opera mini please help - XPERIA X1 General

hi, how can i make the font bigger for the text even i set it to extra larger but it stills small, i did searched but cant find it, thanks

why not using opera mobile instead of mini? it's much better.

Read this thread until post #13
You need to change some values in the registry

killer8nl said:
why not using opera mobile instead of mini? it's much better.
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"Better"? In what way? Opera Mobile works "better" as a fully fledged browser, but it is slow.
Opera mini is fantastic for what it does. It's very quick compared to Opera Mobile thanks to data compression. Whether it's through GPRS, HSDPA or even wireless Mini is "better" in terms of speed of download and display when viewing webpages.
I'm trying to think of a way to word this without sounding rude; Please don't post if all you're going to do is tell someone not to use the application they have chosen to use, rather than provide an answer to the question.
He probably has his reasons for using Mini, and you your reasons for using Mobile. But that's simply not the question he asked.

I would say those browsers compliment each other.
OperaMobile great for full desktop experience plus flash, but also sucks data as hell and battery too. Pitty it crashes often since it's - still - beta.
OperaMini works in almost every condition. Does not have many OperaMobile features but is great for everyday usage.

SquidgyB said:
"Better"? In what way? Opera Mobile works "better" as a fully fledged browser, but it is slow.
Opera mini is fantastic for what it does. It's very quick compared to Opera Mobile thanks to data compression. Whether it's through GPRS, HSDPA or even wireless Mini is "better" in terms of speed of download and display when viewing webpages.
I'm trying to think of a way to word this without sounding rude; Please don't post if all you're going to do is tell someone not to use the application they have chosen to use, rather than provide an answer to the question.
He probably has his reasons for using Mini, and you your reasons for using Mobile. But that's simply not the question he asked.
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thanks guy for the helps, the reason i asked because i am using X1A updated with new software and the opera mobile does not works on some websites, i am still looking for the opera mini cab ,does any know please share

there is no opera mini cab. you will have to download the program from the opera site. the files or jad and jar. i believe you need like a seperate program to install this if you down load the jad and jar files.

mo.ammi said:
Read this thread until post #13
You need to change some values in the registry
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I will have to repeat my post, some of you might have missed it.
There is a cab which installs opera mini and gets rid of that connection message.
Try the first link, open the zip file and install the cab file on your phone.
Good luck

I want to use Opera Mobile, but I can't figure a way to sync my desktop bookmarks with this version. Therefore, I'm stuck with Opera Mini. Has anyone found a way to do bookmark sync on Opera Mobile?

yup, i did miss your post. i guess we do have a cab for opera mini
mo.ammi said:
I will have to repeat my post, some of you might have missed it.
There is a cab which installs opera mini and gets rid of that connection message.
Try the first link, open the zip file and install the cab file on your phone.
Good luck
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Is there a way to put standard virtual keyboard into Opera Mini interface? I miss that feature.. cause i have to open my hard keyboard every time i wanna something to wright. That would be very usefull.. BTW... this is the best xperia browser on the market so far!!!!

VelikiMeshtar said:
Is there a way to put standard virtual keyboard into Opera Mini interface? I miss that feature.. cause i have to open my hard keyboard every time i wanna something to wright. That would be very usefull.. BTW... this is the best xperia browser on the market so far!!!!
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But where?
In the txt entry field it always appears.
On the browsers view - no way.


