MicroSD card performance - Touch HD General

I've noticed that copying files to the phone (to storage card) via USB cable is painfully slow (as compared to say regular USB stick).
Would purchasing a high speed MicroSD (e.g. Sandisk Premier) help or is the phone itself the bottleneck?

Try connecting your phone as a mass storage device, if you haven't done that already.
You can select this when you plug in the usb cable.
Accessing the storage card is way faster then.

milan_ns said:
I've noticed that copying files to the phone (to storage card) via USB cable is painfully slow (as compared to say regular USB stick).
Would purchasing a high speed MicroSD (e.g. Sandisk Premier) help or is the phone itself the bottleneck?
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I have purchased SanDisk Mobile Ultra (Class 6) and the performance increase in real terms is marginal!

milan_ns said:
I've noticed that copying files to the phone (to storage card) via USB cable is painfully slow (as compared to say regular USB stick).
Would purchasing a high speed MicroSD (e.g. Sandisk Premier) help or is the phone itself the bottleneck?
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It would certainly help. Also search this forum for tnyynt's SD Tuneup cab. Note that installing that cab only makes much of a difference once you got a faster SD.
The transfer speed of the SD is limited for whatever reason, power preservation, whatever, it's limited to optimize for slower SD cards. So The SDTuneup cab ups this limit, meaning you will notice a much bigger speed difference when using faster SD cards.

i also find the msd card speed poor. especially when you open up a folder with a lot of images every image software takes minutes to scan the folder.
that is very lame


usb 1 or 2?

i get usb 1 speeds is this right?
what is the question??!?!
You've got USB 1 on Magician (for file transfer) if this is the question...
DocteurN said:
You've got USB 1 on Magician (for file transfer) if this is the question...
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thanks, usb 2 would of been nice to fill up those 2gb cards :twisted:
Most likely the bottleneck for speed is the SD card itself, not USB (1 or 2). Generally large SD cards have awful transfer speeds - write is terrible, read is passable.
You can get "professional" SD cards with different transfer speeds, usually designed for professional photographers who need to take lots of high-quality (and hence BIG) photos really quickly.
> > This site < < has lots of them - search for "60x SD card" and have a look.
KevinL said:
Most likely the bottleneck for speed is the SD card itself, not USB (1 or 2). Generally large SD cards have awful transfer speeds - write is terrible, read is passable.
You can get "professional" SD cards with different transfer speeds, usually designed for professional photographers who need to take lots of high-quality (and hence BIG) photos really quickly.
> > This site < < has lots of them - search for "60x SD card" and have a look.
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2gb ultra has high write speeds but not much point if the bottleneck is usb 1!
The bottleneck is not the SD. If I put my SD (regular Sandisk 1GB) in my USB2 card reader I get much higher speeds. I guess ActiveSync steals some speed to, but USB1 is really slow.

USB data transfer speed?

Hi guys,
I currently have a XDA Orbit and I'm thinking about buying the Touch2. The problem with the Orbit is the combination of poorly accessible microSD card and veeery slow data transfer rate via USB. Unless this hasn't been improved dramatically in the Touch2, it would be no buy for me.
Does anyone have some MB/min data?
It depends on the connection mode choosen. When choosing to connect it as a "disk", copying a 142MB folder takes about 35s, so it gives about 4MB/s. It probably also depends on the SD card speed and number of files to transfer.
I use already for some yrs "tnyynt tune up". Install attached CAB. Also your PC has faster and slower USB ports, select the right one.
Assume you connect storage card directly to PC and not via phone because that goes much slower.....
Have used several HTC devices (with Mega software) and speed was never a problem.

