Too easy to call by mistake - Touch HD General

Only real issue I have with this phone is that it is real easy to dial out accidentally.
Many times when putting the phone back in it's pouch or into my pocket I set the thing ringing.
I tried disabling the green phone button with AE buttonplus but if i'm on the contacts page and touch the green button it still rings.
An body have any idea how to disable the green button other than AE button plus (mentioned in another thread) or have any thoughts on a solution?

Toggs said:
Only real issue I have with this phone is that it is real easy to dial out accidentally.
Many times when putting the phone back in it's pouch or into my pocket I set the thing ringing.
I tried disabling the green phone button with AE buttonplus but if i'm on the contacts page and touch the green button it still rings.
An body have any idea how to disable the green button other than AE button plus (mentioned in another thread) or have any thoughts on a solution?
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Using S2U2 will prevent you from call accidentally, or as we call it: a pocketcall.

Thanks for the reply but the problem with S2U2 is it only works after it's activated by the timeout - before it locks the buttons are still active. But even with general handling of the phone it's just too easy to hit the call button especially when you mean to hit the left softkey.
I'll remember "pocketcall" tho...

Toggs said:
Thanks for the reply but the problem with S2U2 is it only works after it's activated by the timeout - before it locks the buttons are still active. But even with general handling of the phone it's just too easy to hit the call button especially when you mean to hit the left softkey.
I'll remember "pocketcall" tho...
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I fire up s2u2 by hand before pocketing it and never had any problems

just block the screen by pressing end call for +-3 sec.

If you have enabled the lock then the suggestion by zuadao, does not work! What I do instead is, before I put it in my pocket etc. I press the hard botton at the top to switch it off!

Thanks guy's - these are all OK if you can get into the habit and if you are putting phone away - but, like I said, it's also a problem in general handling of it when it's in use.
For me, the best would be to disable single press call - but i'm struggling to do it.
I do appreciate the answers tho

zuadao said:
just block the screen by pressing end call for +-3 sec.
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This is what I also do, works a treat. Would be nice to hold it for 1 seconds though instead of 3.

I use gyrator 2. I flip my mobile face down and it will lock automatically and turn off screen. I am lazy to push +- 3 secs end call.....

kuyichi said:
I use gyrator 2. I flip my mobile face down and it will lock automatically and turn off screen. I am lazy to push +- 3 secs end call.....
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Good tip, I will try that
(my first post)

What i usually do is to press the top on/off button to turn off the screen before putting into my pocket.

Another option is the "auto lock" feature in HD Tweak. It locks your phone each time you turn the screen off, which alleviates having to hold the end key down for a few seconds.

Best oh yes by FAR the best solution is TouchLockPro


Any way to keep notifications from turnign on the phone, or disable the talk button?

