[Solution]Lock access to SMS, contacts, any program/file on HD - Touch HD General

You experience it daily: People see your Touch HD, beg you to let them play with it, and the first thing the seem to check is your SMS and contacts .
I looked at virtually all available access control solutions for WinMobile yesterday, but all of them have their shortcomings. My main concern was to leave my data untouched.
So today I would like to recommend Lockdown, from our very own Mr_Gee here at the forum. Very simple, yet a program no HD should be without. Lock access to your SMS, contacts, programs, files - you define in a simple list what you want to lock, and when the respective shortcut is activated a password entry page is presented.
Find the programs' thread here:
And find common program locations and names here:
Still experimenting, also under TouchFlow, but my initial filelist.ini currently looks like this:
msg2,\Windows\tmail.exe,-service "SMS"
msg3,\Windows\tmail.exe,-service "GMX"
Enjoy! Thanks to Mr_Gee for getting me started.

Your welcome, enjoy

re: lockdown program
so let me understand fully, if someone other than yourself (the owner of the HD) gets hold of your HD, they cant access anything (sms, emails, or phone contacts or call history) as its 100% password protected - no password - no viewing, even if they turn the phone off????

No, LockDown is more for protecting viewing by girlfriends. For a much higher level of protection with remote hard resets etc. I use the German GuardMobile 1.5.3225 by MASPWare.de


SMS security

is it possible to lock the SMS inbox to prevent unauthorised access at all?
Thoughts and solutions as always welcome.
suppose it could be possible with 3th party software
but why not just put a password on the whole pda ?
it's already supported and would protect your data much more
should anybody steal the pda
hear hear
password protecting the Inbox would be very useful - and other folders for that matter.
The scenario in my case is not resolved by password protecting the whole PDA since you may wish to give someone access to the PDA - to play a game for instance. If there is no way of protecting your data beyond that then there's nothing stopping them having a nose around or doing damage (accidental or mallicous) whilst 'playing'.
I'd be interested to hear more on this. I'll have a look for 3rd party stuff in the meantime.
SMS Security
I've been looking for this kind of topic for a long time. I share similar sentiments and problem with you guys. any updates on this? I'm still searching for answers....
SMS Security
I've been looking for this kind of topic for a long time. I share similar sentiments and problem with you guys. any updates on this? I'm still searching for answers....
SMS Security
I've been looking for this kind of topic for a long time. I share similar sentiments and problem with you guys. any updates on this? I'm still searching for answers....
go here
This is a must have 3rd party tools but still have some bug and errors
getting it to work
this is brilliant!! ...but it doesn't work.
Has anyone been able to get this program working?
I've installed the two files into: \Windows on my phone
I then run the .exe file and the program starts. I've been able to set up a password.
I've set up a new Category for contacts: Hide
and set the contact's category (whose messages are to be hidden) to: Hide
I then go to SMSHide 1.0 and select "Hide Messages" from the Messages menu and a msgbox reports that "0 messages hided succussfully".
For what it's worth, a test to see if any of my messages have been protected goes to show that they haven't. No password is required, the messages can just be accessed as normal.
Also when I turn Autohide ON, the program interface becomes inaccesible - it just shows "SMSHide v.10 " in the title bar.
You kind of worry that, being this buggy, it'll go and lock all your messages and they'll be locked out for good!!
Pity cos we really need something like this.
anyway I've posted these comments to the developer and wait on them or anyone else here who's had success getting back to me.
me either.. its not working.
Hope somebody out there who can help our predicament. this is a very important utility and I know most of PDA users are needing this. In this way we can share our PDA to our friends without fear of letting them snoop in our small secrets...
possible solution
hi there:
have you seen the following thread:
somebody else started it up and I found at least one answer to the problems I mentioned. have a look
You guys must be doing some serious adultry!!! I just have another fone for the ladies! Seriously, finding sms messages from other women seems to be no 1 reason for relationship breakdown these days!
I'd like a whole seperate hidden area of files and sms on my xda, away from prying eyes?
that site was already posted. I tried it and it seems to work. The problem is, if you happen not to hear the message tone, you will not know that you have a message so you have to hide and unhide all the time for checking. You also have to set all your contacts to private and hide category.
Maybe in the future, there will be a new software that will just hide the whole things easily.

Password saver + sms notify + sms delivery notify

hi everybody. i've a few questions about my tytn (in perfect working order since i bought it 20 days ago):
1. where are saved the password filled in internet explorer?
2. i don't know why when i receive an sms, the device doesn't show it on the bottom of the diplay anymore. as default, it shown the sms preview, now it doesn't work...
3. tonight the sms delivery request has turned on by itself, without touch anything... why?
thanks for any answers
any answer, please?
1. In registry at HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Passwords
Note that it keeps them per "realm", meaning, if you have different servers with different login/passwords pairs, but the servers have the name area names, it will try to use one and the same password. Sometimes good, but in general I'd call it a bug.
do you know also where the pre-formed phrases found in the "object" field creating a new calendar appointment are stored? I'd like to add the very useful personal appointments, like my martial arts lessons or other stuff

