Not powering off - Touch HD General

Hi all, got my blackstone setup nicely but one of the minor niggles is...
When powerd to mains the backlight drops but the device doesnt power off. My battery settings are
On battery - backlight 10secs, iff 1 min
External - backlight 1 min, device 2 mins
Anyone got the same?
Tried S2U2, wasnt a fan, with gyrator got too many quirks to use in the long term

dogbreath said:
Hi all, got my blackstone setup nicely but one of the minor niggles is...
When powerd to mains the backlight drops but the device doesnt power off. My battery settings are
On battery - backlight 10secs, iff 1 min
External - backlight 1 min, device 2 mins
Anyone got the same?
Tried S2U2, wasnt a fan, with gyrator got too many quirks to use in the long term
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Dang, on battery it doesnt seem to power off either


Battery life on XDAIIi

Hi All - Did a search but couldn't find much about any 'battery life' problems with this device.
I'm experiencing poor battery life on my new XDA IIi. This is my second machine (o2 replaced the forst one due to poor battery lifery life and dead pixels on screen)
I just wondered what others are experiencing...I tend to have the phone switched from 8am til 6pm. The signal strength is good and I have wifi and bluetooth turned off.
Here is a typical set of figures for the battery through the course of my typical day
8am 100%
9am 84%
10am 75%
11am 61%
12am 50%
1pm 41%
2pm 32%
3pm 19%
4pm 11%
5pm 6%
6pm 3%
O2 say that the battery is at fault...but they've changed the battery twice and the unit once, and it's much the same. My guess is that something is draining the battery, but there's nothing special about my set up as far as I know. it's running a 1 gig SD card...but I took that out to see if it made a difference - it doesn't
Even with the phone switched OFF for extended periods of time, the battery doesn't seem to survive the day - I certainly cannot get to 8pm in the evening without having to charge it up.
I just wonder if the behaviour is fairly normal! If someone else out there is able to offer me some advice, or better still, some comparable figures, that would be helpful - just so I know it's not just me!!! ))
Alternatively has any one got any suggestiosn as to what might be draining the battery? (I'm always in a strong signal area for the phone)
Hi I also have an XDAIIi.
My battery seems to be a lot more stronger than yours :?
If I don't use my XDAIIi at all, it can last about 4 days on standby, by this I mean phone on, wi-fi and bluetooth off. I have installed a LOT of applications on it and nothing seems to drain the battery.
My backlight is on full, my SD Card is always in.
If I use the phone say for about 30 minutes every night, then it lasts for about 3 days, still as the set-up above.
I find that if I am constantly using it, it will last about a day.
I am probably being pedantic, but as you probably know, rechagable batteries, in particular Li-Ion. Then they benefit from being run-down completely and leaving dis-charged for about 12 hours, then trying to turn them on again, (i.e. soft re-set) and then leaving them to turn off (almost instantly) Then whilst the XDAIIi is in it's "dead state" put it on charge using the mains charger and leaving it charging for about 3-4 hours. Then take it off charge and turn it on again.
Batteries don't like being half charged then run down a little then charger again.
Also the complete run-down time of a battery will only reach it's fullest after a couple of run-down and full re-charges.
This is what I do.
Hope it helps.
ps. the strenth of your signal should not make any difference. I am also in a strong signal area.
Wow! Yours seems much better than mine with batteries. I just can't figure out what's wrong here and its very frsustrating - new XDA2i seems to make no difference, so it MUST be something I'm running...but there's nothing running in the background at all...very strange
Thanks least I know it IS possible to get better battery life
Just out of interest, what mAh is your battery which came with your XDAIIi.
Mine is the standard 1300mAh
ps. write me a list of what software you are running.
pps. Kettering??? Very near me Peterborough!!!
Battery woes...
MIne came with a 1300...but I bought a spare via the O2 shop that came with a 1200 :?:
I've got hundreds of progs on the XDA. Do you mean a list of ones that are running on startup?
PS USed to live in Werrington!
do you have bluetooth or wifi or both turned on all day ?
is the pda on all the time or off and only the phone on ?
is gprs turned on all day ?
IR is it set to recieve all incomming beams?
how long before the backlight turn itself off ?
how bright is the backlight set to be ?
many many factors
Battery troubles
do you have bluetooth or wifi or both turned on all day ?
Both OFF
is the pda on all the time or off and only the phone on ?
Phone scheduled to be ON between 9 and 7pm
is gprs turned on all day ?
IR is it set to recieve all incomming beams?
..Nope it's Off
how long before the backlight turn itself off ?
