no wonder SonyEricsson going to the toilet!! - XPERIA X1 General

i sent in my X1 for repair 2 weeks ago (that' 14 days ago), my phone is unable to charge.
i called them today why i still havnt got my phone back yet, they said they "waiting for parts".
WTF! i bought a 800$ dollars phone and they cant even send me a replacement, like a refurbish X1??
waiting for parts to get my X1 fixes, this could take another month!

netnerd said:
i sent in my X1 for repair 2 weeks ago (that' 14 days ago), my phone is unable to charge.
i called them today why i still havnt got my phone back yet, they said they "waiting for parts".
WTF! i bought a 800$ dollars phone and they cant even send me a replacement, like a refurbish X1??
waiting for parts to get my X1 fixes, this could take another month!
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I am not so sure i would like a refurbished X1i, i would rather get them to fix it instead of getting one with unknown history.

maybe they just don't like you. i had to send mine in for a part replacement and i got it back in 7 days

good thing is i just call vodafone, tell them my phone is borked, and the next day i get a new one.
thats service ^^

SonyEricsson service is really terrible!
how can they expect people to buy another SE phone when they dont even send a replacement phone while phone is being repair!

That's the thing with service people..... treat them right and you will get good service. Treat them like crap and that's what you get back from them.
Works the same way with any company

For fixing the crack problem, I got my X1 back in less than 1 week once they received it.

just called them again about what taking them so long to repair my X1a, they got my phone since 1/8/2009, that' 18 days now!
they say they waiting for "parts" and have no ETA for the parts.
i dont want to wait a month, 2 months or a year to get my phone back!
and they refuse to send me a replacement X1a!
if i dont get my phone back in 30days, i will contact TV stationS to do a story about SonyEricsson B.S service!

netnerd said:
just called them again about what taking them so long to repair my X1a, they got my phone since 1/8/2009, that' 18 days now!
they say they waiting for "parts" and have no ETA for the parts.
i dont want to wait a month, 2 months or a year to get my phone back!
and they refuse to send me a replacement X1a!
if i dont get my phone back in 30days, i will contact TV stationS to do a story about SonyEricsson B.S service!
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Not a single station will air it. Maybe you should start up the 542,280,626,013rd internet blog and make this complaint your first entree.

just called Sony Ericsson again what taking them so long to fix my phone, they already held up my phone for 21 days now!
every freaking time i call them, they give me this B.S excuss, "we waiting on parts".
and when i asked them when will parts arrive?
they said "we have no idea"
WTF! no idea? they are the freaking manufacturer and they have no idea??
ok, HTC made the phone, all they have to do is call and ask htc!
instead of giving me this BS excuss everytime "we waiting on parts" and "we have no idea"!
so i told them to send back my freaking phone! haha
i should get it back in 5 days.
Thank you Sony Ericsson, u just lost yourself a customer forever!

Have you used the dedicated support for the X1i?

mkouk said:
Have you used the dedicated support for the X1i?
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it' a hardware issue. X1 unable to charge battery. they give me RMA to send for repair. but those scum artist dont give a ****! "waiting on parts" every week. and "we have no idea" when parts arrive??

Did you get a X1i or X1a?

emuneee said:
Did you get a X1i or X1a?
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X1a from
everyweek those scum artists said "waiting on parts" and "we have no idea" when parts arrive.
i bet in 2 months or 3 months, those scum artists is stilling saying the samething "waiting on parts".
so i told them just send back my freaking phone!
i should get it in 5 days.


Were you satisfied with SE's service after replacing/repairing your X1?

