Battery\power consumption issue - XPERIA X1 General

hi, i am having a bit of a problem, i have searched the forums but could not find much relevant. my X1's battery is really struggling.
On one occasion i managed to get 22 hours out of it, but the average is between 9 and 12. I lock my keypad and turn the backilight off when its in my pocket, i have it set to update rss and e-mails every 4 hours, i downloaded an app that switches the modem connection off after 1 mins idle time, i never use wifi and i haven't even been making any calls, and dont use any apps, ie games ect. i send a few sms, and after 9 hours away from a power supply, my hungry beast is down to 10% battery. i can not work out where my power is going. as i said i have searched the forums, and my phones settings, but can not find anything to help. if there are threads with answers please link me to them, or if you can help, please tell me
1) are there any power management apps that i can download to monitor and control the power usage
2) is there anyway to prevent the modem auto connecting whenever it finds an Edge\Gprs|hsdpa\whatever signal, as i am convinced this is the main culprit. even with rss\email updates switched off, the phone is ever connecting to the network
3) how are people who claim to be getting 24 hours+ with extensive browsing, calling, gps'ing and wi-fi'ing actually achieving this
4) would the rom firmware update help with my problem
(apologies, the question mark key on my laptop has returned to the big keyboard in the sky!)
any help anyone can provide would be much appreciated, as i am afraid to use the awesome features my phone has, for fear it will die.
thanks a lot

Have you got any shell applications runinng (TouchFlo, full SPB)?
Else sounds like your battery is fooked.

Well, how long have you had it? In my first week I was getting about the same, but now in my second week it's improving with charge/discharge cycles.
I don't use data connections but use Wifi/BT quite a bit and listening to music and it will last a day now.

Trying using just edge and lower your screen brightness to 20-30% when you use it.

I had a similar problem when I updated to the R2 ROM and installed some applications... primarily AEButton plus and S2U2 (although I believe it was AEButton that was the culprit here...), I would get 13 hours or so before the phone went down to 30% from full charge... I uninstalled both programs and then got 84 hours with moderate use (lots of sms, few mb internet and a few calls (about an hours worth)... so I am wondering if you have either of these installed or if its an app that is causing the problem... (I now have AEButton 2.6.6 installed and after 6 hours its only dropped 10% with quite a bit of internet use (mainly edge) and a few sms's)...

Shadowdh said:
I had a similar problem when I updated to the R2 ROM and installed some applications... primarily AEButton plus and S2U2 (although I believe it was AEButton that was the culprit here...), I would get 13 hours or so before the phone went down to 30% from full charge... I uninstalled both programs and then got 84 hours with moderate use (lots of sms, few mb internet and a few calls (about an hours worth)... so I am wondering if you have either of these installed or if its an app that is causing the problem... (I now have AEButton 2.6.6 installed and after 6 hours its only dropped 10% with quite a bit of internet use (mainly edge) and a few sms's)...
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I've tried S2U2. And as I've stated in another thread, it is indeed a battery drainer.

dogans said:
I've tried S2U2. And as I've stated in another thread, it is indeed a battery drainer.
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That's not true at all. Just activate the energy saving option.
My battery lasts for 5 days now, longer than ever before. Cannot say if it's the effort of S2U2, but it's definitely not draining faster than without it.

skycamefalling said:
That's not true at all. Just activate the energy saving option.
My battery lasts for 5 days now, longer than ever before. Cannot say if it's the effort of S2U2, but it's definitely not draining faster than without it.
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Energy saving option?
EDIT: Just found out I'm running a really old version. Updating

had the phone for about 3 weeks now, tried charging and draining it a few times, still on the vanilla ROM, and i did have one of the interfaces installed (cant remember what it was called, not touch flo though) but i removed it. i hope the battery is not tits, but how can i test. i will try the brightness\edge only thing, so as for my 4 questions, no answers then(question mark)
thanks for the advice!

I have installed SPB Phone Plus, Inesoft software and digital clock on my X1, do you mean that it will consume more battery power with these programs installed?
I notice that my X1 now only last a day while before the R2AA upgrade, it can at least last me 2 days.

Mine had the same problem during the first week or so. Now i can leave it 12 hours without charging and if i don't touch it, the battery stays at the same level.

eh, how come u all battery so fast flat 1??
mine can stay for almost 1 day.. listen to music always.. always connected to HSDPA/3G/EDGE/GPRS... listen music through wired, play game little while.. no wifi..
in da morning 7am, full... go skool, listen music whereever i can.. surf net.. then come bak to home at 6.. is got around 4bar of "power" settings ther..

I've also had a problem with my battery. It wouldn't last through the night. I installed a process monitor this morning and I suspect the culprit is S2U2 v1.37. I've just updated it to v1.45 and I'm about to test again.
For those using this version what settings do I need to enable Power Save? Is it just the registry entry or should I be changing something else in the settings?

I had been worried about the battery before I bought my X1 and I ran across a WM 'bug' which could be the problem (I'm sorry, I don't have the source because it was a while ago and I was just browsing before I bought).
It said that when WM runs for the first time it presumes full battery power and so will charge to whatever level the battery is at at the time and no higher.
Some people resolved this by either:
1) Charging when the device is off to increase the maximum charge
2) Hard resetting the device and fully charging before the first switch on.
I have to say, I use 1 hour of video, 15-30 minutes calls, 10-20 texts, 30 min web browsing, email/weather etc updates every 2 hours, 30 minutes 'bumming about' (games, file copying, tweaking) every day and get at least 2 days of use.
Overnight, (ie when not being used and for 8 hours) I have never dropped a bar of power.
I do not run any additional programs in the background, apart from the spb panel.