..1 minute
how bright is the backlight set to be ?
..about as low as it can go :lol:
As you can see, I've switched OFF most things to get drainage down to a minimum. As this is my SECOND device (o2 replaced the first one - same problem) and I'm trying out a second deduction is that it *MUST* be software related. I may be wrong and I'm hoping someone can point me in a different/new direction
I had a lot of hair when I bough this device - now I've very little left :wink:
Make sure lock all buttons is engaged, second set turn lcd off after 30 sec, third turn off device after 1 minute and you should be dialed in. If this does not work, preform a hard reset then repeat process. Do not install any additional apps/progs! Now if it works try installing one proggy at a time and test the device. It is most likley that there is a program running a daemon that is killing your XDA-IIi
One more note. If you do a hard reset, which if I where you, I would, pay attention to the setup screen on the hard reset. When you see the O2 personal user corporate user screen, preform a soft reset with your stylus immediately! Then you will not get the O2 garbage and Icons.
battery power
just got a xda2i and my battery doesent last long also my car phone charger wont charge it up quickly enough when its being used i took loads of stuff of but no difference.
regards kevin
Thanks Mikee
Hi Mikee
Thanks for your advice. I'm a little uinlcelar how a hard reset will help. This is NEW machine, I only got it last week. How does a HARD reset help the bettery management?
Make sure lock all buttons is engaged,
second set turn lcd off after 30 sec,
third turn off device after 1 minute
Already switches off after a minute
and you should be dialed in.
not sure what you mean
Re: Thanks Mikee
stevep said:
Hi Mikee
Thanks for your advice. I'm a little uinlcelar how a hard reset will help. This is NEW machine, I only got it last week. How does a HARD reset help the bettery management?
Make sure lock all buttons is engaged,
second set turn lcd off after 30 sec,
third turn off device after 1 minute
Already switches off after a minute
and you should be dialed in.
not sure what you mean
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There is a fault with your device - under Consumer Service Guarentee you can return and have it replaced immediately as these goods are definetly NOT fit for purpose.
Mind you, you should hard-reset and double-check, but I'd say you've got a lemon flavour there.
Tkae heart, if you're the only one then it should be easy to fix!
My XDA ws the same when i first got it ... i'd deffo agree that the battery needs to be "optimised"
after a week or so you should notice a difference.
Heavy use of mine, ie listening to ,mp3s all day will take it down to about 15% (9 till 4 ish)
I have WIFI , bluetooth off
screen to the lowest brightness
power off after 30 seconds
I just thought ..... You dont have the "Turbo mode" on do you ?
Battery on XDAIIi
Hi Guys - Thanks for your advice. What I find hard to believe is that this is the SECOND device where the battery life is c***. All my instincts tell me it's NOT the device - this is the second one they've sent me - nor the battery (as I'm now on my THIRD one)
I really want to avoid a hard reset because of the time taken to reinstal everything afterwards. I lead a very busy business life :? , and I just don't have the time to 'start from scratch'
...but I guess I will, if enough people tell me a hard reset will sort it :wink:
i did a hard reset but it didnt make a difference and when i spoke to 02 they were very quick to exchange it and when i spoke to the guy he said i should expect it to crash every so often like windows does on a computer i disagreed with this abd explained my xda2sw didnt crash like this one did.
regards kevin
stevep, in that case why don't u just make a complete backup of ur IIi, then perform a hard reset..
Sometimes the apps installed are the cause.. Also take note that switching to 'Turbo Mode' all the time will drain the batt pretty fast..
Battery drain - hard reset
Thanks for your reply - it's appreciated...but I don't understand how a hard reset helps. Yes, I can back it all and restore it, but surely that'll just put the problem back on the XDA (if it's an app thats causing the drain) :wink:
Can anyone explain (from a techy point of view) how a hard reset MIGHT corrrect the battery drain problem :shock:
Have you checked your turbo button under start, settings, power and then the processor speed? if you set it on turbo, it will eat up the battery VERY FAST. If else, I am using one and I am Happy with the battery life.
I've actually tested it with turbo 'on' and 'off' and I didn't notice much difference either way. It's actually on 'standard' currently
stevep said:
I've actually tested it with turbo 'on' and 'off' and I didn't notice much difference either way. It's actually on 'standard' currently
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backlight - min??
turn off the backlight after 30sec??
button lock except power button??