Opera 8.60 for Windows Mobile, Pocket PC

Download and info here:
Downloaded the cab, installed to storage card (the new version removed the old version), ran Opera, it asked me if I wanted to register (17 Euros), I said Okay.
Then I had to tell Opera.com my IMEI in order to get a registration code. I found the IMEI in Settings\Indentity.
When I received the reg code, I ran Opera, selected Tools\register, and then there appeared a box asking for the reg code plus another box showing the "Device ID". The device ID number was completely different from my IMEI, and needless to say, now opera does not accept the registration code. Now I have to write Opera for a new reg code.
So, I would advise all to check the "device id" that opera uses, and provide that number when requesting the registration code, rather than the IMEI found in your PPC's Settings.
Is it just me, or does the large icon for opera have a white background (rather than being a ransparent background as it should be)?
BillB said:
Is it just me, or does the large icon for opera have a white background (rather than being a ransparent background as it should be)?
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also here!!!!
using pocketplus large icon....
Just my two cents, I've been a big user of the data service, particularly browsing, and found Opera the best browser... almost. A much better alternative is to RDP home, and use whatever you have there. No more need to worry about user agent strings, java or flash, plus, it's (suprisingly) a lot faster. The VJ fullscreenTSC utility is particulary useful for that purpose.
mdaexecfan said:
Just my two cents, I've been a big user of the data service, particularly browsing, and found Opera the best browser... almost. A much better alternative is to RDP home, and use whatever you have there. No more need to worry about user agent strings, java or flash, plus, it's (suprisingly) a lot faster. The VJ fullscreenTSC utility is particulary useful for that purpose.
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Was thinking of trialling Netfront - Can i ask why you think Opera beats Netfront in your eyes?
i was using netfront before i switched to opera and i must say that opera is the best by far.
I find Opera completely useless for most sites:
try www.o2.co.uk on both Opera and Netfront 3.3 and see the difference.
or try new.bbc.co.uk on both
matt1971 said:
Was thinking of trialling Netfront - Can i ask why you think Opera beats Netfront in your eyes?
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Because with the 'fit to screen' option, Opera resizes the pixs and everything on the webpages - keeping them in proportion with the text. Netfront doesnt, so you end up with horizontal scroolbars and unreadable pages, while the opera-rendered ones looks just like the ones on a regular desktop computer.
I agree, my experience with opera is bad. It locks up all the time and can't be dissuaded from dumping tons of temp data in main storage memory.
Netfront is much better. The fonts on netfront are a bit wierd and its no way perfect though!
"I find Opera completely useless for most sites:
try www.o2.co.uk on both Opera and Netfront 3.3 and see the difference.
or try new.bbc.co.uk on both
No problem for the mentioned 2 sites if you'll to set OPERA to 'Fit to screen'
Re: RE
FOSA said:
No problem for the mentioned 2 sites if you'll to set OPERA to 'Fit to screen'
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Exactly - bbc.co.uk is brilliant on opera 'fit to screen'. I find it unusable on netfront.
Sorry, I meant to say the Opera is useless on Universal (mine MDA Pro) compared to NetFront.
I wouldn't use it if they paid me to.
One advantage is netfront 3.3 allows you to log onto more secure sites and if you fiddle with the settings does look and work better for me than Opera but they still haven't relesed the final pay for version and my trial version has ran out
samsul said:
Sorry, I meant to say the Opera is useless on Universal (mine MDA Pro) compared to NetFront.
I wouldn't use it if they paid me to.
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I use Opera on my Universal since the first Beta and all I can say is that it's the closest you can get to a "real" browsing experience on the PDA. The only "better" sollution would be to use some sort of RDP, as mentioned above.
I don't know what you do with your Universal, but on mine, in TrueVGA, Opera is simply great.
Almost as crappy as beta 2! Still very much work in progress - few bugs havn't been fixed, map hardware buttons??, flash??!. Also i'm not sure about you guys but Netfront (latest TP - D2) seems to render about 90% of websites (using WiFi) much quicker than Opera and is more responsive too. What's up with that?!?
Has anyone read the press release fully?
Here it is. http://www.opera.com/pressreleases/en/2006/05/31/
One bit that jumped out at me was this.
The first operators to ship Windows Mobile devices with Opera Mobile(TM) pre-installed are T-Mobile through their Web'n'Walk offering, and the leading Japanese operator, Willcom.
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Has anyone seen Opera on a released T-mobile phone, or is it more likely the t-mobile have been holding up the release of ROMs in the UK market until they could put Opera out at the same time? If this is true then should we be expecting to see an AKU2 ROM for the MDA PRO with opera embedded sometime soon?
matt1971 said:
Was thinking of trialling Netfront - Can i ask why you think Opera beats Netfront in your eyes?
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I have found NetFront to be AWESOME. I have it set so I see full webpages with very little jumbling or problems.
Combine it with FlexMail and you got a basic internet package on the go..
That said, I will give the new Opera a spin.. Why not.. Everything since I installed the latest DOPOD ROM has been working flawlessly and well I cant have that..
samsul said:
Sorry, I meant to say the Opera is useless on Universal (mine MDA Pro) compared to NetFront.
I wouldn't use it if they paid me to.
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Considering that the opinions are so divergent, yet we all come equipped with (pretty similar) sets of eyeballs, I reckon I'm going to take screenshots of both netfront and opera rendering of common webpages and will post them here.
I am a web designer and think the differences of opinions are all to do with how the site's are coded in terms of fixed widths and such like in the html or xhtml and CSS.
Netfront is definitly better for me as web designer for checking on the fly changes for clients sites but for simply viewing sites informtion then I think the new opera mini works quite well and keeps data trafic low.