Ruudfood said:
I've also had a problem with my battery. It wouldn't last through the night. I installed a process monitor this morning and I suspect the culprit is S2U2 v1.37. I've just updated it to v1.45 and I'm about to test again.
For those using this version what settings do I need to enable Power Save? Is it just the registry entry or should I be changing something else in the settings?
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Well I tested this and I can confirm that v1.45 of S2U2 does indeed save power. My battery was 90% last night and was the same this morning.

Ruudfood said:
Well I tested this and I can confirm that v1.45 of S2U2 does indeed save power. My battery was 90% last night and was the same this morning.
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the power save in s2u2 is quite annoying isn't it? i had that on and when im listening to music through the media xperience panel, it just goes to lock the device (when the idle time is up) and stop the music. Its annoying as hell.
Plus whenever im watching videos (still with the panel), it just lock the device again.
Thats it, no s2u2 for me. Uninstalled it right after that

i had the same problem until i installed a cooked rom on i get about 3-4 days....i recently tried installing a few different ones and the battery life fell again....but thry installing this

Shadowdh said:
I had a similar problem when I updated to the R2 ROM and installed some applications... primarily AEButton plus and S2U2 (although I believe it was AEButton that was the culprit here...), I would get 13 hours or so before the phone went down to 30% from full charge... I uninstalled both programs and then got 84 hours with moderate use (lots of sms, few mb internet and a few calls (about an hours worth)... so I am wondering if you have either of these installed or if its an app that is causing the problem... (I now have AEButton 2.6.6 installed and after 6 hours its only dropped 10% with quite a bit of internet use (mainly edge) and a few sms's)...
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Sorry, what program is S2U2? Where to download?

When I just got my phone back in November last year, my battery kept draining quite fast (empty within about 15 hours). By now even though I still use it as much as back then, the battery easily last twice as long if not thrice as long. I now manage to have it last for more then 2 days.

I notice power drain when I had SPB phone software installed and also after alarm go off in G-Alarm. With the spb phone, i think it's because of the repeating reminders option, didn’t really tested out, just uninstalled and X1 hold battery pretty well.
In the F-Alarm, after alarm went off it, seemed like only display did turned off and the device didn’t really suspended\turned off. And the battery could drop about 10% within a few hours. Soft reset stopped enormous consumption…
That’s my experience for now, hope helps someone..


