Very unhappy with Seidio! - Touch Pro, Fuze Accessories

Here's an unhappy holiday tale. I'm leaving on the 27th for a trip and wanted to order some nice headphones for listening to music on the plane. I found a nice set of earbuds at Seidio Online that looked to fill the bill. I've ordered from Seidio before and everything went fine.
I ordered them on the 15th and since I knew I was leaving soon, I spent the extra $20 and had them shipped 2 day express. Well they arrived right on time Wed the 17th. I quickly plugged them in to test sound quality (I had bought a cheap pair earlier in the month and they are junk) and lo and behold, they are DOA. Now, things are DOA all the time so I don't fault Seidio for that.
I head to their site and try to request an RMA figuring I had enough time, and that maybe I could get them to cross-ship a new set since I was in a rush. I filled out their web site and was told that I would hear a response within 48 hours.
So I waited, I heard nothing on Thursday, nothing on Friday. I figured since it's Christmas, they are probably busy, so I waited the weekend, still no response.
So come yesterday morning, I call them up at 11ish CST and go to tech support since there is no option for RMA on their phone system. No one there and I get a machine. So I leave a message explaining the situation and wait for a call back. None comes.
At a little before 4pm CST (they close at 4pm) I call and this time I go to sales. I get an agent who sends my info to RMA people and tells me that I should hear back from them by the end of the night... as you can guess.. no response.
So I call again today. I get a CSA (same one I think) and I'm told that they have my info and that someone will get back to me with an RMA by 3pm CST and if not call back. So 3pm comes and goes without an email, so I call back.
Same CSA (I think) and she says the problem is there is no record of me submitting a RMA request. And while it's true I never did get a confirmation to my email, I did see their "thank you, someone will respond within 48 hours" message so I have no idea. On a side note, this is why those stupid web responders suck. If it had just been a physical email address, I'd have a copy in my sent box showing what happened. Anyhow...
So I offer to, at my expense, ship another headset next day and then they can just refund the broken one. To this I'm told, FedX isn't picking up on Thursday and they don't deliver on Saturday. Which is all true, except it's Tuesday and they ARE picking up on Wednesday and next day would get it delivered on Friday (the 26th) in plenty of time for my flight.
At best she offers me free ground shipping so it's here when I get back...
No thank you! To say I'm unhappy with their service is an understatement. They have lost a customer and I'll be happy to spread my tale where ever I go.
And if this wasn't enough, one of the times I was put on hold, they hung up on me. Sheesh, can't win with them.
So if anyone knows where I can get a nice set of wired earbuds that match up to these at Seidio:
Please point me in the right direction. And please think about this tale when ordering from Seidio.

Sorry to hear that man. If you want nice sound, the best option would be to have good headphones, the original htc headset, and a soldering iron and solder them together, taking out the orignal headphones, but leaving the mic.

I've got a wired headset from my Athena laying around somewhere. If you wanted to try the described "fusing" of two headsets, I would give you the htc headset for the cost of shipping, I never used it anyway.

weaselcossey said:
I've got a wired headset from my Athena laying around somewhere. If you wanted to try the described "fusing" of two headsets, I would give you the htc headset for the cost of shipping, I never used it anyway.
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You basically cut the 3.5mm at the end, open up the headset at the mic, cut the headphone wires, and solder the actual headphone wires in place of the headphones that you cut out from the headset. Sounds a lot easier than it actually is.

JoeWilcox said:
Here's an unhappy holiday tale. I'm leaving on the 27th for a trip and wanted to order some nice headphones for listening to music on the plane. I found a nice set of earbuds at Seidio Online that looked to fill the bill. I've ordered from Seidio before and everything went fine.
I ordered them on the 15th and since I knew I was leaving soon, I spent the extra $20 and had them shipped 2 day express. Well they arrived right on time Wed the 17th. I quickly plugged them in to test sound quality (I had bought a cheap pair earlier in the month and they are junk) and lo and behold, they are DOA. Now, things are DOA all the time so I don't fault Seidio for that.
I head to their site and try to request an RMA figuring I had enough time, and that maybe I could get them to cross-ship a new set since I was in a rush. I filled out their web site and was told that I would hear a response within 48 hours.
So I waited, I heard nothing on Thursday, nothing on Friday. I figured since it's Christmas, they are probably busy, so I waited the weekend, still no response.
So come yesterday morning, I call them up at 11ish CST and go to tech support since there is no option for RMA on their phone system. No one there and I get a machine. So I leave a message explaining the situation and wait for a call back. None comes.
At a little before 4pm CST (they close at 4pm) I call and this time I go to sales. I get an agent who sends my info to RMA people and tells me that I should hear back from them by the end of the night... as you can guess.. no response.
So I call again today. I get a CSA (same one I think) and I'm told that they have my info and that someone will get back to me with an RMA by 3pm CST and if not call back. So 3pm comes and goes without an email, so I call back.
Same CSA (I think) and she says the problem is there is no record of me submitting a RMA request. And while it's true I never did get a confirmation to my email, I did see their "thank you, someone will respond within 48 hours" message so I have no idea. On a side note, this is why those stupid web responders suck. If it had just been a physical email address, I'd have a copy in my sent box showing what happened. Anyhow...
So I offer to, at my expense, ship another headset next day and then they can just refund the broken one. To this I'm told, FedX isn't picking up on Thursday and they don't deliver on Saturday. Which is all true, except it's Tuesday and they ARE picking up on Wednesday and next day would get it delivered on Friday (the 26th) in plenty of time for my flight.
At best she offers me free ground shipping so it's here when I get back...
No thank you! To say I'm unhappy with their service is an understatement. They have lost a customer and I'll be happy to spread my tale where ever I go.
And if this wasn't enough, one of the times I was put on hold, they hung up on me. Sheesh, can't win with them.
So if anyone knows where I can get a nice set of wired earbuds that match up to these at Seidio:
Please point me in the right direction. And please think about this tale when ordering from Seidio.
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I am truly sorry about your recent experience with our Customer Service Department. The holidays are an extremely busy time for us, but that is no excuse for not getting back to you. I will investigate your situation thoroughly to insure that it doesn't happen to anyone else. In the meantime, I'd like to see if there's anything I can do to make you happy. Please email your contact and original order information to [email protected] and I'll have someone contact you ASAP.


