Battery life with ActiveSync - Touch HD General

Hi all,
I've noticed that when I plug my HD to a PC but with "Don't charge battery while connected" option enabled (I keep my phone connected to a cradle while at work, and I don't want to keep it charging for so long) the battery drains very quickly. It can take about 3 or 4 hours to waste a full charge.
Anyone has experienced the same?
BTW, ActiveSync is on.

twocandles said:
Hi all,
I've noticed that when I plug my HD to a PC but with "Don't charge battery while connected" option enabled (I keep my phone connected to a cradle while at work, and I don't want to keep it charging for so long) the battery drains very quickly. It can take about 3 or 4 hours to waste a full charge.
Anyone has experienced the same?
BTW, ActiveSync is on.
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Enable the option to charge while connected, it will not damage your LI-ION battery. LI ION batteries are damaged on repeated full discharges, however this is limited by the in built circuitry to protect the battery. Also, charging through USB will be slower than using your charger as the current supplied is a lot less.


touch HD battery questions

the first battery charge on the HD is supposed to be a 8 or 10 or 12 hour charge? or on its not necesary
also the time used to charge it to the pc via usb cable is same as if ud plug it in the electric socket?
how long dose it take for u to charge ur phone.....
mine had 4 lines out of 10 and after 3 hours of it beeing conected to my pc and not in use its still got 4 lines....
opinions seem to vary on how long for 1st charge - personally I left mine on (mains) overnight, but that's just because I've had mobiles since year dot, and you used to have to!
But charging via PC doesn't seem to work as well as from the mains charger - depends a lot on the PC and how much juice it kicks out, some are a lot better than others.
Modern phones/batteries do not need "overnight" charging. My Touch HD even came with a little note saying you don't need to charge for 16hrs/overnight. Just charge until it's full...
Better to charge with wall socket because not all USB ports provide enough current. Some can't charge through the USB port while some can.
I can charge through my notebook but it takes a lot longer than the wall socket.
thanks bouth of u for the fast anwsers....
When I set WiFi settings to max performance, my HTC HD will not charge at all, actually it will loose charge during night, display is off, just WiFi, GSM and GPS is active, connected to provided wall charger. Back side of phone is really hot, I measured over 54°C
Problems charging.
guys(and lady's) Just got my HD. been running it for some time to drain the battery, while on my laptop the battery starts charging. I wanted to drain the battery to give it a good charge afterwords so I turnd off the option of charging while unit is active( in batt. menu) but When I got to 5% batt.cap. an tried to charge the unit (batt. option enabled again) it doesn't charge. now my batt. is empty and can't get in the phone. while on power my battery charging led gives a couple of seconds of charge indication then it turns off.
Any suggestions or is my battery dead. (charging unit is oke, and when on power the HD does give sufficient power to the battery (measured with mulitmeter) thx guys edit - Als when on power green and amber lights blink.
Could that be that your battery is too hot ? There is some safety protection that prevent the batyery to charge when it is over a temperature level.
battery not charging properly
My touch hd not charge the battery more then 50% i change the battery but same as before.
any suggestion
funstuffalex said:
also the time used to charge it to the pc via usb cable is same as if id plug it in the electric socket?
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Power socket gives about 1amp - USB 500mA (.5 amp)
Touch HD Battery Charging Problem
The rom i am using is Energy 3 Rom
and try to use both sources wall socket and pc usb both are same.
if i charge the battery on usb cradle and put the phone it shoes 100% but after some use of the phone the charging start again and never show's full even left it over night.
Best regards
Not sure what's going on there,but try draining the battery to almost empty each time and then turn your phone off before charging it. Do this a few times and see if it helps. Mine took about a month beforeit came good.
Dear samlives
Thanks for helping
I will try it
Best Regards
HTC Touch Battery Charging Problem
I got a solution its not 100% but for time being its working for me.
Long press the power button and put the device in sleep mode.
All Done now charging 80 to 90% quite better then before.
Thanks a lot

Long Battery charging time and potential memory effect

I have the problem, that if I charge the battery from near empty state, that it requires 4-5 hours to charge with the ac adapter and if i charge it via usb it needs 910 hours. The issue is, I am not at the same place the whole time,
so sometimes I need it to unplugged, before the battery is full, so this may quicken a potential memory effect. How do you handle the battery charging?
do you charge it before it gets empty or do you unplug before its full?
Did you find a way to charge it faster?
cheers Avalun
Avalun said:
I have the problem, that if I charge the battery from near empty state, that it requires 4-5 hours to charge with the ac adapter and if i charge it via usb it needs 910 hours. The issue is, I am not at the same place the whole time,
so sometimes I need it to unplugged, before the battery is full, so this may quicken a potential memory effect. How do you handle the battery charging?
do you charge it before it gets empty or do you unplug before its full?
Did you find a way to charge it faster?
cheers Avalun
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Always charge your device switched off if possible. This makes the charging time shorter and helps the battery to "calibrate".
If phone on, make sure screen is off. Also helps.
Your phone will always take longer to charge while synced through USB.
Try and let the phone completely drain before charging it. This should increase battery length.
I usually plug it on when the message of critical battery level appears, the problem if I switch the device off is, that no one can call me during this time.
How long does your HD need to charge from near empty to full?
Avalun said:
I usually plug it on when the message of critical battery level appears, the problem if I switch the device off is, that no one can call me during this time.
How long does your HD need to charge from near empty to full?
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To fully charge from empty it normally takes a couple hours.
Generally I always charge my phone at night and have it sync'd via USB during the day so it rarely gets below 75%
There has been previous threads regarding battery strength, charging etc.
Try typing battery into search this forum at top of page.
Hope this helps
thanks for the answer I already read many other battery threads here, they are all about battery draining, not charging time.
So I thought I just ask, what other peoples have to say about this.
As I see the charing time is normal so thanks for the answer.