Battery Drain on XDA II

I have a very recently purchased XDA II.
I was under the impression that the battery time was considerably improved.
Although I have turned down the backlight brightness when on battery power, it still starts to loose power when I receive or send a SMS for example.
Is this normal or do I have a duff battery ?
try turning off bluetooth when you dont use it
it's suppose to be a batt hog
done that. I only have BT on when I am actually using my headset.
Any other idea's
when does it auto turn off ?
when does the backlight turn off ?
are there any SD cards connected seem to recall that they eat batt aswell
I've had mine a week, have the same power drain problem. After charging it all last night I managed to use it as a PDA for a total of 40 mins over a 6 hour period today before the battery drained. No phone calls were made, Bluetooth disconnected (I do have a 256 MB card installed, but I don't know if this has anything to do with it), furthermore the backlight is set to the default setting and the auto power off set to 1 min. In any case I would expect to get more than 40 mins use of the PDA, the specification states upto 15 hours.
I took the unit back to the store, they say that this is a rare problem (yeah right :roll: ), they gave me a new battery which I am now recharging, hopefully this will work.
mmmm, it's very strange.
I am doing a test now. I have a imate with the official imate upgrade. I have a gps sysonchip bt. One and half hours ago i connected the imate with the gps and i started a demo of 500 km. Now the battery is at 75%.....Maybe de last upgrade solved this problem.... :shock:
You should get far better performance than this.
Three things that can drain the power:
Communications/Peripherals - IR, bluetooth, SDIO wireless LAN etc. Disable all of them unless you're actually using them.
Processor hungry programs - check if you have anything running in the background that could prevent the device switching to full sleep mode.
Lack of radio signal - if you're out of contact with a base station, the device tries to connect at full power every 30s - a big battery drain, so if you know you're out of contact, turn off the radio.
However, even with everything running, I'd expect a running time way above 40mins, so it sounds like you have a hardware problem with your device. I easily get 3h full brightness, full processing (ie watching a movie or playing a game) with radio on.
Turn IR off?
Is there anyway to actually turn the IR off on the XDA II?
Just the Start-Settings-Connections-Beam-Receive all incoming beams checkbox.
tried the new battery today, same procedure as yesterday (no bluetooth etc), had a slightly better performance today from the new battery, managed to get roughly an hours actual use out of the PDA (games etc) over a period of... 10 hours, ooh atleast it lasted the working day so must be better... however still no way near the 15 hours PDA work time as stated on the box!
However something I have noticed is that every now and then (after switching off the unit and just leaving it on the desk) the screen comes to life displaying a running program, (just how do you turn off the media player? I now realise it isnt with the "X"). Anyway why does it "power" back up? I wonder if this has anything to do with my power problem, that perhaps it has switched back on whilst in my pocket (BTW I have set the buttons so that they do not switch the PDA on accidently)
So, I'm recharging again, (I think I might take the MMC card out see if tht makes a difference). I expect something better for my EUR 500, what is the point of being able to go online anywhere if you have to be plugged into the mains! If I can't get the damn thing to work satisfactoraily by next week then it is going back to the shop, despite it being a Gucci shiny piece of kit!
@MoistVelvet: Actually, it;s not so much the device itself but the operating systems that is the cause of a few quirks. Luckily, a lot has been written on this forum and other forums on websites such as A lot can been improved by limiting the number of programs that can be found in the \windows\startup folder of the XDA II. I'd suggest you have a look around in the various topics. I ended up honing my XDA II to a point where I am actually very very satisfied with it's performance ...
Can someone repost the items in the windows start up folder than can be deleted and what they do on the XDA II.
I was surprised at the amount of apps in there, but dont know what I can safely delete.
thanks for the tip, I'll have a look around.
Well the batery did last longer yesterday, managed to get through a whole workig day before it ran out, so the jury is still out!
Realised perhaps one of the reasons why the unit would switch itself on, whilst at work I have a very low signal, so every minute or two the signal strength would go up and switch the screen on. I have set to auto switch off after 1 min, but I wonder if there is there a way to stop it from switching on?
Hm, my experience is quite different. I use it throughout the day with around 15 phone calls, at least 2 GPRS synchronisations, some other usage of contacts, calendar and email and when I get home it's still around 60 percent - the most drain appears to happen on the way back home when I use the BT headset...
When your uses so much more power you may like to check what kind of programs you use. First idea is to have a critical look at fancy today plugins... my worst experience was with Battery Pack, the best way to empty your battery :lol:
Maybe you like to use UpTime plugin ( which really tells you how much you actually use the PocketPC and which doesn't do anythings while it's switched off...
MoistVelvet said:
Realised perhaps one of the reasons why the unit would switch itself on, whilst at work I have a very low signal, so every minute or two the signal strength would go up and switch the screen on.
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Actually, the reason it periodically switches on is the O2 Homezone application. Whenever your phone changes to a new base station (which can happen even if you don't move), the stupid Homezone app turns the phone on. This is a known issue, and the only known remedy is to disable the app completely (remove from Autostart folder, soft reset phone).
I have an xdaII, which i load loads and loads of things onto. I did find that the battery was draining quite quickly. eg. charge it all night, just leaving it running in the day with hardly any use would drain the battery by about 90 percent! Bluetooth was off etc.
One time, the thing drained completely, and it needed a hardboot. Im going to send it back shortly for investigation/repairs.
However, since it hardbooted, i have not installed a thing. And i am finding that the battery is lasting a lot longer. I managed to go 3 days, of average usage, (few incoming/outgoing calls), without charging the battery!
This makes me think some apps must cause the battery to drain. I had battery app installed (that runs in today screen). I had fonix voicedial installed. I had quite a few games installed.
I think some software was causing the battery consumption,.. possibly battery pack.
I have previously had problems with battery drain, due to apps running in the background.
I also found specific apps like the battery pack, LAN sdio, bluetooth and the camera app, would drain the battery quickly.
Although you can manage closing apps down through settings/system/memory/running programmes I found the app Gigatask a simpler way to manage tasks.
There are others, but I found this suitable for my needs.
Now when I close an app I know it's closed and not running in the background draining the battery.
I still charge daily, habit now when I get home from work, but I have no worries about battery drain, and it rarely goes lower than 65% for a normal days use.
Cheers, Shire
turning infrared beam recieve off will help a little

Battery drains off quickly !!!