[Q] Slow Android USB-Masstorage connection

I searched similar threads, but i found no proper answer to my question.
Is this a general android-build problem on the HD2?
I tried it with different PC's (XP/W7) and Roms (SD and NAND) and everytime
i get a only a transfer rate between 300 to 500 kbyte/s
(this is really slow! WM 6.5 connection was up to 10 Mbyte/sec)
It's a C10 sdcard and i already installed the SD read forward patch with 2048kb.
So internal reading/writing speed is not the problem.
What can i do to speed up the USB - Connection ??
(...please don't tell me to use a cardreader - this was not questioned!)
there is a solution i believe... check out
hellraiser-rh said:
I searched similar threads, but i found no proper answer to my question.
Is this a general android-build problem on the HD2?
I tried it with different PC's (XP/W7) and Roms (SD and NAND) and everytime
i get a only a transfer rate between 300 to 500 kbyte/s
(this is really slow! WM 6.5 connection was up to 10 Mbyte/sec)
It's a C10 sdcard and i already installed the SD read forward patch with 2048kb.
So internal reading/writing speed is not the problem.
What can i do to speed up the USB - Connection ??
(...please don't tell me to use a cardreader - this was not questioned!)
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I hate you man i was opening Q&A to post exactly about the same issue!
However i had a very satisfying SDcard read and write speeds, that is when i formatted it with SD formatter tool and WITHOUT any partitioning of it!
Today i wanted to try a sence build with EXT partition so i formatted the SDcard with the internal Partitioning tool of CWR to 1GB EXT. Then i formatted the SDcard (both FAT32 and EXT) with CWR.
I flashed a ROM and went to USB storage mode, and i was shocked!
The SDcard is now muuuuuuccccchhhh slower!!! Why is that?! And what can we do about it?!
kiki_tt said:
there is a solution i believe... check out
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Man he said that he applied that, besides that only affects internal speeds!
So can I just format my 32gb class 10 stick and run 1 fat32 partition and enjoy better performance or do we need the ext3 partition? Mines only like 200MB or so.
If using windows do you have some sort of Virus Scan going on. Is the USB hub on the computer really at USB 2.0 or more?
yep. It's a external powered 7 port usb 2.0 hub. When I plug the micro sdhc card into my usb card reader which plugs into the hub I get write speeds of 15MB/s+! Then I plug it in the phone and It pulls off 2MB/s barely. This is a CLASS 10 32GB Micro SDHC card. I changed the read_ahead_kb to 2048. No change. I'll test out 3072 and 4096. I think there's some driver issue with windows and the android usb driver or something. It's slow on several machines all operating at usb 2.0 specifications. Do we need to install software for the device? If so let me know! I get an unknown device when i plug the phone in and not usb mass storage, it tries to install the Android internal memory driver with no success. Supposedely google has a special driver for windows where u need the java developtmental sdk and the google java sdk. I'll update later. Any suggestions would be killer awesome!
any idea?
I've got a USB 2.0 connetction and the sdcard is not the Problem.
With my SDHC-reader in the same USB-port i get the normal speeds!
And i don't had this problem with WM6.5!!
With WM6.5 my spped was similar to the USB-reader!
But now ... with Android in NAND.....
The Speed problem occurs at all my PC's (XP,Vista and W7) and
with all the old SD-Build's (i thought that was an SD-Build problem)
and now with the NAND-Build (rafpigna Sense HD 4.02 ext) nothing changed !
So it is a general problem I think, not only me
Well, I was using dual mount SD for mounting the SDCard to the PC and the writing speed on the SD (class 6) was about 900KB ! But after I tried the native android mounting it was risen up to 3.4MB -which is also much slower than the card reader (~7MB)-
Same problem here ...
from the boot loader i get better write speeds ...
i tried ftp transfer too , no diferince in speed (still around 800 kbs).
i tried over wifi , still no difference.
iam using:
Pyramid HTC Europe 1.35.401.1 - Real 3D V2.3
I found out how to fix the problem. It lies within windows disk checker. Automatically fix file system errors, and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors. This will take a long time depending on your speed and size of your memory stick. I do this when my speeds slow down. For my 32GB Class 10 card, it could take 2-4 Hours. However I'm getting 12-16MB/s write using windows and CWR. Make sure your device is being detected at USB 2.0 Speeds. Trust me! Doing it once ever couple days your speeds will be faster and faster. Even exceed the class specification of your card. This fixes the slow read/ write speeds!!!!
1chris89 said:
I found out how to fix the problem. It lies within windows disk checker. Automatically fix file system errors, and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors. This will take a long time depending on your speed and size of your memory stick. I do this when my speeds slow down. For my 32GB Class 10 card, it could take 2-4 Hours. However I'm getting 12-16MB/s write using windows and CWR. Make sure your device is being detected at USB 2.0 Speeds. Trust me! Doing it once ever couple days your speeds will be faster and faster. Even exceed the class specification of your card. This fixes the slow read/ write speeds!!!!
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ill try it ... reporting back after trying...
ok not working on the phone... ill set the sd card into a reader and try it out there
dint work at all ... some one else should feel free to confirm this
here is a bug report for this problem:
http://code.google.com/p/cyanogenmo...etwork Owner Summary Stars Priority&start=100
