optimal screenrotation for x1 - XPERIA X1 General

Hi everybody,
i am very happy with my x1 instead of one little thing. The problem I have is, that the rotationspeed of the x1 is better than everything I xperienced ^^ before but it suck in the today screen combined with SPB . It resize every time. I would like to ask if it is possible to disable it in the today screen or how do you feel about the screen rotation of the x1 in your "daylife".
Thanks a lot!

it's very hard to understand what you're saying your problem is your happy with the rotation ?

in short, rotation is great, but seems to annoy him when he's using teh TOday Screen with the SPB apps!? is the a way to disable screenroation for the Today screen.
in short: "Nope"
u can just disable it for teh Whole phone. not just for 1 app

You can disable the rotation ? How ?

Yeah, i allready thought something like this ...
i tried to disable autoscreenrotation with a taskmanager and try to disable a device caled MIS1 or s.th. like that.... but the rotation is still enabled =(.


Automatic lock device

Hello, me does not know how to too much or put that then I puts it here.
I look for an application for locked automatically the device at the end of defined time.
Kind S2U but widely lighter which makes only the locking as when we rest on locked which is has the origin present in WM.
Thank you.
go to start > settings > Today and select Device lock..now return to today screen and you will notice Device Lock...enjoy
This method is not automatic... and we cannot adjust the time
See my post on FM lol !
I saw but it does not work
I would like something like this too. S2U actually keeps my sbp time from working correctly (mutes sound.....which for alarms kinda defeats the purpose)
S2U is too heavy to a lot of level (RAM, battery...)
try these mini S2U analogs. They're pretty small.
mini S2U analogs?? What is it?
Here is mini S2U2.
Hi, I personally use a past version of s2u2 called Slide and I launch with batterystatus everytime the screen turned off. That method allow recover the RAM used for the Slide because this program isnt run in background.

Automatically change screen orientation...

Hi all, there's a way to automatically change the screen orientation when i open a determined program?
I'm not asking something like gravity sensor, only an automatic way to rotate the screen when lauching a program, i think there may be a program wich can do that, but i can't find it...
Does anyone know something about it?
Thanks and excuse me for my bad english.
yes, i saw that function in tess + sp, its working with a mortscript for rotating the screen before running the program and geting it back to normal after the program finishes.
U can also use Wisbar Advanced Desktop (WAD) its a great soft with some many customizations !
I used MortScript, WAD is not free as i can see, and i need only the rotation, not the "shell" :\

Disable rotation on phone screen

Dear All
I own a Blackstone with dutty 3.9 rom, WM6.1
I disabled Manila, I have few applications running.
I have a strange behaviour: the screen which is the active one when I start a phone call, always rotates. I dislike it. I wish it stays on on vertical position.
What I have done?
Installed changeScreen_conf and tried several settings (the prone windows process seems to be called "cprog").
I have added cprog in the "exception" list > no way to remove rotation of the phone screen...
Installed G-Config and tried to remove any application which seems related to rotation in phone: no result.
Installed HD Tweak and put sensitivy for "rotation" at lowest level > no improvements..
What can I do next?
What I am doing wrong here?
Thanks and waiting
Shall I try another rotation application whihc can really influence the behaviour of phone screen?
Thanks and waiting
I don't have that ROM, but Gyrator 2 works a charm on my relatively stock HD. Search the +120 replies on the Gyrator 2 thread and it explains how to solve that exact problem. Mind you a playing with Gyrator for a few mins and you'll figure it out yourself.
Thanks a lot S4, I will give a try.
Do you believe i should unitstall first "changeScreen" and any other related rotation application G-config? One of them is embedded in the ROM (G-Config)
Thanks a lot!
No need to have duplicate rotation apps as this will only confuse your device, especially if they have different settings. Uninstall one & reset device before installing another

Rotate screen counter-clockwise

Hi ppz,
Tried to search the following question on the forum, but didn't succeed.
Does anyone know, if possible, to turn the screen counter-clockwise for the fixed landscape apps, particularly the youtube player. You know, so that the volume buttons are on top and the softkeys left.
I rather prefer a registry solution above programs like zensor or gyrator because it's not g-sensor related.
greetz, bobby
Ow yeah, and a happy new jear to all of yah!
Nobody knows? (bump)
Try using a tweak or settings program (like advanced configuration tool 3.3) ?
I thought I had the solution but didn't... sorry I misread the question.
Hi Bobby,
Try ChangeScreen - v2.78.
It works for me.
thnx for the replies.
@ denniske, thnx for the link, looks like a great app, especially the bug fix for the title bar! I'm gonna use this.
But I still expierence probs on youtube with this program. The button layout gets stuck and the movie shrinks to half size or when in full size it falls half out of screen... How are your preferences in that app?
Hi BobbyV
Use this thread:

Rotate screen using G Sensor

Hi all,
I am using for the moment G10 Rom, wich is very good for me (at least for now, )... anyway, I used to use the Xanny's ROM's wich has rotation enabled and after installing Max Manilla and enabling rotation from MaxManilla's settings screen, rotation actually worked in almost all menus and applications (I actualy needed to erase a reg key to stop in call screen from rotating because it had a small bug)... Anyway, Now i use G10 Rom and max manilla ofcourse, but I can not rotate my screen using the G sensor, can anyone tell me what do i need to do to make it work ?
Thank you very much and please excuse my poor English language...
Well.... anyone ?
Have you tried Changescreen, gyrator, Flipit etc......try searching for these in apps/software forum