A couple of questions

- Are there any pieces of software which will allow speed dialing from the Today Screen?
- Can I create a new message tab on the Today Screen, which will then ask me if I wish to create a new SMS or e-mail.
- I'm using a web2mail account for my push mail, but I can't get MSN Messenger working. Why is this? But more importantly, how can I fix this?
- Can I limit my calendar on the Today Screen to just show me the next single diary event as oppose to multiple ones?
- How can I add items to the System tray?
- If I'm browsing my text messages and I receive a new e-mail, it won't display the icon, and vice-versa. How can I fix this if at all?
- Yes. Search the forum.
- Yes. Search the forum for "WM5NewMenu".
- If you have Internet connection, it should work. More info needed.
- AFAIK, No, unless you use 3rd party software.
- Search for forum for System tray launcher or some thing like that.
- Dunno.
I'm trying to reset my TyTn to the T-Mobile UK default settings, by using the ROMs on the FTP, but when I download them, there are three .raw files in them. What am I meant to do?

HD2 COMPLETE HTML EMAIL viewing by default in GMAIL and/or HOTMAIL...?

I'm sure we all want to have the option of looking at our emails in full HTML format by default on our HD2's. Does anyone know how to configure this option. A registry tweak would be nice.
Using the following route for GMAIL you can change your account settings to show 'The Entire Message' and download 'All attachments' by default by still doesn't give the solution we need.
Instructions :-
Go to the Inbox of any account
-> click on the menu key (right soft)
-> on the pop-up menu, select Tools>Options...
-> choose an account to edit
We need an expert on the case! Please.......................
Would it explain why accents don't display ?
Basically, I had an iPhone before and when I received an email, the entire message was downloaded. Pictures & text etc. and you were able to scroll about the entire message without any issues or having to do anything else to gain access to the rest of the email.
On the HD2, I have managed to get the majority of the message downloaded but still not "internet Pictures" are allowed to be downloaded and you have to push another option to scroll right if the email is quite large.
I know that Safari is a different program and not affected by malware and such like but I would like something similar on the HD2.
Are there any tweaks or CABs to fix this???
I have been looking for a fix for this since I got my HD2 but it seems that there is no fix.
This is the main thing that is anoying me about this phone (Even more than the sms issue) I cant belive there is not 1 person on here that can hack this and let us download everything by default.
Anyway there is a HUGE donation for anyone who can do this!!
Adam Rees
Someone else RAGING about the same things I am!
I think hell just froze over. The 1.6x ROM was pretty good in comparison to the 1.48 ROM. When that is officially been released then texting will be better.
BsB tweaks 1.6 will solve the texting issue till then. It has for me (for the most part).
Yup this annoyed me on the Touch HD also. There must be a registry setting somewhere that will enable the automatic download of pictures for html messages by default. Although this would mean spammers could potentially validate your email if the spam hits your inbox.
timmcdonad0 said:
I know that Safari is a different program and not affected by malware
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Are you serious?
Last year Safari was the second most-vulnerable browser (after FireFox), and most of those vulnerabilities targeted the iPhone version.

sms redundancy

Hello all: I have an HD2 and gotta tell ya all that I simply can't fathom the amount of time and dedication that the developer of sd and nands have devoted to the cause of an improved hd2 enviroment. Thanks to all.
That being said, there are some things that if I weren't as old as I am and had some time and experience in this area, I would have changed. Those are: Sms redundancy. Yes, it's in the front screens (taskbar). that's one. It's in the inbox (ridiculous). It's in the bubbles (or without), but still in that component, and finally it's in regular sms. Please make it all one, please. You don't seem to be able to eliminate any of them.
Forget the request to download an mms. Come on, we've already paid for the service. Virtually every phone in the world has mms capabilities. It's become the world standard. so why even ask to download it and go through the trouble. Are we trying here to save some data charges or what?
Dual contacts apps within the roms is annoying, and unnecessary. Both have to be accessed separately in order to retrieve certain types of info, or add info, such as the way you want the contact filed. There's no provision for additional fields which is a real must for those in business who use the phone as a portable data device and office. If a developer actually gets the urge to do this, then have a translation of the field into an Outlook info data withing the contact instead making it disappear entirely. I can't tell you how many contacts I've lost because of that I know it's not your doing; it's MS. Also make the references to social services with the 'info' section of the contact, hidden. that's dumb. Also make the 'info' clear and immediately available on the opening screen of the contact. (I've come from two year user of the iphone within a T-mobile environment. Apple uses its cerebellum when devising contacts, calendar, alarms, reminders, notes, etc. I simply got away from it because I wanted to enter a true 3g environment and an improved camera).
I don't have the time to continue, but there are so many areas that could be improved on to give us all a really great phone experience. I know you'll say 'Android', but that is lacking in so many areas as well that I can't believe it's gotten the kind of accolades that it has. I could go on about that for an hour.
Anyway, again thnx to all who selflessly (I call it that cuz really the remuniration is minimal) have devoted the time to these roms.