Battery charging

I always suspected that when the Diamond2 is plugged into USB, that the phone continues to run off battery and is simply re-charged. This means that if you have programs running that are consuming the battery faster than it trickle charges, it was possible that it would never fully re-charge.
This situtation was made worse by ActiveSync which keeps the phone alive when in the cradle. If my phone was pretty discharged in the morning when I put it in the cradle, it often never re-charged. I had got into the habit of turning it off so that it re-charged.
WM6.5 has sort of confirmed this. Firstly, it now does re-charge when in the cradle when still on - I assume this is because power management is improved in 6.5 so that it doesn't consume as much power in idle.
But the original suspicion (i.e. doesn't run off USB power then in cradle but still uses battery) was confirmed today when a message popped up saying "Battery is discharging faster than it's charging, please close down some applications".
Cheers, Rob.
munrobasher said:
I always suspected that when the Diamond2 is plugged into USB, that the phone continues to run off battery and is simply re-charged. This means that if you have programs running that are consuming the battery faster than it trickle charges, it was possible that it would never fully re-charge.
This situtation was made worse by ActiveSync which keeps the phone alive when in the cradle. If my phone was pretty discharged in the morning when I put it in the cradle, it often never re-charged. I had got into the habit of turning it off so that it re-charged.
WM6.5 has sort of confirmed this. Firstly, it now does re-charge when in the cradle when still on - I assume this is because power management is improved in 6.5 so that it doesn't consume as much power in idle.
But the original suspicion (i.e. doesn't run off USB power then in cradle but still uses battery) was confirmed today when a message popped up saying "Battery is discharging faster than it's charging, please close down some applications".
Cheers, Rob.
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USB2 spec is nominal 5V and 500Mah.
But if you use other USB slots then the available current will be reduced.
If the battery charge has been drained below a certain level then the charge circuit will struggle to recharge as well as power the phone.
Attempt to charge as often and for as long as possible, whenever you can preferably with a dedicated wall charger or in car while mobile.
I had a similar problem with one of my old phones. I had alot of devices plugged into the mainboard, so there simply wasn't enough power left to charge the phone battery.
I solved the problem by getting a USB hub with external power supply. Didn't charge quite as fast as with the wall charger, but still enough to keep the battery at full charge.
I'm not sure you got the same problem, but it could be worth a try. Perhaps you should unplug all other USB devices and see if it gets any better first.
>USB2 spec is nominal 5V and 500Mah.
This isn't USB charging - when in a cradle, it's like charging from the mains charger. The cradle has it's own power supply.
I haven't got a problem My post was just to confirm that a) the Diamond2 always runs off the battery even when plugged in to the mains and therefore if you are running programs that drain faster than it's charging, your battery will never fully recharge and b) WM6.5 now monitors this situation and warns you that it's happening so that you don't wonder why your battery isn't fully charging or takes ages to charge.
The reason it's an issue in the cradle is because ActiveSync prevents the screen for turning off and therefore one is at risk of the above, i.e. discharging almost as fast as it charges. Turn the device off in the cradle and it charges as fast as when using the mains charger. Best charge speed overall is with the device completely powered down.
But WM6.5 has also reduced the power drain when in the cradle, turned on and when ActiveSync is running. In WM6.1, it just about recharged when in the cradle for 8 hours. With WM6.5, it charges in a morning.
Cheers, Rob.
munrobasher said:
>USB2 spec is nominal 5V and 500Mah.
This isn't USB charging - when in a cradle, it's like charging from the mains charger. The cradle has it's own power supply.
I haven't got a problem My post was just to confirm that a) the Diamond2 always runs off the battery even when plugged in to the mains and therefore if you are running programs that drain faster than it's charging, your battery will never fully recharge and b) WM6.5 now monitors this situation and warns you that it's happening so that you don't wonder why your battery isn't fully charging or takes ages to charge.
The reason it's an issue in the cradle is because ActiveSync prevents the screen for turning off and therefore one is at risk of the above, i.e. discharging almost as fast as it charges. Turn the device off in the cradle and it charges as fast as when using the mains charger. Best charge speed overall is with the device completely powered down.
But WM6.5 has also reduced the power drain when in the cradle, turned on and when ActiveSync is running. In WM6.1, it just about recharged when in the cradle for 8 hours. With WM6.5, it charges in a morning.
Cheers, Rob.
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You didn't say anything about a powered cradle!
That setup should have no trouble charging and powering the battery and phone. If it doesn't then suspect the power supply especialy if it's third party. There should be no need to charge when off.
My laptop will quite happily charge and power.
I have problem with charging with this Error:
the charging is not enough for device power consuption. Please shut down unused applications or switch to AC adapter
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When synchronizing or only by conecting to PC or notebook
It's not an error as such - all it means is that your Diamond2 is discharging faster than it can charge. The reason it tends to occur more when connected via USB/Sync is that a) the charge power via USB from your laptop is lower than using a dedicated charger and b) ActiveSync keeps the screen on thus drawing more power.
So hence the suggestion you should close some applications to stop them running thus drawing more power. Of course, the biggest draw is probably ActiveSync and the only way to stop that running is to turn off the phone when in the cradle.
That said, I've found that WM6.5 is much better when it comes to power drain when in this mode and I've only had that message once.
Cheers, Rob.
and by navigation (IGO, Tomtom ) ?
At running IGO after 20 minutes by connected charging 5% battery is unloaded