This is getting annoying. I'll be driving alonng, phone in it's case, and invariably a calendar reminder or email notification will turn the phone on. And since the green talk button comes out farther than the other buttons (what a stupid design decision) it easily get's depresed against the case, the first time starts the phone app, and the second time calls my last dialed number. I've wasted countless airtime minutes due to this happeneing.
So is there any way to keep the phone off until I press the power button (to have no alerts/notifications turn on the phone, the only way the phone would turn on from being in sleep mode is the power btton being pushed or an incoming call) OR can you disable the "Call last number dialed" feature of the green button being pressed when the phone app is active? I want to be able to pres it once to bring the phone up, but I don't want it to start auto dialing when pressed twice.
lots of tricky problems, i deal with them by locking the phone, or more recently using "s2ul" which is slide to unlock. It works really well and is customizable.
Search the tweeks posts to see if anyone has what you need as far as killing the notifications. They wake me up at 12:00 AM when they aren't even until 12:00PM! hahaha
Thank you for this post.
I thought I was the ONLY one with this issue.
It is driving me crazy. Last weekend I even bought a #7 torx and disassemblied the phone to modify the call button. I ended up putting it back tgether after nearly destroying the rubber 'mat' under the keyboard. The mechanical fix is harder then I thought.
Slide 2 unlock does NOT fix the problem. For some reason, just as the phone wakes up, if the SEND button is pressed, it TURNS OFF slide to unlock, and redials the last number.
Very annoying to me AND my friends that get the calls.
The only real fix I have found is to set a 'lock' and use a time of ZERO. But that is annoying to have to always enter a pin number.
No one has a fix for this? It has to be a very common issue
Use the stock phone lock application.
emkorial said:
No one has a fix for this? It has to be a very common issue
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Slide 2 Unlock is the only solution I have found. S2U2 can be assigned to one of your buttons (I use the record button) and you can keep the programs active (i.e. MP3 music keeps playing) or press power to close.
You may be able to edit registry keys, I will look into where that is.
SOLVED (sort of)
serfboreds said:
Slide 2 Unlock is the only solution I have found. S2U2 can be assigned to one of your buttons (I use the record button) and you can keep the programs active (i.e. MP3 music keeps playing) or press power to close.
You may be able to edit registry keys, I will look into where that is.
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S2U2 does NOT work.
The SEND button can override a 'lock' and it somehow turns OFF S2U2. Makes it worthless.
VJDeviceLock looks like a reasonable solution.
It reliably turns on the device lock on each power up.
check for it at
worwig said:
S2U2 does NOT work.
The SEND button can override a 'lock' and it somehow turns OFF S2U2. Makes it worthless.
VJDeviceLock looks like a reasonable solution.
It reliably turns on the device lock on each power up.
check for it at
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Actually, I installed S2U2 and it worked fine.
If the phone is off, notifications will NOT unlock the phone. While locked, pressing the green talk key does nothing.
So it solves the problem. What "send" key are you talking about that closes S2U2?
emkorial said:
Actually, I installed S2U2 and it worked fine.
If the phone is off, notifications will NOT unlock the phone. While locked, pressing the green talk key does nothing.
So it solves the problem. What "send" key are you talking about that closes S2U2?
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On my xv6800, if the green send key is pressed in my case when the notification wakes up the phone, it turns off S2U2. Now that it is awake, if the button is released and pressed a few times by accident in the case, it redials the last number.
I've repeated this over and over on mine. That was with the original Verizon firmware, and with a DCD rom upgrade.
If the phone wakes up and S2U2 is fully activated, THEN the green send button is pressed, it does nothing. It is only a problem if the button is held down by the case at the times it wakes up. Which has been often enough to make a number of calls by accident.
Please try to duplicate that. Maybe I have a S2U2 setting wrong, but I couldn't get it to lock reliably IF the green send button is pressed when it wakes up.
Yea, I should get a different case, but I really like this one.
worwig said:
On my xv6800, if the green send key is pressed in my case when the notification wakes up the phone, it turns off S2U2. Now that it is awake, if the button is released and pressed a few times by accident in the case, it redials the last number.
I've repeated this over and over on mine. That was with the original Verizon firmware, and with a DCD rom upgrade.
If the phone wakes up and S2U2 is fully activated, THEN the green send button is pressed, it does nothing. It is only a problem if the button is held down by the case at the times it wakes up. Which has been often enough to make a number of calls by accident.
Please try to duplicate that. Maybe I have a S2U2 setting wrong, but I couldn't get it to lock reliably IF the green send button is pressed when it wakes up.
Yea, I should get a different case, but I really like this one.
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I just tried it both ways. I set a calender event, turned the phone off, the reminder woke the phone up to the S2U2 screen, I hit the green button, nothing happened.
I then set a calendar reminder, shut off the phone, held down the green button until the reminder came up, and while the reminderf didn't clear away like it usually does, S2U2 did not close, the phone app did not open, and no call was made. I have S2U2 1.0
ive tried to too, S2U2 keeps the phone locked
the only thing even close to what worwig describes i can get is if i put the phone into sleep mode and bring it back out immediately while rapidly hitting the talk button, it opens the phone app before s2u2 pops up, but it never actually calls anyone (s2u2 locks it before then) and its only if i put it to sleep and wake it back up immediately (if i keep it in sleep mode for more than a second or two s2u2 is already up when it wakes up)
Well, I'll need to try it again.
But the last time I did my brother disowned me.
Oddly enough, I have been using VJDevicelock for a couple of days now. I am on an exchange server. They have a policy in effect that forces a password lock every hour. With the VJDeviceLock installed, it no longer asks for a password. Odd.
worwig said:
Well, I'll need to try it again.
But the last time I did my brother disowned me.
Oddly enough, I have been using VJDevicelock for a couple of days now. I am on an exchange server. They have a policy in effect that forces a password lock every hour. With the VJDeviceLock installed, it no longer asks for a password. Odd.
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do you have /Settings/Key Lock set to "Lock all buttons except Power button"? That could potentially cause a problem for you with S2U2 if it is not.
hoothrewpoo said:
do you have /Settings/Key Lock set to "Lock all buttons except Power button"? That could potentially cause a problem for you with S2U2 if it is not.
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It will only power up from the power button, or a notification.
I'm trying S2U2 again. Who is going to give me their # so I can have it the first in my list to be redialed if this calls out again?
just dial your voicemail first, then test, lol

