HW6915 gone silent unless handsfree - Sable

Hi guys, i'm new to the forum, i've been following a few threads for months now just to try and keep up to date with the on-goings of my 6915 but now i have a problem.
using the phone on it's own no one can hear me and i can't hear them, also no sounds can be heard from the phone other than when it rings even with media player or wav files.
when using the hands-free wired headset or my in car bluetooth parrot it works fine.
i did read about another PDA that had got a faulty socket where the hands free headset wire plugs in the bottom of his PDA, could it be this socket? i've poked a cotten bud inside and tried again but still no luck.
i've reflashed the ROM (G4) to make sure it isn't that (thanks to those who wrote those threads and the yahoo email account, the roms is still there)
i've also checked all the settings are correct and all volumes are turned up but nothing, no sounds what so ever other than when it rings.
any ideas guys?
thanks in advance

found the cause of this even though i've still to fix the problem (replace the headset socket), i searched the net for this problem and it turns out several people have had problems with the socket for the wired headset, theres a small switch in the headset socket that stays on and the PDA thinks the headset is still plugged in vus disabling the onboard speaker and microphone, i wonder if theres a hack to disable this feature.
anyone interested in reading what others have done checkout this thread at HP

go to start/settings/sys/ipaq audio 
if you get a note that ask for connecting the headset then your audio plug is ok and iI think it is the speker that gone bad, else it is your plug ,you can try to use conntact renew spry with battery out of the unit ,insurt battery 10min afrer you used the spry during that time try to play with the plug ,insurt/pull out good luck ,btw- if you have redioshake (i think that is the name of the elct store) near by try to ask them for halp

Thanks Erez, yes i tried that and it didn't ask for the headphones so it definatly is the headphone socket that's gone faulty.
i'm a pc and printer engineer by trade and have already had the ipaq to bits to see if it's anything else and all looks ok, i might de-solder the socket and have a play with it and see if i can disengage the switch.
thanks for the help, it's confirmed the fault and i can do something about it.
not sure how i'll de-solder the socket but it's the only thing to do other than try your switch cleaner, infact i've got some isopropel alcohol in a can, i'll give it a spray with that now

i fixed the fault...but it mean't removing the socket for the wired headset.
i de-solderded the socket and took it off then bridged two of the contacts for the socket.
there are 6 contacts that look like this
. .
. .
. .
the top left and middle left need to be bridged with a piece of wire for it to return to normal, you could do this without removing the socket.
i now have another fault though and thats the keyboard doesn't work very well as i think i got some iso clean in there so i've got to strip the keyboard next! oh what fun


Possible Car Kit breakthrough!

