Developer's Notepad - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Here's a rough of the notepad of my dream
Now it have:
a support of ANSI, UTF-8, UCS-2 for reading
use UTF-8 when saving into a file
syntax highlighting for C/C++/Java and a bit of HTML
tested (few) on megabyte files
a piece of slowness in some actions
I just want ask you, All, for opinion - does it have a right to live with current performance of the editor? Yeah, it should be equipped with
editing of a multiple documents simultaneously (tabbed)
customizable highlighter for a more languages
actions with binding on hardware keys
"recent files" list
search and replace
or evenmore ide-stuff: autocomplete, quick navigation thru source code, an external compiler support
But it will be later. I'm not sure if it too slow and huge for a pocket source code editing Or maybe there is a good and feature-rich notepad/IDE with all of I've mentioned above?

Nice idea. I'll try it out now, and see what happens.

I was able to open HTCHomeSettings.xml file that is too big for Total Commander or notepad in my phone (59.3kb).
Now I have a tool I can tweak my Manila2D settings while on the road.
I did notice the soft buttons are not in English, but everthing else shows up as English.
By the way, I used UPX standard compression and got your file to 144k before I put it on my phone.

NICE! one, this goes into my "useful apps" folder on my card

Really nice fast app.
I currently use cke ( as my text/code editor on my WinMo device.
Have a look at the website and this app for some really good ideas to implement into yours.
The biggest problem I have with yours is that I can't browse the full file system.

Its a great start, and it sounds like you have a plan to make it a great piece of software.
It looks like you made space for the line numbers but they are not showing.... is that a bug or something you have just not completed?
An integrated ftp uploader/dowloader may also be really usefull...... So you can edit your website easily on the go.


Useful additional programs

I have installed a few freeware programs which I think have not got as much attention and praise as they deserve at this website.
Instead of File explorer, I am using Total commander, which still will be my main file tool. But I have missed the opportunity to find files and to search for files by writing a word in the file. GSFinder+ offers these opportunities. Go to
The built-in graphics software is very limited. If we want to make major revision of graphics, we will of course do it on the PC. But it is still nice to have a few more possibilities on the Universal. This is offered by XnView Pocket. The program loads the graphics faster and lets you resize the pictures, adjust brightness, contrast and gamma, convert it to other file formats, crop, sharpen, smooth and reduce noise. It is also reads 13 different graphic formats. Go to
I have also installed Pocket Notepad. Strictly speaking, a notepad is not important on the Universal which loads Word Mobile so quickly. But I somehow feel that the suite of programs is more complete with the notepad. Go to
Thank you....
Thank you very much hansof! I have been looking for a light and freeware tif image viewer and I finally found one with your help! Great softs! Keep those recomendations coming!!!