Hi folks,
I have bought touch 3452 3-4 days back... what i observe is battery drains off quickly. if i charge at night and listen music for an hour in morning, battery drains from 100% to 70%. with 2-3 calls and little operations, till afternoon, it discharges to 55%....
Is this the problem with 3452 or only for my piece... anybody facing same problem???
Hello fella!
After i send my Elf for repair to my guarantee they keep my battery for 4 weeks discharged! Now my Battery has not even 25% of the power it had before It needs very long to charge at 100% but after listening music for an hour its almost empty!
I already made a thread on the accessories section for anyon interessted
sercio said:
Hello fella!
After i send my Elf for repair to my guarantee they keep my battery for 4 weeks discharged! Now my Battery has not even 25% of the power it had before It needs very long to charge at 100% but after listening music for an hour its almost empty!
I already made a thread on the accessories section for anyon interessted
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Hi dude....
when did face battery problem?? just after repair or even before it also???
My cell is 3-4 days old, so for a new phone, it could be quite unlikely problem !!!! thinking of getting piece replaced (though chances are close to 0%)
My battery was fine and quite reliably before... I guess you judge a bit to quick about your new battery! Charge it at 100% and discharge it to about 10% and repeat that procedure for about a week! A brand new battery has not the full capacity at start and needs some cycles to get "in life"...
Good luck!
as sercio said above, use the battery to its lowest level (before reaching the yellow line), turn it off, then recharge it.
do this procedure about 5 times, then your battery will be fine.
but dont worry, it's a normal thing.
battery really discharges very fast when listening to music, or using bluetooth or wi-fi.
Also make sure that when you are closing apps that you are really closing them and not letting them run in the background. The task manager is set up as default to only minimize when you tap the X - Go into your task manager settings and change this to close on X or make sure that you go into your task manager and really close all applications that you don't need running anymore.
You might want to adjust your backlight settings as well to save on power
Some applications are heavier on battery then others as well. Check and see how each application uses battery. I know from what I have been using that some applications use the battery really heavily so much that even using for 5 minutes will drain 10% of the battery. Be careful with what you use on your device. WIFI also uses a lot of battery; however, you can adjust this as well under WIFI settings - You get less performance from your WIFI by doing this though. When listening to music - if you don't need the backlight on - then let it shut off. S2P automatically turns backlight off after a bit - TCPMP = you can set the backlight off manually and still use the hard keys to switch songs and play with volume - You can map the hadware keys manually.
hotrod101 said:
Also make sure that when you are closing apps that you are really closing them and not letting them run in the background. The task manager is set up as default to only minimize when you tap the X - Go into your task manager settings and change this to close on X or make sure that you go into your task manager and really close all applications that you don't need running anymore.
You might want to adjust your backlight settings as well to save on power
Some applications are heavier on battery then others as well. Check and see how each application uses battery. I know from what I have been using that some applications use the battery really heavily so much that even using for 5 minutes will drain 10% of the battery. Be careful with what you use on your device. WIFI also uses a lot of battery; however, you can adjust this as well under WIFI settings - You get less performance from your WIFI by doing this though. When listening to music - if you don't need the backlight on - then let it shut off. S2P automatically turns backlight off after a bit - TCPMP = you can set the backlight off manually and still use the hard keys to switch songs and play with volume - You can map the hadware keys manually.
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i hav set option of closing apps to 'close on X'.
also i dont use wifi n bluetooth.
I listen music using TCPMP.. i dont know if TCPMP is consuming more power...
yesterday i barely listened to music for 1 hour... then was browsing thru MS excel and calendar... still battery drained to 10 %
as suggested by other folk (above), i hav done this cycle of 100% to 10% n charge again 4 times already...
still wondering if i start using wifi, how soon it will discharge.. !!!!
I m planning to go to shop where i bought it from (CHROMA, tata enterprise) to ask for this prob.... but i m sure he will turn down any request regarding replacing battery
if draining battery is common problem with all PDA-touchscreens (and not only with my piece), then i shud better keep quiet and keep charging it frequently..
based on what you are sayin - your battery should not be draining that quickly. If I was to only do what you say you are doing - I would only loose maybe a little bit of battery life - like one hour a music using TCPMP or S2P are all roughly the same - might be about 5% loss of battery - as long as I turn off the backlight. One hour of internet browsing usually about 7% to 10% loss for me on my Elf. Listening to internet radio for one hour with backlight turned off usually about 7% battery drain for me. Watching a half hour episode of southpark using TCPMP usually drains about 6% of the battery for me. When I leave my phone in Standby - I can leave it for a whole day and the next day turn it on and it is still at 99% or 100% still. (depending on whether I received any texts etc...) I have never noticed how much a phone call drains the battery. Never checked that.