opera mini: question

I would to try opera mini, but on the official site I can't understand wich version is the best for the HD:
Dude the HD comes with Opera installed? I believe you can upgrade the version 2682 that comes installed to version 2745. check out http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=442252
Is Opera mini somehow better or different to Opera Mobile???
Just installed opera mini on my blackstone.
and it works like a dream.
its runs so much faster than the full version its almost unbelievable! the text might be a bit on the small side, but the pointer comes in handy for all that.
just doing some tests on the the independant website. downloaded, rendered and displayed in about 7 seconds. compare that against the full opera where your looking at about 20 seconds for the whole front page to display.
the mini version also offers proper double clicks for links and none of this zooming in and out by accident malarky.
get onto it. you won't regret it.
for the record installed the PPC600 Mogul version and everything looks great.
IIRC opera mini pre renders everything through their servers?
matthoy said:
Just installed opera mini on my blackstone.
and it works like a dream.
its runs so much faster than the full version its almost unbelievable! the text might be a bit on the small side, but the pointer comes in handy for all that.
just doing some tests on the the independant website. downloaded, rendered and displayed in about 7 seconds. compare that against the full opera where your looking at about 20 seconds for the whole front page to display.
the mini version also offers proper double clicks for links and none of this zooming in and out by accident malarky.
get onto it. you won't regret it.
for the record installed the PPC600 Mogul version and everything looks great.
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which versione doo you use? could you link me pls?
I think that is faster that normal opera and more suitable for gprs and 3g navigation than normal opera, isn't it?
in blackstone should be preinstalled opera not opera mini
yes, I'm sure. for me the mini version is far superior than it's big brother (Full RRS support for starters - yes i know the blackstone has the RSS hub, but this isn't linked to full opera browser - so not much use really).
there will be some sites that work better on the full version, but as far as my testing today has gone, all of the sites i used look and perform better in the mini version.
matthoy said:
and it looks great on the touch;s big screen.
i used it a lot on my e650 (suffered from a lot of image duplication when wrapping the page to the screen) but not on the touch, it's great!
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could you link the version of operamini you use on blackstone pls?
just download to the two file from there.
stick them in a temp folder.
then run the java app. install --> local files.
Opera mini is great if you have slow connection(GPRS only), it is very fast, much faster browser than opera mobile. BTW original opera mobile freezes very often on my HD.
matthoy said:
just download to the two file from there.
stick them in a temp folder.
then run the java app. install --> local files.
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I woult to know one thing:
why this versione htc_ppc6800_mogul is the best for blackstone?
do you think will be released a dedicated version of opera mini for blasktone?
Mini Is Mini!!
to me..mini isnt worth it. TOO SMALL, not that much faster either. I cant find a zoom either.
After regular Opera, need jewelers loupes to read it.
Have to use stylus....blah blah...no way
I like the MINI - very fast
Does anybody know a trick to make the Font bigger ?
The menu is so small - even with the settings set to biggest Font
Thank you for help
Now why doesn't Opera Mobile have a function to zoom out to a total overview like mini does. I'm sick of spending 5 minutes scrolling down a long page with all the annoying f***** lockups!!
jackthekayman said:
I woult to know one thing:
why this versione htc_ppc6800_mogul is the best for blackstone?
do you think will be released a dedicated version of opera mini for blasktone?
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There is one version of opera mini only. The only small differnce on some versions is that some versions are signed for differend java runtimes. That means you dont have to grant internet and storage access all the time. but the browser itself is allways the same - i even use i on a very low end mobile motorola L6...
There wont be dedicated blackstone version, but maybe they will increase the fontsize with comin up more and more VGA and WVGA devices
PJD-de said:
There is one version of opera mini only. The only small differnce on some versions is that some versions are signed for differend java runtimes. That means you dont have to grant internet and storage access all the time. but the browser itself is allways the same - i even use i on a very low end mobile motorola L6...
There wont be dedicated blackstone version, but maybe they will increase the fontsize with comin up more and more VGA and WVGA devices
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ok thx very much
another thread
have you checked out ?
From what I know, the opera mini goes through operas server which compresses the web sites and reduces the gprs cost very much compared to the full opera!
I can't find in opera mini how to enable the zoom button...is it there?
Opera mini - full screen?
One question concerning opera mini - does it run in full screen on the touch hd?
On my htc X7500 there are the operating system bars above and under the java runtime so opera mini cannnot use all the display and run in full screen mode
Could someone please post a photo of the HD running opera mini with a web site like cnn.com loaded?
ubik said:
One question concerning opera mini - does it run in full screen on the touch hd?
On my htc X7500 there are the operating system bars above and under the java runtime so opera mini cannnot use all the display and run in full screen mode
Could someone please post a photo of the HD running opera mini with a web site like cnn.com loaded?
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yes it's full screen.
By the way, I have problems with entering address, because no keyboard is available. How do you do it guys?

