[PROB] S2U2 SMS notification problem - Touch HD General

I'm having some weird random issue with incoming SMS notifications... When locked (using S2U2) and therefore the screen is off, sometimes I don't get neither sound nor vibration when new txt arrives! I get both when I turn the screen back on, but the SMS time clearly shows it was recieved a while ago...
Again, this is random, sometimes it happens, sometimes it does not...
Help anyone?
PS: excuse my English!

i have the same problem sometimes. i have installed a few of the enhancement programs and HTC patches and this seems to work.

This sounds like a S2U2 related problem. I suggest posting there for help.

I don't think it's a S2U2 problem because I have the same problem and I didn't install that application.

Same for me!


crash/freeze when receiving an SMS - intermittent

hi everyone.. i've had a problem that has been bugging me for quite some time now. it happens just once or twice a week, but it is still very annoying.
sometimes when i receive an SMS message on my trinity, nothing will happen, no alert, no screen light up, nothing.. and without me even knowing, my trinity has frozen. the green light still flashes, and i can try to ring the phone and it rings from the end i dial from.. but the phone does nothing, does not light up or make noise or vibrate. it's just stuck.. whenever this happens i have to soft reset, and when i do, i lose the text message that was received, and i am never able to read it.
i've pin-pointed it down to it only happening when i receive SMS messages, but even then it's only occassionally.. as i said, about once or twice a week.
has anyone else had this problem?
Did you use a third party soft like SMS notifier?
no i don't.. the only third party software i use is a tab control program to launch my applications from today screen, this has been happening since before i installed pretty much anything on the phone
really annoying bug

Hang vibrate cannot stop

I use HTC Touch Dual and seems to have hang problem when sms coming with vibrate. The vibration is not going to stop and the screen just freeze.
I tried hard reset, and don't install any program, but the same problem still happen. i also use the original tone given from HTC. It's not always but it's the one that bugging me lately. Maybe you guys have idea what the solution?
Thanks in advance
i also having similar problem sometimes when received a SMS the phone will non-stop vibrating until you softreset or received another SMS but that's no freeze like teguh36.
same issue here... turned vibration off for sms for the time being... device doesn't 'crash', but it won't stop vibrating... Is this a female phone or sumthin? ;-)
Thanks for sharing guys.. seems like hardware prob, ya lesteryh.. mine exactly like yours.. still can do softreset after the vibrating go crazy
Quick Fix
teguh36 said:
Thanks for sharing guys.. seems like hardware prob, ya lesteryh.. mine exactly like yours.. still can do softreset after the vibrating go crazy
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I also have the same issue but no freezing.
A quick fix I use is to jump to the Profiles tab, click Vibrate and then back to Automatic (I usually keep it on Automatic). This does the trick without having to do a soft-reset
just noticed the same problem! happened twice today!
u guys still have this problem?
has been happening twice a day since yesterday (installed PointUI yesterday ...)
happened to me too..
I suggest don't let it vibrate when you receive a text message
that's what I did

locking the screen

hello everyone, quick question
im looking for a locking program that will lock the screen when i press the power button (device goes into standby) and when it wakes up
the default locking program with WM is annoying because you can lock the phone BUT when u get an incoming call or text message, the screen becomes unlocked again and its easy to "answer" it accidently when its in your pocket. this is particularly annoying with text messages, because most of the time i wont even realize i have one and the phone will be awake for hours draining the battery and waiting to be pushed. anyways ive done several searches and come up with the following solutions, none of which work for me
1. S2U2, i dont like it, i tried it, wont use it again
2. SensorLock - An EXCELLENT locker, except it wont work on phones without Accelerometers...works wonderfully on the diamond tho
can anyone suggest something to me
First, set timeout for turning screen off autoamtically. This will solve SMS wakeup problem - screen will turn off automatically after some time.
Next thing, incoming calls - there is great Onyx ROM with Opal's slider - to answer a call, you need to slide your finger from center to left (or to right to ignore it). You can't answer accidentally using it
i appreciate your suggestions but neither works for me
i tried the opal but it didnt work properly, i actually had to hard reset to get rid of it
as for the timeout, it still doesnt solve the problem of the phone becoming ACTIVE as soon as a notification or text message is received

Vibration problem

Hi guys, I have an odd porblem with the vibration of my phone. When someone calls me and I press the answer key or slide the slider to answer the vibration doesnt stop right away, instead it continues for like 2-3sec and then it stops. Its pretty anoying thing! Does any1 know anything about this or how to fix it? Thanks a lot!
it did that to me after chaning my rom to a custom one ... now with the stock i'm fine ;]]
I am having a smiliar problem, only that it happens when I receive text messages. My phone is set to ring and vibrate. My incoming text message alert is a very short mp3 sound. Sometimes it happens, other times it doesn't. Whenever I receive a text message, the phone will vibrate and continue vibrating until I press cancel on an error notification (see image). I have done a soft and even hard reset but still I get this long vibrating.
Is there a fix for this? My Touch2 has its original branding, I haven't changed anything except installing the updates found on the htc support site.
that's even worse than a change to buggy non-stable slow ROM
hey Ltblue what rom are you using at the moment? I have the original from M-tel. I think this bug has started since I've installed AE Buttons because I wanted to turn off my volume buttons. Do you guys know any other more stable program that can remap those?
hakc i bought mine from Eurotel , i saw them in mobilebulgaria.com and the price was the best for that time , i ordered the phone and it came with stock HTC default ROM ... i've changed many times with these here but none of them works as well as the stock ROM !
LtBlue said:
hakc i bought mine from Eurotel , i saw them in mobilebulgaria.com and the price was the best for that time , i ordered the phone and it came with stock HTC default ROM ... i've changed many times with these here but none of them works as well as the stock ROM !
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Which didn't answer my previous question What rom are you using now? I got the official part, but which one - there are tons of them
Hi, I finaly localized the problem. It is caused by AE Buttons. Do you guys know any oher similar program that can allow me to disable or remap my volume side buttons?
WWE HTC Official , posted on htcpedi ;]]
dannybz said:
I am having a smiliar problem, only that it happens when I receive text messages. My phone is set to ring and vibrate. My incoming text message alert is a very short mp3 sound. Sometimes it happens, other times it doesn't. Whenever I receive a text message, the phone will vibrate and continue vibrating until I press cancel on an error notification (see image). I have done a soft and even hard reset but still I get this long vibrating.
Is there a fix for this? My Touch2 has its original branding, I haven't changed anything except installing the updates found on the htc support site.
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Hey if you have installed MP3 ringtone update from HTC support site. Try removing it. That hotfix used to cause many javascript errors and has been removed by HTC from their website few weeks back.
Still no alternative on AE Buttons? Anyone?

Each time i receive new sms my phone freezes

i don't know why am i getting this problem ,each time i receive a new sms and if i didn't check it for about 10-15 min my phone display's black screen no matter what i press
is it because i have installed the arabic support or my sms notification sound is custom or i installed weird program that effects my phone
i think its related to the notifications maybe the led notifications is unstable
i dont know guys please help
problem solved by disabling led notifications .....
As I can see there are some other problems related with LED notification.