Keep in mind. I am running Ultimate Launch and all my today plugins that I use are on different ultimate launch pages. My main ultimate launch page has no plugins and I have it set up to disable the plugin if it is not visible - (Therefore no resources required from device and no power required from battery) unless I go to view the page with those plugins. My main ultimate launch page has no plugins (Just shortcuts) so no extra drainage of the battery required to run that page. IF you have alot of plugins displayed on your screen, running at the same time - you will see your battery draining quicker and then running apps is extra.
hotrod101 said:
based on what you are sayin - your battery should not be draining that quickly. If I was to only do what you say you are doing - I would only loose maybe a little bit of battery life - like one hour a music using TCPMP or S2P are all roughly the same - might be about 5% loss of battery - as long as I turn off the backlight. One hour of internet browsing usually about 7% to 10% loss for me on my Elf. Listening to internet radio for one hour with backlight turned off usually about 7% battery drain for me. Watching a half hour episode of southpark using TCPMP usually drains about 6% of the battery for me. When I leave my phone in Standby - I can leave it for a whole day and the next day turn it on and it is still at 99% or 100% still. (depending on whether I received any texts etc...) I have never noticed how much a phone call drains the battery. Never checked that.
Keep in mind. I am running Ultimate Launch and all my today plugins that I use are on different ultimate launch pages. My main ultimate launch page has no plugins and I have it set up to disable the plugin if it is not visible - (Therefore no resources required from device and no power required from battery) unless I go to view the page with those plugins. My main ultimate launch page has no plugins (Just shortcuts) so no extra drainage of the battery required to run that page. IF you have alot of plugins displayed on your screen, running at the same time - you will see your battery draining quicker and then running apps is extra.
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I installed abcPowerMeter for checking current consumption..
It shows wierd results. sometimes with no apps running, it shows 120mA and other times 196mA.
While playing TCPMP songs, it sometimes shoots above 200mA and sometimes no change in previously displayed value..
I manually obesrved that i talked on call for 4 mins and battery drained by 3% (71% to 68%). similar for other calls.
I have no plugins on home screen except HTC Today.
Also i observe that playing with MS excel or explorer even for an hour drains battery by more than 10%...
I am clueless if my battery is faulty, or my piece is faulty or P3452 itself has this battery draining problem
hmmm? Do you have constant data connection? I don't have a data plan so I only use WIFI and always turn it off when I am not using it. Bluetooth as well. All my settings are set so that nothing runs on my device unless I turn it on myself. No internet though my provider as (no automatic weather updates, Email... I have to turn WIFI on and then manually update my weather myself and get my emails myself. If you have your device set up to automatically grab these things, this will drain your device quicker. Having data connection always running or bluetooth always on will drain device quicker. Listening to music though bluetooth headphones drains battery quicker then listening to music using wired headphones. I also don't keep my screen brightness at top level. I turn it up if I need to but I rarely need to do this. Other apps running in the background will also drain battery quicker (even if you don't see them running in your task manager eg. Ilock for S2U2 will require system resources *I am assuming). I have my backlight shut off rather quick and S2U2 is set up on my device to shut off screen rather quick as well. If you are running S2U2 as well and have an animated gif wallpaper, this will drain battery faster.
I don't know if this would have any effect but have you installed a lot of apps on your device? Even if you have uninstalled them, they may have left a footprint of some sort that might be causing some of your power issues. I noticed when I first got my phone and was experimenting with lots of different applications that even after uninstalling them, my phone was not responding as quickly as it orriginally did and started even having some problems running some apps that had no problems in the past and I was having memory problems as the system was still showing that it's resources were still being used. I did a hard reset after finding all of the apps that I wanted and thenafter hard reseting I re-installed everything fresh and then set up my phone the way that I wanted. After doing this, my device was running and still is running very nice, quick and smooth and have not had the battery problems you are describing.
kalpesh99 said:
I installed abcPowerMeter for checking current consumption..
It shows wierd results. sometimes with no apps running, it shows 120mA and other times 196mA.
While playing TCPMP songs, it sometimes shoots above 200mA and sometimes no change in previously displayed value..
I manually obesrved that i talked on call for 4 mins and battery drained by 3% (71% to 68%). similar for other calls.
I have no plugins on home screen except HTC Today.
Also i observe that playing with MS excel or explorer even for an hour drains battery by more than 10%...
I am clueless if my battery is faulty, or my piece is faulty or P3452 itself has this battery draining problem
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Well my problem was even worse
After I bricked my elfin (thought it was an elf lol) I sent it back to htc. Eventhough I didnt put any facture with it (it's 2nd hand) they made it for free (in garanty) by exchanging mobo + vibrator (lol!). And that when I only needed the original software, so they have good service as far as I know..
But back to subject: I think it's your battery indeed. I guess there are more people having elf/elfin battery issues. Mine was:
After barely 2 weeks my battery got sucked empty in like 1 hour or even faster. Tried usb, normal charging, etc but nothing worked. It said it was charging but even turned off. So I bought a new battery but still the same problem, so it has to be the charging unit of the phone or something. Now I asked for another repair and hope they'll pick it up tomorrow. I'll let you guys know if I get it back!
Anyone has had some sort of the same issue?