So I've been reading the "let us file a complain to SE..." thread lately cuz guess phone developed a crack.
Anyway, I did see that some people have been getting "reconditioned units" that look worse than the ones they already have.
So, how many of you guys have had problems with the service offered by SE/Authorized dealers?
Really interested in this poll, since I just let my X1 to an authorized center...
However, I must admit that I am really unsatisfied with the repai time: they told me that I have to wait 15 working days! Man, what was the premium price for?!
I sent my phone in Tuesday and they still haven't received the phone even though the service center is 35miles away from here...
Add 3-5 working days to get my phone fixed plus another week to get my phone I think I'm there as well
I got back the same phone after I sent it in for a software glitch that I failed repairing myself. It got back in exactly the same condition and earlier than I had thought.
My X1's screen started blacking out when slid open, so I reluctantly sent it in, having heard a lot about cracked plastics and scratched battery covers.
I got it back in just 3 days, which is apparently unusual even for SE service here. No extra scratches or damage.
Oh, and they didn't notice the Hard-SPL...
Well - i got my replacement through vodafone so it doesnt really count
Reading some of the Dutch Forums (e.g., the average time is 6 weeks for Netherlands. Some poor guy waited 19 weeks.
That's almost HALF A YEAR.
Mine had stylus crack, battery crack, chipped case in three places.
4 weeks since I sent it in, and counting..
How is that possible???
Jeez man...4 weeks? How is it that you haven't killed them already?
If I don't have it by the end of next week I'm gonna drive there myself and have a talk with them...
wow....this is pathetic.
some of the buttons arent working smoothly these days..which means i am screwed if i send it for repair
seems im d only one wit a good story bout this..i got my phone back like 4 days
I sent my x1 to service because left-right buttons plus all other front buttons and touchpad were getting dead.i have to wait 15 min and reset phone 5 or 10 times to get device normal.f*ck sake!i am on contract with my service provider.they said i must wait minimum 2weeks just for answer REPAIR or Change.afterwards i must wait another 2weeks for repair or get new unit.i am gonna have big fight with SE.i am very disapointed.i am not gonna buy any other sony products even sony movies films
I went to a Vodafone store with repair service. Somehow they are authorized to repair phones for warranty. I only had to show my phone, they ordered the parts and they texted me when they received the parts. Then I could wait for it on location while they repaired my phone. I think that's a great service but it's more thanks to Vodafone. I live in the Netherlands, The Hague.
MAkS1 said:
I went to a Vodafone store with repair service. Somehow they are authorized to repair phones for warranty. I only had to show my phone, they ordered the parts and they texted me when they received the parts. Then I could wait for it on location while they repaired my phone. I think that's a great service but it's more thanks to Vodafone. I live in the Netherlands, The Hague.
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Hmmm, yes, so:
- SE repair service sucks
- Vodafone is great
But I really think that 4weeks is the maxiimum amout of time I would wait for a repair, not just a phone repair but whatever else. Never experienced a repair time longer than 4 weeks, and I would have been really upset hearing about 19 weeks!!!
But what about the repaired phone? Apart from Vodafone people, in ehat condition were your "new" phone? can you be more verbose than the poll?
MAkS1 said:
I went to a Vodafone store with repair service. Somehow they are authorized to repair phones for warranty. I only had to show my phone, they ordered the parts and they texted me when they received the parts. Then I could wait for it on location while they repaired my phone. I think that's a great service but it's more thanks to Vodafone. I live in the Netherlands, The Hague.
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Hmmm, u were lucky. This is what the Netherlands is like most of the time Mine was out of contract, but the problem is not the shop I went through in Rotterdam - been getting my phones from them for a few years now. I suspect it's the guys in NL who bought the service contract from Sony.
[email protected] said:
But what about the repaired phone? Apart from Vodafone people, in ehat condition were your "new" phone? can you be more verbose than the poll?
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Perfectly repaired, but unfortunately now, a month later, I have 3 cracks. The parts are in so I have to go to the store again. I don't want to go to the store twice every month...
I brought my phone to an SE Service Center around my Corner. The Display shaked a little. I brought it in on the 7.5.09
Those guys sent the phone to the Xperia guys. Seems that only some people can fix it.
Well, I have not got it back yet. :-(
So I called the Xperia line. The told me, that they did not received it yet...
But the guy was friendly. He is now starting to find my phone. We will see what happens.
SONYERICSSON or a Network Provider???
Come on, in order for this poll to have any impact or make any sense, it should include at least WHICH Country and if SE direct or through a Service/Network Provider! Otherwise its just hot air!
I waited 5/6 weeks for my replacement to arrive aftre the sound went completely.
After SE took delivery initially I received an email to let me know it had arrived. Then nothing for a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks and so on and so on.
The tracking website was never updated and I never received emails updating me on the progress. I phoned them all the time.
After 5/6 weeks I received a refurbished phone which [TBH] is in better condition than the phone I sent for repair, no consolation really.
Yea...WHAT tracking site? They never even acknowledged the fact that they received it. I had to phone today, to find out they got it on Friday. Even though I ASKED to be informed when they would actually get it...nada.
Anyway, when I talked to the representative and told him I want my phone repaired not replaced (because mine is scratch free and in perfect condition otherwise) he was like..."OH...we'll see what we can do"
People, how hard is to replace a back cover???
But I suppose it's good business taking good scratch free phones and replacing them with "functionally equivalent" but with cosmetic damaged ones...
The poll specifies SE Service.
And how many countried would you have included in the poll?
In my opinion, in makes no relevance what country you are in (even though I KNOW there are big differences between SE service centers). SE Service is a global thing, having an international warranty (at least European for me) so in my opinion the quality of their services should be viewed as a whole.
I for one bought my phone in France but since I'm doing an internship in the UK I sent it to Banbury.
So I do think the poll does make sense and I give thanks to all who have voted/will vote and who told me their SE related stories.
I got a global warranty card with my phone but it wasn't much help when my screen died. It is supposed to be a vip service for X1 owners where you can get a replacement phone the same day at any SE service center. Not quite. If you're in a place where they don't sell it, don't expect SE in your home country to send one to the service center you're visiting, they will not, period. And if you look close at the support site there's a somewhat hidden page that shows country by country what is (not-) available.
I shipped it off with fedex to the dealer, who said they will send one in return asap if I paid the courier. It cost me about 100 usd. When they received it, they changed their mind and said they needed the original box and booklets... and they couldn't just replace the phone (ten days since I bought it) and let me send the stuff when I returned home. Cheers...
That said, when I could deliver the box I got a new phone right away from the dealer. SE had no desire to help at all.
I don't like buying phones from operators, rather be free to choose who bills me for the calls, but if the operators service team are better at customer care, I may just do that next time.