I am 99% finished on developing a car kit for the XDAIIs. The plan is to make this available for all versions of XDA, MDA, SPV etc. when complete.
At the moment the kit will do the following
Power the XDA
Has got a microphone input.
Has got speaker output of voice through the car stereo speakers
Has got speaker output of navigation through the car speakers
Connects to a wired GPS antenna - currently using PS2 connector but I'll be making an RJ11 version on Monday!
All I need now is a way of signaling to the car kit that the XDA is in the holder! :x
From the car kit, I have 1 wire which needs to be connected to 5v to power on. I also have a 5v feed from the car kit so I could simply join the wires but thats not the point.
I would like to find either of the following options.
1 - 5v feed from the XDA when in the holder
2 - Using 2 pins on the XDA to feed 5v in and get 5v out on another pin.
I have also found that on an XDAII, there is a 5v feed on one pin when in a call, but there isn't anything out of an XDAIIs in the same situation. I just need 5v when the device is present in the holder.
If anyone can tell me if this is possible I would really appreciate it.
In order to get the carkit to work, I think you had to ground the pin instead of putting 5V to it, as specified in this thread :
It would be great if you could post your circuit !
Where did you get a proper connector, or did you just modify a xda II connector ?
A modified Carcomm cradle?
THe XDA uses 3 pins for the +5 Volt charger. I believe these pins are shorted inside the XDA
If you charge through 2 of these pins you might be able to use third to recognize that the XDA is inserted
s93ncer said:
I have also found that on an XDAII, there is a 5v feed on one pin when in a call, ....
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What pin is that that gives +5V when in a call on the XDAII?
What pin is that that gives +5V when in a call on the XDAII?
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Pin 12 on an XDAII goes to a positive voltage when in a call.
One thing I did notice was that the voltage does just appear and disappear, it builds up and drops off over 2 seconds,
Thanks for the info!
Is there any similar behaviour when ending a phone call
I suspect my XDAII/iMate carkit is triggered by this signal, I would like to manipulate it in order to have the carkit amplify the TomTom directions also.
Other question: what type of mic did you use? The XDAII has quite some problems with the mic input signal (resulting is bad sound quality)
The voltage builds up to about 5v when making a call and does drop off to 0 when you end the call. Also, I don't have any problems with sound quality (although this is in an office at the moment) with the microphone.
I am using a universal car kit that my company sells, just hacked the connector off the end and connected it to the XDAIIs connector.
Still having problems, but with the car kit now and not the XDA
Can't get it to switch on/off when the XDA is in the holder and taken out!
Sounds like you've found out some good stuff Spence.
I'm working on a similar project at the moment, except I'm using a circuit that detects audio coming from the XDA's pins, which then switches a relay to ground.. this is connected to the car stereo which goes to "Telephone mode" when grounded. Its about half way done at the moment, so I'm not sure how sucessfull its going to be.. but I'm currently having trouble with the volume of the audio from the XDA, (I haven't tried a Mic on it yet)
Would be interested to know if the XDA1 also has 5v on Pin12 when in call.. as I could revert to this if my plan doesn't work, although it would mean loosing Tomtom prompts through the stereo
Keep us updated on your progress :wink:
The other added goodie that I can put into some vehicles is a thing called an intellimute - made and designed by my company!
Linked in with the stereo, it will mute the stereo when it senses audio not just when in a call hence the Nav audio as well.
This might be useful to you - but you will probably have to but one to try it out.
I don't have an XDAI to try anything with - plus most people who I have spoken to have a II or IIs
@swifty: When Pin 19 - Car On - is connected to GND via a 10k resistor the XDA gets into 'carkit-mode' resulting in ALL audio to be sent via the bottom connector. This will help you feed the audio to your stereo.
Together with the Pin 12 behaviour (+5V when in call) one should be able to build a carkit circuit:
Connect the audio-out pins to the car-stereo audio in or -alternatively- a seperate amplifier.
Make your car stereo go into mute when Pin12 gets 'high'
BTW, I gues you checked the wiki pages:
I would like to know what mic type is used by you guys, as I read in the other thread mentioned that this still might have issues.
Thanks Edsub,
Thats pretty much how i've got it hooked up at the moment, but I think there was a problem with the amplifier I was using as the audio from the stereo was very quiet. I've now changed the circuit and will be testing it out in the car tomorrow.
What connector and cable are you using for this.
What connector and cable are you using for this.
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To cut a long story short, I had a couple of data cables for Ipaq's (3800 I think) lying around and I got a complete car kit from stock, cut the cable off at the phone cradle end and soldered on the connector from the Ipaq.
At the moment it looks a real mess, but it does work!
Haven't played with it for a few days, but might do some more today.
FYI, the problems at the moment are car kit related, not XDA - the XDA issues are solved.
If you need an xda 1 and or the car kit to loan for your project, let me know.
I still have my iMate/XDA2 carkit (the one as sold by ie Expansys).
There still are two things I like to change:
1. Mic quality. I allready used a better mic (Nokia style gooseneck) with a thicker wire (as sugested by Expansys): Things did improve, but I still sound like I have a bag over my head (or like I am talking into a toilet bowl according to my collegue) . . .Any help greatly appreciated
2. Only the in-call audio is send to the carkit speaker. I would like to get all audio on the carkit speaker (so I get better amplified TomTom instructions). The car-audio mute only has to do its work when in a call (otherwise you wont be able to listen normally to a conversation or ie. the traffic info on the radio)..also: any clues???
A hint: In one of the other threads on this it is suggested that putting someting into the XDAII headset jack wil get all audio out, but that is not quite workable withou drilling the cradle to pieces.
Can anyone tell me what the effect on the bottom connector signals is when you insert something (ie an empty plug) in the headset jack?
Hi all.
Great topic. There's one thing I still don't know.
Does IN_CALL pin work in XDA 2s / MDA III ?
Mine XDA IIs doesn't put anything on IN_CALL pin when calling.
I have been having similar problems with audio with powered cradles/car kits. Just cannot get the damned audio to come out of the car kit, only call audio! (XDAIIi/Qtek 2020i)
Why not simply have a mini contact switch in the bottom of the cradle to sense when the phone is in the cradle?, or use a simple current sensing circuit?
a VERY simple circuit would be a coil of the 5v feed and a reed switch, when current is being drawn through the coil it will generate a weak magnetic field, which could be used to close the reed switch...
Simple yet effective...