Ok, sorry. I'll start at the beginning and explain every detail on how to get amazingly excellent performance from you sd card. Your going to be required to format it to fat32 64kb cluster for optimum performance. That's #1 and required. If you need your ext3,4 etc partition. I'm sorry. You will have to continue to bare the poor performance. You need a raw fresh sd card. Then I would run a disk check to correct any internal errors that windows uses, with all options checked this should take a while to complete. On my 16gb class 2 it takes atleast 45 minues and 2 hours on my 32gb class 10. Windows disk checker perfects the clusters and the file system integrity. Run it once on a fresh sd card. Then transfer a file 100MB or larger to get good speeds. Transferring a ton of smaller files will always be 50-75% of your class specification. There is no way around this. The card will transfer at it's class when transferring large files. If the card was able to transfer at it's specified class with small files, would require more energy to perform the task and cause the card to overheat since it's performing more operations a second with a lot of small files compared to a few large files. One thing you will always need to keep in mind is the performance is very delicate and will not be maintained for long if you don't take extra special care of safely removing the device from the computer. I've been lucky to just turn off usb mass storage when the transfer is complete and have maintained my speeds this way. However before I dialed in to how to keep it performing excellent I would constantly cause the card to perform way worse after only a day or 2 after the optimization. To keep it running optimum make sure to run windows disk checker once a month or when it slows down. Make sure you format using either Windows format function from my computer or Disk Management. I have found that the windows methods are far superior to maintaining excellent performance since Windows writes the format data to the card in the manner it prefers to use on a daily basis. Third party applications perform the same simple "similar" task in a different manner technically speaking. I have noticed performance loss from tests I have ran comparing 3rd party format compared to windows format. Also the 64Kilobyte cluster size performs the best on all files sizes. Do not use anything smaller than that. Also a 3072KB read ahead in android on average performs better than a 2048kb read ahead. If you have any additional questions. Don't hesitate to ask.
Thanks cya!
Same phone on Mac & Windows
I have tried the same phone Samsung Galaxy S2 doing a 1 GB write to SD on a Windows machine vs a Mac. The Mac transfers in about 5 min the Windows machine takes about 20 min. Both machines are with the External SD mounted and copy and paste a folder with 10,000 files in it.
I then tried it with Motorola Atrix and get the same results.
I need a way to rapidly write 8GB of data every night to 46 phones... No I am not going to take the SD cards out of the phone and use a card reader.
Anyone have any idea what could be causing the slow down on Windows?
Read the above post and it will fix your problem.
1chris89 said:
Ok, sorry. I'll start at the beginning and explain every detail on how to get amazingly excellent performance from you sd card. Your going to be required to format it to fat32 64kb cluster for optimum performance. That's #1 and required. If you need your ext3,4 etc partition. I'm sorry. You will have to continue to bare the poor performance. You need a raw fresh sd card. Then I would run a disk check to correct any internal errors that windows uses, with all options checked this should take a while to complete. On my 16gb class 2 it takes atleast 45 minues and 2 hours on my 32gb class 10. Windows disk checker perfects the clusters and the file system integrity. Run it once on a fresh sd card. Then transfer a file 100MB or larger to get good speeds. Transferring a ton of smaller files will always be 50-75% of your class specification. There is no way around this. The card will transfer at it's class when transferring large files. If the card was able to transfer at it's specified class with small files, would require more energy to perform the task and cause the card to overheat since it's performing more operations a second with a lot of small files compared to a few large files. One thing you will always need to keep in mind is the performance is very delicate and will not be maintained for long if you don't take extra special care of safely removing the device from the computer. I've been lucky to just turn off usb mass storage when the transfer is complete and have maintained my speeds this way. However before I dialed in to how to keep it performing excellent I would constantly cause the card to perform way worse after only a day or 2 after the optimization. To keep it running optimum make sure to run windows disk checker once a month or when it slows down. Make sure you format using either Windows format function from my computer or Disk Management. I have found that the windows methods are far superior to maintaining excellent performance since Windows writes the format data to the card in the manner it prefers to use on a daily basis. Third party applications perform the same simple "similar" task in a different manner technically speaking. I have noticed performance loss from tests I have ran comparing 3rd party format compared to windows format. Also the 64Kilobyte cluster size performs the best on all files sizes. Do not use anything smaller than that. Also a 3072KB read ahead in android on average performs better than a 2048kb read ahead. If you have any additional questions. Don't hesitate to ask.
Thanks cya!
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Thank you for this thorough and correct advice. It solved my problem with my SDHC class 4 card used in a Samsung Galaxy Gio. My computer (Win7) could write on the card with only 150 kb/s, now it is around 2200-3000 kb/s.