My email to HTC about dust under my screen etc..

Hi, I had my Nexus One for about 4 weeks when I discovered dust under the screen. I rang the service centre who said because my phone was over 2 weeks old I couldn’t have a replacement only a repair. I sent it in for repair and it came back a week later.
I checked the phone over and it looked fine. Then 3 days later I noticed that the dust had come back again. Naturally I was very unhappy as the repair was obviously not carried out correctly or there was a fault with phone.
I then contacted the service department again to tell them I was very unhappy with the repair and what could I do to escalate the issue. I was told by Lee after he had spoken to an escalations manager that I could have a doorstep exchange. That was supposed to happen on the Wednesday.
I waited in all day for the replacement and it never arrived. I rang the service department again to ask where my phone was and was told that a doorstep exchange was not available in the UK and should not have been promised to me. They said that I had to send the phone in again for repair. I explained to them that I was not happy with the service I was getting and that I wanted to take it further. All they could offer was to have the phone looked at again and see if they could replace it.
So I sent it in again for repair and after they had had it for 4 days I rang to see what was happening as I had heard nothing. I was told that I could have a brand new replacement phone and I would receive it Friday. It came Friday and I was happier now I had a phone without dust under the screen. That was until I used it when the lighting in the room was low. I then noticed that the soft key lights were not illuminating. I really could not believe this from a supposedly brand new phone.
So yet again I rang the service department explained my problem to Sebastian and he said that the service I had received was not good enough and he would pass it onto his escalations manager and that he would ring me Monday morning which is today. He didn’t ring Dominic did and said that my phone would have to go for repair again.
At this stage I am now that fed up with the whole thing I could not be bothered arguing anymore, as over the weekend the phone had got dust under the screen just like my last one had. So today I am sending my phone in again. It also means that the service centre has had the phone longer in their possession than I have had since owning it.
I like the phone just not the quality of the build of it and also the outcome of service from the service centre.
I would like someone to contact me and explain why I have had so many problems and also insurance that I will have a working phone eventually.
johnboywilson said:
Hi, i had my Nexus One for about 4 weeks when i discovered dust under the screen. I rang the service centre who said because my phone was over 2 weeks old i couldnt have a replacement only a repair. I sent it in for repair and it came back a week later. I checked the phone over and it looked fine. Then 3 days later i noticed that the dust had come back again. Naturally i was very unhappy as the repair was obviously not carried out correctly or there was a fault with phone. I then contacted the service department again to tell them i was very unhappy with the repair and what could i do to escalate the issue. I was told by Lee after he had spoken to an esculations manager that i could have a doorstep exchange. That was supposed to happen on the Wednesday. I waited in all day for the replacement and it never arrived. I rang the service department again to ask where my phone was and was told that a doorstep exchange was not available in the UK and should not have been promised to me. They said that i had to send the phone in again for repair. I explained to them that i was not happy with the service i was getting and that i wanted to take it furthur. All they could offer was to have the phone looked at again and see if they could replace it. So i sent it in again for repair and after they had had it for 4 days i rang to see what was happening as i had heard nothing. I was told that i could have a brand new replacement phone and i would receive it Friday. It came Friday and i was happier now i had a phone without dust under the screen. That was until i used it when the lighting in the room was low. I then noticed that the soft key lights were not illuminating. I really could not believe this from a supposedley brand new phone. So yet again i rang the service department explained my problem to Sebastian and he said that the service i had received was not good enough and he would pass it onto his escalations manager and that he would ring me Monday morning which is today. He didnt ring Dominic did and said that my phone would have to go for repair again. At this stage i am now that fed up with the whole thing i could not be bothered arguing anymore, as over the weekend the phone had got dust under the screen just like my last one had. So today i am sending my phone in again. It also means that the service centre has had the phone longer in their possession than i have had since owning it.
I like the phone just not the quality of the build of it and also the outcome of service from the service centre.
I would like someone to contact me and explain why i have had so many problems and also an insurance that i will have a working phone eventually.
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HOLY SH!!!!!!
Ever heard of PARAGRAPHS?
Im sorry to hear this bro :-( that's sad how customer service was handled very poorly. That's one heck of a luck you got.
@Paul LOL you think after all this guy has been through, he cares bout paragraphs? I probably be typing with CAPS.
Paul22000 said:
HOLY SH!!!!!!
Ever heard of PARAGRAPHS?
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haha agreed... i had to follow along with a finger..
in any note.. my debacle is this... had everyone gotten the N1 for say the upgrade price of 179, would there be as much commotion over things. I think part of the unhappiness comes from spending so much on such a fine piece of tech. Dont get me wrong i agree with the OP 100% and would be just as ticked off, but I think that there comes a time when it is fine to say, screw this, just tell me what I need to do in order to make you guys work for my benefit.
let us know how the situation pans out.
you are not the only one here... i got dust, and sent to be replaced. then, the same one came back.. whats worse, the phone rattled. so, i sent it back for refund. heard nothing from them during the following 10 days after the delivery was made. i called back. they told me the phone was lost. FTW. the only solution they have now is ESCALATION...
