Power button got screwed - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hey ... I have A BIG problem. My power button on my HTC TyTN got screwed. And I don't know how to fix it. Tried dissassembling and the button isn't as elastic as the other ones.
So - any underlay or whatever. Could it help? Anyone who had the same problem?
I checked it ... and the button [the small black thing] doesn't "click" ... so - what can I do with that? My warranty has expired few days ago.
Or, is there another way to get into the bootloader except OK + Power + Softreset? I wanna flash new ROM (which I really need, this one is kinda weird) and I'm afraid of doing it (just for sure if I brick the phone).

You have to take the plunge and flash the unit using RUUwrapper.
Another alternative is using MTTY.exe (or another terminal too over a virtual USB connection) to place the phone in bootloader mode among other things.
If you know how to use JTAG (I'm just learning about this), then you have nothing to wory about.

But ... it has to be connected to activesync. And if thar ROM will be bad (won't boot) or flashing fails, I won't be able to connect phone to RUUwrapper.
Or can mtty put "dead" phone into bootloader?

pajousek said:
Or can mtty put "dead" phone into bootloader?
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Yes it can. I do not remember the command right now.
NB: A 'bricked' phone will always be in bootlader mode anyway.
You can run the terminal command "r2sd all" (this works on Charmers/Magicians) (so you'll have to look up your variant) to back up the current ROM to the M2 card (using a RAW writing method) in MTTY.exe (or any other suitable terminal program).

Well, I'm still a bit scared that mtty won't put the phone into bootloader.
And can you please explain me this? "NB: A 'bricked' phone will always be in bootlader mode anyway."
If i have bad XIP or whatever, it just has white screen and nothing happens. Will mtty be able to put phone into bootloader even after this?

Same problem Here
Hi Friends,
I screwed my HTC Hermes power button while trying to fix its earlier problem.
Now to turn the backlight on ..i changed the settings and I can now use any button to bring it out of Sleep mode....
I used a program available on this site to enter bootloader.
However, the problem remains when "power button" is to be pressed.
Any advice on how to get over the "Press power button" to start the ROM flashing....

Has it just popped off the board slightly?
Does it click with some applied pressure in a particular area?
I just yesterday repaired the power button on my hermes, it had popped out from the PCB on one side.
Bit of soldering managed to re-attach the metal outer case of the switch to the PCB, all seems to be working again.

DarK501 said:
Has it just popped off the board slightly?
Does it click with some applied pressure in a particular area?
I just yesterday repaired the power button on my hermes, it had popped out from the PCB on one side.
Bit of soldering managed to re-attach the metal outer case of the switch to the PCB, all seems to be working again.
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Its completely come out of the PCB... I tried but doesn't work for me...
Also, further damage has been done as the Battery connector has come off the PCB......
Phone is completely off now. Will keep you posted.


OK Button Dead

I am trying to flash a ROM on a friend's Hermes, but it is a bit knackered. His OK button on the side near the jog-dial has died.
For some reason it won't flash without putting it into Bootmode first (I had to do this method on my phone which is exactly the same, but in better condition).
Is there any way to get it into Bootmode without pressing the power and OK buttons whilst soft-resetting?
Google came up with nothing and neither did forum search.
My power button is toast, so I'm in the same boat, no paddle.
While my power button was dying, it was stuck in the depressed state, and any soft reset attempt would put it into boot loader mode. So maybe no OK button is OK. Not sure if I had compounded issues whose interactions were confounding my results or what.
Any way to remap the power button or the OK button? No answers in the HTC or XDA wiki and forums.
This might be a case of the blind leading the blind here, but I doubt that'd work.
I don't think it's in the software mapping on the button, but in the hardware. Short of opening it up I doubt you could remap it.
Again, I could be wrong.
I was thinking something more software based. Nearly every ROM I've seen puts it into Bootloader before flashing it. Wonder if there's any way to stop it just there.
ThinkTankInk said:
This might be a case of the blind leading the blind here, but I doubt that'd work.
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Hey, as long as you tried it out, I think that's all you can expect.
If you can't use the sd card method, why not use the usb method (now this is a role reversal ).
I'm a great advocate of the sd card method but if its impossible then the only way to go is the usb method via activesync.
As for , if you want to open your Hermes, theres a Great guide on Mike Channon's site. Its the "HTC Service Manual". It tells you how to open your Hermes, take it apart & put it back together again. Do a search on the forum for "Hermes HTC Service Manual" and you should find it. It fairly easy to disassemble
and pretty robust. you do need a small flatblade screwdriver, a small philips head and a No.6 torque key.
It will also void warranty.
Mike's site was valuable as it lead me to another site's step-by-step to open my Hermes and un-stick the power button. I wouldn't mind remapping the power button for each ROM I flash...but my flashing days are over as I'm happy now with something as simple as a stable ROM. sigh