Use one earphone as a microphone

Hi i've been coming on here for a while but have never found the need to register or post, but today i discovered something i thought i could share with ya.
Currently i use a pair of phillips earphones with a 3.5mm to 2.5mm adaptor to listen to music on my qtek s100, anyway i was boppin away listenin to my tunes when i recieved a call from the mrs, i obviously unplugged the earphones and tried to answer the call but unfortunately the phone was stuck in hands free(sumthing to do with the switch being stuck), anyway i was desperate needed to talk to the mrs so i plugged the earphones back in to see if i could hear her & @ that moment i realised that she could hear me even with the earphones if i used one earphone as an earpiece & the other as a microphone.
Sorry if someones discovered this before, i did a search but couldn't find anything, & i just wanted to share with my fellow magician enthusiasts.
Well it works.. but it's not the earphone ...
apparently, the mike that is located near the mini USB port still works even when the earphone are plugged in...
I noticed one more thing.. when I make the call, other party can hear me, but the opposite is not true :shock:

Mic cuts out when connected to car stereo

Hey all,
Just wondering if anyone has had any success in fixing this problem? I have a 2 ring 2.5 to 3.5mm adapter connected (so it should only be routing the audio, not the mic) and sometimes the caller can hear me, sometimes not. At one stage I found by unplugging the cable, setting to speakerphone, then unsetting speakerphone and plugging the cable back in would get it to work, but not anymore... I am thinking there is a setting on the phone I might have to change.
Any ideas?!?! I love my XDA II mini but this is driving me up the wall!
A photo of the adapter I'm using can be seen here: https://secure4.vivid-design.com.au/electus/products_uploaded/productLarge_2306.jpg
I guess you have the wrong adapter. To have the mic working you need a 4 pole adapter like this one:
Thanks for the reply esackbauer, what gets me though is it did work at one stage. Why would it suddenly only work intermittently?
Hmmmmm, I may have solved it... In phoneAlarm v1.13 there is a setting under Alarm "Mute also mutes phone", which was set to enabled. After disabling it the mic started working again. Hopefully this is the solution!
jlitjens, i have the same "problem", only I'm not using PhoneAlarm. In my case it's like this: i have a 3 pole adapter, and normally the mic doesnt work when I've connected the car stereo to my Mini. But, when I start MS VoiceCommand, it does. Now and then it doesnt work, but after reconnecting it will...... strange.....