Still waiting..
Hope you get a resolution soon.
Just out of info where are you returning the phone to? Are the service centres in the UK?
Sorry it was paragraphed in my original email. Had to copy and paste into note pad and forget to check it before posting.
I really only posted to see if anyone else had as many issues as i did.
Yes i could very nearly have typed it all in CAPITAL LETTERS!!! I was mad..
redmongoose said:
Hope you get a resolution soon.
Just out of info where are you returning the phone to? Are the service centres in the UK?
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Yes UK Milton Keynes.
palosjr said:
haha agreed... i had to follow along with a finger..
in any note.. my debacle is this... had everyone gotten the N1 for say the upgrade price of 179, would there be as much commotion over things. I think part of the unhappiness comes from spending so much on such a fine piece of tech. Dont get me wrong i agree with the OP 100% and would be just as ticked off, but I think that there comes a time when it is fine to say, screw this, just tell me what I need to do in order to make you guys work for my benefit.
let us know how the situation pans out.
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Yes this is the first time i have bought a phone out of conract.
Maybe i have learnt a lesson!
w00yee said:
you are not the only one here... i got dust, and sent to be replaced. then, the same one came back.. whats worse, the phone rattled. so, i sent it back for refund. heard nothing from them during the following 10 days after the delivery was made. i called back. they told me the phone was lost. FTW. the only solution they have now is ESCALATION...
Still waiting..
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Oh crickey, i feel a little better now reading your post..
Do you by any chqnce have a picture of the dust under the screen? Id really like to see what this is all about
Check here:
johnboywilson said:
Hi, i had my Nexus One for about 4 weeks when i discovered dust under the screen....
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Holly sh..* I would start to hate this phone ..actually, after that I don´t even dare to search for any dust .....
JoshHart said:
Do you by any chqnce have a picture of the dust under the screen? Id really like to see what this is all about
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Its away for repair again!
w00yee said:
you are not the only one here... i got dust, and sent to be replaced. then, the same one came back.. whats worse, the phone rattled. so, i sent it back for refund. heard nothing from them during the following 10 days after the delivery was made. i called back. they told me the phone was lost. FTW. the only solution they have now is ESCALATION...
Still waiting..
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I'd be disputing the purchase charge with my card issuer if I were you!
I had a similar issue. i tried purchasing aNexus with my Paypal Card but since it was over $500, it was declined by paypal since i had some limitations!
then i used my bank accounts debit card and tried to purchase the phone again, the shopping cart showed me 1 Nexus one phone. very good, i went through with the purchase and a few hours later i receive an automatic email stating the first purchase has been re initiated since the card was changed.
So now i had purchased 2 phone after various emails and complains, the only solution they told me was to send one of them back without opening it. and so i did. a max of 14 days was expected for the refund.
i called Several times in between those days ad said the payment should be coming soon, 16 days passed and nothing so i called again and sent google and email and i received a refund of $521 and not the $560 i paid. i emailed google and told them that the item was never opened and they told me i would get charged for restocking fees either and that it was never my fault to have purchased 2 phones rather than one.........
2 weeks later i receive the remaining refund of $40. a total of 1 month to get everything settled and i AM NOT RICH TO HAVE $600 taken for that long of a time.....
Not to mention, the other phone which i kept had the dust issue too, sent it back and received a brand new one cuz it was under the 14 days. but it had the same dust issue too. i just decided to keep it and every once in a while i get a piece of computer paper or note cards and clean it with it! YUP! thats what i do. UGhhhhh
Rusty! said:
I'd be disputing the purchase charge with my card issuer if I were you!
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Well thats another story which i dare not go into
minogue said:
I had a similar issue. i tried purchasing aNexus with my Paypal Card but since it was over $500, it was declined by paypal since i had some limitations!
then i used my bank accounts debit card and tried to purchase the phone again, the shopping cart showed me 1 Nexus one phone. very good, i went through with the purchase and a few hours later i receive an automatic email stating the first purchase has been re initiated since the card was changed.
So now i had purchased 2 phone after various emails and complains, the only solution they told me was to send one of them back without opening it. and so i did. a max of 14 days was expected for the refund.
i called Several times in between those days ad said the payment should be coming soon, 16 days passed and nothing so i called again and sent google and email and i received a refund of $521 and not the $560 i paid. i emailed google and told them that the item was never opened and they told me i would get charged for restocking fees either and that it was never my fault to have purchased 2 phones rather than one.........
2 weeks later i receive the remaining refund of $40. a total of 1 month to get everything settled and i AM NOT RICH TO HAVE $600 taken for that long of a time.....
Not to mention, the other phone which i kept had the dust issue too, sent it back and received a brand new one cuz it was under the 14 days. but it had the same dust issue too. i just decided to keep it and every once in a while i get a piece of computer paper or note cards and clean it with it! YUP! thats what i do. UGhhhhh
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Oh god im hearing some stories now ive posted this!
I have another story regarding the buying of it which is also a nightmare