[New release] Registry display plugin

Ok, most of you may find this totally useless as a plugin, but it was a combination of a request by user Treo_newb and a desire to create a sample plugin project that could be used as a base / example for plugin writers (I plan on doing an article on and this will be the source for it).
What does it do?
This plugin displays a string stored in registry.
The path is:
Value name: DisplayString
It checks if this string has changed several times per second when today screen is shown (as the system sends refresh message to all plugins) and displays the updated message if a change occurred.
What is it good for?
First, if you write apps using mortscript or similar like the user who requested this it will let your script display stuff on today screen.
Alternatively it could be used to mark your device today with a string that isn't as easily changed as user info.
The source is basically a skeleton plugin you can use to build your own plugin on (no license / copyright to limit you) and it already has several tricks needed for the plugin to display correctly:
VGA compatibility
Text size matching system settings
Proper header in settings dialog (like on system plugins)
Proper text color when selected (according to theme)
No blinking all today screen on change
Proper resize when switching between landscape and portrait
When I was writing my first plugin I could not find all these little fixes concentrated in a single article so I had to fish for each one as the bug reports came in.
Hope you will find this little project useful.
The plugin:View attachment RegDisplay.CAB
The source (eVC 4 project): View attachment
Thanks for this!
Thank You Lev.
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks,
You are a legend.
I was almost through with my today plugin and was trying to figure out reading registry values and all of a sudden I get a PM from u about the plugin !!!
Very Cool !!!
OK a few questions,
1. I know that WM_TODAYCUSTOM_QUERYREFRESHCACHE is called for refreshing the today plugin, any ideas about when is it called.
I read somewhere that it was 2 seconds. Is it true?
2. I saw ur code and u have exposed CustomItemOptionsDlgProc in RegDisplay.def, but when I installed the cab file the 'options' is not enabled.
I manually changed the resistry and changed options to dword = 1 and saw ur name and email address.
u might want to enable that by default so that people can notice ur work.
I am planing a commercial release of a new project on basis of this.
Thanks again,
First, you're welcome.
1) I ran a debug print on this message once on an iPaq 1710 and it seems to be sent several times per second. This could differ from OS to OS or even from device to device, I am not sure.
If you need specifically timed refresh, or you have an event triggered on new data, I suggest using a timer or maybe a thread that will wait on an event. You can refresh your plugin from anywhere in code by calling InvalidateRect with your window handle.
2) I messed up the cab at first, forgetting to add the Options reg value. Then when I went to upload the fix, I couldn't access the site for about an hour (no idea why, I even rebooted the PC to Ubuntu). Should be fixed now, but I will check it later again (I have to go back to XP for that).
Good luck with your program.
levenum said:
First, you're welcome.
1) I ran a debug print on this message once on an iPaq 1710 and it seems to be sent several times per second. This could differ from OS to OS or even from device to device, I am not sure.
If you need specifically timed refresh, or you have an event triggered on new data, I suggest using a timer or maybe a thread that will wait on an event. You can refresh your plugin from anywhere in code by calling InvalidateRect with your window handle.
2) I messed up the cab at first, forgetting to add the Options reg value. Then when I went to upload the fix, I couldn't access the site for about an hour (no idea why, I even rebooted the PC to Ubuntu). Should be fixed now, but I will check it later again (I have to go back to XP for that).
Good luck with your program.
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Thanks for the help, will check the fixed cab.
Also a suggestion:
A custom icon could also be incorporated. You can give a option to load a custom icon next to the text in the today plugin.
I know anybody can modify ur code and do it but still.
Actually, I probably should have mentioned this in the original post but I have no intention of adding options to this thing.
This would only complicate the code and turn it in to an actual app instead of a sample project.
But by all means feel free to make suggestions. If this thing does become popular, when I am done with my other projects (like LVMTopBat) which won't be any time soon (unfortunately) I will release a separate version of this plugin with all kinds of options that can be controlled both by user (form the options dialog) and by other apps through registry.
Maybe things like text alignment, size, bold / Italic / underlined.
The reason I put the string this plugin loads under HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of the HKLM where the rest of the plugin registry resides is because by default the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on WM 5 and higher has a security restriction. For example you can not write to it using RAPI, only by authorized (or signed) app on the device. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER on the other hand is open for all.
levenum said:
The reason I put the string this plugin loads under HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of the HKLM where the rest of the plugin registry resides is because by default the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on WM 5 and higher has a security restriction. For example you can not write to it using RAPI, only by authorized (or signed) app on the device. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER on the other hand is open for all.
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Thanks for the info, I never knew that.
Thank you so much! This was exactly what I was looking for!
levenum said:
...But by all means feel free to make suggestions.
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As a frequent mortscript user I think, this great app might be even more usefull, if the string was shown in an "allways on top" message box instead of the today screen. The Today screen might be obscured by other active windows during the scripts runtime and the plugin eats precious today screen estate also while being unused, doesn't it?
In that case (of a standalone application) I would furthermore introduce some kind of termination string (or reg. value) to end the display application.
- start mortscript
- writes first string to registry
- starts display application (run)
- updates string in registry whenever appropriate
- ...
- writes termination string to registry
-> display applications self-terminates
- ...
- end of mortscript
Honestly, I already do use something comparable with mortscript (employing a conditioned sleepmessage loop and reading from the registry too), but this could be much nicer and more elegant.
Just my 2 cents... What do you think?
I think something like that would be better implemented by the mortsrit program it self.
It could be a function like MessageBox API in windows which you could then command on and off. Having it built in would save precious resources on the device that would be wasted by having an extra app run constantly in background.
This is just my thought though.
I'd suggest contacting the developer of mortscript and discussing it with him.
levenum said:
I think something like that would be better implemented by the mortsrit program it self.
I'd suggest contacting the developer of mortscript and discussing it with him.
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Mort knew about that request and by chance just announced to so.
Thanks anyway.
Hello levenum,
I just joined the community. Reason being, I found your RegDisplay plug-in
You call it a sample project, but the impact is that of an awesome solution.
Great for MortScript, but equally useful in BASIC applications that write
messages to the registry which is show upon screen minimization.
I regret not being a C programmer (mainly BASIC), else I'd love to further
develop this jewel.
Your plug-in runs flawlessly in an iPAQ 210 under WM6 Classic.
Cheers and Respectful Greetings
CLSID for registry display plugin
What is the CLSID for the Registry Display Plugin? I am going to have to edit the XML file that defines my home screen in order to get the plugin to show up. I am using Facade to control my home screen, and the only plugins that it will show in its list are those currently in use in one of the XML files in the Application Data\Home folder. All other new plugins require editing the XML. Thanks for your help.
levenum said:
Ok, most of you may find this totally useless as a plugin, but it was a combination of a request by user Treo_newb and a desire to create a sample plugin project that could be used as a base / example for plugin writers (I plan on doing an article on and this will be the source for it).
What does it do?
This plugin displays a string stored in registry.
The path is:
Value name: DisplayString
It checks if this string has changed several times per second when today screen is shown (as the system sends refresh message to all plugins) and displays the updated message if a change occurred.
What is it good for?
First, if you write apps using mortscript or similar like the user who requested this it will let your script display stuff on today screen.
Alternatively it could be used to mark your device today with a string that isn't as easily changed as user info.
The source is basically a skeleton plugin you can use to build your own plugin on (no license / copyright to limit you) and it already has several tricks needed for the plugin to display correctly:
VGA compatibility
Text size matching system settings
Proper header in settings dialog (like on system plugins)
Proper text color when selected (according to theme)
No blinking all today screen on change
Proper resize when switching between landscape and portrait
When I was writing my first plugin I could not find all these little fixes concentrated in a single article so I had to fish for each one as the bug reports came in.
Hope you will find this little project useful.
The plugin:View attachment 41592
The source (eVC 4 project): View attachment 41583
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This is great! I was asked if I could write a today screen plug-in for my weather application ( - I couldn't since I don't have the skills and I'm writing .NET code - but this is exactly what I needed.
I'm adding support for this plug-in and will of course give credits to you.