My Nexus One/HTC Ordering Debacle

I ordered a replacement AT&T Nexus One on Monday 6/7 at 8:00 am.
I received no confirmation email, just one stating that my card had to be authorized, etc. The funds ($529) almost immediately went on hold from my account. I called immediately following the order, stating that I hadn't received a confirmation for the new device/shipping label for the defective device. She said "We're about to switch over our system, so I'll push it through manually. You should receive your Device and shipping label within 24 Hours". Great, I said.
This morning, I woke up and still nothing. No shipping label. I called again. Spoke to a different HTC rep. I told her I hadn't received the confirmation etc. She said the funds were awaiting authorization. I explained that they had been authorized, just not updated on there end. She checked and saw that, talked to a supervisor, and "pushed the order through". I should be "receiving the shipping label within 2-3 hours and the device within 24". Great, I said.
3 hours later, no shipping label. I called again. This time, I talked to a seemingly more savvy rep. He told me the same, the funds were awaiting authorization. I explained that this was the third time I was calling about this. He placed me on hold for a few minutes, came back on the line and said, once again, "I've pushed it through". I told him that the last two reps said the same, to no avail. He kindly placed me on hold again. When he came back, he said "I've given the order priority and escalated the situation. You should receive your device within the next 24 hours".
I REALLY wanted to believe him. I couldn't.
3 hours later, I called back and spoke with another rep. This gentleman was clearly a smart guy who had it together. I told him the situation. He reviewed the action taken by the last three reps and said "I just dealt with this same type of situation on my previous call". The real story came out.
Apparently, HTC/Google screwed the pooch.
They've "switched over to a new system", meaning everyone who purchased seemingly within the last week has been left in "Order Limbo". That's right folks, HTC has my money and my phone. Not only did they neglect to warn customers that they were making this switch, they also didn't notify their CSRs (customer service reps). This man actually called the texas corporate office to get to the bottom of the situation. He was extremely kind and helpful. He had told me about the previous customer who had ordered and not received. He was headed to Kuwait with the army. I told him my situation wasn't quite as dire, as I was just using an old, broken G1/Dream in the meantime. He snidely remarked "that sounds worse than Kuwait to me". I chuckled, but wanted to move on to the bad news.
He said it is totally out of his hands, he'll make the notes on my account. He explained that several orders were placed in this 'Limbo" period. They are apparently stuck in the "awaiting authorization" phase of the process. The must be MANUALLY PROCESSED by the Texas corporate office. He said they're begrudgingly giving him "24 hours or bust" till shipment. That means that not only will my $529 Nexus One not be delivered next day, it won't be delivered the next day, or the next day, or maybe even the next.
HTC, Google, I love you. Please don't screw this up any more. Please provide some sort of fix for the faithful customers. Your product rocks. Your service reps are extremely kind and attentive. Your system is, apparently, a mess right now.
I should not suffer because you have made the mistake of switching over your "system" and fudging dozens of orders.
My final rep said, jokingly, "No good thing comes without pain". I said, "I thought the $529 was the pain".
Please, HTC/Google, fix this, get me my phone, and then do something else on top of it to make me happy. This is to the point of frustration.
Figured this might clear things up for anyone experiencing the same. We can cry together.
Uh dude...they said to give them 24 hours. You gave them three after each call. At least you didn't get a defective phone after a long wait like I did. I'm down 1124 for the nexus one until htc processes the return of my defective one.
I know you are anxious to get your hands on the phone, but you must understand that nothing in this world runs smoothly 100% of the time.
Anyways, just wanted to give you some perspective on your situation. Good luck. Hope you enjoy the phone whenever you get it.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
You should call your bank to let them know that you're buying the phone and how much the total charge will be so they don't hold it up. Also, don't freak out so much. This happened to a lot of us, myself included, when the phone was released.
needmoregigs said:
Uh dude...they said to give them 24 hours. You gave them three after each call.
I know you are anxious to get your hands on the phone, but you must understand that nothing in this world runs smoothly 100% of the time.
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They said I wold receive a shipping confirmation after 3 hours on two occasions. That's why I called back. Only on the last call did I get actual, factual, accurate info.
I can't believe you guys are just like "whatever". I get that in the scheme of things, it's just a phone, but it's a $529 investment. I'm paying for a premium product - I expect premium service at every level.
The thing that really bothers me is that I wasn't notified in advance, ie. "We are undergoing system maintenance and orders are subject to delays". I was told next-day. I expect next-day. I work in social media. My phone is one of my greatest tools. My first Nexus has "Bad RAM", that's why I'm having the replacement unit sent out. I think I have a bit of a right to be upset at this point.
chordmasta said:
They said I wold receive a shipping confirmation after 3 hours on two occasions. That's why I called back. Only on the last call did I get actual, factual, accurate info.
I can't believe you guys are just like "whatever". I get that in the scheme of things, it's just a phone, but it's a $529 investment. I'm paying for a premium product - I expect premium service at every level.
The thing that really bothers me is that I wasn't notified in advance, ie. "We are undergoing system maintenance and orders are subject to delays". I was told next-day. I expect next-day. I work in social media. My phone is one of my greatest tools. My first Nexus has "Bad RAM", that's why I'm having the replacement unit sent out. I think I have a bit of a right to be upset at this point.
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If you're having a replacement sent out, why did you have to order a new one?
I chose the "We'll hold $529 from your account, send a new unit, you send the old, we diagnose and charge whatever, subtract that from the $529, and release the rest" method because I was told I'd get it a phone the quickest this way (within 24 hours). It's now been 52 hours and I just received the shipping label for my unit that needs repair. I was supposed to receive that within 24 hours as well.
Do you understand why this is all very frustrating? Communication has been 100% initiated by me, I have not been kept up to date, and only one rep has been transparent with me. Meanwhile, I'm Nexus-less.

[Horror Story] How HTC is so incompetent and ridiculous. Show your support!