Screen light keeps switching off on Wizard

The screen backlight has a habit of turning off after a few secs, and will not come back on with the exception of about 90% of the time when you put the camera on.
This fixed itself after I used lokiwiz - but since installing other applications has returned again.
Any ideas?
wizardragon said:
The screen backlight has a habit of turning off after a few secs, and will not come back on with the exception of about 90% of the time when you put the camera on.
This fixed itself after I used lokiwiz - but since installing other applications has returned again.
Any ideas?
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I have now realised despite the phone being unlocked (sim and CID) with lokiwiz - the phone is only switching its backlight off when used with a NON original supplier sim - so clearly there is an additional lock in the phone that lokiwiz cannot see.
That must just have been a coincidence - as it is now doing it with the original sim now too.
It switches on initially - but once the screen back light foes off - either by time or by being put on standby - then only the screen resarts - but is unlit.
Although starting the camera can sometimes fix this.
It also runs very slowly often when this happens - so slowly it can take the windows busy icon ten seconds to go between each 22.5 degree incriment as the 'shadow' rotates over the circle with coloured quarters.
Any ideas?
Same issue
Did you figure out the issue? I am having the same problem.
I have never had this problem but I set up my dad's MDA Vario as a clone of mine at the weekend and got this.
The only differences are he has
1) a SIM lock pin number
2) a GPRS connection.
Both SIMS are Vodafone
Any similarities?
Nope. I was running Custom TMO 2.17 with no issues. Earlier I installed Core Pocket Movie Player and reset. After reset, backlight keeps staying dark. I can turn it up through the settings but each time it powers off or goes into screen saver it stays dim and I have to reconfigure.
Nope. I was running Custom TMO 2.17 with no issues. Earlier I installed Core Pocket Movie Player and reset. After reset, backlight keeps staying dark. I can turn it up through the settings but each time it powers off or goes into screen saver it stays dim and I have to reconfigure.
i have the same problem, it seems unrepeatable to me though, it just does it when it wants...
Its going fine now. But I have not been near a PC for ages.
I cannot remember exactly how i did it as it was about 7 weeks ago - but i found the solution on the modico forum and the phone runs like a dream now with the exception of crashing once.
Could be a Fix !!!
I had this same problem on my xda mini s which i bought from 02 over a week ago with the back light kept going on and off..
How i got round this..
I noticed in backlight settings there r battery power and external power if you have external power turn off option say x secs set as well as battery power turn off x secs you get that random shutting off..
I removed the option in external power say turn off in 5 secs unticked that and set it only in battery power ticked
Now mine stays on for around 5 mins or whatever u wana set it to through battery power with no problems....
Hope this helps....

Backlight problem

Hi all,
There are 4 options in Power->Advance to set the duration to turn backlight off and power off when the machine is idle (2 for battery, 2 for external power).
Don't know after using which application(s), I found that the first 3 options will sometime 'unchecked', and this cause my HD keeps power on un-notice.
Of course it is not a big deal, but just drain my battery........anyone got the same problem??

