Eclipse project set up on WinXP - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I want to set up project in Eclipse, that can be found on:
This one would be interesting for me:;sf=tgz
I tried with creating new project from existing source, but i have a LOT of errors (unknown classes... etc). Is it possible to set up mentioned project on WinXP? How?
If Linux is the only option, is there any precise manual? I'm new to Linux and I have ubuntu installed.
How do git and repo work?

it's the same on linux as it is on windows.
unknown classes will not be solved by using linux as OS.


Linux as a Development Platform

I don't know if this is the appropriate discussion, but I thought I'd ask anyway. If it needs to be in another location, please feel free to move it.
I've noticed that many of the tools available on this site start off being available for Unix/Linux and then are ported to Windows (at least, this has been my impression). I was wondering if anyone here actively develops PocketPC applications under Linux and if so, how do you do it?
I'm currently investigating moving away from Windows as it has nearly destroyed my source code on several occasions due to NTFS partition corruptions (thank goodness for backups). If anyone knows if this is possible and how to do it, I'd appreciate it.
You may take source code of my GCC port and reconfigure and compile it to linux. 36498405 bytes
It contains GCC with C/C++, G77, ObjC and can be built as a Win32 cygwin compiler, linux or WinCE-based compiler. It contains good C runtime library.
I don't think that there exist other native linux compilers that can produce WinCE applications except this my port, Voxware port and one unreleased port of GCC. There exist several compilers that produce ARM linux binaries, but they are useless for you.
My port is based on Voxware code and provides more functionality and faster FP-emulation. And I'm thinking on porting a GNU Pascal compiler.
There is one problem with linux. The only debugger available is GDB, and it is extremely slow and inconvenient.
Thanks! I'll take a look at it and see if I can get it to work. I assume that you have had no experience getting the emulators to run under Wine? I haven't made the attempt myself, yet.
I don't use linux, but it should be possible to run eVC compiler under WINE. But probably debugging is not possible and emulator may not work.
You may use VMWare
VMWare under linux works fine. I'm using it. This is commercial software, but you can try 30 day limited version.

Windows Mobile development

I have a C++ project written for the Linux platform - the project is quite big and has a lot of .h and .cpp files.
I need to port this such that it can run on a Windows Mobile 6.1 device. So I have installed Visual Studio 2008 (free trial version) , SDKs, and emulator images.
Now I'm a bit confused as to what to do next. In VS should I go to File -> New -> Project from Existing code. ? After that what should I do?
Let's say I have a .h file (written to linux platform). Basically how should I start the porting process?
(I'm sorry, am new to this and I really appreciate some help)
Many thanks
nitro2u said:
I have a C++ project written for the Linux platform - the project is quite big and has a lot of .h and .cpp files.
I need to port this such that it can run on a Windows Mobile 6.1 device. So I have installed Visual Studio 2008 (free trial version) , SDKs, and emulator images.
Now I'm a bit confused as to what to do next. In VS should I go to File -> New -> Project from Existing code. ? After that what should I do?
Let's say I have a .h file (written to linux platform). Basically how should I start the porting process?
(I'm sorry, am new to this and I really appreciate some help)
Many thanks
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There is no automatic/magic porting process to start
You need to:
1 - Learn C++
2 - Learn win32 API
3 - Port the project by yourself - which means modify each file by hand so the original Linux code will be adapted to win32 code for Windows Mobile.

New Ubuntu Update 10.10 Broke my SDK?