Transfer data from pc to TF101 too slow

Hi all,
I use usb cable to transfer game data to TF101 (around 1GB, 4500 files), but it's too slow (take almost 2 hours).
Have you got this problem? Copy 1 file is OK (1GB), but what problem with large amount of file?
I guess its because multiple files all have to go through one by one
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium HD app
Its normal. Flash chips arent very good at handle small files, and the TF is no exception. In fact, its quite bad.
Even my SSD Disc, which is capable of writing files at ~550MB/sec, struggles with a lot of small files, down to speeds as low as 10MB/sec.
Theres nothing you can do about it. Its just the way flash chips works today.
But it's strange that Samsung GS II do much faster than my TF101.
And also HTC HD2 (around 15-20 min).
I have tested, copy to internal memory and sdcard have the same problem (use usb cable).
Slow transfer speeds when connected via USB do sound familiar. But it seems this is not caused by a slow SD card. If I plug the MicroSD card into the card reader of my laptop, transfer speed is much higher than copying data to said card when connected via USB and plugged into my Transformer.
Seems the bottleneck is the MTP protokoll or the Transformer itself.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
chat2004 said:
But it's strange that Samsung GS II do much faster than my TF101.
And also HTC HD2 (around 15-20 min).
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Its not strange. Those devices have faster flash memory than the TF.
Also, the cardreader in the TF is also very slow, compared to your average card reader for a PC/laptop.
Even the card reader in my N7B is slightly faster than the TF, despite being more than half the price of a TF.
Using ADB to transfer files, the N7B manages an average of 5.2MB/sec, while the TF only manages around 4.8MB/sec using the same card (class 4 iirc). It may not sound like a huge difference, but calculate that on a large file and the speed difference is a lot more noticable.
The TF is faster than the N7B on small files though, thanks to the faster CPU, but not by much, only around 0.2MB/sec difference.
TL;DR The TF's cardreader and flash memory sucks.
Goatshocker said:
TL;DR The TF's cardreader and flash memory sucks.
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MTP sucks too. It was much faster to transfer files in HC using USB Mass Storage mode.
You might want to try TeraCopy if you have a PC. Set it as the default handler for file management/file explorer and transferring data should be much faster. Good luck.
raduque said:
MTP sucks too. It was much faster to transfer files in HC using USB Mass Storage mode.
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I wouldnt know, I only use adb to transfer files and, to my knowledge, MTP doesnt affect that.
But yes, mass storage is always preferable to any other sad excuse for filetransfer (if not using adb, that is)
I have noticed this as well. Always chalked it up to the fact I was moving files to an external MicroSd card.
use wifi and ftp sharing mode (file expert)
I think I've read somewhere here in this forum before that the problem in the slow file transfer occur because of the honeycomb file system which i think it's the same as ics. you can search about this .
For me this is very annoying , usually I mount my sd card in laptop and copy my files because this is much faster than copying directly to the tablet via usb. With my galaxy note i do not need to do that , Note's MTP is very fast.
Heh funny thing.. I reformatted my PC yesterday, now I cant get speeds higher than 2MB/sec using adb, compared to at least 4MB/sec before
**** knows whats wrong, as Im using the same usb port and drivers as always

getting bad transfer speeds on 5Ghz with my note 4

my link rate on the phone is 525Mbit/s and my computer is at 1Gbit/s and for some reason im transferring from my computer to my phones Memory card which is a sandisk 128gb and im only getting around 1-3 MB/s write speed, i don't get it shouldn't the sd card be rated for higher? or is it the chip inside my note 4 that bottlenecks the sd card? im using Es media to transfer the files. And no it's not small files it was around 800MB
Write speed to your SD card (external storage) from your pc to your device is slower than transferring the file directly from your pc to your devices' internal storage.
sunniebeta said:
Write speed to your SD card (external storage) from your pc to your device is slower than transferring the file directly from your pc to your devices' internal storage.
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but how can it be so slow? is it the phone storage controller that's bottlenecking the sd card?
RaW D Coy said:
but how can it be so slow? is it the phone storage controller that's bottlenecking the sd card?
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I'm not quite sure about that. But I think one of the reasons is the SD card itself. Try to use a microSD adapter, plug it in your PC and transfer a file to it. Is it a lot faster that way?
yeah i can get like 12 MB/s