not released in Canada!!!

So my X2 died completely about 2 months ago. I went to the store where I got it to find out that they have no refund/return policy. The guy promised to send it back to Hong Kong,,, but I doubt that he ever even sent it (no paperwork..nothing). And then he says it's LCD issue and I have to pay $150 ... sounds fishy, doesn't it? Anyway, I went to Flextronics in Newmarket and they can't do anything because it's not a Canadian model and it's never been released here!!! kill me now!!!
So what the heck do I do now? Any help/suggestions? Can I send it anywhere?
Or just forget it, curse SE and recycle this piece of ****?
well basically SE X2 is a luxury phone and it should have internationall warranty
if you baought this phone with papers from that shop you should really sue that guy
if not maybe if you better describe the fault we can help you
have you tried calling SE Support line to get some knoledge about where u could reapair it near you?
mrqro said:
well basically SE X2 is a luxury phone and it should have internationall warranty
if you baought this phone with papers from that shop you should really sue that guy
if not maybe if you better describe the fault we can help you
have you tried calling SE Support line to get some knoledge about where u could reapair it near you?
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There is nothing to describe really. I did hard reset bc you know X2 is a living hell and in the middle of it, it just turned off. The light doesn't flash when charging, doesn't turn's just dead
I contacted the SE Canada. They said I have to send it to US bc X2 is a Grey Market phone and cannot be fixed in Canada. And the service costs $185 + I have to give them US address to ship it back
So much for the luxury phone with international warranty. FML! Never ever buying SE again!!!!!!
Lerka said:
So my X2 died completely about 2 months ago. I went to the store where I got it to find out that they have no refund/return policy. The guy promised to send it back to Hong Kong,,, but I doubt that he ever even sent it (no paperwork..nothing). And then he says it's LCD issue and I have to pay $150 ... sounds fishy, doesn't it? Anyway, I went to Flextronics in Newmarket and they can't do anything because it's not a Canadian model and it's never been released here!!! kill me now!!!
So what the heck do I do now? Any help/suggestions? Can I send it anywhere?
Or just forget it, curse SE and recycle this piece of ****?
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Dude this happened to me as well, and se replaced it for me for free. Yes they gave me a new phone, which was another x2.
You should contact se themselves and explain for them the problem. They will ask you for the invoice and IDME number, after that you just need to wait for a while, maybe 2- 3 weeks and they should ship you your new phone.
The very cool thing about xperia phones is that they have an international warranty so you should take the advantage of such thing.
Basharca said:
Dude this happened to me as well, and se replaced it for me for free. Yes they gave me a new phone, which was another x2.
You should contact se themselves and explain for them the problem. They will ask you for the invoice and IDME number, after that you just need to wait for a while, maybe 2- 3 weeks and they should ship you your new phone.
The very cool thing about xperia phones is that they have an international warranty so you should take the advantage of such thing.
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I called SE Canada and they said I have to ship to US service centre but if they can't fix it they won't give me new phone, I asked.
Where did you call?