3 n 1 mini usb adapter for tilt 8925 problem

i bought the 3 n 1 mini usb adapter (headset, 3.5 mm jack, charger) for the tilt on ebay and when i plug it in...all it does it repeatedly dial the last number i called, even if the charger or headset is not plugged in...is there a a setting i can adjust so that it will stop doing this?
To clarify...
You plug only the adapter in and it dials the last number all by itself? Hmmm... If that's the case I'd say it's a faulty plug. I've heard a fault in the usb port can cause wierd stuff, but never heard of the phone dialing itself.
I was thinking about getting one of these...
Is it the one you got? Can you tell me if the 3.5mm jack will work with a headphone / microphone set up? I'd like to be able to answer calls while I'm plugged in with my headphones.
i have this one...http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-3-in-1-STER...ryZ15040QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
it's slightly different than the one you were looking at...that sucks if the plug is faulty...i just got it today...it is the strangest thing though when it dials by itself....it will just redial the number even if you end the call....
I would just send it back for an exchange. Does the phone auto dial if you plug in something else (ie. charger, sync cable, usb headphones)? Wish I could help more but I've never heard of this.
If you have a voice command software installed (Cyberon or Microsoft) it could be picking up interference from the adapter as a command to dial.
Let me know if you find out whether the 3.5mm will support a microphone. If it does I'll give it a try too and see if it auto dials mine.
i plug in the wall charger and headset individually...no problems...the phone acts normal...just when i plug in that adapter it starts going haywire...
I purchased one of these and it arrived yesterday:
I'm suffering the same problem as the first poster - my TyTN II is randomly calling the last number dialled, and is also firing up VoiceCommander when this is plugged in.
Am going to test if it occurs when the adaptor is plugged in but no headphones are attached.
Very frustrating, although this was only a short term solution for listening to music (the HTC supplied headphones are CRAPTASTIC!) until I purchase a stereo bluetooth headset.
I've tried both of the ones I've listed below without any strange behavior on my Tilt.
pyro9219 said:
I've tried both of the ones I've listed below without any strange behavior on my Tilt.
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I have the Semsons 2-in-1 also with a Tilt and have had no problems, but then again I am not using any voice command software.
BTW, it is a little bit cheaper if your order it direct from the company
I've been using one of these for about a month now, paid about 8 bucks for it, works flawless with my T-Mobile Wing. Maybe it's an isolated Tytn II/Kaiser problem?
The one I use: http://cgi.ebay.com/HTC-TyTN-I-II-m...ryZ35211QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
I've uninstalled VoiceCommander and now have no issues using the adaptor. It appears they were causing some interference and sending a redial command.
Will reinstall when I move to a bluetooth headphone/mic setup, but has done the trick for now.
Has anyon had issues with the tilt speaker not turning off when using the 3-in-1 adpater? I just got one off of ebay and it plays both out of the 3.5mm jack and the tilt's speaker at the same time. I have a single 3.5mm to USB and it doesn't have this issue. Any help?
Nevermind, looks like it was a phone issue. I turned the phone off and then back on again and it had no problems.
omg guys I'm so ticked. I got mine to use in my car. I was gonna stream music to my phone and also use it as a hands free solution. I plugged it in and started having the same problems with voice command and the dialing. I'm NOT uninstalling my vc software! All I want to be able to do is have my tilt's sound going through the speakers and be able to use my voice command as well. Why should that be impossible??? I need to know, is this a problem with just this one adapter? If you have voice command on your tilt and have a different adapter that is giving you no problems, please let me know so i can get that adapter asap. This stuff is very frustrating. Thanks. SPACE
Jimliu77 said:
Nevermind, looks like it was a phone issue. I turned the phone off and then back on again and it had no problems.
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Hey I got the same problems ? But this ist no phone issue I think it is a profile issue because the Phone got a Headset connection with this 3in1 Adapter so the speakers are disabled.
Is there Any Software or sth. else to switch speakers back on. ?
Has anyone figured out a solution to this? Have a friend that just got one of those adapters from Amazon and it does the same thing, keeps trying to redial the last number called over and over.
you have to buy another one with a specific type of plug for it to work properly. Even then, I believe that when a headset type thing is plugged in it automatically turns off the mic on the phone... very stupid... I think this is because whatever htc wanted you to use has a mic built into already.... still stupid. I saw htc's adapter online somewhere, might have been a link in this thread.

Shift Trick: How to make mic work with headsets.

