Theme Creation in Spb/TFLO - XPERIA X1 General

This is for those of you that have made themes, or know how to make themes in Spb or TouchFLO. I'm looking for a detailed process as to what files get changed, and where they get changed, in order to create themes for these interfaces. I tried a search and got crap results, so I'm sorry if this has been posted elsewhere already.
While I still don't personally have an X1, I would like to make a nice Theme Creator-type program similar to the good ol' Sony Ericsson Theme Creator. Ideally, this would make the process of pushing out new themes as simple as possible, and everyone could have nice, quality themes for their X1.
If, when you post instructions on the theming process, you could attach an example theme, that would help for comparison-debugging as well. Cheers!

there is no theme aditor for TF3D like you want it
Manually select files and replace the images and hope you don't mess up your theme is the only way to go
search for manila editor/m9editor to do so.
good luck

nixx-X1 said:
there is no theme aditor for TF3D like you want it
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You completely misunderstood my post. What I want to do is create the program that lets you edit the themes, and what I was asking for was detailed information on what files need changed, and how they need to be changed.
nixx-X1 said:
Manually select files and replace the images and hope you don't mess up your theme is the only way to go
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This is exactly why I want to write a program for this.

as i have seen until now, theming with spb is very crappy. cant understand while there is no company or programmer that makes something usefull out of our xperias. my last hope for now is the windows mobile 6.5 build...

tarnaman said:
as i have seen until now, theming with spb is very crappy. cant understand while there is no company or programmer that makes something usefull out of our xperias. my last hope for now is the windows mobile 6.5 build...
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I would gladly make such a theming program if someone would tell me how the themes are formatted and structured, what images went where (along with image restrictions, such as their dimensions).
I don't even own an X1, so it's hard to write software for it when I can't really operate on one, but a theming program such as this could run on a generic Windows OS, and create themes to be transferred to the X1, which is very doable if I know what it is I need to make.

aaah.. my bad understanding
as for the TF3D.. there is no real theme you can load it's a compilation of files one can edit.
There are 478 images that can be edited and positioned to get the whole theme look in place. To explain here which goes where and how isn't possible.
What you can do is download itje's full hd cab and extract it.
Then with the mode9editor from 6Fg8 view the files and get to understand the structure.
manila full hd cab
I'd love to help out with the theme creator for TF3D with the SPB i have no experience (didn't like it much).
If you'd want to do it proper I think you'll need to make some kind of emulator for the TF3D interface so you have instant feedback when changing things.

nixx-X1 said:
as for the TF3D.. there is no real theme you can load it's a compilation of files one can edit.
There are 478 images that can be edited and positioned to get the whole theme look in place. To explain here which goes where and how isn't possible.
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I think it would be possible, albeit time-consuming. Is there a different resource which does explain which goes where and how?
Then with the mode9editor from 6Fg8 view the files and get to understand the structure.
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Unfortunately, this alone doesn't help me understand the structure (the mode9 editor seems crash prone and seemingly doesn't understand most of the files in the CAB, and with several BMPs it complains about the headers). I really just need a detailed source of information that says what files get changed, and what they represent (remember also that, since I don't have any phone that can run TF3D personally, I can't go around experimenting with changing files to see what affects what. I need to have a clear documentation of the file structure).

Ofcourse it's possible.. but not for me
Unfortunately I don't have that time
if you check the mode9 files you'll see most of the placement of the qtc files.
The mode9 is actually only for the _manila files.. and yes.. double clicking needs to be prevented
But without a way to test it .. I give you little hope..
Have been searching for weeks for all info one 1 sheet to find my way around.. it's not here to my knowledge.
trail and error is the only way..
but maybe i'm a pessimist
good luck!