Hello everyone, this is my horror story that began on June the 30th of 2010 and is still ongoing.
All for a swap of my defective HTC Nexus One phone.
I request that you please show your support as the only way we can ensure something like this doesnt happen again is to band together.
Here is the story:
I had arranged for my nexus one which had started to accumulate dust underneath its screen to be replaced by HTC. When I received the replacement, the unit had a faulty screen, power button and the battery cover would not fit properly. As a result, I filed a complaint online and received a call back from an agent who advised my that a replacement can be set up for the DEFECTIVE REPLACEMENT UNIT that I had received.
I told her that I would like to go ahead with that, but I'm currently busy and need the device and I would appreciate it if she could call me back on the 25th of August to set up a replacement. She agreed and scheduled me for a call back.
I ended up not needing my device for as long as I had anticipated and called in myself on the 14th of August to set up the replacement myself and had it arranged. I shipped the defective unit and according to the details from FedEX the unit was received on the 24th of August at the repair facility. The previous agent did STILL give me a call back on the 25th of August. She confirmed with me that she saw on the notes for my case that I had called in and had the replacement set up, and if I was satisfied. I told her yes, I have sent in the defective unit and am just waiting for my new unit to come back to me. This was on the 25th of August.
Two weeks later, I called in to HTC and inquired about the status of my phone as I had received no notification or my new device. I was advised that for some reason, my previous ticket was CLOSED AND DISCARDED. ***WITHOUT A REPLACEMENT UNIT BEING SENT BACK TO ME***
Since that date, I have been calling HTC almost EVERY SINGLE DAY, speaking to supervisors after supervisors, who have ALL promised me call backs but have NEVER called me back (for the exception of ONE SINGLE PATHETIC PHONE CALL, to advise me that Britney, a supervisor at the call center, had NO information for me).
I have since called in almost every day, and EVERY SINGLE DAY I have been promised a call back from a manager, or Upper management, but HTC has failed to deliver EVERY single time.
I have been lied to by agent after agent, and supervisor after supervisor, and what is even more sad is that I still have NO INFORMATION about the status of my device after an astounding MONTH AND A HALF.
I have spoken to agents by the following names at the call center:
and 3 others whose name I cannot remember
Supervisors by the following names:
and two others whose names I cannot recall at this time.
EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THESE AGENTS HAS PROMISED ME CALL BACKS EVERY SINGLE TIME I HAVE CALLED. AND I HAVE NOT YET RECEIVED MORE THAN ONE CALL BACK (FROM BRITNEY, who is supposedly working on my case, who did not even speak to me, but left me a message on a phone number that I specifically asked *on at least 5 occassions* to not call me at).
HTC has absoloutely dissappointed me.
The following are my case numbers that were created by HTC that are relevant to this issue:
10CAC37***124 - This is a repair ticket which was created WITHOUT MY CONSENT, and I was advised by Chantelle, that the reason this was created was due to the fact that a unit cannot be in HTC's posession unless there is a ticket created. They told me not to worry about it
10CAD3****0107 - this ticket number is the replacement that was setup for my DEFECTIVE REPLACEMENT DEVICE and WAS DISCARDED WITHOUT A NEW DEVICE BEING SENT BACK TO ME
10CAD2****0073 - this ticket number was created for the defective unit which had dust underneath its screen, and was to be replaced originally with a WORKING unit.
The serial number for my device that was sent in is: HT03TP9**153
The serial number for the defective replacement device which was sent back is: HT03TP9**136
HTC promises to its customers that once a defective device has been received, a new replacement device will be shipped out the NEXT business day. Clearly, these are all lies. Not only have HTC displayed incompetency in helping out a PAYING customer, but they have LIED on many occasions to their customer.
I even called the corporate head office and left a message on the voice machine about this issue, but did not receive a call back. Hopefully, this will now get sorted out.
The original defective device was set up to be replaced on the 30th of June, 2010 and it is now September 2010 and we are still nowhere.
(Sept 20th) last time i spoke to them was on Monday, I was supposed to get a call back from upper management of the call centre on that day, but of course, that was another lie. So i called in myself and asked to speak to someone.
ended up speaking to a supervisor who claimed that she promises first hand that someone WILL call me back by the end of the day today (monday), and what do you know. today is wednesday and still no information, no call backs and im sure ill be on the phone with them again shortly to figure out whats going on now
UPDATE #1: On the 22nd of September I called in again and spoke to a supervisor first, then I was told im being transferred to a manager. When I was transferred, it was another supervisor, who said management isnt available.
End of the conversation resulted in the promise of a call back after Ms. Simpson would speak to her MANAGER, Krishana, and would call me TODAY before the end of her shift at 10 PM EST. BEfore i hung up, I told her i would gladly wait for management on hold all day and she told me that something like that is not possible. She PROMISED me that she would call me back, 100% for sure and let me know what happened.
And well, no call back, nothing at all.
UPDATE #2: September 23rd, I got an email from Google's android team and was advised that they followed up with HTC for me and if i do not hear back in 72 hours that I should call them.
This was after I submitted a complaint to google's online systems.
the saga continues.
Update #3 from September 23rd: I called in at 10:00 PM at night and asked to speak to Daniella Simpson (the supervisor who had promised to call me back) right away.
After speaking to an agent first, when I was transferred to her, she said shes sorry for not calling me back, but she got busy. She said that she had a lot of things to do, and that she was going to call me back today and how I was the first name on her list of things to do. *YEA RIGHT* Its 10 PM and she was thinking of giving me a call back now?
She told me that she emailed her superior Mr. Harris about the whole case, and he emailed the repair center. She said I should hear back today from them for sure.
That was it. I told her about how Google had contacted me and she basically said that she will forward the concerns to Mr. Harris.
and on we go
update sept 25th: so after not hearing back on Friday or today, i decided to call in and figure out if anything new had happened.
when i called i spoke to an agent named Gary, he said no supervisors are available and no managers either. Just out of curiosity i aksed him to check the notes for my account, and he goes, they were updated today last.