Locking / S2U2 / Stand by questions

Hi folks
I'm back again with some more dumb questions (bear with me - I'm Irish).
On my old Nokia, I could lock the phone by pressing 2 keys and hey presto, phone now safe!
With the HD, things seem a bit complex. Firstly, there's power managenent that controls how long the back light stays on for and how long the phone stays on for before going into stand by.
Q1. Is standby not another form of locking ? If so why not just press th epower button whenever you want to lock the phone and be done with it ?
Then there is the built in locking software that comes with the app.
Q2. Whats the problem with this? (i.e. long pressing the end key and choosing 'Lock the device'; Why do we even need S2U2 ?
Then there's S2U2 itself. The settings page is long and complex.
Q3. Is there a S2U2 manual anywhere ? (to explain some of those ambiguous settings)
Finally, and here is my most important question...
Q4. Can I use my HD like I used to use my Noika - i.e. press a key or 2 to lock the goddam phone an just be done with it ?
As it is, when I want to use my phone, I have to press the power button to take it out of standby, and then I have to slide the S2U2 unlock switch. Its a lot of hassle just to make a phone call.
Is it me? Am I that stupid? What am I doing wrong ? What am I missing ?
Doesn't pressing the "End call" button for 2-3 seconds also lock the phone?
I do understand what you're saying. I figured out something really basic just the other day, that is if your phone is locked or in sleep mode just pull out your stylus and it'll unlock and wake up.
Just 1 movement.
Sorry if this is really common knowledge and you already know this but sometimes we overlook the more basic functions on such a complex device!!
Power button into standby is a fine lock for me. Nearly impossible to accidently knock the power button to turn it back on.
jon- said:
Power button into standby is a fine lock for me. Nearly impossible to accidently knock the power button to turn it back on.
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Yep i do this too.
Press the power button mate, and it will lock the phone
I like how the phone unlocks when you take the stylus out but i didnt like how it locks the phone when you put the stylus back in, so i removed that function using the options in gyrator
I have got TOUCH HD since 1week.
I haven't problem with touch hd like touch diamond.
it is in my pocket but the new phone canvas and the sensitive key prenve nt missing call.
for me no need s2u2 or pocket shield like diamond.
is there a registry option for disabling the unlock when the stylus is removed/falls out ????
matou25 said:
I have got TOUCH HD since 1week.
I haven't problem with touch hd like touch diamond.
it is in my pocket but the new phone canvas and the sensitive key prenve nt missing call.
for me no need s2u2 or pocket shield like diamond.
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why my HD no "Phone Canvas"?
Jezwick said:
is there a registry option for disabling the unlock when the stylus is removed/falls out ????
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I searched a long time for this, but I didn´t find a solution
Standby locking
I also "lock" my phone by sending it to standby with the power button. This seems to work realy good for me. The only problem is that the HD wakes up if someone is calling. So i often answer a call by accident. Does anyone know a way to deactivate the automatic wake up?
I tried the registry hack with autolocking but this doesn't work for calls either.
surfaczer said:
I also "lock" my phone by sending it to standby with the power button. This seems to work realy good for me. The only problem is that the HD wakes up if someone is calling. So i often answer a call by accident. Does anyone know a way to deactivate the automatic wake up?
I tried the registry hack with autolocking but this doesn't work for calls either.
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Have you tried HDTweak?
ScarySquirrel said:
Have you tried HDTweak?
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Please explain
device lock
gt112 said:
Hi folks
I'm back again with some more dumb questions (bear with me - I'm Irish).
On my old Nokia, I could lock the phone by pressing 2 keys and hey presto, phone now safe!
With the HD, things seem a bit complex. Firstly, there's power managenent that controls how long the back light stays on for and how long the phone stays on for before going into stand by.
Q1. Is standby not another form of locking ? If so why not just press th epower button whenever you want to lock the phone and be done with it ?
Then there is the built in locking software that comes with the app.
Q2. Whats the problem with this? (i.e. long pressing the end key and choosing 'Lock the device'; Why do we even need S2U2 ?
Then there's S2U2 itself. The settings page is long and complex.
Q3. Is there a S2U2 manual anywhere ? (to explain some of those ambiguous settings)
Finally, and here is my most important question...
Q4. Can I use my HD like I used to use my Noika - i.e. press a key or 2 to lock the goddam phone an just be done with it ?
As it is, when I want to use my phone, I have to press the power button to take it out of standby, and then I have to slide the S2U2 unlock switch. Its a lot of hassle just to make a phone call.
Is it me? Am I that stupid? What am I doing wrong ? What am I missing ?
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Hi try this small cab - cant remember where I got it from but it works!!
just install to device and then add into programs launch or start menu.
JPW said:
Hi try this small cab - cant remember where I got it from but it works!!
just install to device and then add into programs launch or start menu.
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You're Irish too, I presume?
The other option is you attached a very small cab.
OOOPS forgot cab
have edited post now
Should the device lock when I put the stylus in? I get the impression from this thread that it should but mine doesn't?