Registry Editor

As we all know, a registry editor is pretty important when modding our devices. I personally hate doing registry edits on my wizard and it JUST SO HAPPENS that today while searching for a new registry editor (i lost my wizard in toronto a week ago and didnt have any software for it anymore!) i found one that works wonders and is based from a PC instead of the PPC. seems to work well for me. check it out! it is attached and it is freeware. it seems to work great with WM6 so i would say its safe to assume it will work with at the very least 5 also if not older versions of WM.
just thought id give back to the community since i have used this resource time and time again!
Total Commader and Task Manager, which come with many custom ROMs, already contained a full-featured registry editor with import/export functions, so why install another one?
this is not based from the PPC if you read my post. its much easier to navigate via your pc as i mentioned in my post.
Just use mymobiler. You can do EVERYTHING on your mobile from your desktop with that program. Then TotalCommander or another program can retain their value as multifunction programs capable of file management, text file editing, and registry editing.
Myrddin Wyllt said:
Just use mymobiler. You can do EVERYTHING on your mobile from your desktop with that program. Then TotalCommander or another program can retain their value as multifunction programs capable of file management, text file editing, and registry editing.
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personally as a geek myself, if there is an app that removes the actual interaction of the PPC and moves it into a native windows app id much rather use that. the problem with this app is it still mimics the physical interaction of the PPC. something the registry editor i posted above isnt doing. its mimicking regedit in windows but accesses your PPC.
just to prove my point here are two pics of examples.

GSlide 0.3 - Now with MortSupport :)