they read "device shipped" and had a tracking number. So no one called me back, no info from anyone, no tracking numbers before i had called in, and i don't know what they are shipping back.
talk about irresponsible. we'll i guess ill find out in a few days what happened and ill keep you all updated
follow the facebook group for up to the minute updates and information. I will keep you all updated
hmm i think this is the case where you need your IMEI & S/N number and go to the police ...
Credit card issuer...
Damn, that is horrible service. I'd take them to court if I were you, sounds like you've gathered more than enough evidence to do so.
****ers. Tell them that you refuse to hang up without an answer. Tell them that the next phone call is to the CC company and the police.
Can't wait to hear how this unfolds...
im on the phone with them as we speak. and im speaking to another supervisor.
she tells me that we have no info, and promises me again that someone will call me back as soon as possible.
i advise her that no one has called me back until now, why should i believe you now? she says because she is a different person *BULL*****
so now ive asked to speak to a call center manager and am now on hold waiting to speak to them.
just to advise you guys that in the past, ive also been put on hold to speak to management but everytime they come back after 10-15 minutes and say "oh im sorry, but he/she isnt available, and will call you back" but i dont get anything.
this time shes actually tranferring me, lets see what happens.
i will keep you posted.
mixxy said:
she tells me that we have no info, and promises me again that someone will call me back as soon as possible...
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With the IMEI they know exactly what happend with your phone ..
I just Googled this and it seems like a common problem with the Nexus One customer support. Look here, someone else had a very similar thing happen and one of the replies said "Another one of these. Seems a huge number of phones are going missing."
Post it on one of there tweeter pages
ok, so i just got off the phone with them.
the supervisor did NOT transfer me to management, but to a higher supervisor; one i had spoken to before (on Friday, the 17th of Sept). She told me upper management would have called me back on Monday, but of course they didnt, and then when i called back on monday another supervisor told me upper management would call me back.
okay, on to today. so i spoke to daniella simpson a higher level supervisor who said that NO ONE from upper management was available to speak to me and that no updates were received. After complaining for about one hour and going over with her about details after details, she basically told me she'd call me back today.
when i told her ill gladly wait on hold all day, she said she cant do that because she is the only supervisor on duty.
will keep u guys posted.
if you can, please show your support by joining the facebook group or relaying the story to anywhere you can. I'm hoping to get media attention to finally get this handled because nothing else is working.
and i know i can file a dispute with my cc company, but that would take even longer.
no bueno You will reach a point where you have to assess if the time you are spending is worth not just buying a new phone and washing your hands of the entire situation. I know it's the principal and such but everyone's time is worth a certain amount to them...I hope you find recourse before your reach the end of your limit dealing with this.
Sounds like you are going the distance of luck!!
sorry you got shuffled.
the energy spent on this endeavor would be much better tossed at anything else. do a charge back on your cc and move on.
I bricked one of my Nexus Ones after one click rooting. I tried to flash a theme as a ROM...oops. Since I have two Nexus Ones I just decided to send it in to HTC and see what happens rather than get frustrated fixing it myself. I shipped it off and it was back in my hand in six days working great.
Sorry you are having such a difficult time...makes me feel lucky. I have to say I was very happy with HTC service tho. They even emailed me an overnight prepaid shipping label and my Nexus One was shipped off an hour after I called them.
deprecate said:
no bueno You will reach a point where you have to assess if the time you are spending is worth not just buying a new phone and washing your hands of the entire situation. I know it's the principal and such but everyone's time is worth a certain amount to them...I hope you find recourse before your reach the end of your limit dealing with this.
Sounds like you are going the distance of luck!!
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i already purchased a samsung galaxy s, and yes ur right it is the principle
had i been working fulltime right now i would not have put this much time into this, but i guess graduating from uni and applying to jobs for a few weeks has its benefits during the down time.
i said the same thing to the high level supervisor, and said had i had a full time job, what would the outcome of this case be?
mind u i paid 676 dollars for this device shipped to my door, and being a student, that kind of money is not easy to come by
If it were me, I would keep calling back. Hang up, and call right back. Just keep pissing them off the same way they're pissing you off.
rickytenzer said:
If it were me, I would keep calling back. Hang up, and call right back. Just keep pissing them off the same way they're pissing you off.
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haha well i cant sink to that level because it gets me nowhere, and it'll be more time consuming on my part than theirs who just have to answer the calls.
im going to try to issue a charge back with my credit card company soon. lets c. i told them id wait until friday
I'm still waiting for my replacement. I did my cc "authorization" sat morning.... no email sent for shipping (did get a return label email though). I finally called today, and the lady said she would "email" the warehouse for shipping.... lol.
why not check up on the tracking number to see where your phone is, if the phone is signed and recieved its not your problem what so ever, call up htc, give them the tracking number and tell them to do something about it.
my experience with htc is very good, im quite surprised that they pull this kinda of bs on you.
gl with that
This is happening to me as we speak... mmrrraaa **** HTC right?
vvaffles said:
why not check up on the tracking number to see where your phone is, if the phone is signed and recieved its not your problem what so ever, call up htc, give them the tracking number and tell them to do something about it.
my experience with htc is very good, im quite surprised that they pull this kinda of bs on you.
gl with that
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Mine has never been that great. W/ my Kaiser, HTC wouldn't he'll because it wasn't a US tilt. With my xperia x1a, went back and forth between Sony and HTC(fixed problem myself). Judging by emails, i'm guessing that ht c's websites work is based somewhere out of the united states. My emails have such weird syntax that it reminds me of the commercial that says : this is Peggy!

