post.
hAndyPowerButton - WM6.5
Added hAndyPowerButton WM6.1 Version
This app disables the power button when the hardware keyboard is open.
Run the app select activate - soft reset and the power button will be deactivated when you open the keyboard. Also, the device will be set to any key power on should it fall to sleep.
dahoarty said:
This little app allows you to disable the annoying BT Notifications when you connect/disconnect the device.
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Click to collapse
Thanks for this; annoying is definitely the word for these notifications!
Does the application need to be re-run after a soft-reset, or do the changes persist?
eepyaich said:
Thanks for this; annoying is definitely the word for these notifications!
Does the application need to be re-run after a soft-reset, or do the changes persist?
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Click to collapse
It should persist after a soft reset.
I have now added hAndyPower button that disables the power button when the keyboard is open. I have also changed hAndyNotify to install in the same folder on the start menu.
many many thanks for disabling this damn notification
i like it so much
You are the best Thanks
I have just uploaded a version of hAndyPowerButton for WM6.1 Devices.
I tried hAndyPowerButton 6.1 and, initially, all was well, but then I managed to get into a state where the power button didn't work at all (open or closed).
No bother, I'll just remove the app and reboot, I thought.
Sadly, after a soft reset I'm getting various warnings about the handyPowerButton executable not being found and the power button is still not working - I'm getting an error about "Sleep" cannot be found.
Any ideas?
I managed to recover the power button by reinstalling hAndyPowerButton, enabling it and soft resetting a couple of times. Is there an "official" way to uninstall this, though?
eepyaich said:
I tried hAndyPowerButton 6.1 and, initially, all was well, but then I managed to get into a state where the power button didn't work at all (open or closed).
No bother, I'll just remove the app and reboot, I thought.
Sadly, after a soft reset I'm getting various warnings about the handyPowerButton executable not being found and the power button is still not working - I'm getting an error about "Sleep" cannot be found.
Any ideas?
I managed to recover the power button by reinstalling hAndyPowerButton, enabling it and soft resetting a couple of times. Is there an "official" way to uninstall this, though?
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Click to collapse
Hi, sorry this does not seem to work for you. I am using WM6.5 and it works perferctly for me not sure why you have had a problem.
A small bug I will look into is that you possible need to deactivate the software in the program before you uninstall.
The way to fix the problem is delete hAndyPoweButton.exe from \windows\startup - also check that the following 2 links short_power.lnk and long_power.lnk are not in \windows if they are you need to delete them manually.
Apologies for causing you problems if you need any more info please let me know.
Thanks very much for the response and there's no need to apologise. I appreciate all the time and effort the contributors to xda-devs put in and understand that what works for one person may not work for me; it's just part of the fun!
I like the function provided by hAndyPowerButton, so I think I'll give it another try and will let you know if I see problems again.
Thanks for all your apps!
i didnt even notice you updated and renamed the DPB to handy power button.
how does this one differ from the older version? i didnt see much info on it in the thread. i use DPB only 4 the fact it has the no timeout (keep kb lights on) when kb open.
I'm probably the only dumbass who tried to install this awesome utility to the card, but I'll just note for the record that you MUST install it to the device.
MrPib said:
I'm probably the only dumbass who tried to install this awesome utility to the card, but I'll just note for the record that you MUST install it to the device.
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Click to collapse
Hey, we are both dumbasses. Thanks for posting that little detail
Great app, just what I was looking for.
Unbelievable that no one at HTC realized that the placement of the power button would interfere when a normal persons hand when the hardware keyboard is in use.
You'd think they test these things a bit more!
hAndyNotify for other HTC Windows Mobile 6.5 phones?
Apologies if this is the wrong thread. I recently upgraded my HTC Ozone (Verizon's variant of the HTC Snap keyboard-style phone) to Windows Mobile 6.5. An annoying new "feature" is that when you turn off your Bluetooth car kit, a notification appears telling you to put the phone to your ear, and you can't do anything else until you dismiss the notification (OK on left softkey.) I could understand the notification if Bluetooth dropped in the middle of a call, but otherwise it's just a pain.
It appears that hAndyNotify.cab might be just what I need, however it also appears that it's designed for touchscreen phones (running Windows Mobile Pro). For example, it references a "Sounds and Notifications" section of Settings, but I don't have such a section, only "Sounds". Does anyone know if (a) will it work on my phone, (b) if I try it, will it hurt anything, and (c) is there any other way to fix the problem? (In other threads there is another registry hack, but it also seems to be for touchscreen phones.)
Thanks for your help!
Thank you thank you thank you!
... for getting rid of that retarded bluetooth message! You are da man!
Will this app (handy power button) work with cdma phones, it should right? Same operating system just key mapping. Thanks in advance.
Touch Pro2 Icon
Thanks for the app, very useful.
I didn't really like the icon, so I made a new one (can be changed using JWMD Icon Changer).
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"