8525 Stick to bootloader again....

Here's the whole story:
My Cingular 8525 has sticked to bootloader about a month ago, and after the study ( flashing different ROMs, search wiki here ,search web pages, forum ) ,I finally sent it to some workshop to have one chip replaced.
After the replacement, everything goes fine.But now it sticks to bootloader again, it some time can boot into OS, but most of the time , it will boot into bootloader.I found taking battery out and leave the phone awhile then put the battery back could some time "help" the phone to boot into OS.
When boot, the phone seems to have not enough "strength" to boot into normal OS, so it select to boot only in bootloader.Maybe we could just give the phone some "strength"?
And this time, I guess,it is not the chip which might lead the problem.
So has someone any suggestion ? ( When I disassembly my phone, I found there's one little battery on the mainboard, might the battery has some thing to do with this ? )
What os are you using? If its wm6.1 that could be your problem - stability issues... You might have bad blocks. Check this using MTTY... Instructions on the Hermes upgrading forum.
Wouldn't remove the battery on the mainboard unless you know what it does. yYou could ask Mike Channon as he is the guru of hardware...
Hope this helps...
This happened to me too and all I had to do was hold the power button longer until the screen comes on
black981502 said:
This happened to me too and all I had to do was hold the power button longer until the screen comes on
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...and it can "cure" the bootloader ?
On my phone, I really need to hold power button longer, but the screen still comes with bootloader.
Recently I guess it might be because of the shield of the "mainboard-screen wire"(I 'm Chinese and does not know how to exactly express this stuff). When I replace the connector myself(I recently replaced this wire to fix the white screen problem , and white screen are gone, but the bootloader comes soon ), I found the wire is originally wrapped using some metal paper, and because the old metal paper has been stick to old wire using glue or something and hard to take it off, so I left the new wire "raw",after I assemble the phone, everything goes fine, but after one night , the phone goes into bootloader.
I'll disassemble the phone these days and add some new metal paper to wrap the wire and see the effect.
Appending to the sympton:
When the phone is booting
If the signal led turns green ,the phone will boot into OS, and soon the logo will appear.
But if the led does not light up, the bootloader will come soon.
After I disassemble the phone and add some metal paper to wrap the wire, 8525 first boot normally into OS.
But after one night continous power on, after one reset, the phone goes into bootloader again.
It was so frustrated!Maybe there really had some hardware issue in my phone ? Can someone figure it out ?
Has anyone any sugestion?
During the one-night “OS Time”, when I reset the phone and intensionally boot the phone into bootloader, the phone cann't start card-flash process even if the condition of card-flash are all met( card, filename, FAT32 ).
But after the OS Time ,I reset the phone without pushing power+ok button, instead of boot up normally, the phone goes directly to bootloader and start to "card-flash", after the flash , the phone finally stick to bootloader.
Someone help me please, even some clue or where I could probably find any clue!!!