TD2 not charging on the PC

Strange Question? When my battery dies in the past I used to just plug it into my pc at my desk... DELL T5400... and charge the phone up again.
Though lately I have been using a hard-drive cable and I can't seem to recharge my phone on any pc??
Though I can pretty much download all the information from the phone??
I do have the dutty rom on.... though I don't think that would effect it?
Does any one have any ideas?
Under "Settings -> System -> Power -> Battery",
you find the option "When phone is on, do not charge the battery when connected to a PC".
Perhaps its activated?
CromeX said:
Strange Question? When my battery dies in the past I used to just plug it into my pc at my desk... DELL T5400... and charge the phone up again.
Though lately I have been using a hard-drive cable and I can't seem to recharge my phone on any pc??
Though I can pretty much download all the information from the phone??
I do have the dutty rom on.... though I don't think that would effect it?
Does any one have any ideas?
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If you have let the "battery die" over and over you could well have sent the monotoring circuitry below the charging cutoff point which is voltage dependant.
If the battery still charges from a wall outlet then this is more than likely the case as your wall charger will be rated at 1000mAh whereas the USB port is only 500 mAh max and if you have other devices plugged in at the same time it could well be a lot less and this will now no longer "start" the charging process.
If all this is the case then you have trashed the battery.
If not then charging through the wall socket could partly recover the situation, if you are lucky!
When (if) you get a new battery then keep it on constant charge (wall outlet, USB, car charger, external battery pack etc,etc) as much as possible and try to avoid a full discharge.
You guys are great
Thanks Guys that helped a lot.
I have always been scared of discharging the battery completely, Thank pa49 for confirming that.
I found the default setting for the battery was what jkolner said, Thanks bud .
I appreciate the help

Batter getting worse if connect to usb all the time?

Hi, I use MyPhoneExplorer to write sms from my laptop (tried EasySMS and RemoteSMS and didnt like them) while using the cable-mode. JuiceDefender somehow always turns off the WiFi eventough i add the MPE-Client to the allowed apps. However, since my Desire HD would be connect via USB to my laptop all the time, is it bad for the battery?
I know that on laptops you should remove the battery if its connected to the AC all the time.
IMHO any kind of battery will degrade with time if constantly connected to a power source. So if you connect your phone via USB you better keep an eye on your battery..
No. Your battery will not get worse. It is true that a battery will lose its capacity faster if its always at 100%, but we are talking about a mobile phone. It will not be connected 24/7 for many weeks at the time so thats nothing to worry about.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA Premium App
zakazak said:
I know that on laptops you should remove the battery if its connected to the AC all the time.
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This is a myth. Might have been true in 1995 maybe but not with today's Li-Ion or Li-Polymer batteries. Just don't worry about battery, there is nothing you can do to make it better or last longer. Charge whenever you want to and be happy using your device It is the same as with memory optimizers and task killers - people are used to them from other times and other platforms and think they do good. Just don't let it discharge too much too often, they say that the best for batteries is to charge them when they're not below 40% of capacity (but even so, I don't think it matters much).
I agree with dalanik, Li-Ion battery perform better if you charge it often. Actually it is bad if you keep discharging them all they way to 0 and then recharge them all the way up to 100%. It might be good in the old days where there were NiCd.
Sometimes the battery stat could be the answer. The problem with Li-Ion battery is if you overcharge them then they can explode so there is like a stat that tells how much you can charge upto, so if your battery stat is screwed up then your phone thinks it is at 100% but it might not be. Try this and this might improve your battery by retuning the stats (from HTC themselves)
The following steps should significantly extend the battery life on your phone. Please connect the phone to the charger with the phone powered on, and allow the phone to charge until the notification LED is green, indicating the device is fully charged. Disconnect the phone from the charger, and power it off. Reconnect the phone to the charger with the phone powered off, and allow the phone to charge until the notification LED is green. Disconnect the phone from the charger and power it on. Once the phone is powered completely on, power it off again and reconnect it to the charger until the notification LED is green. Disconnect the phone, power it on, and use it. You need to use this sequence only once. If the issue of battery life on our phone persists, I recommend you contact our HTC accessory department directly.
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