Xperia Warranty Service is a joke

Ok, my story with Z3 Compact ended not even started.
Yes, I got lucky and my screen cracked on itself without any force.
And it looked well as sony accepted the phone in US service center even though it was bought in UK.
That's where fun part stops.
First joke is a turn around time. 14 business day for a simple repair. that is at least 3 weeks! Who can wait phone that long?
That means I have to buy a new one and send sony to ebay when and if I got it repaired.
My guess is that people would buy anything else than xperia they just got broken.
What a stupid way to loose customers. Apple store would replace phone in store or take little time to resolve issue for example.
So after 16 business days I called just to hear that part is on back-order with NO ETA!
Also I was told that its not US phone so I should not even expect it to be ready soon.
Nice Sony! Good way to treat your loyal customers.
Seems like my first and last xperia phone unfortunately....
So if you still deciding ... Look at the other phones, that are more rigid or at least have a proper warranty service for 2014.
SonyXperia US has much to catch up.
Sucks man. My screen hasn't cracked yet but if it does this will definitely be my last Sony product.
I hope it won't. I am ok with stuff breaking as soon as you have a good service to get out of the situation.
Sony did not make that easy. The worst part is that there are no more good compact phones around except of iphone and galaxy alpha. which are worse than z3c in many ways.
Sucks that you're phone-less for so long, although Sony is fixing it despite being bought in the UK, which is more than they're doing for some people. Maybe the fact that it's a UK model is why they're not treating the repair with more urgency.
Other than Apple, which other phone manufacturer will instantly replace an unlocked phone as part of the warranty? Normally this is handled through carriers or (if you're lucky) the authorized retailer, but even they usually don't offer the same instant service as Apple. It's why Apple stuff costs so much. Well, that and the fact that iSheep will blindly pay for anything Apple :laugh:
pipspeak said:
Sucks that you're phone-less for so long, although Sony is fixing it despite being bought in the UK, which is more than they're doing for some people. Maybe the fact that it's a UK model is why they're not treating the repair with more urgency.
Other than Apple, which other phone manufacturer will instantly replace an unlocked phone as part of the warranty? Normally this is handled through carriers or (if you're lucky) the authorized retailer, but even they usually don't offer the same instant service as Apple. It's why Apple stuff costs so much. Well, that and the fact that iSheep will blindly pay for anything Apple :laugh:
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For samsung, sony and all other manufacturers even if you pay premium price like note 4 for $700 and xperia Z3 $650 you get ****ty service. You wont get instant replacements what so ever.. No proper estimated ship dates, No proper customer support, No Earbuds bundled is what we pay for and seems you enjoy it more
demon_xxi said:
Ok, my story with Z3 Compact ended not even started.
Yes, I got lucky and my screen cracked on itself without any force.
And it looked well as sony accepted the phone in US service center even though it was bought in UK.
That's where fun part stops.
First joke is a turn around time. 14 business day for a simple repair. that is at least 3 weeks! Who can wait phone that long?
That means I have to buy a new one and send sony to ebay when and if I got it repaired.
My guess is that people would buy anything else than xperia they just got broken.
What a stupid way to loose customers. Apple store would replace phone in store or take little time to resolve issue for example.
So after 16 business days I called just to hear that part is on back-order with NO ETA!
Also I was told that its not US phone so I should not even expect it to be ready soon.
Nice Sony! Good way to treat your loyal customers.
Seems like my first and last xperia phone unfortunately....
So if you still deciding ... Look at the other phones, that are more rigid or at least have a proper warranty service for 2014.
SonyXperia US has much to catch up.
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feel your pain, going through the same thing:
was really glad sony USA would do warranty repair for my phone.. although 14 business day turnaround time seemed like a lot (3 full weeks regularly), but ok. they never emailed me to say they received it - no emails for anything in fact. i had to chat with them to confirm they had received it. and then they returned it to me in about a week - shipped it out in under a week, actually. although i wouldn't have known it had i not seen the 2nd delivery attempt notice on my door. had they emailed me, i would've been looking out for it and had it a few days sooner.
all that's fine, it's their stipulated process and timing, i just could have used some communication throughout. but then comes the icing on the cake. they removed the SIM tray from the phone and sent it back to me without it. so my phone is useless as a phone for a week now, and i'm still waiting to get a replacement or hear anything about it. they've stopped responding to my daily follow-up emails.. the latest response i got had an order number of some kind but no idea where i can put it to check status (it's no retail order number or anything). no tracking. just a blurb that it may take 14 business days to send out a SIM tray to me. and here i thought when i called they'd be like "oh sh*t, we'll get one right out to you asap". but i had to go through this RMA process a second time in order for them to send this to me. i've now owned the phone for 6 weeks, and only 3 of those have i been able to use it. first experience with sony not going so well.
mohlsen8 said:
feel your pain, going through the same thing:
was really glad sony USA would do warranty repair for my phone.. although 14 business day turnaround time seemed like a lot (3 full weeks regularly), but ok. they never emailed me to say they received it - no emails for anything in fact. i had to chat with them to confirm they had received it. and then they returned it to me in about a week - shipped it out in under a week, actually. although i wouldn't have known it had i not seen the 2nd delivery attempt notice on my door. had they emailed me, i would've been looking out for it and had it a few days sooner.
all that's fine, it's their stipulated process and timing, i just could have used some communication throughout. but then comes the icing on the cake. they removed the SIM tray from the phone and sent it back to me without it. so my phone is useless as a phone for a week now, and i'm still waiting to get a replacement or hear anything about it. they've stopped responding to my daily follow-up emails.. the latest response i got had an order number of some kind but no idea where i can put it to check status (it's no retail order number or anything). no tracking. just a blurb that it may take 14 business days to send out a SIM tray to me. and here i thought when i called they'd be like "oh sh*t, we'll get one right out to you asap". but i had to go through this RMA process a second time in order for them to send this to me. i've now owned the phone for 6 weeks, and only 3 of those have i been able to use it. first experience with sony not going so well.
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Haha and they wonder why their sales are falling..
i bought their protection plan for $50.. 2 years covered and they will send me a loaner asap when i send my phone in for repair.
radiohead14 said:
i bought their protection plan for $50.. 2 years covered and they will send me a loaner asap when i send my phone in for repair.
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where did you get that for $50? online it says 79?
sravanz said:
where did you get that for $50? online it says 79?
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employee discount :good:
Where can I get the plan for at least 79? Can I get in in USA for phone I got from Clove?
I'm willing to pay for the plan as soon as it has accidental damage coverage. This is better than going with 3rd party warranty coverage.
Fond here
It says $59.99 + tax I assume.
Will check tomorrow if I can get it for the phone that already went to the service.
Really had no idea that sony has these extra plans for phones.
From my previous experience I had AHD warranty for 3yrs for my laptop from Sony Japan and they easily fixed all issues with shipment around the week even when there was a disaster going in Japan few years back. Japan service worked like a clock. They would also fix issues that I did not report. Just to replace components with fresh ones.
U guys are complaining because it took a week to get a phone not warranted in the usa to be fixed for free.... Try samsung or any unlocked, non apple phone and youll beg to go back to sony.
Oh and apple makes you pay for out of warranty repairs anyway. Like cracked screens.
The biggest joke is the screen cracked by itself. What's this Sony?
i had the back glass crack by itself here in the uk, sony repaired the device for free under warranty.1 week turn around time.
Just as a heads up, most decent credit cards give you an additional year of warrenty (on items costing up to $500) on purchases made with the card. This includes SonyRewards, which also provides 90 days accidental damage protection on purchases up to $500.
When I had a Samsung S4 Active I sent it twice for warranty repair. 2 weeks was normal turn around. Quit complaining.
Just to cool down the drama I see a UPS notification today that my phone is coming home.
I still think that 3 weeks is too much for screen repair. It takes less than a hour to replace it.
It would be ok if I have to wait 3 weeks for TV or Vacuum cleaner but its hard to survive without daily driver as a phone.
Good that I have dozens phones at home to use as a replacement, most people don't. I'm just saying that this is the way for Sony to loose customers.
For most it is better to go to Apple Store, PAY and get it fixed asap than look for a replacement phone, PAY for shipment and wait ... IMHO
Where Sony could improve even with current approach is bring more transparency and feedback. They have not notified me about receiving the phone nor about the backorder delays.
The simplest check my RMA status page would help a lot. I guess it is much more expensive to have staff answering phone calls and chat about RMA status. And all they can say - in progress or yes/no received.
The other way to improve is to start using quality glass and make more durable back for the phones
Meanwhile I started considering LG G2 or Nexus5 as a possible alternative. They are pretty old but still excellent phones. Also fragile though but less.
I feel your pain. I dropped my z3 compact here in the uk and cracked my screen. I sent it off to Sony mobile repair company in the uk and they said that it would take 14 days to come back. They quoted me £97.30 for the repair which is ok I guess, I mean i did drop it. After about a week thee website said that they had diagnosed the phone and it needed a new screen (genius) but that part was out of stock. What kind of repair service doesn't have replacement screens in stock, nice one Sony, how is this your official repairer?
I then found out that I had phone insurance through my work and for £50 I could get a new phone. So I decided to contact the repairer to cancel my repair and get my broken phone back. Despite ringing the repairer numerous times they wouldn't send it back even though every time I spoke to them they said it was in the process of being done. After 10 days I decided to contact Sony customer support and to be fair to them they got it sorted and had my phone back 4 days later. So i get a new z3 compact from my insurance company, and guess what the new phone's battery is ****ed. It drains like 25% every three hours and cant make it through a single day. So I'm back onto Sony and they say it needs to go off for repair. Yep, brilliant so i can wait another 10 days for you to tell me you don't have any parts in stock. So frustrating.
Blimey mate that's rough
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My experience with HTC tech service