Original post:
ChipNt said:
Hello everybody. Actually the idea is a bit rubish as you need to open ur own shift and u must know what exacly ur doing. the headset`s stereo jack enters in a small socket, well inside that socket is a small connector for each line (2 sound +1 mic) wich will disconnect the onboard mic and spearkers all u have to do is to solder a small wire between all the 3 points of the mic. Find a service to do it if u dont know how.
Results: the onboard mic will work even if u plugin or not headsets.
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EDITED: I opened and spent 20 mins checking each connection on mainboard and results are NEGATIVE. dont try this home. thank you
Example of a Similar connector
Wow , major discovery ! congrats to u , but hv u tried it yrself first ? how well does it work pls ? i will only try dismantel my shift if it was proven that it can be done with yr style , but many thks for sharing anyway , cheers bro - jimmunsw
I used to do and repair electronic devices somewhere between 10 and 15 years ago, that jack functions the same way even today, is the cheapest and easier way to trigger and disconnect main speakers and mic when headset is plugged in. its the mini jack socket used everywhere and if i see a photo of mainboard where this jack is connected; on both sides i can tell you exacly wich is pin 1 3 5 paired with 2 4 6 or 7 8 9, and one more for the ground to confirm my version it must be 9+1 pins of this connection on the mainboard.
in the link above u see an example of a standard socket for x3 jack headset while htc socket seems to have x4 headset 1 for mic 2 for stereo + 1 for ground
please see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRS_connector , anyone can atach a photo of the htc mainboard with the best zoom possible to the jack socket pins on both sides?
I thought this to be the case thank you for the imput I am willing to give this a go myself and confirm or deny weather it works this friday so check back in with me on saturday
To enable external mike for phone functions
Is there a similar amateur rewiring that would disable the onboard mike and enable an external mike for phone calls on the SnapVue side?
cybericebyte said:
I thought this to be the case thank you for the imput I am willing to give this a go myself and confirm or deny weather it works this friday so check back in with me on saturday
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cybericebyte Please atach photos of the mainboard zoomed with the jack section both side, my pc is in waranty cant break my heart opening it yet
Sheepster said:
Is there a similar amateur rewiring that would disable the onboard mike and enable an external mike for phone calls on the SnapVue side?
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I am afraid that u cant as near the mic u have some small other things near ur external mic like a button to answer calls wich should be detected by a software or a volume control. i need to buy one more htc headset to open it. but at least the onboard mic could work when u plugin headsets that might be very cool inside cars
i will see what i can do as fars as pic i dont really have a good camera
bad news, read first post. thank you
If we would be able to attach a bluetooth to the mainboard ....
ChipNt said:
Original post:
EDITED: I opened and spent 20 mins checking each connection on mainboard and results are NEGATIVE. dont try this home. thank you
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what were your full findings?
Results are:
By measuring the ohms on the htc headset i figured out that first 2 pins are the left and right headset and the mic is third right near the ground.
For the analogic swich that i was talking about on 3+1(ground) it means that on motherboard the trs socket shouldve have 6 + 1 pins soldered (a pair of 2 for wich swiches the headset and one more pair for the mic + 1 the ground) while on the shift motherboard i saw only 4+1 wich means that the headsets are the only ones disconnected => mic d/c is digitally swiched.
Ps: I hope im not wrong, last time i did an electronic repair was like 11 years ago
i'm not so sure about this i did some real minor testing with the headset mic only partialy pluged in and my voice through the headset mic was picked up so actualy i belive that the mic is wired to the headset jack but through the left and right speakers but again i am not sure of this wiring
Another ideea
Another idea that i got from someone who still works on fixing phones, soldering etc is that the lastest jumper is a "releu" a small piece of hardware wich disconnects or connects a set of circuits eq: microphone + the stereo line, based on a triger eq: a connector wich exists at the end of the socket jack, and the other pins of the sockets seems to be the sound and the mic from the headsets
someone really needs to do investigations on this, we are just few steps away
cybericebyte said:
i'm not so sure about this i did some real minor testing with the headset mic only partialy pluged in and my voice through the headset mic was picked up so actualy i belive that the mic is wired to the headset jack but through the left and right speakers but again i am not sure of this wiring
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I can confirm this! I used the HTC headset and left the last ring of the plug (GND?) outside of the socket and mic was working in Notes! (But the speakers are still enabled -.-)