Screen timeout - power v battery?

Just coming to Android from Windows Mobile....
With Windows Mobile you can have the screen blank after so many minutes when on battery OR so many minutes (or never) when on mains power.
Any way of doing this with the Nexus One?
You could install Power Manager and it'll let you control all sorts of things based on time, battery level, whether it's plugged in, etc.
It used to be a lifesaver on the G1 with its battery problems. Haven't tried it on the N1 though.
Also from WM. It would be nice to have some way of managing the sleep timeout...looks like mine turns off after a few minutes of inactivity?
galaxys said:
Also from WM. It would be nice to have some way of managing the sleep timeout...looks like mine turns off after a few minutes of inactivity?
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Go to Menu>>settings>>sound and display>>screen timeout. you can set it to several preset values. Power Manager from the market will do this but allow for it to be different depending on whether it is plugged in or not.
finisterre said:
Just coming to Android from Windows Mobile....
With Windows Mobile you can have the screen blank after so many minutes when on battery OR so many minutes (or never) when on mains power.
Any way of doing this with the Nexus One?
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I would also recommend buying setcpu from the android market I believe its still a buck. Then go into profiles, click profiles on, enable sleep/standby and set sleep/standby max to 245. Will save you a ton of battery usage!
QMAN101 said:
Go to Menu>>settings>>sound and display>>screen timeout. you can set it to several preset values. Power Manager from the market will do this but allow for it to be different depending on whether it is plugged in or not.
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Excellent, 10 or 20 min's should do the trick for now!
Try out Screebl. It's in the Market. It keeps the screen on as long as you're holding it in a position like it's being used. If you turn it upside down on the table (for example), it knows you're obviously not using it, and the timeout is set to 30 seconds or something like that. Everything is totally customizable, including thresholds for what angles trigger it... there's an option to timeout even when upright if it sits perfectly still for a while... it's an awesome battery saver, and eliminates the annoyance of unwanted screen timeouts while reading or something. I love it. Also, SetCPU's profiles are a great way to go if you're rooted. Power Manager was the first paid app I ever bought, and it was worth it--it really does extend the G1's crappy battery life, so it has to help here, too.
Locale will let you change settings based on the status of your phone.
Presuming it works with the Nexus One (I'm still on a G1), it will let you change the birghtness/screen timeout when it is plugged in/unplugged. It's also generally a useful app for changing settings based on location/time of day.
jonc said:
Locale will let you change settings based on the status of your phone.
Presuming it works with the Nexus One (I'm still on a G1), it will let you change the birghtness/screen timeout when it is plugged in/unplugged. It's also generally a useful app for changing settings based on location/time of day.
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Locale works with the N1 =)
I tried Locale...
Specified if on mains then screen timeout is never. This works while it's plugged in, but when I unplug the mains the screen still stays on permanently rather than reverting to 1 minute timeout.
Any ideas?

Backlight HELP.........