Verizon rant...

This is sort of a long story. Sorry, I just had to put this in writing to get it off my chest, I am beyond frustrated with Verizon...
I bought a Galaxy 10.1 4G LTE from Verizon Wireless online back in July. I got and love the crap out of it. It is awesome. Then I got the dreaded newton rings, and read through the epic thread here on XDA and decided to get it fixed or replaced. I walked into a Verizon store (which are becoming more common that McDonald's around me) and told them my problem and asked for a replacement. This was 9/22/2011. He said since I ordered online they have to order the replacement online and I would have it in two business days. Great. I would rather have the thing right now, but I can deal with that.
Two days later, I get an empty brown cardboard box. I call Verizon 'customer care center' and they say to wait another day or two to get the new tab and put my old tab back in the box and ship it back. They at Verizon never want their customers without a device, so make sure to wait until you get the new one, then you have 10 days to return the old one. Okay.
Two days later, still no tab. I call Verizon again. Their system says the tab is on back order, and as soon as they get one in stock they will ship it out. Okay. Another week later, I call back, same response. Another week later I call back, same response. WTF? How can a product be on back order for that long if you are still selling them in the store?
Finally (11/4/2011) I called and wasn't going to buy their back ordered story, and the lady was pretty helpful. She kept me on the line and conferenced in someone from the technical center. This lady said in a condescending tone that I had the return box, why didn't I return it to them. They can't process a new tab until they get the old one. They have 700 of them in stock, I just need to send them my damaged one and they will ship out a replacement or repair it in 1 to 2 business days. She was kind of rude, like why did I wait this long. Whatever. I boxed up my tab and shipped it off to them on 11/7/2011. FedEx tracking confirms they receive it on 11/9/2011. Nice. Maybe by the end of the week I'll have my new tab.
Nothing. I call again on 11/16/2011. Customer care rep says hmm, they are showing back ordered. I said I've heard that one before, call tech support. She calls tech support. The lady at tech says that she sees they received my old tab, but there is no note or pending shipment for the new one. She will put that order in right away and overnight a new tab to me, so I will have it on 11/17. Good, finally I might get my tab by the end of this week.
Today, 11/18/2011. I get an empty cardboard box with instructions on how to ship my tab to them for repair. I call customer care. Hmm, system says they are back ordered. Call tech support. Tech support guy says, nope there are plenty of them in stock. He sees that the order was placed on 11/16, but has no idea why they haven't sent me a new tab yet. He is going to initiate an investigation, which could take a few days. He does send me his e-mail info and contact info for his supervisor, so now at least I have someone to call direct at tech support.
Almost two months since I first initiated the repair order, two weeks without my tab, and Verizon has no clue what is going on. Great. Maybe next week...
I should have bought the WiFi version.
May I suggest finding a better Vzw store to deal with. I work with the largest indirect VZW dealer and have helped 2 put 3 people swap there's with no issues. I really hate to hear the run around you are dealing with. I would be livid. Hope this is resolved soon for ya.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using xda premium
Get in touch with me
I work as a consultant at Verizon Wireless, I forwarded your post to my boss, I will do my best to help you. Send me a private note and I'll be in touch.
Thanks for the replies and the help. The guy handling the investigation called on Friday night and said that his records showed that the replacement was shipped and delivered to my office. Since I was at home, I couldn't confirm that, but suspected it was the empty cardboard box I got. I checked this morning, and it was. The tech did send me his e-mail and his supervisors direct number, so I left a message with the supervisor and will keep trying to get this resolved! Everyone I talk to seems like they want to help, but nobody is quite sure how to get things done. They have different policies for the tablets than their phones, and nobody seems to know how to handle the tablets.
Email sent to the parties involved, along with their boss. Hope it does something....
Thanks for helping, Jim. Yesterday there was a lot of back and forth e-mails between people within Verizon, which Jim was kind enough to keep me updated on. I did get a voice mail on my work phone from a tech support supervisor last night around 6:15 pm, but I just got the message this morning. I left him a message with the information he requested (tracking number for sending my old tab back, which I gave to two different tech support reps previously). Hopefully today brings resolution. It would be nice to have my tab for Thanksgiving holiday.
I would file a complaint through your State Attorney Generals website in regards to all of this. Then VZW's Consumer Government Affairs department will research the matter and are required to respond to your complaint and to the Attorney General.
Put a little heat on them. Get as many eyes on this as possible. That's absolutely ridiculous. Unfortunately, as with most companies, the CSR's are limited to notes and what's on an account. They can tell you things all day long and try to help you but they're limited to what's in front of them.
For Pennsylvania the State Atty General Consumer Complaints can be found here:
Here is the form you can submit the complaint with online:
Again it's all just a suggestion, you're not penalized for doing it, it's your right as a consumer. You're not suing them, you're not taking them to court or anything. You're just making a formal complaint that they have to recognize and address, then they have to identify steps they took to resolve your situation to the Attorney General.
Hopefully it won't come to that, but we'll see...
I thought things would happen today, but so far this morning I have left two messages with a tech support supervisor, along with a message for a different supervisor yesterday, and e-mailed the original tech support rep with no replies at all. The only info I had that things were happening at all were from the e-mail traffic that Jim (tommydorsey) was kind enough to forward on to me.
I don't like being left in the dark. I would like a call from somebody, even if it is to say that no progress has been made. Why can't I just walk into a Verizon Wireless store and have them hand me a new tab? That would have ended this insanity two months ago, and I would be a very happy customer.
I ordered mine online and got an in-store replacement for the Newton's ring issue. And used the opportunity to upgrade it to the 32GB model. Their are allot of Verizon "Premium Retailers' that have are pretty poor in my experience. I stay away from them and only do business a with Verizon owned store. Those experiences have all been excellent.
The store I went to is a large Verizon owned retailer. It seems like a lot depends on the particular sales rep that you have the fortune of speaking with.
I did finally get a call back from the tech service rep. He said the warehouse claims they sent the Tab to me last week. We checked the tracking number, and I confirmed that what they thought was a Tab was actually an empty cardboard 'recovery' box with that tracking number on it. I offered to take a picture. So he is in communication with the warehouse to see why they sent a recovery box rather than a tablet. The saga continues.
Okay, I got a call from the tech supervisor around 5:45 pm who said "headquarters" shipped out a tab and I should get it tomorrow. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that it is not another empty cardboard box...
dmmcd - I hope this works today. Fingers crossed.
Yey, I finally got something. Of course the name on the label was Don and I am Dan, so it was given to the wrong person in my company and I had to track it down. But I got a "new" tab.
Which bugs me a little, it is a "certified like-new replacement". I really hope I don't have any problems with it. I guess at this point I am happy to have anything. I also lost my screen protector when I sent my original tab back to them.
The screen is different than my original one, and has the SAMSUNG logo on the bottom of the screen. I hope it stays free of the newton rings.
A tech support supervisor texted me to make sure I got it. Still not really blown away by this customer service. It took over two months to get to this point, and the last 2 1/2 weeks I was without a tablet. The last week seemed like intense negotiations just to get anything out of them at all. Too much confusion within the company. I still think they should have honored my exchange at the physical store and avoided all this mess.