Anyone using Opera Mini ?

I've just installed Opera Mini on my Jade and I have to say, it's pretty nice.
Unlike Opera Mobile it is very fast and the zooming and display is better for a small screen like the 320x240 Jade screen.
Since the websites and images will be compressed by the Opera servers, the traffic is lower and the speed higher. Of course, I won't use the browser for sensible data, because the data runs through Opera proxies. But for normal browsing it's great.
The only problem: I can't switch to fullscreen, because the fullscreen can only be enabled by a key combination which I don't have on my Jade. Maybe someone knows how to fix this.
But it's still a nice browser.
Yes agree, I must say the speed is pretty impressive compared with the Op Mob even by setting graphics to high. btw is is there any method to launch it direct without launching jBlend first ? Am I missing something ? Cheers.
Here is a very useful overview of the features the most popular JVMs have.
As for the direct shortcut, my jade came with esmertec jbed, here is a description how to invoke opera mini (or any other midlet) directly from windows.
The problem is there's no description how to do that with jblend (why don't you use the preinstalled jbed, anyway?)
Mine is pre installed with JBlend. I've found the direct shortcut command i.e. \Windows\JBlend_AMS.exe -R 0.jar (0 is where your Opera Mini is in \windows\java, depending on your other installations.)
azahidi, would you highly recommend using opera mini or the stock opera browser?
Hi !
Yes Opera Mini is Very Fast ! That Good but i have the solution for your problem !
When you are on Opera Mini go to :
Setting => Full screen
that very simple but i don't know if you want that or an other "full screen"
xtremez said:
azahidi, would you highly recommend using opera mini or the stock opera browser?
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well, for me I prefer the stock opera mobile. still sticking to it. it depends on how comfortable you are with the functionalities
azahidi said:
well, for me I prefer the stock opera mobile. still sticking to it. it depends on how comfortable you are with the functionalities
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For me the same: I find it important that the browser is fully integrated in the operating system (Windows mobile). Opera mini as a java-applet only has limited connections to the other functions of the phone (example: direct dial of telephone-numbers listed on web pages).
MvBoe said:
For me the same: I find it important that the browser is fully integrated in the operating system (Windows mobile). Opera mini as a java-applet only has limited connections to the other functions of the phone (example: direct dial of telephone-numbers listed on web pages).
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Talking about java-applet. How many of you are using Jblend? I tried today installing those 3D games that supposedly work with Jblend..but failed miserably in doing so...need help!
There is only a java version now, no PPC version. I don't like java programs.

Opera Mini 5 (beta)