touch2 hang on 3 color boot mode :(

hi all : i have one set of HTC MEGA TOUCH 2 that it hang on 3 color boot menu.
i can't do hardspl or flash any flash file on to it , plz help me what should i do ?
1) When the phone is off, press and hold the button VOLUME DOWN (left side of the phone).
2) While holding the volume button, you press short the ON / OFF button and let it go.
3) If you see a warning message on the display, release the VOLUME-button
4) Press the VOLUME UP button to perform the reset or press any other key to cancel the reset.
Good luck....
I have a HTC Touch2 that is tuck in the Bootloader.
I have removed the battery and attempted the hard reset, as soon as it comes on it goes straight to the bootloader screen.
If the phone is connected to the PC, it says USB in the white band.
If not is says serial.
No SD card fitted, no SIM card fitted.
Any ideas?
Flash with a stock ROM in USB-mode should work for you
I thought you could only flash via USB if the device has been Hard-SPL'd? and you need to have an activesync connection?
hogman said:
I thought you could only flash via USB if the device has been Hard-SPL'd? and you need to have an activesync connection?
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Flashing with a stock ROM works without Hard-SPL, and as far as I know you can flash it when it says 'USB' in the bootloader mode. Correct me if Im wrong or else try...
To be honest, I fixed the phone without doing any of that. There seemed to be a problem with the USB port on the phone. I disconnected the battery and put some alcohol into the port (IPA!! not beer - lol) left it for a few seconds and then cleaned it out with compressed air. When I put the battery back in, it booted up fine.
wow... nice
why the usb-port?
hey guys, I see I have a problem from the damaged tape volume, so how can I make HR and enter bootloader
hogman said:
To be honest, I fixed the phone without doing any of that. There seemed to be a problem with the USB port on the phone. I disconnected the battery and put some alcohol into the port (IPA!! not beer - lol) left it for a few seconds and then cleaned it out with compressed air. When I put the battery back in, it booted up fine.
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This man is my hero. I *very* carefully extracted a little bit of lint that was stuck right at the back of my HTC USB port in my touch2, with a drawing pin (tack for the americans).
While I would not reccomend using a pin, as it may damage the port, it fixed my phone right up, it now no longer gets stuck on the bootloader (tri-colour screen), and it also fixed a problem in which I got a reccurring error telling me to remove the USB headset as it doesn't work (or something to that effect) while nothing was actually plugged into it.
Thanks again, hogman!
edit: I can't figure out how to give you thanks rating or whatever it is, so this will have to do. Yes, I'm a noob!

[solved] bootloader dont load

wanted to install wp7 with a clean start...so tried to task29 (doloop) with 100% success and then my tmo hd2 wont go into bootscreen what ever i do...its stuck for ever in "stick together"...i know there is no os to load...but i dont understand y cant my hd2 go intobootloader
so far i tried
with holding volume down and power key with a single tap
with holding volume down and holding power key
with holding volume down, volume up and power key with a single tap
with holding volume down and reset button
with/without sim
with/without SD
with/without plug in wall charger
with/without plug to pc via usb cable
observations...when i pull out the battery and put it back in and then connect to computer when the phone is still off....the charging indicator LED glows in orange.
when in this mode if i switch the phone on with power/end key....it doent start...i have to pull the usb out, the orange LED still glows...and if i tap the power/end key nothing happenes...i have to pullout the battery to get it to start and eventually get stuck in "stick together"..
would really appriciate if any1 can help me get my hd2 into bootloader screen...
resolved the problem myself.....hd2 is working like a charm....thanks for all your support.
How did you fix it? For other users in this position.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
SOLVED {bootloader dont loadArrow}