NEVER utilize Motorola support for repairs- A horror story

TLDR summary: Sent a Razr MAXX HD in to Motorola to have a cracked screen repaired with a guarantee that it would be done within 5 business days. For over the next month, I am continually lied to that I'd get a phone back within the next 1-5 days (depending on who I talk to), before they finally reimburse me for a replacement, well over a month later.
Full story:
I'm a huge fan of Motorola phones. My first cell phone after High School was an old school Razr, and outside of a brief dalliance with a BlackBerry Storm (my first smartphone), every other phone I've had was made by Motorola. I got a Droid X soon after release in 2010, loved it, and replaced it 2.5 years later when it was showing it's age by getting a Razr Maxx HD on release day. Totally happy with the Razr Maxx HD... until it accidentally fell out of my pocket onto a rock in a parking lot and cracked the screen. Phone was totally functional still, including all portions of the touchscreen, but it had spiderweb cracks on it so I figured I'd get it fixed.
I was excited to see Motorola offers repair services for things not covered by the warranty. said it would only be $100 and they can do the lens replacement in (at MOST) 5 business days. It's such a routine repair that they had a separate price set up explicitly for it. So on Friday 04/19, I open a case, give them my credit card details, get an RMA number, and ship it via USPS the same day. I pay a few dollars extra to guarantee it gets there by Monday (4/21) morning (and to get tracking), figuring it should be repaired by that Friday (04/26) and I'd have it soon after that. Meanwhile, I reactive the almost 3 year old Droid X.
Then the problems start.
Monday, 04/22, USPS tracking confirms that the phone is received at 9:50am. I get an email from Motorola reminding me to send it in at 2:50pm, 5 hrs later. I figured it hadn't been processed yet. Tuesday (04/23) afternoon, I manage to check the status of my repair (with difficulty) at their website, and it shows it hasn't been received yet. Their website ( ) has a LOT of problems, working extremely inconsistently, hanging in multiple browsers and sometimes even putting me through and showing me the status of a repair COMPLETELY unrelated to mine (even though I made sure to copy/paste my own RMA number). Wednesday (04/24), it still showed that my phone hadn't been received, so I called Motorola support (for the first time). After checked the tracking details, the representative confirmed it had been received, but had not yet been logged into the system, and said that the original 5 business day timeline was still likely going to happen. Friday (04/26), still no progress.
Monday 04/29, I call back, they note that according to their system the phone was received on 04/27, five days after it had been delivered, and that the 5 business day cycle actually only starts after it's logged into their system. I was assured that because they had records of talking to me on 04/23 and the phone had already been received then, they'd expedite the repair and I'd hear from them soon after with a tracking number for the shipment. Fast forward a couple of days with the same story (promise of an expedited shipment), on 05/03 I call back again and get told that, Lo and Behold, they were having some further "technical difficulties" at their repair facility but the phone should 100% be done by 05/08 (13 business days and 17 calendars days after it was initially received by Motorola), and I'd get expedited shipping from there. They said they'd send me a bluetooth headset for my trouble (something I don't particularly need). I emailed in a complaint to Motorola at this point, and whoever responded to the email simply said "I could see here that you already spoke with one of our agents from our Repair Team. They assured you that you will get your phone by May 08. We'll just have to take their word for it. I'm sure that they will expedite the repair from here. Our system is doing some updates that is why this happened."
Fine. 05/08 rolls around and I still haven't gotten any details... So I call back, pretty early that morning. They tell me (AGAIN!) that they had some problems at the repair facility and now have no ETA whatsoever when my phone might be done (they don't have any idea what's going on with it. My personal theory is they lost it), but they can send me a replacement Razr Maxx HD. I was OK with that option, but the rep says it will take 3-5 business days until I have the device, though he said it was more likely to be 3 than 5. That puts us at 05/15, right around when I had my family coming in for some big personal events, and I didn't want to be dealing with this then (and I wanted a phone with a functioning camera, while the one on my Droid X was broken).
05/10, I get an email that the order for my replacement Maxx HD was being processed. There was no tracking information in that email, though it did say there would be tracking information forthcoming. Now, for the bluetooth headset they mailed me the previous week, I got the email with the tracking # two days after the headset arrived, so I figured this would be a similar story so I should call in for a tracking # (so I could be home to meet the device when it arrived). Monday 05/13, call and there's no details. Still haven't received any email by Tuesday morning, 05/14 (4-5 business days after my conversation early on 05/08, depending on how you count it), so I call again to see if I could get a tracking number, and actually get a representative who says the phone is in a box at the warehouse ready to be picked up by FedEx. They say a tracking number would only be generated once it was picked up (which sounded strange to me). I call again near the end of business on Tuesday and get much the same story, where a second representative gives me the same story about it being in a box.
05/15 (5-6 business days after the replacement was ordered, 18 business days after Motorola received my original phone for repairs). The representative I get this time says there was some kind of mistake the previous day because of technical difficulties at the distribution warehouse and my order was in a status called "booking", but should be shipped within the next few days. I will admit I got angry at this point, but the agent assured me he had contacted the warehouse and it would only be a day or two till they got through the back orders. Note that at this point, they set some kind of flag so every time I call I start out at level 2 support. Which would be fine, except level 2 support has a minimum of a 35 minute hold time throughout the day, so I'd already practically memorized the entirety of Motorola's hold messages. The representative promises to call me back that day no matter what he hears from the warehouse people to give me an update. No call was ever received.
05/16 (25 calendar days after Motorola received my phone): I call again, get told that the phone was through "booking", was actually "picked", and was in a box and ready to be shipped that day. I call in between spending time with my family (who I see rarely) and different events I have to go to. I ask whether they actually talked to someone at the warehouse and got a confirmation that it would be shipped. That representative says she doesn't have any contact information for the distributor against an email address (say what?) but she'd be happy to send them (yet another!) email. She offers to escalate me to their "executive support", but it's already 4pm so they've gone home. I get a promise I'll get called back the next day.
05/17 AM: I call again, get told that it was still "picked", but would DEFINITELY ship that day. I ask if anyone has heard from the warehouse, the answer is no. I inquire as to possible Saturday delivery because it's getting dangerously close to when I'm actually leaving the state/country on a trip that I will need a phone for (because I've paid for a micro-SD card that I'll use abroad and it's my only planned way to keep in touch with my responsibilities back home), and get told by the representative it's probably not possible but I'll definitely get a call back later that day. I have some events planned that evening where I can't touch my phone, so he says he'll leave a VM or an email with details of any updates.
05/17 PM: I get a call from Motorola somewhere around 6pm and they leave a voice mail saying they saw I talked to someone that day already so they don't have anything to add. (say what?) Then I get an email from Motorola that has one word in the subject (HOTDELAY), and it basically says "please call us" and a different number than the one I'd been calling. So I call that number as soon as I'm able, get through to a supervisor for the repair team. Oh my, apparently the distributers warehouse was having further technical difficulties! Amazingly, that phone that I had been assured four (or was it five?) separate times would be shipping "that day" all week, wasn't actually in stock! They won't be able to ship me a phone until late June at the earliest. Needless to say, I flip out, saying that's completely unacceptable. So the supervisor says she'll call corporate and get back to me on Monday (05/20), since they'd already gone home and wouldn't be in on the weekend. She promises she'd call me by 1pm on Monday.
05/20 early PM: Wow. Supervisor actually manages to call me back around 1230pm and gives me the offer that Motorola will give me a Droid 2 as a loaner phone until they get the Razr Maxx HD back in stock. That's right. Not a Droid 4. Or a Droid 3. Or a Droid 2 Global. But the phone that is FOUR MODELS out of date and as old as my Droid X. Needless to say, I tell her that that is not an acceptable option, and the only thing that I'd accept at this point is for Motorola to reimburse me in full for the cost of a phone. She says she'd look into it.
05/20 later PM: I get a call back from the supervisor. Corporate has agreed to reimburse me for a phone. Hallelujah! I ask a few questions. It goes like this: "Will they reimburse me for the full value of the phone?" "Yes." "Will I be reimbursed all taxes and fees?" "Yes, of course, we will reimburse you all taxes". I should have gotten details of all this in writing, but I didn't think of it. I almost cry from joy to finally get this resolved. I go to Best Buy (because they don't have a charge to return phones and at this point, I'm skeptical until the check is sent) buy a phone for full price (because I obviously don't have an upgrade available for myself yet), fax them the receipt with my case number, name, and address written on it, and move on my merry way. I figure I'll call them later the next day to make sure the fax was received and the reimbursement is being processed. I was so excited because I was leaving for my multi state/country traveling on 05/22, and I was relieved to get this huge monkey off my back.