I just installed this, and i must say its much nicer than the default that comes with the TP2. But theirs a few things.
1. I cannot find the program to launch it again after i close it. When i look under the drop down of programs running, all thats listed is "Java FX", which when clicked, does take me back to the browser. Is their not its own icon? Or is their a way to link the new one to the "internet" tab in Touch flo?
2. Is their any way to keep it from poping up its own software keyboard?
[edit] Ok.. someone posted this solution::: Disable Inline Editing in Settings\Advanced...
3. When i type in the address bar, it sometimes, double types letters. Very annoying.
never mind
beta 5 unfortunately has problems with switches from landscape to portrait and vice versa.
when i pull out the keyboard in oder to type something of course the screen rotates. In about 50% of all cases the browser UI does not follow the rotation, but the screen just turns white.
opera 4 has no problems with screen rotations.
Posted this question in another thread too but seems more appropriate here:
I came from the Mogul to the TP2 so I'm not so sure how to install and run Opera Mini 5. I'd like to try it, but do you still need a Java applet launcher to run it? Or can you just run it on the TP2 if you put the .jad and/or .jar files somewhere? Thanks.
thelionelking said:
I'm not so sure how to install and run Opera Mini 5.
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Follow the instructions on the opera website:
"To try Opera Mini 5 beta, simply visit the address m.opera.com/next, using your phone’s default Web browser."
in case the OEM of your phone pre-installed a suboptimal java runtime environment (or even none) try this:
mccune said:
Also check THIS thread about Opera mini 5 Beta.
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LOL, that link redirects us to this topic...
That said, I also have some minor problems with the new opera mini 5 beta. It look way more slick then the standard version of Opera, but there are a few things:
1. Just like Lyian stated, I as well hate the opera interface keyboard popping up and would really like to turn off this feature.
2. When I slide out my keyboard, the java applet notices this action and tells me to restart opera mini 5 :S (using JBlend, standard application deliverd on my tp2)
3. I would really like to have the possibility to make a shortcut to opera mini beta 5 in the start menu.
4. Everytime I restart the mini-browser, it asks me if it may connect to the network. I would really like to have the mini-browser never ask me this again.
Now I do remember that there were some solutions to my little problems mentioned above. With the old opera mini there were some tweaks that offered an solution to point 3 and 4, but I can't find them anywere. Does anybody know if they work as well for mini 5, and where I can find them? Does anybody have an solution to the other problems?
Thanks in advance,
There are multiple thread about Opera Mini 5 now so there is no stopping now anyway..
b4kk3r said:
2. When I slide out my keyboard, the java applet notices this action and tells me to restart opera mini 5 :S (using JBlend, standard application deliverd on my tp2)
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use jbed instead of JBlend. JBlend can not handle screen rotation at all (no matter whether the java application can or not).
b4kk3r said:
3. I would really like to have the possibility to make a shortcut to opera mini beta 5 in the start menu.
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use jbed and make a link in the startmenu folder to the jbed executable with the parameter "-run s0_".
b4kk3r said:
4. Everytime I restart the mini-browser, it asks me if it may connect to the network. I would really like to have the mini-browser never ask me this again.
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download the signed version of opera mobile
When I use the keyboard for typing an URL it results in a URL like xda-dddddevelopersssss.com or xdaaaaa-devvvvvelopers.commmm. I don't have any problems with the keyboard in other programs.
JBS2 said:
When I use the keyboard for typing an URL it results in a URL like xda-dddddevelopersssss.com or xdaaaaa-devvvvvelopers.commmm. I don't have any problems with the keyboard in other programs.
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*nods* same problem i stated above with the double typing.
b4kk3r said:
1. Just like Lyian stated, I as well hate the opera interface keyboard popping up and would really like to turn off this feature.
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Found the other post someone posted.
Disable Inline Editing in Settings\Advanced...
I just started playing with Mini 5, and it's freaking awesome with esmertec jbed. It's got the speed of Opera Mini, but it has some degree of flicking and it can copy/paste text! Mini 4.2 allowed you to copy and paste text when you switched to text entry mode, but you had to change the keyboard to the old full keyboard to utilize CTRL C and CTRL V. I can now highlight text on pages. Plus tabbed browsing! Remarkable.
I looked for a signed version of 5, but I couldn't find it (I was able to install the signed version for 4.2). Is there a trick I'm not aware of?
Mini 5 works for some of the forums I visit. I was unable to post in the Yuku forums with 4.2, and it would format oddly unless I was in mobile view. Screen transitions are a lot snappier.
I've never had any luck with screen orientation transitions with Opera Mini, so it's not a big deal for me. I'm used to using it exclusively in portrait mode anyway.
I think I've found myself a new browser. Anyone have any tips or tricks to share?
ETA: I'd love to get the flicking speed higher.
Does anyone know how to get the clock/time to show on the top border/frame? It's on Opera Mini 4.2 and it'd be cool to have it on this browser also. Thanks in advance !