So as you can guess from my sig. I have been using HTC's before smartphones were a thing (I swear I'm not that old!)
So when my HTC one got the purple camera issue I became upset, maybe their quality had dropped? I called the customer support 15 months after purchase to get it replaced, the CS lady was nice (and Canadian ) she emailed a prepaid label and I sent it out to Texas for a device swap. Granted my screen had a crack in it but I still sent it in for repair since the camera would not be affected by it. Anyways, since I was out of warranty I did get an email about having to pay $90 to get it repaired, I was assured by the tech before that I would not be paying for the issue but the repair center clearly did not communicate with the tech guys. After calling and having them prove that I actually bought the phone I was told that the swap would not done since there weren't any M7 phones left in inventory
Now this is about day 20 without a phone, I was using my flip phone from 2005 :silly: and clearly had it with HTC, I complained on their twitter about being a loyal customer and would not buy their future products then 2 days later I get an email with a shipping label that my phone was being shipped. Finally, 25 days later ( I was told its a 7 days thing) I get a new phone with a new ESN, screen was not cracked with perfect working camera!:good:
If someone from HTC is reading this, you have be back as a customer but please communicate better next time about the status of my phone, thanks
ninten5 said:
So as you can guess from my sig. I have been using HTC's before smartphones were a thing (I swear I'm not that old!)
Now this is about day 20 without a phone, I was using my flip phone from 2005 :silly: and clearly had it with HTC,
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Only 20 days and you were stuck with a flip phone from 2005? I can beat that record
My first smartphone was a HTC Qtek S200 released late in 2005 that I paid $695.00 (CA) for and was so rare people would stop to ask me about it if I was in a restaurant and had it on the table.. It had a three year warranty back then. The speaker died and they fixed it no problem
About three months before the warranty ran out the speaker again broke so I sent it in to get fixed but it wasn't 20 days it was almost two full months before I got it back. The worst part was when I got it back it was DOA :crying: Wouldn't even start.
I complained of course (in a very nice way as I am Canadian LOL) but as the phone was so old they couldn't replace it as they didn't even have any. To the credit of HTC a very nice lady emailed me to try and work something out. I actually still have her skype contact as we chatted over skype a few times.
Before the phone had even been released they offered me a free unopened brand new gold box (gold box versions are pre-retail and are used as full working demos before a phone is released) of the HTC Touch Cruise. The gold box versions were going for around $725 on ebay at that time as the phone hadn't even been released yet.
They screwed up taking two months to fix my phone and then sending it out DOA but I was blown away by their offer to give me a free pre-release phone not even on the market yet.
It was a good investment on their part. I have never bought a smartphone unless it is made by HTC since then.