05/21 (the 1 month "anniversary" of Motorola receiving my phone): I get a phone call back from supervisor lady. She is incredulous that I somehow thought they'd reimburse me for a brand new full priced device. Apparently she meant they'd only reimburse me for the purchase price of the original device, so they want my receipt back from October and will only reimburse me for $250 (and for none of the VZW subsidy that I got by signing a new 2 year contract). I can only respond that I never agreed to such an absurd deal and that there is absolutely no way I'd accept 1/3 of the value of the phone that I sent in to be repaired as reimbursement. She says that's the maximum they'd consider reimbursing me, and that me buying a replacement phone myself was my own problem and that I should return it. I request to speak to her supervisor and eventually get forwarded to their corporate consumer advocacy office. Talk to someone from consumer advocacy who says they'd look in to see what they could do for me and we'd talk again later that afternoon.
05/21 PM: Individual from consumer advocacy calls me back. Says there is no way anyone would ever agree to reimburse me the full value of a replacement device, just the subsidized price I paid once. He acknowledges that the device is valued at much higher than that and that I only got that price through a subsidy I (for all intents and purposes) pay back through the contract I'm still liable for, but he says that is irrelevant for their purposes. I tried to escalate to an even higher level of support and get this resolved, but he refused, saying there is no one higher and that I had to take what he offered or leave it. When inquiring about another option (compared to getting reimbursed a fraction of the cost of the device), he changed the story regarding their stock of phones once again and says more will be in stock on 05/22. He also personally guaranteed that mine would be the first one out the door from that shipment. When I said I didn't believe him, he said that given my case history he wouldn't believe himself either, but I had no other choices. He said they'd ship it to where I would be on 05/22-05/23. After numerous complaints from me about the absolutely abhorrent service so far, he (begrudgingly) attempts to offer me another bluetooth headset. After my frank refusal of that, he finally offers to ship me a $100 google play card. All this time, he just patronizes me with "I understand your frustration", and no real apology on behalf of Motorola.
05/22: I get a call back from consumer advocacy. It turns out that no, in fact, there was no stock that came in that day. They offer to send me a Razr M until they can get more HD MAXXs sometime later the following month. I refused, and say (again) that the only option I'll accept at this point was reimbursement for a replacement device, because it's been a month and I'm leaving the country for a few weeks and don't want to deal with this. He says it's not possible. I ask who could make it possible and get told this is a policy of their finance department. He refuses to let me speak to the finance department, but puts me on hold and (lo and behold!) he says that he spoke with them and got approval to send me a check to reimburse me for the replacement. But because they're paying the full amount, I will not get a $100 google play card for my trouble or any other reimbursement. I should be thankful that they deign to pay me back for the device I sent them (and they lost somewhere). I make sure to get this offer sent to me in writing later that day.
05/30: They mail the check. Only took a week. I was amazed. I got it a few days later.
Lessons learned: NEVER utilize Motorola for any kind of repair services. A repair that I could have easily done in 30 seconds (if I could have reasonably gotten ahold of the part without having it shipped from Hong Kong over a period of 2+ weeks) was not only never completed, but ballooned into a whole saga.
I've considered filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, but I don't think they could do anything. I don't know what else I can do, so I'm also spreading the story to all the forums I know so people can be warned to not use their repair services. Would have done it earlier but I had the international travel and then a whole bunch of work to do when I got back.
Legal action for my time (I estimate I spent >20 hrs on hold/talking to Motorola) wouldn't be worth it, given that any attorney would charge more per hour than Motorola would ever offer me. To be honest, I'd have been satisfied if they had ever offered me a sincere apology, an honest update on the situation, or maybe even that (paltry) $100 that they had considered offering me but in the end took the offer back. I was over a month without a normally functioning smartphone.Instead, all I got was patronization, dishonesty that I'd get a phone back "soon", and a bluetooth headset.
If any of you are stuck down the motorola black hole, the biggest advice I can give is to call the consumer advocacy office. Insist you be transfered up there if you have to. They are also less than honest and less than useful, but they seemed to at least be able to contact the people that could do something. If they tell you something is not possible, don't trust them. Insist to find out who can make it possible, because it probably is. I'd post the number myself, but I don't know how much I'm allowed to.
Yup, this is exactly why I try to repair stuff myself instead of sending it in.
But thanks for sharing.
That's why I get the best buy warranty. 10 bucks a month but this is my 3rd phone. Each one has been free and taken no longer then a week.
That's why I take care of my electronics.
Not our finest hour...
Raryn said:
TLDR summary: Sent a Razr MAXX HD in to Motorola to have a cracked screen repaired with a guarantee that it would be done within 5 business days. For over the next month, I am continually lied to that I'd get a phone back within the next 1-5 days (depending on who I talk to), before they finally reimburse me for a replacement, well over a month later.
Really sorry to hear it. We (Motorola Support) are just recovering from a rough patch in repair, and looks like you had one of the worst experiences. It's not typical of our performance and we are working hard to get 100 percent back to our quoted turnaround time.
Again, sorry you had such a crummy experience.
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I was going to say I've read elsewhere of delayed repair times.
I am utterly shocked and devastated they were only willing to reimburse you for the subsidised amount! Who says you have an upgrade or access to one?!!
I am even scared to write about screen issues. My insurance company has a hard enough time keeping my model in stock and I can't afford to have $700+ temporarily out of commission.
Legal action... Maybe small claims court?
I would always remember never count on anyone for anything. You're bound to be let down and stressed. I can tell by the girth of your story you mean what you say.
It looks like Motorola read this. I'm shocked they didn't send you a free accessory or something to help compensate you.
I love this phone and its battery life and laugh every time my friends are tethered to an outlet. But all in all its just a cell phone and luckily you were even offered a loaner to begin with.
Fortunately this is not a story we hear every day and hopefully some xda members will chime in with their positive experiences.
Motorola please port webtop to this device!
That is by far the worst experience I have heard of so far, and by all means if the customer has paid for the device and can prove so, should be entitled to a full refund or at least give the original phone back so the person can find other less stressful means of repair. That is simply unacceptable and Motorola should be held fully accountable if they are going to brand their name on anything. This story makes me upset even gees.
Razr HD
Eclipse V 1.3
Who said you were guaranteed to get it back in 5 days? Their website says 7-10 days after receiving it.
My experience with Moto service was OK. Not great. Just OK. I did get it back quick, 5 business days in fact. Their website and tracking are a pathetic joke for sure.
Like you, USPS indicated that my phone had been delivered but their system didnt show it. I contacted them and they gave me the same spill about the system having problems. I can accept that software systems can have problems sometimes so I wasn't to upset. I figured id give it a few days.
A few days passed and my phone still showed it hadn't been received. I called them and made sure (in a very respectful way) that i was very unhappy that they were having problems. They escalated my case and i talked to a new person. The new person gave me about the same explanation as the first person but assured me they would have it to me a max of 10 days from receiving it. Frustrated I accepted their excuse.
The next day it sowed as received in their system and that they were repairing it.
Two days later it showed as shipped. Funny thing was the "Shipped", emphasis on the "-ED", was for that day at like 1:00 pm. I got the notification that it had "shipped" like at 8:00 am. In addition to the fake ship date there was "NO TRACKING". I was thinking that those as shats marked it as shipped to appease me.
I was about ready to call them again but gave them a chance to make good. Then the next day it showed up all nice and shiny.
They did a good job repairing it. They replaced the whole frame, not just the glass. I know because there was a noticeable scuff on the top right corner that is no longer there.
This was actually for my sisters phone. She borrowed mine because here work requires here to have a phone. Anyway, she might not get it back. :cyclops: Ive quite enjoyed it the last few days.
That's horrible!
Good thing I saw this, I'll keep your experience in mind for if I ever need to get anything on my phone repaired. I can't believe you went through that much trouble. I quite am disappointed with Motorola at this moment.
DIY Motorola Repairs
My company, Simple Phone Trade, specializes in Moto repairs. If anyone else breaks a Moto device send me a message if you want a link to our manuals (XDA won't let me post URLs yet) or need direction with parts and tools.
We don't sell parts or tools and are unbiased/agnostic concerning wholesalers (not to mention experienced and knowledgeable).