Locking the HD

Hi all,
I have decided to uninstall S2U2 and I don't want any other locking applications. However, is there is a way I can have the standard device lock activated with a short press of the power button?
Currently I am having to hold the 'End call' button until it locks, then turn the screen off with the power button.
I have a pin setup and use the short press of the power button to put the phone into powersave 0 whixh then outs the phone into pin lock after a short while
If you push the hang off button for more than 10seconds, it will be locked
FetchBLN said:
If you push the hang off button for more than 10seconds, it will be locked
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I don't know about your device...
On my HD you can press the end button and count until 3, and the device is locked
I can't remember whether it's in HD Tweak or Advanced Config, but there's an option to automatically lock the keypad on screen turning off (both timed out or power button press I assume, but not tested) so you could try that?
Edit: instead of being lazy I actually looked it up - it's in HD Tweak, option 4.1; Lock -> AutoLock
Just tried it and it works, turn backlight off by short power press and it's locked a well as screen turning off!
Good tip: works for me!
By the way: you can configure what happens when you pres the "disconnect" button too.
Thanks for this thread. I am very confused when it comes to locking the phone. Can anyone tell me...
Does the built in device lock work well? Will it keep the phone locked when a call comes in ?
If so, then why do people use S2U2 or other third party apps? Also some people say that S2U2 drains the battery. Is this true? How does it drain the battery?
The HD tweak had the disadvantage that when the screen turns in 'shaded' state the device is also locked.
Then when unlocking the device the screen stays 'shaded'.
avimak said:
I don't know about your device...
On my HD you can press the end button and count until 3, and the device is locked
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Maybe it takes you 10 seconds to count to 3.
I've finally got there with locking my HD... I had a S710 before the HD, and I liked the fact that on that I could hold down the "end call" button, and that it would lock the phone and turn the backlight off. The screen would then turn off completely after whatever time I had entered (2 mins I think). And on unlocking the device the backlight would turn on.
On my HD I have now disabled the device password, but enabled my PIN request, so that it secures the phone if it has been turned off completely. This means that I can now hold down the "end call" button for 3 seconds or so and it locks the device (requiring a 2-tap process to unlock, like the S710). I have also used the standard windows mobile settings (power) to have the backlight automatically turnoff after 30 seconds, and have used HD Tweak (setting 4.1) to autolock the device when the backlight turnsoff. The only problem is that when AutoLock happens using HDTweak, when I unlock it the backlight fails to turn back on, even once I have started using the screen. Any ideas on how to fix this?
chaosdefinesorder said:
I can't remember whether it's in HD Tweak or Advanced Config, but there's an option to automatically lock the keypad on screen turning off (both timed out or power button press I assume, but not tested) so you could try that?
Edit: instead of being lazy I actually looked it up - it's in HD Tweak, option 4.1; Lock -> AutoLock
Just tried it and it works, turn backlight off by short power press and it's locked a well as screen turning off!
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Just to confirm my above question regarding this specific feature of HD Tweak... I have got this working on my HD now too, but when it autolocks, and I unlock it, the backlight doesn't turn back on, and the only way to make it turn back on is to hardbutton off and on the device (not power-off, just press the button the top of the phone and press it again).
This is stopping me from using the HD Tweak autolock now, which is annoying because it does precisely what I need! Can anyone offer any advice?
I've just realised that it actually says within HD Tweak itself (on 4.1 option selector) that this is a known issue... any idea on if and when it will get fixed?