[Q] Hey guys, I just updated to Ubuntu 10.10 and now my SDK is gone! I tried to look into why it wasn't working and the software manager tool in Eclipse says that Android is installed. I don't even have any of the Android SDK buttons showing anymore? Can someone help a fellow dev?
[SOLVED] Go to the eclipse website, download Eclipse for linux, uninstall your old eclipse, extract your new eclipse wherever and go into the folder and click the application button titled eclipse. Then reinstall all the android stuff.
At the informal android developer's meetup tonight, there were two of us with this same problem.
One issue that I found was that PATH in .profile got broken.
We suspect that using the version of eclipse that came with ubuntu, rather than 3.5 downloaded directly from eclipse might also be causing problems.
I have the same problem; ellarsee, can you be more specific how you got it running again?
(what is .mprofile and where is it, for example? (Googling isn't helping me find out))
Same thing happened to me
Upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 broken my Android SDK as well.
Is it possible the Java packages are not installed anymore in Ubuntu?
I tried this...
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk
Updated a lot of stuff but Eclipse Android is still gone...
Does anyone have this figured out yet??????????????????????????????? I NEED TO GET MOVING ON SOME APPS! THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!
Removal and re-install of ADT plugin does not help
This is the error that appeared in my project the first time I ran eclipse after the 10.10 upgrade from 10.04.
The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for java.lang.Object. Fix the build path then try building this project
I attempted to fix the build path (Properties->Java Build Path) and noticed that
com.adroid.ide.eclipse.adt.ANDROID_FRAMEWORK was not checked. I checked it but this made no difference.
Going to try complete uninstall of eclipse...
It's still not working for me
Not .mprofile .profile, it's like .bashrc, a script that is run when you log in, and can set your $PATH variable, or other environment variables.
emacs ~/.profile
vi ~/.profile
should enable you to edit it.
Has anyone tried just a fresh reinstall of everything to work on android apps?
Someone asked about java, it's still in /usr/bin/java
Can't post outside links. So you'll have to google the bug numbers I give.
Ubuntu bug is here: bugs.launchpad # 633198
This points at a debian bug: # 587657
Debian bug contains a workaround where you edit the file:
And you change the concurrent package location (I had too entries, I had to remove them both and insert the line in the debian bug)
and then things magically worked for me again!
Best of luck everyone
Someone else?
Someone else found a way to fix it?
Cuz, everything up till now didnt work for me

Compiling USB Wireless drivers for Linux Native/Chroot

I don't want to spam any of those "How to install Linux" on our A500 Development forum and if I can get a good step-by-step I'll then edit this post to include it.
I am using both Ubuntu 11.10 Native and Backtrack (Ubuntu 10.04) in Chroot.
What I'd like is a procedure to build the module like I found here:
[infernix] is refering to this post for the method :
I am a good learner and able to Google a lot but I can't find it...
I need a step-by-step to build my Realtek RTL8187 USB modules...
The linux headers are not the same as the kernel version and not too sure about the procedure to fix this.
Anyone who can provide me a good tutorial on how to fix this out Please?
How could I install the linux headers if I have untar the source code from Acer in /linux and not /usr/src ?
When I try to "make" the realtek drivers downloaded from Realtek it doesnt work as in /lib/modules I don't have the Acer kernel source files neither...
I know I'm not too far from the solution but starting to need help from experts ;-)
I would prefer to have the native method as it is quicker and I'll use it in native more than in chroot. It's about the same thing the missing files or wrong directory if you need the exact errors let me know and I'll retry it and paste here.
If the winner has paypal I will send you 10$
So basically, I need a Complete step-by-step on how to build modules for my Realtek RTL8187 USB using the Ubuntu 11.10 Native on my ROM: KJY2010_3.2.1_Honeylicious_Icy_Faux_Final_Rev_FZ
Thanks in advance to the winner
First off: For Linux Native the procedure is exactly the same as for any other Linux, i. e. compile, link, install and modprobe the module as usual... If you don't get the source for the driver or at least a usable blob, i. e. one that's been compiled for ARM and is compatible with your kernel, you're pretty much out of luck. If you do get the source, just hope it compiles and works on ARM...
Second: If you're running chrooted, the android kernel handles all I/O for you -- including network. So all you have to do is to set /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward (on android) to be a file just containing a single "1" and set up your nameserver in resolv.conf (inside chroot)... (Google public DNS) will do.

Full Linux utilities in term ail with cm9?

Hi all
Anyone know if its possible to install the full sweet of Linux tools on a cm9 rooted note?
Currently terminal has ping etc but am looking for dig and nslookup traceroute nmap etc
Easy, download Android NDK (NDK not SDK) or any other ARM toolchain and build those.
You should have to patch some stuff. Eg: Android doesn't use the same accounting system as your standard Linux distro. but you should be fine.
You want Botbrew.