Terrible Customer Service from Motorola

Just venting.
When I ordered the VZW developer edition I also ordered a case.
When the order arrived I did not receive the case I received a headphone headband. Even the packing slip said this.
I called in and after 30 minutes on hold and 3 different reroutes I was told the case was out of stock so I asked for my money back. "That can't be done until Monday" they said:
Monday last week "45 minutes on hold, 4 reroutes and finally I get someone. Repeatedly I tell them I cannot return the case because I do not have it. 60 minutes later I get an email for return instructions for my case.
I call again 25 minutes on hold, 3 reroutes. I try to explain over and over again that I want my money back. Finally they agree.
7 days later I do not have my money back. I call again, 3 disconnects after holding 75 minutes on hold and 4 reroutes. Again the same story. They person seemed to get quite annoyed because I was expressing annoyance at the process. He promised I would receive an email confirming in 1 hours.
4 hours later and I have nothing.
I'm on hold now to exchange my dev edition. For Some Reason i cant unlock the bootolaader
yes reps appeared to be very stupid when i called. 3rd time was the charm. try not to speak with woman there
Durkbeef said:
I'm on hold now to exchange my dev edition. For Some Reason i cant unlock the bootolaader
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Were you able to request the code from Moto's web site?
Well it's now 6 hours and I called back, of course I have been on hold for 35 minutes listening to the same message over and over and over and over and over again.
homemadehitshow said:
Well it's now 6 hours and I called back, of course I have been on hold for 35 minutes listening to the same message over and over and over and over and over again.
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After my experiences with this last 6 weeks.. YIKES! All I can say is GOOD LUCK!!!
Well I just had a tough time with their services as well. I just bought the Dev edition and it randomly reboots through out the day. I talked to them last week and they had me do a factory reset. Well it still reboots at random. Yesterday it locked up where I couldn't do anything with it for a few hours. I figured something must have drained the battery. After a few hours it finally powered back on and showed that battery at 83%. I have spent 1 and half on the phone today with them and a 1 and half last week troubleshooting this phone. I asked if I could return this unit and they send me another unit but would not. They will not give me the cyber monday sale price on it, but did offer to give me the standard Moto x for 150 off after they receive this one back. I tried explaining that I can't go a without a phone as my job requires after hours support. She suggested I find an old phone. I have to send this phone in and have it repaired by them. So I'll be out a phone for a week. They don't care.
Have you tried chatting live with a representative?
If you go to the link below, and click on 'Chat Live' - I was able to connect with someone in under a minute and they were pretty helpful with their information:,6720,8696//#/service
Just another avenue to try. Let me know how it goes
I did live chat with them last Friday and waited in queue for that for nearly an hour (with only 13 people ahead of me..) only to be told they couldn't help me on chat, I had to call their hotline.
I called that on my drive home work and was on hold for about 35 minutes before I talked to someone who told me I called the wrong number. He asked what number I called, and I gave it to him, and he said that was the right number, and he didn't know why I got routed to him. He transferred me and after about 20 more minutes, I got disconnected. I called back and was on hold until their support center closed at 7pm.
Calling back tonight on my drive home to see if I have any better luck.
Thankfully, I haven't had any problems with my actual device, but yes, their CS centers are a nightmare. I called in to find out why my device hadn't shipped yet (I knew it was probably because of the storm, but I wanted to hear if it was even actually ready to be shipped, or was still being assembled) because chat said they could not check that kind of thing. The guy on the phone was obviously just reading canned responses off of a script, and wouldn't just directly answer a question. I had to ask at least three times for him to just say, "Yes, that is correct," and confirm an assumption about my order.
My only "problem" was a case that was damaged when it arrived. Their chat acted like they were doing me a huge, big favor by sending me a replacement free of charge. Hey, it's not my fault that it was either a) sent out damaged or b) damaged in transit. Shipping claims are the responsibility of the shipper. Don't tell your customer that they're a "valued customer" but that you're going to make a big concession and offer to replace defective merchandise on a "one time only basis".
I bought a Moto G on 11/26, but changed my my mind later in the day. Unfortunately i wasn't able to cancel the order. I then ordered a Moto X which BTW I love. I then got a call from a supervisor who said she cancelled the G. So I received my X about 12/12. The next day I see my Fed Ex guy walking up to my door with the G that was supposedly cancelled. I refused delivery and sent it back to Motorola who received it 2 days ago, (Federal Express conformation). I just spent 45 minutes on the phone trying to find out about my refund. I was told even though they confirm receiving the phone back from me they have to open up an investigation on the issues which could take 10 days and then they would send it to a supervisor to authorize a refund! All I can say is WOW! Love the phone ...hate the service!
My biggest complaint with their "customer care" is that you can get 5 unique answers from 5 individuals, and then talk to them three days later and get 5 more unique answers from the same people. It would seem like there's no consistency or shared information between their departments, which is hugely frustrating, as you typically have to chat, then call, then be transferred, transferred again, and then promised a call back, etc. to get your answer. A chat rep should be able to tell me the status of my order the same as a call center rep. It should all be in a synchronized ERP system, not 8 different individual systems - this is Motorla (+ Google), they really should have the resources to do this.
My last call ended with them saying they had finally got to the bottom of this and a refund would be issued. The next day I got the case in the mail Now the really weird part is that it turns out I really like the case so I'm just going to keep it.
They are truly hopeless. I hate that they make you take ages explaining a problem only to tell you someone else needs to deal with it. Then the same thing happens with the next person.
tonyguy2000 said:
I bought a Moto G on 11/26, but changed my my mind later in the day. Unfortunately i wasn't able to cancel the order. I then ordered a Moto X which BTW I love. I then got a call from a supervisor who said she cancelled the G. So I received my X about 12/12. The next day I see my Fed Ex guy walking up to my door with the G that was supposedly cancelled. I refused delivery and sent it back to Motorola who received it 2 days ago, (Federal Express conformation). I just spent 45 minutes on the phone trying to find out about my refund. I was told even though they confirm receiving the phone back from me they have to open up an investigation on the issues which could take 10 days and then they would send it to a supervisor to authorize a refund! All I can say is WOW! Love the phone ...hate the service!
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I'll give them 10 days to process my refund then I'll just call my credit card company. They truly are a mess in customer service!
laur3n.newm4n said:
My biggest complaint with their "customer care" is that you can get 5 unique answers from 5 individuals, and then talk to them three days later and get 5 more unique answers from the same people. It would seem like there's no consistency or shared information between their departments, which is hugely frustrating, as you typically have to chat, then call, then be transferred, transferred again, and then promised a call back, etc. to get your answer. A chat rep should be able to tell me the status of my order the same as a call center rep. It should all be in a synchronized ERP system, not 8 different individual systems - this is Motorla (+ Google), they really should have the resources to do this.
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This is 100% true and it annoys me to no end. The funny thing is, I now have 3 pairs of free earphones from them that they don't want back.
nforeses These
Their customer service is awful. I tried for weeks to cancel a phone order and they simply kept saying "it's shipping tomorrow." Now I have an extra dev edition phone. Argh. Thinking of putting it on swappa instead of the hassle of mailing it back (or worse speaking with their CSRs).
BTW...when does the verification nonsense go away for users? I can never read those captcha things... it's like looking at those boats in dots posters.
To update on my post from earlier in this thread:
I did get through to them (after another HOUR on hold) and was routed to the wrong department (again, twice), before finally being directed to someone who could "help". She explained that she would email me a ticket number and requested copies of the charge discrepancies. I was billed more than they stated I would be for my Moto X, so I was asking for clarification on the difference in the confirmation email and what was charged to my account.
I sent the requested screen shots showing the differences and never heard back. It will have been a week tomorrow, and I'll be following up then.
Well, I got an email back from them just now and they offered me either a $25 Play Store credit or a pair of SOL Republic Jax headphones in a color of my choice (the ones they have on their website under Accessories). I've never used that brand, but a coworker said they make good headphones. They're MSRP is $39.99 (which is more than $25), and I rarely buy things on the Play Store (maybe 3-4 purchases in the 5+ years I've been using Android), so I went for the headphones.
Glad they made it right. And the discrepancy on my charge was only like $8.
There seems to be two customer supports...Motorola support and Moto X support link on the email of the order. Motorola seems to be out sourced to India and Moto X in the states.
The best for us was the app in the phone Moto Care...its busy now with the holiday but normally about 1 or 2 in queue.
Sorry to hear about your troubles. My experience has been great so far!