How about using Gyrator to lock the device? I have set it to lock the device and switch off the screen on inserting the stylus. Also, I have it set to unlock and switch the PDA on when the stylus in removed.
Simple. Works for me, anyway!
james00000007 said:
I have a pin setup and use the short press of the power button to put the phone into powersave 0 whixh then outs the phone into pin lock after a short while
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Is this similar to an application my friend had on his iphone. Basically, when he needs to use the phone, he needs to put in a pin to unlock. I think the Nokia E61 has a similar feature.
nikki-m said:
How about using Gyrator to lock the device? I have set it to lock the device and switch off the screen on inserting the stylus. Also, I have it set to unlock and switch the PDA on when the stylus in removed.
Simple. Works for me, anyway!
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Can u let us know how to u set it?
nikki-m said:
How about using Gyrator to lock the device? I have set it to lock the device and switch off the screen on inserting the stylus. Also, I have it set to unlock and switch the PDA on when the stylus in removed.
Simple. Works for me, anyway!
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i hav a qns, at the locked screen, when u rotate ur device, does the screen rotate as well???
i had tis problem whn using gyrator to lock, whn its lock at home screen, the screen wil rotate if i rotate my device. how to disable that???
davehodgkinson said:
Just to confirm my above question regarding this specific feature of HD Tweak... I have got this working on my HD now too, but when it autolocks, and I unlock it, the backlight doesn't turn back on, and the only way to make it turn back on is to hardbutton off and on the device (not power-off, just press the button the top of the phone and press it again).
This is stopping me from using the HD Tweak autolock now, which is annoying because it does precisely what I need! Can anyone offer any advice?
I've just realised that it actually says within HD Tweak itself (on 4.1 option selector) that this is a known issue... any idea on if and when it will get fixed?
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Mhh, I also think it's very annoying. I first used the auto lock feature by setting
HKey_CURRENT_USER/ControlPanel/BackLight/AutoDeviceLockEnable = 1, but I also have the backlight-issue, which is really annoying.
I also installed S2U2, but after installing that program the battery-life was inacceptable. By now I'm using the manual method, pressing hang-up for 3 seconds. It works, but I often forget it, and it then happens easily that I press the hard-button which awakes the phone from standby and I make pocket-calls.
The auto-lock feature is also exactly the thing I need, except the fact that I get the backlight issue then. Does anybody know how to fix the backlight issue? Maybe by editing another key in the registry?
As I said in the hint topic, in order to lock my device I just press the power off button (this activate the stand by), simple and fast
I use S2U2 at first, but it drains power too much, so I uninstall it after 2 days.
Then I use your method - hold the end call button to lock the device.
Now, I change the right softkey to invoke a small application that will turn off the machine (just like press power button). When I take out the stylus, the machine will on again.
Thus, I don't need to press any button, and I feel it is better......personally.......
stm2008 said:
I use S2U2 at first, but it drains power too much, so I uninstall it after 2 days.
Then I use your method - hold the end call button to lock the device.
Now, I change the right softkey to invoke a small application that will turn off the machine (just like press power button). When I take out the stylus, the machine will on again.
Thus, I don't need to press any button, and I feel it is better......personally.......
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which application are you using now to turn off the screen? sounds interesting.
Tyrion84 said:
As I said in the hint topic, in order to lock my device I just press the power off button (this activate the stand by), simple and fast
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Yes, but when I activate standby and put the phone into my pocket, I often accidently hit the button again, which reactivates the phone. hit_one_button_to_unlock ist not tobi-proof