How long does your X1 battery last?

just bought my X1i last week. One of the my reason to buy this phone, because some "people" said that the battery can last up to 4 days on regular use.
So I'm just curious about how long does your X1 battery last. Mine, it can barely last 2 days, most of the time, I have to charge it everyday, so I can use the phone for the next day.
Please post your answers below and also mention the rom you used at this moment. Just want to know, if there is any correlation between versions of rom used and battery life. I used stock generic UK R3A.
Also if anyone knows how to save your X1 battery, please also post it below...
Thanx and regards,
i have touchx 10.2 and if i dont use internet just normal stuff it last 5 days... if i start using wifi/edge about 2 days...
I'm havin the same problem. Battery just lasts one day. I turn off the internet by turning off the data connection switch in com manager but still no dice. Is there a battery checker to see if u have a bad battery?
I used to charge my X1 every day, at least every second (when I didn't use it that much).
But since I did the Biotouch.exe trick, I'm able to run about 3-4 days with "normal" usage (most time online, permanent checking mails, etc).
Just search for the thread Biotuch.exe. It's about 3 pages back.
R3, 5 days in standby @ home, using it to call during about 10' per day. Otherwise @ work (phone 20 - 30' per day, and 15 - 20' surfing on the web by UMTS) 3 days then I charge it as I am at 20 percent.
Beware of the UMTS coverage, if the coverage is not excellent, you'll use your battery very quick (so if no 3G used, set is as GSM instead of Auto in Phone - Settings - Band).
Pay attention to the software you install, it can change from 3 days to a simple day if the software is not optimized (for example it's a nightmare with SPB Mobile Shell 3).
TheNicoT said:
I used to charge my X1 every day, at least every second (when I didn't use it that much).
But since I did the Biotouch.exe trick, I'm able to run about 3-4 days with "normal" usage (most time online, permanent checking mails, etc).
Just search for the thread Biotuch.exe. It's about 3 pages back.
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Did you delete biotouch or do u just stop it from running?
liemivan86 said:
some "people" said that the battery can last up to 4 days on regular use.
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HAHAHA If only.........
My battery lasts from 6 to 8 hours max.
orelsi said:
HAHAHA If only.........
My battery lasts from 6 to 8 hours max.
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what are u doing with it lol non stop online video playback ?
may be possible with edge only connection with no wifi bt and push and screen set to lowest.
Lake292 said:
what are u doing with it lol non stop online video playback ?
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Pretty much
I don't know really. Take yesterday for example:
I unplugged it from the charger in 9:00 then after 5 calls, 30 mins of music playback, 15 mins of wi-fi and 15 mins of playing games the battery was dead in 15:00 . That's only 6 hours......
I don't care anymore though. I bought a second battery and I'm happy again .
My battery lasts about 5 or 6 hours, simply had to buy a second charger and keep at work. Would leave home around 5:30 a.m. fully charged. Bluetooth is always on from then to about maybe 8a.m. or 9a.m. Listeing to audio podcasts or audio books. Screen at full brightness, always have the 3G connection on. Couple hundred text msgs to go through, along with clicking on links as needed to go to the websites linked in them. And SkyFire to read the Wall Street Journal for maybe 30 mins.
X1am, ROM: 1.02.948.8 with a date of 09/17/08.
about 2 - 3 days depending on use (more calls on some days lowers battery alot)
My power Xperiences so far
Overall the power consumption and power mgmt of the Xperia is quite bad, having been an XDA user for years.
The power button puts the phone into standby, so some apps keep running and drain the battery, when you think it is not consuming. Eg GPS.
Last week my phone would drain within one day, even on standby. I checked for any running apps and I had Closed All, but drain continued a second day after full recharge.
The only way to get it back to some level of normaility was to do a Soft Reset. This must have stopped the culprit process which was draining power ???
When the power drains to its lowest level, it puts the phone into a virtual dead state. It requires some time charging before it even powers up again. This is not an elegant way to power manage.
Wow... judging from the answers here, it is very strange to see how the battery life can be very differ from one to another. One can only last for 5 to 6 hours, while others can last for up to 3 to 5 days.
Lake292 said:
i have touchx 10.2 and if i dont use internet just normal stuff it last 5 days... if i start using wifi/edge about 2 days...
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Did you turn off the 3G network and let the phone work on gsm network only? 5 days with normal stuff is a blast...
TheNicoT said:
I used to charge my X1 every day, at least every second (when I didn't use it that much).
But since I did the Biotouch.exe trick, I'm able to run about 3-4 days with "normal" usage (most time online, permanent checking mails, etc).
Just search for the thread Biotuch.exe. It's about 3 pages back.
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I'll try to check it out... Thanx...
Trudi said:
R3, 5 days in standby @ home, using it to call during about 10' per day. Otherwise @ work (phone 20 - 30' per day, and 15 - 20' surfing on the web by UMTS) 3 days then I charge it as I am at 20 percent.
Beware of the UMTS coverage, if the coverage is not excellent, you'll use your battery very quick (so if no 3G used, set is as GSM instead of Auto in Phone - Settings - Band).
Pay attention to the software you install, it can change from 3 days to a simple day if the software is not optimized (for example it's a nightmare with SPB Mobile Shell 3).
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I guess that maybe the cause, since the umts network around here is not so good... I'll check that later and let you know if it is the cause...
orelsi said:
Pretty much
I don't know really. Take yesterday for example:
I unplugged it from the charger in 9:00 then after 5 calls, 30 mins of music playback, 15 mins of wi-fi and 15 mins of playing games the battery was dead in 15:00 . That's only 6 hours......
I don't care anymore though. I bought a second battery and I'm happy again .
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Wow... that what I call HEAVY USE... Btw, what rom did you use? Thanx...
pokdub said:
Overall the power consumption and power mgmt of the Xperia is quite bad, having been an XDA user for years.
The power button puts the phone into standby, so some apps keep running and drain the battery, when you think it is not consuming. Eg GPS.
Last week my phone would drain within one day, even on standby. I checked for any running apps and I had Closed All, but drain continued a second day after full recharge.
The only way to get it back to some level of normaility was to do a Soft Reset. This must have stopped the culprit process which was draining power ???
When the power drains to its lowest level, it puts the phone into a virtual dead state. It requires some time charging before it even powers up again. This is not an elegant way to power manage.
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I guess it is because of if you used all your battery power, you will also drain the backup battery (you can check the backup battery status by using the apps "batty"), so it will take a while to charge the backup battery first before charging the main battery. This is only a guess...
What Backup Battery??? The thing that shows up in Batti is for phone with a backup battery I guess... but NOT for the X1. There is no such thing that can show up in Batti. On mine it shows just an empty bar.
liemivan86 said:
Did you turn off the 3G network and let the phone work on gsm network only? 5 days with normal stuff is a blast...
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why would i have it on when my operator doesnt even support 3g course it was off no data connection also... my battery goes down 10-20% a day when i just use it for music and some sms...
Mine lasts about ~6 hours talk time at 3G.
~3-4 Days when i use talk ~30 minutes / day.
Only lasted a few hours with the original Rom.
Flashed to Smabergs Touch X 10.0, battery lasted ~1 day, and then with 10.1 it got improved to 3-4 days.
Which is enough. Thank you Smaberg!
My battery last from 9AM to uhm 3PM yes that's for 6 hours of use (I have SPB Mobile 3.0.1 running and WCX ROM Windows 6.5). RAM running from 60-95% of usage LOLOLOL but yeah I have my FB, Skype, Windows Media, MSN, etc. running and it runs SUPER slow at times that I have to take the batt out.
I'm gonna flash the ROM again to a battery friendly ROM if available (the way I'm using it right now is not very economy friendly).
jhendra said:
My battery last from 9AM to uhm 3PM yes that's for 6 hours of use (I have SPB Mobile 3.0.1 running and WCX ROM Windows 6.5). RAM running from 60-95% of usage LOLOLOL but yeah I have my FB, Skype, Windows Media, MSN, etc. running and it runs SUPER slow at times that I have to take the batt out.
I'm gonna flash the ROM again to a battery friendly ROM if available (the way I'm using it right now is not very economy friendly).
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Touch X is all that you want, and will ever need.

Is 85mA normal current usage when idle?