Opera Mini 5.1 Released! (no longer 5 beta)

Haven't seen this posted yet, so here you go.
Opera blog post:
Opera Mini 5.1 for Windows Mobile is here!
The long-awaited Opera Mini 5.1 for Windows Phone 6.5, Windows Mobile 6, Windows Mobile 5, and Windows Mobile 2003 based handsets has finally arrived. We have worked days and nights to improve on every aspect of the browser and make it integrate even better with the Windows Mobile platform. Some highlights include default browser functionality and a completely rewritten IME solution that taps directly into the device's own input method. A big thanks to all our users on Windows Mobile who have waited so patiently for this release.
- Ability to set Opera Mini as default browser on the device.
- Support for g-sensor screen rotation on HTC and Samsung devices.
- Support for predictive input if the device supports it natively.
- Improved page layout on high-resolution screens.
- Improved kinetic scrolling.
- Use HQVGA skin for devices with less than QVGA resolution.
- Installer is now signed with VeriSign so Opera Mini will be a trusted application on your handset.
- Alternative installer that works on Windows Mobile 2003 Pocket PC devices.
- Advanced configuration in registry for power-users (see here for more information).
- Multitap input is working on 'classic' keypad devices.
- Input is working on qwerty keypad devices by Samsung and Amoi.
- Keypad shortcuts working on more devices.
- Ability to download files to memory card.
- Clock in Opera Mini is correct in all time zones now.
- Spanish locale is correctly detected.
- URLs and downloaded files can be passed to other applications as a platform request.
- Many bug fixes in Opera Mini browser core for stability and rendering accuracy.
- Opera Mini 5.1 will be installed in parallel with Opera Mini 5.0 beta if the latter is already installed on your device.
- Opera Mini 5.1 will not import existing user data from Opera Mini 5.0 beta. Please consider using Opera Link to bring over bookmarks and speed dials to the new version.
- When set as default browser, Opera Mini 5.1 will not be the default viewer application for html files or other web page related files that may exist locally on your device.
To download Opera Mini 5.1 for Windows Mobile handsets visit http://m.opera.com/ on your phone or http://www.opera.com/mobile/download/pc/ on your PC.
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Opera Mini = Amazing
It is much faster and more fluid scrolling than either Skyfire or Opera mobile.
Coming from Android (and iPhone before that) the Hd2 was lacking a great web browsing experience but No More!
OMini 5 beta was nice, but I love the better scrolling in 5.1! I've been using OMini as my browser since my Wizard.
Does 5.1 support pinch-to-zoom?
Jimmmycrackcorn said:
Does 5.1 support pinch-to-zoom?
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I responded in the TmoUS HD2 thread but here you go:
i have always used mini in mobile view but iirc when a page is zoomed out it'll auto zoom to wherever you tap on the page. i don't think there is pinch to zoom.
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One wierd thing for me is if I press the home button while in landscape then Opera Mini sticks on the screen and doesnt go away unless I power off the phone. If I press the home button while in portrait its fine and goes away.
Anyone else having this problem?
Jimmmycrackcorn said:
Does 5.1 support pinch-to-zoom?
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No pinch to zoom but all you do is tap on the screen once and it zooms in perfectly.
ap3604 said:
One wierd thing for me is if I press the home button while in landscape then Opera Mini sticks on the screen and doesnt go away unless I power off the phone. If I press the home button while in portrait its fine and goes away.
Anyone else having this problem?
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It's because the HD2 doesn't do landscape for the home tab. Next time you do that, just hit the start menu button & bring back OMini or any other app that does do landscape (sms, albums, file explorer) & then go back to portrait & then hit home. I ran in to this when using Comic Reader Mobi
Does anyone know how clearing the cache memory works on Opera Mini?
On the Opera Mobile browser it would have an option in the security settings to clear cache so the browser wouldnt slow down but I dont see that option on Opera Mini.
Ive done google searches for "opera mini clear cache" but didnt find anything conclusive. Mostly was blackberry users assuming that the clear history option in settings also clears the cache. One person also said the cache gets cleared when you exit the browser?
Does anyone with alot of Opera experience know how clearing the cache works on Opera Mini?
xnifex said:
It's because the HD2 doesn't do landscape for the home tab. Next time you do that, just hit the start menu button & bring back OMini or any other app that does do landscape (sms, albums, file explorer) & then go back to portrait & then hit home. I ran in to this when using Comic Reader Mobi
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Your a wise man thank you for letting me know =)
So there is no pinch to zoom? can someone confirm that?
If there is no pinch to zoom, i'm not gonna use it, because I really want to keep using pinch to zoom!
joshoon said:
So there is no pinch to zoom? can someone confirm that?
If there is no pinch to zoom, i'm not gonna use it, because I really want to keep using pinch to zoom!
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Read 3 posts above yours at #6...
Do you like the 5 mini, and why?