Here we go...
Well to change TF3D themes you must edit files called Manila Files. Each file has an image inside it. in some cases (mode9) they stand for actual functions. Once these files are opened, using manila editor, you find the image files. (they are in QTC format). You must then replace "your" image files with the QTC files. This is done with the QTC converter built into manila editor.
Here is where you can download the manila files.
and here is where you can download manila editor:
hope it helps

that 0.2 manila editor is more solid but gives lesser image quality then the mode9editor that is in development now.
but yeah... it doesn't crash

If it helps,
here's a thread that contains a psd file which mapped out the entire manila interface and is easily batchable by the mode9editor.
read before downloading


I have a question to the graphic designers who are "in the know"

im trying to come out with an iphone/cube with the new ultimate launcher that is similar to the release I was going to make on WAD... you can see a preview a few pages back on this thread if you want to see it... the only problem that im having is how to convert torx png icons to ico files... i converted them myself, but i cant get the background on them to stay transparent... if someone can help me out with this... itd be much appreciated... because i will be able to release this design to the public
please help
Which programs have you used?
I remember I once used Microangelo and it worked fine. It's not free, though, and I don't think you can do any batch converting if you have lots of files that needs to be converted.
MTM said:
Which programs have you used?
I remember I once used Microangelo and it worked fine. It's not free, though, and I don't think you can do any batch converting if you have lots of files that needs to be converted.
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yea, thats my problem... i dont think ill need a program like this after this project, so i dont want to have to buy a program... the one i used was "abc" i think it was "advanced batch converter"
but, yes that is crucial... id like to be able to do these all at once... instead of one at a time... i have several different icon packs... akumas icons and the torx icons... if anyone is willing to convert them for me... your efforts will be acknowledged when i release the ul skin...
if anyone can help, id appreciate it... thanks
Ok, then I don't think I can help you
Try "ICOFX" (Freeware) , i made my UL-Cube Icons with it. Converts everything to ico, also "all at once".
bluemetalaxe said:
Try "ICOFX" (Freeware) , i made my UL-Cube Icons with it. Converts everything to ico, also "all at once".
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Please, can you tell me what options did you set in ICOFX to create your icons?
I'm trying to build some in my own but when I upload them into UL the resolution doesn't look so good.

[THE] Andys Halloween theme

Heres my first TF3D theme. I was going to change more of the icons/buttons etc but just didnt have the time....Feel free to make additions to it, you got a month left
If you dont know how to install .theme files search for tf3d config
btw, thx to NisseDILLIGAF for his blood lol
looks great man! i love the icons
Having trouble using this cool theme
I downloaded the file, I unzipped the file, I extracted the file to my PC. I use XP. I copied the extracted file to my phone's internal memory under Pictures and I can't see it when I look for it in my phone.
Also, I can't open it on my PC, it says it's not "a valid theme."
Any suggestions? Total NOOB question, I know, but that's what I am at this point with this phone.
Thanks! Ellen
ellenincolorado said:
I downloaded the file, I unzipped the file, I extracted the file to my PC. I use XP. I copied the extracted file to my phone's internal memory under Pictures and I can't see it when I look for it in my phone.
Also, I can't open it on my PC, it says it's not "a valid theme."
Any suggestions? Total NOOB question, I know, but that's what I am at this point with this phone.
Thanks! Ellen
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You need to change the last part in the name to halloween.theme
And you also need this app TF3D config, to set it as your theme. You'll find it here
Everyone has been a noob in there lifetime this theme, nice little touches like the spider webs behind the program icons, little pumpkins on the favourite people, great icons, grave stones and all...well done...10/10
Glad you liked it
My wife loves this theme on her diamond!
HE HE.....last night I checked my weather and on the full moon clear sky image is now a small witch on a broomstick....brilliant theme....just so fun...
REQUEST....a CHRISTMAS theme....
H3IN3K3N said:
You need to change the last part in the name to halloween.theme
And you also need this app TF3D config, to set it as your theme. You'll find it here
Everyone has been a noob in there lifetime
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Wow. Maybe I'm just cursed but nothing is working. I changed the name of the file as you suggested, still nothing. Windows claims it is not a valid theme file.
Then I downloaded Diamond TF3D Config Setup v0.6.7.CAB per your advice above, and I can't find anything to open THAT file, either.
I had the Instinct prior to this phone and I am afraid the Diamond is waay over my head with regard to tweaks. I sure would like to come up to speed, though. I am using the Sprint issued Diamond with the burgundy flat back. If that makes any difference.
Can anyone help me with this? I want so much to be able to tailor this phone with cool themes, etc.
Thanks! Ellen
i love this theme very much thx for sharing
Absolutely kicks butt! Sprint Diamond users, delete tweak.xml from TF3D folder to make app work.
I love your Theme!
Odd, though, the last number on my clock flips back and forth from old format to new theme. What do you suppose could be causing that?
And I found my installation solutions here: Originally Posted by ellenincolorado
I downloaded the file, I unzipped the file, I extracted the file to my PC. I use XP. I copied the extracted file to my phone's internal memory under Pictures and I can't see it when I look for it in my phone.
Also, I can't open it on my PC, it says it's not "a valid theme."
Any suggestions? Total NOOB question, I know, but that's what I am at this point with this phone.
Thanks! Ellen
You need to change the last part in the name to halloween.theme
And you also need this app TF3D config, to set it as your theme. You'll find it here
Everyone has been a noob in there lifetime
And HERE: Originally Posted by leanne
Using the file explorer in your phone go to:
my device - program files - tf3dconfig/ there should be a file there called tweaks.
Program Files not Programs
WHOOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!! I did it! I mean, you showed me how to do it! I think I was in PROGRAMS not Program FILES. OK, now I have to learn how to use this thing.
Thanks a bunch! Xo ellen
very nice theme
Never mind, I figured it out.
How do I get the background right? I have downloaded the theme but no background unfornately
i have no background, and everything is off center, all the icons, the clock, it's weird
clock question
how do i get the orange background on the clock??? is the back ground is the blue default exept for the number!! help plz =p
great theme
as a nightmare before christmas fan is that the best theme fo me. but is it possible to create a cab only for the tf3d slider icons? i love it and i need it rolleyes:

[SKN] PocketShield - HTC Skin

For PocketShield i tired to make something that matches the diamond interface better. the preview is made in pshop so its not exact, but a general idea. if you like, copy files from zip to /program files/pocketshield/. also includes files for a similar white background. thought i would share, maybe someone can improve it.
thanks my friend!
will try it soon.
ngn4 said:
For PocketShield i tired to make something that matches the diamond interface better. the preview is made in pshop so its not exact, but a general idea. if you like, copy files from zip to /program files/pocketshield/. also includes files for a similar white background. thought i would share, maybe someone can improve it.
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I'll give your skin a try, thanks! But I'm sorry I don't have the skills and tools to improve it..
installed - how do i choose the new skin?
PocketShield 2.1 Skin
I received a message requesting new theme for pocketshield 2. I do not have this version to test, but i think these files should work. i think it is no longer possible to overwrite files after curtains are added, but files included should stop pocketshield adding curtains. before overwriting you first might want to backup original curtain files. File structure should be same as zip file. If there are problems please post and i will try to fix.
seems like its missing the voicemail images? or am i missing something.
could somebody please make a voicemail icon. this is the only thing this theme is missing.

How to resize cab screen resolution?

Hey all, is there any tutorial that shows how to edit cabs to your liking? I want to know is I can edit certain cabs so they look good on my Epix's screen(320x320).
~~Tito~~ said:
Hey all, is there any tutorial that shows how to edit cabs to your liking? I want to know is I can edit certain cabs so they look good on my Epix's screen(320x320).
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You can't edit cabs the way you're wanting to.
You'd need to edit the image files inside the cab (providing they aren't built into the exe or something similar). Then edit any relevant positioning inside reference files like xmls or something similar.
If you don't know graphics and at least some basic coding I wouldn't bother. That said, it's not hard to teach yourself enough to accomplish what you're asking.
Hmmm, I always have a ****ty time resizing any image. . . I don't have a problem with basic coding though.

Location of Sense 2.5 slider ?

Could somebody please tell me where the image file for the Sense 2.5 is located ? I would like to alter it slightly,bI could do it easily in regular old MS Paint, no need for me to download HDWalls unless thats the only way to change it for some reason. I searched all thru /Windows, couldnt find it in there. If its in one of the million manilla files, how would I go about getting it out? Sorry if this has been covered before, I searched the forums, and all I found was HDWalls but I'd rather avoid using that if possible. Thanks!!
It will be buried among roughly 700-800 manila files. Unfortunately, I don't have Sense 2.5 so I can't tell you the exact name. But you can use CFC GUI to find and extract the png:
As far as I know, MS Paint will open the png and save it, but you will any transparency. So if your slider is a bit opaque, MS Paint won't do the trick.
thats kinda what i figured, that it'd be buried in the manilla files somewhere. i didnt consider that i'd lose transparency. guess i'll be going with hdwalls. thanks for your help, i appreciate it.