I've had my Touch HD a couple of weeks now and I absolutely love it. My primary use of it is as a pocket pc and the phone comes in as a handy extra.
However, I seem to be getting battery usage problems that other people have been experiencing and I have a few questions.
I'm using Powerguard and AEButton Plus to show me my power usage. Both report about 85mA when no applications are running and no data connections are in use. I have my backlight turned down pretty low, activesync closed down and I don't use AEButton Plus to turn WiFi on and off as I don't use WiFi. Is 85mA about right? I've no idea what it is while it's in standby.
Yesterday I used my Touch HD a lot, playing about with GPS, surfing etc and by the end of the day I had over 60% charge left. Today, after a full charge overnight from the mains, I have used my Touch HD very much less but I'm already down to 56%. Powerguard still reports about 85mA when my pocket pc is idle but I've been able to watch the percentage power drop every minute or so. Then it would speed up and at other times slow down again.
Why would the battery drain so much faster today with the same or less power being drawn? AEButton Plus reports an uptime of only 1.5 hours yet almost half the battery is used up.
The battery is only a couple of weeks old. I cycled it about three times when I got it, ie letting it run down completely and then charging it back fully. I'm not charging it in the cradle but directly off the mains overnight. Has the battery lost it's calibration so quickly?
If I have applications or devices drawing more power, shouldn't I see that in a higher level current usage. When I have GPS on it goes up to about 300mA so I'm assuming that at 85mA there is nothing else running that shouldn't be running.
I have spent a lot of time installing all the applications etc onto my Touch HD and so only want to hard reset as a very last resort. I really need to be able to use my pocket pc and get on with my life now, but I can't if I'm worrying about whether it will last through a phone call.
I've got a spare battery on order, but I would really like find out why my battery is draining so much more quickly now.
Please help. I love my Touch HD. It does everything that I want and it's gorgeous, but I need it's battery to last at least a day.
Sorry, I should also add that I'm using the stock V1.56 ROM.
This is getting weird now. I've now started to use my Touch HD more. I made a 20 minute phone call, ran TomTom for a few minutes and now I've had google maps running with GPS for about half an hour and I've only lost a few percent. My power is at 50%. It seems that the more power I draw from the battery, the more slowly it goes down.
Do I need to cycle my battery again? I'm worried about doing this too often as it stresses the battery and shortens it's life.
batt and batt % are not a reliable thing
you can't really rely very much on it
and it's never linearly
I know the battery usage isn't linear and it tends to speed up as more power is used. However, the pocket pc uses the value to decide when to shut down. My Touch HD has just run out of power with an uptime of only 3 hours and 50 minutes and it was fully charged only sixteen hours ago. This does not leave me confident in being able to use it for a whole day.
What can I do to improve the battery life? I have an HP iPAQ hx4700 with a four year old battery in it that still lasts ages and ages. I don't think I'll get anywhere near as long a life from my Touch HD battery. I only need it to last a day between charges with an uptime of at least six hours or more. As soon as the capacity of this battery starts to degrade, it will be useless as it's only just useful now.
get dotfreds taskmanager too see what processesvare are running inthe background.
use advanced config to enable the power saving features
Thanks for the suggestions. I've already spent ages searching these forums so I have been using dotfreds taskmanager and all I see is idle running at about 80% because the other 20% is being used by the task manager. AEButton plus only uses about .1% every few seconds. Is 85mA usage high for idle?
I'll try advanced config to turn on the powersaving features.
I need my pocket pc and phone all day to day as I'm out and won't be able to recharge it after this morning. I just hope it lasts.
In this forum I saw many tips how to reduce the battery usage. You could search those.
For example turn off 'Receive all incoming beams' in Setting/Connections/Beam.
You also can flash one of the cooked ROMs that present here. I use onkolog's Lite ROM and battery usage is very low (10-20% per day with moderate usage).
Thanks, but turning off incoming beams is one of the first things I did. I think I've followed most of the tips I've found and I've even managed to stop that pesky activesync from keeping on coming back.
I'm not running Powerguard today and I'll just use my Touch HD normally and see how it goes.
I don't want to flash a cooked rom just yet as I've never done that before, but I'll try that eventually if my battery usage continues to be so poor. I have a lot of applications installed on my Touch HD, so building it takes a very long time. I use it for everything, from shopping lists, access databases, reading ebooks, playing games, satnav to plain old diary. These are all applications that ran quite happily on my old pocket pc without undue battery usage. The only main difference on my Touch HD is that I'm using TFDetacher so that I can still have my old Today screen as well as Touch Flo.
Hi, only if you run out of solutions, you could look at this thread for an extra battery (I've not tried it myself but it increases your battery life by 200%)
Thanks for that, smeddy. This looks like a really interesting product. I will look out for what people say about it.
My battery seems to be much better so far today. I'm still on 100% with an uptime of 25 minutes since I charged it up over four hours ago.
85mA while idling is reasonable if you have backlight level at >50%.
68mA is the lowest I've seen at minimal backlight level on my HD.
Hey TeresaTT,
Something I can tell you with a high degree of confidence is that you really cant trust the battery gauge on the HD that much, either under idle conditions or with higher battery loading. And just try doing a reset and I bet that it'll will come up on a different % value after you reboot!
Another thing is that battery consumption is quite dependant on not only how you configure various functions of your phone but also what ROM you use. My present ROM seems to be noticeable more battery effecient than many of the ROMs I tried before, and most especially the stock ROM that came with the phone, and the stock ROM I initially upgraded to.
Cant comment on the battery current consumptions as I've never felt the need to measure them.
Thanks for the info. My Touch HD draws 85mA with the backlight set pretty low, just one point off the lowest. Therefore it seems that the usage is pretty high. I'll have to look at other roms and try one or two, although I need to wait until I've got some more time free. I've already spent hours and hours on my Touch HD, but I do love it. It's a huge upgrade from my old HP iPAQ hx700.
Before my battery would last about a day but after flashing to my current custom ROM now lasts 2 to 3 days with moderate usage. If left on standy idle the % doesn't seem to go down. Probably last a week doing nothing...
I believe the official ROM I had before was buggy with power management i.e. even when on standby with screen off, sometimes it may not cut off power sucking features like WIFI, gprs/hsdpa, bluetooth etc.
Thanks for that ez2remember. It looks like my Touch HD is behaving normally with a stock ROM. I've had a quick look at the ROM forum and it almost looks like a foreign language. Even the dummies guide is a bit foreign with HSPL, USPL etc. Then I have to pick which ROM to use and hope it's stable and all my applocations work. I can see that this is going to take quite a bit of time for me to research. I'm fairly technical so I'll get there in the end.
Yes I agree flashing can seem a bit daunting. This is my first real WM device. I've played with one briefly before so found the conversion slightly complicated. I came from s60 devices. Dummies and step-by-step guides on s60 were really easy to follow. I just think WM users are far more technical so instructions seems more complicated than it actually is.
It's just a matter of getting the latest HSPL onto your device (one time affair) then you can flash as many custom ROMs as you want.
You can use nue ClockSpeed 1.3 to manage the clock of the processor.
Also, Pocket Shield will switch off screen wile talking, and a lot of functions I don't use.
My garmin gps shut down few days ago and i had to use garmin in my HD for around 1.5hrs....
I think i lost only around 20-30% charge.
My battery lasts atleast 2 days with wifi on all the time ( wifi auto off in standby mode.)
I do make few calls and sms