How to automatically lock Touch HD with Power Button or after auto-shutoff?

I only found the ridiculously cumbersome holding of the call end button as a method to evoke an automatic lock.
Any suggestions?
chinadan said:
I only found the ridiculously cumbersome holding of the call end button as a method to evoke an automatic lock.
Any suggestions?
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there's afew locking software
take your pick!
Using HD Tweak, you can set to automatically lock with stand by
You can use the right "button" to force lock by holding 3 sec.
I use VJDeviceLock, so it auto locks, but pressing the hangup button is also helpful (although this can be set to do other more useful things).
vijay555 said:
although this can be set to do other more useful things.
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Curiosity got the better of me. What more useful things would you recommend for this?
chinadan said:
I only found the ridiculously cumbersome holding of the call end button as a method to evoke an automatic lock.
Any suggestions?
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Using PocketShield, really usefull.
HKCU\ControlPanel\Backlight\AutoDeviceLockEnable = 1
Will lock the device when you hit the power button
Ston said:
HKCU\ControlPanel\Backlight\AutoDeviceLockEnable = 1
Will lock the device when you hit the power button
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looks good.
Does it lock the device when the screen blanks during a call??
Ston said:
HKCU\ControlPanel\Backlight\AutoDeviceLockEnable = 1
Will lock the device when you hit the power button
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It's working great but you need to unlock your screen fast when you swith on the HD. If you wait a little bit the backlight stops and the screen light will remain low.
I'm looking for the same feature with the gprs connection : is there a way to stop the connection when I press the power off button ? I've searched the forums but can't find any solution. Maybe I should start a new thread.
@Fallen Spartan:
Curiosity got the better of me. What more useful things would you recommend for this?
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I can't remember how one configures this "officially", I haven't explorered the Blackstone's out of the box offerings much, but if you launch
you can change the function of the end key to "Always display quick list", toggle airplane mode, lock device, terminate date connection, toggle vibrate.
That's more useful for the lock device function IMHO, as using VJDeviceLock or Ston's registry setting (thanks!), you don't need to waste the few hardware buttons on locking the phone when it can do it automatically.
As a suggestion, you could also replace the long End Key with for instance, VJWMPlayerControl to wake the phone up and start playing music etc. Or launch a custom launcher screen etc? Rotate the display. Etc.
Ston said:
HKCU\ControlPanel\Backlight\AutoDeviceLockEnable = 1
Will lock the device when you hit the power button
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Works like a charm. Simple and effective, nice one.
Another way is set a password!
Riceburner said:
looks good.
Does it lock the device when the screen blanks during a call??
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Don't know sorry.
pim said:
It's working great but you need to unlock your screen fast when you swith on the HD. If you wait a little bit the backlight stops and the screen light will remain low.
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There is a setting to change that... the screen light does dip low pretty quick, but a tap on the screen when its locked will bring it back to full brightness. If I find it (remember it!) I'll post back.
pim said:
It's working great but you need to unlock your screen fast when you swith on the HD. If you wait a little bit the backlight stops and the screen light will remain low.
I'm looking for the same feature with the gprs connection : is there a way to stop the connection when I press the power off button ? I've searched the forums but can't find any solution. Maybe I should start a new thread.
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HKCU\ControlPanel\Backlight\AutoDeviceLockTimeout = 40
This waits 40 seconds until the backlight starts playing up on you
but from initial testing it does seem to stuff around with the backlight once you unlock the device - after 40 seconds it dims and remains dimmed even if you continue using the device LAME!