I've set it as default for it a week. Yes it loads faster, and the 9-grid home screen thumbnails looks better than the HD2 2-column thumbnails. I'm however switching back to the stock Opera 9.7 now. Things I don't like about Opera Mini 5:
Full screen or not, it hides my top bar, and together with it my battery indicator, clock, close button. I can't easily launch anything else or switch to another running program.
no way to minimize browser to go back to where I was
Really hates the complicated seqeunce to close the browser with the mandatory yes/no.
I can't find a way to add search providers to the search box. Well I can't modify the Opera google search either, but Opera Mini has an interface to look as if it can be configured (at least I can delete entries other than google) while not allowing me to add new entries.
force chinese language upon me. I have no idea why but all my settings are in chinese and I cannot find a way to get back to english.
Are there ways to circumvent this list of annoyances?
Does anybody know where I can find documentation on Opera Mini? I've found documentation on Opera, but they do not seem applicable to Opera Mini.
alex fung said:
Do you like the 5 mini, and why?
Full screen or not, it hides my top bar, and together with it my battery indicator, clock, close button. I can't easily launch anything else or switch to another running program.
hit the back button & then your back at HTC Sense
no way to minimize browser to go back to where I was
that's what the back button is for. this doesn't do like OMobile where the back button actually goes back a page
I can't find a way to add search providers to the search box. Well I can't modify the Opera google search either, but Opera Mini has an interface to look as if it can be configured (at least I can delete entries other than google) while not allowing me to add new entries.
I agree I wish you could edit this, but meh...
force chinese language upon me. I have no idea why but all my settings are in chinese and I cannot find a way to get back to english.
one of the links in my post goes to a post on Opera's site & discusses registry edits. I know there's one to change the language, maybe you need to do that.
Does anybody know where I can find documentation on Opera Mini? I've found documentation on Opera, but they do not seem applicable to Opera Mini. your best bet is their site in the thread that I linked to.
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see bold entries.
ap3604 said:
Read 3 posts above yours at #6...
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Click to collapse
Thats sad
back button. Thanks I hardly ever use the hardware buttons so I never noticed.
link in your post? Do you mean
I can't find any references to registry edits or language changes. Could you be a little more specific? Thanks.
joshoon said:
Thats sad
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As much as I like pinch zoom I must say that I absolutely LOVE the 1 touch super zoom of Opera Mini =)
alex fung said:
back button. Thanks I hardly ever use the hardware buttons so I never noticed.
link in your post? Do you mean
I can't find any references to registry edits or language changes. Could you be a little more specific? Thanks.
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I personally put in the edit to stop the auto rotate
ha i use the back button all the time!
I wanted to love Opera Mini. I love the quick zoom/scroll effects.
BUT after using it for a few days I've found annoyances that keep it from being a better browser than Opera Mobile.
- Certain websites take FOREVER to load (some sites load quicker than Opera Mobile i.e. Google searches, but Xda loads slllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooowwww)
- Certain websites dont work correctly and doesn't go to the next page when I click the link
- Can't log into certain websites like I can with Opera Mobile
- When I try to reply to XDA threads it reloads the entire page after I type something in the reply box.
- Cant clear cache memory like I can with Opera Mobile
- Cant exit Opera Mini in landscape by pressing home button since it locks up the phone
- Cant use physical back button to go back a page like you can with Opera Mobile
Oh well...
I like Opera mini too as it is a lot smoother than opera mobile. I do have one issue though:
When you enter a url, it will automatically load the mobile version if available. Not all the mobile site have a link back to their full web site so it is impossible to go to a normal page for some sites.
ap3604 said:
I wanted to love Opera Mini. I love the quick zoom/scroll effects.
BUT after using it for a few days I've found annoyances that keep it from being a better browser than Opera Mobile.
- Certain websites take FOREVER to load (some sites load quicker than Opera Mobile i.e. Google searches, but Xda loads slllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooowwww)
- Certain websites dont work correctly and doesn't go to the next page when I click the link
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forumx said:
I like Opera mini too as it is a lot smoother than opera mobile. I do have one issue though:
When you enter a url, it will automatically load the mobile version if available. Not all the mobile site have a link back to their full web site so it is impossible to go to a normal page for some sites.
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you know what, this happens to me with opera mobile too..
dan138zig said:
you know what, this happens to me with opera mobile too..
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The problems I listed with Opera Mini are ones that I don't have with Opera Mobile. So for me, it doesn't happen with Opera Mobile...