I set my Backlight setings "Turn off backlight if phone is not used for 1 min " or 2,3,4,5 min
The problem is:
after few minutes ( or when my battery go down a little bit) the settings "1min" is going change to "30sec".... every time
"Turn off backlight if phone is not used for 30 seconds"
Have the same problem, i even sent the phone to servis because of this and a lot of other stuf. After 14 days they manadge to hard reset the phone and send it back.
To solve the problem ju must disable the avtomatic bright adjustment, it works for me and if jou are a new user of x2 you will heve to read a lot more posts to get the phone working as it should.
thank you for your answer
thank you for your answer, even i spend a lot of time (may be 40-50 hour) to personalize it, it was hard, but
i make it so pleasent for work.
To me when turn off "automatic bright adjustment" does't work.
The problem appear 1 time on day, when my batteri indicator decrease with one line down.
can anybody help me
I'll be so pleasent, if someone help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My problem is:
I set my Backlight setings "Turn off backlight if phone is not used for 1 min " or 2,3,4,5 min
The problem is:
after few minutes or hours when my battery indicator go down with one line ( my battery go to exhausting) the settings "1 min" is going (return) to change to "30 sec".... every that:
"Turn off backlight if phone is not used for 30 seconds"
I try to change registry: "KEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Backlight\BatteryTimeout" with VALUE 0, 60, 120, 240 or more, but after 2-3,4 hours the value change to 5 , and after 5 sec. my screen freezing (turn off) and I must touch 1 time to turn it ON and 1 time to DO something.
It is for me very nervous.
My REGARDS Milen Panayotov
p.s. Sorry about my English
milepan said:
I'll be so pleasent, if someone help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My problem is:
I set my Backlight setings "Turn off backlight if phone is not used for 1 min " or 2,3,4,5 min
The problem is:
after few minutes or hours when my battery indicator go down with one line ( my battery go to exhausting) the settings "1 min" is going (return) to change to "30 sec".... every that:
"Turn off backlight if phone is not used for 30 seconds"
I try to change registry: "KEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Backlight\BatteryTimeout" with VALUE 0, 60, 120, 240 or more, but after 2-3,4 hours the value change to 5 , and after 5 sec. my screen freezing (turn off) and I must touch 1 time to turn it ON and 1 time to DO something.
It is for me very nervous.
My REGARDS Milen Panayotov
p.s. Sorry about my English
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Hard reset your device to factory defaulr settings
to perform Xperia X2 hard reset look at -->
Thanks for your answer
Hakim Rahman said:
Hard reset your device to factory defaulr settings
to perform Xperia X2 hard reset look at -->
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Thank you, I make 3 hard resets to fix it but nothing happens. I'm installing every .cab-s manually for more stability, but nothing heppen again...... Have a nice day
Learned lesson!
Hopefully you learned the lesson: just because someone for the lack of a better advice tells you "hard reset" you should NOT do it! Makes mostly NEVER any sense to 'just reset' the phone or computer!
Either it is something wrong with YOUR specific phone, or you can try to set the Stand By Mode while on External Power to NEVER, turn off backlight to 1min
at least with these settings my phone won't change!
Another try might be setting on external power to 2 min for standby and 1 mon for Turn Off backlight.
Usually the change from Battery 1 min backlight to 30sec. happens when the phone is connected to the ac and then taken off ac.
But again, I solved that on MY phone with the settings:
Battery: 1 min for backlight
2 min for standby
On External Power: 1 min for backlight
NEVER for standby
and it says that way until battery dies and ac on or off does also not matter. It just stays that way. Give it a try.... it much less painful then a senseless hard reset
thanks for answer
michaelthemage said:
Hopefully you learned the lesson: just because someone for the lack of a better advice tells you "hard reset" you should NOT do it! Makes mostly NEVER any sense to 'just reset' the phone or computer!
Either it is something wrong with YOUR specific phone, or you can try to set the Stand By Mode while on External Power to NEVER, turn off backlight to 1min
at least with these settings my phone won't change!
Another try might be setting on external power to 2 min for standby and 1 mon for Turn Off backlight.
Usually the change from Battery 1 min backlight to 30sec. happens when the phone is connected to the ac and then taken off ac.
But again, I solved that on MY phone with the settings:
Battery: 1 min for backlight
2 min for standby
On External Power: 1 min for backlight
NEVER for standby
and it says that way until battery dies and ac on or off does also not matter. It just stays that way. Give it a try.... it much less painful then a senseless hard reset
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It's does't work to me .. :-(
keep a backup of your phone with your favorite backlight settings and whenever your backlight settings change just restore only your registry from the correct backup you have already made.
For me the settings change whenever i pull out the battery of the phone because it stuks so i am unable to turn it off properly or to restart it.
May I find decision
- 1st thanks for your answer
- For me it doesn't work because it happend to often.
- I try this (may be work)......
SKTools5 --> Tune Up! --> System Tweaks-->
Battery Resuming Suspennd Timeout
(my value was 5 and I change it to default-60)