Prevent screen switching off during phone call

I have read and tried what I could find, but it does not work on my Jade.
Are there any new ideas how to keep the screen from swithching off?
This is copied from the Jade Manual:
Call functions
When a call is in progress, tap the available buttons on the Phone screen to put a
call on hold, dial another contact for a phone conference, enter notes about the
conversation, and more.
None of the above is possible because the screen disappears by itself.
Do HTC know about it? This seems to be a major f...up.
This problem has been discussed in many threads, there is no real solution.
If you activate the speaker for hands-free immediately after connecting the screen keeps on.
on mine the screen goes off... but if i press one fo the direction buttons it comes back on and stays on so i can use the keypad or look at contacts etc
Thank you guys.
I will try to contact HTC because I think this is a major fault. There is no access to those Call Functions if the screen disappears.
But people should also have the choice of switching the screen off to conserve battery during long conversations. That should be one of the Call Functions.
I tried to bring the screen back by pressing the OK button, but instead it ended the call. So why do we need the END button ?? Poor HTC. They are in front of themselves. Ever producing new half-baked models without thinking it properly out.
I have not tried the < or > buttons, but it would be risky because usually the OK button gets activated as well.
Has anybody on any HTC forum tried to petition HTC? I think this issue would be a nice one for a petition.
you say you dont want the screen to switch off but u dont want the < and > active?
tring to understand what you want/dont want here?
if i press < or > the screen comes on fully functional...
I did not say I did not want the < > keys active. I don't care what those keys do because I don't use them. The reason is that when I use them, I always inadvertently activate the Enter button. On my phone that terminates the call - the same as the End key.
It would be nice (and even logical) to have the Enter (OK) button to wake up the screen instead of the directional buttons. Maybe there is a registry tweak to do that.
jfranek said:
I did not say I did not want the < > keys active. I don't care what those keys do because I don't use them. The reason is that when I use them, I always inadvertently activate the Enter button. On my phone that terminates the call - the same as the End key.
It would be nice (and even logical) to have the Enter (OK) button to wake up the screen instead of the directional buttons. Maybe there is a registry tweak to do that.
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I think it's about getting used to and familiarising with the intended design and button functions. Now after nearly 12 months using Jade I have no complaints. Even using phone banking, no problem with inputting the required numbers. Concur with MvBoe and DJHicks. It should also be acknowledged that this is 80% PDA and 20%phone (roughly).
MvBoe said:
This problem has been discussed in many threads, there is no real solution.
If you activate the speaker for hands-free immediately after connecting the screen keeps on.
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DJHicks said:
on mine the screen goes off... but if i press one fo the direction buttons it comes back on and stays on so i can use the keypad or look at contacts etc
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I was playing with the < and > keys to try to bring the screen back on, and I can definitelly tell you it does not work on my phone.
While doing that, I accidentally pressed the Power on/off switch - and voilá - the screen came back on and stayed on.
I repeated the experiment to confirm it.
Why didn't I think of it earlier? So obvious.
jfranek said:
I was playing with the < and > keys to try to bring the screen back on, and I can definitelly tell you it does not work on my phone.
While doing that, I accidentally pressed the Power on/off switch - and voilá - the screen came back on and stayed on. I repeated the experiment to confirm it. Why didn't I think of it earlier? So obvious. Joe
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Good for you Joe. I suppose many other Jade users are already using that method. I thought you knew it already but wanting something more simpler.
azahidi said:
Good for you Joe. I suppose many other Jade users are already using that method. I thought you knew it already but wanting something more simpler.
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Originally Posted by jfranek View Post
I was playing with the < and > keys to try to bring the screen back on, and I can definitelly tell you it does not work on my phone.
While doing that, I accidentally pressed the Power on/off switch - and voilá - the screen came back on and stayed on. I repeated the experiment to confirm it. Why didn't I think of it earlier? So obvious. Joe
Hi azadhidi
correct me if im wrong is this not the only method to wake ur phone while making a call ie pressing the power button
haree said:
Quote: correct me if im wrong is this not the only method to wake ur phone while making a call ie pressing the power button
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Also with other buttons if you set your phone to wake up with all buttons. See item #10 here

