Strongest mogul ever? - Mogul, XV6800 General

well yah my sisters titan (yes almost everyone in my family has a titan) has experienced the most abuse of our 3 titans.
i posted some pics.guess what it still works.
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Does the touchscreen still function with that crack in it? I have had 3 Moguls, none have been dropped or abused, all look(ed) cosmetically perfect. The first two had had broken usb ports, one had a failing keyboard, all have the dreaded white spot. My latest is already showing ominous signs with a button back light stuck on and the usb port becoming very touchy. Maybe I should be beating the piss out of them?

yes the touch screen still does work but its a bit stiff and really hard to use i offered to open it up and switch the screens out for her (ive opened up my dads and replaced the screen) but i couldnt find the new screen i bought.

ive had my mogul for about 3 months after it replced my i760 and i have the white spot on my screen and the usb port is already touch and i havent even dropped it once. I would be pissed if i had dropped it.

have dropped mine many times. work in mills as a welder/millright and have it on my 24/7, in dusty, ashy, humid heat, grinding dust, hot slag, metal dust/shavings and all. have dropped it in the snow, dog has stepped on it many times... all that is wrong is the center button on the dpad dont work and a light spot about 1/8" around in the bottom corner area. i think the manufactures warranty should cover it huh? haha if not i made sure to get insurane


[Q] Tab with Yellow patches - has it succumb to the white iPhone issue?

The Tab is the first gadget I have meticulously looked after buying it a screen protector, leather case etc. What a surprise it was when I took it the case and found some minor yellow faint marks... Ignoring them thinking it was the light I put it back in the case...
Fast Forward 1 month
The yellow patches have increased and are now an unsightly brown!!
It really does look like Samsung have been hit by the same issue the original white iPhone did.
The below picture has had the main marks highlighted in red circles. The other marks are the poor quality camera of the *ahem* white iPhone I own...
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What do others think? I have tried using my glasses cloth and cannot remove any marks. It's not got wet and it certainly hasn't been overcharged...
Maybe contact Samsung for a warranty replacement? I'd be miffed if my device turned brown over time.
Just off phone with them. EXTREMELY quick to say it is nothing to worry about but their technicians would like the device back for repair as soon as possible.
Was a weird call actually, normally you just get the whole 'please send your device to here and we'll fix it if needs be'. This time I got:
'Mr James, I need to call you back after I have checked something..'
Then on the call back
'it is nothing to worry about, your handset will be absolutely fine but we would like it back as soon as possible for repair. Again it is nothing to be concerned about.'
Sounds rather suspect to me.
Lol, sounds like they think it's going to burst into flames and cause bodily harm resulting in very expensive litgation. Enjoy your new tab when you get it

Droid X has a splotch on its screen, changes color a bit when I press down on it

Like when you press down on your LCD computer monitor too hard and you can see rainbow like colors under your fingers. I tried to take a picture as best as I could. The phone has never been dropped and I've left it shut off for about a month since I got the Bionic.
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What could be causing this??
Here's a video link to explain even further what I mean
Mine did that after I dropped it off a 15 ft scaffolding onto concrete... luckily that's all mine did... 6 months later I got it wet (didn't get the wet sticker wet) and it bootlooped, wouldn't even go into stock recovery, so Verizon luckily replaced it (I was 2 days before my 1 year warranty ran out thank God) oh by the way I was stock unrooted, never sbf'ed or anything until I got my replacement phone
sent from my CM7 powered Droid X
My friends was doing this same thing... the Verizon Rep told him that it had to do with the extended battery being too big and pushing on the components inside the phone against the screen... he demonstrated by taking the battery door off and pushing on the battery itself and causing the same "rainbow " effect as when he touched the screen... long story short they are sending him a new phone
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

Seriously pissed at HTC and their lack of customer service!

Hey guys,
I've had my One repaired 5 times. This last time it was deemed warranty void because it had a little scratch on the front camera lens. I yelled enough to be heard at HTC and the authorized a full repair ( new grills, lcd, rear panel, speakers, front and rear camera) I was pleased. I picked it up today and found it would not power up, stupidly i listened to the Bell store rep who figured it was dead. So i plugged it into the charger and found it to be at 50%, the power button would not actually move, like it was bonded to the phone. I started to look closer and found that my rear camera was off center significantly. I like most of you have looked at a lot of tear down videos, and I know that there is next to no wiggle room in there. I can only assume that the asshat at FutureTel that "fixed" it didn't align everything in place before he forced the back cover on.
I'm taking it back tomorrow morning to send it out again, why they won't just give me a new one is well beyond me...
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Anyone else have this issue?
Image of camera
If you're annoyed at HTC for not having great customer service, there's no point telling us and not them considering they're the ones who can improve.
Thread Closed as threads such as this always seem to turn into arguments instead of the posters intentions.

Loose screen

I dropped my phone and destroyed the screen a few weeks ago. Fortunately I was insured, they agreed to fix it and I got it back inside 10 days or so. Problem, the damn screen was loose at the top corner - you could fit a fingernail in easy. So, more than a bit annoyed I called them up and they apologised, said they'll pay for the postage and they'd sort it out.
Sent it back and they just returned it with the same damn problem! I can lift half the screen out of the case if I pry my fingernail under the (already loose) top edge - see attached photo. You can push it back in place, everything works fine but it works loose if worn in a pocket like normal.
Clearly their engineers are incompetent and I don't know if I can be bothered to return it AGAIN to find most likely the same problem repeated. Looking at the inside it seems that it's just a bad glue job - I can see sticky stuff that's meant to be holding it in place. :silly:
My question is - could I just reglue the screen in there? Does anyone know what kind of glue to use?
If it's covered by insurance get them to fix the problem at their expense as if you glue it yourself you would render insurance invalid if any other problem happened they wouldn't fix it as it would be voided because you glued it yourself
*Sigh* - yeah like I said - send it back a 3RD TIME? I really think they have trained chimps doing the repair work.
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Replacement screen quality and sources

Hey guys / gals,
My OnePlus story is a long one so I'll keep it short. I've replaced the screen on my OnePlus One 4 times. The first time was about a year ago when I dropped it after drinking lots of scotch, since then I've busted the screen in a variety of ways.
First time I busted the screen Oneplus quoted me $163 for repair.
Anyhow I've been ordering my replacement screens from Ebay and Aliexpress. My experience is less than great, shipping time is over a month, although the cost is generally less than 35-40 dollars, and a couple have been in the neighborhood of $25.
This last time I had to replace my screen I got one where the digitizer acts up randomly. I have show touches enabled, frankly because I like the little white circle chasing my thumb around but it also has practical purposes too; like showing me when my screen is having a seizure. My theory with the current screen (the moody one) is that the ribbon cable is slightly too long and it's either causing a pinch or the connector gets knocked out of place ever so slightly. I'll see 8-10 of the little white touch circles dancing around at the bottom of my screen sometimes, and other times my screen has very fragmented response and will only pickup tiny quick touches, no gestures or swipes.
My method for testing the screen after installing is using snapchat
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So my question to you is where do you source your screens from? How do you rate the quality when compared to the original screen? What cost is reasonable to you?
Thanks folks!
The guy who can't have nice things.
Sent from my A0001 using XDA-Developers mobile app