Here is what I did..
B4 that some background -
I used to heavily try different roms/mods and always played with android sd and nand versions…win 6.5X in multiple cooked version….
So my tmo-hd2 has been formatted/hard reseted/flashed many many times
By virtue of this….my screen died….slowly my screen touch responsiveness malfunctioned and eventually died… all hardware keys were working perfectly by the touch was dead….
During the process of screen malfunction to completely dead….made few observations to not things which might help fellow Hd2 owners…one thing is power/end key seems to be the culprit (this is my observation/belief).
Since I don’t live in US spend 100$ in changing the screen since then everything is working well…I still rig my hd2 like I always do…
Well when the wp7 was released, wanted to give a try…did this…hspl pkg 3 spl 2.08 hspl > then task 29 > and my hd2 didn’t get into bootloader at all…..i was doomed as there hd2 (after task29) didn’t hv os..
Searched for the solution everywhere and eventually nothing worked for me…I was about to give up…suddenly sometime struck my mind…wat if the power/end key is the problem….then things were positive..
I opened up my hd2 (unscrew and removed the back panel) and disconnected the connector flex rigid board (A board) of the hardware keypad from the mainboard….and pushed the battery in and pressed reset (sometime u need to plugin the usb cable to wall charged/pc to wake up the phone) and held volume down key and hopped for some miracle.
Viola saw the tricolor screen after eternity – since the back panel (not backcover) was open I help the battery to the pins and didn’t even move my fingers …run the stock rom installation and held the battery tight in place and waited to get the rom completed…the moment its 100% relaxed my fingers and reconnected the flexboard connector, re-assembled my phone and everything was back to normal…
ONE THING I LEARND FROM THIS…..HD2 IS A ROCKING PHONE AND U CAN RESURRECT IT WHATEVER HAPPENS TO IT (if at all some1 screws it with wrong radio…its officially bricked, but still it can be revived using RIFF JTAG method and rewrite boot data).
One final request pls DON’T GIVEUP ON YOUR DEVISE
Now I have wp7 running successfully and waiting for my activation code for live services
Thank me if this was useful
I can confirm this does work. I myself was going to give up until I found this and well thank you!
fcpelayo said:
I can confirm this does work. I myself was going to give up until I found this and well thank you!
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happy it worked for you....promote this solution....others might benefit.
also hit thanks if u think its worth it
May I link to or rewrite and credit you with this in my guide?
interesting, two confirmations in this thread, and there's another thread where 2/3 people successfully used this method.
That whole lower right area is the Achilles Heel of this phone, keypad, screen connector and most pressed key all right in one little place.
Bring me the chief designers head on a plate!
Yes. The only downfall of the hd2. I wish it had the soft screen keys at the bottom.
Sent from my HD2 using xda premium
kylew1212 said:
May I link to or rewrite and credit you with this in my guide?
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Would like to divert folks to this thread and share experiences here so every one will hit the same link to get benefit, If thats oki with you. let me know
samsamuel said:
interesting, two confirmations in this thread, and there's another thread where 2/3 people successfully used this method.
That whole lower right area is the Achilles Heel of this phone, keypad, screen connector and most pressed key all right in one little place.
Bring me the chief designers head on a plate!
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yup...and the interesting thing is, i befriended an HTC engineer and got hold of multiple 'a-boards' at that time to test this out.the flex-board that reacts when we push the button.
there were multiple models/molds for HD2...may be different production lines..everything did the same job including the one which was shipped with the device..'a-board' wasnt the culprit here..the very design of having power + end call + device unlock in the same key/button is the issue.