Battery Drain, Possible Help

My 1st Imagio had no problem with battery, but the "end" key broke so I had a replacement sent. The replacement had nicks on screen and major battery drain, with overnight charge, by 3:00pm I had 5% left. So I sent for 2nd replacement. Same problem with the battery, fully drained by midday. Frustrated, I went to Verizon and requested replacement battery. All seemed well at first. Then, the new battery began to drain. I started eliminating programs running and now, at 10:00pm, I still have 72%, I talked, texted, sent pic mssg, got email, updated weather...etc. This is what I changed.
I turned the phone to CDMA only.
I changed input back to default HTC qwerty (I had sip change to swype)
I set email to check once a day, but I hit send/receive periodically
I set weather to check once a day.
Sorry, but I also uninstalled "codyppc performance booster"
I reinabled Auto Divice lock. (this seemed to help save battery by locking)
I am running spb mobile shell 3.5 and WM 6.5 interface. Whenever I run the HTC Touchflo3D it seems to drain more battery, along with suck up memory.
I check running applications often, reset a couple times a day. I am having an issue with my spb time alarm going off in the morning though. I will try something tonight to eliminate that as the culprit. Overall, I think anything set to run regularly will drain the battery. With these fixes, now I LOVE THIS PHONE. I have all my programs on it, lots of program and storage memory left, (more than I had out of the box) tweaked just the way I like. Hope this helps someone.
Did anyone find this helpful???
Just wondering if I had isolated issues or if anyone else tried and got results...
i posted about it. the battery life can be fairly attrocious for several reasons. Mainly OEM settings & Poorly stored batteries.
With some fairly medium use (google maps, few camera shots a day. Maybe 20-30 minutes worth of streamed video via CorePlayer, or a hacked HAVA program) i still have some battery life the next morning. (Not a day and a half worth, but enough to make it from one morning till the next).
My first battery was trash, but my second has been perfectly fine. Unfortunately doing everything you've already said. Forcing CDMA only & installing no-push internet cab was the biggest help. (Left email & weather on update every 30min)
The idle time for me (overnight with no charge) seems to be better not running TF3D also. If I know Itll be awhile before I can charge it's the first thing that get's disabled. I love TF3D, but SBP shell is nice also.
Eh... My regular useage will typically last around 24-36 hours before the phone wont cut on anymore. Good enough for me I guess. Mostly depends on how much I voice call during the day. (lotta test/mms)
Anywho. Long post for telling you that I dont know what else you can do. At some point it'll boil downt o being a smartphone & while in use it'll devour it's battery???
Actually... I didn't see you had installed no-push internet. You need to if you haven't. When you open a data connection many times it wont close by itself. So you can set your email, weather, etc to check every day & after it cheks it. Itll stay on all day. :\
No Push Internet
Thanks for the feedback. I do have no push internet also. In addition to previous post, I have tried to run Facebook and the battery drained in a couple of hours. I love the phone though. I may buy the extended battery... then it will last 4 hours instead of 2????
WIth my first Imagio I ran push email and TF3D. I had no battery issues to speak of. After a full day I would be at 30-40%. Memory was an issue though and then the end key broke.
With my replacement I tried SPB MS 3.5 and had outrageous battery drain, 4 hours off the charger and I was down to 25%. WHen I remove SPB I am back to what I will call acceptable battery performance. I finally turned off TF3D and got a couple of widgets for the plain jane today screen. I can live with the battery life and I am not resetting 1 or 2 times a day to revover memory.
Cant wait for the unlock and custom roms!!
how do you get the weather to update every 30 min?
this would help if it really works if i get one i will let you all know how it does.