Hi Everyone
Try my new GSlide version which has built in MortScript plugin support
I bet you can make some cool things with this
Also please try to make some skins. Still have some bugs in the skinning support but it works pretty well
Give me comments!
hallo, just found this. a smooth and fast fingerfriendly file explorer. very good.
but here are my problems:
- can´t open a txt-file file or xml file, but need a text editor, is it possible to link these files to totalcommander ?
- the app crashes (unexpected error)when i try to open the "windows" folder and "own videos"-folder ?
- what are these functions/apps at the right bottom ?
thanks for help. if you want i can do a skin for it.
bluemetalaxe said:
hallo, just found this. a smooth and fast fingerfriendly file explorer. very good.
but here are my problems:
- can´t open a txt-file file or xml file, but need a text editor, is it possible to link these files to totalcommander ?
- the app crashes (unexpected error)when i try to open the "windows" folder and "own videos"-folder ?
- what are these functions/apps at the right bottom ?
thanks for help. if you want i can do a skin for it.
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It actually used Word Mobile by default when i tried openning a text file.
it runs very very smoothly. nice interface. very simple and straightforward.
obviously just a beginning as there's no copy, paste, cut... advanced config and other options. maybe a small kinetic toolbar throttlelauncher like with the most important actions on it?... just throwing stuff in the air.
very very cool.
nice start...
implement what already been stated + maybe some smoother transitions.
I love your program. It'll probably be a free alternative for Resco Explorer in the future. Keep developing and listen to user feedback.
One feaute request: I'd like to have the option of row height. This program will mainly be used with thumbs and not everyone has the same thumb size.
@nir: i know i can open txt-file with word but i rewrite xmls and txt-files for programming.
anyone elso has a crash when opening windows folder ?
Thanks for your feedback!
First of all, replace the old installation with the new 0.3 version.
Regarding opening files:
By default GSlide uses shell execute, which is to say the default windows association for the file type.
By adding the MortSupport feature i have made it possible for you to add custom actions by writing or modifying scripts in the actions folder. Read more on the site
GSlide has problems with large folders such as the windows folder. The memory runs out. This can be handled by paging the directory (splitting it up into several pages).
Regarding errors for the context shortcuts, its mostly due to different file paths in the operating system. In the swedish version for example My Documents is called Mina Dokument... Go to the /GSlide/actions/ folder and edit the "" file which is the place where all system paths are stored. There you can change the paths according to your config.
Regarding skins:
Lot of updates have been made such as,
- row height
- background color
- font
- font weight
- etc...
I will keep updating GSlide with many cool things Help me to write cool script actions! Post to web maybe?
Dont forget to use the latest version!
New API script for all GSliders
I made a new, more logical API include to make developing of actions easier.
I have also added a "copy file" and "delete file" action as proof-of-concept.
the GSlideAPI script is pretty nifty if I might say so it implements a Object-Oriented looking code style to MortScript. check it out
Just tried it and it seems to run pretty smooth. I am sure this is just the beginning for this app. With time this could be something very useful and great. Good job so far
Some suggestions for new versions:
- possibility to show the taskbar
- scrolling looks good, BUT it is a little bit difficult to stop the list and click on the right file - perhaps you could build in a gesture to stop (e.g. short tap on screen => stop)
- of course such basic things like "rename", "send" etc. (file size...)
BUT GREAT WORK! GSlide is a tool which fills another gap for a fingerfriendly Windows Mobile
edit: Nevermind
Updated version coming shortly
New GSlide on the way soon. I have been focusing on getting friendly with MortScript for the last couple of days
I will make a new actions menu with improved usability and make it possible for an action to span several steps (such as copying or moving files to other directories). the pure UI bling and skinning related stuff will have to wait a bit
Please give me feedback concerning the MortScript API.

Ideas for the Web Developer, Suggestions?

Hey Guys,
I'm dropping my Kaiser and getting the TP2, should have it in a couple days. I'm just curious is anyone doing Web Dev form there phone. I find myself going out for meetings and discussing all kinds of ideas but never found an efficient was to make updates with raw XHTML editor and a good ftp program.
I forget what editor i was using, but the ftp in total commander never worked well for me for some reason.
Any ideas how I can go about FTP, and file editing to do web updates. I mainly work with xhtml/css/php.
Perhaps a simple photo program as well, doesn't have to have the great features of photoshop, but cropping and that kinda thing.
Any suggestions is appreciated,
thanks in advance.
I use Notepad Mobile. It's simply a plain text editor that's great for editing CSS, HTML, PHP, etc... Freeware.
For FTP, I use Resco Explorer 2008 - it's commercial and pricey (at $30,) but the FTP add-in works very well for me. Better than others I've tried.
I don't know if this edits in place remotely as I haven't tried that - I simply download the file, edit, then re-upload.
(I have no advice on photo editing...)
Forgot to mention - on the text editor, it doesn't feature syntax highlighting, auto completion, grouping or anything like a good desktop editor would. It's just a plain ol' text editor, but it works very well for what it is.
If someone knows of a more powerful editor, I would be interested in that as well...
Until then, it certainly gets the job done.
Thanks for both of those, I'll try out Resco Explorer 2008 and see if I like it. Also I only reupload files as well, don't think they have a true editor yet where you can ftp in and save on the fly.
I looked all over for a good graphics editor and absolutely no luck. You can get image resizers and stuff, but im looking to create buttons and what not, a gradient tool with a cropping tool.
Im looking at this right now, may be useful handles psd's