[Q] Going back to stock.

Hi, been trying this for a long time now. I need, for warranty purposes, to return back to stock from nand android. Unfortunately i can't get to bootloader, the tri-color screen. My phone boots directly to Magldr. My phone on/off key is broken and i need it to get to the tri-color bootloader.
My question is, if there's any way i can get the stock winmo 6.5 rom flashed from magldr. USB Flasher, or by CWM, NAND Toolkit, or any other trick so that i can get it to repair?? PLEASE BEFORE ANSWERING NOTE THAT I CAN'T GET TO BOOTLOADER, I DON'T HAVE ON/OFF KEY AND THAT KEY IS NEEDED TO GET TO TRICOLOR SCREEN
My microphone is failling and the hard keys also... need them fixed.
You don't need the on/off keys to go into the bootloader, just the volume down rocker.
Press & hold it, then boot up the device.
Tried it a million times... it's a no go!!! It doesn't work, try it on your HD2, push the volume down and reboot the phone by taking the battery out and back in, or by pushing the reset button. That the only way i can reboot my phone. You need to shortly press the on/off button to get to bootloader.
Okay, try to install Android. After that, from within Android reboot your phone using "Reboot" option . And while it is rebooting, keep the volume down button held.
]P.S[ I just tried rebooting from within android, and then holding the volume down, WITHOUT EVEN TOUCHING THE POWER BUTTON and it went directly to the bootloader. Are you sure your volumes are working ?
You have MAGLDR installed. Power off your phone and connect charger with Vol. down button pressed. Your phone will start in bootloader.
I guess my volume keys must be down too... they work on magldr, they work on android but i can't seem to replicate what you guys are saying. But there's no way i can do this from usb flasher inside magldr?? or inside cwm?? or with nand toolkit?? without having to be in bootloader?
Those are some solutions I have been able to gather from various threads, with the same problem :
Solution #1 :
jonas2295 said:
Okay try this :
Remove battery,
With left hand press and hold volume down,
With the other hand you put the battery back in and press AND hold the power button, so power and volume pressed and hold, wait until you see the bootloader.
This will work (at least it worked on my phone 1min ago)
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
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Solution #2 :
Marvlesz said:
Some times, Bent Battery Pins can cause unpredictable issues (However, I have not seen one like this.).
You may want to check your battery pins, straighten them delicately if they are (even a little) bent.
You could try sd card flash method?
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Solution #3 :
mootmetal said:
this us happenin to me all the time ..so if i want to access boot loader i need to wait 2 mn after shuttind down the phone ...if i try befor 2 mn it gos to magldr and no bootloader ...
i read befor that someone had the same issue and he had to wait about 3 or 4 hours instead of 2 mn i wait
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Solution #4 : (This answers your question in the post above, + I think this is the solution that will solve your issue)
T-Macgnolia said:
No no no no no and NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is nothing in MAGLDR that can make your HD2 go into bootloader. The only this.g that can get you into the bootloader besides the external hardware buttons is the bootloader.exe that can be run from inside Windows Mobile. It can only be run from inside Windows Mobile. MAGLDR is a custom bootloader that runs after the HSPL bootloader and has no way of communicating with the HSPL bootloader.
At the OP, you may have a faulty volume button ribbon that is causing you not to be able to boot into the bootloader. Check out this thread you will see what I mean. Read post #10
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Solution #5 :
bambuchko said:
I had the same problem ...
I could not enter the bootmanager in android brief button press to end a call, we moved the menu to shut down, reset, etc, the same menu that appears when you hold down the button longer to stop calling ...
This defect appeared to me after I lay HD2 due to large changes in ambient temperature ...
After a few days of research, opening, drying I removed the defect, so I pulled out and cleaned the keys below the screen (Home, Menu, Back, red and green) and wipe the foil that these pressures are the same buttons ...
My HD2 has been working for 2 weeks with no errors
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If none of the above solved your problem, then .. I guess .. Houston, we have a problem.
Sources of the solutions :
P.S : Read through them, I may have missed something .. and I didn't read the last one thoroughly, read it yourself.
I do not own any of the previously mentioned solutions. All rights reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.
It seems my phone has a little more problems than i tought. I got another HD2 with a broken digitizer,but i can reproduce what you are saying about the volume key down,no need of on/off button. I guess i have to get the courage to open up the beast.
Thanks for all your help guys.
Sent from my NexusHD2 using XDA App
by the way, it's not possible either to flash radio also if i can't get to bootloader??
flashing with fastboot, and .img files and what not is just for android based devices right??
If you can't get to the bootloader, you can't flash anything.
Fastboot is only for Android.
I understand that if you are getting the phone serviced directly by HTC, they won't have a problem with you having Android on it. Buy, if you are going through your service provider, that may be a problem.
good luck
I've been to HTC service. They didn't repaired the phone claiming that there was a non original software on the phone and there was water between the digitizer and the screen. Even though none of the stickers were showing red or pink or other color than white.
In fact there is something trapped inside but it may be alcohol. I had an accident with the phone on a boat. Got wet by a wave and it must have gotten to the phone too that was inside my "purse" (it's a man purse ok?!? those bags that we guys use to carry stuff!!). I didn't noticed and instead of taking the battery at once i tried to turn on the phone... all hell brake loose. I then toke the batt of, and let it rest for a couple of days. Then burried it in rice to absorb the moisture. Then read that alcohol could "push" the water out, and splashed some near the hard keys because they didn't work and i thought that may have been salt water, or salt crystals blocking my keys.
Concluding, the phones works with a few limitations. The only keys that work right is the call and the windows keys and volume keys. And my microphone doesn't work right too. People can only barely hear if i speak directly to it and shout, and still they hear me in the bottom of a well.
I've bought another HD2 on ebay, with a cracked digitizer. Was thinking of maybe taking it for parts, since mine is in mint condition. But i might replace it's digitizer and repair the two phones. I'm only affraid to open it up because it looks very, very difficult.
Thanks anyway for all your support.
Hello, i´m an electrician and i have an idea.
Important is to dry it completely before put the Battery in.
I have opened some "normal" earlier Cellphones (not Touchscreen Phones) and cleaned it with distilled water.
It seems to be impossible to get the functions of the Hardkeys back without open your Phone.
You may try to flush out the corner of the hardkeys with distilled water to remove possible contamination with crystals or minerals that could cause block the keys.
I remain this would be the last chance before opening the phone.
i can not say what happens when you do this, normaly the componets have no problem with water, only the microphone and the cable connection can hold the moisture for a long time.
I hope i could have helped you with this idea. Please be careful it will be a risk the Digitizer is also in the bottom right corner.
if you don´t want to take the risk bring your phone to a independent (not HTC or Service Provider) Phone doctor.
excuse my bad english
